Eighth gradersdiop “**** boys game to Hoxie “” ‘The Scott City middle school Tallaferro was the Bluejays? Harley Sharpe Sports Editor “was on the road for thelr last goals. ER i I Other Scott ct Wrestlers win dual eerie eee Jan.7 with 2-2 fol 29 wee te onlays emus. Paris “? at Goodland, 33-27 ne oat Cy tl behind 4am at Wollensderter, 5; Raby Bux 8 theedothefstqure,and_ ton, Chad Aerie and Roby ietiad elem. i : See He Tada ast — ae Fs h ‘back another five Funk made a field goal, and lon over. Dan seaso jan pots at hale, rang Danny" Meta mae ree Gin sword 18 wesw at: Weslo _ When he No Mo "herd prio saw ao throw, Sa rumes Avice in int det, 68 an the thal tes wo sw act bat the third period. Winklepleck, and Danny 6 scoring advantage, but it Dirks, Terry Neely, Scott ‘of Feach of Goodland with his first period of ‘his 145-pound aid tox 4 peers on : swith: $1 stcomis remaining, ‘team twoofnineatthefree Milton Knopp. ao a Seventh gran + cwinnaiian es aan men va we 19th Annual Debate aria Buenler atiowea 1086 40 Hoxie |” stitudstrebuns Nexen awa cle or seve_ hey Saat aay Scheduled Saturday ree epee ‘Taylor of Hoxle led all scor- following the seventh vitalibe -Lotaltehate ” cont 5 pnts and 105cing_ with 20 pnts. Brlan game set for 6:30pm. Danes city fe Ge wrestler, held Saturday at the Scott seventh year ofsupervising Soc Ney amgece: «Bel reed a High school resumes "5% Shae ss ‘ nts, "Tbe te volunteers from tl 7 mi if for SCOFIME would Ike to than} “ ie nt ss lati ede eae atone wa i oak a = court see eae annual gyeak gala, runiy agri ait field for the tournament. We i F F | at 105 pounds. be against the Oakley inthesecondhalt,10and114, am atte away games inthe wa om wth a 88 xin Rewats reed ha J te sehen aes heat, Stott ly won fv ofthe 1 eS the Sot Cty Bueays aoe Burglary is foxle had “ Scott City’s ee score: well | bs tayta Pater Howe at fl and te ter re by ie eb ae Reported Here | rr ys tndjurior vari dente iru 100 ‘competing through places. "odoaprwosanedasving vey ial an toe Oy 8 The gi beg Get em ee = Sat ae teat Ee svar oe neh _ was hol atthe nea he ng Fiday by Evel iis wil be tr i tee: awa “uated Sen Soreicaieies, Mt eicin Moet ince fcboed materi mol guere toma Si, Ne Brian Philips won his 23- mithat GOIN. Washington, oat trast game, 1649 Peany Weber 1012; Deb I a oe pound match by a fall inthe id Penny Rauh at 601%) Coygnen peck an ine to, oa. Mime ooLor key teams from Russell, cls frie osc 3 perlodover Brabham, and Washington, with the Law wi be looking for thelr ust Walder 2.014; Jt Tecten Goodland, Ulysses, ol ope Tost his 138 pound mateh'by a Enrem Ceer bei athe Fi Hugoton, Oberin, Lakin, Ing aartng at Tolck at {all in the second period to Jim notified at 10:54 a.m. on this 5 debe iatd Beavers Lose to Cowbeys Sublette and, of course, the high school day. ‘Goodland on Dec. 2. ‘The SCHS boys. varsity Scott City. ald tah i Ten by 4a a ound match by a fall in reportedly Catered ital ‘The SCHS girls varsity game of the season to the Aivetur/and Mark Wntagn Sheu 10, resume thet 198, 49 to the. pot mara, 3. won his 3 control sh recovered. ‘game of ‘ Misting Goodland Cowgirs fe g ‘Dee. ead Scott Ciy's box score: Tate have been (00 A bln iles p e cotta 12 soring 194 frat quarter scoring af rantage In the first two vantage, and a'542 fleld goal Fearters oc 318 altine “shat percentage for te SP pivaniage, and then sv ibelt_ game 1 te Beavers" 90 per. at to det, appear In the third period as boys had Increased the Goodland girls had a 12-11 tu yer tat | song sgvaniage—and with haltime as they had a 188 peas ioe Rael eeoniee ote second CONSUMER CORNER Somnath el Stee Thursday Night Special Lamb Fries Friday Night Special Bee setae everett advantage nthe : help you avoid becomming a victim of consumer trai) ‘a sore “a 2s pe fal oar 1s “ i Dear Atty Gen Stephan: fot ter nay "5 Jon’ Ptau and Saturday eet Special Kaen Jets wich Jamo ed the Coe Prime Ril led the scoring for boys a cli with 13 points ‘me that for a roinimum investment or purchase, her compan Scott City with 18 and. Jill aplec fo VF W W Clu ub Irinimlo any potent os, oie ‘ me ee hy ke a-10,pesent atest and rach We ee Zisatate Samoans | FOR A BUMPER Siver to make «prot Welcome Manner & Guests ‘The deal sounded pretty good to me, so asked the woman to sent oar fv arth ct aed Be |; I signed it and the cor y tomake sure my silver wouldbe sconndted. ing oo sounded to repuable and legate, Can you Tn out hat Dappeed to this eompany and lp meget may money back Dear Consu with which you were dealing has been closed down by the Federal Com modes Futures Trading Commi = f Confucius Say - - FREE munchies AL MERCINDISE GUARANTEED AS. ADVERTISED 1 all day Tuesday & Wednesday the Man who stop advertising to save News Chronicle money - - for details like man who stop clock to save = time. q Uptown Theatre Doors open 745 Bito Wits All in the GARDEN CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 109 Parklane company that ts recognize athe fll and hasan accepable business history. fers SPRING CLASSES ae Published ot 117 East Fit pe ee -Day News Chronicle Printing Com- - any, - = Night Second ets ogg a -Outreach ewan Teed inconiune” @ Register for classes offered on the GCCC campus Tuesday, tion with Tuesday Jan. 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. or 7 to 9 p.m. in the college (sizeephus tttex peryear) library. Classes start Jan. 8. For more information call 276- tt " Bach depoitornsared $100,000 a Scot ad adi counter 7621, 150 & Ec ul Fi @ (sist plus soxsx ersea) The college also offers outreach classes in Scott City. Eni FE ered 7 ps tone nn. Conn ht. : (ut of Sate 17.50 ire ‘Charge made for insertion of Outreach Coordinator. Call her at 872. ot peergenanis, 40. 3100 or 872-3130 or 872-5509 to find out what classes are 506 Main 872-2108 niversaries and weddings: $2 ’ Scott City, Ks. State Bank fen ny yo Eeablet ley