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ee. VOL. IV., NO, 204. THE ADVANCE ‘ One of the leading Local] and Family Newspapers in Northern Ontario. Published Every ‘Phursday, FROM THE OFFICE, Collingwood Street, - - Flesherton, Ont. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: $1.00 per annnim in advance; $1.50 if not paid at the end of 14 years. No paper discontinued watil all arrearages are paid up; and no subserip tions taken for less than one year, except when special arrangements for shorter periods are made with the publisher. ADVERTISING RATES, &c., Casual advertisements, § conts per lst insertion and 3 cents per line each sutaequent insertion. Transient advertisements to be paid for when ordere’. Advertisements without special direc- tions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal inducements to regular advertisers Notices among reading matter, 10 cents per dine each iusertion. No advertisement discontinued until all ar yearages are paid up Copy for advertisements should reach this office not later than noon on Tuesday to ensure ueestion in current issue. A. R. FAWCETT, ditor and Proprietor. —_—_———$ Consisting of Local and Other Interesting Items gathered by The Advance Reporters. —A beantiful assortment of Gents’ Felt and Straw Hats opened out to- FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MAY 14, 1885. Canvassers Wanted, To obtain signatures to the petition to the Deminion Government against the ) ; Franchise Bill. This is a grand chamece for men out of employment. Good can- | Vassers are offered one dollar a day or fif- teen cents per hundred signatures obtain- led. All legibly written names count on ithe principle of ‘“‘vote early and vote | often s | —Dried Apples Zc. per Ib. or 16 Ibs. | In Toronto, on the 26th ult., the wife jot Mr. Wm. Fawcett, of a son, On Saturday, May 8th, the wife of W. W. Trimble, Esq., Flesherton, af a son. Another large importation of Spring Millinery at Richardson's, the right place to get new Spring Hat or Bonnet Volunteers, Attention! No. 6 Company, 31st Battallion, will meet at the Drill Shed, Flesherton on Monday, May the 25th, at 11 o'clock a. Company are requested to be present for drill and other company matters. N. B. —A few smart young men wanted on the m. sharp, All the member of the above | —If you want cheap Tea Sets, Toi- | proper spirit to show, no matter how un- In Dead Letter Office. let Sets, Cups, Plates, Pitchers, or any pleasant past relations may have been.; Weare subjected to considerable au- kind of Crockery or Glassware, go to} But one thing is certain ; so long as this noyance at times by receiving notices Richardson's, and see the finest assort-| W. H. Peterson is connected with the from the Dead Letter Office at Ottawa, to mént in the convtry. | ‘Dundalk Athletic Association,” just 80 the effect that letters to our address are reer | long will there be no end to wrangling detained there because the parties send- jand misunderstandings. There is no- ing them have not paid the full postage | thing amiable in the fellows nature evi-| rates required. No later than last week The people of Markdale and vicinity | dently, or he would not endorse thespite- we received such a notice from the Dead have at last awoke to the fact that they | ful, not tosay malicious, resolution moved Letter Dept., Ottawa, stating that a ‘‘let- jeannot longer remain without a band if | by Mr. G. R, Middleton, but which was |ter to your address, unpaid posted at they wish to bey’ to.complete with the ; no doubt instigated by the former. We | Dundalk Station, and chargeable with a neighboring vil®,, We thiuk that our | are more than surprised that géntlemen !rate of 3 cents, has been received at this village has talent enough, intelligence | such as Mr. Thos. Hanbury, Mr. J. Ket-| department.” ‘The letter may or may enough, and : ough to furnish as | chum, and Mr, F. Z. Nixon, should allow not be of sufficient importance to warrant good a band as @ny other village in the | this resolution to be recordedinthe minute | an additional outlay of 3 cents to secure county of Grey Why not have one !!| book without even a faint protest. Per- it ; allthe same it is annoying. People So far the projegt has received such en-| haps they were asleep at the time, or mis- should always be sure that their letters couragement }we may safely say we | understood the nature of the resolution, are paid for in full, and thus save annoy shall have the pleasure of listeming to | or, being in the minority, were afraid to| ance, and perhaps much trouble. its melodious n6tes ere the summer is | give utterance to their honest convictions ? a 4 + ws en s over. And what is more pleasing, more | Which was it, gentlemen ? —Lovely Spring & Summer Dress likely to imapite a person than to sit} All the saine, the members of the “ods at Richardson's. A lot of early quietly in his camp chair on his own ven- | ‘‘Flesherton Athletic Association” expect Spring Goods clearing at any price andah, with hig feet higher than his head, to outlive an insult they are too gentle. this week. with the curling wreath of the fragrant | manly and polite to resent in a manner ‘ weed issuing from his mouth, while he|the circumstances would fully seem to drinks in the delicious music of the vil-) warrant. A gootly number of the young men lage band? Nething, Mr. Editor, No- ——_——_———_———— \as wellas a fumbér of more mature years thing. —An All-Wool Canadian Tweed) ~~Sembled in the Flesherton Reading Arbor day was celebrated in our school, | Stit length for $3.50 at Richardson's, | Roombst Friday evgning, as per announce Markdale Items, From our own Correspondent, Base Ball Club. day at R. Trimbles. ~Tue Apvance till Jan. 1, 1886, for 65 cents, including two back numbers containing the story complete. Hurry in| , — ———— - pC Your subscriptious now before the back| The reputation of Richardson's #0 numbers are all exhausted, and get the |Cert tea has gone farther and wider story complete then ever anticipated and the demand above date. Apply to the undersigned. A. G, Camppgcy, Captain. J.J, Fiery, Lieutenant. but very littie work done, the excuse)‘ hoice patterns. being that the @iy was too cold. Coldaa\ Flesherton leads in Hardware busi- | |it was they might have planted one tree| ness. Building hardware, Nails,| to commemorate the first Arbor Day given | Glass, Hinges, &e., at lowest prices in the Provinas in the County of Grey The Benevolent Army of Jesus (such | “Young Leben,” ment, for the purpose of organizing a Base Ball or Lacrosse Club as might then be determitied. The chair was taken at 7:30 precisely by A. R_ Faweett, of the Apvance. After a lively but friendly discussion, it was decided by a vote of 448 p . lover-reached the supply for awhile ; —Another lot of choice Clover, Tim- but everybody can be seryed now.— Speeial rates for quantities. The Warden's Prize. The Warden of this County, Mr. John Chisholm, Reeve of Owen Sound, recent- ly wrote to the Sec.-Treas. of Hast Grey Agricultural Society, Mr. 8. Damude, to the effect that he would give a prize of 810—to be deyided into Ist prize at $5, tnd at $3, and 3rd at $2—for best 50 pounds of Tub Butter, suitable fer ship- ping, at the Society's Fall Exhibition. The offer has been accepted. We think it wouldn't be a bad idea ifa few more of othy and Garden Seeds just arrived at R. Trimble’s. —Mr, Jas. T. Wilson passed threugh Flesherton on Friday last with his hand- some colt, Climax,” faom the celebrated stallion, ‘Valentine. Climax is not yet two years old, and is a beauty. Mr. John Whitten, of*this village, has also a handsome colt—about the same age—from the same stallions ~« —Cumberland Cnt and Long Clear Bacon cheaper than any house in town at R. Trimble’'s. ~The Chatsworth News has been en- larged and very much improved. We ave very inuch mistaken in friend Blyth’s vbilities as a newspaper man, if the News does not soon take a front rank amongst the newspapers of Northern Ontario. We wish our cotem unbounded success—in fact, this has been our sincere wish ever since we heard Mr. Blyth intended to re- embark upon the *‘troubled sea” of coun- try journalism. —New goods of all kinds arriving daily at Kk. Trimble’s. Left Over. We are obliged to leave over cnonsider- able matter this week, viz., Artemesia Council minutes; Re-Opening of the Free Industrial Drawing Classes, and some editorial matter. Also a very inter- esting letter from Mr. R. W. Phipps, specially contributed for the columns of Tue Apvancer, and an editorial comment upon the same (Mr. Phipp’s letter.) —Early Rose Potatoes for sale cheap at R. Trimble’s. A Family of Millers, We are informed that Mr. Simon Plewes, Markdale—son of James Plewes, Esq., sr.) has purchased the Creemore Miils and intends at once to convert it into a first-class Roller Mill of 80 barrels daily capacity, at an expense of nearly $5000 in improvements. Mr. Plewes’ other three sons have all first-class mills steadily running to full capacity, —Long Clear Bacon only 9 cents per Ib., selling fast at R. Trimble’s. Victoria Hotel. This hotel has been refitted by Mr Randolph Middaugh, whose genial man- ner, courteous treatanent, and excellent table, will be an inducement to our read- ers to give himacall. To those driving into Owen Sound, his hotel will be found at the foot of Union Hill on the main T our leading public men were as liberal as Mr. Chisholm in this particular. En- courage our shows, say we. Long clear bacon & smoked hams for sale at Richardson's—prime meats ~—prices low. A Pleasant Affair. The social at the residence of Mr. E. Vanzant last Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid, Presbyterian Church, Flesherton, was an enjoyable affair, and was well attended by villagers and country people. Choice music was |furnished by Mr. E. Vanzant on the vio- lin, and by Miss Emma Damude, Mrs. G. Saul and others on the piano. Refresh- ments were served at ten o'clock, and this most enjoyable evening's entertain ment terminated at a seasonable hour. We might add that Mr. and Mrs. Van- zant were most assiduous in their atten- jtions to the company. We noticed Mr Ottewell, V. S8., of Osprey, and wife, amongst those present Does it pay to keep hens? Well that depends on how much you get for your egyss. Take a basket to Richardson's and you'll see it does pay handsomely because you can get everything you want there at right prices. No other preparation so concentrates and combines blood-punfying, vitaliging, enrich- | tion a prosperous and enjoyable season. : . ight toseven to organize a Base Ral! being the name the Salvation Army goes : erg . : under in this plaee) is doing good work. | The property of Mr. J. “W. Hodgson, Club. The motion hated afterwards made | will stand for mares the season of 1885 a3) unanimous. Mr. William Clark was un Captain Madill is a man of good abilities, ! Follows : ; ase p and, so far as We are capable of judging, | “°.°¥* >— amimously chosen captain. A. R. Faw isa zealous Christian,and God-fearing man. | Monday, April 27th leave his own stable, cett was appointed Secretary-Treasurer, |The Ministers of the village held aloof at | 10% 2 & 3, Con. 4, Osprey, and proceed and ss he now has control of the money lfirst ; fearing, vo doubt that the Captain's | *® McLean's Hotel, Mefntyre, for noon ; bags of two of our village institutions, it | zeal fers diminish but I am glad to thence to McCutclicon’s Hotel, Badgeros, may bewell to keep an ‘‘’heagle ‘hye "hon eh ther are now working harmoniously | for night. ‘im.” The membership fee was placed at | with irivri and ti) ival to h Tuesday, will proceed by way of 3rd 26 cents, and of the twenty gentlemen I , @ revival seems ave line to W. ; ‘ \who promptly enrolled themselves as er? a great Col mare en. | m. Arnott's fornoon; thence by| iembers of, what uma J | ° . 7 properly be called, thusiasm is infused imto the regular} Hill's corners home for night. the “Flesherton Athiotic Asaociation Wednesday, he will proceed to Allison's nearly all paid ‘“‘cash down on the nail Hotel, Maxwell, thence to Henry Hud The greatest unanimity prevailed, and . much enthusiasm {was manifested. Th: © meeting adjourned at 8:30, to re-assem become gen church meetings. We were favored with a visit from two * au , oO oo w . o . of the bloods of Owen Sound on Friday,in | *°" * for noon, thence by 12th line 0 ey's, 12th co for nig ithe persons of Mr. Hurst a promising | ‘ - thew Pp nape. oa 12th ble in the same place on Fr lay (to-mor young Lawyer, and Mr McNab a dude | line to Eugenia Falls for noon, thence as row) evening, at 7:30 o'clock trimmer or in plainer language a tailor. ; £088 Valley by way of Davis’ Saw Mill to David Johnston's for night. —Fine Cutlery and Silver Plated ‘riday il roceed hom nH Fawn ¢ >i a} . ‘ j8ee you. ‘ igen ‘\ ; Hill's f h, = o* ts ¥ slealnmnen casa ee pear | ; ‘eo ey iF by Whitten’s corners and Gravel Road to A New Worsted Suit, made to or-| Flesherton for night. Osprey Court of Revision. der, for $16.75, in Black, Brown,} Saturday, will proceed by Back Line to The Court of Revision for the Tow: Claret, Blue, or Myrtle, at Richard-} Robert Carson's for noon, thence to his prey will bol i ite iret nites — Tuesday }son's, usual prige $20. ok alg he will remain until 3h, ae the Ville eres s / = |* 8) i The above route will be continued: Wm ahs Call again boys the ladies will be glad to | Good Gracious! Clerk a te 1 tat throughout the season health and weather Jundalk baseball and lacrosse clubs | permitting. WV H have reorganiged under the name of -_-—- Or ictoria otel, “Dundalk Athletic Association.” Presi- A Sap Neatxcr.—Negleeting constipat OWEN SOUND <t 4 iv 73. Dette ed condition of the bowels is sure to bring) This house has been refitted and placed dent, Thos. Hanbury; V ice- Preside Dt, /ill health and great guffe ring. Burdock | the tof Mr. RK. H. Midda J. Ketchum ; DQ: McQuarrie, secretary }} Blood Bitters regulate the bowels in a natur > vg ¢ a = wet: +: whe F. Z. Nixong Yereasurer. The following ee purifying the blood and promote! ure, will find the “Victoria” equal t - : a healthy action of th omae liver town. Careful hostlers 7 jremarkable r@elution was unanimously neys ‘al B say steer soe Sr send glitches R. H. MIDDAUCH passed ; Moved by G. R. Middleton, se- Proprietor eee ere see Se eee conded by W. HL. Peterson, “That this association neither accept from or issue a challenge to the Flesherton team, or in any way r them asaclub.” Now it appears to us, that if the club did have misunderstandings last season there is no reason why they should cut each other's acquaintance altogether. Lovers of ath- -— ( FORESEEING THAT eee Trade ys. Protecti letic spo th , Hag hould iy a y eo es gme cre vitor te! Free Trade vs. Protection ings and disayeements, and endeavor to avoid them iu the future. Life is too short to perpebuate prejudices, and hard | feelings. However, we wish the associa- Would lead to trouble, our head politician resolved ta SOLVE THE CONUNDRUM! ing and invigorating qualities ag Ayer’s | Dundalk Herald. Sarsaparilla. Quality should be considere¢ when making comparisons —Lemons 25¢. doz., Oranges 40c. doz. at R. Trimble’s. CATARRH OURED, health and sweet breath seeured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by D. 5. Munro. —A choice lot of Ladies and Gents Fine Boots & Shoes just opened at R. Trimble’s. ere A Tunost Cuner.—A_ cure for Croup. here is no better remedy for croup than street of the Garafraxa road from Chats- | Hagyard's Yellow Oil taken internally and worth. It is equally near to the Court app ed according to special directions. House as any other hotel in town. Good stabling and atteptive hosters. _ s is the great hovsehold panacea for pee stiff joints, pain, inflammation, Of all the absurd and ridiculous resolu- tions ever pasted by ‘Athletic Associa- gaa Cael with us. tions” in this gountry, the one referred to . . : . above.tekes Gem. 18 ia worse than (2nd.) We favor Protection, or in other words, we will protect our cus absurd : it is childish, and shows a weak-, mers against High Prices and Hard Times. If you doubt the accuracy of the Solution, come and see us and ex (Ist.) We favor Free Trade, that is, We want everyone to trade free): kneed disposition we had never given the Dundalk ‘‘boys” credit for- As the Her- ald truly says—and the Dundalk paper Our Immense Stock of Dry (reeds, has the thanks of the young men of this ’ Ready-Made Clothing, Boots ¢ Shoes, village for it. outspoken and manly senti- ments in thi, connection—as the Herald . truly Chest GMI Miah edits “Levens of : Hardware, Groceries, Glassware, &o. athletic sports in the sister villagers should Which we are selling at prices that ought to command your attention. forget past. unfortunate misunderstand- ings and disagreements, and endeavor to| . . E. J. GRIER, void them it the future." That is the’ PRICEVILLE, April, 1885,

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