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Merchant And General Advertiser, 7 Feb 1890, p. 3

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a NEWS OF THE WERK, —_ CANADIAN, —is- ‘severe in Quebec, a number of cases ha resulted gee IE, 31 In Canada last week and 305 in the United S<ates, is expected t the Winnipeg City Resalt of New Bronswick elections on Monday, 22 Government, 16 Opposition, 3 Independent. There were more deaths in Kingston last week than during any week for the past ten years. James Stinson,a wetveet T Ireland, died at Sunbury on Wednesday at the age of 101. The Manitoba Government is gas © establish Farmers’ Institutes, and engag Sb, Charles de Bellechasse, | ¥' Asum will be put into ’ Dominion the British Tne County Councils thronghout Ontario are very unanimously calling for the ap- pelatmon’ of ee oe c Tkomas Kine has been sentenced to be banged at Toronto, on February 12, for the murder of his sister-in-law, Mary Kane, Louis Deas, the mulatto who shot and killed Birtle in Toronto some time ego, has been sentenced to the penetentiary for ten years. The influenza is among the Irdians blag —— Manthobar and although there them, the funerals are rot Ph Slee at the rate of four or fire a week. lt is announced tka‘ the Vatican has de- cided to divide the Diocese of Montreaj into two, and to constitute a new dicczze to be known az Joliette. It is stated that the health, of Premier Mercier ia far from sa ,» and that bis physician insists upon his resting from cfficial labor for some months. Mr. Taylor has J gies notice in the O:tawa Parliament that ill introduce a bill tu prevent the importation and immigration of under contract or perform labor in eprom Canada. ject a te state ob Oh United States for act keep Canadians| ston City Co cver thirty « Word has reached we from = don, E2g., that all the fands needed to buil the extension of the Galt railway to the Dnited States have been eccured. Mr. Dalton McCarthy gave notice of motion on Monday ofa bili to amend «he North West Territories Act i knocking out clause 110. which establishes the French language for cfficial parposes. A new bank is to be eatablished in Toron- to, to 7 — as the York Csanty Hank, and is no branches cutzide the coun- ty of Yorke tt t will have ‘ capital of $590, and Mr. Geo. W. Yarker will probably be ite manager. Twenty-four hogs died at Port Stanley of “A cause on Monday. J . Wood, member for Brockville, has4 been appointed Deputy Speaker of the Commons. Judge Johnson, of Montreal, has ying for the en equitable taxation of ground rentals in cities and towns. Daring pod me year in Montreal there erected, valued at 300, as a3 with 933 and $3,- ear. A derpatch from 4 said a tog bad pane up the poten gh Tassday. This is the la‘est for years that the river hss been open Pi t $2,000 to the-cfiicers- of the 57sh Battation armoury, on condition that the County grants p a2k of which was political union, mercial Union, he ta'd, was UBITED STATES. Solicitor.General Orlow W. a —— at his residence, in Washingtpp,/ “3 is seers that six of the leading t breweries of have been " see Dida ‘che lien ase acing the Mise Bisland, who ete of Getter he on Sanday. left Queenstown Tas reek ¢:.an axsibdiien Cai had 633 deaths during the week cnling Suneie aturday at noon—136 more than vos. Be week. There were six deaths on Saturday from influerza. The fifth and last of n of Wm. the childre in excess of that gezerally and Mary Bayle, of Fall Ricer, Mase., died y § els ary Dy : *s on Friday P sa Four of the Boyle children were on Taureday. mortal remains af Walter B'aine, son Washington, were final resting place in Oakhill cemetery, at Wash- — on Satarday, He died of inflaerzs. mes ee held in New York on Thursday night in favour of ballot reform. Archbishop Corrigan, who = for Rome last week, was tendered a n by lead- = Catholics chin New York be lore sailing. Peter Henderson. head s: a well-known seed house in New York, died last week of resulting from la gripre. a Westinghouse, president of ths West- toral works and a brother of Watsons, the inventor, died at —r N. Y., last week, aged 53 ary aS. famous as the originator p bitters, ne, at the age of 65. The fatal disease was which from infis- enza, Rev. Dz. Lyman Abbott was installed and assistant pastor Bliss was ordeined and installed on the 17th inst in Piymouth — Brooklyn. . The grand jary has returned “‘nota true bill” ix the case of General Mabone, charged with shooting Herbert — on Novem- ber 5-b, a: Peteraburg, Va. Infizerzs i2 a severe form prevails among the « fii vers crews of ‘the American equadcon of evoluts.. now In the Mediter- rasean. There are 180 cases of the diseaze on board the Chicago. In the House of Kspresentatives at fd ington on the 7th inet, Mr. Mills io duced a bill toextend the trade and oan merce of the United States and to provide for fall er aie bstween the United S:ates and Mexico New York slay te about trying an experi ment with Cainese as street laborers, Owing to the dcli times a pumbsr cf collsries worked by the Pailadelphia and Reading Railway Company have shut down, throwing 20,000 hands out of employment Owing to the severe weather Wyoming cattle men are shipping their stock into Kan- sas. It is estimated that 50,000 head of cat- tle will be transferred A wild boar entered the house of a family of Oasge half breeds on Wild Horse creek, Chickasaw nstion, a few.days ago, and de- 000 1 [onset pq fees girl, who was alone in the place. Sheriff Barton, of Danver, who fas sworn | 58m sensa in Taeeday, bas created a ordering that hereafter all saloons must close on Sunday. Heretofore che law on this was practically a dcad letter. Mrs. William Miller, living near Ham. burg, ae, has jast given birth to two gir.s and a boy. their combined weight being 21 pounds. Les than two years ag> Mrs. ler produc:d twinz, All are doing well. Might women raided the ‘“‘blind piss” otherwise P illictt drinking gon i rr) ville, South Dakota, on th mortgage to pay a Marshall Field has donated a $100,000 site in Chicago for the proposed new Baptist university. This gift more than completes the $1,000,000 which Afr. Roczefelle ao a condition when e donated found the university. . Baron Joachim C, Von Schiliha, the son of a member of the German R:ichsrag, is in gaol in New York he cannot pay a $200 hotel bill. The Primitive Baptists are creating an ex- citement bordering on frerzz among the ig- norant classes of North Carolina by ing that the end of the world will come this ear. The Weshingtcn senate yesterday dis- Lord Salisbury, who &as been euffering from icfliexzs, will go to the south of France to recupersie. A gale prevailed in the E-glish channel on Saturday. A comber of vessels were wrecked. Mr. Gladstone has written an article pay- ing an eloquert tribute to the late Dr. Dal- Soule, died at hoshantas of the 17:h | The “a recsived by fos) spend the mocth of The Princess of Wales hai the influerz. Edward __ mayor 5 axe and newspspsr, “People” ths’ imprizon- been sentenced to two mm ment for publishing a boycor notics. English doing business at Lisbon and 0, have prtested the British ul to Porkgal. ortugal, Princess Mand of Wales hé the infizenza. Her condition is not serious. | Mr. Herbert Gisdstone bas recovered £1,000 damages for libel frog the Allahabad (india) * Post.” The ps: pe: impeached bis we. Alex. Craig Sellar, Léeral Unionist member for the Patrick diviéon of Lanark- shire, died last week. The Qieen is to visit Ailes Bains in priL Rov. Mr. Spacyoos be ected with solat ica, and is unable to leave Britieh Envire, aied on Thursday in Lon- don aged 86. _ The faneral of Field Marstal Lord Napier of | ofMagdala took place in Londm on Tuesday, body was buried withgreat military pomp in St. Pani’s. IN GINERAR, The Dake of Aosta, ex-kin; of Spsir, died at Turin on Saturday of pnecnonia. The Garman ia ra a to sub- nea East African is reported-th wzg gato gl is ay from Ss, riers at The Paris Nineteenth Sicle states = 7 the Emperor of Austria wil soon his throre, The Journal de S:. Peterbourg eays that E ogland ts bound to submiyber dispute wi Portugal to arbitration. The «z sybss appointed two a commi ro adopt mesures for rearming the toopa. Gen. Van Novesky, minister of war, wil! preside over one of the commis- sions. Daring the second —_ in January the desth rate declined & a Soeeh, Dantzie and Frankfort. ane it. increased in Manich, Cologne, K iel and-8tu' is now declining in most of the Germany. A new Russian losg of one hundred mil- licn dollars has been mncunced at Paris. . The German Czscheonference in Vierna has succeeded in recacilicg all — between the two natieslities in Bohemia. The queen of Portupl has visited the poor house be: Lisbon and aaliy distributed alms. Immense cro route and cheered he with great enthusi- cities of A tanner at Havaa has tan hides of the larged siz2s in sixty hours. Dom Pedro has arwed at Cannes. He appears terribly aged. nd enfeebled, beth in body and mind. He mtends to spend the whole winter at Canns. M. ta has sueeeded in forming a "licas take iadadetey tn tgetes A member of the Peters apes is convinced that Dr. Peprais d It is ramoured that the Coa has become insane owing to ote ae state of fear and worry in which he liv: Daspatches publichd is» white book “at Berlin say E nin Aces left iste stores} of ivory in care of Tbe icflaerza is reg eatire royal family is @i4:ed with it. The Russian Gov t bas decided to abolish the autonomy § Finland. wat Athens. The Owing to the in British Sacsiie tae placed under a strong guard, The Dake of Pal Be! rome et recat by tan oo of the has sent to the Crimean medal army. The irfinérzs is imresing in Southern here belo from Germany. Missy dengutave covareed the disease, and the stha's have been closed in several ME sai, a rich baker of Paris, bas grined the $125,000 p:is in the Pinama canal lo : Tho question of Frent rights in New- feundiand came up in thCaamber of Dapu- teens Sete on Monday nd led ro ge a breezy discussion. Th government eald shad Branch rights wereicaicwed by Exg- M. Joffrin, who was gien Gen. Boulan- ger’s seat in the French Dasmber of Dept- ties, attempted to speaknn Monday. M. Deroulede. Boulanger's liu'e2ant, and was forcibly remove Ose Boalan i ‘Those who ssy that wiman bas no sense ot humor have evidently piled to notice how: a moustache tickles her. i { i Sart. vt | © discovered an, electrical process by which he is able to whilezeving in the British an i writer, Though "abstemious ly drinks bitter beer with his Ieacl & Ylass or two of claret or port at Mr. Gladstone is not in any sense nT Hh E books, which are seen everywhere, there are three writing desks in the room, one chiefi7 Gladstone’s | brary is still the free-ioan library of the whole country side. Cats that Catch rish. Nicholas Long, the cp:rator at the signal station at the crorsinz of the West Jeracy and Atlantis City tracks, on the mead has a mother cat and three kittens which have been taught to catch their own fish. The old cat made her appearence at the tower some time eco, and “‘Nick” havieg no desire to drive her away waz obligel to devise some plantofeedher. This was soon done. It occurred to him tiat cats were large numbers cf minnows fron thi’ wala: boring:alt ponds. Piscing them in a bucxet with sufficient water to keep them alive, he P to feed them ac his leisure. This he coptinued to do for some time, the old cat occasionally helping herzelf, when, to surprise, cne morning he discovered the entire tamily catching their fish from one of the ponds. This they have been doing ever since, and they seem to care as little for the water asa water spaniel. The cats are very intelligent, nates we do not wonder this, as a fich diet is said to be best for tne brains, and a well-fed, active brain conduces to intelligence. The ‘re Methodist. The Nashville “Christian Advocate” (Meth. ) anye: ‘-What is a Methodist? He is a penitent, believing, pardoned, regenerated. holy follower of the Lord Jesus Carist. He iz one pledged to sontent God and His righteousness; Itis his meat ard drink to do his Heavenly he genie harzlesr defiled of the world is enmity with God. He does iengchoonceccldl goa 3 , that, the other? ” How can I glor- bat, lirary wise, he God i in my body and my spirit, which are An Austrian professor claims to eee fouod the microb: of la grippe: It is said that Portrgal has addressed formal appeal to the great powers. Foar + merchants paraded the streets of Lisbon on Monday night shonting “‘War to England.” at ge or eight of them not have perpetually on his lips the ingairy, presto ite THE SOLAR ECLIPSE AT Fame, Wealth, Life, Death. Great Fright of the Superstitions Negrees— ae i bcicht'y ere: fies, : 2 m th Tin the ‘on the fountain, _ Geverner. Rising lightly ere it dics ; December 22 broke dark{ +, if here and there a hero elated roofs of the houses, w! “orim.| et to him the gain ts z:ro; tnt iden ea Death hath stilled his hopes and fears, black vu‘tore, perched in| Yet what dangers men on the tallest peaks and ridger,| | If but oaly in the air adicial gravity the unwontea May be heard some cager mention of thelt attr farmer ay i Sieap deena: Sk sia past six a, m. the sun's disk wasslight- | Though they not themeclves, of the olioee, What is wealth? seven total dark- prevailed. ‘The eclipse was of three Raa hy apse! oes roms * , which vad bateaay st ren Or a ty that youth, naheeding, "May be qzickly lost or won ; hens ofan teen may banguee To an flower ; Past are praises, fortune, strife ; All bat love, that lives forever, beneath, eon the good and feithfal ‘The Knight. “Which ons of these t wu roadways, pretty maid, is “Where do so2 go, i knight? For that’ you do “Thy tare, brown leg {3 round, with turn of ankle eters *o ty end Stone lovely ams tn Dark are thy lashes, drooping over eyes that shine, , t keow phe ee I go, for i wid nee way.” ante tox hdese And al! too little / Almaty +e That in his charmed heart my presence can awakay , * If anto I- 2 Love eloae thy taver tara wouldes yistd. llove more than this, to pleasure thee One Deed st mt pelle 2 see et aneare tone Accursed t by aftope proline a rege Set me apart for war aad c. The ew word, and gat cane hageeity pied of eon te me! warrior is a kinz amid al] human kind! “he —— rds, trembling, greet the hero with Aatbeee sy, 68 ahh, ths wlio at his mind ; is held in fear, its wander is bis mame. Bow 1 ‘tose love Teo to captain's rank aesiz red, ith donchts sword in hand that should maintaia “Epring to the siidleth=n behiad me. Safe with Thou shall be brave and thm wap envy thee ft. My pest ot ph fon Gant de i aa and chains of gold to deck thy beauty’é sna Tien pete ct oy ead tor * Behold t he giorious bcilegroom aad the radiant bride” “* What! Bad man, for your sake you wish me to betray Th: faith I rowed my goatherd au And — cas I, tir knight, moust ta your saddle, Untiayce tend peal bn stirrup ard rourhand ? . {Fro + French of Emilie Auzier Fellow-Fecling 4monz Elephants. “* Memo” writes in the Timas of India :— Ina previous article I referred to a svate- mentia regard to bison carrying off a wounded companion. A similar trait of was enacted that hed ever fallen tc his lor to behold. He — ht the animal was dead, bat ocieset of it appeared, knew betzer, for ran up, assisted to rhe and supporti_g her on all sides with their heads, fairly carried ber - ff, lew SS ths j angle, ; admitted of the huater folicwing for some distance, but be coulc no: get a shot, as they were all jamme with their heads against tne fermalc’s y. Temaainesy his attention was attracted by « stray ele- phant attempting to jvinithe herd. Hepota shot at this animal, and safely b it. Piucky Women and Mouse. There are nervous women and crawled up her clothing. Did she swoon, or scream, or go into er ridi yaterics, or culous ? Not thing ignorant, cams near at the mere thought of a like experience, — Lewiston, Me., Jouraal,

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