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Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 12

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PAGE WELV CAILADLAN STATESM, BO0 --------------pp----p----u----- 3 SPORT0PCS 133 Fra"k iohuim M 3-7m34 GOODYEAR PLAYOFF SUNDAY The Hase, mired in the cellar for most of the season,__________________________________ cllmaxed àn uphill struggle Sunday afternooit, wlnning their final gaine to gain third place and a playoff position. The Mats lost ta bow out of the playoff picture by a single point. ___________________________________ This Sunday afternoon at 1:30 the Hose and Office wil elah Ini a sudden-death gaine for the night ta advance into the league finals against the Fan Belts. dg t Pr v e' T ln fo t t t t t JUVENILES IMPRESSIVE........... Bowmanville Juveniles wiil mheet the winners between Port Hope and Whitby, here, this Saturday night, in the first game of the Lakeshore League finals. The lacals will. be strong favourites ta cop the series and advance along the O.H.A. playoff trail in quest of the champianship. Right * from, the start of the seasan, many fans have frit that this * team has the potential ta go ail the way. Most of the regular schedule faund Bawmanville winning by such lop-sîded scores that it was bard to teil just how good they were against poor opposition. Against De La a Salle, the locals met a gaod club and turned in fine hockey to, take bath games. Saturday night, Woadbridge (with twa wins of their own over De La Salle) were here, and the Juveniles, prabably displayrng one of their best games of the seasan, again wan handily. f Coach "ýMike" Osborne bas added a couple of new players ta the roster in the persans af Bill Crassey and John Clark, bath of last year's Juvenile finalists. "Mike" is able ta ice three strong lines, but he bas a "problem" of who ta play. We have no way of knawing haw the lines wiil be arranged for the playoffs, but certainly an impressive three- samne in Saturday's game were speedsters Terry BIack, Scatt noery and Don Bagnell. Bawmanville were gunning for their lfith straight win last night against Peterborough. Dan't be surprised if they won, too. t . i. . i. TOWN LEAGUE PLAYOFFS STARTê I The balance of the regular schedule bas been canceiled .. . - » due ta the withdrawal af the Dept. of Warks from the Town ..... .. ........... League. Playoffs start ta-night with last place Hoaper's -Jewellers meeting second place Ken's Men's Wear in the first This team has been giving the fans an exciting warm-up endo game of a two aut of three semi-final series at 7:30 o'clack. period, preceding Juvenile games here the past few weeks. The Maci~ If opposition cen be found, Stephen Fuels, who have a bye Midgets, under Coach John Osborne, with Senior Coach "Mike" Paul1 Into the finals, wiil play an exhibitian cantest, follawing the Osborne keeping a "fatherly" or rather an "uncly" eye on the situa- John tirst game. Cattion, bas been showing real promise for the future. While their Cromi Paul Cathas taken over as the third league presi- efforts have, to date, not met with the saine success as the Juveniles, Absen dent of the seasan. Jim. Coyle, wha had previausly replaced they are improving every gaine and wül be heard from befare the Murray Tighe, resigned. Tini "Cax" bas been appointed as vice-resient.Town League Hockey t t t t f BENEFIT GAME A benefit hockey game is 1,eing plenned to help Len h e u l o ster Le t Francis, manager of Lindsay Intermedietes, who was injuredS t p e u l Bi i i a car accident recently. Len, well-knawn in tbis area as 1a tramner and manager of Lindsay Juniar and Intermediate A f Clubs, wes returning framn a game in Part Hope when the o k D p . i s y e fat~ Mr. Francis is In bad condition, suffering from a Cal Blake's goal with two down for the caunt when be Team Standings tbroken leg, torn ligaments and undetermined internai and a haif minutes remaining caught hlm. at centre ice with Sinjuries. The proceeds from tbe game will be used ta defray i the game, gave Stephen a bard check. Referee Bud W hospital and other costs. Watch this column for furtber de- Fuels a 5-4 win over Ken's Perfect banded out a ciipping Stephen Fuels __ 9 ta egadin th laatin ad prtiîpaingteas.Men's Wear, as the Town sentence on the play, but Ken's Men's Wear 8 îtails rgrngtelctoan atcptn am.League featured a bettle for "Mort" Richards epparently Dept. af Works 5 t t t t first place, i last Tbursday feeling this wasn't enough, night's opener. The win en- cherged at the other officiai Hooper's Jeweilers 3 î SIAREHIOLDERS MEET abled the league-leaders ta "Tirn" Cox and was promptly A meeting of sharebolders in the Sautbview Golf and draw three points ahead of given a misconduct. Kehi's de- Country Club will take place Thursday, Feb. 11, 8 o'clock, the second place Men's Wear fenceman, Jim Olinski, receiv- e e at the Acres Restaurant, club. ed a bad gash aver the eye be Don Masters notched the ini the final minute and Dave Tbe annuel report and fInanclal statemnt wilb loue miarker of the first per- McCuliough of Stephen Fuels, given and directors will be elected for the coming season. iod. in the final minute, but stopped a hard drive by "Mort" t t t Bob Fairey got it back for the Richards, and was forced out j A t tt t Fuels in the first minutes of of action froin a nearly seriaus BADMINTON NEWS the middle session. Jack Mar- eut about the eye. DonLard sn o M. ndMrs Enet air, hoisshail put the league-leaders in Dept. of Works and Hoop-A DonLaid, on f M. ad Ms. rnet Lird wh ~front et 14:16 with John er's Jeweilers went through on the University of Toronto Badminton teain, competed in Clark countering at 18:50 ta the motions in the second Sthe inter-callegiate tournament heid at Western University, end the period in a two ail game, wbich went to the D. London, this iast weekend. The Toronto teain was successful staudoff. W. crew by default. when thes In al levnts.Ted Fairey tallied a pair in Jewellers were unable to, ice lu il vens.the third, but Bill Crossey a full team. Raye West scor- *s::sZ:: S:SS SSUS UOSS~~~S matcbed the first, and Jim ed a dozen goals and drewv- Joe Nowian 711, Bob Yake Hilda Brock 3 179l Accessories for Cruisers, 696, "Duke" Brunt 678, Hap Howard Bromeli 3 179 abouts, Yachts, Outboard PUB IC Palmer 676, Cee Mutton 670, Carole Oke --- - 3 172 Marine Engines. Pet Yeo 648, Onie Etcher, with Everett Wmnacott -3 17 *1SKATING the ladies' bigh of 632, Mor- Amy Winacott __3 172 THE CANADI ley Etcher 620, Bud Edmond- Leo Curtin ......-3 170 son 612, Carole Reynolds 605 Gordon Stringer -3 170 to 10 p.m. and Jack Brough 601. Walter Rundle 3 170 Three big 300 games weeDorc Mutton.- 3 169B A H ADMSSION rolled as the Mixed wegere Mike Heenan -3 169 ekas Aduits 50e *Children 35e - Spectators 10e abarted the second Leaguers Ada Luxton -___ 3 167 Wedy fin frm.A baSil setth Kay Luxton ___3 165 12 naon ta 10.30 pace with 330, while Joe N ow- Pet Bartels --.3 164 Saturdays _ Ian had 308 and Bud Edmniod- Boblifhell 3 11 10.30 arn. ta 10.30 Saturday, Fehruary 6 son registered an even 300 Ferne Evansle 3 161AUT < HL score. FreBaly 3 16ADMISSION JUVEME PLAOFFSOther high single scores Ron MùItton 3 154 - ---- were registered by Rap Pal- Ken Luxton ____3 153 __________ mer 298. Jack Bond 282 and Ruby Spicer 3 152 H O C K EY 291, Elton Brock 277 and 230, Audrey Sleep 3 3. 150 OneEthr 7,Kay Luxton Rick Gould .~ 3 147 8:00 .fl. 255, Bob Yake 252 and 255, Pearl Kilpatrick -3 145 WINER F ORTHOE -WHIBYSERES Em Stringer 250, Everett Win- Ruth Yeke --3 143 acott 247, Carole Reynolds Don Bradley 3 1434 j V.21and Marg Perris 240. Marie Yeo --3 142 BauE IIVIIP fi WVIIPRTea Swdlgu Marie Curtin _. 3 141 awvwM aaIwa .VMAU5B tadig Dueine Palmer -3 141 Teain W LPts Jim Cox ..3 139 Tickets go on sale Thursay.. Nowlan _____3 0 7 Emma BromeU - 3 136 Halders of Booster Tickets have until Friday, Bond -,3 0 7 IvY Rundie - -3 133 7 p.m., topick uptickets. Spicer ____ 2 1 5 Ruth Mitchell -3 131 ADMSSON _______Doreen Charles -3 125 A"ta . mei Chldrea - M5e Mutton __ 2 14 Kay Grabm 3 107 q Mitchell 1 2 3 Luxton 1__. 2 2 Ladies High Single- Yeo -- - 1 2 2 Onie Etcher ___275 MILO s SEdn &iondson __ O 3 0 Ladies High Triple- Wehdaauabry11 0 3 0 Onie EtcJxer -.-- 632 O PE Weboday Fehary10àAverages Mens' High Single &.00 to L-30 :.M Naine Game Ave. Art Spicer 330 EM CIm<hem . us m e * 5e Jack Bond _ _3 258 Mens HghTriple 76Ph Mhlde . . . . . . . n Eltan Brck __ _ _ 3 243, Jack Bond 769__ Jo N w1f - 3oI ak od 5 Adlta mee<bIp8fylfl dr Art Spicer 3 238, High Average- )WMANVILL.. ONTAIO TkIUIMAY, FM5~. UI4MQ% AA Team of the Future_____ of the seeson. The teain, froin left to right, front row: Leo. Lean, Dave Williams, James Finn, Dave Higgon, R. Whalen, Mutton, John Hancock; back row: Donald Piekeli, Ken Veitch, tTwist, Gord Rundie, Bill Brown, Lee Somerscales, Ray Lbie, Don Kerr, Coach John Osborne, Manager Clarence Oke. ýnt: D. Osborne and J. Kennedy. gs 3 1 19 5 0 16 i7 1 1l 10 0 6 iderful e new- hing in ire and sRun- rs and IAN N25f MVen's Major Bowling] The second schedule is un- 379, Barney Vanstone and Ce- derway and big Dave Mc- cil Osborne beld down run- Knight gat the jump on alfier-up position 420, Bill Oliver the howlers when be scored 441 and Long John Moorcreft games of 298, 218, 297 for an, 443. 813 total. This gave Dave a Alley Chatter 271 average, tops in the Murray Larmer's teain rau league. true ta form and took three Doug Sbîrk, a new bowler games froin AI Osborne's team in the league was right on ta take the leed in the teain McK-'nigbt's hcels with 800. standing. If Larmer's team. Doug had 240, 244 and 316 should win the second sched- for lan average af 267. ule there will be no need for Ten bowlers were over the a rail off for t-be John M. 700 mark. Bill "Jake' West- James trophy. They wiil be lake had 758, Ernie Perfect the winners as they bave al- 746, John Fard 745, Bob Mer- reedy been declared chamn- tyn 743, Pete Dobbins 724, Dr. pions of tbe first schedule. Rundie 712, Bud Moses 708, The leegue welcomnes four Russ Haliman 706, Pet Yeo new bowlers for the second 705 and Bill Hearle 700. schedule, Don Bagneli, Ben Doug Sbirk showed ail the Tbom.psan, Daug Sh-irk and bowlers in aur league thet be Joe Nowlan. wlll be an asset as bis 316 Treasurer Fred Cale is now won the bigh single score of waiting to receive the second the night. John Ford was scbedule fees. The fee is $5.00 next with 315, Harry "The per man and sbould be paid Cet" Snowden 313 and Bob immediately. Mertyn 301. In Sport Editor Frank Mo- Joe Nowian, another new hun*s colunin last week credit bowler, won low single prize was justly given ta, George with a 96 game. Jin Callan "The General" Jones for bis had e couple of real low ones. bigh single gaine af 370 bowi- 109 and 115, Frank Blunt 110. ed in our piayoffs. This was Jim. Callen won low triple a well deserved write-un but Recreation Revi ews Aduit Art Class There are stili some open- ings for anyone interested in attending the Aduit Art Cless sponsored by the Recreation Departinent. This class meets every Fridey et 8:00 p.m. et the Lions Community Centre. Tbe clas does exceeding good work and handles its own ordering and business transactions. The ciass is un- der the direction of Major Dean Bennett of Newcastle. Aduit Swimming Classes There are still e few open- ings in the Recreationel Swim- ming Period for enyone in- terested i attending this ac- tivity. The swimming classes are beld every Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. et the Ontario Boys' Training Sehool Pool. The class is under the di- rection of MrL. W. W "Bill" Bagneil. Choral Society If you are interested in jaining the Bowmanville Cho- I ral Society please feel free ta attend eny of their prectice sessions. The Choral Society meetingi every Monday et 8:00 pin. inj the Bowmanvile Town Hall and is under the direction of Mr. Hugh Martin. le MA 3-5663 we ol like ta point out to aur memnbers of the league that they are flot expected ta share their winnîngs with anyone for gaines bowled other than those defined in aur rules. This generous art is John Ford's and not the de- cision of the leegue. Teain Standings TearniW LPts Lai-mer . 3 ( 3 Janzer.-- - _---- - -3 O 3 D. MéKnight 2 1 2 R. McKnight 2 1 2 Dobbins 2 1 2 Piper *~.2 1 2 Halîman ___- 2 1 2 B. Oke 2 1 2 Bagneli 1 2 1 Perfect ____ 1 2 1 R. Oke 1 2 11 Gay. Brock __1_ Leslie1 Osborne o Samis....0 Averages Name Gaines Deve McKnight - 3 Doug Shirk ---- -3 Bil Westlake 3 Ernie Perfect --3 John Ford .3 Bob Martyn ~3 Pete Dobbins 3 Dr. Rund-le - -3 Bud Moses --------3 Russ Hailman --- 3 Pet Yeo ---_ 3 Bill Hearlé'_____3 AI Osborne ____3 Jack Lander ~3 Frank Williems --3 Frank Mohun ----3 Murray Larnier -3 Bill Shotter 3 Jack Bond------ 3 George Stephens - 3 Russ Oke __3 Welt DeGeer ____3 Lerry Piper . 3 Ross Wright 3 John Stainton 3 Ross McKnight 3 Frank Lewins 3 Ron .McCiean___3 Carl Raby3 Peuh Chant3 Kari Bickeil 3 Morley Vanstone -3 Bert Engley .... 3 Bill Bates ----- 3 E{arry Snowden -3 Elton Brock ____3 red Bagneil ____3 Russ Lane ____3 Ralph Kellv ------ 3 George Glenville -3 Jack Gay ---- - Dr. AI Sylvester -3 Town League Hocke Star of- the Weekl TED FAIREY With first place at stake last Thursday night, Ted Falrey camne up with a clutch effort in the final periad to pace Stephen Fuels to a 5-4 win. Ted, one of the league's top scarers andi possessing a deceptive shift, gave the league-leaders a 3-2 edge, on]y to have Ken's tie the score. Once more, Fairey found the marke but again Ken's tled it up. With little over three minutes remaining, Ted hopped over the boards i time ta mare the puck at centre and set Cal Blake up for the eveutuel winner. If memory serves us correctly, Ted Feirey bas thus won bis second Star of the Week Award from Bowmenvilie Surplus Sales. Legion Bowling The standings werc sh-uffled almost completely last Tues- duy night, as the only club ta hoid their position were Bull Veitch's cellar-dwellers, with onlyv twa Points te show for four weeks. Ernie Perfect's teain hand- ed Frenk Semis' crew a 7-0 setback ta take over the league-leadership by one pin over Keith Yeo's crew, who knocked off Doug Tayior's team 5-2. As a result of the loss, Taylor slipped out of the leed, back te thîrd. Bull Bates' bowlers posted a 7-0 shutout aver Veiteh ta move right beck into contention. Doug -Taylor hed hiniseif e big night, racking up a 727 triple on gaffnes of 293-the bigh single, 204 and 230. Lu- ther Wels.h rolled up a 193 ta- tal, followed by Frank Samis 671, Ernie Perfect 667, Irwin Beauprie 659, Tomimy Graham 655 and Jack Mertyn 654. Frank Samis was one pin bebind Taylor at 292, wbile other high games went ta Jack Martyn 274, Dick Per- fect 253 and TomanU Graham 252.1 TeainStandings Pts E. Perfect ______21 K. Yeo - ______201 D. Taylor 181 B. Bates _ __14 F. Semis ________9 B. Veitch z Averages Up Te And Ineludint Jan 2%. 'Naine Gemes Ave. D. Taylor 41 226 J. Mjartyn 36 222 E. Perfect 39 217 K. Yeo - --- 42 2101 A. Lobb 36 203 W. Bates 39 202 T. Graham 42 201 W. Veitch 33 200 F. Semis 39 199 R. Wright 42 196 J. Fair 21 190 M. Grant 42 187 J. Barclay 36 186 R. Perfect. 42 185 H. Bennett 42 185 R. Stocker . 42 185 R. Cale . 39 185 C. Trewin 39 185 L. We]sh - . 36 184 J. Geddes ____ 42 183 P. Bathgate - 24 182 I. Beauprie 42 172 V. Connors___ 36 112 J. Knight 36 168 J. Newman 36 163 R. Lockhart - 37 159 R. Rogers 42 15.3 R. Johnson ___ 37 155 C. Bonathon 24 151 R. Wheaton..... 41 148 N. Mooney - 36 1398 W. Wallis 42 128 So You've Got Poor Power1 r - HERE ARE A FEW REASONS WHY ... Poor power, or poor accelera- tion if you went ta cail it that, is seldoin the fault of the gaso- Ilneyou use. It's generally caus- ed by faulty combustion, which causes low output . . . or it's caused by low compression. Bath Bihl Steven of these ailments cause loss of power. Elpre's what ta look for: Spark plugs which are dirty, irnproperly gapped or which have poor insulators. Or it could be in your distributor. Perhaps the spark is overadvanced or retarded the points burnt or not gapped correctly ... the coil weak ... or dirty or baose wiring in the distributor systein. Another major contributor ta boss of power is the carburetion system. The miiçture may be too lean, which means that your idie jet is set improperly .. . or there may be diii in the jets. Both of these "aliments" are causes of a bean mixture. On the other hand if the mixture is too rich the trouble probably lies in a clogged air cleaner or a high float level. Other things ta look for include - a clogged fuel pump sereen, stick- ing manif old temperature regulator, worn accelor- ator pump, faulty enrichuient jet or leaks along the throttle plate shaf t. The other cause of bass of power - which is low compression - can be a resuit of stuck, hurut or warped valves ...- improper tappet clearance or worn piston rings. At Robson Motors Ltd. these are the mechanical features that are checked on every used car before it la put on the lot. For the best selection of dependable used cars in town... drap in sean. Easy budget terms are available. !Bil f&àt IS YOUR CAR SHOWING SIGNS OF RUST ? ... Get a Free Estimate from us on G ada Body & Paint Wsrk Maintenance With the Egxperiencedi Paint and flylMen we have . . . we en uve you Fuat, Guarangeel Serv'ice. New Car Sales are stlil i nreaslng daily, consequently we have a good selection of, USED CARS ARl EBeudtioned and Guaranteed I il. 1 gjoe S7 QWi& _ ID j- ,ddoommmmbml 1 Moi CMAV 1mm Aix Imm e

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