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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1875, p. 4

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II ft 1*. ^msmmmm n ' :j at-*-*-. - j-1" V* i r\,{ "W K *~ rf' *ll r v i ~ ^fhreo Jfen SufToeatell m a I Now that the warm weather i|| "WelL ' r > ,at hand, we .V Nenr Pailliill on thq 34tU nit., fanner nam^lJCliaiha1 Hill was ing lo-aered into a well winch hn asWkiug, and when about half ir-down. he fell from the bucket the bot&onj, a depth of thirteen 'et m All Tiie wan/ who vr owenng hvoi at once [summoned [John Galhraith, a near neighbour, |-who was let down into, the well, fund on reaching about, the Battle r-tr>th also, fell to tie bottom At thib time * hi)rd parrt wi*s .n.m* taonjed; bn* some friends object* d to his |v-u' ""^tCi-Me so a lhu n*med Abnr Wh *hj hundv \tiIn^ejDedifS{> vjown ui d if^wis- -bt5 rC^u? the- two Jiinfoittiii- stc nieu spn bemg lowered into "t'io well hermet with the euiue fate < bn fripttds. The bodii-* nt iafterwnrds raised bv uu ins of jjntp' phng irons. The c.uis< of the ni 1 lradent ii attributed to ah *w?>pe of pas fipn* the button) of the "wU, ^ hich must lmve Mnotlter$.d 3Jw uhfoitimate men *s> soou ai enj- Jenn it, ^ rt lie warm weather i( *& think housekeeper j1! # will thank lis for the following method of keening butter cool Set over tho dnh containing it a large flower-pat or unglated earth enw&re erock inverted. Wrap t wet cloth around tho covering \er eel, and place the whole where thett ta atdraught of auv > New Grange, On Wednesday^ 16th ult, a new Grange was of garuxed at Melville, Caledon Town- ,ahipf by Bro. W Clarke, Master of 'the Charleston Orange, assisted by Bro R Haniaon of the same Gi-ute Henrv^Scott wa* elected Ujistei, Allan Mnxwel)f overseer, TJiid Geo^Shiw, lecturer J4*. anit^r** -^- J**-- ' v.- " l ^ w*# m r THfei ACTOSf kptE ^sa qiftii|K|ii|iiiiii*. I r RJ3S ^, R03SIN HOUSE, Aetna. Ckl to ibe.0 X Katlwa\ Station. E*. " ecllcnt accommodation for tha travell ng public TUGS. CAMPBfcU* ProF CC iaCHAKDSbN, Papttbb. C&rri\ge, House, Sign And Ornk metttal Planting promptly nttondod t<j. Shop Orcr Bydcrs Cwria&e factory, MiUitreot, Actoa. *li- */ I- I B'wS XOb|s iq^ ST.FEOC\TKD I\ AN ? < OTHER W1XL. Ke^r Saafbr'b, on the 2&th ult ^Tro Fapp><? f the Sth eoncessiW i i Tuc^ei^mitln" and his bvothei koWrt, \i.er\ eng-vaed in tl: < digging of >y welL They had got uown nearly fiftv feet, whek "VTilr i_________ |lin>, who was in the well, called [Z.A.RAr<U ig'nt ^t to his bcatlwito dr-iw him up, Actor.Jta'y i,8 *s h.e felt c(isit This was doaie .i^ once, but l>rfbrr "he reached thd surface he bec*me\ faint, mid fel from the bucket to tke bottom It Ijope of rendering" issibtauee., R-> I oerfwas lowWtd in the bicCt* l>nt on getting down abouTWeirtv fefe he became -eppressed by th* ,c**s and culled to be drawn up but fell from U.e bucket btfora re iLhing I tiA top, as his brother had done i I taw* minutea before. The bodies wore not recovered for some h 'ura j (vfcer. An inquest aa held bDr Campbell, coroner 1000 00BS3 or Good Semlook-Bark I OREECK Whole ale MwittfticUrer of C OLLARS, DEALER IN Saddles, > Sarneas, i Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, . Eors^ Clothing, - ' Com1)s And'Brushes Alt ordumgtvenjitoom hand* win be rte ly ktt*.n>.*.il to. nrd ^iitrnntrd tn g\\ t ontliifaoi Inn MWjmp'iiT nonn b'H vsC For wbAch I will pt FIVE DOLKAH ~"Pr CtO, AT THE ACTON TANNERt lfUelirereil In summer. j O L BEMIDMOHB, IToprte oV. *r ------------ "OSNTS to nanufaetarerft. THE VILLAGE CF ACTON Is rr^T^vrfl to ciurt a~~banir to rnl * >m> 1 -Mi % ^n> klid or m^^nfacturlfiK > n^l u cmp-p^loc tr-n'SkliiK' >mvit.K "1xi s w ircls. no] lfiurp miH b slnr-s.^ <1t>e ibi <r Diet with any bitne*s airradi st llNt -nh n ihe mr ortl< A<>- lo r<F&* s B d rallvr if; t ell! 1 b. being on the <>r>nd Trnnx Railway, t ii i\ IIvn mllps wrsi o Toroi to. t In boamunl am I *ol h\ location, In frcr Iroip mantel pnl ( ebi nd pmifrty can b obiuiuetl on reaonab r terasa. Ac en, 3oJy I KT8. J\ilES O HIt,tv Village C e erk A' CTON BAKERY* E- - 1^* 'fek. I. ! ' s -J" l>f- r i- t i 2"- 1 Terrible Storm arid Fatal " ' Accident, i At Braafcrd, on the 24tl> ult, A temoie e*le occurrpd, blowanj dawn-the Tovrn Hall,j large brick V>inidmg 'ibo grarflrxuir school _-waJifel<i in the baseDierf, anil ser-. cral of the tckolars Mere injured. and one killed 'Those injured Charles Wilson, cut andt braised >J)Out the he^d , Hfii:bei t Qockeriine, head badly crushed , S. J_Kiip\trick. hurt in the back These tnree will profaabH recover fe fonrih, Alexander Wooil, wa* ftrand entirely buried in a niass of bricks and broken timbers, andj wben taken out life was quite c\.-l 1 tine*.. Ifc^ia miraculous that an> hi the stnol-irs esai[ted instant d- tm**tion fn addition to the aboi e several other blulciings were un I roofed, oF partially blown don | cbimnevs dunolisl ed, and wmdon s t blov-a in t Secord '<? -SSi, V^^m U m rm-M |M: K* j mi" I '- ;j - %^3 Kjr"": mm mW^' i^fta'-1**.---.-. t" - " .^bTt^I H^> f v . *3 -^'; ^st 'fe' J 1> -y? ; [ ef. 3*>-Rnbrlb*rbjt to Inform tbo In bablianuof ^etmi and vlcloliy tbat he Is prepkred to snppl> First-class Bread, Bans* Cn^^s Biscuits, etc* Fresh e-vprv day d llvered at UiSlr house s. , WgDDIHG CAKES ' ilado loonier in tho laipst styles and isx reaionab'e charges T^. Highest price In Cash paid for Kegs. D GALLOWAY. L Acton, July 1, U5TS. tb best Itrnrkmen and maieflal oi>T.i *RS warrantetl to *l\e s-MlRrne- Ion, aa they itreolocrown niniU"aoture I I Rr PAIRING Of all klmta <lofifi -lfh neatnewa and on I Uie srtorte'-t no lc. , All who rrqaln rods In nor line w> to *ell m give u * i* 1 before purcn> b- lngklaewh re lUmemler the Bland R CREECH, Aelon. July Jr 1WS. : M^IN SECORD B T1P5 TE71 A T In Hardwkre 1 underpold. In Crbqkery In Groceries, vre halve i b\ir stock ofl'eas j^s rot equalled, anj^, jtytiging pcom 15 cerAs to 90 cents pe^ pppind, 10 lbs, best White druslhed or (Jranulated Sugar for $I 11 lbs best Bright! Refined Sugar f<!tr $1- ^ lbs l>est Medium Sugar] If or $1 Dominion Saddlery K AOTOM. )lu CHARLES DEAN moth pleasure In announcing to tho people of Acton and surroanulns coaatre- that Tie Is now prrrard saprly cus tomers wllb cTerything In tha line of HARNESS- SADD1 )LES, / , TRUNKS, WHIPS, . HORSE1 CLOTHING, Etc ) ^ west of To]' . I, -if. . ,* JULY Vii 2, ! 1875, our shocks are full; and i i Glassware we hold prices "below the market. Granite Turnip Sfg&s Ct'tARING Prices to Snit the Times J ^ Alt Work W arrvnted. | " ^j^^, Oolltrmade peelai'y fal>e him n can and tit will do yon good Acton, Jui> 1, iyo -pnOTOGRAPHS t PHOTOGRAPHS ! CT- C3-. XXiXi I i|-i?;"v }>>. ' .-ft r - -.7K_r.-:[_ ,U.=f^-',.if Raila ^J3 50 per \c Bros., Actus i Bai-.a Green P? J k! d inlHec- tnc fcytato i>ug lit. trover, at bei.ord Brs -. o patient Ijr and itaptirti: lly presided at the S"mt tr<il i oi' ' Tilton agAinst R*ecbr " ip.\M;w York City, is a lisrtv^ of -Oanada bom at or near Napkne^:_l^' . ;| -"-j' A>D. M^icmalda: Co.. contractore fir section -five: 'oh th^ London, TforOn, sad Brnoe Hail way, haTe commenced: grading'a3i^E?Jjt ;il|'- ilacdonald ex- psatJ<j have hisefection, extending from Blythj jte Wthghjiinj completed is Sep. tem^erJ -" "j--' - The grasiKjopperstEsfc infest tjhe e^rnfields of the veft ba^-e become f some nifs, the iMjenuoniteg hav ing &ph-ed. the1 problPm of iirilizing" themJjy :*jreparing, them wiioi, K>ap,= .-whiehii they declare to.;.'bo'Tvery .- deiicions. * They flny.they OTe not more repulsive. :ihan' ahrioips, whic^i aire sold by the' pint, and_ cot)sidered a-jnite Ireat. by many."; Itj^certairu h'o'w- Tr<T, thiifc the/jowisHpfo of Missouri _ _ __ _______ _ , Tm^he^rasshoBper, very reidi- <S&'j&Ffcx*'l',>v* *<* If,"s&d Are.^ry anktoiis'that- gj a*B- ] 4i3ppet in genec&B-should be used by Aifeericanfe"" - TS is a very -good Wny .to get-1 id" w, *the priest. . Wp shrf&W imagine, hqwevlsr, tjrat' It would' take a ^pretty stroiig stpinacb to' gefnsed-tb -this diet. \ It ap pears to be quite evident that iffth*> iiikabiiatitsi of thit part of the -West d-on't Bevonr the grasshoppers 'the-^rassnoppers '- vUl devour t.hemil; "rtTiafc say some of bur subacribers. pn thiaconnty to ,a dish of grass- 'hopperMinpi L-Tj(ieT areaaidto.be ,vHvr tbarf nice tehenyoti getiiBe4 jt'taem. ;'.' i ! | ; 'i ' ^Th I El'ffa JSa;/4-el,Birs that at tbe rais- |ingiof a bi*n fbrjMr.-J^in .Goolits, r 5th"c0tf: ofj 3ara^xa] on Wedries-ji1^0 Qnf alldone op in strong case irfl! WCTB ("\'rall i : Si__!'"."_. ( " i ACTON, I ^*onl I rpipectmUr inform the public Uini witi In ti> lay.! < w w en htr liiT._ had g fat im rov'rhpnts male In > p arrnnge Jie i vl light, uLd thai he Is d iw prepartd to ' Tarn Ottt First-class Work i nrtngany partrf tne lay, In all klAd> of we ither j - - , f . 1 fcavas'rcnred the s- rvlce* 6t Vr. W. H. KAHR-Va flrst-cbtss artlut, Jat> cf Nw orH City,nn ins hlflUme 1 lln It- eiHaU woiilci do nell'tOcaltal once who ar- de<l'Oti- "f obtaining Jiiyinrps. wh: ch for artistic llehtinc and brllliincy of fin sh are unequalled outl>'e of the am c ty gall.-rieatn the i)cmlnlon- ' Havlng'-iafrly oarcbaaed anotner n iry valuable Xnstr'meoi fsreonid to none In the country) 1 aim enabled to produce work any'size, from, tha ordlnajy curd picture to 11x14. ; . . In CopTlnc land. Enlargimf. Any sireexnbeoHtainei and flnUh<d!ln Ink, Oil. Water Color, Cravon or Pis In, and In the highest styloofthe art..., ; - ' ! I wonJil aealn remind the ptiMle t lat 1 havp contUmUy lu siock ajarg9aslt- mentof .-- K>Oral and Sauairo Zietue Pran sa f'ala':aadt PaacyiKffaiaaDjs.'iw. ftlcb itjll bf* gr.jd at the Iowit prle< .'*' irjHr- P:>rtts anxloos to se<-nre a Hclly .sn|K'.lr pieinrew Jl i)os- bear In m >., On*' t will ce io tiie r.intere t to call! ; Ja!v 1, lsijfc in a few, week* JAMES G. HI4>1 '^T-hMto. -t- i I s PLENDID VALUE IS ' ,- GROOUE'n - |.:AT ' DAY'S BOOKSTORE. :- ' :' 'ir' A complete set, containing ei; ;ht MslleU, Ballli,i ten Awihes,./iwo i : i: Stokes, with Book of Instructions of -Ufej,\15th injrt.jtherojw'ere several] ];acciilente. ;Th^n|oet^eriotiBfy hurt rwerje Levi- Tjfcyit, jWho fell from' J thejtop bflthe.jbnndinE and watn; /ifensible: for a iime frdm a blbw^aivl t: avdoep cut .on the hsadfgnd Edw. BSds*. Mins-who"iia4 hi? foot jcrushed. - PniSBttEMAX UifioK. -On the 15th yit.^he-|inion ojf the ' varioifs PiwHyterikn j bojlies f in the, T^hjq- i.~.. ^niiini.waa finyiytconjsuihniated^ byi a uAflnitnouB vote of the^ j3:; ?fop?.'-osganufaBpna, iti "coiineil aa- J0 r^ij^biea/f ^tbdei^of'jMoj^reak K;1 sj^i^t.enihiistaiitn an^: good'Yellow*- ^^ fi^^j^rjeTarledj; and ~ pst iClini^ W&&iiM JS&rk :gJier*Uj] jwr.vadjid ;th iewmblage.;! i Rev.: Drt \-?QW]B$tk ,; minister p^ ^-WaS'i.:Jelet the fiAt", Wfl Bay] Sells Cheap, Bookstore. Will be Cleared out at Special Low " i . ,.1'K f ~: '! T- Pricea 25 pef cent below tye old fashioned high price. AT DAVI BOOK 8T0RE, / tutor of the- If? aneIph,Jolyl mm* /-;- * /*? : QUCl^H / ^CTOK PLANING AND MILLS Pump. Sash, Door and Blind Factory. i EBBACE & CAMPBELL, Mann'actnrens of i Window sSaai,! CHEAPER C onto. anfr harvest- Tools, startling, .Sweeping* and Uh- Iheard of B&rg^ins T(j> BE GIVEN AT THE SEMLANNCAL SALE OF McLEOD, AK.DEPUiON 5i Co GEiOIiCS-ElTCp-VriT -r 1 1 i 'I Tn order to make room for our I 'all Importations hnd toasenurtixture ofloada of Drji? Goods and on aco untvofi iheAcartitjr of nioneyj we have determined on a more sweeping eefergetic-ntyd llian hithert> attempted, as e must coirert Bememqer the Sales are KOI CA^H, und in no ease toricii be made, I We ennnmerate oqr Leadins P partments t DRESS GOpDS from fi\e cen^s upwards I I i Venetian Blinds }l:' Mouldings, And other BBlldin4Etteo.alsites . i ' Alio-Makers, of ikpsovxd ffrjcnoy ruxga Lumber Planed and Dreated to order \\. :f"^"*ho best mannerJ . .-. ^. j ' iS Chemist and Druggist '" !' .ACTONj ' ; . : !DEAI/ER1W . DRUGS,- ;" r^f. '" '- " i ! PERFUliERY, PATENT AND r" .\ :: .; IR0ERIETARY^ J.u MEDICINES. ol Aiwa ys on hand a langn and' well-selsct- . u ed stoCk of 1 July L, 187 5. /SI Staple ;iafe, liiftUld Dyi, yaaoy(^rhe inhabitants of the'Tilfape -' \ V invited to attend Toilet tO*BS, SiTUaei, _ Spoatrea, Trussea for Oliil- ; dtea aal Adults, ' i ftunXitt graces lot Kea, Voaaa au^ OailOrwo, ?aiats, dry and ; ^i-oil, Books, Stationery ,. j ^7 aid Faaioy Qoola. ;::- :[ " PUIRE WINES AND LIQUORS AT ro ynr! Medicinal Purposes. ' -^' " isnj.________,__________..__ nnd HO'se and CalU MlI Pbytlolana'Prescriptions aort T>o- ie5tT7Reoelpts, Hnd HO'se ar.d------- IfaUlotaea, cajerully compound d. % * Q-E-MORRO^, ':.:. ^ Medical Bail, ^e*on. '-'-...' /.; ! Ir* >'i THE FAt5H PRlIfTS, from fi^ e cent 9 upwards. MUSLINS from five cents dpwards. COTTONS, White and Grey, from 5 eta npwarda MILLINERY,-MANTLES, SHAWLS ANE PARASOLS, large^ lots, for Half price. ; ! i i : i.' . '1 Special linek p^SILK MANTIES tor J2. )0,: w< rth J&6.50. > Special Bargi tin's in' (?HECK SilRTING!?, pJENlStS, DRILLSrand ': ALL ffDAPtEiGOODS.. ', 'y\ ' [ ' A Special lin< 01 LADIES" COLLj JEIS AND C UFF3-whofeftale price 81.63 andf21" :'! v apecial linee n U8EB DKES3 G J0D3, for 15c anc 20c, worth 37io and 50o per jarii, It Is1 fttpoaitiiie for as !to ennomera all the QREA1 BAFIQAIN8 we have weTiave to offer, butwa jespeolally want to meet vhe hail timci, ao como all and be convinced. ' \^ again rem lnd the pubilo tha on,e of the lar^sv, and choicest stocks 13 lbs Efark Moucp^ Sugar for $1. SALE j-. Dry C i i EARING tSALE1-'1" the goods m(o Ci$h. will 1 second ecq: Id Largs Groceries '[Great Baifiains !.i I wih to d jlioWEsV U Highsst Acton, Jul y 1, I8J3 our, ofjir prices' cannjo^ *be $.} in <Sx94t Vaxt$l7. ofcxij.s, Re ili to qn stric (rket i' ' oekof te westtner ahd hold Ufc bW^al ' The jhss,!^ tfoA y i^^l i*f pp TOleWta. it, tolota ^ tllsR' ferg'd shocks,, arl<3) at se1; s fro^a three doflalrs Vale KlVwir^^ kept In Bro^ A^ton wmowia ibjiui ^ ^nAti^^^- bun, b c refer. | <^ ^^ \ r The 11 ittfRatlta;4f vbtt&et ia vM Umted (State. U<t >^Tao*jat. ed to 5Wi,W*aUo^oVWnl* was p.S a tc^'S^^teCinut ft a * well in largest Hooka Of ,. went of rotoaio br are belM hy Beacqd TEE1 CEHML STORE i i Mill Street, Acton, Is tUsk. tflace for Cheap Gpods. ^fl: -A- ZfcsT 3SJ" ',S + STOCK OI dy-Made Clothing,' Grpceri^s, , Crockery apd Glassivare J Well Selected' and CHEAP. alna:' t fresh and of the best quality ! t may be always-had fo* Cash or Produce. . y a Cash btts;aes3ras our giodsitre selling at the I rices * | , prise paid for all kinas of produce, &z Call and Examine our tock GR/^iND.CLEARING SALE MimneTy* and Order<ii<t|Ploi|hin|^rl%artr^ Are stcond tc none In tb Domln on, and outstrip a lythtpg: of the kind 'Wes^ ! ..;..,< r Toronto. ! " ' ' ' Thc^ Sale^.viU comn>ence: o^-^hejjrtt tlnne for six weeks. Md^OD, iNCERSOIf & Co., ; - " Mam mi ith Bouse, Georgetown. pi July and con* t*F I'anc the Grand Glearing. Sale of 8t)aple and Fancy |! ! Now doing on ak fejiSHioi^iAfiiiifc.,;-^ s. Mantle iantl HilUnerr Estibl. NBHiiJSl'STRmilT, fash onable West"End D ww, Upntlt |Gii(lph| Jiilyjl,-1875. J( I". [::: J-' ~] V-lk Ml: ,'f [ 4 ONABLE VEST of Acton unci surrounding oountrjjsare the. *r. borne ai SALE Goods END. k 5$Ij E1SIO ll6hm ent, wadlUWaery 'K:M Custom Pj4RnqpLAR;AT]tENllONpAID TO, Acton, July.I,|187i> made *%. ri!1 A hi (If lady tice tb i^ tboee womas^i pie an tantOkilf~m'B] Prekeii iaed to (rejUeA I na*f^a. , ^;if t ^ Ajrciinglady wnph^Jno titbe to spare \>r mafcter^------^-^rr- poor h i e Jheen embKk (iejnn poodUid^a. , It if Wed tfasttTMr. whose aiseorery SDmUt of Am throw ligni on nfitda 1 m name weQ ,___ ^ent \k the Bdtbh- Ti partmfpt to^rene^f bk tus bo^n &.fc j-i-i n \aving disposed of, their Grooery businepa. add having ise stock ofiBoots and Shoes of: Mr. JAMES MAT- ipared to offer to the inhabitants of Acton and vicinity BARCAIMS FOR CASH :-.k = :."--." I !.r-i In Men'a Knglish a|||l American Styles of Shoes and Gaiters, add in Ladrpa1 Kid and Prunellas, which for Style and Dtlrability i the county. ' ;iC ";' ' 'A Wbrk^ ." r, ai^' R ep^irioog] Having Jtebtlre 1 't: f very; valuabln ser,vieea ot SJr. "fHOS.: EDGAK,iwhflt aa-VCatterj-ti-nlais:: elkd, a tit wilt be guaranteed, or no aalei , %.' - ' i ,:"v: ' '.-f :Sew^d.Wo:rk'ia Specialty.. - J'.\,\? Kememb^ef I le Stand \: BH6a.'s N.R. AU Book tijjeounta must be settled at ; once. L :;|tflLEr;sa?EiiET:il moH&m General 13 lacksmith/Carrl ag^ Best Hloise-Shbe^in! the E|f>utity ferfeel latisfaotionguarant* ed or no price charge* . FIRST- .. - ' u ?.:! ? Mi ..ii & AND nt Always on .--...-:-1 iiaHi LMM4^ land. :^ *':^ 4 JT: im A Good Slock of Carriages and "Wagong. tomia.- W tna( of !^l,fAh&f" ^lf npUKsdathisdaspo^ '< J.kSI'J^, afactthatlpstelowiff ^3*n at bed*W flrotf' bnrlttivjoo4a fipear' 1 wibpisrcent le*. ttan tbo>e wSa\j dosVtl IJTney send goodf toGiMfli. - Uoder. fch.^eorgetowii, Jniltoa! 'ted al> olbk part* or ihe ooowtf?i cttr. When yon want; s hnnds^mk-Cates):-' or giiss ten eetj IMg ^ Tfe-'jbiy i" large itoek> Twelv* dWerjsii kinds and [pi items s>t fBTn* wU ,?*> Mpek. White !*ranitt ieaTsel^ 4tf\S^*. tof20JA^paet.8^P3OT&5t ^ The "Tead" i^Jejtd pttneUatt^Ot lead ,4 all, tlwm* jt.'ia' eattett - blacjj lejyjt^iTbexweigkti, if *& r thing ilse tel!s^y,ori tfiat It is * mineril called grty^ktfi, (frosa iWj Greet jword io wirltie) and isf^ toorwj : nearlyjlrelaied to Wf tajs*** lesjdj- You hkv leaTned\|tjrt^ bj*S^col^ and tn diamond ate for^us of thi element, carboi*. t Gi*phite"[&stilll janotlid *- found j j it -nenally cpojtaS^* ti littfe Ijwn^ Plumb igb u "J oi name I sr tt It csipWrt b melted, Jbut at a yy high ljteafcit H barn! "i?^Tf / J The fire kinds are'^ry~-sex | K , , j | flf -j . Titp poloi-ado 'tktlB^l woryj/- wS'i-l thtn'e ey-ia the neigjhrjoairnoed of] Galt / A BxanehtonT genttem^n! saya hi thinks the1 fengs are teal times j s nameronS as last ^(Ml T0 save % m potatojCTOpB dVinhmlt'eMn will be required./ Plans t$ceea ia being < lisposed of ia sscg* qnapfg- Uea by our naprehsngav tie best aclltng af fifty cebtSi per po^ncfc Earme ^ nnd^ethers tmiWfrf with beetles ,tvonJd. be-wpe te-i4imTeha*i Pari* i Grjeei at bn|e wd ajiljr fe:- The ao i>ne^r the bngs^nv>djsi^re31 tfie'bieifter for next j <**&><& ti^jsl 1^> as>el|asforfche =p^a^iii^M^#i^ ;; V.J^-TAe herpes of "" """r*!<:" '"'*" drill :ai( I Niagara day.' ,a^|trnoon"la*t^?w^ io^'vierei with I Net. .Therlad Jsa^as^^ quiet ,t jB^;,m ^mp^fBOth^l^aay iateres j happ^ihirig,- wit^'ifte ,exe>p-" |ioa ofjkr viduablejhorw bei^ihofc. r & m ________ _____ 7^-^ii By soate of, .the isoldier^ wl^ dril- ^ ; lg- ; fejras Talued ttt!-|S6aj-.ad , .j.- cheque Sfori $140 wa irf ttKw^i owner. |^rh5.Gkivi will hslysr:. to fool k:..'j^cigdoi^ Th< 1' Lkinden ' Times' mem is *re,npi^ mans ac gfcte* in.not icai a|(f^ea ttieSir were. lpit; to n not Bn&ient f.'a!ei aess.:-i:';Fo^r; 7arg*j :&Krobin*f .Towefitreeli.'OB ^oriLpiidon Ffe^^iiai. A-.'f^r< JjaiP: since: raueA waa,eaiiedia'this; "J" the ap >earanco~.>6ataL a "HoaM. bearfOKr the acriptldiV" ^Hbuaf-pf all 4bii i s wliatsoeTejt." mTrarsr^h^ilejfinl,;] ft - '^:b :V": y>> r. *?-> ff-*-. ::i".- ^;>Ji" ij :[ * ~'"l" I E* '- *-* *;-..niii it^: KT?1 vi ST. il^\il 31 '."I'.-' ^ -T*.-?-tUl mm i mlh/Jawi- aJoaeto ia'^l4l*,; :^H htaRSCir- "i- i iMSS-'r^'- WKKsr- -I sa ;'-sl Ill 5 ""I ; r 2' 2 : -- -' i " - -;^^ \m Hr^ -%"':} life V-"^* sf^l "* : i.- <*-^B ;V^f-^ tif! ^3 ""&'*-' -a ^ Bjk' &$. ^ 'i- lick among ji thfmkuy oiferhim rnih^plKrin-jiho^-^ And il i i prayer theaif-iifan^ ti him or ani:if _ ins Tth i r shall be I fwss.yo i F fciatfope: pray R i Honefjm. lb* -h* t ed.?- K'J j*j.*] prayej*; rf.a Hgh^ous w^toHst iiffl. ver,aeMJ,; fJAnlf/t] ft*! th^ sb thalt belieye, . tK*ilterpeJnt8,[i' '""f:, lta*l3[ i uijpi be:-.*! ttenpi t --^f' 5' lb! j-i- J-^y ygmMm* mm& ^aiSfaa

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