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Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 2

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THJURSAY, VuD. 4th, lm, STATZMAN. UOWMIVEaLEONTAEIO PAGE TWO__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ By Miîs. Russell Mountiol schools followed. Usually they Tyrane. Re eut enoigh trel Thoe u uswhowen bau wrered buildings. Lately te bulld a log cabin and1 school areas have been form- make a lewnug te sow r ln Durham County well ne- cd aud pupils trnsported by flnst crop. Mte his eldest sc mermben D ur h am County buses aud placed in gnaded Robt. was boru. Tii. McLai was thc first map drawn and schools. At onc turne parents ghlins could gnow rnuch studiec inl early geogZaPhy paîd for teaching neyer les' thelr vegetables, catch fizh lessons,, It haî six Towâhips, than $2.00 per child per quar- the. creeks and occasioria each ol whlch has severai tqr Nw taxes aud grans butcher and ahane a pl«. The -small villagea and lu each oft ik care o! teching aud had little cash ieft te bi the. Townships along Lake On- maintenance. L a te r High tea, sait, sugar, aud fi tarlo there are the old towns Scbaols yen. et remote cen- whlch they lied te buy ofd Portnile Neopst. tres. Bowruanville, half a d&3 andPor Hoe.Made At nome (lothlng jouiiiey distant. The. on Cartwright Township ternfi- Early u ic he IM entury ceuh cnop was the potai ed lu 1816 was namned in han- whh they mede by buni our of Sr Richard Cartwright, wolves aud bears were coin- the hardwood they eut as ti menuber o! the Executive mon in dense woeds. Much of ceaned the. laud slowly, ac Council cf Upper Canada. thecohn 5 auatn b vacre. As sean au Robt. w cd snd made in Uic home. Manvers was. uamed in lhon- Can<tueg we'e -1a made tuere. abe, lie felled trees te mi our of Chas. Pierpout, Eani e! Grandruither Truli miixed way' for thefleuuh and evi Manvers. herba aud u.nvcd mue-h o! the entiiy liked ItL When lic w, The Cavala Blazers medical requiremeuts of Dan- about to e b.marrisd Grm 1816 linton.dad gave hinu for a weddl Cayeu was sunveyed li116n intn gift 50 acres of virgin fore took its nu~ne fram Co. o! Ca- The. eaaliest grain was for hie ovin. Hue thon pljinux van Free State Irelaud, from g round lu a hollow log. In- a bouse for this. Hundi whcnce rnany e! île eanly set- dia ns tnaded baskets for pro- sud thousauds o! cords tiens came. They wenc sonie- visions. Salmon abounded lu herdviood were cut, sauck tixues callcd Cavan Blazers. Lake Ontario. sud burncd. Thue MeLaughli rDalington was uaxned alter Oxen Were Commen wei'O very devout people ai the oid home of sorne o! its AM.Eloiatrnwnattended church four mil settiers. A muan by the name fAtM.h li aer o! Hn o!Chs.Boiuanowednait a h oHampton, built a away at Enlniskillen. uei o! the as on owhicl Baw- shanty snd the place wa Rolbt. met lis wife, MaL mavll a bit.I 95 tknown as Shantytowu. He Srnt !Sctll dset uanvil s burenil. lu15 tstarted a mil in 1840. Business Axe Handie Business Newicastle now q ei ncorparat- came tram Manvers, Cart- There viere no inevies,r cd village in Clarke which was wright and Clarke. Oxen were dios or TV's aud as travelit nnaed aften Mai. Gen. Clarke, used. They viere hitched to a aven the. narrow ruttcd miu Lieut.-Gov. of! L. C. had Its îapling eut wlth a crotched dy road trEom Tyrone te Centennial a short tinie b.- end sud allowcd ta trail on village of Bowmanville w fore, tue ground. A piatform wa a large uudentakiug, betwe Hope was genenally thaught naldon this crotch. Twa bis wonk hours aC his e te have been nanied lu hon- days vicre spent comaiug and bedtime, e hobby vies sha our of! Col, Henry Hope, a gaîug te the mill. They slept ing and making orf axe ha commander o! British fonces inl the mil at night. Mn. Eln dles, rnaking thenu so wi ir' ranada 1785. The finst set- liott also had a store and h tluat they brougb.t a fevi ini lier vies Peter Smth e trader present Hampton Park is a pennies in Bowrnanviile. and hunten about 1778. 11usad tribute to bis memory. In Uic cliving shued or!1 an Indian village kuovin as Nearly Lest Everythlflg new home he built a fine1 Cochingoxink. la 1792, United Iu 1832 Graudfather John woxk.beiich, and iu thc evE Empire Loyalits began te an- MoLaughlin came from Ty- luge lie made dozeus of a rive and take up land. Mr. rone Çouuty, Ircîaud, on a hanches using th. fluet str Myndent Harris vias the. tiret sailing sbip havlug been per- ght-grained bits o! handw<4 pioncer and Jeremiah Bit- suaded by su agent ta pupu- This was an added source ton opeued the tirst stoe. latc Uic Peterborough 'anea. revenue. Besides Robt.m Along thie northwest part o! He camne ou a saîlmng vessel auxieus ta put into being Cartwright Township and a~ and at Montreal transferred seif-taught skil lu worl4 luttle canner of Manvers is ta a river boat for the haz- with wood, secured trom .Lake Scugog on which anc the ardous trip ta Lake Ontaria. aid catalogue, iilustnating w( popular sunimer nesots O! Graniffathen nearly did, nat drous pictunes ot carniagesa Caciarea, Williams' Poin~t and survive it. His boat was wagons snd decidcd af Viewlake. At Caesanea is aur sviamped in rough waten snd rnuch planning ta build a:n Commiunity Park, just in iu- bhis possessions lost. He land- dest sleigh. A ueighbor cal tancy. Fndsn, Caesarea in by- cd at Cabourg with a tim une day andf viateif hlmn gone days picnic boats vient wallet, stayed in Peterbor- seli il ta hlm. Hue sauf te LindsaY. ough a short time then took vieulif ruake another like $2.00 Fer Cbild up a 160 acre grant uf crovin and specified the time The. first public school S. S. land i the virgin tunet six viarted il. They could do No. 9 Clarke was erecteif miles north o! Bovinanville thc wonk themeelves butl canly lu the 1Mti century, la- Other Irish settiers took landf pended on travelling journi ter eue - roamed ungradeif nearby sd caed te place men, blecksmiths sud uph stenere viha vere vcry une tain as ta, theïr coning on count of rcads, the. amnount vionl to be done at the pia their teniperauce on internp O ur Claniligance, ail decided how inase Ur ~ateiy they woulý arrive,1 the upholstering was doue Is Sure to Please 10haa whhb ~r uh w~ed him. apprèntices, necesi cquipment, honsehair, cari sud ieathcrr. The nian m Sec us if yeu want a sure ihing wheu it cornes vias te get the cutter ca around a short time before1 te cleaning clothes! We guarantce satisfaction set time for completion te, yet ur uperor ethos cst ýU nt a how the work was progrE yet ur uperor ethos cci yu nt a ing. lue laed forgotten ta penn mor! Tr us oon.that he wanted a pici penn moe! ry u seam.painted on the back of "FK Billy cnossing tbc Boyn RObI was not au Onangern non an rtist, but 1u sel work sud produced a vi Cliffcrest Cleaners and creditable îicture t 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE5 timne it was ecasier tu have 1 paint on èutters. Thc bela NA, 37061black<smith did arrive but Il pREau MA3.761 had ta viork bard te m for tic deadliiue. PICI<VP AND DELI VERT H le tien built i ô biacksnait4 shop sud tie1 LORN McQARRE, Pop. hoistener vias ta live there LORE MQUARIE Prp. joeyuaiu until the, busir rnoved te Osbawa. The At the -beginning of ibis century morne farm land on Hamilton Bey was cafled Iluckleberry Point. This land became th. site of part of The Steel Company of Canada, Limited. Instead of farm Iland supporting a fcw families thon. iu now ai Hucklcberry Point Canada'u largest steI.maJcing plant employing 11,000 of tihe Company'% 16,000 employe.s. This year Sielco marks its 501h yeer of supplyiun i cel for Canadiens. Whai happened ai Huckleberry point has hep- .paed lu hundreds of towns and cilles acrosis the ouatry. Canadien menufacturing now ermploys neuly 1,400,00, persons. These tumn oui th. materila for a growing economy whlle iheir familles provide uaarkelse for the producis of Canadian ferma, foresis, and mines. THE *a STuMI àMPNY 0F CND LIMITID MONISEAL MARQUE IIMTON USANTOU TORONTO Cauedln-mdestoci froe Cmadla-.waMd lam u ANew General - Motors Car Newest car on the market Canada, Limited, by Vaux four-cylinden engine and a a wide range of exteniar co« ard, Special,ý Custom and E Canada. )l ShE uns the Envoy, built for Gencral Mutons Pruduets of ial Motors Limited, Lutun, Eng. The Envoy bas a 98-inch wheeibase, and features luxury interiors and ns. This car will be available in four senies: Stand- ierwood Station Wagon, and wil b. soid only iu ýh-istmnas trees.1 grawing has been cannied on There arc mauy acres o!: and un thc proces many im. nixed woods la the uewly plements have been used, firsi cateif Ganaraska f o rcs t by baud, later by oxen, hanses, vhici will bring much ne- later tractor dravin, suci as rnue and pravide employ- the sicklc, rake, cradle nean- neut. Tie prospects o! these er, binder, and combine. in ommunity-owaed projects are the bay and c, r n crap rigit. Thie present value o! Uic scythe, mnuver, forage] hcce Ivia tercets, Durham baler, have done andf are do- uunty 1375 acres, sud Gan- iu-g their duty nobly. Thnesh- taska 7500 acres, is probably ing was donc by mils viti rie quarter million aud viii borsepower, traction en-gifle n due course b. anc o! tic tractar, sud the grain clean- nost valuable assets in the cd by viud and fanning miii, ouuty. Now for crop impruvemenl In ail tie Townships grain- some crops are spraycd fron History of Durham County Given at BIackstock W.!. N OW ON -DI.SPLAY 7d~(griedand buiUs, @g;pûca Iy -f6r Carnacia ril mand for cutters and wagons1Ç outgrew the Tyrone place and1Cj Rob, decided to move to En- niskillen. His family now was j. j., Geo. and R. S., better r known to us as Samn. e This new place was where ni the Seed Cleaning Plant now co is. There was a larger shopi, bi and separate blaçksmith shop. th On the second floor they dried Co wheels. Above was a tower ari with the town belli it. While on building cutters and wagons ir Rolit. decided to bulld a car.-nu riage which he exhibited at Cc the county fair, Bowmariville, and won first prize for the- MlcLaughlln phaeton. Front then on he changed over tu carriage making. One day R. S., a young lad, was wander- ing about this drying room, a wheel feU on bis head stun- ning hlm anid cutting his head. Hus father to arrest the crying presented him with a brown stripped huinbug. Af- ter that the family alw'ays said "Sam hadlwheels in his head."1 Business grew. More men were employed and tbey decided te move ta Oshawa. Robert bought a lot, built a smallish three-storey building with a blacksmSith shop. He sold the balance to the town, whieh built a jail on it and later the clty hall. Robt. was called a crank for quality and took it as a compliment. An extract from a faded and torn journal in Robt's handwriting was the following entry dated Feb. 10, 1875. H. Taylor, one cutter, $30 in cash next fal and seven corde of good dry hardwood, maypole or beech. What confidence he had in his fellowznen lu thôse days! .Only Luat 6 .Montlis Two other carniage iakers in Oshawa voiced their opin- ion that McLaughlin would last six months, and it turned out it was -the competitors wbo disappeared. The McLaughlin business expanded and they had to add ta thein building éfront time ta time. Reforeutry Project Throughout the County a lot 1of fonest has been recklessly 1removed, resulting in erosion tby wind and water. Now, tmuch reforestation bas taken 1place by planting tiny ever- 1 green seedllngs whiçh usedl rte be supplied free by the Re- farestation Government Sta- tion at Orono. New a small fee per 1,000 je eharged. Several farnWrs have small planta- tions. The trees grow quicklV and afte.r a certain time some are sold as Christmas trees. Soee mericans have such «plantations and ship the trees to their ovin country. Acres and acres in North Clarke and Hope Townships 'have been reforcated and thus the Gan- anaska project has had lts enlargernent, wbich wiil hold the soil and safeguard proper. ty fron erosion and run off. port Hope le in danger by floods frorn the Ganaraska area. The growth of trees loe=n this danger. U.E.L.'u Moe.lit Begnning in 1788 U.liL.s and people froni the British hIses began ta populate the Gyanaraska valley and the wa- tershcd te the north. They nat only carved out farina but turned out many forcit pro- ducta into cash etc., matenials for masts for British and French navies. In .1850 there were sev eral mille situated on the C^anaraska River which lncluded aaw, oarding, foeur and shlinle miUs. Unfortun- ately niany settlens dld net farm the ligliter toile well, se that soon it vias depleted or bloin or washed aviay, ne- sulting in many farms being abandoned or semi-abandon- cd. 3 Million Fi. of Lumber Dunrg the year of 1869, 52,. 000,000 board feét of lumber were shipped froim Port Hope harbour. In 1928 Durham County forcit was started on tax-delinquent. land. It is sit- gtamor-crkei with iuxury. Theres a rie-h choice of upholstery nuaterils in a multitude of patterns snd colore. Super-conufortable bue-ket scats arc standard «m the Envoy Custorn! -tha -Fgin-Çtd C hp-mk)od ç-LaUlon 'açon For big fanuily fun tuis Bvoy Sherwood sets the. style. With rer Mea folded down, tuis bcauty gives you 45/ cubic feet of load spame Big tail dean can bc fixed in full open position on specially-designcd higes.------ .. -Lhe Kigh-fegh& ncarit-k{h Q Ikw p6cm ±a Neyer before bas so much beauty, so much conveniences go much power-packed economical performance, so mucli honest-to-goodness value been offered for such a low price in a 4-cylinder car. This is the Envoy ... the new British car designed and buit especially for Canadiansi The adventure of Envoy ownership is offered to you in three beautiful sedans plus the fun-filled Sherwood station wagon. Sec the Envoy today! Admire its quality and cager good looks. Drive it! Then proudly choose the Envoy wh.ich meets your requirements. 1 &ggwated maxim m eaul deiied price wih Oi1-Bath Air Claue, HcaterandDefrostradAliretSeI BOWMANVI LLE Prices quoied inc(ude delivey, lian- &Wn ch rges, Fedirai Sales andExcise Taxes. Provincial and LocalTaxes, where appâmcble, arc additonal. FUN*FIUIO SHERWOOD ELEGANT CUSTOM (olustrta) AOVENTURGUS SPECIAL (na IIluafrah) EXTRA-THRIFTY STANDARD (na lifluUiàd $1171 $1154 $1045 $19%69 - H NN/ V. . -another Gneý-aI 'ot2rc value MANUUPACTUgRDoFoie GENERAL moto*# PRODUOTS OP CANADA, Lii/T e VAUXftA&L NO ToRs tlàiDg, WY/ON, ENSLANO: PARTS AND 51$ VICE PROMi COAST 'O COA&T IN CANADA fr ROY W. NICHOLS BOWMANVI LLE COURTI 'E -, - TIE CANADIM N eagy-roed inmeumnt r)anQ. is adesigned to kt you take là ad rinstrument readings et a glance. Integrates perfectly vith Envoy s hmaxuris, weil.ppoimted interiome Nuý EBERRY pO. T ..............................-~---, - --.... ta'ator dyewn vehicica gor fo taken t. tMe clty t. be Pro-! cnVloyed, has many indus-~ an a.rgiIaa.cessed ha tries which are turning out an orple.Bince Hydre a be l-.a -dIvenslfled variety o! 7r; Livestock Waag' stalici li thc country a lot jducts sucli as convey1ig e"l Stock raisiril for beef pur- o! jebertous tasks hve beeniment, bathroom fixturp< poses, both pure bred mnçi Ugtenid. plumbing supplies, the exùy grade, are ralaed extenaïvely, PouIti'i Prof ucis flc factery in Canadaarcm ans, Anu, ,er-the prt odu 2 cor gga, chlck. minerai 'reflning, frcliern- fard and for dalrying, Holstein, crna and turkeya la an exten- lacquers and peints, leather IL Jersey, Ayvrshlne end Guen- sive way. Since thimm ia-. goods, food canning, alurninumIn- sey. The Departanent of Agri- tien of! the Duteh ta our coun. furitIIie, knitting machines, culture cndeavours to Intercat ty tila nduutry hua sprung Up uranium fuel roda, machine yaung people iu 4-Hi Clubs and along wlth mlxcd farng tools, and fu.rniture. Junior Farmer's 'wonk. Blue Aiong thc aouth part o! Uic Go>i Transportation Ribbon sales and the. wlnter County nearer Lake Ontario The two leadiug lunes tt and fal tains are greet incen- large fruit orchards ubnîve, the transcontinental railwey s, tives ta ralsing better grades parrtlcuiarly apples. Tho. treca C .N.R. and C.P.R., run tihnough. of stock.. arec crefully pruncd, in wln- the southern part o! the Dairying Devclopmsnt ten, spraycd. several times county. Many fine highwa$'î Dalrmg hs cone alongdurng Uic fruitlug season, b.- have been or are under con- taram thleseanly dalwhn g gnulng before blossom tinue struction. In the early deys. way frmteerydy hnan dlrccted by authoities, as No. 2 highway was like a ravi mlk was straied intto the c praper tme andku abtnuhtewos Q milic pans lu a cool place for o!sry reape nc cane- ittu41 gh ewy, uaNiug the cneam ta nais. aud then it fspy. ik ped, sdard e ckr- cuplind,4lu tihe at, eat.n vias removed with a skinuxuen d.ouly cedarteaknda ck ord l slt ic inthuckers lu Uic or strainer, a small perfarat- dSotie pantir e catlea sudItraspor eting c ma n oute cd piece ot tin about 5, x51". stod oplanlth ewcasfendo o the atni f asindustries ta This was later inuproved by sg rades sold theb. pnacesae f any point Canadasreste the use of metai caps about frdues nd t aepe sue. UYonit n Cntaateth 2 %k feet higli and 8 inches infor jucherries, plaae. ni>tedSt aencaa diameter furnis.hed at the side ieil in herieas . Tôao maaTer dt. aten Sahipin near the botterri. with a nar- wgrowing lsaeas apoitble ailtri of the outy.Port ravi glass and a tap ta drain industrygi loapoial aclte fteCut.Pr off the skim milk. Next came r for cannin.g. Hope on Lake Ontario han a the epaato, amor cotly Industries hi Durham very fair arbour whih will thpparatorbt a mosredstybe enlarged follawing the apprats bt wichsecred Saine manafactuning le donc completion of the Seaway aud ail the cream, directiy after in Bowvin ille. Sonue 600 future expansion f industnial eah xnilking. At firt the wrk in shifts et the Good- resources. Port Hope is a go. cream wvas churned by hand year. There they make con- minute drive ta Malton Air- and the surplus butter made veyar belts for all makes of' port wberc T.C.A. openate te t- into pound prints and sold. cars, fan-bets for ail kinds oft31, parts of the wold.___ itCreameries later collccted nuahinery. pump parts for ______________ sthe cream and supplied tlie mines.. garden hase and haseý tneeded butter ta patrons. A for floods, curved radiator ElI' E VC few years ago the raw milk hose and bard tires. Fil 1q SE VC n was collected daily ln very There is a faundry and the . DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLEI) ,large cans for the manufac- Hollingshead factory. Van- FARM STOCK ýture of cheese. There was a stane's have a large flour andi Removed Free et Charge )- cheese factory just east of the feed business. Immnediate 24-Hr. Service 1-village ou the orth side near At Nevicastle there is a AsYor petrFo h the swamp and another at Bal- wood-pnoduct business, a box sYorOearFr elyduff. Wbey was a bi-product factory, where cases such as ZE iha u iused in feeding of pigs. Today cutlery cases, are made. Therel Z nt 650 1raw milk is collected daily is also another factory hre No Toi! Charge it from many dairy farins lu a desks and cabinets ag re nae.e Nick Peconi - Petrborough i large tank as bulk miik andl Port Hope han 1700 workers ___________ Sille 77

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