The South Marysburgh Mirror 3 The South Marysburgh Recreation Board The Marysburgh Mummers The Milford Fair Board Meetings, Events, Announcements Wii Bowling Milford Town Hall Thursdays un l April 27th NEW TIME! 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Music Circle Milford Town Hall Sunday, February 5th 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Organized by Ril Giles Recrea on Board Mee ng Milford Town Hall Thursday, February 9th at 7:00 p.m. To reserve the Milford Town Hall or Mt. Tabor, please contact: Bruce Dowdell at 613.476.8891 OR Leon McConnell at 613.476.6606 Looking Forward to 2017 By George Underhill Well, Christmas and New Years have passed and we're now into a long hard winter. Winter is always a period in which I'm figh ng depression because it's cold, bare and inhospitable. New Years is me for resolu ons for many people, but not for me. Making big changes is just a new opportunity for failure. Keeping my temper, not cursing, working smarter and the like are just des ned for failure. My daughter has given up smoking which is one resolu on I applaud. If I s ll smoked, I'd make an exep on and resolve to give it up, too. Some me ago when I made resolu ons, I got smart and made resolu ons I could keep. No more sugar in my coffee one year, no more sprinkling salt on my food another year. I s ll drink my coffee black which is good I guess, but I'm generous with salt on vegetables because they don't taste very good without it. This is really a tes monial to the fu lity of New Year's promises to yourself. Pu ng that behind you, and realizing that 2017 will not bring a new you but will further emphasize the same old flawed you, how can we make the outlook be er? The newspaper is full of ar cles that make 2017 look exceedingly bleak. It seems like every day there's another terrorist incident, a new ar cle about the risks of Donald Trump, a new poli cian or business tycoon exposed to immorality or fiscal malfeasance….I don't want to list the bad news items, they only contribute to my feelings of depression. There are good things, though, and maybe we should concentrate on them. I won't list all the good things because that would smack of just being nice. Maybe just one: This is a good place to live. There's plenty to complain about but, all things considered, I can't think of a be er place. S ll, it's hard to be op mis c as I look forward to the rest of the year. Another good thing is that as of mid-January, winter is half over. It's s ll cold, but the days are ge ng longer. There was a piece in the paper about the challenges of selling your home and moving in the depths of winter. We moved to Ontario in the winter. My kids had two turtles which we placed in a plas c container in the car when we moved to Toronto. Then we forgot them un l the next day and there was ice over them. We thought they were dead, but when the ice thawed so did the turtles. Maybe we'll be like the turtles, a cold hard winter followed by waking up to a new world in the spring. Some me ago, a Mirror reader suggested that I not be so nega ve, and I agreed with him. Not this month, though. Copy & Adver sing Deadline for the March Edi on of The Mirror is February 23rd Please patronize The Mirror's advertisers without whose support the paper couldn't be published. And please tell them you saw their ad! Art Classes for Adults & Children with Janice Gibbins Are you interested in learning how to draw or paint? Perhaps you already can but would like to brush up your skills. Maybe you'd like to learn another medium. The South Marysburgh Recreation Committee is sponsoring art classes on Tuesdays from April 11 to May 30 with instruction from local artist, Janice Gibbins, and materials will be provided. If you are interested, please register with Bruce Dowdell at or at 613.476.8891.