TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 14

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PAGV VOtRTZKN -TECNMNEA MII OENIL UAI tk Birthis - ariglAtcles for Sale Help Wcmted For Rent Nurslng Home RealEtt al elEtt frSl ÂE ~OOER.Arivé sael Ja- M. nd rs.HaoldHenin GOD ixe ha. hon RATAI dive, xpeieced. MA FURNISED room. Telephone ACCOMMODATION for ladilesJV nY 1 TA ___________________ safè. Jand Mrs. Md. G"larlilespie, hneR TX dier xp 21,196, e ReinaGen anoune te mrrige f teir5-455.4-4* 3-5822. 5-1* MArket 3-5669. 5-1 and gentlemen at Lyntonhurst etru eiLII erai-,1 Hospi ta Mygname I anuge th dage ConstaneIAN go 5on4055.n T-LCNSD ecniectca IEome aprnet Manor Rest Home. Telephone REAL ESTAT)E'DROKER Farna, 50 to 300 cefen~r f5Br isi n Tabi Jane and I weighed mn at Isobel Ruth. to Mr. Peter de phone MA 3-7239. 5-1ý man preferred, for .ice sta- King Street. Phonie MArket Orono 1771. 5-1 li King E. MA 3-3239 $10,000 to $60,000. I trs-DaHsigwr idv * Ia. 2/4ounces. My p roud Jong, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.to PneR 3 42' &1, __3-5497._ 5-1 The South Haven Rest Home Bowmanville ed in1 buying a gootrido'tgjjwihr.ndrs tare Jim and Claire T. de Jong, Newcastle. Rev. BEMINGTON Mailmdai ctreet, brc tion.- Phone RA 3-4 52.s1 3-49ir_ cloer (nee Marshall), Re- A. C. Herbert officiated at the like new. MA 3-3394. '5-1 PIN boys. Earn good money DUPLEX in Newcastle. Apply - alabcend o mmup odaton Pr"i t, se frat.h anct gina, Sask. 5-1 rnarriage which took place in APPLES-Will deiver. EImer setting up pins. Apply Liberty Queen's Hotel, Newcastle. Tele- aaieabse forn up orw bere livtre, ricn-90ar St. JonsAgia hrhon ______MA_3_7189._____1. 29-tf veniences, well equipped; und- wefl fence,4'z6'bn n~ialae' era e 5-1 ___________ I TWO unfurnished rooms, heat- _____________er N.H.A. mortgage. 30-day barn. $6,500. EaytriMa TeHueo h orS. M[ETCALF-Neil and Carolyn Saturday, Janixery 3th. 5 'OFIE desk in gondco (fiee Palmer) are happy to an- - ditin $3.Mc-34 o N a to deliver States- ad. Apply 180 King St. E., W r 'aj< possession. w sevcs nounce the arrivai of a son, L.oming Evnsman in vicinity of Concession ovge Whte Rose Station. 5-1* ____________ ueen St., older home, mod- snack bars.dyevngadStuay on Jnuar 25,Brow's Cse Eents MAHOGANY tea-wagon, excel- Street East. Apply The Canad- APARTMENT mn Victor Manor, STENOGRAPHER, experienc- ernized, salid brick, ail bot 7-roon house n rno lussMinBttyG- Kenneth Neil, Show Bow-az lent cniinMA335. 5fKnStW.Aaabei-ed PoeMA-41. 51 ater heat. Close to uptown. $8,000.-' regalMrBo 1960, at Memorial Hospital, _____CaeShw____lncnito._A_-75.____________ KigStW__aiale m.e. hneM 3516 -1 ]3owmanville. 51flflilTWnaiebar OFFICE Junior - female, soma medliately. Appîy Wmn. Curtis, GIRL wants bouework, to live ida rom somebic. Sl eid- ca-room bo$,8e,50-0.is ee eur spe __________lm,__19__0_ 8 p.m .. ORD racor 8N and Ferguson tping necessary. Phone New- M~A~ 3-7035. 43..tf i. MAt 3~2584. 51* e.6roomn house i usao n r.F Deaiths SpitTaadBzaS.pog.PoeWloi 21. ate30 r 01 aiWy AVAILABLE imnediately, 5- YOUNG Dutch girl looking for 9 roomn home on Liberty N. $4,500. Bakun _________________ John's Evenin g Branch W.A., 5* rich Wood Specialties Ltd. room office, 2nd floor, main daily housework. Telephone with séparate apartment. Nice 5-room furnishedbueI ldt eotMse rd GOULD, Lotte Lillian - At in the Parisb Hall, Friday, WATER for sale. Deiivered. 5-2 street. S. R. James, 24 King MA 3-7075. 5-1 aide incarne. Oil heated. Nice Hampton, $4,000.amMisJnCig akn Toronto on Saturday, January April 22nd, 2:30 ta 5 p.m. 5-1* Phone Cllff Pethick, COlfax YOUNG men or women for East, Bowmanviile. 44-tf FOji orpitn n arden, fruit trees. 5-1 Money ta a tacoyprgesatrtn 3Oth, 1960, Lotte Lillan Gould Dance at Tyrone Hall, Sat- 3-2131. 36-tf clerical work, 5-day week, good WARM, four-bedroomn bouse pOapring, c ainting RoeadAODC EWL 4nMr ees o of 28 Maple Avenue, Toranto. urdaYý iFebruary 6th. Clara COMPLETE table saw with working conditions. Apply on Highway 35 at Pontypool. Phoei 3-2584 Me-tf Leaska ReaOL Esa. 1rkrwsaSniyvstrwt Wiof adther o Melose G. esitsMicmkr.po-1/4 h.p. mator. Gond condition. The Canadian Bank of Corn- Immediate possession. ApplyNecsl G.Qould and moth ofy Maîtn ored by Tyrone Orange Lodges. MArket 3-3755. 5-1* merce. -5*Lloyd Brown, Pontypool. 5-1* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- New l½-storey brick an 10 ___________ elr. G eo orthn La. Sister Admission 75c. 5-1* STEEL bed' with spring and WOMAN, for answeriflg tele- AVAILABLE March lst, heat- trghing, free estimates. Har- acres or less, 4-piece bath, tire-MrMuayCwngia Edith Buchanan, Frances Smithi Monthly meeting Bowmnan- mattress, excellent condition. phone and for general house- ed apartment, 3 raom;s and vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax place, furnace, 3 bedroms, and R. G. Smith. Rested at ville and District Red Cross Phone MA 3-47 5-1 wok Write Advertiser 13, bath, self conteined. Phone 3-Z281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf Good buy under V.L.A or wiil Mculuay aKid twaesfrapeyr- Cael &2 AvnRadok FnrlSocit, p.n., C ayci ChabruS. EIGHT-piece wal1nutt dining- c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. MA 3-3489. Abtainers only. FOR chimney work, new Or exhange for a bouse in Bow- REALTORgeey Toranto. S2 erv e Roaed, 0h 8n Film. E yni weChmbe. roomn suite. Very god con Box 190, Bowmanville. 5-1 5-2 repair or any brick,block or manville. Terns. Members of Oshawa&Dsrc Toto c Saervicuesa wat 11:00 inFls vroewl - dition. MA 3-5943. 5-1 EXP~ERIENCED payroil clerk. MOD>ERN apartment, heated, concrete work. .O. Box 1083. New 5-raom bungalow on Real Estate BadZo Hp onhp tca.m , I ter esawa ame 11: ws0oe0d colCOEA paebaer ei Familiar witb O.H.S.C. Some four roims and bath, central; Caîl L. Turner, Phone MArket 13/ acres, 4-piece bath, ail furn- 20arsa hieCak tery. ItretOhw 5m- Clu Sannua omd pant, da umoo sîeCgOoniin.Ap typing and bookkeeping neces- m edaepssin.Aly352or-60.30-tf ace. $11500. Easy ter*ms. Twsip an wthgo Euchre '- 71u Liberty car ary rdy a Phone Newcaste 2011 Smuel Annis,1 iiinS We bave bungalows, incarne ldnsp utb oddeta Zo colhl iso Me oim *Feb. 5th at 8 p.m. Euheand 7LietS.S.or 3106. Karl Weyrich Wood bornes,_____________ iutal Inlca-owe' bum. Prizes. Admission 50c pe ienw aea fe.Trs STENOGRAPHER frL -APARTMENT - Living-room, Ait reasonable M.w pa. TheS metnWpe> wt ffltcHELL-In loving mernory persan. per Pikenew MAe an519 5-e Tr1 fo aw 0f- bedroom, kitchenette and bath. GENERA COTACTO M. E. eAS ment. ProeadMsinBn et aur dear father William .fice. Apply giving training and Inlaid linoleum. Cox apart- Brick, Block, Conerete and Real EtaeBor 190 acre dairyfamcoethynTherptseegie Iyptchell who passed away Olde Tyme and Modemn APPLES--Spy and other varie- experience (not necessarily ens23Tmrac.PoeCarpentry *65 Ontario St. Bowinanville town. Good hoslre1 h resrradsceay February 2nd, 1956. Dancing, Saturday, February ties, $1.25 per bushel and 11P, Law Office experience) ta Ad- MA 3-2555. 49-tf New Work and Repairs MArket 3-5919 barns. Priced for:uc ae r.Be ra ta- ri u 0od saw you getting w'è-*MDR iero.hue ary 6,- Coldsprings, Ontario. Jim delivered. W. Craig, CO 32485. vertiser 12, c/a The Canadian MD Nfiero bus,2 PHONE MArket 3-3694 Sales Staff: Trout stream ith2 ce td ok Sa ~ ~ ~ b Haen diactH togtFseradOce tra. ". APPLE~iPO.Bx19.5 bedrooms, in Bowmanville. 5-1iLmi -fFrd> . ms-M 3-000 tuequwooe ad ny 'îoigte Tak bes, yungby eepng ctie".APPESfor sale-Spys, De- BEVERAGE driver-salesman, Basement apartient occupied. Buldn lo onaTe~,MxieSniygv Icame and staod beside you 9:00 p.m. sharp. 4-2* liciaus and Courtlands. Lewis must have gaod references. Separate entrances. TelephonerngBidgloonHbwyN.aean. Adwhispered "Corne and Ail interested citizens are Clark. Phone 2195 Newcastle. P... Blue Cross and Ontario MA 37265. 5-1 Plastie nepairs 2, $1,400 with terms r.Ba e h osi ret.cordially the ________attend__the_5-__ Hospital Plan. Write Advertis- QIKSRCEPeter tinest$150 hoewn brn.uric.RnyGre oku Yoàu wished no ana a last fare- Annual General Meeting af the CLOVERS, Grasses, etc., in- er 14, c/o Canadian Statesman HEATED 3-roomed apartment, QUICKt SERVIC inLIAJA( well Bowmanvillc Chamber af Com- cuigimproved varieties. P.O. Box 190, Bownianville, kitchenette and bath, washe STUCC AND NE WOR REA ESAT BRKR $,0 buyweloet ditrbedheWrsFiad ;Nor even said goodbye, merce, Lian's Centre, 8 p.m., Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville. Ont. 5-1 service, centrally located. Ap- R Dairy farm, 140 acres, 8- ed incarne homeintw Yeun had gane, before we knew Thursday, Feb. 18. 5-2 5-t i nat dm-ply 90 Queen St., Apt. 3 or R. L-. TAFTI rom. fully modemn bouse, barn Caîl]aiMs et ldwt it IE Tbdrea ut od e Phone MA 3-5277. 4tf 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 160 x 34, steel stanchions, wat- WALTER FRN1pa ýÀdonly Gad knows wby. Kapper Kamnival, Tursday, LARGE propane gas heater cbanic, capable af doing any THREE-roOmn upper apartment, W.A.f Anua Meetinoglkhueblk17 hr t ~An rmeberd y heMarch 10. Tickets available with fan. Phone 1422 Clarke. body repair job. If you are bah-a unae efcn tank. Excellent location. Sea Bowrnanie n o aur a eda -eLvinlyremmbeedby hefrom Bawmanviila Women' stgsfrae efcn family. 5-4* Lit Fu * Howard Payne, R.R. 3, New- interested in top wages and trîe.Private entrance. lm- ETH lAUV us for information. 4lebrefMr.C.eniey ________mbr..For uit castle. 5-1* goodworkng ondiionscon troled.KEIII D VEY and nunierous prizes. Home aoatda workn codtoscon mediate possession. $50.00 ALIA100 acres nortb of Bowman- 1~OLTON-în ioving memory baking. Aternoon tea. 5-1 ONE set af good toboggantc aeSec tRbo monthly. 75 Scugag St. Tale- v 1 ~ille, 7 roomn frame bouse, bath; Peter E hr a adatnine of, a dear Husband, Dad and Rcrea- Klennh i odcnto.Apply Motars ini Bowmanville. -5-2 phone MA 3-5919. 5-1 Lietc hpesbarn 85 x 30, frontage on twa owlBy i adn a rsn (andpa, Jack lPoolton, who Goodyear Empîoyees Re -K eh Mils5, Orono. Phone RAWLEIGH business now open TWO offices, one with vault, AI' EEA RNPRT 1acrmes.ib2i REAL ESTATE RKRI. sse aw-y eb.6th 197.tion Club Dance, from 9 ta mnid- 5 r 3. 5-1 in Durham County and Bow- ,el deANDed centrall la-P 5ace ih2fanl ose EEA nite,~ln St.ray E.b Bornhli den - --a Menewle ledraed intrly Io uttoday but evary ~ ie auday, FeinHal eb. th, atm 15 TUDEBAKER car, bar- manville. Trade well estab- cated. Suitable for Doctor, l -hpdbr,,gn . igS.E In silence we remember. Leris Hall, pecrupati one- 1952Inenaioa truck, gas lished. Excellent opportunity. Dentist, Lawyer, Insurance. Phone CO 3-2639 garden sail. Price $14,500.00. Telephone MA356Ny~ idas ra hr ..4Salymisad eer emm-mebers $2.50 per couple. furnace <forced air). MArket Full time. Write at once. Specialty Paper Products Ltd. 46-26* Ternis. Box 81keetoî,~ Kiw" bred by bis Wife Balla ýx Dress infori, al Cules only. 3-5497. 51* Rawleigb's, Dept. B-~140-.189, Bowmanville, MA 3-3381. 3--3 6oe are wthp ro , sn Salesman .A oel eoinlPo Pml.4005 Rihlieu Montreal. 51 larg 3-1.ebano 1'aiiuly. ~~4-2 OIL space heater withî pipes, ceu_ ... ROY ANGEb.A L gond raad north of Bowman-MA309 rmaage1wMsC.Ry RICH RDS- bo ing e- inga be etit for Davumtsdr one na oallcn.a A to.A LAtES-D LADhavEa-Dod ive tochaveS aleaile. Piceville. 0 . T rnis E$ganci0t0e00u.ryTernis. d Se retay Mra. oin Igandmother, Rachel A n n 1960, 8 p.m., at Memorial Park MA335.~Avon Representative near your MA 3-5250. 5.1* Masonry - Concrete - Carpentry bouse. Mapla Grave district. we show you ti -omat aeana ertr e Rcadwopse wyClubhouse. Sponsored by the MIILKING machýpe, new con- own home. It's pleasant and -Price only $2,500.00. Easy bungalow at Courtc.Alcn ot rauerMs ube s*ideniy, Jan. 30, -1956. Mamorial Park Association. dition, eheap; also Renfrew profitable wark. Openings in WHITE gantier for sale. Russ MAincs Pi To dalyloe t ea b rie aeyacodig aat ream separatar. Phone Black- Durham County. Write now ta Cochrane. . Telephane Brooklin Phn A3-2273 tens forgotten. tendance. Everybody wel- stock 87 r 4. 5.1* Miss K. MacKean, 528 'Gil- OLiver 53508. 5-1 3t trybikbue ah ag o.Coet eolat ofr on.rpr a LAlasin or-thoughts, camne. 5-2 KEYS eut auoat wy,;vhila mour Mtet eebruh ON hrbr osada oims, full basement, ail furn- transportation. Oi 3000 ie yMs .Bb.Svr daugterAlma, son-in-law adiwCmu1t ete you wait, at Mason & Dale 5-1 huila at farmer's prices. J. aeM ny i acsl brerBom-dw. drauhter andeildren Mar- WoodiwCmuiyCnr Hardware, 36 King St. E., Baker, Hampton. 48-tf "t~ ville, facing Highway Na. 2. A $1,500.00 down us6rorebr h a arm Enie and Allin-Monster B i n g o. Twenty Bowmanvîilla. 46-tf AE TPUREBRED A n g u s heifers, C Rearreal buy at $12,000.00. Easy 1 ½-storey in tonwthalebemat '.n er in ad lii.games-twenty dollars; five AGN liil for regitraion fro Dav s flRp a tarms. canveniances. Clstesho.onicunghSlvto ganias--thirty dollars; $150 SAVE on lumber, direct from elgbe rgsrtormrBuilding lot near Whitby, Oniy $7,500.00. Am adBbyFfa TRIMM-In laving andi ever jackpot, and twa jackpots at milI ta You. Phillips Lumber to arrange Appointienta for accrediteti bard; vaccinated. FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 78 x 200, excellent view, gondi $12,900.00 for ti -on i eorawr cet lasting memory ai my dear $250. Door prizes. Next ICa., Kinmourit, Ont. Phone Furnaces - Water Heaters 30 cents par pounti. Harvey 2 nai tBwavledang.Pie$,0.Trs 'Èrirnm, wha passed te rast 17 Oshawa. 46-tf LASouft~a pîe~P l t ONAL» 83 r 1-1, Jantville. 5-if CORNER KING & ONTARIO Two modern bungalows. in gage. Truly ani usadn opeet o 99 h is * ________________24tfOhaaexelen actinbu. o dofpamet r ien cosl h bok-tamikn years ago, March 5th, 1943, Phn veryec privA 4-Osaat ee.no docan, y- ag. Loe ofieront ames o anti Eliàs, Samuel Trimm who Fermera' Union are sponsor- pieking baskets, reasonable. £M 3-8471 TORONTO Cars for Sate vr rvt.Lwdw a.rngd passed away 12 years ago ing' a Dance at Blackstock Contact Bignall's, Part Perry, 51Rubber Footwear Rapairs nient.Buiesbokad7ro thi yltc-painad They are gone but not targatten day avening, February 13tb. immediate area. 5-2 %RILT A Dotige, '51 3-ton GMC. MA VUTTLCAJ.J.ILI1 ÇalI MA 3-3644 anti incarne. Caîlofieoraofcswredlrd ant ,And as dawns anather year Olti tinie dancing ta music ai ELECTRICAL Repaira. Prompt ~ GIUTRL 3-5835 ater 5 p.m. 5-1 Slsa:G llvn priuas o While they ie lI peaceful Jake Van Dam and bis group. service ta electrical appliances, SALES REPRESENTATIVE AýLSTAT.E Auto Insurance. Jamieson Tire Shon Phono MA 3-5300 nient.ovrfrteacinotoicr sleep Admission, Gants 75c, ladies~ large and amail. Lander Hard- We neeti a man ta work in Save 20%. Six montha ta pay. r5-1 We hava a buye o ie-*ie eutt stlos Their mamary I shah always 50c. Everyane came and an- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. this area witb aur District For personal service at your KING & SILVER ST.buglwith keep. joy yourselves. Local 73, 43-tf Manager in direct-to-farm home call Oshawa RA 5-2802, BOWMANVILLE DeWi a saeSt. or Orcharti Vie ld it eeie;Pei>n le o -Ever remnemberati by their Cartwright. 5-2 L GE unitaimur.sales anti service work, with coilect. 2-tf ,tf it Rea Esa etAtatoc.16...'s EwrjiCwel daughter Ethel. 5.*Will deliver. Write Ativertis-~ naeton'slargea an tfied oNt r91e-o tuk 200 Acre DAIRY FiARMi 15 List with usfobtere-VcPas-M.M.Iin Valentine Dance ar 11, c/o Canadian States- Ou e e ep snain e fis ON 14 3-aton GM trux- (Ted) Arentis acres workabîe, 100' x~ 40' bank suite.51Scy-Iis.DulsWiny 7C rsof Thanks -man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- Oearg repesnav $7 14, ste$pa1rmd00 x Electria Mators an io uktnselasa et. r.N erw Cards ~~~villa. 5-a1*fo $5ta$0 par cellant 12-ply tires, runs gooti. REPAIRS 8an brick Perona Tteak, Mr.t.euevel s The family ai the lata Elsie 1sGina week. Company representative Would take ana-ton trck as aalyu stanehions, water bowis, open _________________ their relatives, friands ani-Rent a sander, floor polisher man. Esatasaedsr aNwate hn lrk 1422. EWNIGwhome. Asking price $30,000. O isH ay rs garu ,Fe.1 or rug cleaner (shampoa meth- maya aheati, ta know farmars 5.1 Sales & ServiceEaytm.g:d)miepsadinlinS~tr.C.Meil; ___ __ ___ __ ___ _A .r.alit fjuln+ Mvi auxnip tk- -h-B--FRE----dobedrse. 19 enieaillatrt eppartunity ta express their PLAN TO ATTEND chesterfielcl, air foam, nylon 3. G. SWALLOW, Presîdent,2 ero buglwi-MsAuy tak otemnreaie, ALAEWELCOME cavering, $149; table lampa, P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, _______________ ]è&TED at Oshawa this 251h Bowmanville with ail modemn Mrs. Esther Ailin;Vc rs- CASFE tehenka tthanyte raied 49.Mrh untrBw ea - a fJnay 90 ovnes, full AREmnt Mr& Ane J.A who were so kinti anti thought- DARLINGTON nianville, MA 3-3781. 51* RADIO anti telavisian repaira, day RAN KELY cgoenieiîcs,umodernmeit:h Mr.eSipoScrty ADVRTIIN jE thiebur aniohrfins$.5 up ouniue ow- maxe 7%5-1 t ouh n on$200 rc r-e-Ms a fui duming their recant bereave- RATEPAYERS' -Tlejm o i a Wanted to Buy Prompt service. Pick-up andi 7 icaS.Suh n on$,0.Pîaa-e-Mr.MteGbo; ni mneùt. The carda anti lattera, ASSOCIATION winter. Sea us for free asti- PLYPN.PhneCO3-03 . Phone'A,38513.n29tf SHAWctor fnror he2edrombnao io MatiM. Chierhr effara of assistance, git et 5-1 mates an "Carhayes" Alumin- dellvarhneCO3y03. . oe'351i3g S9t. SHAWAr fotheîo2 rane mbugao i eman -Mrs.wnBchd.L. tfood anti other *expressions eof-u Doors anti Windows. Yau 5-1 GUARANTEED television and Beneiiciary. 4-3 Newcastle with aIl modern anti Sharon, becsl;M.IY~FNij sympathy were.,a giraat cam- IA Twilî be amazeti bow economicel 25 BUSHELS of, carrots for radio service, ta ail ma es.. covnecs atwo anat - ~Brhriat o -.wuw fort. 5PfGA T BNGOl te r ra lsk53 Sem kifl -um tuvi aaen, arage.d Alos- tand era supBultlAN ORSL tear rmCowan Equî feeti. Phone lcsoc 5r3-1. Saeday service. Talevisiail icm mgin full oo Taem ,gra. with M.ms.y A. ia. a men Co., 134 King St. _____________ ro in 1000 Trc.wt n.A I wish ta express my ancere SJaturay MU1 £ . 61Lh Bowmanville, or Phone 5.1* SAL Service pian Phona -t MA re 3-38339T0RCo0i.Tepon 3 Bedroam, alnioat new, Mira. T. Fairbohmvati j thianka ta Dr. Mikios, nurses MArke356.0tf condtioL uprgt iano. Tlepgoot 9.t Akt -90 38-tf bungalow in Bowmanviila with in Osh'awa a fwda' atS.tb adb a.o nela J anti staff of Memoriai Hospitai, iite358.4tfcntofrcahTlpineREPAIRS anti rewintiing, erm- ----ÔTCSlr ovnecs ad ek Bowmanvilla; friands ant W. LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE COltex 3-2567. 51* atues turneti ta ail makea is1 ail mode c oines, batr- Mre. an M nadllaa u v A. of Nawt<>nville, for' ail their BIw nDRY baleti straw. Daug Ruth. elactrie matera. Higgon Elec- modics-wodanite ors, i .pica an i mis. B tnRcadwllb U kintinesa shown. Greatly aep- tj,,M1 VLLEL erford, Coibomna. Taiephona trie, 38 King East. Phone MA NOTICE TO ALL KINSMEN Window, moeYce.Pie *~~Beetewt 2evlb n4 antiatè tthe arrangati.d ' h on parents, M s' n i M m .~o V , phraa n kie hen hnion at8P.113 r 11, Cobone. 42 3-3305. 7tf OF ZONE C 8 Roometi home an bigbway, pedwell. tMywf yneilLhbems, Jack Pi în _________ DRIVE belt, endias, 100 or REPAIRS te ail makas of sew- Fiasse ativise your Presitient east. Newcastle, modern con- Mr andv M? s.1 EaSadDor Pie - $100 com________ 120 tt., 6 or 7-incb, in gooti me g chines..Frea pickup anti anti your Wlfe that you wlll be veniences, on 5 acres lanti anti M. an-, rs. ih etat .awr tha8si~u KiBay Ausà. téGMWA 1 AH R U K pair. Ken Trew, Gardien HIi de%=er. Lavemty's Bargain atni heIerlbMo-2 berna, ali equippeti for broU Innily Ousshawa, wMre aet So o 5wrso Harry Watie. 20 GAMES AT $1016 EAC3 5.1* Centre, 59 King W. Telephona enigthInrebM- ers. i'mice anti tanms arran. get ihM.ndMe o mm Ulilch, Ruge.l TWO SPECL4L GAMES M.4 kinY" otL __eutr MA 3-7231. 44tf day, Feb. 15. Signati, your ed. Kenft andi faxnily.NEiN .bA R 5e-r AND $100 .JACKPOT weWC»EMnd Hofea pies pah!.r RPIStaimesofe- host The Kinumon Club et Port 13 Rooinet brick haine in Mr. anti Mis.Wa]eGbsn100.:Iuto T~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~atd wol iet epesiy AbnsIa-gah IE.OIN .Fat et pricR 1ai. fRigIRtua aesti ant ca-e. 5- Newcstle, close ta main street vialtati ber motir m.W ~ uincr arclation te Dm. Mc-51 Phqgne 7 r 13 colect. 4-tf merdiai; milklng coolers. Hig. withex lot.ow Aaldg$,0 Hinn i.,Obw.SMpn a ln epa LARGE p-wa âÎ"' iitd 8Kn Wanted _ýt Mra. Bill Bear niJm Ka n r yvsLREquantity, good qualt B. 3________bungalowin____ my, spelit ThUisa llimnmm@ nre r.Sylvest, M a£ Reeto . . ait e. rt dvrle Phne MA 3-3305. 7-tf reati;~~ecpto bale taay nurses anAdvaf_____________ABU 20 useti stanebiana for manvilla, ail modern canven- uter frs. Hanry oeNw ialIsrIna e- red ndt ursa" staf of ___10,_______ Canadien Statesman, '-erWa ed ctihe.Lwnc Mi lnces, modern kitchen, bard. cate. rt Memorlel -Hospital, BOwmftl- Mmm. Lilie Lamb wil ha et P.. o 190, Bownienvilie. Tedes__________ar._aweneal_____$1,00.Mrad n _________________cq4m, Nstitan. .1* wood floomu. Akn 000 m niMr.Nma eg- ~ A ~b ville, fer thefr cam anti Iinti- home toi hem friands frain 2 ta 5-______________________ers rrngd.so, asleon ieaduzdng in mecent stay 5 pam., Suntiay, Feb. 7th, on TIHS rcs dfruEDER l bneage reei eti y DEAI) anti erippleti tarm stok, Tenioarntact Thon, Cei m niMs b.ofo o ae i thera. i, we at lite ta the occasion ef ber 80th birth- IHS mrspiifruai i nesgeiutlFbur picketi up pramptly. Tale hone wit M. nd.f thank ail the friands andcneb dy at 88 .Queen St., Bowman.. furitura, - appuiane, tele- M, 1960, for the suppîying Contact: 3-2721.io Fergusan TFurn dokno 5. gontê foriginFrmJhnF De Wi eturd. badynhen bouma who sent nloelg- si vision, sawing machines, etc. anti layng etieforglCOTa y -272. er 37tf J 0111..Dant . E.Mxan HOS _________________Also sail anti exchange. 59 8 classrooms of lie Sauthi Pari», Tynone .&4ardand may a'Ims King St W. Phono MArket Darlington Seboal Ares. Tend- sBoan %h&e oul.' o Wanted to Rent 3-7231. 42-tt ers toi include icint oftil ltl Rest Home Newcastle Phono 3341 dyget ihM.at m.iUam e5pu WE have a client mequiring ~ ! i!uUHIGHEST priies pali for live b. laid. Approxiniata area of LAKEVIEW Manor, Port Pamry Sasne:*George Vinaiish,PtadJdy -5ud< modern bouse or modern poultry, goose feathers, faath- each elassroom, 720 sq. fit. -Oldsters looking for e home Deaal Moantior, BowID8EvMU apartmet. Central loction. er ticks, scrap , hun, rag IL J. Hobbs, Sec'y-Treas. away tram, home; bmigbt chaos'- MA 3-3950 I have alwaysbiettat aaStoa I L. LbW s C g anes, dar Adulta. Cail -%. Prank, Me- IjYmu-RAErmatals anti raw fors. Phono South t>arlngten Sehool fui rooms, launge anti TV. For Ilieu Davidien, Bethaay gooti la only beuy tmt faiAre540 ~m~cntyot CÏmtrai SolQuay &Kiddt, Bealteri, MA *RA 3-2043 Oshawa cohlact. Arta, fuillpricr Phone Part l'hono 21 ir 6 practice.-Jeeacqu-ai~A evs lm a Som. 6-1 3-8800 5-1 4s-tf DMuWmn Ontarlk 4-2ePrry, YUkomi 5-7967. 6.6 3-1 Oiu.

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