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Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 3

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TBURSDAY, ME. 4th, 1980 THE CANMI STATESMAI, BOWMANV!lLE, ONTAWO PAGE ER Iaopîe Leaf Circlte 143 ýjoIds ,52nd Birthday r'4aple Leef Cii-cie 143, Cam- in Bownan ville an. January panions af the Foi-est, cele - 2lst, 1908, maial brlefly recail- b-_ ts 2nd anxîaveisary on ed the achi evements ai the' Ibuisday evening, Januery organization - in the inteiven- S2lot, with an enjoyable birth- ing years. day party in fihe Union Hall, The Chiee Companion .saidi IK ±g ieef, East. Mare than that Canwan ion Annie Wright 60 Companions anal their lia been aj nember ofi Maple guests wOi-e present.- Leaf Cii-cie 143, Compenions The long tables were eftec- af the Foi-est, for 47, years, ,4tlvely decorateal with long real anal she callo ad on Companiaii anlgi-en streamers, the Cir- Wrightt W cu.t tbe large birtix- cie's co ours, and lit by taiij day cake, iwhicb was iced la green tapers in crystal cni- pink andl wliite. cilestieka. The heaci table was The wipnýers aif the Lucky Scentreal with red roses la a Di-aw were :Paiy Tkatch, Ana crystel bowl, and spring flow- Engliab, Pudrey Bate anal e- ' lw bowls were the Shirley B. Lkle. Canipanions centi-epieces on the other ta- Henrietta 4C~Rden anal POIIy bCi li Cmpn-Tkatch weri la charge af the TieWorthy CifCma-diew. Ion Rena Bathgate, wbo pri- The cateiri-ng canvenors foi- sided, welcomed the guests. fthe delicias dinner' were She pointeal out tint Maple CanWpanians1 M. Edmondstone, Leaf Circle 143 was foi-mai T. Luxton anal Kren Vesna. ~edical Mirror Bursitis Can Ce Helped Q. WUI you please write about eaitified burs iis?-C.H. A. A11 joints arc padded witb luid-filled sacs calleil bursae (singular-bursa). ln th'e acca!xx. panying drawing the bursae of the knee joint have been drawn na that they can bc clearly seen. Inflammation of a bursa (bursitis) is often precied by injury ta the Joint. Long çontinued irritation may lead ta deposits of gravel-- like calcium within the bursa. Dactors are sometimel able ta 15eak up tie deposits withaut nxuch trouble. Injections art also employed plus x-ray treatment. In some cases it may be aecessary to surgically open the bursa and remove the depasits. Heat, mas- sage, and gentie stretching as pre- scribed by the doctar may be helpful. Questions directed Io Science Edi- sors, P.O. Bot 396, Madison Sq. $ta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be in- corporated in ihese colunns v'hen pos.sile. Campanian Edith Hîilditoti was in charge aio entertainmont, anal the table convenais were Companiomt Jean Linton nid Beryl HugItes. During the evening gaines anal card biiiga were enjayed. The prizo wlinners wei-e Helen Allia, Enigaber Reitinuller, Aima Porfect, Mai-fia Gaudy, Maiin Slâgbt, Shirley Bicklo, Doi-otby Leamn, Doreen Rowe, ElsiE, Bruton, Jean Lin- tan, Jean N Y'od, Poliy Tkatcb, June Rider nd Kathleen Beauprie. POIqTYPOOL Manvers District L.O.L. held ifs Annuel Meeting la Penty- pool an Tuesday evening. Fa- vaurable iiports were receiveal frorn ai Loalgos la the District. The toli >wing afficors were ue-elecfed for 1960: District Master- W Bro. Ernest Yaung- man; Depu ty District Master- Bro. John flurn; District Cbap- lain- Bro. Fenita Fallis; Dis- tirict Secretaty- W. Rua. R. J. Payne: Di strict Mvarsia- W. Bra. Weskêy«- Jordan; District Lectureri-s W. Rua. BulMai- rison, W. lbro. Tam Stajples. It was dëclded ta hold, next years meeting la Bethany. Lunch was .served etter Loalge by membeip ai L.O.L. 82. Congratulations ta Mi-. Ralif. Halboran vylha celebrated hus 89th ibirthty lait week. Amn-1 ong thatse whJo also celebrafeal birthdays last week wore Del- bort Bowinu, Clifford Curtis nd John Feayne We areu- î e iJtbain that aur soixool boys have a hockey feain. Due to peau ice bei-e tiiey practise andl play most ai thleir gaines la, Jaz.etville. We under- stand they Iiave won mast ai their games. They deserve the I support of ai l sprt mindeci cifizens. We coulal have saine 1 Give a EBULOVA FOR VALENTINE'S DAY! &ULO VA... Conodas fuv.re sweelhoelwafthi MARR'S JEWELLERY MA 3-5463 re-ihLent; hsnve eavy, tiever too sweet.h' refreshes witliout fifling. Keep plcntl, of Pepsi handy for those infiràdu 6êbottk carton SNITH EVMAGU LMtui ab"6 et, ~.mUont -on( af i at No. dai Mr Cal th- Set cha wh en Mr, fr wii mi bic and mi mil lm wal fice 'whi c wu] befi $1,000,000 Gft to Schools' "RiUdards" aM l "owes'" in the making. Those atbenaling Church on Sundy again enjoyed the Young Mens Choir. We extenal our best wishes teo fus grup anal thear oi-ganhat, Mas. Cliii Falim. e We extesid aur sympathy ta -Mrs. Charles MeNeil whose sis- ter Mis Berthe McNeil passed jaway alter being coniined ta tHospital for nlany montts. e We wereglad tehave achat McNeil of Milton who were visiting with his parents, Mr. adMrs. Chas. MeNeil recent- ly. Leanard, is now School In- specter oi Halton County« andl has a lot of friendis here. About 127 years he taught la Ponty- 1pool Sc[hool andl was a star per- sfarmner lanfihe local Basebal rTeam. e Mr.nd Mm. Preeman Eddy of Crono were Sundkty visitai-s rwit, Mr. andl Mrs. R. J. Payne. Mas. Ormne Miler bas been spending a few days la Owen Souria with her mother wha is seriously ill. EL1ZABETH VILLE Church services and*Sunday Sehool were helci as usual. Rev. Wright hadi dinner with Mr-. and Mms. H. Muldrew anal tam- ily. Mr. andl Mr. Paul Woolacott spent the weekend with Misses Donna an-d Ruthx Mercer, Tor- onto. Misses Beryl and Darlene Thickson, Taranto, -spent the weekend wituh Uheir parents, MT. and MLrs. Sam Moore, Tor-- anio, alsa spent the weekend wituh Mr. andl Mis. Thickson.. Mis. Clarence Beatty as il inheal with the flu. Mr. Lockwoad lied a heurt~ attack an Saturday anal was rushed ta Peterborough Hospi- tal. i Mr-. Lloyd McGahey, Port r Hope, oelled at E. Fawler's, b Sunday. b Due ta the stooems thxe past y week everyone bas teen itiov- n~ elling out.R Mr. and Mxs. E. Elliatt, Osix- t awa, visiteal in the village and n had tea with Mr. andl Mrs. O. Mercer. 'tc Mr. andl Mm. V. Peacock vis- p ited with Mi. and Ms. V. Pea- uy cock, Oslhawa, Suinday. fc Mr. andl Mis. Leo Fal-lis, MUi- i brook, with Mlr. andl Mrs. W. Beatity recenitly. Pl Mr. anal Mrs. W. Muldrew, ai Oshawa, weire in fthe village rr Sunday."'e - E bi NE WTON VILLE ai Mis. Stanley Allen ai Orano f witih Mi. andl Mirs. Fred Nes- fa bitt an Friday. r Mr.and Mis. N. Gawer and tb family of Osha'wa, spent Sun- cr deay with Mr. andl Mis. Earl YE WValkey. . After making sorne altera- ha tions, Mr. and bMus. Leon Bol- sa eau andl family have movea l P nta the school property. Of Miss Dorella Lancaster spenit af Sunal'ay with hier cousin, Miss ch BetWi Welsh af Bowmanviile. ch fa Mr. andl Mis. Reg. McEwen o, and family Who haxve been 1'v- t ing at Newtonville C.P.R. Sta- tion are maving te Port Hope. ed MT. anid Mis. Jas. Adams of at Toronto andl Mi. andl Mrs. Fer- ey Greeniield oi Bow'manville wero Sund&ay visitai-s with Mri. W and Mrs. Andirew Reiehira-th. 94b Mrs. Bill RMd af Oronia han si( >een supplying at oui sehQol sti durirug Mrs. Millicanl's iflness. thx Mr. and Mis. Sporice Gardon BE of Kendal spent Sunday with on Mr. and Mrs. Wallae Boughen. Tc Mr-. and Mis. Keili Stephen- ar son,-Debbie and Jull af Clark- th son speat tlhe weekend with- Mfrs Gea. Ovons. Several f rein -tAis area ait- tedeal the Canada Farm nd Industrial Show in thxe Col1is- eum at Toronto. Somne bad the Fun d Campaign Lags C.A.S. Needs Your H-eIp The financial campaign be- ham, Society is collected for Ig conducted by the Child- these children. Three returned rn's Aid Society of Northum- to their parents last week and aerland and Durham is lagging another will return beforethe jehind the receipts for last end of the month. Fear, it was reported at the The C.A.S. has stili not locat- ,eeting af the Board of Direct- )r in Port Hope last wee. ed the parents of one group of Receipts to January 26, 1960,trecirefom nea- tal $,1654. Last year the funci ily who were at Whytehaven, .ached the $2,,100 mark. Mr. Finnie said. Letters have been sent out One thing that made it pas- ;o idusry nd ercant insible to supply younger child- indtrpe andtmercamtsai ren for adoption was the in- rt openuand theancapa crease in the number of un- 'iUconinu wih a apeaumarrieci mothers, the director or support in Cobourg, Bow- said. There were 45 cases of nanville and in Campbellford. unmarried parents in the Çampaign money Is used for counties la 1959 as compared arposes strictly over and with 31 the preceding year.- tove board, lodging and Guide. edical care, which are cov- -________ Sed by 'the counties' grant. lxtras at Christmas and for rthdays, summer holidays,80 Y a l id expenses of educatian areea O d niong the services provided rm campaign funds. H no e Frt dopindrng 1959, acDi- rby or atcindrn wer95p9acD ector Arthur B. Finnie, toldHi Le meeting. This is an in- H is, IRltiv%.. 'ease of 12 over the preceding Mru.nd Mis. Jas. Snowden, ,ar. Enniskillen, entertained sev- Older childien as well as eral of their relatives on Sat- Lbies have been placed, he urday, Jan. 23rd to celebrate id., A breakdown revealed the 80th birthday of Mr. Chas. acement in adoptive homes F.K1hi-Uitario Street, f 2 -ahilch'enx unr syr fage; seven one year old ava hldren; one two year old; two When the relatives 'haci ail hildren three years old; two assembled, the chairman, Mr. :ur years old; one five years Russell Earle inviteci the hon. I, and six children between oured guest ta be seated in e ages of six andi 12. the mldst of the happy gath. In addition, Mr. Finnie stat- ering. The chairman then d, there are eight wards from asked Miss Lela Knight to ber societies ia care. read an - address which con- Thirteen From Whytehaven tained several references to Thirteen children from the histary of the family. 7hytehaven, Mrs. B e r t h a On behaif of the assembly, Mom" Whyte's former is~- Mrs. John Long presented im [n near Bowmaývi11e, are with a beautiful bathxobe. AI] I wards, lie said. Three of jained in singing "Happy iese are -ât Picton,. one la Birthday". Mr. Knlght ex- elleville, three la Brampton, pressed i s *hanks for the re in Owen Sound, three in sflgt. H enraid oronto andi two ia St. Cath. sflgi. Heetranc ries. The per diem rate for ie Northxumberlandi and Dur" .WEDDING HUGHES - HYLAND In a wedding ceremony helal Sunnybrooli Hospital Chapel, iss Helen Hyland became the ride ai Lt.-Col. Samuel Elton, Hughes. Colonel Hughes bas been vice decorated for his dis- nguisheci military service, hich extended over the Firsti' d Second World Wars. Iný>ý ie First, he soi-yod with the irst Canadian Infantry and1 Lthe Second with the Irish:; egiment of Canada. While îth the latter, he serveal as ommandant on the Queen lary, the Queen Elizabeth andi te Aquitania when they werel >opships, completing 119 suc- asful trans-Atlantie trips an H ie ai which he was in charge' 1Kuit Meyer when he was rught ta Canada. MvIss Hyland is also a veteran the Second World War, hav-;, « served as a nursing sister posts in England, Italy andl i-tii Africa. She is the, tughter ai the late Mr-.nd:- rs. Nîcholas Hylandalnd lonel Hughes is--the son of ýlate Mr.nd Mrs. Richard Lghes ai Bowmanvulle, and other oi Mrs. H. G. Shaw, agog St.,, Bowmanville. White flowers decorated the Lapel for their wodding, at hicb Rev. M. P. Lacey ai- lateal. Miss Hylanal was giv- L i marriage by ber brother, F. aul Hyland ai Barring- n, MI., nd she wore a dres wlater-white Frenchx wool iti solf-stole trimmeal withli ink. Heu smaU bat was ai >wn velvet with mink tails Ld she wore a corsage aof w'ny archials. Mrs. Richard MiUer was her atran ai honor nd Mis.1 lxander Roberts heu brides- aid. Bath had chosea blue eues nd carried nasegays of oed tlawers. The groom nd bis grooms- Rn, Lt.-Col. William Heard, Dre the fuil dress unifarnis the Irish Regiment ai rieda an did six iellow ai- ,rs who iormed a guard ai nor. The rogamnental mess is the scene aif the reception icix ifolowed. Colonelnd Mne Hughes I spend a monthi inInForida fore retumnig te lve in - éVé~MWe 47 King Ladies' Berean Class held their regular meeting on! Thursday, January 28 in the form. of a pot-luck dinner. We nianaged to qufit two quilts with tinie out for business meeting and friendly chal.ter. As each new year rails around we try to find new ways to raise oui nxoney for the Class fundbj, Twelity-five dollars was ivoted' to be pre- sented to the "March of Dimes" Committee. We had a clans pin the la- dies used fifty years ago pans- ed around for us to decide if our new class pins are to be vexyr similar or different. The mai ority were in favour of a slightly Iarger pin.- The rest of our business meeting was spent discussing, the pros and cons of talent money, bake sales, recipe bookiets, special birthday en- velopes, as a means of re- plenishing our funds. There were twenty-five ladies and, five .amall guests present. Im - mmu wmNwwa QUALETY MEATS, Ste Ea Bowmanvil-le Thurs, Feb. IIth1 lIS I.«L the guests by teliag severa anecdotes about the pioneer fli etofthe fimily. The dining-room table was centred by a beautifuily de- coratéd birthday cake. A de- licious luncheon was seived -by bis nieces. Biithday cake and kio-cream addeal a touch ai glanucur tote iluncheon. A bearty vote ai thanks was given ta Mr. apxd Mars. Snowden for tixeirhaspital- lty. Canxmunity singing broet a happy celebratian tescnclusion. Rqlatives weie present train Peterboro, Oshawa, Bowmaa- y 4fo, Uxbildge nd Grimrsby. OBITTIÂRY ERS. MAIRY MePHERSON - SAYWELL The death occuried et the haone af her son, Haward T., 450 Caîharne St. E., Oshawa, an Sunday, Jan. 24, ai Mis. M ariy McPhersan Saywell. Mis. Saywell had been 'lan fail- ing bealtii for a year and a haitnd was seriausly ill for four months. She was la ber 8lst yoar. The foi-mer Mary McPherson aTaylor, the deceased, was a *daughter ai the late William randl Alicia Tayl6r. She was born la Toronto, June 5th, 1879, anal was married there Sep tomber 1st, 1904. A resident ai Oshawa fou 53 ryears, Mrs. Saywell was a very active member ai St. Andiew's Unitedl Ciurch- anal was par- ticularly active la the work of the Woman's Association. She was for many .years prominent in home and school activities la Oshawa and was one ai the founders ai the home and scixoal association at E. A. Loveil Scixool. Predeceaseci by lier hushanal, Frank Saywoll, Nov. 21, 1947, rMrs. Saywell leaves two 1daugixters, Mis. W. F. Manuel 1(Edith) nd Mis. R. I. Mark (Helen), anal two sons, Stepli- on G. Saywell nd Howard T. Sayweil, al ai Oshawa. fAlso sui-viving are 12 grand- childron. The memorial services were held. at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, at 2 p.m., Wed- nesday, Jnuary 27th anal were Telford, minister ai St. An- conducteal by Rev. Dr. George diew's United Churcx. Inter- ment was la Oshawa Union Cemetery. The paliboarous were Gardon Mark, Randy Mark, Robert Manuel, Haroldi Saywell, Henry Fraser nd Norman Fraser. EBENEZER Hampton 'WMS Off icers ,Are Installed The Wamen's Missionery Society af Hamapton helal thxeir Janaaary meeting and installa- tian ai officeis in the church parlour recontly. Vice Presi- Ldont Mis. A. Blanchard wes la charge ai the meeting anal openeal by ieading a poern anal bynn campaseal by B Mellow. Flans were mede.far quilt- ing, Mrs. Meriwl Mounitjoy anal Mis. Kersey were ap- pointeal as e committee witlx repi-esentatives fi-rmEldad -and ZMon ta arrange Worlc's Day oif rayer an Mai-cii4th. Nexf meeting ta ho heldal t fthe ohurchin laFebruary. Worsbip was teken fi-rn flhe monfhly andl was la charge ai Mis. BlÈnchard, scriptu.re was i-oaci by Mi-s. Axiard. Frayer by Is. Calverly using two hymns. Mrs. Blanchard lxad a splendid prograin on "Inside ai Northx RhodeQia", Mis. L. Truil assisting., New officers wero installeal by Rev. Reed as follows: President, Mis. Roed; 1sf Vice-Pi-es., Mis. Kersey; 2nd Vice-Pies., 3is. AX Blanchard; LONG SAIJLT A' uatepatyers meeting aifixhe Section wii ho helal in the school Safu.rday morning, Feb. 6, at 10 a.m. ta elect e trustee tofaiii a vacancy in the Truste Boai-d anal ta decide about the heating systein. IMx. Stanley Fletcxer, Toi-- anto, spent Sunday witii bis parents. Mrs. Orme Milleu wans called ta home in Tara suddienly Thursdmay ruight awing ta thbe seriaus illness ai ber niother. Home and Scixool Club will aneet Fîîday nàglit, Feb. 12. Y&i. andi Mrs. .Ed Manning, Toi-onto, were Sun'day visitai-s ai Mi. and is. G. Baker. Glal to repart Mis. W. Van- eyk is home frein the hospital. P.S- Secretary MEL H . ter; Astanmt Sec., Mas. L. Truil; Treasurer, Mau. A. I. Blllett; Oorrespanding Secre- taiy MmssNancy Johns, Ansd- ciote Menrbers Secretary, Mam Knax; Supply Sec., Mus. Car- verly-Christi=n Citenship and -Temperance, Miss .Bey- nolds; Chiistian Stewardship, Friendshlp, Mis. Caverly; Pi- anist, Mis. M. Mountjoy, Miss. Monthiy and World Fuienals, Mis. Axford;, Literatu*e andl Press Sec., ?&s. M. Mountjoy; Birthday .anal Git Box, * Mas. H. Sinith; Cards, Mm. G. Ad- cack; Baby Bond Leader, Miss Wemr. Lake Shore, Clarke Miss Blanche Wofte; Oshx- awa, spent Suriday with Mr. anal Mis. C. Aver-y. Mr..and Mrs. Robin Alîdreal andl Bruce visited on Sunday L AV Y H A. 3TH S N'Eýj The Fount reporter's story read: I"Among the most beauti- fui girls aitheli fair was hand- saine Bill Baker."* "at do you mean by thus?" fthc editor salal. "Bill Baker isn't a girl." «I didn't say he was,'" rcplied the yount scribe. ««I ut sald that's where lie was." Naw yau bave ta admit that one's tricky. It pi-oves you can ho fooleal, even when fiiore ISN'T any fine print. Yau can ho foaleal, toa, when you senal your garanonts ta just anybody ta ho dry cleaneal. Sa don'f take chances. Senal your dry cleaning ta us for guaran- feed satisfaction. Ed. Leslie "IIINTERIOI DECORATING NIGHT"F TO-NIGET - FEDO 4 - 8:00 p.. i g a -'cv * I :1 ~4/or &nvita lion A nn ouncing a King W. 1 1 Our Specialty .. . Courteous Service TOUE HEADINvATFO A $1,000,000 gift ta Canadian .Secondary Educa- tion in- thxe foi-m af complete sots ai Encyclopaedia Britannica for ail qualified higx schoals has beer announced by the Canadian School Trustees' Associa- tian. Sets are being danated by Encyclopaedia Britan- nica af Canada Ltd. as company's contribution to Canadian educatian. Pretty Mary-Lou Keeler, senior higix school student, looks thi-augx volume af encyclo- paedia, maire than 1,600 sets of which will be shipped soan ta sehools fi-arn coast ta coast. -il. wi Mr. nd Mri. Aiidred, Or- 1&.nd Mm,. W. Adoei were Sunday visitors wfh Mr. nd Mms Bob. Ruâmude Or- Mr and Imis.Somn Powel and famlly, agent Sunday wità Mr. andl Mrs. Alf. HoldewaY, Port Brtton. Mr. and Mrs. AUt Brown nid Jack nd Miss .Toen Csmg owuViH;M M. and -Mrs. Uiln Page analfamniy, .Hamp- ton nd Mr. nd Mm Eveoett, 1Boewn nd famiAly, Or=oe were visitora on Sunday wt Mr. nd Mms. Bill Lake. Cet Cash Toulay - for Old Appliancou tbrouigb 8 T AT E S M A'N Phone mArket S-3303 C70.,. i ý -.- .1 1 1

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