6 The South Marysburgh Mirror Life In The Past Nelson Hicks' Journals January 1927 Transcribed by Sarah Moran Collier Tue. 1 - Royden and I got up wood on the Flats drew it up on the Ice. Dandy good ska ng now no snow in it Thur. 3 - Visitors George Hicks & wife Arthur McCrim- mon & wife James Wright & wife Hilton Wa am & wife the evening was spent very lively. Floral came out with with them so as to help Mirt wait on table. rained most of the evening Fri. 4 - Colder this morning making it very slippery ge ng around Mirt and I were up to Donal Thompson for the evening had a fine me. Sat. 5 - Not feeling very good up late last night didn't do very much to day. Sun. 6 - Lloyd and Luise came down. no body went to church to day. Garnet stayed down Lloyd went home towards night I went home with him Floral went over to Picton with us. Very bad driving going back Ice freezing on the windshield Mon. 7 - K. was back to Lloyds we went over to Belleville we had to drive across the Ice as they were repairing the Bridge. Lloyd was out at Fred Lee's repairing old machin- ery I helped also. Come home for Dinner as he had to fetched out his new Bu er printer fetched it with the truck not long coming you know. Tue. 8 - Lloyd and went to Belleville worked ll noon the came home Lloyd turned calks lovely weather Wed. 9 - Finished up his calks and a er dinner Lloyd fetched me down to Picton and I got a chance on home found everything fine and dandy at home. Thur. 10 - Leslie Snider were here. Wind from the North West. Some colder. Fri. 11 - I went over to Picton took over some Grain to get ground Floral and Hilda Wealch came home with me. Went with the car. Mirt and I were down to John Loney's for the evening had a grand good me. Sat. 12 - Visitors again to night Lloyd and Luise were down Kathleen and Floral home Hilda Welch visitIng and Lela Collier Moras Head & wife Donal Thompson & wife Elmer Collier & wife Harry Rose & wife John Loney & wife it was a lively crowd and they all seem to enjoy themselves fine. Sun. 13 - Lloyd and Luise went out to Mr. Hudgins. Stayed ll a er Dinner the came out here and went home Floral Kathleen went over to Picton with them. Mon. 14 - Snowed some last night I went over to Picton took my Hogs over went with the sleigh crossed the Ice. roads were fine. Tue. 15 - Started to trim some trees. A very nice day Mirt wash Went out to Geo. Hudgins for the evening. Wolf gang were there. it was a lovely night Wed. 16 - Snowed most all day making the sleighing some be er Thur. 17 - Royden went over to Picton with Karn Due a Took a load of Hay over. I drew out some manure nice warm day. When they came home got three Horses in the Ice at the creek. Karn got pre y wet. Mirt I John Floss went up to Morass Heads visi ng it was a lovely night. Very warm. Fri. 18 - Turned colder this evening Royden and I cleaned up some Oats I had on the floor in the Barn Garnet in here and he is a very busy boy. Sat. 19 - Quite cold this morning I took some logs up to Milford sleighing was very good Sun. 20 - This has been a real winter day snowed and dri ed all day wind from the North East and very cold Kathleen and Floral stayed over and they were lucky. Mon. 21 - Roads were filled up some I drove Royden and Wrex up to school some warmer to day but snowed most all day. Collin pigs two weeks old to day. Tue. 22 - Mirt and I visi ng at night down to Collins had a nice me Wed. 23 - I went over to Picton took over some grain to get ground good sleighing going over not as good coming home nice warm day. Thur. 24 - Mirt washed warm and snow going very fast We were invited to James Wright Picton and went over Stopped and took Arthur McCrimmon and Maggie with us. Had a nice me and the roads were good for cars. Fri. 25 - I went up to Irvine Hicks and moved down that Boat house John Loney helped me draw it down. Sat. 26 - Floral came home with Collin Hudgins. Collin was out to Earls Hicks to a dance Kathleen stayed over to Earls. Mirt and I went down to Mrs. Walt. Hudgins Birth day party. Sun. 27 - Floral went over to Picton with Milton Dulmage had some more snow last night and making the roads quite heavy for cars. Another new milk cow last night. Mon. 28 - Young sow had 11 fine Pigs last night all smart. Very good sleighing again Sarah's Research Notes Insight, Information & Anecdotes About Nelson Hicks' Journal Entries The produc on of food was being commercialized and mechanized, assisted by tools like bu er printers. Nelson men ons Lloyd's bu er printer, (Feb. 7); they were mostly used in small factories and home dairies. It was a machine designed to cut, weigh, print and package bu er. A pamphlet of the me encouraged farmers to expand their market by using parcel post to distribute their bu er across a wider geography. Improved transport, as well as packaging methods like this enabled them to do so. Here is a bu er printer from the period.