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Upper Canada Herald, 13 Apr 1819, p. 3

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* L k~A. "the wâw e i - dm r Ci m l c~~ o Iai try. e he didI ea~âe a ugraei1y hI rthgtU~ httiaii; M~aE. Irhem ket k ho dccvéd that hecbg<mth nme: ~~st hanç*n u~o h 'Idfor t*QnOnly pite Mhitiusd visIli.balq- §àk, buennatare- v- iota eta n in Wb" -way the autio« ould have tis .aseahihly cf1 vwhleS exaoiined, uhether yitrsici (»i daubt the mut succss&I means o fin& 1 lug candidates for en sélect s drawing raam) or vhotl>or hg voli follaw thc cxample of the *%ator and proçeed ta, the diueÜof0 "i l.at% wbat a cowrret cemate Of lie presil est-ci Mowehi#y.' la bisla utoraenteiethe authori nt avare perhpa that fie hue at once Cono trad el*hslever ho lbushithem owith Se, mach labour endeavorcalta cstablsh.,. Onèmcre setehe.for its pecaliai eligance sud subiity fahaliquote for Uic benefit cf the Ladleea»à the merits of whiCh 1 shah lcave for the ujita dMenus. *Hawmay *.dressed heada unfornisheal withia vouldbh ec..l rethig lu despair cf evet cquirmif Uic necesmary .requisites 1? Haw mauy ladies crovned wlth çarlauds, snd 1gt aboust vlth lamemuet hoyau ic eimposd. bUl of dslavlmg Charmi heîghtened by p aktad trimngu Wbkh bcd cait theni en mach Imbor!, Nov i MhaH abo iuvd ho Oracle' Le, e *k ofvvm<fudutsdvic; vw lbellsïve vise. ho couuenced suthair that be bcd«lakep bbscMz, sd 1-Id nllthere- for mavi hm oe.moretareturn to hlm grasmmar msandt e.tostuy then' veil, to, cou thcm orer sud on cxtinue ta do ulitil dsu have hocome prfect muter cf that mcml usefalbrançh ore= ,;. gthemi vcànld advise hlm ta Practice campiomtian sund ta simit bis productions to a privat tutor outil by4ep*%ug e " haveo epa nouceamp~ Wir yours. C.»1. tue 4 ( i i abse, ovovry u aticlu 'uprodute,mo nyt 1w gnai~Z xpotaton;buCa1 tbeiroa las i mrmparite r-~ #f lpfcrdsgrin usoîv- e eý appmau M ~I~?'c a-for t»t MMii Md - 4"5 8t~m bstig nête hq>ansdouit irs in& t"uhIgdit, &0 s. %0 gUida- es hlay t'ktSa frtaualy Ù> ~frcm eiug shilflly sd crleuy ~lnspî*iru bave a rep, bWedut- sjgr *oSue he ireputathux et Our tu- wýkipcw, secure a veieseablo price X rEZ UPPER CANADA IIALO. iiyoer paper aunorder of the Lieut. ÔÎÏÏir la casuiçl, that the foc ta ho palal e4> a* iudm fur gnas of k" ipronoancd tlSthday ofiaaumy 1819, la t. ho ta* table comaéqlinluthat aider. ou M 'Oacres la mated to e 61 ? me at c fo.?T !htrdt tmah gion ree ýbmsuy tija t naaedee apphiuible t. l th aS W _is riathc mbjç Who bao £hsmlcaaL. MERSw*,1 eaw us chpt* ui&aitth o-i0" 1 l oder ma ersparely çLvi,jleig-alone anetd.To amtabo am oe om t c ormaodk%» k.hi sch Districts res- , decft.cd mcml advlbbe, ~eulsa~sub'~onror outs of commun cr MI d evZe tpaversansd au- dih-27iLvlhate mcv^bywlv vcsd i he i peetcat.f bt king'. b" cmsd reate tu the origi*nal j'r cof mch Courts or eiter of them icivil *pic. m ammpare- 'ly civil; Md nmch comrt of ba and court or courts of corncso aly snd ractvely, pov t o a l l a t r , i m e S ,a n db t"'is ef ADZ ve vtprhs c Uicaso otedint paots c lgBiich if W lmchcomirt of km'bshocul Tt appeas Isom 10tht Govermor in oblef that marne efflèctual $.iMtwktim leisreqPired t. mcci the growmg exigencies of the public re-> venue, sud charge lis reçular collctlion, sud he tlieftfore db*re oi ote --f ta caaid weir& eyma"h ~in<bei1 oùauoriti- 0u~ricdm northe ase ferulamila to te ju;iod WTJM acourt -W c-xeieaqéer i nglm 2=1h1irumtaie Cate cf S.Lewws Ad'utu6«wsràlatOffce, ~ 1-York, Irth Pcb. 89 MILITIA GENERAL ORDMB. Hia Excellency sir Pbregrias Jfaitland bas hcen pleaaed tg accept thie rem.gDation of Colonel Johuton of the Oral rekanent -tf AddingtanMmilitin, sud té srequest that hw viii del iver over the "ioh ansd othor docomenta.jilougIiij te the, regituent ta liet.col Cark Wo je taamunie the. comnma"d thereof forewith. mîiu~uotIeucy -UPon this occa-ton, i. pleastt. declare, tan(liserai Orderçsth husoe lho entertains cf the sevicesg Colonel Jolînston, vho for a penod cf tX>au a imicred.4h kt g,>dcquai fywith exel iriy z.and&lýelity; and hie rertthtbdily lnfiruad ty sàomld -dol prvoh mhi f the province of mo v a.:l an officer. By His Bxcelloneym commandl, 1N. CG FFIN. Lt. Col. *AdjI. Gem.-militia 1U. Canad5N RËLIGIOLTS LIBERTY IN FRANC£ Fi-rn the Timeas newspaperof the 2s cf No. *venmber 1818. -A cause involviiig q uestiana cf the highest crin miaIJu..tic. Thse Mayor cf the littie Laiwri of Louranarin, hati ordereti the inhiibi- uaîts ta cover the fronts cf their hauses withi z-spestry, lu those streein through vi.ich Uic auelatraus Mss vas to p as, Mt what i. calleti rthe 4Feast of God.1The PoMce ofGap fin- cd Mtooàtïeur Roman, àafrôttp hefran km ior refubiiîgta-by the Mayor'sediçct. M-, Itoman appealéd t. the court cf Casmstkn rhe questian vas, 4 Can a citizen ho coin-ý peied tohag out tapess-y an the frot cf lIde honte, wbile the external ceremcnies 1 f the Catxollc wcrship are pcrfcmming P on is question the coqmselcrs WiscM. koinan delivereti the Most correct sentiments upou tbh mujuct ; deçlariug that ailUich constitue- cd autthashies lied pr=omd 1h. ptmcipal t f religsi4Au O ; sud bW4 comip[etoly à ired m«,mocf religon hvm tia. onanetted vith civil an rlgbts.' *17he oouvt4 aftes' a = m mu pro,,. %aeéjudnmt, teahe mt*s*o*o- 1unical b eremSdw .cuamidrita. * ou i'&the triumph a( t a" ia rlgs ý i erattsuid idcfatr1 Tv. &bock&ofm m erthqnïl 1>l oi AueL-- irSt Lý aresw St VCOdyîtok l s a I.LUd tbej John r infona ,u tiaa Sis mu Lv, te *rh-At Bellville, on 1m18, 1 Imml. Mra Wm EngWil,et a Daughte. DIED, QLJEeEC, 9., Mar-h. 7'DIEDr, au e Saday the Tth ist Dr. ALEx. SPARK, Minister cf t»' Gospel, sud Preecher l i . Audrew's Church of this ý-he clrcumstances of the death tif this mout excellent.,amd mh rgrolod mn, are pecazlirly tiking su %Ipresdve. He. prrached lu the foronocuonthst f «t ofth 24th verse of the 45th chap. of Geaesis wbieik Jaseph gave this advlcc ta hie btetli7#î re ; ste that you Ua neit ont by the Way Z and na #abject could ho treated in a whay marem uuited t.e e . . i ai denidç. Aler this Serran Dr. g ,r ent toià Fu nerald, and, on .. wa 1ta &rch in the after- ippon, he fell down'ian au p>cfs imp istaitly expi red. tow. he and wc aiay iasy. the ",o cm tradic*hn, thatho as o.w il uhlc in lettere,;1andin lI*e sdmnn~bdmr ed a *»Udicty snd inocence ho7W7vha are m Ien imeut me% , wr bau »y baie dc marc universaily and mare saccrcly lamçait- ea. Lautnlht mddnly, Capt. WILSoN, c the GOth e buHo sleft a vife and seven chlldren ta deplore-bis loms M.REINNIIRT, wif of Mr-. John IRom' hart.aof tliis Town. R{ayi Strail Oas Birle Fleut PM". Tari Veai Turi Fawl Brea Kinguton Market Prices. perton £gJs 5~ 9W w rb ude- a O 3 U 0>0! ,ublet O 3 6 O 4 O ey dg '0 à6 5 6 irper bbl. I1 0 1 i12.6 - per cwt. 0 13- O 0 17,- ipa do 0 1 3 O 1 S ttal-. 0 0 5 0 do O 0074,O0O0 kle-each 0 76 0 7 a pait 0 4 0 04 0 d perlaaf o0 9,00 9 JOHN MOORER, OTrespectfutly returnu hie- thanks Yitathe public, faWthe eia "-,uit he has hithprto rezeived, and hgieve,<Io nforni thein that he stili continueos te k'«0 in Stare-street, vhere trâvellersansd alli- ers wili alwaya meet with the greMa t- Rie has 1atelIy tuade sm i mprovments which render ls accomiuations more a- igreeabie, snd esjrntly solicita a continu- ance'- 0<publié favor snd patronage. Mai-ch 17, -1818. AD)VERTJSEMEN T. T HE a.*ibers bez leave respectfully toi t. 1.1,friends snd thc pub. lit. : t untrftceived ft&nà &Wtrs, a 1'êiy extonmive sund general m . sortaient of meroas ta specify) h "*lea 0 #serve tbam4 who t ýpes bjý=1 àt *ai ,r oe.ou mort etns &I m i an t02. co4s07 th" lob mnts.rfl saM .p I ,limt 11 aisPMc1,hihl ,oW ~ ou m & Cc îf li'e ek ph1,11 v id*aidrhaa -jeu fr IrAi SaI~*ilI L Né 17, Ï9 us--. No 7,1. the? Ne~lin.*e 71k md mm~, - w MàmhBW* *9 -ni' moê >- r18iW gofuAhes 4 rearf lt Ne 7t? who1 et..Wbieb. wyul be @âd at PfflAftkaat hg Ctiurt Ilosein the aspor 94>ptoe, Saturday the ffh ta7Of Ji ox, twev 1 'to i thg f.rdo le Ae, I, boe lamdm, orgamy par, w r, '-r "ad teuas.tIi ~ a Premiesm.. 411 wgtmt r everdIloIIh.t Ste u d adjmse T RIS#ubliation*Ib d btf ujsspeoctmcf thse Rçv. >r. S« hoA& edevoted to ttteolaglcg Msd MWe celianeba sub)ecta. andi particulorly t. hM4 teredflrel~ias Intellgence. sam hiegrai' occs'ioaal aagl a t cistal t iom sfrom."r perod vorks, nmral a"i that -pia ; anad"e Readuiof cf ClaISTAI itICddt 141 Ch 14 lfasiI ed la the mode, ,I1h intett-bn-o "jue .t 'hothe abject of tIse-lés. Ui.clgy 'ho vre tht tvomm w k I. r~/i .11. -Ew -. e 4~ diuc«m hi tht TIJBSDAY, MAPXVI 23,. 1319. .Wrehav eXirgtted fram aur lattst 'New 'York papers, Fanqbça dates up to the Ist lanuary. Tho Anierean Congre». vas adaned a i relede ta (loueriJaekaa'a coMudua mwK ho put off uniil another session. 1 ith i3din g m rce e d nrma ti fur r cm a lepwe4&ble pema. at tlïe smet tf ver- mment, i*y eenabled ta smre A U& LLor- thlW aUtlboeo arc nôo g!Liiab;er a ttachti te a 1 t " ithe mu 31h Pcb.h 11.2ea iter dopublm tatbs lei*IAUI)l' i b. ré '4~ î-1 1~0î k - y -1 SV hà 'lis cç l ý ýï

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