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Merchant And General Advertiser, 31 Jan 1890, p. 3

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in iter! - ing sign’for the future gre é \ THE —— DYING OUT... on pe of ee - eat ge nis + ‘hison rding to returos published recently |* in the Jougnal Officiel the French race seems determined to runto seed... This taken 9 of the leading: journalists and eoozcmists, If has alwa; teristic ot the French to iccrease bat ee in nambers, but there were the country last year than in any year caine theceptury, This f.isn’eqn TT | ot the paot ple,*and ir makes them ali the more despon- dent when they think of the fecundity of their enemies—the eae The Ger- mans have already 10,000,000. more people than the French to draw their soldiers from and in order to make their army look big on paper the French are obliged te.accept many men maps pen! Ger- mans world consider unfit for.gervice, It is this circumstance that compels some French writers to admit that the longer the delay the less is their chance of beating Ifit were not that a great many foreign workmen séttle in France bd gl year the total population of the coun as the birth rate, woald be shrinking. “There are 2000 000 resident foreigners in France, about 400.000 of whom are Germans, In some of the departments on the northern frontier there are about as many adult for- eign‘work men as nativer. This is regarded ag another source of weakness and a law was recently passed compeliing children of foreign p.rentage, but born in France, to become Frenchmen at 21 and serve in the army. The statistics published in the ‘‘Journal Officiet"™ show that with the ring of foreign parents included the ip see jast year decreased by 794. The decrease was general throughout the country except in the departments where the immigrants are to befound. The diminution in the number of birth is becoming more marked eve ear. Marriages aro/ aleo falling off, but divoreta skow a tendency to increase and ave now close on 5.0004 arene . Thar portion of the births which are illegitimate are also 8 "y incressing. The peroentage in 1881 for the whole of France was75; itis now $5. In Paris itis mach lighter, especially among the foreigners, The rate of illegit- imacy among the Swiss inhabitants of Paris is 20 per cent, among the Germans 33 psr cent, and among the English and Americans 38 percent. Th» statistics do not tell us whether it is to the English or the Amer- icans that the greater credit is due for this the French ; bat in the illegitimate esate’ ment the foreign rate is exactly double the French. On the other e rate of amiong the French is higher than among the foreign residents. History of La Grippe. Acting on the principle that in order to secure attention a writer must choose a live issue, the ‘'Pbi Times” has elected to give the public a historical statement of the much-tatked-of Lx -Grippe, which cer- tainly has the merit of being ao present po desd issue, After giving the dein and ezymology of pata of the various terme by ? whioh the disease is commonly known, it Coming down 4 tea Carte « that since the 12:h century, the disease, or one very similar t@ that now epidemic, ap- again andi@gain and that the mortal- ity was in some instances very great. He concludes by pointing to the fact Rsncx: the organism, which when. de’ remedy for it may be dizcovered which shall iazibit its inflaeace as has vaccination that dread socurge—s x. It is doubtial, however, whether this really interesting and instructive article will recaive the . tention its merits dessrve, those a have had the Seo fé that ktiow enough ib alread Benoit have it feeling in ifferent to the history of this “or ee else, and thoee who have not ver it but are ir anger of bsing overtaken by it, feeling thap the lsgs they kaow about the disease the better. On Modtratien in Speech. Some temperance speakers, temperate language, not anly people who would attend theif meetings, bat also those who would, bat for them, attend religious meetings, hel religious work, and come ch No .catse Wag ever bestoned doing. The man who is rade for rubee ficapee ance injures the cause of temperance, A speaker under the impulse of virtuous " being considered a bad maa, bat. bed Jad of he a hold: For be seeks touphold it by crime. His excitement may be plead- ed as — for his crime, but crime _-} J TATISTICS OF OLD AG E. ed er be Respectieg Fifty> et May fumphry has just brought ther a reaerialiie book on “ Pall Mell tion, f it the analysis ofthe returns respec » these 16 were males arid BA samtonartane are ives f of these were single (Oba ac Were married, and 36 we: oan 7 de in Ont of 35 returns 28 used Pine nod ;.ut.of these4 were poor 6 b fused glases for 40 to 50 years, 5 for 30 to 45 4 for 10 to 20, years, 5 for“ many years,’ 2Yor a few years, From among these] had 7 did yearr, another ** not for m can not vow get th Oat of 47 re urns 8 36 many years,” strong enough, hada ation. had good appetitos, 2 bad, Oat of 48 and 10 moderate. .Of46,25 were moderate eaters, 9 small, 12 large, In regard to alcc- hol, 15 took none, 24 a little, 6 were moderates, and I was used to a good deal of beer. Of animal fi none, 19 mod- erate, 25 little, 2 very little, and one much. Of aperients, 22 them rarely, l¢ requently. Opt of 39, 26 could say that their memory was good, 6 bad, and 7 mederate. Of 45, 7 smoked muck (4 being women), 2 jittle (one a woman), 3’ mod moderately (one a women). Oat of 47, 37 did not take s:nff As to sleep. out of 40, 32 were good sicepers, 5 bad, and 7 modorste. From 35 returns the aversge time of goin to bed was 9 o'clock; but 1 retires at 12, latll, 5at7; 7 are ‘pedridden, The average time of rising was about S o'clock, but 6 rose roth ne 1 at5,9a: 10,1 atJl, ana 1 at . mm, Out of 42 returns 24 had no tecth, and from 38 returns but 4 had artificial teeth; yet in men about 80 the average number ot teeth is only 6 and women 3 In 12 retarns thé average aze when mar. ried among the males was 23 and the fe- males 25; the average ~at of children is, from the’ returns reosived, 6 —_—— BURIED ALIVE. Remarkable Eemedy fer Inflammatery Bheaniatism which Seems to Succeed. ** I saw that man buried forty years ago.” The remark was ta Sergs, a few days since, esys the Atlanta Constitu- tion, and, as he spoks, he pointed to a sturdy- poking man o € middle age, who was walking down the street. ‘ **How was that, sergeant ?” fe Pea it is a curious story. * Oo » farm adjoining the one on which I was born lived ald “rae Billy Christian, a man — true as ever liv: nole lyshad a who was a good deal older than nivenie This young man was with acute foflammatory rheuma over his a his fissh win just like « a bas] and he red agonies and tortires untold, Old; Uncle Billy owned a woman called Aunt Bstty, who was famous all over the community ag a weaver. ‘ies day I was gent over there to get some weaving that she had done for our family, and whiie there I saw young Christian buri Somebody _ the family that if they would dig a hole ed like the same man. Bat from that day forward he began to improve. The rheu- matic affection ed, he to fatten dp, ahd finally became as sound and h as fons man in the community.” that is the man Years ‘“ passed since lt All Men, young old, or middle-aged, who find “eS selves nervous, weak and are broken down from. excess or ovatwerk, 2 loss rE vitality memory, dtprann, dhnnees of teh, palpitation of the heart, emissicns, lack of pra pain in by sleep, constips hearing, loss of voice, desire for é, excitability of temper, sunken c¢yes sur- rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily dooking i ce ; | ordera. peroeey 2 ‘az’ ~ and bury young Christian in the earth for} «‘‘ Never mind me,” said pyrotechnist forty- vaight hours, fires patting ce Mig wx his wife. -‘I em only jing dowa to the ture of turpehtipeandoth ly medicines |-eity on a little rocket.” ; it wonld cure him, Like ‘anybody elas ’ ‘ALP, 486. decided to the rentedy as.a sort of lasd i inflammatory’ rhex- | : the face or} {Genuine made byScoit& body, itching or stoan about wrapPer at all Druggists Ble. and $1.00. the scrotum, — of the - dizziness, specks before eyes, twitching of the muscles, ore tide and ae lp ulness, 00 NTS} hare = Ro Sond efimg deposite in the of power, Go0D AGENT BR? gr Canna f tendernets of thabclg wot bpade weak and} —t PEP Gn Ta. =x = Say Berean Sore sleep, heaenid 4 LADIE aera, & hed femalccenpiainta Sample rennet LAD j mond %.W., Porouto Cav. [Mirena Bread? The blood; scrofala, fasdins the corred asa B ‘Tts ac we Benatiotton that follows after remedy for .stomachic and liver! well as specific for throad ant Itis guaranteed to bendib or ey * Emile Zola is anxious to visit tlis.coun No one will have any ‘objection been asia l ia the original French, The Brightest Sewtis ina miother’é diadem ate her fa ildren—the pride and ornam: hem:.”° But. motaer cannot nourish such children while’ victim cf suffering and dissase, of self-treatmeént with Dr. Pi Pas:ription, every woman can thoroughly eradicate those excruciating peridical oo and functional weaknesses _in tto her sex, and at same time build up aid invigor- ate her whole system by its heal ing influence, A trial bottle will’ convince. ** Favorite Prescriptron” is the mly medi- clue for women, scld by dr , under B positive guarantee from the saaabtnotureve, wif be e satisfaction in every’ casc or money be refunded. “This gnarante has been ted on the bostle-vrapper, and faith- swily carried out for maty years,’ - The claim that telephone buisness ia con- ducted on sound princigles seeng plausible, bus really it is supported merely by hear- say evidence. ws That Miss Jones is & nice loking girl Yee, "nd she'd be the belle € the town if it wasn't for ene thing.” ** What's that?’ **She has caparrh so bad it isinpleasant to be near het. She has tried adysn things aad nothing helps her, I am > for I like ber, bat that doesh’s make any less disagreeable for oze to be around Now ifsbe hal uved |D;, Sag Catarrh Remedy, there would have been jothing of sil kind said, for it will cure catyrh every Many a man has made & gooseof himself with a sjngle quill. A London snop-keeptr refers 0 Icve as a popular hearticle. 480 Acres Free. D. kota offers a tree siaim, a pre- Gate and a homestead—in all acrs—free each settler. Tae 8, Bua, Mirgeapolis rs Manitoba, Ry. reaches the Dail Lake, the Tartle Moantain and Mouse Rive land dis- tricts.. For further informatpn, maps, ratea, &3,, spply to F.I, Whitny, G P. & . A., 82 , Minn. J. M, Hockinss, 4 Palmer tao ‘oro nte. A woman may refute a mai her hand, yet be perfectiy willing to gvo him her arm. Le Grippe or Ingots A preventative and cure. ae i pure, rich blood, eat lacks the absorbents, thusis health im- patred and life seriously e:rdangered. h Expdace:there can be “SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver cimereng ieee @nd Soda Many hb have ee saan tae CONSUMPTION, ; oat BRONCHITIS, CDUGHS AND COLDS, AND ALL FORMS’ £ WASTING DIS- EASES. AS PALATA AHL + MILK. and TUM#RSpccialist. Private Hospital. Nikzife. Book free CANCE mapas te Be rete ne The difficulty of climbing the extinct wi. Iz Anes ap most pro- x fe Sartell lied Coal Veen Guaranteed ee cure for! Bi Beans her Prise ent Good pay and steady : PSS es rhe is by ee eae ee cay alt SAUSAGE Sestita tease a ag wont nner vara a & ‘SON, 41 to Lil St. Lawrence Market, Toronto, Ont $ care -\ WOOD ENGRAVER TORONTO; CANA DAN LIVE MEN pl sa i Hardy, Homs-grown FRUIT hoi work. Fron cata THE D w. BEADLE NURSERY ( COMPANY. LTD. St. Catharines, Ont. KEEP KNITTNIG MACHINE Send for Mlustrated Catal this advertieement with your order wo tbe NEW RISBER and we maa 610 PREMIO DISOOUN® | ae ORERLMAN BROS., Mfgs. |. tt NTHIS GEORGETOWN, ONT BORROWERS oans and church loans as ve! tes, a gery smaller sums at 51, 6, acoonding to seouttir, ‘orento on. nes3 and house property vielding 7. 8 and 10 ojo to vestors and 10) per cent to SPECULATORS. AERE & KLEISEE, J. Larus: Kee RENVILLE P. Ki mise 4 Kizg h— East, Sie or Successors t> -- £. sg ten & Co. Office establish- ed 1879 b: Mr, ir 8. H. Jan Tocrease in oper - Torosto 1 18:9 over 1888 (assess- 20,380, =S " Wanted Agents = eo ent 10 cents, or ial Box of 12 Cards 75 cer by mail 9 ever made for all ties ana all eo = conga Am med, he —— a ake sang pee ence palr forisce cents, sent by mail, st \ CASSGREEN MFG co., 58 Victoria Street, - - Toronto. MONEY T0 LOAK ONTARIO FARMERS dscivo Aseird 13 of —— LONDON & CAPADIANL LOAN & AGENCY Coy 103 BAY ST. “TORONTO. IMPROVE re Edvostine by ate ante aaron sable Liters YOUR = siamese Le — THOS. BENcercH, President. (Official Reporter York County Courts.) (ic. THE ALBERT 5) TOILET SOAP-COY'S TRANSPARENT CARBOLIC ACID TOILET soaP Is pleasant to use, It heals the ogi Jue de< stroys insects a on the hair ao beast. Address, WHALEY. ROYCE 4 CO., 158 You Street, Toronto, SeadforO alogue. i "/ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIU STEAMSHIPS. THE PIONEER CAN VIAN LINE to the front in regard to the provision mad a an and comfort of its naire Weekly Sailimcs Between Liv « Glas- gow gn the St. Lawrence & Tortaight- jy ice from Londen) during lt Sumaner momene. 7" between verpool Portland ow | vin bua during winter. Gissgow eall throughout the year to Boston and Philadelphia, call. at Irieh porta x en route. for rates of pawace other information applyt a Bourlier, cor K - pH et geenccrniy meal p: § A the local agents in; : Provident lit and | Live Suk Asson ROOM D, aca, ORO Ci NADA A Mutual Be Benefit. naietinn, eal Goa Sen apeiat owwundun be mec wm 8g “ed disease or 7 terested, sen: cic Reliable Agents wanted in unrepresented dis- WILLIAM JONES “Menazing Dir tor. s CARSURTTOR SURENY TO THE EDITOR :—Please i : aie ear = © bottiet ir bones atieoas sl e to send two s of m sb pe ty FE ifthey w eae dhe vg ress and Post Office e St., TORONTO, ONTARIO’ ) SOONOMT, Assurances in forces Jan. Pa 1890 ew A:surances tten in 1889 Cash mc roa 1888 Assets, Dec, Zist, 1888 L‘abllities, as por Gavermmend Valuation Surplus EQUITY, THE Ontario Mutual Life ESTABLISHED 1870. 313 853 223,516 $90, 337. 00 SPECIAL FEATURES. Prompt A Kan jlo of Saha. Annual Distribution of Profits Surrender Values and Liberati Polley a conditions. WM. HENDRY, Manager. W.H. RIDDELL, Secretary. JOSEPH MADDAUCH WRITES FROM MORRISON P.0- Movauus 28ru, 1888, Grinder cost $2 00, and latterly bt $1.00 per pair. T used over $59.00 worth last winter. Oocasionally & plate would last s week, but sometimes not over ‘ywo or three hourr. The price of the mill was $65.0), much cheaper than yours, batia the end was a very much dearer miB. Iam extisfied thet Iron Grindere are only sult- able for farmers who have a very emall amount of chopping todo for their own use. J. COMEAU & 6., MANIWAKI, QUE, WRITES: 1889. writing. 1 am most happy to étate that I am entirely eatis- Moh th tee mall thio doping aptonGid wont. FOR z SALE. © Two No. 3iron Gsinders at $15.00 cach, three Me. * 2 Iron Grindess, $25.0 each, all i ian cows Epliensy or or Pablien Sickness vauie || pe ea sgn = Guaranteed to cure all di ef the biotd * t by indis:refhe and excess or Will remove pir-- — the ekin ag by is sth action upon , Tesi powers baild up ths system of those suff¢ing from M Le ° e «' &. *%.C., Branch Gj eat a ‘ FF TS! acs MEAN A RADICALCURE, ' a life-long stndy, Spwiee eaeree ce aoe Office, Ise ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. ' THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES v a

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