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Black Liberation, 1 Jul 1969, p. 2

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Ilick Lbers t ionNews Editor: George Daak The Black Liberation News is published- by the Black Liberation Front of Canada (Association). P.O. Box 967 Station "F" Toronto, Ontario. Phone 537-5082. Signed articles do not necessarily represent the opnion of the publishers. The views of the Black Liberation Front'are expressed in editorials. subscri"be nowl1 *It is published to serve you by voicing your opinion on matters that effect you lif e daily suc4i as housing, education & employment. *We also keep a close watch on the developments in the Caribbeazi Latin America, Africa and Asia. Our ties with brothers in these areas are growimg. The production coste on the Black Liberation News are con- siderable. We woild like to continue increasing our circulation and our national and international news coverage. To do this we need your aid. Pîrase send us news items, general infor- mation, and contributions . I enclose $ 1.00 for a years subscription I enclose $ ___ to help build the Black press. Send to Black Liberation News P.O. Box 967 Station "F" Toronto, Ontario Naine............................................. Addreuss.....1....................................... City ................ Prov........ Phone ....... ..H ustory teot Sir: 1 was formally introduced to the Black Panther Party and the te- nets af their organization thru an adclresi detivered by Mrs. K, Cleaver. Mer speach reiterated the racism, brutlity, degrada- tion and oppressio thot non- white poples have had to endu- re ut the Inds f hite people. She clearly stated that the strug- gle she is e nagaged in extends for beyond t&h borders of North America to Vietnam, Africa,etc. One con f ind no argument w ith her statements and accusations of injustices, and ber indict- ment of past history and present conditions is sadly correct. The sol ution she presented is a com- plete reconstruction af oui soci- eties by. the destruction of caPF- talism, imperialism, systems oe gavenmen andinheited condi- tions which she states aillow and encourage this infamous oppres- sion to thrive. Mis. Cleaver ci- tes Mao Tse Tung's China and Fidel Castro's Cuba as the proto type for the kind of society she envisions. In ail honesty no one con discredit the achievements of these men in feeding and ho using their peoples. 1 amn not o Communist or Socialist, but 1 arn also aware that what is cal- led"democracy" is an obscene travesty of what a democracy is and the a true democracy has neyer existed. Mirs. Cleaver's pos- ition is that it neyer con exist b.- caus of capitolimm, whlch is the platform froo, wblch oppression a- rises. Perbaps 1 amn naïIve or per- hope, because'l have neyer been cold, hungry or brutalized, 1 stili hope that aur government, compi- ete with free enterprise, can be transformned into a just and proper demaocracy. Kathleen Cleaver's words clearly indicated she beli- eves this is not possible . Unfortu- nately aur history and present events would seem to indicate she is right. June 8, 1969 FIa Young Toronto. Univ. studesats Ch urged Sir Gea. Williams University Administration invited a num- ber af Black Organization ta participate in discussion witb them regarding the Feb . lIth occurance. Meanwhile ail students char- ged have b.en committed ta trial ut the Se pt. Session ai the Court af Queéenis Bench. Some an 12 charges and oth- c rs on 8. & aims of BLFC (continued from page 1 ism as we ore, but they suffer exploitation which the black mon suffers too. It starts with the immigration laws, employmient, housing, education, etc. The stirring up of black oinst white starts with the power struct- ure, for it is the power structure which controls the immigration, housing, and educotianal sys- tems, and the problems one encouniters here are based primarily on the colour af your skin, not your background. If you are white, as the old sang says, you're ail right. Thus, who is really stirring black against wite ? It was obvious to the world that the BLFC's stand was right. Black people cverywherc in Canada stated their supp- ort ai the BLFC. But what did the establishment do? - denounced the BLFC and made outlandish claims that racism doesn't exist in Canada'. From the various tpes of respanses the BLFC re- ceived from the black community via its activi- tics, the BLFC concentrated its efforts on the strengthening of the organization internalILy and also decided ta faim the broadest possible bse for the support of the community by defining af- fil iations ta the BLFC as the block people in Toronto related ta them. PURPOSE & AIMS: The Bock Liberation Front of Canada is an or- ganization whaosrns are the complete el imin- ation of racial pie judice and exploitation in Canada. We wiJ 1 not rock the boat of discrim- ination - we wili sink it through education, agitation, vigilance, honesty and disciplined endeavors. We will impart ta the block peoýp- les a genuine sense af racial pride and a know- ledge of their intrinsic dignity as humon beings. Our purposes are the foîlowing: - Unity c il blaok people - ThefulI enjoyment of aIl status and rights as citizens af this country by ail coloure and - SAidrit wih te opiesaofthe Third Worid - Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Coribli.an - W. wiI expearcan fight ail forme aof dis- crlminatian an the. basis of race, Pa, Z ON AFFILIATION WITH THE BLFC: The BLFC is in the vanguard of the black strugg le. - Members are those who choose ta stand and takeon ctive part in building a better way of luie for black people, wbo are basical ly fed up with inhurnan conditions and barass- mient from the racist and exploitative institu- tions, wbo choose ta stand up and be black me n. - Supporters are those who support the BLFC's programi and activities and contribute ta themn in terms Ja ideas, concepts, timie and energy in order that the BLFC wiII continue olong the correct road, but who - for vani- ous reaons - choose not ta actually join the BI.FC. - Financial contributars ore those wha only wish ta contribute F nncially towards the BLFC's efforts. The cnduring str.ngtb ai the BLFC is that its programi addresses itself ta concrete real ities, and it moves on the basis of the knowledge and the understanding ai these real ities. This is what got the BL.FC aver initiaîly, and this is wbat wiII keep the BLFC in its van- guard raIe. ANALYSIS: The BLFC is an organizatian for the el imina- tion ai oppression and exploitation. It reali- zes that bloack peaple are the victimis ai in- human actions and conditions created and perpetuated b y the prsent system. We,, the members ai the BL.F, a no other alterna- tive but ta form an argonization and present a program. The system has constantl y and systemtically failed us time and time aogain. W e have attempt- ed ta cadress aur grievances ta wucb bodiles as the Ontario Humon Rights Commission, but ta no avail. The OHRC does not and neyver will be the answer ta aour problems. The cancer hou alreody spreod: you don't use antibiotics - you roat aut the cancer, carefully and surgically. The bur- eaucratic institutions are just as guiity, such as the universities, employnre nt and immigration. Toronto, Canada is the scene of rumblings on the front of oppressed peoples such as Indians, black people and minority groups. The oppress- ive conditions existing in Toronto have steadily increased since the racist establishment was ob- I iged ta open its doors ta black people as a re- suit of labor shortages, thereby be ing forc.d ta expose and "relax" their racist immigration laws. The achievem*nts af the movement have been oi such magnitude that it has forced the RCMP ta work overtime. ACH IEVEMENTS: The black people have discovered that they and oni they must lead their struggle for freedo, andnt ccmodate the establishment or those who work for them. But black people must take an active part in the struggle against the sys- tem thot oppresses peaple. 1) The BLFC bas achieved certain ai its stated objectives: exposing the trutb, and closing the çomm-unidcation gap between blâck peo- ple, in that any outrageous act committed against on brother in aon port ai Toronto lu immediately brou ght ta, th. attention of bro- thers throughout Canada. 2) 'We have instilled a new measure ai pride in black people in that they wili not tolerate any bulîshit from anyone under any circum- stances in' Toronto, or elsewhere. 3) We have raised the level of consciousneus of the black mon in Canada by exposing the raie of Canada in rocist South Africa, the Car- ibbean (Jamaica), Lctin America (Guyana am dBrazil). 4) We have foreed the establishment and its main tools ta make ail kinds ai deeperate moves In an attempt ta buy off the. BLFC. 5) We have estabi ished aur fitIlinksu in the iogm of an alliance with the. Indians, the rightfi l wners of the vaSt territary ai Cm"d. -7 -11 "-'- . 1 ý 1 > 7 , , 1-1- 1 - « . ý, - - -- , - 1 1 .. ý 1 - -111- -- 1 - 1 - - l-I - 'Il ý "wr-

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