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Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 16

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,~y-: ~. vr ~. 1 i B Trhree Èmployees ,Complet e 25 Years With .Goo-0dyear Heère Three egaployeeca-of the la- wonk in the Hose Boom, and xa Goodiyear plant, Eti Rua- in March 1938, he transferred de, Ted Clarke, and Jiai again tu the Steamffitters anti Màai-fin were lionoureti recent- bas been on this work since ]y on their completiçin off 25 that tisse. =e sWith the company. Mr. Carke is interestet ini hales Cttren, tbc manager, comniunity work. He was an preted eacl i wth a dia- active member off the Bow- dot stutideti 25-Year Ser- manville Boy Scout Associa- vice Pin anti a $100 checque tion for many years, ant isl from thc company. still e helper in this work.-He Mi-E. Rundie attentiet Pub- is an executive member off lic and Higb Scbool in Bow- the Goodyear Recreation Club, manvifle, and Was a Ileading ands takes an active part in Junior and Inttirandiate bac- club functions. key player. He carnedthebb Jim Martin came to Canada irickname of "Flash" by his witli bis parents in 1910. He dashing style at tlic game. He startet in. the Bect- Depant- bas kept up bis interest in ment, at Goodyear in 1911 loaia hotkey, coaching minor when lie was only 14 years teains, andi is prominent -in aId. In 1917 lie enlistet inl thc town's Little N.H.L. or- the Canadian Army, anti ganizàtion. 1%e h a member serveti in France for the re- of thc Bowmanville Mrena mainder off the war. M4anageaient Comniittee. He waa employeti by On- ,Du.ing World War II he tarie Hydro in construction soi-yod overseas in the Cen- work for three yeears, anti adian Arniy. He enlisteti in then went into the masonry 1940, anti saw action in business witli bis father. Mn. France. - Bé1gium, anti Hol- Martin returned ta the Good- land with the famous 48tli year in 1934, and starteti work Highlanders. He attaineti the on tlie running board press. rank off Quarter Master Scr- In 1934 he transferredte t the geant. Mr. Runtile ia president Hase Roomh, andi since then off Bnanch 178 of thc Cana- bas worked on fire base, splic- dieu .Legion. He was re-elect- ing duck, and supervision, eti for a second year in that with the past 12 years as a office recently. service man. While the greater part off During Wonld War II lic Mr. Rundle's Goodyear service enlisteti in the Vterans' taes been itlie Hose, Rooin Guarti anti serveti for 15 since November, 1959, lielias months. Mn. Martin's hobby is been in the Stock Roomn. He gardening anti le takes great has eerned a fine reputation pride in bis flowers. He is for bis relieble workmanship. also an ardent fisherman, anti Prion to joining the -staff in hs younger days he aiso off Goodyear here 1'ed Clarkce iti a lot of butnting. worketi witli bis* brother as Recently 15-Year Service a plumber. During bis second Pins were awarded ta George week at. the local plant Myr..Burna, Charles Nesbitt, Ealph Clarke transferreti to Stcam- Sliortt, Sam Dewell anti fitters. In 1935 he startedt ruce Lonsberry. SOLINA The Three M's -met in the mest enjQyeble supper in the church basemenit, wlth Wes Communty Hall, Saturday ev- Hill, president, in the chair. ening. There were about sixty 7he eadër of Group 1, Mary in aitendance. M4llson had charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Davis, ~pled~d rog.am lhic ind- M. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees vis- ded 2 films on Discipline and ited the latter's sister, Miss pamily Portmitg andi Prepar- Idea Reynolds on Sunday in Our ation for Marriage were showfl. Lady of Mercy Hospital in Tor- A discussion on these subjects ontao. brought to light mnapy import- Mr. a.nd Mrs. Howard Mill- a&nt facto on the subjects. The Son and Peg.gy an(d 'Mrs. L. B. worship service conducted by Williamis of Bowmanville, at- ]Bruce and Jean Taylor was tended the Durfham Club meet- effisely linked in thought with -n nTrnoo aur 8 the films. Recrea*iori arnd luc Pgg Twsoontooall rnuary were enjoyed during the social with the shield, being the win- bour. ner for Durham Cnounty's pub- -Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yelow. lic speaking competition, spon- lees. Mr. and Bruce MOntgom- gored by the Trustee andi Rate- ery andi Mr. andi Mrs. W. Ash- payer's Association. Her sub- ton attended a social gathering ject was "The North American et Hampton Hall on Friday Buffalo". in winning this night when the retiring road aw%~rd, specia.l honour has been guperintenodent, Mr. T.K. StÇ- brought to Baker'sSchool see- 4vart was itoSred and present- tfion for the first time, so wve d with a platfon(m rocker. Mrs. e tend congratulations ta you, Çtewart receiveda bouquet of Peggy, on this fine .achieve- tlowers. Those present were ment. vnembers of the 1959-.60 coufl- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis, 'il, the employees and their Mr. andi Mrs. J. Yellowlees IVives. were Sundiay tea guests of Mr. S The 4-H girls and their lead- and Mrs. E. Davis. ers Mrs. W. Ahton and Mrs. Several C.G.I.T. and Explor- E. Hockaday entertained the er girls attended ehurch ser- ladies of the commnunity at a vice at Einiskllen Sunday VIGOR OIL SERVICE STATION IRA 5, Eowmai'ville CORNER 0F MAN VERS RD.- AND TAUNTON RD. Open front 7 a.m. to il p.m. Daiiy Top Quality Petroleum Products and Gasolines STOVE GIL 0 AMY GUANTITY at Lowest Prices in Town 'PLU FR-EE GIFTS wlth BLACK DIAM@ND 5T4mps I ~~4j.Wilb This Coupon FREE25 FREE i Stck.Diamond I I stomps WITH ANY PURCCHASE 0F - 20 -$WosROVE£ , Tm- CANADIAI- STATUKMAWII OWANUEO~A Palestine CIýhapter Qffk'ersý: Are 'In9tàaI1e * v BOWKMVU1L of lâMtweek. jBeckel were Iles -fiiagW9 ..Mr. a~W, Ulm Ih iee ton, Courticé, visiled 04 Wes M br. Liwrence Heoey 4 Cameron's. Mrs. Keit±i Stointon altehxled Mloni, Unx. Inez Henry, the meeting of the Twin Club to, visited 9ir deughter, Dé> at Oshawa . on Thursd«Y night.n tRyCzeWs Mr. andi Mm. Loitenso TrulI, n tRyCaeos Hampton, visiteti at Russell Perkins. ecnd Q go .Mrs. Pat Roberts andi Mrs W mid mr o d JM Stàinton were at .Toronto being gooti than in any oý , on Monday. way-Rowland 11111k M.andi Mn. Reford Cam- Gons steol eron, Bowmaenville, vWsteti at ~ i h nyh. Grant Williams. vestment that never fulm.- Keith Stainton and Bert Henry D. Thoreau. GRA Rotary's Famous Magazine 15, Basis for Fine, Pro gram' At Luncheon Meeting FridaY An interesting program was ted. He told his fe]low mem-Inarrator said. The magazinîe! presented by Marty Martin,lbers of the BowmanvilleRo-ibinds Rotarians in different ce] the chairman, and the maga- tary Club that the committeelcountries into an international bi:ý zine*an pulicinfrmaionhad been able ta obtain al family, and helps them toý comniittee at the luncheon number of educational' col-ishare dafosevngo hA meeting off the Bowmanville oured slides for the day's pro- causes, ide afr ernggod ez Rotary Club held a h l-ga rmRtr Ross Gilbert told off the in- ing Dutchnian Motor Hotel on tional through the asw saneceplion off the Rotary maga- Friday. off the secretarv, K. N. Mor- zine. In the autumn off 1910 Five members off the Osh- ris, and the District-Governor. Paul Harris, the . founder of awa Rotary Club, Alfred Ste- Mr. Martin announced that Rotary wrote an essay enti- vens; Ben Bailey, George Sia- Captain Norman Coles would tieti "Ratianal Rotarianism.'" cum, George Charlton and be the narrator for the firs. He was anxious that it be Wilfrid Charlton, were pres- haîf or the program, and Rossi read by ail Rotarians and ent, a.nd F. E. Briden, Oak- Gilbert for th e second. He discussed various means for ville, was also a guest. said that Tom Rehider wouldý its distribution with Chester Magazine week is honour- operate the projector. Perry, then secretary of the ail over the world wherever "You know that RotariansCicg oay lb h e Rotary exista, Mr. Martin sta- are a varied lot of men re- clared ta start a magazine for ____ --presenting ail the prof essians1 Rotarians. The first issue was night. Following tihe service, a iand most businesses, but wîiat' published by Mr. Perry in youxna flt ralie i thtiJanuary 1911. film off Afriea was shown. ywe ae railbihers Cap-Thenrao odtelcal The young people wiJl1meet Ror alpblses" a- Th arstatFtolthe Naton in the Comm.unity Hall on Fr1- tain Cales stated. He explaîn- Roain *a tth ain day night, February 5. ed that the Rotarians in- 113 L Rotary Convention in 1911 countries are the pbihr it was decided ta have an off- Mr. nd irs Brce ink ofTheRotria, a exellnitficial magazine. He said that andi Mrs. H. E. Tink visit.ed oThRtaananeeleîthe first issue off the Rotarian Mr. and Mrs. O. Cruickshank manthly magazine. proved so popuiar that it was at Peterborough He spoke off the good ac- necessary to run off 2,000 ex- Mrs. H. E. Tink was a recent cmlse y h aaiei tra copies. guest off Mr. andi frsr. Don far distant parts of the worid.1i The growth off the Rotarian' Goode andi sons Orono. The narrator gave an instance ifrom a comparatively smaill Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, off this in an account of alperiodical ta the influential Mir. and Mrs. Wes Werry and ma rvelous change for the bet-iand mentally stimulating ma- family, Mr. and MT,. Vies va'.. te made in a sniall village Ini: gazine off today, was outlined lowlees, Harold and Murray, Malaya. The work achieved1 by Mr. Gilbert. He said that MradMrs. Roy Langmaid'i there for the welfare -off the' it is estimatedt that by con- aM.r. andi s Chas. Lang- ihabitants had been under- sidering that each copy is maid attended the reunion offtkr by t.he Singapore Rota r.vread by three or four people the Brooks-Langmaid families Club which hati been inspired the Rotarian m'îist be read by in Solina Comniunity Hall, by the accounit published inI several hundred thousanda FridaY night when around 90 the Rotarian off a simila r Pro- yea r. relatiîes attentiet. ject successffully carried Ouît Articles published in the Mr. anti Mrs. Wes Hilîs andi by Rotarians in KrishnagarjIRotarian are reprinted in the, chiltien visited' Reverend J. Inia~ A community centre, numerous reglinal magazinesl ,W. and Mirs. Wilkinson, Dun s chool, and club hadbee and thus language barriers are barton, on Sunday. built, and assistance given to0! overcame, it was explained. Mn.ant Mr. eci Nelshousing and medical projects, The headquarters building off r. andi PaulCetcrborough; Captain Cales asserted. International Rotary in Chi-1 Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Montgom- He also told off the fine park cago has a flo- devated ta ery were guests off Mr. and shelter built by a Roery ClLub, the magazine, and there the1 Mrs. Bruce Taylor anti family. in Queensland, Australia, the' editors off the Rotarian receive Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomne spark for which was lighted 1 more than 5,000 pieces off mail andi sons were Sun'dav tea by an article in the Rotarian a month. the narrator said. guests of Mr. and IMrs. C. dealing with a st'ccessful park, Mr. Gilbert stated that $200,-! Affins, Bow'manville. Fît project off the Ottawa Rotary 000 la spent each year for pa- Mr, andi Mrs. D. lt and 'Club. per for the magazine;, $27,000 famiily visiteti Mrs. T. Flett, The Rotarian Magazine has for photo - engraving; and1 Columbus. '- a far flung and profound in-! $230,000 for printing. t is ai Mr,. andi Mrs. ar Knox fluence, and serves as an in-, gigantic business, and a most and ' sons visiteti on Sunday spiration for service benefit-. successfui enterprise, lie as-1 witih Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Knox ting people off ail classes andý serted.1 and Mr. andi Mra. Kemn Pascoe many nationalities. Capt. Cales George Vice, president off1 ani auhtrs Bouha, ndpointed out. the Bowmanvilie Rotary Club andetagtestsBroug hemlater.Rotary International pub- moved a vote off thanks ta Mr. Mr. and 'Mrs. D. Flett, Mr. lishes two editions of the ma-' Martin, his committee, the J. Kivell and Pearl Leach at- gazine each rnonth, the Ro- narrators and Mx. Rehder, the tendd te fnera ofMr.Or-tariani in English. and Revis-'ý projectionist for thc informa- leed he fnea r offM. Orta Rotaria in__Spanish, the tive and entertaining program. Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Cowling, faily saa ado r Whitby, visîteti Mrs. Sid Hock- MADTt' fl'O t' admlyobhwe alle uonM. adiay. ~.Ui. UI YL anMr.RoetLbeqen Mn. andi Mrs. J. Dyer andi Sun.dy. Elizabeth, Oshawa, wene Suni- Mr. Lloyd Snowvden was guest The L.N.O. Circle is spon- day, tea guests off Mr. and Mrs. off honour at a turkey d înner1 soring a caa-d party ta be held Rae Pascoe andi family. ,ttehm ffM.adMs at Maie Grave Ohurch on, Mrn. and 'Mirs. W. Parrintier Bent Snowden on tihe occasion Saturday, feb. 6. wene iguests at the wedding off off his *birthday. Othér guests Mis T. J.. McGuirk, Sr., Ot- a were. Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Mus. the latter's nephew, Willia Gail anti Betty Lau._ Mn. antli tawa, spent Friday and Satur- Brornidl andi Phyllis Nimigon Mrsr. Garry Pettit, Mr. and Mrs.! iay with M:r. and Mrs. Tom in Trinity Uniteti Church, Bow- Wes Down anti Peul, Ebenezer, 1 McGuirlk anti family.* xnanville on Saturday after- Mr. anti ILrs. Bill Lewis anti Ivan ànd Joanne Carr, Bow-' 10familv, Wayne Pickard, Bow- manville, visited. their grand-ý MTeandtur. enii gest manville; Reverend and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Aylmer Beech Wéie Studayeveifg gestisSta nley Snowden anti faniily, last Thursday.1 off Mr. Smd Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf, Millbrook. Mr. Mac Laveqty, Dunnvilie,; Oioewa. Mr. and Mis. Cecil Neals, Several from Maple Grave Zpent a ffew dlays last week Ruth andi Paul, Peterborough, atten-de<f the dance in Hamp- i with Mr. and Mirs. Jim Lav- visiteti Mn. andi Mrs. Bruce ton hall on Saturtiay even-ing.i erty.-i Monitgomnery. Mira. Robert Jarvie and Mrs.1 Maple Giove Women"'ý In-ý lkr--A -An-1 riý qitste il .,,n* - *lM 'he hu-eh Mr'. a"aMrs. I. rHardy and Stanley visited at Sid Corn- ish'&,.,Hampton. on Suntiay. Mlii. Helen KCnox sperît the weekend with Elsie Downs, at Ebenezer. Mn. Wm. Knox, Brouhain, visited at John Knox's. .Mr. George Bittner. Miss Jean Oryderiin, Oshawa anti Miss Linda Stainten, Ennis- killen, were at Mr.and Mrs. E. Cryderman's. Mn. mantiMrs. E. Larmer, 1ackstock; Mm. A. Balson, Mr. anti Mn. È. CrytienTan were Sunday tee guests off Mr-. anti Mrs. Sam Carr. Mr. anti Mn. Melville Mor- lxii, O.haw, vialteti Mr.- and Mnr. M. Wotten. Mrs. E. Robeits and chilti- i-en, Omhawa, visitet Mms. Stan milisôn. Sincerre sympathy is extemd- eti to thc relatives off the late, Dr. Dorotliy James, in Ui.kr be- rewia t.v ive Meredith and.' Mrs. Michael on Montiay evening, wien the! Vetzal, Agncourt, recentîy. guest speaker will display and: Tsefom MpeG-v h give the histary of Egil werpest the ehre potter.y. AIL ladies in the comn- party in, St. Joseph's parirli muni- ty will lac welcome at ti hall, Bownianviile, were Mr. meeting *ti anti Mir. Del Hendshu, Mrs. Mr. andi Mrs. Robert Labre-, Jini Laverty, Mrs. Robert Jar-î cque callet on lier sistpr, Mrs.; vie andi Mr. Frank Hartford. James Allen ,Oshawa, on Tues-' MNE. anîd Mirs. C. Russell and day evening. fankiy wr udy et f Mr. ant irs. Austin Lai-mer, M en Sndt.Eiay geut. ofBOWMriaville, visiteti Mrs. Ay- Mand. niMr.EiIreun mner Beechi on Saturday even- Lindsy. -ing. Miass Dora MeNeil enjoyeti Meple Grove Home and, a motor trip to London on Sun- 1Sehool Associetion will meet' deay'with frientis. 1 lat the West School on Wedncs-i The Culas are holding a cen- day, Feb. 10. Guest speakerý dleligbt service on Sunday, will be the principal off Doctoir, Februrary 2 1, when the guest F. J. Donevan Collegiate, Mr-. speaker will be Akela f rom Sisco. Bronte.j Reverenti and Mna. Stanley, Reverenti F. K. Malane, Bow- Sncwden andi familY, Millbno- inanville, was a guest off Mr.jok, calleti on bis parents, Mr.1 and Mrs. Del Hendsbee and! anti Mn. Lloyd Snowden on fanily on Friday evening. Mty Mr. and. MM Bb Alen&<dj Mn&. oi kL~ ol cutt vîsited Mrs. Normnan Mt-ZIO N ton. Oshawva, ouSunday. Te also called on Mr. Will Spry Mrs. Wilfred Frank and Day- a patient in Oshawa General id, Toronto. spent a few days Hospital, and on Tuesday vis- with her parents, Mr. andi Mrs. ited Mrs. Bob Johnstan and Robert Killen. family, Courtice. Mr..- andi Mrs. R. C. -Stainton 4-H Club1 The sixth meeting off the 4-Hý club was held at the home off Mrs. Ron Brooks on Jan. 27. lVlrs. Brooks read niotes on ýreals and bread. We made tea icuits and two salads. Ivi-ite"d at El m-er Ro-s"es, High-- land Creek. f Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron and family, PonItypool, visited at Wes Camerons. Mrs. Jim Stainton entertain- ed the ladies of ber knitting club on Tuesday evening. Master David Stainton had ihis tonsils removed at Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday ~ND I RA Et S PAINT& WÂLLPAPER Port Hope 32 John St. TUrner 5-4354 F REE! To the first 25 ladies entering our store wiil be given Free one 1% inch Simms "Sash-n-Trim" Peint Brush FRIDAY, FEB. 5th DOGE PIZES!To be drawn 1 Make Sure You Enter Your Name in Our Free Draw 1 Simms Princess Dust Mop 1 Simms 14" Push Broom 1 Gai. Quality Canada Paint 12 Single Rolis of Stock Wallpapcr 1 Gai. Scarfe's "THIX" Jeiled Paint -n hhi~i i~ feuI e fi but riety of All Food Price. Effective February 4,5,O 6 We Reserve the Right ta Limit Quantities IGA - SAVE Se Beans with Pork 2 TINS IGA - SAVE 6c Peanut Butter JARZ QUICK OR INSTANT - SAVE 5c 48 OZ. Quaker Oats PKG. SAVE 6c - CARNIVAL Serviettes 2 OFG6.. 29c 29c 37c 27C DONALD DUCK "MULTI PAK" ORANGE JUICE 'TINS 6 F.E99 'RK - 15 Oz. Pkgs WDERRIES '3 For90 40 FATHOM FILLETS L.29C McCAIN - 9 Oz. Pkgs. FRENCH FIES 2 Pkigs. 29c B.C. - 5 Oz. Pkg. CRIPSTEAKS35 CHECK YOUR IGA STORE FOR IGA'S MEDIUM CHEDDAR 12O.1 SensatioRal Royal GoId Chee Se 1C. 9c COFFEE NqUG OFFER! IGA ROYAL GUESTSMALL LINK .- SAVE 47e PURE POBR Sausage 3 Ibs. 100 SAVE 59e Skinless Wieners SAVE *15c Ibs. *1 000 Lean Ninced Beef IGA NOW HEAD)QUARTERS FOR TM; ROMPER ROOM TUE SHOW F0OR ALI, CHILDREN 0F PRE-SCHOOL AGE SHOP AND SAVE -AT GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS U.S. No. 1 Garden Fresh CALIFORNIA fEU EDV~ LARGE'O CELERY-29TALKS .29 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ON.. CRCR-TV Channel il1-Hamilton - 99:0m. CKVEt-TV; Channel 3- Barrie . 11-11.30 ar.. CKWS-TV Channel 11K - Kingston - 12:30 te 1:3QWi- CHEX-TV Channel 12 - Peterborough - 1 te 1: M.' WKDW-TV Channel 7 - Buffalo - 9:30 to lé: i6ke 0 a a . SiTAINO Toms' IGA Market EEwcAsTLEE GNTamo, j',.. m-'- - 4 . uw-m... '4 STEAI CODIF 0000 1 Bowmanville IGA& Market .3 I -j -* ~-~.-r-Yn.~4.n ~ j 1 mmmmmmmi Despite xnost inclement weather, a large number of officers 3rd Prine. Victor E. Cookson; middle row, Scribe N. Clarence J. and companions from surrounding chapters were present January Allun, Prine. Soj. Wilbert Teeple, Master of 2nd Veil Charles Green- l8th for the installation of the officers for 1960 of Palestine Chapter ham, Master 3rd Veil Harry Sutton, Master -of Ceremonies A. L. her'e.' The ceremony was under direction of V. Ex. Comp, W. G» Blanchard; back row, Treas. Harry Freeman, Jr. Soj. Garnet B. Pascoe, assisted by Rt. Ex. Comp. H.- Ferguson. Officers are as Rickard, Sr. Soj. Manseli W. Stacey, Master 4th Veil James H. follows: lef t to right, front row, Immediate Past Principal E. F. 1Abernethy, Scribe E. L. W. Dippeil; missing, Master lst Veil Alvin Russell Osborne, 2nd Princ. Ray J. Dilling, lst Princ. H. Bruce Tink,1 Stacey, Outer Guard S. McAllister. . -Photo by Rehder 35u 1 9 m 1 i

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