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Merchant And General Advertiser, 7 Feb 1890, p. 5

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ee a ns ‘e ‘ ies =" tees ‘ i hammond a. eg ss SS i ns . a 1890. | F. Hond, of Mitéhell, spent Sanday in lis Tindall, of Ethos guest of| RM. Ballantyne was at Listowel on 1 36 . bs pene? “SURE jning next. All will be adwitted free, Watch). —AT— re sold cheap. = GUNTHE R’S, Fre a ee | eceropaer stvertning a be com this week. Mr. Freeburm was at one time a resident of Atwood. We are pleased to leam that Wm. Hawkshaw’s brother, of Lucan, who has been suffering from a seyere attack of la grippe is recovering. We n you ogme to Lis- hope he will be around again shortly. Everybody may aid Tut BEE by GULDSMITH'S HALL, a enclosing $1 for their own subscription| The followingis a statemett of letters J. H. GUNTHER; , {and canvassing their neighbor. Some’ received at the dead letter @ice, Otta- ith’s Hall, of our new found friends are doing good wa, during the year ending | 30th, Main St., Listowel. | Work in this respect. Send along your! 1999: Letters on hand JuneBOth, 1883, Two Doors East of Post Office. names at once. 10,230; dead letters receivd, 776,646; total, special letters received, 10@22; $93,292. Of the peer Sie tained grams, funeral notices, and ali kinds of! money or other articles of value card work turned out neatly, cheaply | amounting in all to $361,202) The list GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. - SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 6. & B. “Trai ae Station. North and expeditiously at TuE Bee Publish- of the contents of the as usual, cand "peel ee $ ing Hoase, Atwood. reveals some curiosities. were z ‘ poten ? . 2 certificates of marriage] baggage ING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. SQ’ 7at am. | Mixed .. $97 am. A debate will take place this (Friday) ta tis Peomint chee | checks, 1 diamond ring, 2 fate teeth, 8 The subject is “Resolved that Man will ™¥@y¥ Pesce _— mount of do more for Wealth than Honor.” 3 t-|J¢¥e!Y, 162 insurance policie, etc. LO.G T.—The election of dficers in Express 122i pm.{ Express 2:34 p.m. Mixed ..100) pm.! Express 9:22 pm. ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE. < care i North ; 4 South | will expect something good connection with the Indepen nt Order as follows : es a ak ‘ | of Good Tempiars was held lat Tuesday z The want of snow has greatly imped- | ing in the f ti 2 GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. _| 03 tina: aos = in th | @vening in basement of tie Presby. twood” Si} am_! Mitchell 2-30 business m n, especially = 'terian church and was as follows:— 1rnho'm 3:30 pm.’ dry goods, wood, and sawmilling lines. Mankton 4: p.m. This winter will surely be long remem- Newry 815 am.! Monkton $2¥) a.m. Brmho'’m10:15 am. ; Mitchell 11:15 p.m. Sydney Holmes, C.T: Miss |. Priest, | V.T,; A Holmes, RS; Mis: M. Gra- Atwood 630 pm.j_ : _ ham, Asst S;-Geo.Thompon-—F-S; | indeed a great change takes place im the /yri0- 4 Lochhead, Treas.; J. f. Wilson, = —— (near future. Uwing to the heavy falls “ j WN jof rain we have had, local weather yamitton, Asst M.: Miss Jesie Ham TOWN TALK. ——— donot look for a gered Sct | ilton, G.; D.Graham, 5. In aidition t | of snow now, holding that | the election of officers a shor} program February. | cei-ed in rain What we might hare ex-! 1 ‘ sage Was given which was well received. The farmests are crying wut for snow. | pected In tne shape of snow. | The recitations of Messrs. Apx. Hume, Sabscribe for Tmt BeEEand g& your, . The Mitchell Advocate has the follow- | A. Holmes and Chas. Leslie fere good. home ners. ling to say of one of their aldermen:— | especially that of Mr. Leslie. Sydney D. D. Wilson’s egg wagon was in / The poorwld man who sits at the coun-| Holmes and R. B. Hamilton ontributed town Friday. |cil board for the West Ward is very | two good readings. An opa lodge was 7 : — = j i ‘announced for Feb. 25th, psticulars of Business is quiet in—-town- this- week |touehy. Because we said he “slept announcec , siatuig te Ceo backcondlition of the: sends: | WE one eye open” at last council; which will be given late on. The Get your route bills printed at Tax| Meeting he stopped wis paper and calied | lodge is progressing very bpenably. BEE office. All-work tumed out neatly | ‘Be editor a fool A man so thin-skin-| # Osrrvary:—It is our painful duty ae sade “ |ned should have never entered public! this week to chronicle th: death of an a oe i life, for when he cannot see the differ- | old and respected pioneer of Elma Miss Benson, of Bewdley, North-' ence between a compliment and an in-/| township, in the penon of Mrs. John umberiand Co, is visiting | i sult he is sure to make himself ridicu-| Keating, who died at the residence of the village this week. ~~ | lous before his term expires. ; her daughter, Airs. Go. Hammond, on Robt. Hay, of Listowel, wes in town | | Monday of this week at the ripe age of i Tue Latest WrrssLe — Another Saturday. He represents the . é | 90 years “eatiig famil elt Mutual Ins. Co. in this local. | {20d is being perpetrated upon the |e lies Laae Se ity jschool sections in some adjoining vo = ; years a>. . i y t ago, taking up theft residence near John Graham bas been laid up for! Soiciting orders for charts and other Britton, and were surbunded by ‘num- the past week with sciatica, together) soo] furniture and apparatus, | €ToUs relations, knowtas the Keatings, “with la grippe. We are pleased to state | 5 ounting to 335, and forges the name | Mayberrys and }Hanmonds, but for that he is able to be around again. of the secretary or some other member | *e past four years sbthar been resid- The General Manager of the Perth of the board. He then visits cther @S With herdaughterin -itwood. Her Mutaal Ins Co, Alex. Frame, was in | members, who seeing the name of one | !’sband, John Keating, did about six town this week looking after the intec-/ of their number already attached to F453 ago. Three ap <a and one ests of bis company. 2 great many the order, do not hesitate to place their 500 are left to mourn de less of a faith- risks have been taken out by the Pezth | cignature to the same. The agent rep- | fal and devoted mo-hejand an earnest Mutaal in this district. Mr. Frame) resents that the county will provide for ,DTistiam. The farnily have the sym- didn't forget to subscribe for Tue BEE. | these necessaries, but in course of time Pathy of the comrourty in theiregd Last Friday evening a number of! theschoolsection will tind that they have | t. Her regains were laid young people were hospitably enter-| to foot the vill. Look oat for sharpers. tained at the residence of J. W. Me-/ at _ Elma, on Wednesday ist. ‘ AMONG THE =—A_ local Bain. The evening was pleasantly | os this week for the erection of a wing | : : whiled away with vocal and instrumen- ctherian tik ng the rtd haces ee ae ronda tal music, amusements, social chat, ete i wood Public ideuel We think it is gs sri de weeks. | this direction. Mr. Harding has proven |°f# Srippe Rave milsited pois THe CHEESE Brstxess—We see by; himself thus far a pains taking 2nd | sons of lste—On invtaton af San. our exchanges that the farmers im all efficient teacher and we sincerely hope Mr. Rogers, over 30 of $e joung people parts of the country are preparing to go! that the trustees will do ail in their (aaet of them Dew ten bers of the more extensively into cheese making | power to provide ampli dati church}, spent a pleagni evening at the ge on Tues@yoi last week farmers experienced in this particular ‘simply impossible to maintain order Amusements, social chit, efreshments. Hariey adopt this coarse, those in this Vicinity {and discipline in a school room that is ciimiiesieal . ae de “ny need not hesitate to do likewise. | overcrowded and pooriy ventilated, to . e — al ae _ "J. L. Mader is to the front this week | Say nothing of the many other incon- | 27a ti oe ae: ie aTine with an important annoencement in | Vemiences that has hitherto character- this issue of Tne Bex. Mr. Mader is) ied ourschool Plans and . one of the oldest. #f not the oldest | Of the new building may be seen ai Jas ' tly labelled .and-reeke for a hang up by the Henderson, M. A. deliverd an earnest, ing.” the young mam of the Gazette foreman, the editor, poor man, day ofthis week. Mrs ‘ellie Calder makes a wery modest start. A young/each rebbed some grime off while Mrs Wm. Dunn, Mrs J.1 j they put a heap on. In over and under | Miss Ella Graham were copies a day and jump _it up toa ciren-/ iation of over 2.8 on the first day of | its re-issue without “blowing or beast-(ed, and it fiapped om the wall like a/lent sermon to hig, coprezation i i i i bammeroftin. It crew tiucker and | Sunday afternoon—The gartétly mect- one’ reand. will bardly find a field for his seperior) a morming, Without any warn-' The congregation wat uisaailly large, qualifications in St Catherines—3t | ing, it fell om the floor and was broken there being no service n be Preebyter- Catharines Star. | in two.—Baitiette. | jan church in the inordin:. * the family parsing ground, ' ‘ the new edition tos. SLbrary will be | lecture of the course, entitled, ~“A Bot- tle of All Sorts.” After a choice selec- tion of music by the choir, the chairman, J. W. McBain, introduced the rev. J. TOLBERT PEPPER, Chemist & Druggist, GRAHAM'S BLOCK, - BRUSSELS. Atways Use PEPPER'S Prits. Itt lecturer with a few well chosen remarks. sales- | Mr. Ragers in rising to speak said : All ling on life’s pathway. All nature was designed and fashioned for our happi- ness and comfort. He next dealt with humanity in its different phases, inter- spersing numerous illustrations, many ot which were quite onginal and very fitting. A great many people are given to complaining. fault finding, etc. Weak j egotism in.many cases was the cause. Men of larger natures and finer feelings do not indulgein them. All the service such people render is dearly bought be- cause of the pain and they inflict on others. Hethen spoke-of ‘their op- posites—cheerful encouraging people— helping others and receiving their grat- itade in return. No man should desire ,2 grander monument than to be re- membered by some grateful heart. He spoke of despoadency and recommend- ed us to the care of Drs. Diet and Merry- man. Indigestion was sometimes a cause for despondency, and recommend- ed the use of plain food, such asGraham bread, especially those whose work is of a mental character. In passing down the avenue of life let us resolye to be merry; always endeavoring to 400k on that all have troubles and anxieties, but life is not altogether made up of these, quoting the saying of one, that 7 to “one owl there is asky fall of robins.” The speaker thought a good deal de- pended en the parents with regan to -he bringing up of their children to look @n the bright side of everything, and gave an exampie of parental cheer- fainess. He recommended also. plenty of sunshine in_our lives. The best physicians agree that there is nothing so effective in the restoration and preservation of health as i well lighted and ventilated. ho gether with good heaithful am and recreations were conducive to | physical, mental and moral health. ‘The peroration was a most eloquent | quotation, and pointed to the passing |away of the world’s darkness, when there would be intellectual and moral night nomore. The lecture throughout was interesting, instractive and practi- jcaL Votes ot thanks to the lecturer was proposed and seconded by Messrs. R. S. Pelton and J. W. Boyd. and to the choir for their services at all the lectures by Messrs. W. Humphreys and D. Mor- rison. These lectures have been well received, furnishing a few evenings of first-class entertainment and profit. A similar course, another season will be welcomed. e— io- CRA DI=. nesday, Feb. Sth, the wife of Mr. i R. M. Ballantyne, of 2 son. ; Surrn —In Elma, on Friday, Jan. 3ist, e"" Mr. Henry Smith, aged 61 years Fi | Keatrse—tin Atwood, on Monday, Feb. 3rd, the wife of the late John Keating, aced ®) years. . | ATWOOD MARKET. ‘ — igpimg Wheat 2. BO (OpTing Wi bees .......-.--.- so i Df one pate catoupne pens oD 8 Oats. 22.02.2222. 22 eee 3 3 PORE. « 5 <0 sens veccessnue 3 uM | Pork.c>. ..-.-- 3w 510 Hides per Ib. ............-- 3 Sheep skins, each.........-. ww 10 Wood. 2 ft..........-...- = 115 1s ie: Se Eggs per doz...........--- i | Etouse amd Lctr Sale. is offering, astonishing i ’ 4 sugars, teas| ete. Drop inaad see him. printing house door,1 think that no-, practical discourse, takincfor his sub-| The undersigned offers his house and ilot for sale. Itis a very desirable p Situated on Main St. south, particalars apply at THE | BEE office, or at ‘ ALEX. CAMPBELLS 33m Hamess Shop, Atwood. 3 ~ dele-| carn | Sealed Tenders will be received by the ; 3 to the 20th inst. for the | Also for Improvements to the present i building. ; Plans and specifications can be sten ‘at my store, Atwood. after the 10th inst. | the or any tender not necessarily ‘52m JAMES IRWIN. the bright side of _things.— ¥t-is-true? ts :. BaLLtantryse.—iIn Atwood, on Wed-/ ADVERTISE. Strayed Animals THE BEE. _ H.F. BUCK Farniture Emporium, LISTOW EL... |. I wish $0 intimate to the people of | Atwood and vicimity that I have on ' hand a most complete stock of all lines | of Furniture. BEDROOM SUITES, + SIDEBOARDS, ——— EXTENSION TABLES, SPRINGS & MATTRASSES, AND PARLOR SUITES. All goods best of their class) I am bound to sell them. Call and get prices. THE LAEGEST STOCK OF MOULDINCS For Picture Framing in Town. UNDERTAKING A Specialty. Full lines funeral goods always on hand. a 1-3m H. F. BUCK, Wallace St. —ATWOOoD— Repair Shop! ROBERT MAY. oe poeta SR has opened up-a -G Repair Shep Two Doors Scuth of loeger’s Hotel. and is prepared to do all kinds of Re- pairing on Shortest Notice and at prices } to suit the times. ‘BRING ALONG YOUR FURNI- | TURE, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &-. Wood-Turning | cae : RODGERT MAY. tf BARGAINS | i .E. DUNFORD, i BRUSSELS, ONT, Has a fall line of SCOTCH AND CAX- | ABLAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, and j OVERCOATINGS. : He Can “Suit” You eas time. All Fall Goods will be Sold at ee next 30 dars | CALL EARLY And gets Bargain. Cuarantee a Perfect | Fit ot No Sale. - E.DUNFORD. MERCHANT TAILOR, — Brussels, Ontario.

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