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Flesherton Advance, 7 1927, p. 1

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: * - sat : 7 o oy ; oe WS - = a o Sloe ee — i ete > 2% ae eee hy : 4 ; TE a e u = =. ae aa = 4 | a 3 he J i ¥ 5 7 ' = si : r ee —— an ee a BSE, | Pe Ps AN pest Reeth Se se Oe Re nt ee ee Sen GA 2 pn ee SS Fo) eS ee eee Se Rn ee ae ee . ~ > , Para; +, <= “. — > a. sees Fe OE ree a he a ee a = al = he a] a LiF elt in ; a r, - a, es — + \ oS 4 = ‘i = ‘+. . = ‘ = a ‘ ri ; i . =i +i = nae ca —— as i= 7 . i \ a = z a ft * ai na He = i * i ra =! ae a", q a “4 ie i ‘a = ian a an , = ‘ j ‘ i : a og — ae re ; Pal “ i i * a. 4 F r ’ ar ' oe, Pe a Eee i “gs - ‘ mere, A ek Gs he t ary =i ee oS ee pe i =) . : — /*-7 ~ a =i tees _— i —te, « > Ay g r Ye — ’ >, # = ——— il ‘ = = = - * x? —_—— i a. . + Se * 5 =" r * _ x- 4 ina Vol. I—No. 4 MONKTON, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1907. Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher eS —_— = 3 ———— ) i — rs | Mr. H. Bettger spent Sunday with BRODHAGEN MILVERTON. | _- , DR. A. F. McKENZIE ogo oh oh oh ob oh ob cb oh hb by fiiends at Willow Grove. — ee ; rie an nN } ici LOCAL NEWS # | str. and Mrs. D. Geiger, of New| ,Mr- Wm. Morinz and family, of Mii-| Miss Barbara Grosch is at present we ra Physician and Surgeon eee} earshinatare: Ginttitecac Mr, Uae et spent Sunday with Mr. Hy.|visiting friends in Berlin. eee — ! Wahara. ; eber. é co ae =GCe Office h . So far As possible, from R Fo Fe fo fe fo Fe oe vf of of oe HE pw eber a : } na The Lutheran gongregation at Lo- ee “< neu te hear Harry M, Ben- — oe ice eee aa P : : ’ d F Do noc fail to atcend the Miliinery gan has chosen Rey, Theodore Huegh, net on Fair night. ¥4 J a : l to 3 Ps In, and 10 6venlnes. It is estimated that 1 xiatonple apple Openings of Weber Pa Bettger O:t. of Port Colborne, as successor to Rey. Miss Laura Goetz spent Sunday : ‘a aa crop will run 300,000 barrels. 4th and 5th. H. C. Laudsky. at her home in Linwood, 2 22 a “es ureeon The Misses Irwin were “At Home” Mr, Thos. McNaught has returned|, Mrs Jas. Elliott and children vis-) myo eoid rains } Wet ip or - R. J, SHINE, Veterinary S Seon, to a few friends on Monday evening. |to Toronto after spending a week | ited friends in Monkton for a couple dae beloken cua uname SN eae Sa ° ° Monkton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. John Gerth spent | With f-iends in this lovality. of days this week. See ter Geo. Wilhel aut: ye =? ide feveter ae a aD . = . rs, . Wilhelm spent 5 a Milliner srsegt College, rest Oo tale ance ap | Sunday with Mr. Chas. Wolfe, of) “A man is liable not to get much} Absurdity of Party System. |a few days in Elmira and ‘Berlin eo 5 Ss tic nae ‘mala scientifically sia oPedit in hee arora, pei pineln then last week, : ae = Horse dentistry a speciality. Calls | Mrs. a See Ecbaeh okt plore San hae ae lariidiey aunts, The lab Saeeat reat a Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and daugh- 7 & by telephone or otherwise promptly ie eek to join her husband at an’ if you's unprosperous dey'll say | of Bodintean te pepe SS ter, Hazel, spent Sunday with friends : ‘ enin attended to. Office at residence. Liis ry. you didn’t hab much of either.” for Na aaa ae ae ey oie inl Waterloo. i a RI cnt Mee sari As high as $18 per 2,000 Ibs. is ;fundamental absurdity of the party} Mrs. John Pfeffer and Mrs. E. J. c ‘ F rt * : i nani " on; artie MeN: i: -o.|law, Mr. Weber. / a4ee em . Th M kt T Miss Minnie Manton, of Chicago, Careda’s Oldest Nursurie:--We have Mr. Bertie MeNaught, of Toronto, ; fall hat. Muss Ross, milliner, 1s In charge and will be pleased e on on imes ig a preeett = visiting her grand-|/the largest stock of Cur: ants, Blac«- |20¢ Mr. 2 ae atta areteiice: Miss Crawford the lyric sopranoist, “4 Is PUBLISHED mother, Mrs. Henry Manton, of the|perries, Grapes and Raspberries in Spent a Coupe OL days WIEN TOC par=|has.a delightful voice of freat range, 7 to show you the fats whether Mien: buy OF AO" EVERY FRIDAY MORNING 17th concession. Canada, also a complete assortment ents In this bite & Fes Eo three octaves, and sweetness. Fair ; A ; > ¢ : a of fruit and ornamenta!] trees and|. Mr. Thos. McNaught, o. fforonto, Nigh*, Sept. 27th. Vf seiaesxeed considerable quantity of hay has shrubs Write before lacing is spending a few weeks with his bro- : / : Monkton, . = Ontario || een pressed in this vicinity and [perenne eee re eee eeein€ |ithers and other old friends in this] There will be fifteen numbers on & }has been called for Saturday eyening|can show, and is highly flattering] | oh = ee Harry Bennett on Fair Night Mr. Wm. Dallin gatended the fun-|Sept. 28th to organize a debating |to the C. Pp. R. management. Accl- ar ae mp Misa: (ira: hy aur Ey teeth ni mirth and music. He < eral of his cousin, Mr. J. Thompson, | sooiety for the winter, A large ai-|dents in that time on the division 4 © seed 7 he vats Miss Grave by sur-|carries with him a trunk full of fun- r tore have occurred by the score, but the|Pprise on Friday evening of last week. . iharness maker, has always. shown |ime himsclf badly otherwise, and on | published. — moved his family there on Wednesday , GHNBRAL MERCHANT j section men recently saw a bear in| eonsiderable enterprise in business | Friday afiernoon at four o'clock he] The gubject for disoussio) this af- The departure of Mr. Ross from here : the vicinity of the track. He is said iby adopting the most up-to-date | bad another hair-breadih es-ajpe from |iernoon, viz.—‘‘Why should we ex-| Will be generally regretted as he was : to be a huge one, /methods. His latest move has been |being killed. He was assisting Mr.|hibit at the fair?’ is one that admits |held in very high esteem as a citizen. Mr. Alex. Stewart and Miss ‘Ade-|to instal a sewing machine capable | Joho Gaffney, of puke ci peed etdie el of very little discussion as I am of Plan of hall for Fair Night concert ’ The time has now arrived to prepare for the cold line Stewart attended the funeral | of sewing the heaviest tug or the DO ear IRE Baa: Be ca estan” the opinion that no one will deny the | may pe seen at post. office. Friday and Saturday Oct. 4th and 5th. We have spared*neither time nor expense to make this showing compare with any of the larger places. Space does not permit a description of all the beautiful hats we are show- ing for autumn wear. You are cordially invited to come and see the goods for yourself. Our quality and prices speak for themselves. You can- not afford to miss this opening, if you are thinking of getting a NEW FALL GOODS! After a busy week's buying in the wholesale and unpack- ing New Fall Goods, we are now ready with a well assorted stock for a big fall trade. We are right to the front with Ladies Fall and Winter Coats A big range ready for your inspection. We are sole agents for the Ideal Skirt Supporter. It is not what you pay, but what you get that is the best of values. Bring us your produce, we pay the highest market prices. Weber & Bettger Monkton’s : Call in and see them. Popular J. H. EHRSKIN | A. CHALMERS MONKTON, ONT. Notary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, J. P. for the County of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold, A few choice farms for immediate sale, DR. R. LEDERMAN DENTIST Licentiate of Dental Surgery and Member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, honor graduate of Toronto University, Crown and Bridge work a specialty, Hours 9 a. m, and5 p,m, Office above the Sov- ereign Bank, Milverton, Jcehn Gerth. Mr. and Mrs. John Uliner spent Sunday at the residence of Mr. F. Dizbold, Logan, , Mrs. Wm. Bettger is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Reiizel, of Berlin. G.and Millinery Open ngs at Monk- ton's Popular Score, Friday and ®xt- urdaiy, Oct. 4th and 6th. Mrs. Weir and son, James, speni Tuesday in Seaforth visiting the sis- ter of the former, Mrs. Roany. Mrs, Jas. Erskine and daughter, Edythe, and Mrs. B, Robertson spent Sunday with friends in Atwood. Miss Lizzie Broughton and Gussie SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year. $1.00; six months, 50 cents; three months, 25 cents in advance. Subscriptions not so paid, $1.50 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING SPACE VRak G Mos. 3 Mos. Mo. 1 column...$50.00 $30.00 $16,00 $6.00 14, column... 30.00 16,00 9.00 4.00 14 column., 15.00 9.00 6.00 2.00 1 inch........ 5.00 3.00 2,00 1.00 Eight cents per line for first insertion and four cents per line foreach subsequent insertion will be charged for all transient advertisements. Advertisements without specific direc- tions will be inserted until forbidden and charged accordingly. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor = Sa Mr. Wm. Bannerman took a busi- nes3 trip to Hamilton last week. Mr. Thos. Fullerion is improving his residence by cementing his cellar. Mr. Peter Healey, of Milverton, spent Sunday under the parental roof, Mr. and Mrs. G, Uliot, of St. Marys, spent last week at the home of Mr. A. Banerman. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bains from near of Mr, A. Bannermin. of Seaforth, on Monday last. Mr. Thos, Scott has secured a job in the C. P. R. round house, Toronto, and intends leaving for there short- | Ly. Rev. Mr. Penhall and family are spending a day or two this week with his daughter, Mrs. Craig, of, Ford- wiv. weather and we are ready for it with a full line of It is reported that the McNaught of their uncle, the late Bamuel Baker at Mitchell on Monday last. Sunday next will be Children’s Day in Knox chureh. The children Mitchell spent Tuesday at the home | Irwin are this week attending the Epworth League Convention at Lis- towel. shiped to the Soo. Three loads were sent out on Tueczday. Two of the employees of the Monk- ton hotel were summoned to Mitchell on Friday list charged before P. M. Davis with assaulting a Logan man ‘The merchants of Monkton are having a carload of coal oil arrive here early next month. They should be able then to shed some light on ithe subject. The brick work on Knox church jis nearly half completed and will llikely be finished in the course of ithe next two weeks if the weather continues favorable. | Rev, J. D. Fergusson occeupied the |pulpit of the Granton Presbyierian church on Sunday while Rey. James |Abrey conducted anniversary ser- »|vicees in St. Paul’s church, Logan. Mrs, McIntyre who has been yisii- }ing friends in Monkto1 returned to jher home in Stratford on Tuesdiy. \She was accompanied by Mrs. Reich (who will spend a few days in the Classic City. | The C. P. R. recently purchased )Six acres more land at McNaught’s iand the shovel has*been placed in | the pit. ‘Two trains are busily en- |gaged in pushing the ballasiing as (far west as Goderich. A meeting of the members of Court Rosewood, No. 72, I. O. F. Monkion, |tendanee is requested. J. T. Gill, }Secy, eS Mr. S. Mines recently sold to Mr. }John Boyne, jr., an “Aikenbrae” coli |for $160. The colt is a good one and |well worth the money. Mr. Mines |bhas done considerabl2 in horse deul- ling and some fine animals have pass- fed through his hands, Mr. John Gerth, our enterprising j}smallest satrap and the work done by \it ig said to be superior to hand work iMr, Gerth will-now be able to keep ‘up to orders, now bciag asked for hay oa the mar- ket, a price which this season of the year is the highest price paid in many years, and would seem to indicate famine prices before another crop is reaped.—Guelph Mercury, Hon. A. G. MeKay, M.P.P. for North Grey at a meeting of the liber- al members of the Ontario Legisla- ture held at Toronto on Friday last wag appointed leader of the Opppsi- ition, Mr. McKay accepted pending the ratification of the riding associa- tions. The Listowel Cheese Board at their last meeting passed a resolution ex- tending their congratulations to the Misses Morrison of the Newry cheese faciory for winning the Silver Tank- ard Trophy given by the Canada National Exhibition, the third time in succcession, thus becoming per- manent owners. your order, Agents wanted at once. The Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co Lid., Ridgeville, Ont. Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Reid, of Go'e- rich, while on their honeymoon trip were Killed in a buggy by a G.T.R. train while crossing the ‘Waterloo crossing’’ near Hespeler on Friday. The crossing is a very dangeruous one and jt is stated by~an eye wiine_s that the whistle did not blow until the train was almost upon them. Lord [tussell, a famous jurist once went to Scotland to help the Libe - als im a campaign. He purposely be- gan his speech with a few sentences of bad Scotch, and then when tie coufusio. caused by the blunder had subsided he said—“‘Gentlemen I do not speak Scotch, but I yote Scoten and I often drink Scotch.” He was ereeied with tremenduous applause, When Russell was a young man he was sitting im a court listening to a tritl for bigamy, A friend leaned acrosa to him and asked, “Russell, what is the extreme penalty for big- amy!" “Two mothers-in-law,’ was .he reply. The C. P. R. in the last seventeen years have carried on their Ontario division over 11,000,000 passengers and in that time until the late lamen- table accident on Caledon Mountain, never had a single passenger killed on a passenger train. ‘This is a re- cord which few roads in the world diligence exercised by the officals, the good roadbed, heavy bridges, and substantially built cars, wniil the late accident prevented any pafsen- ger being killed. Mr. Wm. Coston, Mitchell, has been a very unfortunate man, as during his lifetime he has had his legs brok- en a number of times besides injur- for a bridge when a large quantity of ihe earth caves in and both men were buried in it up to their waists. To make matters worse a large loz system. Why go about to construct an artificial antagonism of principles when no natural antagonism presenis itself? What would you put in the place of party?—the defenders of the systen ask. (The simple answer is, nothing. Let each constituenye elect the representative whom it trusts Siegner spent the past week with | friends in Baden. —_ ! ‘Phe number of entries for the fair 34h = as we go to press is quite up tothat © of any previous year. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hartmier spent Sunday wiith Mr. and Mrs. Joshia most, and let every member of Par- liament vote upon each question as thinks right. Let Parliament elect the executive, as practically it does now, only not upon party lines. [That surely is the natural course, fo what this artifical system of parties strug- gling for place and pelf has led, and is more and more leading, one has only. to take up an organ of either party to know. ace Se Ss Carmunnock Mr. Wm. Brown, of Eihe!, spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. vicinity. Mr. Harry MecNauzht and Mis Ethe] McNaught left on Monday lasi to attend the wedding of their bro- ther, Mr. Russell MeNauthi, of [Tort Huron, Mich. The stean shovel has revurned to McNaught’s Hill also “little Italy.” Miss Annie Wesenberg who has been working at Mr. Harrison's for the past month has returned home. Several young people of this yicin- ity attended a dance at Mr. M. Har- rison’s, Moncrieff, and report having spent a very pleasant time. —_ BORNHOLM Mr. Chas. Doerr has taken a situ- ation with Mr. John Walsh, of Mii- chell, as salesman of pianos, organs, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hicks speni Sunday in Palmerston visiting their daughter and ovher friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell are vis- iting at their home here for a few days. Miss Fern S:oins is visiting under fhe parental roof at present. Mr. Adam Schneider, our enterpris- ing mill man has purchased a car- load of coal and will now have abun- bundance of fuel with which to run his chopper. He has recently put it in first class shape for the trade this coming fall and winter. Mr. John [Victor returned to R:>2- An exceedingly good tim® was spent by all preseni, EE Why Should We Exhibit ? The following paper was read by Mrs. (Dr.) Parker at the last meeting of the Women’s Instituie and Was considered so good that Mrs. Parke- er was requested to allow it to be general good that is done to the com- munity from year -to year by these annual expositions. In answer to the question § then, why should we exhibit at the fair? Aiken, of Trowbridge. F The Grand Stand on the Fair ground bay been eyerhauled and is | free tO werlers of the fair, Rev. H. Dierlamm, of North Easi- hop> occupied the pulpit of the Ev= angelical ehurech on Sunday evening. Mrs. J. G. Hamilton and daughter Alie*, attended the Weber-McLaugh- lin wedding at Gowanstown on Wed- nesday, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Finkbeiner left on Tuesday fer Gowanstown to at= tend the wedding of his brother-in- Ir the -Fair Night coneert programine without eneoe*, This should afferd plenty of entertainment, Mr. Louis I'feffer left on Tuesday for Morefield on business, he will also act in the eapacity of judge at the Drayton fair on Wednesday. - Miss Ethel McNaught, the young elosutionist is rapidly coming to the front as a delineater of character. Hear her on Fair Night, Sept. 27th. Miss Ella Smith left on Tuesday for Kineardine where she will at- tend the wedding of her friend, Miss Lilian Winterburn on Wednesday. Rev. F. Meyer leaves teday, (hurs- day, for Lisbon to attend the funer- al of Rey, L., Wagner, late pastor of the Evangelical church at Listowel. _ Rev. W. J. Spence assisted by Mr. EK, Arnolde Webster gaye his lecture “The Flower if Empire” at Listowel last Thursday and at Monkton on Friday, A special train will run from Strat« ford to Milverton on Friday, Bept. 7th leaving Stratford at 12.30 p. m. and returning leaving Milverton at 2.30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Yost and family removed to Toronto on Tues- day. Mr. Yost was a good citizen and we wish him suecess in his new home in the Queen City. ny songs, funy costumes, funny mon- ologues and funny stories, The C. P, R. staff of engineers have returned from Blyth where they have been engaged for sometime and will make Milverton permanent head- quarters until the line from Linwood to Listowel has been completed, Mr. Danl. Ross has purchased a blacksmith shop at St. Mary's and Mrs. L. E. Pfeffer visited friends in Tavistock during the past week. Miss Mamie Naismith, of Glencoe, ' 1 We = sanedii to ; I8 spending her ich of ihe ‘Sunday Schools 9% Monkton, | gene”) ste Mane wate na Na came down with the earth aud roll l would reply, because it is an edu- [in Atiheortam, holidays at her home ihe 16th west and §6t. Paul’s will{' wes : ine Et “Ty ~, jad against their legs, pinning them | cational institution, It is an educa- * : i ] take part, }the question of hogs, it says,—*Dhee | . There were four other work- by Rev. N. D. MeKinnon is at Toron- | will be Hak in the Sys fast. ! tional institution which its ob- ; Will be no glut in the supply of Hoss | nen on tho job, and it took them fi‘ jective teaching does good to the com-|'® this week attending the post grad- — re ; ~ | will be some time before they will b* |ducts of the field, of the dairy, gar-|o Hon. Geo. P. Graham, the new|?” the market in November, but af-| 11, io return to work. den, orchard, factory, etc., are to bs ae ‘ Mini ~ er pi. F iter the end of December indications he aie Bi ey Ree ee ie Mr. Lovis Wright f : Minister of Railways and Canals, ak ute? the hability of receipt Pt oat haie found all of which exhibits are the - wa Kat ae rien of the Owen ‘ and Hon. Wm. Pugsley, the new Min- nti? 2 bato a id at nc The three Paige 3 li weds cut, outcome of careful study, diligence | Sound P. O. staff spent his holidays dies’ H ian Vests ister of Public Works were each re- |*U0""6 bh at Jobn, illiam Bennie hath * i i. and work on the part of the produe-| lust week visiting his cousin, ~Mrs. La es yeela elected by acclamation in Brockville A physician was recently called to ago oe Na bs. S aakhaeatonaed to er and becomes at once the object of Walter Tanner. F os ‘ : : and St, Johns on Wednesday last, j|his telephone by a colored woman | “U8. <VUth were ecaci” b idmiration, criticism and inspection —o | While IT} the cily we purchased al job line of these. ale With nearly 159 :: i oaded formerly in the service of his wife. eight pobeclnte a He “shapes Beek by judges “and speciators, ae Bhd (Rr gi Oe ie en eey rp — nd Special Se Te ay ge ee ee ee me Tete et ; aes : isd f aout abi 3. In great agitation the darkey adyis-|*t the Wal se 7 ea ate ra eA In this way the public are permit-| years and splendid yaces are expect< - ands per head of population Canada) .q ine physician that her youngest When all the facts are consid ted to sce and compare the very best |¢q on the 27th ’ Sea, cre ‘ Pee Abi ol 5 mpegs Sed child was in a bad way. “What|the sentence s*ems a littls wont that is produced to date in all . the 3 a 5 . ” ably greater than that of any other seems to be the ‘tr 2? acked #¢hea | Thes®? three youne men, with about aaa ae : Mi Te y Mr. L. A. Holmes f the M : | trouble?’ asked the vt ie productive callings of life. In this]... mes, Of the Mooney Gents Furnishings pbc a According to the dates and |4q9,+o, “Doe, she done swallowed aj forty others, without me seth 8 way we cannot help but carry away |Piscult Co, Stratford, spent Satur- : arte? . igures compiled by the Doinion|.. ° eres ay ee j ‘7, |28 to the seriousness of their action. | ¢,.) Ses - i ; day in Milverton visiting his sister ' . . ( tment 1s com lete. a ONY? ; . whole bottle of ink! Ill be over in canta ot. eis rom such exhibitions either an in- 7 , : eee. Daniahing OePee : Statlationns Nomey, CamneS next {0/4 short while to ace her,"snid the mer | yawn posibly throush the Snir of lereaaed Knowledge of how to do|Mt, Horry Spenser ah: : “ . me . 1dventure into aE a Chi ' ihines ttter in the eo F : —, _w a . ‘ capita, Sweden with about the same, ren eae ees Be eece” sh aees PE performance are now sentenced to the vee a E Anolon edaitste es natant cae Teak cheat ate ar be s Uni ate 7 : saat n : af \ “yi Mt Ghaeged - . 0 , 7. od SOng: ce i tat hit. : New Shirts. Ties Collars Hats, Braces, Rie. st cans se gerbe ates aciés, her three pieces o’ blottin’ paper, Vos | serve a ts rm in Je MS of caer gather information which will enable|yiews are imported from England ’ a ; ath Issla with abou Acres, said the negres3 doubtfully.”’ Ss bay tai hire pean Sostoeti¢ pe us to excell in our calling like that |and are the best made. Hear him on : Lh . -4 fa ‘Tracks a 3 aA ‘ : ie ee * | pte so ero : F } ‘An Estevan policeman siw a little | Up at Goderich: where people with Piatra tact emi tasks which we s™ ovher peopl? accomplisi-| Fair Night, Sept. 27th, ) : : : scot free. Ii 1 y J i ' oa ; ae ite aineoa S d Oly.” Os te ALPS Ane Vale Feet ae social aspirations tumble over them- r thirty fore (UE: The child learns by compar- Mr. 8. J. Groth A . Wil S ravene must go home or be put in jiil. ‘All 7 , date d that three men among toy sion, He walks because he sees => a has returne: fon , right’ said the boy. “I’ll go to jail.” selves trying to be up-to-date, and/ty equally guilty, should be singled others walk. He learns to fear fire |®% Dusiness trip to the West. (We un- : 16 aes de, | Where the proudest and happiesi |,- ado to suffer for the whole Ser ag tegen teh ant) (derstand that he 1 naced " { f 9 75 ll Muntigstinos " ‘on’t want.to.” ree | Women is the one who has evolved a|jot, A petition is being cireulated Pathe" anars “Hee, ai venbar for ourse|- | "Umber of orders for goods to be de-. ee, BP aineda 5 Pom . ‘a : ir ‘eee i , ; |\mew scheme, a shocking thing hap- in Wiarton with the object of having |... , wh, hl Wiccan a aad aa, |livered this fall and winter. - plied the boy. “Dad's at lodge, ma’‘s pened recently. One of the popolar |. Sa ee OR, ee ves and add io it that which others ; = gone to the euchre party, Bud's out society wonibe, announced a white he cael alts a hats the Eitlini have discovercd the greater becomes We hereby desire to state to our walking with his girl, and sis is at “elephant party” Every guest was AS * 10._was ane ats Pe ed our storehouse of knowledge. All|oreditors that owing to the stringen- , New Crockery the theatre with her beau. They ; * of Ph ibert <Gitbert om the, same things considered, Japan today, is|ey of the money market that we ;, |t@ bring something she could not find | .a.'on, was found, not guiliy, as she left me and the dog at home, I'll any use for, still too good to throw = prea oa w7 perhaps the ;most progressive nation |want all outstanding accounts paid Se .* * See our line of Table Sets Ric re na SEX ea bee go to jail.” away The ’ party oohiid have heen had HE right to €. inl the world and all this h2ca use she at onee. The hanks- are pressing us ~ L ee 8 Toilet Sets at Th aii eee eae and $3.50 A Game Warden out [West was|a great success but for the unlooked — | has seen the wisdom of sending em-/and raising the rate. In future 8 » | - OHEU DEES Ale. cerecernsssrececeseracsrers walking abroad the other day when|for development which broke it up. A Word of Warning ssaries to all progressive countries | per cent. interest will bs charged’on — — . : 3 ‘ at] iv im. ’ : bee ‘ , said, “And do you Know who you aro| business education, But, if bychance|Thanking you for your space I re-| By taking an active interest in the a oe ee wx taling to?’ ‘The warden did not |the professinal janitor is absent any | main _ Yours truly fefrswe arent only, doing good te boy and took him to Stratford on . rf ir.” gaid the hunter |morning, the boy who has the genius CITIZEN... |ourselves but by helping to give pro- ‘ ied ST . Know. ‘Well, air,” sai @ nte ' Pag : ry Re a ki t t f the |Monday afternoon with a view _ mae o> @ apparently much relieved, “you're |of the future partner in him will not — Ree eee te one Oe |having. him. sent to the Industriak 6 ~ - 8 talking to the biggest liar in’ this | hesitate to try his hand at the broom. re ig eet er A Sebi Ns ae ci as PIE Sota ee be | | —Andrew Carnegie, a = Subseribe for The Times. / tin the community. | : haba al aS gh ly ae aes RE \y a i Fi + : ; ' sc nie Py NOx, lite. Granby Rubbers We handle nothing but the Granby, which always holds the trade. f Highest Prices Paid for Produce We are agents for the Celebrated Xmas Globe. Order now and be sure of a copy. Price 50 cents. - dist church on Sunday. Mr. Ham- ilton’s efforts are always apreciated by Monkton friends. he met a hunter with a gun. The officer suggested that it ought to be a good country for hunting. “It cer- tainly is,’ said the hunter proudly. without subjecting the hunter to a ; Mr. R. B. Hamilton, of Linwood,|in this province during the months conducted the servicesof the Metho-| of September and October at all e- ;}vents. So much is made abundant- ly clear by the special reports. Tnere may be a somewhat heavier pres:ure Eleven of . the + nineteen ‘Women brought their husbands. It is well that young men should “I killed one of the finest bucks yes- | begin at the beginning and occupy terday I ever saw, and he weighed |the mos: subordinate positions. Many over two hundred.” It was the sea-|Of the leading business men of the son when deer may not be shot |country had a serious responsibility thrust upon them at the very thres- ‘heavy fine. “Well that is a fine one’|hold of their career. (They were in- said the warden. “And do you ERnow |troduced to the broom and spent the who you are talking tof” Being as-|{first hours of their business lives sured that he did not, the officer said |sweeping out the office, We have | “Why, I am the Chief Game Warden janitors and janitresses now in offi- of this section,” The hunter was on-|¢es, and our young men unfortunate- ly taken back for a moment, when he |ly miss that salutary branch of a teen minutes to dig Coston and Gaff- ney out. Although neither one of them had any bones broken, there legs were very badly bruised, and it To the Editor of the Times,— Dear Sir—I desire to crave your indulgence whilst I tresspas3 short- ly on your valuable space. Tt has been ihe habit of, I am glad to say a very fsw, young men or at least those who consider themselves young men to follow -strangers esp*cially those accompinicd by lidies and make themselves obnoxious by passing un- gentlemanly remarks and acting in a rather rude manner. These offen- }ces are frequently committed on Sun- day evening. We hep? that a hint will be sufficient to those concerned, = munity the extent of which, Il am a- fraid is too often not fully apprecii- ted by the general public. It is at these fairs that. the yery best pro- uate conference of Knox college. Miss Bartha May Crawford, Toron- to’s favorite soprano, has been engag- ed for the Fair Night concert, Bepi. agriculture they retura with those This is the secret of \their success and ihis is really what our annwil fairs are doing. We are asked to put our best products on @xhibition for a single day in each year so that others might see and learn something of our meihods. So is it not therefore . commendable. thing?! Should we not in this simple but interesting way lend a helping hand to our fel- low men by encouraging these fairs by being an exhibitor. to absorb the very best ideas in all/all accounts that stand longer than departments of art and s2ience and |30 days. We regret to have to make advanecd ideas to the motherland.|cessary to carry on business. Pfef- <P ot. soverly chastising an adopted boy in ihe call but we findit absolutely neces 2t Ai. A Mornington farmer on Monday \ was brought before Reeve Hasenp- } fluzg, of Milverton, charged with too _—s fer Bros. Milverton. his employ. He was fined $10 and — costs or about 816 in all. The bo is without doubt an ineorrigible and give much provotation through his — Bedouin habits but that was no ex-_ cuse for the severity of the casti- | ss Opposite Sovereign Bank — . Monkton, Ont/mr ae ee od kh seb ees a Seay rt — ie el, 5 Ps + ” 7 i cy - F 7 , a; “ ‘ a . n 1 : 2 4 ill i i] 1 . 1 . a ‘ _¥ é he ‘of ft 4 = i 4] cf : la . i ii . el : 7 i i- ik, . " . = : = i * 7 “4 1 = — L - . oO i} : ¥ ss a ay ; i — * = . ‘ ’ : - 7. ' ns 4 ew A a = _ r ee he by: i ~_—— = — +, rs - it lf ah, . Fic a * ; . Es " a i ie “s ‘. J ea ‘ . Fo as M . * As . ® : . ‘ " ‘ Pe le | be & i — =~ | J - = a 7 # — - ar 7 iii a = t ‘ ‘ 7 a Se 2 - _ ‘ 2 + ie = f= tie a t = val om i = => ; — = = ie = a) . « + = a - A = P. F . —" a i r= hs e 2 * 7. 4 = i, a — a le j Le + - rf : a mm. : , s. ‘ ’ "s «i & - i : A. fs : i 7 c F ' ee ' c as - , | ‘ “ J % ao ee ee! be = = Rue all z. 7, ue a ae tree ee, Or ek 2. Pe he ler ae PR : +y Se tah ‘ - ~_ > ee . » i = 7" ii —— =» »* ¥ _ ar i . . fa Sr, st hip. L-ae ek - A= : an : vo) : os ee ots i. fi - = ‘. A: — sad apt 3 ar. ‘a oes —_— =" , : i uy + 7 on ¥ * ” “;- oe! jar i . “a — 1. = i — - ie Lar fs |= ; ST ee ee oe E: a a eee ris * =, - ‘ 7 —_* a _ - . 1 a Pa f : Pee Ban teh a a Ci ae : ol ey ee: & 745 a Us et =! . = - 7 a E- : oe! =i ol i i 1 he 47 a! : Ye = . Sia ae ee eS) ee ee a. oe ee * Pee ee ee el s L.. ‘ae a Nt > ik a; — = a Oe he ok a 1 ey LAN, ra! , tr. vs a ie >. 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