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Merchant And General Advertiser, 7 Feb 1890, p. 8

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~~ ao week. Mr. mas it was a very fine animal t eee favorite. ohn, Schaleaberger has_pardaned farm in srs of tres mies ann Newton. A good, live correspondent to THE} ¢, Bee wanted here. The stern has cut down an- other ong a ot atom in of John Zoeger, E Seah tovt at his residence at New int prominent menin North Waterloo. He was the fotinderof the vi of Wellesley, — ager on an ss business in that village. e was staunch Contervative all his life and oo oses Springer, ex-M. P. P_ now sheriff of that county,as a candidate on bora Conservative ticket for ot and was only defeated b: which was a great surprise, as er was thought to be a most aie strong and popular candidate. Elma. Evangelistic services are being held on the 12th con. Elma, by Messrs. John "Tree and Samuel W acti They report having agen or and quite anum- ber have . conversion. The meetings ie held mn the farm houses. Considerable farm _ property has chan hands in this section. East halt lot 10, con. 10, owned by Mr. Clark, was sold to Messrs. George and W illiam Nichol. -Lot-12,on the same line, was Lore by James Nichol from Jas. ve. On Saturday anc one _of -Archie Stmpson’s colts halter-cast, causing severe ‘utero fi injuries which caused its death on Tuesday of this It is a serious loss to iday night last Henry Smith, ~ 16th.con., Cied at the age of 61 was one of the pioneer ott y idents of the township and was one among when ie, males Lambert and Mrs. C. Skin of this township. The family have the entire sympathy of the community. New Business has been quiet in the village this week. Miss Mina Wynn is under the in- tiuence of la grippe in St. Marys’. Mz. and Mrs Robert Morrison are suffering from the prevailing epidemic. Miss Mary Gray is visiting friends i in Downie this week. Somebody will be giad. Charlie Wynn is laid up with la gzippe and not abie to attend to his school, Our school was closed a few days on Neeount of the iescher suffering from 12 grippe. Business in general is dull here. Our a divitiend of one Sad to shareholders on their milk. . Monkton. ate Dr. Hamilton has i age : Pm of the we may ju rom calls eds. The Monkton reporter to the Strat- ford Herald | is the best looking man on e staff. So much for Monkton- The reporter to the Beacon is not se good in his sleep. Wm Harris, jr., is oght. very low with pneumonia, bro oa ty -B erippe. His sisters coat el and we dee 4 will soon be resto: health again as the family is niohiy = spected and has the best wishes of ail the communi is managem: has been pleasing to his many custom- ers and we are sure will beto the firm. May Mr. Wilson live long to do bussi- ness with us. Brussels. Principal Shaw was taken down with the prevailing influenza and scheol had to com vo a full stop in his’ depart- m A gentleman was in town talking up the organization of a Court of Inde- pendent Foresters. [fie decided that ba — my equipped in the matter of nd Societies and went on to Wiechamn NEw SALT Frem.—The assignee of the Rogers Estate has sold the salt T. —— to Coleman & Sons, of Seaforth, the stock in yard, &¢., for the sum of 3 37,000. They are going to commence for the town, as well as a fairl good sale of the block. The citizens o Srus- sels welcome the new firm to our town and trust they may succeed. The Huron Sabbath School Conver- tiou was held in Seaforth on eo and Wednesday of last week. It w on the wheiea very successful oather- ing, altheugh la grippe militated ve seriously against the Ricaiaaee “ot both speakers and delegates. Out of 24 persons who were to take on the program 13 were present and 11 absent. The following officers were eS for next year:—President, Rev. of Clinton; ¥ ice Preskionte, Rev. ME Staebler, Credito Jas. Mitchell, Goderich; T. O. aan Seaforth; and H. Kerr Brussels. I. Taylor, of cHnton, was re-elected Minute Seere- tary; J. "C. Smith, of Seaforth, Corres ponding Secretary, and C. Stevenson, of Clinton, Treasurer. Executiye Com- earrizge buiider “Liliy” who is Kept busy. Andrew Sweatonis on an extended tour througis the northern counties of the Province. We hope he will bring | her heme with him. -A. J. Keillor is going to open ont an office and stick out kis shingle which will » ar the following inscription: “A. ay -illor, Convey ancer, Valuator, &c., Ke. aoney to Loan.” re latter will be quite acceptable and we hope he will circulate it without restraint. The following a by the pupils | of SS. No.5 , Elma, at the written <amination ‘held ‘for the month of ue The examimation . covers the work gone over durivg the month: >—Fifth Class — .William “Mor- rison 72, Welland Wynn -70, William Gray 9, David Langley 68, Jennie Simpson 33, Albert Cray 50. Senior Fourth—James Morrison 84, John Ful- jarton 83, John Farrel 62, James Dan- brook $1.) Junior F ourth—Charles Ne- Mane $5, Fred Wyner $1, Kittie Allison 77, Enith Alexander 74, Minnie John- ston 72, James Dickson 64, Fannie Adams 48. Senior Third—Barbara ~— Intyre 59, James Gilmer 53, Frederi Danbrook 49, Minnie Chisholm ry Michaei Richardson 32, John Lesley 18 Junior Third — Alex. Dickson ©, Albert Morrison 40, Samuel Newstead 3), Senior Second—Maggie Allison 79, Carvie Gilmer Ti, Paulina Richardson 70, David Smith "9 Robert Johnston Junior Second— ‘Annie Danbroo Coulter a Gee 68, Eva ffolmes 65, Maud Coulter 63. Part Second—Lena ‘Simpson 83, Melbourne Gee 78 Patt First—Willie Morrison 8), Albert Buclow 73, Angus Dickson 66, Lena MeMane 53, Thomas McIntyre | SO, Wiilie Coulter 20. Total number on the 2 during the month 70, boys 45, 3° 35. Average attendance "53. Puptis who missed no days durin the month. Wm. Gray, John Farrtel, Danbrook, James. Simpson, Willie a Minnie Morrison, Maggie Allison, onie Dar , Laura Simpson, Laura McMaue. W. G. Morrison, Teacher. is the only one mittee, Rev. Mr. Simpson, Bracefield; Rey. Mr. Sellery, Brussels; W. M. Gray, j Se: Sez forth; Dp. McQuarrie, Blyth, and J. ie Gre at ‘Clinton and locality. Reeve Milne and Deputy Reeve Oliv- er and Bryan were in attendance at the County Council last week. Miss apenas Ball is'in Toronto tak- ing 2 cou at the Conservatory of Music. She w: will no doubt be an apt pupil. The attendance fell off considerably in S.S.no8&, owing to this fashionabie epidemic that is going the rounds. Last week Robt. Oliver, of New York State, was visiting his aun rs. Frank Oliver. He iatends going to Denver, Colorado, with a veiw of bettering his cifcamstances. . Johnston was laid aside for a easing and the knock was given after the animal's throat was cut. George McTaggart, of the 16th con., is very 11] from 2 severe attack of one enza and it looked very serious for oe at one time-but he is some better n though still far from weil. There was a wood-bee at Duncan Mc- x | Nair’s when quite a quantity of wood | ed was sawed up but was not It be good exercise for } it before the snow gets drifted < overit, There were “lots” of, young at the social eens in the ev- lit or piled. ‘eil to pile | 42 various fa of exeeience and lecemede put in a good time. DrceasEep.—On peceney ofa week red. | Mra. Thos. Mitchell, an old and respect ed resident of the 9th con.. passed away to her reward. She had been sing for some years with diabetis ~ recently the ow epidemic— took of her and proved fate Hes husband, sons one daugh' perenne pars he znnual meeting. of Molesworth Leese and Batter Company was he!ldin ‘the Mol-sworth School emiydes Sacar- on M afternoon. Rev. DB. cttae a conducted the service. Mrs. was a resident of Grey for — 25 vears aaa was a day, tie ith of aera a was weil hard woik:ng woman, The i m | torth. has| to Goderi as a bill péter and _ | looking but is a good fellow and asneez- er after the girls, and it is said he talks operations at once; this is a good move | 5% held in Brusselsg in January 3 y- Miss Lottie Hillis visiting relatives, all male og ofa good can li. | nei Chesne. C.R.; James Olver, Vv. C. . | Thomas Pingle, J. iy James Manson, at oq on Tuesday evening of last wee yressible Dan Meran, of Sea- oved his i, where he oct light porter. er were irge in Sarnia with military honors, + ha aving been a member ¢ No. 7 company, 27th Batt. rA.A. Maver, W. Walton, thibald of the G. T. RB. sho Do ville, mechanical superintend- Mornington. pwing are the names of the Dowd, Jimnie Forrest, Maggie Gray. ‘The i lowing are the pee who took thehighest rumber of marks in dam &ppel, Moses ay Janet Hamilt Senior Third — big >] Sippel, Hprace Williams, Richard Marie ards, Lizzie map rl (all equal). aAmior Third—Lydia Edw William toe. Adam Hamilton sce McLeliar| (equal). Seeond Cm David St#kley, Aibert Edwards ( se ma 5 Harow, Albert Gallop, I enry Stevensor (equal ). famwes L. Wirison, Teacher. Elma axd Wallace Boundary. Influenzahas not yet lost its grip here. A number af the older people are still low with it. Miss Millie Tampkins has returned from Kincarding where she has been visiting her siste: We are pleaed at seeing George Leslie areund sain. George cut his foot very badly wme time ago. Miss Elizabeh Henderson left. on Tuesday for Gutiph, where she has se- cured a positionin the hospital. On Monday :yening a number of young pecple vere eutertained to an oyster sujper, & the residence of pao Cu 4 vey enjoyable time was spent. ae follywin: is the standing of pup- ils in U.S.S. Nn 2, Elma ana , for the moatk #_ January. j Maud Mann. Senior’ hobert Marks, Zrmest Stapleton, Albert Weber. Junsr Third Ciass—Sarah Ferguson, Ane Brisbin, Lizzie Beil Second Classfames Staple ston, Jessie Urquhart, Jesse Milburn. J. W. Warp, Teacher. _——s Staffa. Mrs. Wis. Worden has returned from a short visit wth friends in Toronto. T. A. Hiwkps, music teacher, will spend a week with friends at Port Albert his Zoruer home. Siight cads re the order of the day and our vilages have not escaped! while som¢hiue had seyere attacks. Miss ee sister of Mrs. Car- ling, and Ey. md Miss Morkin, niece and ‘nepher ofthe same, are guests at Hibbert Hpte Mrs. Dineat McDougall, who has been poorlyfo some time is, we are sorry to sty, 10 better. John Drake also, we to learn, is still under tlie care of rMcTavish, A meetitg of the Hibbert Reform Association ws held in the township ¢ and anor the delegates peta were ipl MeLaren, Bag an a Eelean array ¢ talent should C* © able to candidate. e fst session for feomary of . F. = $s A court" W zun, No. 380, following ficersa were R.; Peter MeNaughton, 1 ~# aaa F. “Ghap: a ler, D. Na. James fe See smith, Phyician; Joish ‘esard, S.W.; 8.B.; Alexisrey, OYSTERS! ! IN NORTH PERTH. asei|ONLY $4 IN ADVANCE. ThE BERT _|LEADING PAPER| GROGERIES, Ne PROVISIONS, CANNED FRUITS. CONFECTIONERY, &c- Give Him a Trial. % J. 8. HAMILTON, Stf = ATWOOD, ONTARIO. nsjpee what J. S.Gee-has-to say Next Week. NEWRY, ONT. Fancy Goods The undersigned wishes to intimate to the Ladies of Atwood and vicinity that she has a choice and well assorted stock of Fancy Goods, comprising _ BERLIN WOOLS, YARNS, PLUSHES, ~EXIBROIDERIES, — LACES, ETC. A Specialty. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND PRICES. MRS. JOHNSON, — im ATWOOD, ONT. Wateh Your Corners | Don’t run after the first man that cackles about bargains, but take a look around and size up the g you are offered ; that’s make comparison, get prices, which you can’t do if Good Advice to You Because it gives you the chance to exercise judgment, and pick what suits you, you take up the first offer that is mad GOOD FOR MADER! fo e you. Because he knows very well that hen 3 you have seen all others can show, an get their last word and lowest igure, you'll come back to The Store that Leads Them All for Price and Quality. MADER claims the Largest Stock, “4 ger be stings the nuance Goods and th LOWEST PRICES | D.| That are anywhere offered. It won't cost you anything : _to see 1f it is so. Drop in and See. =| J. L. MADER, MAIN ST., ATWOOD.

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