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Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 11

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THURSDAY, FEB. 4th, 1960 FL 1/Le PeWCad/G Y#uiepe4e#s/ '.- 1 Gordon Agnew, Editor Mîdnîte Prankster Catis, Brigade to Wm. Lake's Farm Heavy Traffic Bloc ks Return Phone 3621 John Rickard Dîrector of ShorthornCduI Newcastle - At the annual meeting ai the Ontario Short- bora Club belti in the Royal IAgrlcultural College in Guelph Newcastle - Local volun- a false alarm turned their ve- son whase naine had been 1naudy onRcad0 teer firemen answered a eall hicles around t return to, thegiven when the elarm was o audy onRcado on Saturday midnite to, a hall on]y to f ind that the long,1 put in denied any knowledge 1Newcastle was elected one of reported fire at the farm of narrow raad up the hili was of the incident. the five Ontario farmers an Win. Lake at tht south east blocked with traffic, and, due In discussing the matteri the Directorate, the Canadian corner of the village on the' to the recent ice and snow with members af the Fire De-:Shorthorn Association and shores of Lake Ontario, oniy' storms the road was open ta partment and with Reevew ta find that the cal] had been'one way traffie anly. It took Cunningham, chairman of the, wi.U be attending the annual placed by soine prankster more than an hour to, sort out Fire and Police Coînmittee, meeting of the Association in looking for some fun at the1 the heavy traffic jam s0 that we were inférmed that a tho- Edmnontan the last week in expense of others. the Fire Departînent vehicles raugh investigatian of the in- February. The alarm, placeti by tele- coulti return ta, the hall thus cident is being made and the At the same meeting in phone at 12:20 a.m. Sunday, leaving the citizens of the cuiprit if epprehended wîl M' ikrdwoi set off the siren on a shrill, village withaut fire protection face a serious charge. It was~ Guelph, M.Rcadwoi long wail and brought out1 in the case of an emergency. also suggested that we warn' Polled Shorthorn breeder was lialf the vehîcles in the vil- on bis return ta, the hall citizens of the seriousness af elected a director and second lage and district to help ex- Fire Chief Frank Miller check- the situation and request thein Vice President of the Ontario tinguish the reported fire. ed with the telephone opera- nat ta take cars toa close to consummng the Lake barn toi' ta find aut who gave the àa reported fire hamnpering the ShorthOrn Club, the only Thedriersof he iretruksalarm and on investigation an free movement of the fixe de-m be nDha Cutye tm inding they had answered Sunday found that the per- partment vehicles. receive that honour. Minor Success fui Reports Heard Hockey At Con gregafionalMefing Uecst-- 4o-.-4-a1 Q,-f Newcastle Un ite d Ch urch sent het' Atoms into thie vil-1- ---- lage on Monday at 6:30 strik-I Newcastle - Approximately organist, accompanying at tie ing hard with eleven Scorixng 100 members ai the Newcas- piano. Several quartette num- plays while lie local Atrnis tle Unitedi Church sat tiown bers by Messrs. Howardi, Ross were only able to retallate ta a delicious pot luck supper -andi Jack Allin anti Jim once. Not being able ta at- on Wednestiay evening, pre- Barnes were also enjoyeti tend lie fracas, we are OnLY pareti by members of the prior 10 the business af the aile ta give the score reportn redhi lb thle an- evening. eti ta us, but we are quite sure nual congregationai meeting. Foliowing the reading ai lie il rnust have been quite a Aiter the supper, commun- minutes ai the last congrega- sight ta 5ee. ity singing was enjoyeti, led tional meeting, lie Rev. M. In the village minor league by Mrs. Raye Smith with C. Fisher readth le names ni the Cubs outseoreti the Rock- Norman Wiliams, lie church the members of the cangrega- eta 3 ta 1 and the high ilying tion who hati passeti away Rebels were taken down a ?IV during the yeam anti asked for peg in the standings when the OBIT UAI1I a moment's silence in their Jets handeti them a 5 la 1 memory. T%e 1959 repart ghellacking. . MISS BERTHA MeNEILL showed there hati been twelve deaths, eleven baptisms anti In the first game the three A dietitian at the Ontaria Cubs' goals, Fred Alldreati Hospital, New Toronto for 30 with assists by Harry Cufie, years, Miss Bertha MeNeill, ]Dennis Rudmnnandi Stanley ageti 67 years, formerly oi Ca- Cobbledick. The lone Racket van township, died Tuesday, goal was scorecl b3' Ted Znack january 26th in Peterborough on an assist frein Ron Goode. Civie Hospital following a six The éçly penalty of the game months illness. was 2lve*n to Fr-ed A]l*îdreati. She was born in Cavan and * * *educated at the Whitiield pub- In the final garne o f thellic sehooL Miss McNeill was evening the Jets defeateti the graduated £rom Macdonald first place Rebels 5 ta 1 on Instîtute, Guelph. Her parents1 goals by.-Pete MeçCulough .(2). werýe th late John McNeil Wayn PerceBobBandtraand his wife' Margaret Fair. and Jim Alîdreati with assists Sewsamme fS by Jini Alldread, Bob Bandi- Margaret's Anglican Church, jtra, Pete McCullough, Gary New Toronto and a member Forgit, George Hendry anti of the Durham Caunty Club. Wayne Pearce. The only Re- She. leaves two sisters, Mrs. bel goa! was scared by Bill Charles McNeil (Mary) of Scott and the only penalty aof Pontypool and Mrs. Leonard the game went ta Jim Ail- Smith (Sarah) af Millbrook, dreati of the Rebels. andi a brother, Leanard at Fraserville. Team Standings The funerai service was Team P W L pts held from St. John's Anglican Church, Ida on Friday, with 'Rebels 4 3 1 6 the Rev. E. Paifrey afficiating, r.ubs - - 4 3 1 6 assisted by the Rev. A. A. ets 4 Chote, of Toronto. 4 2 2 onorary palibearers wei'e >ackets 4 0-- ' 4 0 William Howden, Eugene -Touchburn, Rass Swamn, James Fair, John MeNeil, Howard FINE QUALITY Fair, John McNeil, Arnoldi Me- Actin.g palîbearers were MONUMENTS AND S. Simmons, John Sutherland, MARKERS Lloyd Sutton, Leanard Mc- 1Neil, Roy Lough andi Donald fty- Stevens. OF STAFFORD Burial was in the family BROS. plot at St. John's Cemetery, Ida. D<aW Thanks S tafford Bros. 1 wish to sineerely tliask 1cstle Fire Dept. for hr Monumental Works prmp respanse ta h Il eall ta my propei'ty even 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby1 though it was a taise Phone lVhitby alarin. L..MOhak-2 BILL LAKE Freel,Freel BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every pu rchase of gas at your ~ ~eSERVICE STATION WeSpecialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phene CO 3-2631 Double Siamp Day Every Tuesday - Corne Out and See Oui' Display of Gifts- Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price jA ABUTURSPCAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPENOm EVENINGS AND SUNDATS, twee arriàges and eighteen new members hadi been add- ed to the congregation. Mr. Fisher spake on the work of the church saying that the results of the Sector Plan visitation had been veryV gratifying. He said that it had created more interest in the church and had helped ta in- crease church attendasice as well as enabling the churoh ita meet its budget. He also xefee&tg the, i.creased -giv- ings to lie Missionary anti Maintenance Funti anti sug- gesteti the members shoulti think of others anti do what they can ta help them. Members electedti t li Board ai Stewards for thre years weme H. C. Bonathan, W. R. Allib, Seldon Parker, Davidi Gray, anti Francis Jose. Thase re-electedti thei Session were Gamnet Rick- arti 1 year, Chai-les Glenney 2 years, W. F. R ickarti, How- ardt Alun anid J. H. Jase for four years. Members ai lie Board ai Trustees are Ross Allin, Jirn Bamnes, George Kimball, John Rickard anti Wr'llngton Farrow. Audilors r J. C. Parler and Charles wan. Representative for the Unitedi Church Observer is Miss Ruth Hancock. A vote ai thanks and ap- preciation for lheur services during the past year, was ex- pressedti lathe Rev. Mm. Fish- ei' and famiiy by Mr'. Bren- ton Rickard anid was very fit- tingly repliedt ta y-Mi. Fish- 7 lewcastle Social and [Personalý LMr. and Mrs. Howard Tom, iJase and Harper Kelsey ac- and Mr'. and Mrs. Charles coarpanied the District Depu- Cowan left an Sunday for a. ty Governar Lion Brenton month's holiday in Florida. Rickard on bis afficial visit MAr. Holly Kernohan and to the Millbraok Lians Club son Ross ai Minden visited meeting an Monday evening. with Mr'. and Mrs. H. C. Den- Miss Joan Youn.g has re- nis on Thursday. turned ta the village follow- Mrs. Elizabeth Pattersan of ing a two weeks' visit with Bowmanville visited for a lier sister, Mrs. Stan Clark in few days last week with Mr'. Baltimore. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and Flowers were placed in the family. United Church Gn Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hecken- Mrs. George Smith in memory domn of Burford were Satur- of lier husbanti who passed day visitars with Mr'. andi Mrs. away on January 3Oth 1953. Gordon Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. William Storks left an Friday for a three weeks' holida*y in Mexica. H Y O Four members of the New- castle Lions Club, Lions Chas. Mr'. and Mrs. Elgie and Terry Gilkes, Frank Hoar, Harry Tomp<>'i Tarob'hio, called on 1ivi r *J.zxirpnan' COURTICE A number are on the slck list. Mirs. C. Fulton is coaiined Io bed; Mr'. Archie Muir i. a patient in Oshawa Hospital and Mrs. Harry Couoh in Wel- lesley Hospital, Toronta. Friends were sorry ta hear the news of the death of little Christine Newton, eleven-year- aid dawihter of Mr'. and Mrs. Murray Newton ai Sarnia, who forrnerly lived here in Caurtice. Chris bad been sick for somne Urne, i and out af Prlncess Margaret Hospital, Toronito; and later in St. Josept's Hos- pital, Sarhia, where she pas- sed away Friday. Courtice Home and School Association recently held its Januar-y meeting wlth Mrs. Jack Gay presidinîg. It was announced that a card pax'ty would be held at Courtice School on January 29. Blooti Doners Clinic ta be held at St Gregory's Auditor- ium, Thursday, Feb. 4. Entertainmient for the even- ing was provided by Misses Linda Martin and Lynîda Scott from Maple Grave singin'g "Win'ter Wonderland" an d "Maonlight Ray". They were accompanied by Mr'. Ross Met- calfe, Supervisor of Music i the area. Health convenor, Mrs. WiIf Brown who was I charge ai the pragmam, introduced Mrs. Julie Roberts ai th.e Bownan- ville Branch ai the Durhamn andi Northumberland Health Unit who explained the many services provided by the Heaith Unit in the surrounding com- niunities. Mi'.. Roberts parti- cularlys tressed the importance aif dental ce as earlyhI Ille as possible. Mrs. Harold G-aham thanked the speaker and those who hati taken part. Rehe.-hments were served by Mrs. N. Adair and Mr. andi Mrs. Roy McLaugihi- lin and family, Nestleton; MrS. Edna MeLaughlin, Burketon; Mr'. and Mrs. Ha.rold Wright, Oshawa, weire Sunday visitors ait Mir. nd Mrs. Ross Ashton's. Mr'.nd Mrs. Ron Morrison and f anily, Oshawa; Yfx'. Geor- ge Bertrirn and Georgie, Taun- tan, visited Mr'. and Mrs. M. Bertrirn andi ianily. We welcome I&. and Mrs. Parker of Oshawa, ta aur vil- lage having moved into the Bertrim Aartmenit. New cupboards bave been lnsballed in the diurch'by the W.A. Laddes. Mi'. andi Mrs. Lloyd Ashiton and Beith Ashton, Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda, Enniskillen, called on Mr'. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono, Sunday. Mi'. andi Mrs. John Hoyland, Oshawa, have moved into the Grahain Apartzment. Mr. Hoy- land is employed at the Gra- ham Garage. Mr. and Mi',. J. Potts, Tom- my, Debbie, Mary, Billile and Mni. W. Martin, were tea gue- ula ai Mr'. andi Mrs. Arthur Trewin and William, Sunday the occasion beinig Mary Patts' blrthd-ay. Mr'. andi Mi'. David 1Morrow andi Alexandier, Tor'- Au ALL i .dt Io a edhg e dlstauhet vu..FILThm e.âme.M ho oue hyuc ard dvastes.m mrméi actismet rememg thon situ sma .d vastes. Tîiie m whgia, haus.wo ilghtsr! Why doo-t VU4 esuDeksra Community Bowling Resu its ( Newcastle - Gary McCul- iough tapped the Teenage League on Saturtiay afternoon witn a score ai 605 in the tbree games. Those bowling gaines of 200 ai' aver weme Jan Fisher 246, Gary McCul- lough 230, Lai'ry Pearce 220 and John James 216. In the Wednestiay aiternoon ladies! league scores af averi 200 were rolleti by A.lice Rowe 260, Ruth Couch 240, Mlyrtle Pearce 227, Grace Couch 223 and Bessie Den 211. Albert Pearce was high man in the Men's League last week anti scored the highest number of points yet record- ed with a high single af 313 nd a total of 74,1;li the three games. Teane Standings Typhoons -.-- - ---- --.64 Arrows -.______44 Hurricanes ______-39 Wildcals ____-39 Spitfires -36 Sabres ~34 Avengers --28 Mustangs . -24 Bill Harrison 235, Gary Barchard 229, Jack Perrin 228, Clarence MeIvor 208 anti Eleanor Perrin 200, were tie high scorers in the Thursday Mixeti League. Team Standings Bugs -14 Cals 13 Imps il Brats ___ __ 4 According te oui' reporter everyone went wild in lhe Fridstv Mixeti League. Scores over 200 follaw: Ken Whitney 325, l'y. McCullough 312, Ted Belsey 282, Alice Rowe 275, Doug Walton 262, Ron Mun- ro 245, Albert Pearce 237, Do- rothy Whitney 232, Jack Lees 230, Tracy Embley 229, Mary Dewdney 223, Jean Rickarti 217, Velna Parker 217, Bar- bara Alldred 214, Marj. Dick- inson 213, Helen Hancock 209, Jack Hoinies 204 nd Jean Mc- Cullough 201. Following are lie team standings in the Monday La- dies LeLague: Thunderbirds ______48 Comets ____-.-..44 Cadillacs _________40 Leitovers -______27 Wildcata ___-_____22 Grace Couch 203 anti Anne Treleaven 201 were the aniy bowlers te score over 200 last Monday. Junior Farmer News 1 The bighlight of the Junior Farmers' meeting helti labt Wednesday eveiiing was pic- lures shown by Walter Clarke. Walter was on an exchange visit 10 Britain recently anti he hati some beautiful pictures anti an interesting lalk ta pre- sent ta aur club. We discussedth le annual banquet anti decidedti t holti it on Mamoh 11. The next meeting wil.l be heiti at the Arena and plans are being matie for tie boys to play hockey and broombail for the girls. We were glatd that a few were able ta attend the Junior Farmers' convention in Taran- te and I know that everyone present hati a very enjoyable day. LONG SAUT L Don't forgeltat attend the Long Sault Home andi Sehool Club on Friday evening, Feb. l2th. Ilý is going ta be a social evening so everyone bringa lunch anti if yeu bave a card table, aise some carde, please bring those along tab. Mi'. anti Mii. Chas. Penwar- den nd amily were Sun'day supper guests ai Mr. anti Mi;. R. Cameron. onto, aise visitedi the Trewin home. ?&.nd Mms. tlem Rahm anid familly, vislted her parents, Mr'. and Mmi Leoniard Wilson, Lakefield, Sunday. Mi'.. W. Thompsoei vialted Mrs. Frank Osmiond, Bowman- ville, and calledi on Mr. Os- mond, ST. MEr. and Mrs. D. Cameron, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Davey, Tyrone, Sunday. M1r. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon were Saturd'ay evefllfg visitors at Mr'.nd Mrs. Alfred Gar- rard's. Mr and Mrs. Ron Rahm and fainily, visited M1&. Robert Closs, Perth, Sunday, anld were sup.per guests af Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. Dawsan, Orona. PAGE ELZ7M~ F ti ci c r Aid, increase of per diem rate to S1.43; Jiuiior Fariners, siat- utory grant $500, and exter*- sian grant $300; eight cau-ntY fair boards, $2,500 ta be distii- buted accord.ing ta size; and sail and crop improven, $100. :ounties Select New :.ommittees Unitedi Caunties Caundcil on FridaY approve theticappoint- ment of Reeve D. Cunning- am, Newcastle, ta the ativis- ry cammitlee on' equalizeti ssessment. Others appointeti ao tbis cammittee weme Reeve F. E. Oodricb, Brighton, and Deputy-Reeve Jack Ers- kme, Cobourg. The continuation of the warden's special comniittee on the re-arganization o! lie counties was approved by Counties Council. Reevt Gar- nt R.ickard, Darlinglan, Reeve R. Butige, Part Hope, and Reeve D. R. Dingwall, Cra. nahe, were appaintedti t the special c9mniittee. North Nesileton Mr'. anti Mmr. Grant Caimpbell and famiily, visited Helens Parents, Mr. anti Mn. E. Ste- wart i Tororito on Sunday. Mr'. anti Mrs. Chas. Smith, Blackstock, were Sunday ev. ening dinner guests with Mr, and MArs. Malcolmi Emerson. Mi'. nd Mrs. Blake McCoy, Oshawa, visited Mr'. antiMArs, Wilbur McCoy on Sundiay. Mi'. anti MAs. Wilbur McCoy andi family were Sunday even. ing dîinner guests with 2\1. and brs. Alan Wilson andi girls. Mr'. and ti s. Milton Lacey andi Muriel, Miflbrook, visilec £YOMI1Nil is thepboe to b(V Am ICE CRBAM WATSON POTATO CHIPS JUST ABRI VED PKG. ~9 aDIRECT FIGE ISRAEL Jaffa Oranges DELICIOUS SERVED ON TOAST - ST. WILLIAMS 2-FRUIT MARMALAD E JA HANDY FOR SANDWICHES - BOSTON BRAND CORNED BEEF LOAF JUST HEAT AND SERVE - CLARK'S WITH CHILI SAUCE BEANS with PORK Ti REAL VALUE - VAN KIRK CHOCOLATE OR BUTTERSCOTCH, CHIPITS]? SOFT, ABSORBENT - GREEN, BLUE, PINK OR YELLOW PUREX TISSUE IT'S NEW - REVOLUTIONARY PROCESS SHIRRIFF'S INSTANT MASHED POTATO. FLAKES 5 LB. POLY BAG for110 1OZ. UNfo 39C ONZ.3f rC KG. Z ford49rc 27c 33c ALLAN'S GOLEN HUMBUGS lOZ. RO MANNIlNG'S PETITE O COE M AL L O S0RS eiiC. FIRST 0F THE WEEK 'SPECIAL MON., TUES., WED., FEB. 8, 9, 10 ONLY NEW BRUNSWICK POTATOES 50-LB. BAG 1099 Pork I 5 C Shoulders 34> AM merichandise sold at Yeur Dominion Store Limlted lu uncondltionafly guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction values effective la D.wmanville until Cdosmng tîne, Saturday, Feb. M1, 1960 'DONMON STORZES LIMITEDW TME CAMADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, O14TAIUO 2 ROLL PKG. go OFF 6 OZ. PRO. Redeem Your Coupon Here Mr. and! Mn. Ralph Setier and girls Sunaay evening. Rev. Griffith, Dunsford, vis-I ited Dr. Bowles and Mrs. Ma-1 ckie and Mrs. Gibson on Sun- day. MT. and Mrs. Malcolm Enmer- son visibeti their tiaughter andi husbanti on Satui'day, Mr. andi Mi'.. Br-uce Witherly and Ste- phen. HAMPTON The annual Sunday Schaci meeting was helti in tie new Sunîday Schaol i'oomn on Jan. L21 witb Haroldi Balson presiti- ing. F The mnain item of business was the electien ai officers for the coming year. They are ns foilows: Superinytendeîlt, Har- ald Balson; Assistant Supt., Laverne Clemens; Treasureir Mr. Jack Macnab; Seci'etary, Ronald Luke; Asst Secretary, Mi'r. Eai'l Luke; Temperance Supt., Mri. Dave Hall; Mission- amy Supt., Miss Diane Macîab; 1Cradle Rail Supt., Mrs. Tec sChant; In charge ai Projectai' -Gardon Smale andi Ralph Luke; Miusic Committee, Mi'.. Lewis iTruil, Mrs. M. Motuntjoy anc MAs. K. Caverly; Representa- %tive ta Official Board, Mrs, Wilfred Greenaway; Class Tea. chers, Beginners- Mrs. R, Farrow, Mi'.. Eanl Luke andc Mrs. Jack Lyon; Primary girlc r- Mi'.. Geralti Balson; Live -Oaks girls- MArs. Percy Dew- 1 ehl; Primai'y Boys- Mr'. Gar. don Chant; Junior Boys- Mr, y Harold Wilkins; Senior Girls- d Mrs. Jack Rice; Junàor Girls- - Mr' Lewis Trumi Mi'.. Russeil Ormistonl un- niakillen, was a recent visitai, with Mms A. W. Prescott, Mi'. and Mi'.. Herbert Prescottaid~ son, Roger, Enîfield, visited is parents, Mr. andi Mrs. A.W Prescôtt on Saturday evening. Miri. John Carrigan andi Miss Marie Prescott, were Saturday aiternoon tee guests of Mr' andi Mi'.. Leonard Glover, OïIiwa.ý Mi'. Wll Westlake, Oshawa,' was recent caler on the Pes colts. r Mr. nuid Mi'.. Samn Keane andi Douglas, Oshawa, were Saturdey evening supper guests af Mi'. andi Mi'. T. Wray, Mi'. Jackson Wray, Oshawa, visited bis parents an Sunday. Counties Pass $ 56,000 Grant For Hospital A grant amouritlng ta $56, O00 payable aveu three years to Memoriai Hospital, Bow- manville, was approved in he i finance canunittee report reac to Counties Caundil recently, by tue finance chairman, D, iR. Dingwall, Cramahe Town. e Approvel was aise given ti other expenditures: Northum- -berlandi andi Durham Health rUnit, $73,300; Canadàan Insti- -tute for the Blindi, $ 1,200; Sal- -vation Arniy, $106); St. Johri The future belongs to them They cmn loab lead with con- fidence, because already tbis enterprlsing young mian bas laid the foundatian for a prograni that will pratect his bride-ta-be and bis awa future years tbraugh the planne anid syteniatic savings of Sun Lite, Insurarice. Banner Passani Representative WA 3-3258 53 Brown St, Bowmanvllle SUR UFE 0F CANADA

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