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Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 6

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q'ff É!AnAWAW SPATE'1!M. BUfWIANVILLE. OTARIO PAGE SIm Industrial Commis sioner Pro vides B. & P. Members With Details of His Work "IWe cannot exPeet others te place their faith and their destiny in Bownsanville if we1 lack faith in ourseives. It lis up to us, individually and collectively, te do what must be donc, te face the challenge o! tomorrew by doing those things that logic and careful study tell us should be donc today," K. N. Morris, Bow- manville Industrial CommIs- siener, told the dinner meet- ing o! the Bnwmanville Busi- rness and Professional WomneWîs Club held À- St. Andrew's Sunday Schel noom on Jan. 2lst. Mr., Morris, the guest speak- er, emphasized the need o! in- dustnial expansion for the town, and pointed eut that there are three major condi-ý tiens, plus a number of miner cnes, that must be met througch the active co-operation o! pro- pcrty owners, Town Council, and the ratcpayers at largue. Hie describe-d the work o! the, Bowmosnville Industrial Cern- Inission. and also spoke o! thc aims and objectives o! the Bowmanville Chamber o! Commerce. Miss Madlyn Wlcox, presi- dent of the club, introduced the speaker and stated that the members were kecnly in- tenested in the welfare o! the niunicipality, and welcomned the opportunity ta learn more of the work bein-g donc on ifs behaif by the Industnial Com- mission and thc Chamber o! Commerce. Pays Tribute ta B. & P. Mr. Morris paid tribute te the Bewmanville Business and Professional Women's Club for its outstanding contribu- tiens ta the progrcss and wcl- fare of the enmmunity. He stated that Bewmanvillc Is a better town because of theý club.1 Naremide Capsules 1.25 Lip Quick Roll on 2.00f Dedicated te Improvement The tmwn' Chamber of Commnerce is dedicatcd te the promotion and iniprovemnent of the commercial, industrial, agricultural, civic and social welfare o! the community, Mr. Morris stated. While m.any of its projects are directly con- cerned with business affairs it is also interested in parIcs, recreatien, playgrounds; town planning, p arking, and traf' fic control; education, civic by-laws, and cvic administra- tion, the speaker explained. The Third Chamber "Ours is tue third Chamber of Comamerce in the tow n'a history. Previaus Chambers appear to have been organiz- ed te deal with a spccific pro- jcct, or problem, and have withored awav once the job was donc. W e are confident that our present Chamber is destined for a long and use- fui life," Mr. Morris asserted. Saves Cltizens Money He remnarked on the wider range o! interests of the pres- ont C. of C. Local merchants know that they must. work through the Retail Merchants' Section ta counter the threat o! ncarby shopping centres, and the public is increasingly aware o! the usefulnesa o! the Chaniber, and off the benefits o! its openations as an af fil- iate e! the TIoronto Bett-cr Business Bureau, Mr. Morris asserted. Ho referred ta the large ansount of rmoney saved for local people by the Chan- ber through its reports on door-to-door salesmen and mail order schemes, Organized in 1954 The- present Chamber of Commerce wag organized in 1954. At a ýont meeting of Chaimber, directors , and the Sauve New Gulette flair Creme Razor 2 fer 99c 1 1.95 . Dristan Bufferin 39c-79e-1.23-l.89 Tablets L25, 2.26, 3.75 Bayer Dristan Spray - 1.25 Aspirin 20c-32e-5gC-87C Vicks Sinus Tablets 65e Anacin ---Zi-53e-85C,1.29 Vicks Rub 6- 4c, 1.09 Instantine -- 25c-59c Gerlte q&SCogH azel ihov ToýdWc mGSLogLipstick 1.3FO-3.29 Vicks Formula 44e-1.19 1.00-1.50 0.49 Nyai Creophos --1.50 Buokle>"s Mixture 59c-85c WoLEryS Vrollwsyrup .!ý. 49e-75e Vacuum Whoor' Pertussin - 75c-1.25 Botties 79e Owbridtes - 50c-85c 79e Specials 65e Paimolive Sh. ra 43e Wildroot Cream 011 98e PEPSODENT TOOTH FASTE Bath For 65C 1 FLASHLIGHT FREE 63e GLEEM TOOTH PASTE SOc Drisk Tooth Pasto NAIL SCISSORS FREE 1 Metal Flashiight 2 Listerlne Tooth Paste Bath For 98C 79c$ HOT WATER BOTTLES (Guaranteed) 1.29 - 1.99 - 2.50 - 3.75 COWLI NG'S PHONE MA 3-5695 WE FIT TRUSSES ]ROYALMA358 TRIS THURS. TO SAT. - FER. 4 - 6 Malinee Saturday 2 p.m. "Tarzan 's Greatesf A dventure" GORDON SCOTT - SARA SHANE (Color) also "Badman 's Countr y" BUFFALO BILL Tarzan at 7 and 945 -WYATT EARP Western at 8:30 NEIT MNON.. WED. - FEB. 8 - 10 bisth.mf M Combg: VALEMnTINEMATIEE Safturdy, February l3th at 2 p.im Town Council, it was decided that coundil would appropri- ate a mil a year, an office ho cstablished, and a full timo empleyee ongaged," Mr. Mor- ris stated. He said a joint Council - Chamber comnitteo was formed to establish pal-_ icy and oversee the work, ho. Task to Secure Industry Mr. Morris in saying he was Uic man finally engaged as seroretary - Manager remarked that he commenced the job just over four years ago, and !rom the outset it was under- stoed that his principal task would be ta secure industry for the town, but coundil was wil]Ling that any spare tiîne shouid be dcvoted ta Cham- ber or' Commerce matters. Established Liaison The speaker said that he at once established liaison with the industrial development de- partments of banks, railways, and othor agencica interested in Ontaiio's industnial growth, and with thc Trado and In- dustry Branch o! Uic Ontario Department o! Planning and Development. It is through these sources that most o! the contacts with prospective isn- dustries are obtaincd, al- though aometimes prospects make a direct contact and lo- cal citizena furnish leads, Mr. Morris stated. Hie aiso, mon- tioned the industriail brochure ho conpiled. Manager of Centennial Mr. Morris was thc gen oral manager of the Bowmanvile Centennial, 1958, and since thon hais devoted 90 pcr cent o! his time te industrial -de- velopment, ho said. In 19581 ho wais appointed Industriail Comunissioner. In 1959 the joint Town - Council - Cham- ber Industrial Committee was disbanded and replaced by a formai Industriai Commidssion consisting cf three mernbere cf council and two citizens ap- pointed by Town Council, Mr. Morris pointed out. Finances Own Operations Ho explained that thse Chamber finances its own op- erations and the town's an-1 nual appropriation o! one mili is spent only on town business. Ho said as a town empîcyce thse imited work ho perforins for thse C. o! C. is dunc only when industnial promotion work permits, or alter office hours. Vital Need For Industry In discussing Bowmanvillc's vital need of industrial ex- pansion Mn. Morris referred te the balance o! population and employment in Uic past. If a mull or factory closed, werkers and their families left town. "If thse number of local jobs did net increase with tise growth of resident familles -then mausy sons and daugiters on leaving scisool migrated elsewhiere. If a nexv industry camne ta town, new9 familles moved in", he said. 'Oshawa Reaps Harvest "Thse average community's« assessment xvas about 60 per cent residential and 40 per cent comrmercial and industrial". The developmen-t o! automo- biles and o! good roads made it possible te comaniute long distances, ho explained. Ho ad.ded Uiat hundreds of work- ers commute daily ta Oshawa. "As a result Oshawa reaps tise harvçst of induatrial tax- ation, while Bowmanville bas te find tise money for roads, sidewalks, watcr and sewen mains, achools, and other ser- vices required by thc coninut- ing workers' families." Made a Late Start "Bowmanville made a late start in launcising its indus- trial developinent program. Most Ontario cities and towns have been.conducting aggres- sive campaigns since tise end of World War IV'" Mr. Mor- ris sad. Tise greatest period. o! expansion wvas in Uic early 1950's, ho explained. Provin- cial goverriment figures show that 183 new industries and brandi planta were establish- ed ln 1956, and only 122 in 1958, he said. One Third To Metro 'Metropolitan Toronto cap- Industries, and another quar- ter locate lu other cities. 1 G. EDWIN MNIDC Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor of Horsey St Phone MA 3-5509 office Hours: By Appointment LD e n i ali DR. W. M. EUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to, 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours : 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesday - Sundays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Eowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L egal' STRIKE and STRIK'E Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA .3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones- Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MSS APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvifle IL. EICHARB LOVEkâiN U.E., Bl.A., LL.B. Box 9. Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAT LYCET?, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor lIn the offices of R& R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario M o ri1g age s=- Phono 1 r 116 FIrat Mortgage Funds Residences - Farma Business Properties Opiom oiry KETI'x A. iLLET, om. Optometrist 141 in St. E. - Eowmanville Ofcfours: By appoztn Te=hoeMArket O3%25 Modyto Saturday 9 O.m. to 5 Pmn. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thuraday evenings re the Lest Heir were played with rt. prizei given to Mirs. Howvard~ PKG. 0F 25C de for Brown, Clarence Werry, Mrs. H siess ls 12 ROLLS SpeeBsut Satur- The committee for next meet- CHOCOLATE CREAMS P.m. in ing ia Russel Down, Mrs. H. Foe od AAACE ilwrBrown, Alvin Spencer and Foe od AAACEM Herold Werry. ID Y - 6OZTI SOE WFR )n Feb- Mr. and mrs. J. CampbellBRSEE - OZTNASRTDWFS entertained friends on Satur ORANGIE JUICE 2 For 45c STRAWBERRY CREAMS I day evening with a Progressive Ful pound la eaeh pkg. of the Lost Heir party. Prize winners BRSEE -~~SZ 1 Scho- included Mrs. M. Morgan, Mrs ID Y - 8O.SZ recent- M. Walter, Mrfs. H. Werry, J. - w Lr r-H. Pascoe and M. Mjorgan. Chicken, Beez, xurkey Pies 3 For 89C pkgs. 85c il read MVT. and Mrs. J. Starr and Donald .surer's THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU I NONET BOWMAN VILLE Wm. H. Tate s. Eric AVAILABLE FOR MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria cf on- MGRTGAGESK stateKINGSWAY SUPER MARKET whc DAP .JisKING ST. -EAST 0F TW N Dein arrister and Solicitor ORONO Cornish Marketeria Public 113 King St. E. Oshawaf S, nd -««BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market oc n pi 0________________________________ -T THURSDAY, TEE. 4th, 19W DRUG STORE and that onc nov major in-i dustry often bringa addltional1 industries in its wako. "Dun-] lop did not build in Whitbyi until sevon years after A t bought Uic land. VWitby'sj greatest industrial progressi followed construction of the1 Dunlop plant," he added. <Ho referred to the 75 amr site1 purchased by Johnson and Johnson Liniited in Bovnman- ville and said it is posaibe when tliis firmn builds here, a new era of industrial growth wiil start for the town. Fuliy-Serviced Sites Most of the towns that are going ahead offer fully ser- viced industrial sites at rea- sonable prices, the Industrial Commissioner said. While Bowmanville has several hun- dred acres of good industrial land near 401 highway and the two railways, Mr. Morris clainsed that "it is absolutely useless te us as long as it i8 flot serviced and availablo te industry at reasonable prices." Able To Offer Variety Ho stated that in Uic last year a further section of land was rezoned te industrial, and one cf Uic property holders set firma prices that merely cevera the cost Firm prices have been set in another area. Ot.her owners have verbly intimated prices acceptable to them. We are at last able to offer a variety of sites at pri- ces ranging fromn low te a&ver- age."p Financing Facilitie. Another major problem is the financing of industrial buildings. Mr. Morris asserted. The policy of an incrcasingly large number of finms is to rent, and in ail Canadian ma- jor cities there have long been companies te cater #0 this demand, the speaker sta- ted. MrL. Morris recommended thait a building and financing company should be formed ini Bowmanville. It would give local contractera work, busi- ness would be stimulated as Business Direclory Accountancy_ RAY J. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGG-INS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Uibrary Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 TALE, FRIIEDLANDER HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee lu Bankruptcy 64 King St. E . RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. P. riedlander, B. Coin., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville Cali ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. A, B. Monteith, B. Cern., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Chiropractic matrials would be bc through local suppliers, profits from rental in would be paid as divi te local shareholders, jobs would be croated thr new industry, and taxes by new Industry would to hold down the tax the Industrial Commiss advlsod Uic meeting. "Lot it not be said tha through fear indiffei false econerny, or selfis have left our problems solved by the next gene Bowmanville has had a did past, ,and its futuri be equally splendid", Morris said in closing. Mrs. Minerva Kerrr a vote of thanks to M%& ris for his interestizig ai Miss Wilcox, the pres also expresseed eppreciali the enlightening and lis talk that Mr. Morris given. Misa Wilcox congrali Miss Marjorie Couch, principal of the new Loi gin School on her ap ment and on the openi the school this week. were completed for th terior Decorating Nig'ht prcsented by the Bo' iville Business and ProfE alWomens Club on1 dey, February 4th, atthe Hall Auditorium. The also decided to hold a ion Show in March. WESLEYVILL Fine winter weather is ing happy days for ch who may tunnel, side ar in sntow to their heari tent. Fields are tee wel Ierced for earth, te blow )make it dirty se it ren shiny white everywherc the edge of the rond. 1there, tLhe high banka >back by the snow plow 1like white canyon wallI LISprinkled here and -along the road are wi -hay, evidence* that a sleighIn.g party passed way. Last Friday evenirý -Austin's form party wai at his home with about 2 sent. Roy's d.ad providE -sleigh and lherses, andz turned for refrcshments, ic an-d danching- a hapl ening. -Sunday school as usua Murray Payne su-periniE in charge. There were 4 sent aind Marie Austin mi morning scripture. SOME -ted roads kept choir me .home froin practico, bu Allan Clarke and John eveld sang a duet ohurch service. rPeter Keiley of Port 1spent the weekend wili Austin; Calvin Brown ar Lawson of Port Hope, .Friciay evening wilih Bil rowlougi; Mrv. and Mns Kimbali of Port Granbyi there the saine evening. There was noc school Tucaday either in Port:E or Wesleyvllle, but iby ihe snow plougii was al( open the way. -1 .1- -1 ;i -luira %;Ifflj COTJRTICE (Intcnded for iast we Mr. aud NMrs. Murral borne, Br-uce and Dale recently with Mr. and Hary Knox, Solina. Lt. George Black, Halifax, has been a guest at thse home o! hi Vhier-in-law and sister, I Mrs. Char-les Archer, pi his departure te Europ two and one hal! years lx in Paris, Belfaist and L after a brief trip to Be Sorry Vio report Mrn. Muir is lu Oshawa H wisene ho la not tee we wish him a spoedy recov The Official Board of tice Circuit met at El on Fridiay evening. Mr. and MIrs. Wilf1 Barbara, Wendy, Debb ited with Mr. and Mrs. Balson, Hanipton. .Mr. and Mms. Steve and family, Maple Grov ite with Mn&. and Mms. C ertson. Mr. and Mis. Cisanlie Lisa and Lorraine, spe weekend with M?-. and b Tininey, Port Hope. Scout Mother's Thse lRth Scout Mv Auxiliary held ita i meeting in Courtice School room. Presildenut Mrs. Oharb cher welcorned theein( axid extended thianks ti Thomas Giadiman for f] of her home for the Chi party and te Group 2 fo work ta make the Scoi Cub Christmais party cess- Mr. George Johnson Uic Secrefary's report ain T. Gladman reperted f treasurer s-s. Hairold L ppelle, who was absent Rudolpis Whenert gavi Sewing Convenors repor Plans are being n thse Father and Son -b to ho held this ycar on day, February 20, at 61 Courtice United Church hall. Next meeting will be o ruary 1011h, et 1:30. Oozne and School Tne January meeting West Courtice Home and ol Association was heldi ly with Mr. Eric Dunha siding. Mrs. Wilson Nei tise minutes aind Mrs.1 Thomprion gave tSe trea report. Guest speaker of the Ing, Dr. J. E. Watt, wais duced iby Mrs. Dotig. M, in andi thanked by Mi- Dunhom . Dr. Watt, superviser vironiental sanitetion, on Public Health and tise diifferent by-IRws must be followed in reg mfik snd meat. He aIse of lplaces whid-s must b: upected, thse canges in Healtis as times gees oi thse excellent iperfectit )ought I ters. the Langmaid-Brooks families, 3,the IK ED-R O Nwre Mr. Edgar Pascoe, Mr. and held on Friday evening in Sol- ncome Mrs. William Pierson, Mr. and ina Hall. idends The annual meeting of the Miss Eleanor Mountjoy wr Mrs. Harold Pascoe of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon SoW. mnore congregation of Ke<ror. Church among Saturday guests of their and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pas- derson, Toronto; Mr. and krough was held in the Lower Hall on aunt, Miss Olive E. Luke, Tor- coe were guests at a family J. K. Glover and Stephen, Stra- s paid Thursday evening, with Rev. onto. dinxier party, at the home Of thioy, were weekend guesta of Lhelp R. H. Love inl the chair. Fol- MrT. and Mr.WlimSapM.adms. M. Walters. MranMs..Govr rat, ownganopening worship aeprnso aybybr Mr. and Mrs. Alec McvIGregor, Mr. and Mrs. J Harvey Pas- sioerr srvie, c iurseReotsr.F on Frircîay. January 29 in Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Murton Walters, coe, Mr. and Mrs. Murton Wal. h Wery eadmiute. epotsawa Hospital- weight 6 lbs. I Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moun4jioy ters wer% among Thusdy '- at we, from the various orgaflizationS 13 ozs., ob nw s i eeanrgtoewoatn-clnrget fM.adMs ýrence, were presented and approved. m" y is5brothers ans is- cd te awn'gt-ogewho tendof1W. Per usso Mr.hand. ýshness An increase ini persons un- ybyhs5bohran s-eth itrgt.tgte fW.PronOhw. to~ b e der pastoral oversight was re- Saeio- ported from 300 in January, Sp.ca 1959 to 540 in January 1960. eMca Other departments also show- M..ed increases. There were 2< nioved baptisms in the past year, anrr .Mor- 91 on the Cradie Rol, super-t ýdre3s vised by Mrs. J. S11arr. Tota' ýsident, church membership, Decembel . ~'~ tion of 1959, was 148. spiring Tribute was païd to the late SIIOP AT TOUR member of the B3oard of Trus.RE & Hf tuated tees and church treasurer ai ithe the time of hia sudden passing -.-i"" rd El- in December. A brief "In Mcm- RING GARDENUU ppoint- oriam" was conducted by the Ing of minister. Iatm tn ipa Plan,, Appreciation from the con-,t n dip y he In- gregation was expressed to o ufiu Lto bc Rev. R. H. Love and Mrs. Love 'wman- for inspiring leadea-ahip, to or-1 fruits and vegeables ression- ganist Mrs. R. E. Lee, to choir Thurs- director, Miss Jeanine Werry, eTownI and toa al choir members. Rev. &Fashb R. H ove expressed thanks GOLDEN- TREE RIPE - CALIFORNIA LFs-for the sp1endid co-operation LARGE SIZE 138's - given him by the various of- " 'EU fîcers anid boa rds. Derek Barnett, on Ïbebaf of dz IE the Boaxd of Stewards, spoke' Oag s1 0 a word of thanks to ail who TATE TINGLING - FANCY GRADE rildren Prope'rty Fund comnmittment LA tnd roll for the purchase of extra land.1 M l t s p eS 3b.c lo ag9 il cov- The foliowing wcre elecc AG LCN nains a Kedron Church for 1960- Re- TO M A TO 1b except cbrding Steward, Ross E. Lee; OA O S1.3 Even congregationai secretary, Clar- shoved en-ce F. Werry; presbytery re- DELICIOUS CUBAN C. Lsinr adMineacceEE -chc S.er Committee, William Werry PINEMU *LEch 2 isps of (treasurer), Grant SpencerAi- FRESH - TENDER hpybert Wood, Mrs. E. Mountjov d hpp and Walter Davis; Board of' BRO C C a h 3 3 c dg thos Session, Clarence Werry, Ai- BR C O L ah 3 3 as held vin Spencer, Howard Farndale, CRISP - CRUNCHY 25 pre- Walter Davis, Ross Lee, Har- cdteodWir.M.EeetMual re- joy, who has been a valued ELERY HEA RTS poly bag 2 3 c Smu-and faithfui member of the ,p mu- Session requsted release f rom hý uisdeto leal n BEST BUY - SAVE 5c CASH a thwas named an honorary eider I.5// HEINZ FANCY fednoftechurch. Stewards are ~ . J Il i 47 re OvileSelekAler Wod, UaltLy Il eats a7 pre- Derek Barnett, John FrancisT m t uc ie drif- Douglas Love, Ted IVaidmanW OE R AF4OZTI ýembers Robert Dale and Lyle Noble. FRESH PORK - WOEO AF4 Z I it Mrs. Trustees are, Howard Farndale, Groen- William Mountjoy, John Glov- o ,7 er os ee veet oin- HAM ROASTS 2fr57 tHope Auditors are Harvey Pas- BEST BUY - SAVE 15e CASHL. h Roy coe and Rodger Bishop, tellers, MONARCH tnd Art Lyle Noble, Elmer Parka, Har- I Sspent old Werry, Keitlh Tregunna; I [1l Bar- flower comxittee, Mrs. How-4 9M raie s. Jackc ard Brown and Mms. Grant 1L.PG visited Glover. SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Cry-O-Vac Wrapped 1 L.yG Collectors and ushers, unde rn2Beef LB 7 o 5 Britain reception committee, left t _______________ rnight members of Session; grounds FRESH - YOUNG - SLICED long to commàttee to ibe the stewards; B -B-EST BUY- SAVE ;cCASH Observer secretary, Mrs. Ever Uuà-m~ b Y LIPTON'S - ett Mougnitjoy; Director of Mu- B e i e sI 9 CHICKEN NOODLE sic, Miss Jeanine Wervy, or-TMT EEAL ganilat, Mrs. Ross E. Lee. SWIFT'S PREMIUM - SLICED SIDE TMT EEAL e) The nominatlng conittee RINDLESS L yO-annual1 meeting wcre named as Bacon 1 LB. PACKAGE 1b. 69cLK VI/ istdfllows- the clerk of ses- SWIFT'S PREMIUM - BROWN 'N SERVE Mr.sion, secretary of congregation secretairy of Board of Trustees: JUST HEAT AND EAT 3 pg.35 R.C.N. ehairman of stewards, the Sun- recent day Schiool superinwtendent and a s i e "Dz-pkgs-37c BS.BY-SV cCS is bro-th prsdn, _or_____________________of___MAZOLA Yr. andth ..adalohrosi- FOR DEEP FRYING )rior to izations. This was consîdered "ETR"-SV cCS >e for to ea very rprsenaie MAUE A NE Z ANSLL » study noinIti1 rop, hih1o- ~AYLMER STU1FED MNANLASalad Oil .onidon, udoe com m h lojcitn 8 OZ. 37 32 OZ. BOTTLE wul.te this partiicular cmite rida whose careful advance thought O i e ICE BOX JAR37 lospital and preparation. so greatly ex- FAUE AEIeCS 9 el, We pedftes electionis ait the annual "HERT.ERD SAVEz.lin AH rery. meeting. o EEOD - 1 z i fCu-.A fow ei fbuisiness o Jf* L YO BUY - SAVE Bc CASH )enezer interest te the congregtion C rned ueef 2 for W79C PURITAN BRAND 1 were discussed, and a social Býrowýn, hour foliowed adjournimeiit. "'FEATURE" - SAVE 4c CASH nevi- he Adlt BRible C'lasaaqncldApf _f_ K.N. Morris m

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