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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1875, p. 2

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r /-*/%;. -'-' Eiltor nd jPfoiylptftr. h - W- -*St bf- ^teaiirtwawPt** ihe ifleifc Uia^ the; fat* privstle jjftj %Ser tta^rorogo.- tton o tb present-session of the -T^ t v.w- j^einK I; iVw- a period ^X^^i^-ov^^'ortiv^^ Cor*-}*- Aji-filenhaiu isj^ a#Iout a^i<|eu.: _^_ |of ^Gomiaiivs. './He' fcntetcd 'i4lj(ii^o|*44tt ren^ bs"af jpronbuiyxjd RaBi^6fj the London i^ecipor ~sJioJviniiJiropix^M| the Admjp.i8* , tration f !l_ord j^cabparnd;. "\ iber- ing Mundi ia his pplitiAHl'viewsj, lip supported the second Conservative Administration of Sir Kobert3|eel, ribd on tLo dovrnfallof that emia- wil statosurtra, and oai the decease 4av, i<iay, tf. Rodbone, Mii'3Mtot$wj : --fefhe B^rikjgf pom nwaohi a.nijw b*ukl>tmduig i i ECli V.rfSuj John j&.-'iMacdonald'jhiuijjbtifci*.- pVosentfed ,wii^ .n von haudsomo witee audi cut iage by *hc ciiuonsofiToivntfi-' t -HB'ghiy difcthargei 1 voRmtiecr-i' ftwh Fori Dairy,-" tdj iyed h -Saraia jlaUlji^' iy "theiStKdmor"Ojti <"'., >.' -iTwot-iJuds in this worldt^t *W}jd notlbo triB<krWiUo .wci-uah's opf wd] the Uuim^^ndU' * !VTsjk Hon. T. Wtatwpi k of Lowl dicd^va the 13th inst \ 'bequeath^ property (ostij^iatod- Uactiuouth Co|tl,go< The Parii itf V<*ufl -" 1;"' -. -\ of Loird ^aiso/Beatiapki became "J_ H thojleaaw of- a | o'werful wing of v th& <SmsTtivCj jar$y_J.' ThciAd- V i^istrtKtof Mi. GiadstonetAijd 3IJ |r^. rs *?^i*We; ijpppouent m| ^ ^^ othcr iikoLfishJut M^S shoiiuakcr baloiiginj; tinesi-If 15 andi^ti^or """" ' ' "' " ' '"MU It ill.ianilmid' t"b it-a.voliuuiSl .oon g of the most ri pport&hjt' |141oi> Lcorfcspondondt jot tho:;!afe J^in , t MiT4-yiU short Iji he puTJis loo, \ *J-'Mr.->Ithujkad^n ^iftin Satixi-vy, Tftdkotf ir^m -,Bnuit ord. ttk' .Sjjm<joe4 twenty.fiita mtWa, injfoiur.'-houraiaQd;.a hsdf, .and "returned id' losaj. thaii 'Are hours', on Moiktlay. At lOie ^a'Uonal t%6on ShjjpUng elnnd, Ohio, i on of WihdsoSl'Utnt.;. cm SedlfliJf the SJnd H*i0 Jor^tho wcoud best average^hojjiing. This frill be kuc ttu as the* groat fishing>"oa|r.- .-Iri Lak : Ontario thje fish ing is sploudid, mid luiwrig the Lake Kriejislanda iiumeiiso quantities ,cif bass V bj>cu taken. *:: 1: '% .r^oSKHfBt TfeaK since, i^nderedj him \asf Of tl)i iiiSaSt jfroiuineu'tLand taiited of poli t fell Iqwlersi Th lioritf of tho " biae^b!oo<l" (Ein;- " Kdi aristoaracr So. hia '-veins.! Oli-t^iiu^hiliLg.by theii sanuhdrnin i s re^poctfulijr feub- thje.best .4>e ilorV If JS-iJi^u-x , ^,^^>PwirWJ. v --^ ^ cuc ^ ^dwi^teii {'ha] couseriteiland tl o sehtinSoVi' " ^.:aEgMlt}enM,-:*- aijcepted '0 - - ..... U>-:i"is ^tho chief of a Cs^seiJWtiToTfA yi;ai ljanoBtekt^no. >'Hg ia by no, fapai rV;^;5^fyofi{thi8iyd:School;'is C*cft ^-V/^tm^EZ^UW^^iniei^tdKadldai', \. ^tle ooqipelied, by >ke forct- of ininstances, to give hini'at .^east a, a lnl^'wattnjiupport.' He iias Wn -^ offur^d-^peerage wort than <jncejn as wusth^iate Me CphdedV but he prsftrred the atmosphere and bustls u'tbi> L^rer House ;tp the^soft ; onahi<5ns ind; repose; of the'IJjiper aai*.; v Intkerlyr he has shown Bigus lifia-irantijaf: firmness, |ind.has not distplkyed^dBriiig: the jjkresentj sefe aib^ th it marked ahility -vihicn. uimu the, Bwi.<kvihe".; .hortiouiaw^ ham nnd'-'ijtirievca, '^a )"l>eei conimjXtod ia iu>p(-iscttinieal fo*l ft'^inihe- tiay. ... A'j This ounuhdrmn emitted to' _*pcllsav>ind tvjf-e ej?el ia i/ianijfs-fcdijh'-e-d spell?- sulejTvvUy docs a't te-iM>-u-^-fc-y%o. is-iig-h-ejd sp^'ll sujeit e ?' , r^-A person was toll [ that, threft yard^ loth, by i^ohig ! >Vt; wqnld op'e-quarter lit'H y&rv. "^Vell, he ini'iuirod, .'* If y in -should, quarter^St a Vard, mi nld there 13c anys fefsr" Tv r ~* The snffici- -) Tho Gvxlarich Stor Mys : GoTeruor of/ojir gaol jot haviu.pjo,,. * cut e'mplOT-nieht for p risoaer^i&ryoun- tji^ Clerk adxfcrtues for a'! quantity ^f firewood. This hfc ho >es wi^,ke<eiiilth^ kavring as vreU as ' eh yyting.' " ' ] Mrs Sftith Clairk :, oMot 17, j in -the ;.12th con. Mariposa, Tuitlr a valu.iblo ^ung.hre^a^-Hiue^'b.f-' a. nicely laatchcd ~ > :-,^m' :-- e SkI'C JSpwish descent, he-foels pi<oudjthat iis ancestw-s belonged to thatt an- ttCnt but scattered;.jrac6;.. ' JSpj - tl3 nere jforeo^afsefiidajhe has ijrdrfceil hip -sjay jto -the. fronts and: ti the hieftAinidiip of n party to ^vhicli Rink, big acres, Koru'ian desb^tttj i vdd -powerful; ftitnHy winnecitious 4 *rk_the ,^iongBKt' of rtcfimnieiiilar The |aniui:ii found. On Sliiu rainy, twelve Mid ope it: $\iti,m i'aya that place yas ".dliiig hwptocU *s-coinm. 6or gtiejat R.ob Roy, herjnidttsfcl'rendu, "rle"i*sacrand?st prave tnati|( .;,"' , HejstMSiVmafij cobS-tl%e ihn^moret r^-HFbWdcalhgi'ed him tagtavc,:mamC: And vne^t lie'lTty, herspendtshtpipes : . WeH >n her left hig bamtairf, Tay tel( ta.dcil an* a'eoifccrtr, Stan'ifclcor, great K6b!wfts-c An^.didshiiyihearta.haipipeplawj Vk'i' their pewitheinyddin', ^TT[ ' Aihcr Bcviil through ta lthul 6' trcar^^ On EoUK-n winR* yraa'.Hailin'. , ];: . Von siory iot. (o lrrei<chie-mnnj", . I Wha'rrjade ta rats tab flee, tnaii; ! Freieoctt.ta Paris rcscrtpir.j ju. ) . Tav pe'jia-Jincst musiesb^in*"^ ,:' " . Thatiicvcryet was plnjw, rrian; . TJiereV_pn<!tl*itig like hen in ta Coort, Orjfajjrcr'broad aw'aVniaii. Victoria pe-,ta ponnie (^ipe|{ ; : , . man, Shtj'll pit ta organs .pot tiJL "kfrliRi An' upUa pipes she'll' hapgv min. AV tell ta' Gospel 4nuMtierH: .' ij.,.; 'Tae speak ta Gaelic sp^Re, man, * She'll snist the pest sjwkc.eie was p'nfflch \.-For'universal folk, n)an... . ' / Fatewell'. an' this pc 'l-phald's 'vice, / As gikid advice as evctlwtis, \ I ' Stick py.ta tram an' Holan^ hills, She 11 be as wee'l she rjivur wa.S.. shrink then," wet a THjiEja- scEioa in; the LtFR OPi A VitQRt^INO. ' SCE^U lflSjST. "'It is \^inlto.\\-m rnn, brother Rbhert; out ktto";tho world I u^uat go. $he impnlso) i(r on nie; t'; I I shall never should die of iuactioU h^re." ;: j^ j*v,^ You; nead Vnt t. "*" - L ' TOor^'i^ worklbdiF.: i bW idiV" :irr" ! ; ."" " And's'tJch/typitk !| I Qllvii)^ (in- r proveinig. close to i UbI Very /ground. 'And for .what 3 M ^qihltib^ soars 'c^tt^uVin'- 'a .* dter last Thursday ivas dead when JJrf. Ipth'^Uetwecn V- cILk, It, yoting girl "nanied iEll'en "Milton, daughter of John ililcon, M'lrilsi entj'agi tl in fShiiigoffiani f j;he pic-ra nw ifor ice t Co;'a factory, near C'ainpbellforJ,' fell, into the river and 'was dro'whed. A writer ixf; the Lmdon- Globe sayi . ' Th5re Are oialy thr< e. nations Stho use slam; to any iexteut, vizi: France, Eng- 3h8; ;day > aSsd^hould) lie ^ebee IW by far. thy wltti st," JAinemai.' the ~"~^ i- -t-f-- -i f Jaost appropriate, na 1 .ICngUsh the .&oit ions in the choice of a leader. done (the State some service He inUrprivate Kf& will l&tve - b^h&id nitn a reputataon second t^ f Jbo Ckioservatjve statesman. dsjyslof WjlUam Pitt- ^ ari^e the ;Li*bowel Town Gouncit hap tibliahed a cheese factory inicohi-! Bjectaon with fche^monthly fairj ... ||Pi^9^ERtak"'Ujricr;. ih^jjn- iofa of " && Presbyteiiia bodies ini Oariada whiuh vraa coasuusated at ds the most im- jptirtan^ event which'; lias: evejr oo> '"'_'earrefl-in ithe h*3fory jof; the?church, 4 .this' si'imtd the Atjjantici T0*^1 -irlio oissanW froih rtlare but a --;'" IulndfoJ,;for the greats nioss of the ~;: wople hare heartily ^goner for1 it, ' -Vlininow^wyoica that atjlasf it; hai been aceomplisheJ. .iet^ry^-'greai - ep-ich lin the' hiitbry 'djf the JPr^b-y- terian CbJureh in~tS5 IDominion; - tosEEALIZED EiEEdTiTrOXSj^ A. .; anort tune ago /three' jotiiig irnen >ittmed Howsohr and , JaBttia, of .' Jt|nllett, and Ciaig* of- .(Jpdierich ; ionrBsbip, jeft' for Californik?:|with: .y4fflB hppeiof ,-bettariug their, ctmdi- i .i.-tioniflL^the Lind M gold." ^tci; V ^rpving in- California, they fk>dnd . -] 'tbjonsahds.j oT . unemployed" ;;| men ; <Ster^.w^;had beehi deluded jwi^h. elvqa, and I"-;' -""^FSA ':' :.11" -: *wk;Cf eonrse, una|blejtofind ^m- M-^^^r^fe^' :L Tiiey.iba^ proceeded to^ U: -^"p'l-.' fRttiah^Golanibia.' -:', .' -**'ai^^---l'Ti*"-/' -.. | - ti*srfiange';Tsays!: V jj Cotnjjare the |!_ jipiisheT of- a ngwaJ>apvr,jwhofhas. . =j^.tt^g;aioahd iheicountry tio collect ^"jjfilHg pay^rtthitbe-farnier:'whor sells. ^r.-wfaiaM; op ta-<^it, a^d not' morethaa - -,aiwsbeltoanyoQe.-^ifanyfalTner wiH fa-y>he exp^riSient of distribu t- ..;y_ iiig'the proceeds;:,-isf his; Tahor over. li;-"!_J|ijr 9ptiii|tie8 with an addition of ^?^eji>r twir> or tljrce^^distant.iowns, ^(piiatTone,year; viei';,wUl guarantee fi . littatAfterithat'year's experience^ he ' |%"f! Willot ask the publisher to supply - fjv hi ""^hrk paper foj:- year or two jf; >7^ithout the pay forlt in advance; A.:.yjSyfpsimoF .TRtrra,^-They news- paper is ^he handmaid' ofciviiizi- , No family can maintain its -_. X jpjliee in society: without I it The ; 4" ' iisan needs it fc% infpi-rnation about > ;- .: irnarkete indpolitips'; th.e.woinan ! is. a_divemon fjpjn her -i-V- thoybuii^needit ^fboth afnuse- j:-.; :ment and'instruction. ..Thousands ; j" !f Saniliip can take but a^ eirigle :.?'; [rswapape,^,; and thai one should be i|-^ l5X>mmea<ed to their cdnsideration "^hich beifc? meets all their .needs. ' forcibly nd rf^cafe. bc'__ Jaaem'ered cohtciaiisn aij in tiwe jto heir one of the raslols saj :. "Had :.v^ bet^ir shoot him agamy 11 siich anfither 're plied : ,'IXoj t'gaess the cass ^"deadl" -He wisely kept quiei until they had de parted, with-khtir bo jty.' ' On. the line., of the L.. TJ. ftB.'li," are a.numbejj'of Swedes at--Wdrk -n" still retaiiji . their dd woodi nl shoi Thongbjthey |nay k\efcp the feet ptrfeetly dry, thtj- reimblq. a rniniatune' "di^g pnt"caiK>e id manner of const radtionijl is Alice M.. jingiir, dmijhter M Singer}; the. j ewirig michme ih|: ;Mr:"X vehtor, teill soon be tqvilr. % A.J P. MJ 3ro4^ a' f^ijiner.^el sident of Brooklyn. ! The, hi!id<)' i dowel Sq. to'fee 51,000,000, 2nd she is tbfroeeiva $1Q,SOOO worth of dia noads. A report 'is- telegraphed froia Berlin. named iii England?> nearthrfire; bright for you And they turned from e ich other, one going out into the restless ,^ world,1!!!! eager seOkier for fts wealth and^houors; the ojtheri to., linger to the eiJect -that tle'P<>rte hik/nnder Limong the pleasant .place; :dear to' c6nsidexitSon;a plan &r dividingits rdo- himby: every association of child-! Pa*s"s 13^ i?*j niini)ii3 into ^Eree g< neral governments, with the y&\% to ths greater- eficieucy of the adiniuistratioii and more effective resistance to the Am trian seheu us. Mr.. Chishplni. I as' resolve<[ to ap-;: peal from jtliej decisiiin-'.of t&e ^adgp in ithe Peel "election cas<:, on the gr )and| as stated by; the Judg 5, that no corrnpt e'xpenditttre ojf mone r has been proved, abd_ that'Mr.jChishc Ira showed hijinself desirous of obberviiig the law. The Bank f Fi ance owns a brick for which 1,^(6 fjjjt^. iit fcrxcie was paivh It was] take A 'roin the ruins of a burnt house, krid thi image an( figures ofanotefor 1,000 fiincsare brmed on thesturfnee, ir;asfer d by the hei ,t f rdm a real note.) Tllia'bricl 'ttie bankr adeemed on preserxtatioil,-as if it'were ho ijote itself. ,' " r^The: Italian nefvspapers ;ojnnouape the discdveryithe otjrer day at Pompeii of a painting said, to be o% mor> inipor- " ' ' ' light. , <> the. -.- ..--giv^n by'VirgU., Its stiite", of jrese*yationi is wijch as to, w arrant a. hopb that, it irtay b i. fptiiid po isibje to remove ittcfthe Mu ieuni. A jugoainniber of the n6n4eommis Honed officers ahdjiren of "the jl 'ominion Battery, ]}*ha haste Beoa;'-odj jairyioo 'in Manitoba'for thvoi 0 r thiiee jyetrs have returned tq their hoi a'es in- diffe: ent sifc- tfoua of Ontarjp. T iey weire d sbanded about three Weeks si ncfe, .and dc not tend r^turnittg." ": '. f. The Mamfehii i'ret Preqs slavs tliati parties, from dEfferer t parts of the'jPfo vuieS-gife lTUt toeareoantof tie gratis hopper des^kibtioni that ii, thatf the crops are./suffering- total 'desirnctioh. The fields that; had crops f<mr! and: six iachas high are now mostly hlaik/; The worst report*, and & xpeotttUonj, are bi ing'reahzed.'- I -i ' The>gue4s.mjana. has"tvk.<m a'new hape at Bridgepbr, wherel a! druggist laced-alarge globe of pills in! his: win- wr and oaorod I(Ki-soda watt rjtnckets for. the neaifebt guei s at" thoirl number. More' than jwn thai usand pera;c nsj made the afcterapt,i.tEeir giessing rarjj ingf rqm eighty-seven!to 7,0 ! Ihe/r sal' num btr was 23?, jtrhich to persansjtpiessed. cf on the duratloa of he/eire giyen onl what L.lanhs to be good Authority 'fin ancient Koine, Unrmg the period o^yeaTS between 200 ____ ana 300 Al^jthe vverage duration of >y:the gravel roads now- hfe ami^Sf^e upper classes was 30 1 t years. In the present contnrj, among the same class otpe< pla iti amojc uts td 50 years. In the Bixfemth cennry the mean duration of -fife 10 fienqv; was 21- irears/^betwien Mi and 183) rf was H) ?8^ears jjand.at the present tuna as inany p&oplejUve to 70. years it age is- 30dyos(r^^.Iivcd ^a the ago op.4S,r ~~i b$ SCddJesex County Council i-- t ijb^yeit 'tf&settled on a scheme for j !]iakpgp#H?ef&}lls;;on the roadgJj y^v^iTiie^Jhiy^gran^d't^jti ' 1^*TTTOani3^iiiite*hicfe. h*vs riot bene- Jli&tStitia^^bj "the gravel roads rtow- ?;J^Ei*B^^75,0'pp/wttich ae to beeti*ri5edbinext*ndiii^tliegi-avol ibr1 :thii j considera- ^e^-.')^e4.-/'{hat the tolls' on &*_ existing gravel roads ^j^fW il^aoffijii^January next -'Sfc- -i ajppettte^t-aves ^ami)le herbs beyond yotui f quiab shel^e'^ed valb." H^jfa soinetningimoie. tih|n 'arid water from therbrook. ' I have Eeii .my ^leart baaitainrng wealth ; ari*Where.there is uivrill, there is~ a -way,". ' . " ....- ..:% ; a ". ontettment is better . than wealth."/^ ' ' HI'" - "' ":,, ' * A prbveth for drorfesv' - ' /"What of Ellen, iVi'iiliaml"-' Thft'young map torned' quickly to^tai-ds his'broth;er,[yisib'ly dislurlb- cd,v-.aiid fixed jiis-^yes1 upon him with an earncsr-cxprpssjon. ! " I love her.uls myilife," he said, .with a strong;' emphasis on his' words". ' .^ I '_-.. "Do vou lovo=iwealth more thap life, WilliahTfir Jy :" : . . ' j '*' If you love Ellcr as your ljife, - and leave hr for the sake of gfctt- ing riches,^-tjhen you niust love money more thanlifi-." >.: '...-' "I.am going forth as well for her sake afe my "own. ,Iii \ ail the good fortune that' comes as the meed of effort, she will be a sharer." ' " You will s*e her before you 1 >fi!ate:ua'i"'- ;. -/" -\ \ j' '"' . -- J. " 1$o. I iWfli neiiher pain her nOr myself by a ^parting ibterview. Stind heu. this letter 'and t lis ring." A few hours laier, and the, brothers stood with tightly grasped hands, gazing into each otb er's faces. "Farewell, Robert", : " Farewell, Williirn. Think of the old homestead! I as still your hpnie.i-Though it is minj, in the division of our\patrjmony', let your heart come batik to it us yours, {ts doors wHl fiver he op:n and its lying oriiS l / Aividjhas ho.rvtheiii^ foif'gDttea the taaM-en ,>vhofie jdjtrk lashts ] ay_ we^ W jher J)aja ohoeks fyr many hours jafter I sho read) -his pui tin 5 words 1r. \ Ho has- boon false to her. Eakciiy BCiighl ho'tlie; prize to bordend; for' whioh hoixveut fortii. -.Ia an" bvil jtpurhe took to! h mselfj a MidV, rioh iu igbldenj s ttrhctions, ihttt poorer, as a.ioomari than b^ggiir at; hei" fathei 'b gate. :* What thorn in his/side j he proved;!^ A thorn ever ahi^rirj an d. eyei" pioroing. The': closer he attb opted,.tp- draw her to his bosVnv, tl io ideepor Vfent th^i points into h.is: iwn,-' .<. / _ . I^iyo yat^s.jDf sit fli..'a life !/ JOh',' >vha't.is .thorocf ,c urthly ' gpqa ' to: cptnp\nmite tlictdjijr ier 1 But in .this. ;ltt8t.dv^e^S^yr6v,-diS-il.ij6.:>v"gr)d^ ling gnih |tlie}SVsai h, ^station iahd hojioi'- lio'iovqted 1 Jloliad^weddfcd tlie only. chi|t\ of a man wh^sV tt'eushrq m^lifcvlj>e < ounted. by IjiViij- idrf d9 of (ihou^andK .tfut, in'scii i|o- ;ihg, ho'had/ fatlfcd \iq soBiirojl'flie jfathef's kpjiroAlal or; cpiindej^oej; Tlie stem'cjld i'njin rogurd('d;;liiiivas mercenaiTy j ihtcjflo per, and i- ^vw treated hirrj sfs'syiel . Fot^fiye yeiiw htt! fretted aW chaocf,: , And 'jpU'X hovv niMuytirijesca ne betwejen |joi', land the ijlmb^tjiia ,ed cout\teiinco gd{ ttle.-lqvihjj |f\ice ho hud bei'iii (|lse flow' often hWiBoft hi no eyes tested jiplS )iis own.; rj-\ ^ . " '.'-, -,/ / fiiid'fhim^ait. 'ingMi the'emtr^'b/t of ideivfli,f*'W* stfpkp 'that- is. iW'li reak >he feitcrs' ^thaptr so long/tpui d himl vIt,: has' ^Ijlen. Kfo is^free agunv Not a \i-helj:,;lUcl gone by, e'rS tljo father.of his ^ilfo.'tajd to' tiirri : " You :werq %tl ling to tnp 'while my daughter j-ltVei l^^otr are 7 lbs than ^nothing ;Tu^w. It .was; my wealth, hot my ehil J, tfint you kjvfed Sjits has .passed1 a\v iy, Whktr.i(Il^c tibn would, hayjf g;yei.tb-her.idiB- liho will ' iitov^r pesjtow on you 0 alr _ of'his. wife, the Of her to whbt^ Henceforth weiart strangera;' rwas a wanderer injuih ; poor, h^imijliatedj broken in ilhil'It. -'"""" spirit. Ebl'Ai . Tlie step of j tin e had fallen :so lightly.on'tho Qbw< ry paths of ijtipse to, whom conteptn ent was a higher .hoop, than. wealth that few jfoot- marks were visible "^ Yet there were changes in the \u*K^i*i^M^i^i^^jj^|r hood, there, to [fill u|j> tho, measure! of his day/3 -not idly, for"?ie,w'as no1 drone in the social hl;y"er ."Onthe evening ;of that}- day two! maidens sat alone, eacli it thesanc-i tuafy of "Jfer. own cbaml'ie-. Theret was a warm glow in| the- :heeks of! one, and'a glad light- in. her eyes, .Pale, was the pther'siface, -anti wet; h6r dropping lashes, i And she that! sdrrowetl held an open letter in her bandi {It was full of. tender words;; but the,writer;lov*d iWet 1th., more than tlie maiden, and'had gone-forth "Jo seek, the mistress ,of his sotil. ilf wottld ' cbme.hiiqk!,' put when, 1 Ah, what a veil of uncertainty was upon the future ) / [Poor S.trickenj heart ! The other rniiiden she of the glowing cheeks jand; dancing eyes rheld also a : letter, in her] hand. It.was from the.orother of the wealth-feeekerj-aud ilisrtidthat; on the hioiTowj, ho would come-to. sof old" bear her as'a bride to his pleasan1 hoina' Happy maiden ! | Teii what jof SCENE SECOND, i- hav^-'passed. I yoarB.' hav^s-' passed. Am the wealth-seeker 1 : Has he won the. glitteringIpriie ?..What) of the pale-faced maiden' ho left in tears? Has Lis returned tou her"f Daesshe^shafe nowlhis wealth and' >onor? Ifot'^inob" the duy_^e went for^h from the home bf-ihis child-; hood has a word.oHntelligence from the wanderer been [received; Tintr- to those he loft behind |ii|n, now as one.;Whohas;i)|assed the final bourne. - Yet,he still dwells among the! living. /' i. In a'^ar-away climejj stknds a stately - manfeibn.] ! W'e:j: will -;npt linger tb> describe, this^ejegant ex terior, to holu^iip' before tlie reader's imagination a picture I of rural beauty, exquisitely heightened by art, but eDt^er its spacious hall, and pass up to one of its mdat luxurious chambers. How hushed and sojemn the pervading atruost phere! The inpatps;, few in. riumr ber, are grouped around one or whose white forehead Tune's trem tling fipger has writ^n|the , fwort ' iDeatbV Over her bends a-manl) form fhere^ his'faceiis towardu you, - J Hear the* mellow wedd 1 :; ;:;Goiacti'.b>iii .. What a world of happiness their harmony ;,K /jr-. : ifpi-ctqHil ;" ; j' "-.' ,!* Throach-the-balmy air of! night v !' j . How/tliey riagout their delight I. . i From.the molten!golden notes, ; And all iritune, ! - j What a liqiaid'tHUy- floataj, /> ' -}, To the thrtle-dove thatlistenS, while ', . "', .' ii Oh tile moon ! i-i v L :' -. ! ' pli, from put iHe saundinpr.celU ,< n gusli of; euphony voluminously -..! ;,;-...'sw.oilsi;;.,.-.' ?i y-.^,.,- .. ; I low itsV^illsl "' . i* -," \) ; Ori thpfutuiel, how ijt tells, j ,-'\Qf-the rilpturc that'impels ; l! To the swinging-and the ringing !' Of the bells, hello, bells, .J , Of the bell.%! bells, bells,- bells. ' : Bclls^belb, belli > ', To'tlie rhyming- and; the chiming of the place, r .-... \lhiat' hells. E '. I1IRD. houiesteiid.' As j Joah JBillixiSr^* ^UpBOphy '"j Miidea1 ov perfel^ hifppitiesa/Jii the'obnBcliousuefls^ 1V /havingvdun; pur wJioIe. dutyr ant J rtio xortain^Jr; oy! {^fttiiig'bur rpwai a fet.it i It would bo. a g0ii|l '.trade lf-'^e could. banibbV Hhoutl'j) )iie, half' ttie l^arnihg^onfcov.the w jrld and{ pub-1 stitute common sense in the place. fiifriit./' '.'.', j!,Jtiifp \7. short/ but" (the; mojority qutliv thenreeifsjeuhy how; : r; It.A a.,gmtft?'dekl fiazior to' be [st^'sy than 'to bet sa^kftstiki;, but Tho ni'an,.%vho"hi!Budc6(Jss r<iride|s .^fpr^huirriilora'nd at;1h'^ satne'tiine irtbr^qautipus, iZj!.pne w 10m a de feat couldn't -weaken. . -i If a man iz.; fV |,Iea\ e thei.wbVKi artd /retire' iritSf- Isblit! idb, he mtisfc take' A large stock bf virtews wit}) him,.feor thczcfatTi' th j ibnly ithingS ho 'lean-enjoy ili^rt>;,_ '.; ! ; Thar hVis seldum been a; grate Ojekashiinfyet, buj, wln^f th^tb hta been fpund Eli hi .^pne. jpqu at j to *'it, arid thal'brio^Iraz; dftb i sprung fro pi an*/tinexpekted source. j .'Tlie uiitn who ftilJy uikdersUinds a suhjekt is alwiiss Witi^fiCd to : use the simplest tthi^to explain it, Wit in a. w'olnun ,1c; iiii nuvejr fully Jot |tha money 5 jn tlie iijext if I had tho-nv ?ny^ Iyrfc jiLj h't' ha ro none of-;yo|u r papers..". So spoke, Titus:-;Closely, in. swer o alm'a.n,-who-Bailed to J "N 9,tf! I- dpn'twant hb^i'ri pr first plabe,' I the, k|nd na'nt In tho Jot |tha money he w< uld'/like to jsp.bsciibe news] aper. '.Said jfa^ke'pta fliprJ lii'tbi ueightioring ^iilng^, ahdj wbjb aisb 1 UV postftjustet]]; and'helhad. made arrangements .to add^to| his busin ss; by . establishing a nawfepa^-, per aj ency. ' :aif; furnish iyqu with 'oih.may Uke/f jhe explained to MA" ClWeTy I can' fuKJirsJit it.che ipe^'than jypti catv-get-it .in any.p ;her rVay; I bVci msA. by .btiyjing' [U,yi!tUo px>Rt.AirpJ ll.Ti j will iave - pabe'es 1 Fami y; "papers; fid thb;FaTmors-; pipei 1 for;the,Mbanic;. aiidipai- persl it'.hoth old' andj^youhg; iand' !ip sh; rfc:]; may assuro y^u tha,t hny Joiie b ' thirtn.may bp; wiirtli far mjoter tQijo itiian't "pfopbifeTibrask.;: Ask your wtfB; vfliafi sh<! thinks.. Toil have 5.0 idgi -whKt. yasjt am.oftnjt of valitti jle i.uTormation yoii, willjfind;i Ifi acy .;Clpsely wahtetl: a ,y<f?Yj but h jr.: Ii usband saul-^- ij V (i I "':' "'( ; bpthe'r ! 1 dori'ij wan'Ut-I| m ' '"'"' l^aric f: a^;the;.'clulcireh "want^to. rriu h^iy..can;get tracisof.Hi^ii1'-.1!11*'!' ister.'..%:--'. '//!> -, = .^g-Wl replace the want/of Wty; If yu-. cxpekt'-'to keV yu Ibitvc ;got to see uli with'/ botji oyesi,', and ffiui one. ;: j. '.he man who tells the smiling veju-s ivent'bv, each^'as ^?in* a ^oneflt person it looked [in-n't the] cottage window, f SU^yerl his own kan c 'jtyiiraifnend his virtews hiz tUiliii^s ' -. ! \\:--:k 11 that bhnj-c W yu that tlmrc n- liviijg. hia cter top wejl; fjiithfnl Hiai3en,~it iat he can so ifor- tc take get the past as td Take her; in his. arms ajnd, cksp 1 er, almost swi dly to his heart. B it for this, ^ son scions shame woud .have'^betiayed, his deeply i-epent< d -perfidy. ,:.. And here, w.e ie ive them, realer, Contentment isr; better;, tiaa-. wealth." , So the svorldling proved, after a bittep esperience, f^iich may you be' 6pare< I. , It is far tie ;t/r 'to realize a truth perceptively, ind thence make it t rule of acton, than: to proyo the variety in a) life of^ sharp agony. But how-feW arb .able to rise into such a realization -^-Tb^Atlahtic ciiblp laidlast!* opk he isi"8"^16 fiftlf' in'ope ration., It ib one of-the, best laid^ a ad .will ti-ans mit 20 words in a).mi iute: '.: . The independent line of the' To ronto, Grey alnd Brace Pcaflv 'ay^ from JpsOhto to Weston, is; : mvf pompletitjg,' es;cpting ballasting, &e , abotit "& rails near the latter place Trains hive been rur to Carleton since .vintei, and the whole line will b s finished as, i loon as the necessaiy funds /are forth: coming I / _____ _____... ---------- roqlp, to either the Federal A^ J you lecognu^e th ifratt * Koyal CanadiAii '. Jank. ! 1 ,n^ing The Tilil-on To vn. Cbuncd 'liaye sed a ' resolut ioit granting ^th&J1 nse |of the Kea^L ig Room for ' five yeeis, at $100 pe. year, and 10 per eent on the cost >f fitting up jtjhe saw tlie homo! cirijo Svideningj or tew beauty croviiiing the niigpl rows of happy children It is near the close of a'summer day. The eyeninj; uieul is" spread, and thtfy are about gathering around the tafelej'whon a Jstjrsihger ei<ters. His words nrej-^vaj tie nhd bri^f;'his manner singular, his, sup slightly inyjiterious. Fiirtivo, yet <siger gluljices "go froni fa _o to face, i. ' Are these all- your children e asks, w;ith luin j'led suJEprise'and] dmiration... , '.'All ours. - Ajna.^thank God, the little; flock! is j et u^brokcrir ; The stranger av erts his face.) He ik disturbed by < motions that ,is; impossible to cohc sail I "Cbntphtrnlent ia! better' than wealth," he m'uriii ui'si- "Oh, ;thjit, I' had .earlier cqnpiebbntjed .fliii-i t'rutjb'.;'-"-- -j '-'.^ ' The words wern -not meant for btherfe ; but the u ;teraince had been topjdistiiiet. jThey hadrcachedl the; l __.,--_v__- .... . , ,. , ears of Robejt, iti hi' instantly re-.'in unction-tOTpreTent a. liub ic niis cognized in tliej i strafigcr ;his long '* " ' * - ^ wandering brpth'ef " " William !{' Hpwj- the jstraiger .starts ;and trembles. He hi d not seen iii tSie qiiiet maidti-i m('ving,among!.ajid| ministering'to the ch_ldren sq;;-}in- obenisively, thop ie hb;had parted from years before- -tho bneto whom- he had been so fah ^. ' But his voice has startled her ears with/ the familiar tones of jesterday.-; / ; "Ellen!" Here is kn instant oblivion of all the ntertenlng years.' He has leaped back over thecgjobmy gulf, and'stands ri jw as he stobdj^re ambition and lust pf gold lured.iiitn- away from his fit. t and only love. It is well 'both for him and' the would-mutch rather'"-ai weak than would be mi eniniy thiin f-niy fi-i< nid. .:' :. ."'..; ^l7: _{, ' )f all ikreiited thingsj anitSftte 01 hui nimate,-:w;e fiiul no ,lools,i!excepl iinihng uiahkihd. ;-| ' ..1 irle who haz the most,authority iiml uses it; the least-iz truly inio^e! kurakter. ' , ' x\\ I ' '] ," Facts "Worth Enowinpr. Money paid on a Sunday can b< e<overed Che fruit and grass on thp farm iri 1 garden of intestate descend U tho heu- tLn agent.is liable tb his plineiphi toi: lpss.f>y his mi&staten-'eut, thoujjl uninteutioiial. i -No riian is under obligktibns ]tt jm. ko k;now_i his ciicumstaucef; |\vl en purchasing goods. j , i ; A wife cannot be convicted 'o: _re< eivin stolen! goods! when she t*e! cei ves them from her husbai d." ^ A jiriv;ate.person niay re'e ^ivo jar LlZ-ir.-i : l i_J- L. iir '"' he-Wiy^ti)r4^iaid^olm J'^^^;n|u^a3;Ixan| j,.^^/ lat^in^thb " eY4ing>' A^^^^l^Ti^ifl ^4fri;y^gefct4^f^^4lllbjr; ?| )W.<K-1J I '^binki/I 'cart! recotoniend vb .ibbd for tAvdlMpei^r'saitlJth'e! ^gen :t ,4:"pltjkf|i_ii't higli^ o^ed literary pa|.erj?or yj*f*:: roily, anrjl'a; pap'e'icjevoted tb;i-Aj*t,j Sciei _c.[hnd Agni-viltiire.forshim- he more.fopl'hb!'- cried plose ly, cl hjtoi riptueuslyi. f* Johi -^>eep wate c'api-afford] it'lnp .mdre'n'jl win. My'lfarr^s-biggef-'a'nd beiterrn I bis h J/aji'd f teH iv'e, flat ail' sojua^e, 'at'I haih'tgot' noi'twO;_ApllHt-8,'tc thro: . attfay for a. nevvspapbe." utifTitus-^rf-") fthut'up,-Natjcy ! -I^U' cien' jwajh'titj' vj "_, . J\; jl-!||ancy cloiejlher lips ; iind 'i'tlM'tAjepij. went his way ; and Titu. Clo's ly"jwent forth to' plow ;hie grou||ul.s).'iilr the bl(l; wooden ;.lo whrt 1 fathi r' hid Used : before h'h__ tiine jpyksod on. : t_.h,b' ngen y was luge lost-oil! ich ef by ;which he and others wef-e iifilicted. ;. If a person who is unabl 3 fron, 'sickness to sign his will ias his lhand guided while makipg ..his mark, ^he.signatureis valid . If any perspn put a.: fenct ronior Iplows.. the lan^/ of 1 another, he liable to trespass, whether tl eov^ri; er. will receive injury or npfc.' , ] ; . A -stamp impressed on iin! instru- 3'etit byway of sealjis-psj^gqodjas al if it crentes a, durable Imprest sidnf in the texturp of'the-paper. " A day -book Copied from a '_'hlot tory/' in "jMiicli- original charges; ar 1 first made, wil]> not be l-qgived evidence as ft' bobk,Qf__*lnsihal ,tnes> ,.___, .. . . Mbriey,__paid fbr tlie puiipose ;se|l tence one; that good faith yendee.' in on or jfepttling^or o'onhpounding al'iprosecu- lufion for a t apposed felony "can not be.recoverc(J back!by'the pa paying it.' A seller" ^f !goodsi';c|iitfels,"lp/; bther provper.ty :bmniif)s no'^bdii 1 hue when he neglects^ to tell th'j purchaser of. & iws,i defee ts,. or nin jsouridness'in ^i.esah-e. ' jy . ii Permanent e .ectjons ar d fixture- made by thoJ'tnbrl|agbr after jth 5 execution of 'he'imortgagb \tpjc>u' land conyeyed by it, become a pa.t of the m'ortgag sd-premise?.; ' - t- rioto 'to give t tie ..principle debto ( , tituejfor paymsbtj, withoui-^epri.'V; inrof his ijight to sue Hoes ;nbt di| rchiititoe|*thb surety, p( rsori who has Decn led tb go ids'by neans of false pr^ pdnnot reebverj themj frbri has purchased them. i:i frbih - i the 'fratidulenlt torjj ifr peration The new v 'ooljfen Glen Williams ii. now in Latest advices from Ja^_aicajWest Indies, rPport |reatr( scarcity of food am$ng the ipooi er blassea.' 1 -Tha Pr<Svine a! E^hifiiliwi, it ib announced, will oommfenco this-yea p on Monday, 20 th Sefptembar. Mr Ham, c^fWjhitlw, Wjritinr frojti F&rgo, Hih^esotsj, * say* h_ " wouldn't trad ^off a. ooiij[.p?ati<.n lo b in Ontario for ihe ,vfiplo> Country. \ . 1- l. I . J f - 'I _ML_k J _ bg -fb-M-d and *!qbb;. 3K.; k'l an- eifi r a Yfi4 fathet' lind his .'grand Anj] newspa])e. viM of ifbu^ Tpsrands fcf;_.ha aliap^ iJohg Deep^ atejp/'iBheai-ed^ li: f n. jeyto^; sheep,^ nr five hundred^6und i'eJ wpoly i kvw'gi^hig hini H yield; f 0? triflb e Vtf eight.pojutiidiifroni jiilsb }hee.p. -^"./. rjv,S'.'-J W'3^h}% ,L '.'. ;", Ti iusj"/. aiMlnlt; I - tejl. you : ;hat neighbar: 3?eej>5vatit^s sheep w^uld piove. jy fiir'jthei-nosfc p-jofftablel It casts Do ihcjre: to k|Bfp:joh:pf -his splend dPanjmal^ than it dbes , one of oUn ,: - ;Aid. th'eBihis lamb^are lieav-e r^ aad^thia1 mu^ttqp' is-tn*', }[>> S!op^ourgab,;_^fer"r_Il?bow: what ye're - Dieepvrat^r go iii if'.' htf Syant jtb. -' h-js." |: v ll?.<^." A ndy oh ;j wintered ^Qreiihan! twice is.mabyisheep asihedid" f\ > . j '.', isr^iidy was silbpt.l 'jhrtitbV eridl v/as iibt!:yefr.; ;A-fter-J.|the-:*ha jftbg hodb'senjdonp;!Tr. Dieipw^ii ^ hH yif:-' t^led ^o>vefj ai^d tcrbk teaV" andisj lent the. eyen^ftg.j with ;"3 Ituij and p. ancy. Li[J,n thci. coiirtq of: cqa,-' |yfe_aiip_i Pruierice te)ld -to! ivuijcy niany hew.:, tljiijgs*rthWt. sjfie j ha^. Ibarni d of hqu's^old dysteries, and ._&.,,J )eepwaer; talked^ to., bij host *p4 th 9 \gfegt improveipents > hibli vrofel 'beingf mtide ; in/' agribsl 'Urp, Aha*'Pitus'"w_i-3.:interesjied in-irpitb of j-lji nselfj thbtigh heltricd t< a^ peaij otherwii^.j- .. -'*h>:. . ii -" rte^fcer [of Collej ^MuiL; .-iaoEBO' M4-"! ?."-' tt ../'-*"" w, fe^h.r**'., lof' B . _ oft,,.also CTadnt* ^CoHeM, t!iadte '\ikfn T|uedays find Fi idy, f*mn 0 gl $pfc.: pesidM j^"yYe*t^cwe &,-CfaMr-at -"""'- " ' ' ' "Matte/, &r. to -uoanJ/A^entJ ^ottrthrMyfj" Agton]"6jitj ' f^^S3>EKabN,(3(hte JJU^* aI^Agei^.esiiid* . 3anceCol, ----- pared!netly,j rvsofia,J>ie tenns. Mortgage :secu] H<.us3,;Act<*. \J ACQ*] ^yriflg tl_e pJPst:?' tiop'HBarani -,i .i" j" x^oMjpsio?". BamJ: :_M- KdSr.-'Aosfw;*.R new jH</tjel ia fitted upiqifi Wit&ineif fnnritnfiej,- l4ra willjfind, cood edinhiiodioni. Bsnif ^ _r attention paid .&. ^il-e4 truSrjelliDg publip. I Icfeiii b?s* Hquora ar^CiffB_-t and attentiTe B3itSt*'; m ton. I've -.! " ._u|v:tm.;^.:;T^;;,,. |.>S#;d6c fi^EUerrof Br bifc "rmv^i it!. ""r" "; )i|d;thf^^h.;ifMiti': ' .-J ;. 11 , Tiis:.',; f^d IStuldleV cainel Ijiij-l- .,..*";;:"S'v.':' ' '.'." Slhkt did^eiray^ou i"-;; j njiirty"f^nts.-;':-^'J ' :' :'f ~ '" eo'ita;; ai poiri Acroir,.__j 'etot. IZfrJ [ tr-.bf th* ed-withthe StAWing irJEjOY^I,-..^ SSh .y-Ttj :i M &c, I w is hufchbri-<l Vby ;5Jr. Fa; tO:i(.ffe^ '"' ' ^ wag as fresh I I way tin established at tb'< ee.btit Titus did not ;pati*iizj i, fleifl'lf that lift had u'pr iciple it stake!. .Ho had saicj ho- !oi(ldn't\^ HJitl: he wbuKii'tj But ;n One thing lie Was cor_sisj-eiit!; he;v Jiuld not allow his! childrcjn -tb liort w ;pa]i_i-s itjf his neigliltor' Dee water if hie;:l.new| <i_< i-Onts ever ng-Titus <t.loseiy and 'lis jwife. took itftii by invitatib'u, with nfeiglij bor iicepwater. / ; . 1 declare. Nancv."said Titus olf thcujj w iy home, Pi udtnee I)t<)p wut( : beats all creation for cpokmg don she ? I had no ide 1 & .0 was siicl a hand at it. I \w ondt i, v> b< 1 e slie ot them fiesh sitawliLitlps >he prs.ser\ed theau herself, ajns^ tied INanc. 1 gpt euut them wasii t sarv -1 Jiej * 1- pick id ' " tis (Tie Titu V V" i-hl|Can r"-^ ;cou|difI icr ^aper " le? She the lowspaper she -arned how her ice took T :us changed ^he subject of con vers tio: A i^fmn came and the ^.gi icul tui^ Fin was held jn an a<ijoiniilg tow j Titu. went oyer with what he;c nsideredj a yoke of \arT fine oxei , but be found, v. hen the ehibi ion came oil1, tint he was very fai ehind the times * Newbietdst of "v.; nch he had l^eaid nolhlng had beei lutiodacedjiand hi^ own aiu-r hiali were not dtemed woithj of iioti e | ' vVhew 1' w lulled Titu^, a& hp sat i l his kitqhtn, with a ciUmpled repc j; of the aw aiding Committies in "h _hand A1 friend had gcveti him tihq piinted dopument- "John' Dee; water has got the jnemuun, for heep _By h )key ! {slip ftoie wool'a h, son 1 todneps i'meroyj-fiilvplih 1, Y0?1 Beli'ybuii wlible-clipjafc thait ^-_5-4n/-Whyf'/*;! ) 11 "|Wbrth foi-ty-f^Ve.cehfsf; -aind" had;'five ;huijidi^d' I 'AcgMJ, Onti .tjainple RofflprVl- .ffbrCoffl-Jneitet* jhodatiP^ for I Best brands of Xiotjbrs'ai . :'jG_ne*ti.i fce^^t^ft*^3^ '.- "..'. v.! V'.' -r'-- m't -. 5f. I^IIHlil^'jEjyriter/'Attiri ney-aRI-aWjSoliiatomCiai" '" O_6o<a*j~Hi9riilton)-^0King ;a,.j_Jain.str^pt. -Tlie; Matoj&J Willfie a#erth(imai-0rjaejlt4j#I>, Campb<^^^diiap/_>ijd)|iwii?j?I'Li' at the faiiltpn Cff53e",<mlFriday ^eekf-fi] .>;':,4Fi;": % V, -~ ^-"j'_'-'.:iit.iJ}.--"u IA,4.ION FMlJI^l^DH^Il);.^ ., B.|% JL mef^ tL^^L:1 i; Floar-tod _..., wholesidb. .and IretaTL; ;Gristi Chcypin^flJailylJl Cash fpir ajl M ijpnan biiji,- jb^t trie* ;f<xf;y"b,uir Ypi-I mu'^JJ ..have pou ids.fp , .-_ m YesJ^said'^nJr^asiHhgly! sold five'hnr)dred;ati<i Seventy;" .,';' But didn't,ybuiptJSpw thaf^lpoi; hail tikeninyabiet'i [-' . ! ' : ; :;f Nb.-'.(\-i>Jr.':Sa;;icl|eir' -.aidJ jthiirty ceiitis was; all 't\f an'wpt tli. !" .!" '. "*>' ,|';pir.;S;*ddf^diceiv;cd yoiil ,But :you should have; wi-tclifcil- thoPJfur- kejb 'Eepbrt.; .:i)iiiiijtp J-ou'( iictlee. thkfpi iu'.the piipei'.^'; ."'.'"'"v..,-:': I I'tt do'n'it*ji_c: >no, j>apci-:.". W .'jPftl fUree'dbofs tn1 depl.iv<Titbs,'.iiiii t-eiv^.; fo'r yptjL But-it.can'tVijtt jlfelpetl lup-jf^tl :Mr. I)i.P]>water sjiVT/how 'tbidlyf' hib ft wild was fLeling, ind he said no Ifioie >\ lien tlie coi|ip*iiry had goi^j litus (.lusch toojv-down the old slnfo fix>m it* 1 og I> tl e fcgli. of .he lookingguMs^rd begin to u| ircr Tho di^iieitce between thr ty and fci t\ fii<,|V. fif^clt r mc tif etn wtiltiphtiiihy hv<. bun (die! and sen ntv gl^e a pioduct of _y!itv h\e dollais and iiftv cent? (J)a the follow mi: niorning Titus CANADA GLOVfi W0 ' rAffljOK,) COT, /"".!'; !/ *['" H^/iu:^ Mi,i'7:ii-. Wholes lie Mantjfaotarcre of .ver^.ja_|fr' /{. .;. : erif>ttei> abd stjle '6t-"i x ['iv-J Sj '?, 'T,^-^':*l4/'f l^ato3^01o^<_piiff^^| ' .Hifts im GAiti_kte/jl ifli "" '-I*: '!;^ ]| Fa : AT-? 1 ^(TTlie receipt in ind that's where most of all rf- !ii Di-assgrsii;br,Pl " ' rv~- . i"ESci.rlaeatliu_._. .. ,. :^|t a?*r- rt_fh.it aiHthief Pfclce t*li_-ift Wilt)! fDilNS Artnn, Ii 1% 1st lS~-. II to a 01 ipe sulaeiibed foi two pixel's ouo foi luii_5plf, and oiie for his and in time he fc^nie- to1 Eegarji *he New s]iap^.r afi one of, the gleatestj institutions of the age . , I'll bet I 9 doe3 nixt sea- me to John kecause you'ybjgot mord sheep," sugj; isted Nancy, " But f^ai* and see The new breed which he has pro. (red is (a veiy jatufiMe'one " ' " 3ah ( ' Think jt. hat it cost him, fiftj dollars foi a ] jair on 'm I' V.nd,' acjided ] fancy, " he sold two ot his spung lamps'to Mr Tho i ipson for eighty dollars '" iit eout i"' " Prudence told Dee iw'ater saw so accc ints of these sheep ib. JhiB pa per hat he kne\y it wotihl lbe safe /or lm to invsst, 1 Sub refeired again to^tho Be norS * ' Flellowi I'ii Do' ner hasn't gbt the fiist prem iunj for cheese five dollars " STes," said _Sfhiicy "She was telli ig me about hen cheese She foui I out liow to maV-e them in her Kipor, I tell you, Titus, it's a, gooi Ibhing to have a good \newspa per JL wish you'd- E.ah ! Don't t^Ik to me 1' And Titd i threw down th Rep^"1- hd reti: sd from the ki iS'tyAn ut^_ _ jfc 1 e wihter pa is^d, and the spri g's work waf done, 'and, tha _.._..*._ _t-------^------------iL1 Ti- tim< for sheep shearing cabM tuB- Slos^W BhBarid one Mu undi-ed ' arei ifty sqeep", aiojl obtainea theie / [Hib Otta.N is -i erjorled A IIauquis of Jorte. wa Iiee T) es- says it thif tlie Princess Louisa ai^d the Maiqius of Lome (will visit Can idj and the TJuiei| Suites this Summer Tub coi respondent who. sends the iboM. afsb iiifcimate". that it ii wbispeifed 19 England thatthe l-Iaiquis of Loufe wilt come to G.u_, a(^a as the- successoi of His Exi^l 1 an yjUc, Eai 1 ef D uflfei 111 ' Oan\da TmsTLfes "-rarnreis r dot t neghct to cut your 'Canalu thistles Slany of-kns know that the i e ai e-ct-rtain alaj s m The vear op. which to cut thistles and kills them Now I wish tb toll you, ihe davs for 18^5, -wz Tho- 29th of Jpue, 27th of Jul> aSd 23rd, of August. If they are plentj with yoi, take the scythe, if few^ take the hoe, but be sure you cut thenr all As fin as ray own fatm is cor cerned, I am not alarmedl about them^ as by follawpig this rule I hai er got rid of ttepi e^ctuallv Jp! Reece, Bnldiall P O Sar- Tz^flj Oheiier I Sir Hugh Allan faded to raise _______ _____ the money in the London market many "fluttering *for *^ Northern Colorns?ati^ Had - - wa|r [ _ l{ , .rrom tho "Nkwspkpetr Fiets Dnectory" fbf lSfo^vit 'appears t^st thais are ljaD^neyrabapera ^pul dished in the-Unitfefi Kiqgdoa Of these 3)QS are published in Lon doi i, and 939 m *!)> rest of Eng lanjd In Whles tiiere weie 58*, m Scotlana 1$0, iii | Ireland, 1157 ilnd in the Isles 13f Of thiilnuiu^ berj there wek-e 98 dailies; in! 'Eng land, 2jn Wales, U m Scpiland, and 19 in Irelant Inf 1847 the journals published *n the tfnited Kingdom kmbunt? i oply to $40^ of wbici thtef-e yer6 ghly >4^ daily, TiZf U inEn^lant. ahd 2 ik Ire^ Urjl ^^e nnmbli. bf ma[;a^ines liqw jpiftljushed, lnblnding tbrquaj. ttr^ya'fViewa^B 643, {of which 240 ifi k^&ks& n j LIVERY & SALE STABLE r \ i T, ~ J, P. AL^Aai I TaVt^ p eisure | In announcJfiE to puhllp generally thit lie Is j>repAt< fnrnL-h, J Pixst-siftsa ^6rse& aaa Gustasf* A t KeafionaBle Itates. s J HiRig(andnc-r_feare thA.hrt tht. an bf hub, trod be in detenuliled- net VV tx ui-pasited by anv citj btablp. J- \f A(_t|on, Jul} Ibj., nn. _ i ^-uj m i.w ii, A^ y*, K- A jCTON WACON AND CARRI FAOTCtRY. JA+ES KIBEE,, Prop^j ^WOBs^ r v Kepi ln,stockvand aiade tOOrdlfOi Sb^ot attention paid id I i 7 L Horso-siiooiiie a Crottwatfo'ift t* itUttej Aeton,Jn_jiskrl8f5- ,!*V, ?~ Ai Gjeuiied itf jgim9^ W if iamferis_ uf. fcha to Erin haveo^gjfuuzed 41 thq Iname of tbcH'M a decidedjy lpiigiou. iiar iGraigp,J iHfr Ales, tSbiith". 1T ^i Wttitf Sec^aty/ ^A r r i s. i

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