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Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 10

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~": ]PG MTM CMAAMANSTATUMAO, EW A2<V=LUONTARIO Religion for Today . The Grace of Forg iveness j A Weekly TaIk By Rev. R. 9. Nicholson Forgivenem a Ia virtue that quired of hlm, "Will you askiagainst me, and 1 forgive1 most of us admire but find it my pardon?" "No"' said Brad-! limi? As many as seven tirnes'> bard to practise. When some- ford, "Then I wiil ask yours",IJesus said to him, "I do flot ,@ne has wranged us aur hearts said the great preaclier. This, say te you seven times, but are filled with resentment, broke Bradford down, and hleiseventy times seven." This adwe find il very difficuit melted under the speech and means an infinite number of 4ooverlook the injury. wept like a cild. imes; we must always for- * One day in England a geli- Now, wiat is forgiveness? give whenever and persan, tieman went ta Sir Eardley It is the re-establishment of who has injured us, asks ta be *Wilmnot, Lord Chief Justice of friendly and intimate rela- forgiven. lhe Court o! Common Pleas, tions willi persans wiia have We can neyer forget lIat in great indignation at an1 in- i wronged us. When we fargive, when Jesus was crucifîed, his jury he had received. After1 we pardon, overlook and for- owfl subliiest act an the cross relating the particulars he gel the wrong. We give back was the forgiveness of his asked Sir Eardley, if he did ta aur frîend the aid confi- enemies, who knew nat what flot think it would be manly dence, trust and affection. they did. Prof. W. M. Clow ta resent it.* "Yes", said the The farmner happy relation- has said: "Forgivenesa was kniglit, "Il wiil be manly ta ship is restored. God's lenderest act and mans resent it, but it wiil be god-, hnw!rl ogvw most God-like grace. No allier John t forgive it. . 'forg et. Gd sy la ivee act elîher of G-ad ta man, or JonWesley had a nsun- ogtGdsa ith pro- derstanding with his travel- phecy of Jeremiali: "I an pay alag Jospi forcgive their iniquity, and , part, or has a more frequent ing companion, JsehBrad- .il rmenbr . in imperative ln the Bible." tord, which resulted lin îl emmbrthirS no Abraham Lincoin had this thylng li l emset part I more." odiwys. fargets noble Christian spirit of for- liemorin weley I he h frives. peopie giveness, and he was admired ____________________ "I iliforgvifr e andfo loved by his. countrymen nee ogt.1Bttaty o o it. He was free from al neye faret."But iat a no and vindlctiveness. "Yau forgiveness. The moment we havemoef hteligf say htw a ogvbu resentinent than I have", le cannaI forgel, we know, if we ado on ocsi;"Pr are honest, that we do flot asaI onanc tocaitto "Pe rten olforget, bause we dbut I neyer hhougltit ilpaid." refer nt flagdon tase of e At another lime lie declared: prfeIo od n owoeof« shall do nothing in malice. lie bitterness we have fet Wiat I deal with la tao vast toward the offender. for maliciaus dealing." D. L. Moody, the great evari- Abraham Lincoln had the gelist, said Ihat one wio for- sprit of Jesus. He loved his gives ini liat spirit, has buried enme adfrav hs tic hatchel, but has left lhe who wrongcd hlm. hande sickig ot ofthe The unforgîving spirit is thc graund, ready for instant use, domcstic destroyer thal lias An unforgelhing forgivenesa 15 wrccked thousands of happy Dmo ff a counlerfeit, un-Chrisîlike homes. Tiare are lhousands yg'forgiveness; il 15 not forgîve- and lhousands of fathers and ness at ail. Fargiveness is thc motiiers, nol wortîy ta ac 0"p.!y *MoMIU@ restoration of a reialionshiii, caiîed parents, wlo are srn whicii las been broken by an gers ta lhe law of forgiveness, «w« 60ffece gaisî l.and whose severity toward Let us rememnber tiaI, for- their chlidren, untempered giveness la truly a Cliristian with mercy. is "lîke the mil- o m k ? virlue. Tic pagans believe in e f et" ~suuaa1 yourîou~c revenge and retribution. Their cannof t frgttht ..oelamtenough. Youf and a tooth for a tootlh". But have forgiven others. 4 tcheft appliances, TV se, no man can le a true foilower _______ ýNrniture . . . ail 9x contenis of Jesus Christ witbout pos- yow h fl... ShOUMdbc sessing this grace of forgive-MORS protected against )oasaby flic word and example Ihat we or allier disaster. Caft us for must forgive. He says "Lave (Intcnded for last wcek) a complete property istir- yaur enemies, bless themn thal On Tuesday, January 19, tic Amio checkup . . oday! curse yau, do gaod te thern annuai Church meeting was liat hale you, and pray for held aI 2:30 p.m. in the haime thcm which' despitcfully use of Mrs. WillianTÈMcHolm, Iliere you and persecute you." were very few present. (latt. 5: 44) The Rcv. A. W. Harding op- STU IT * J MES<1~Agan, Jesus says: "And ened the meeting with prayer, STUAR wheeveryou stand praying, the minutes o! the 1959 mccl- INSURANCE REAL ESTATE forgive, if you have anlythineg ing wcre read by thie secrctary against any one; so tiaI your M&s. Harry Beckett and ad- Ring SI. E. Bowrnanville' Father also wbo is i heaven apted asq read. may forgive vou your Ires- Il was dccidcd ta continue Office Residence passes." (Mark 11 :25 RSV). the Observer, there were 19 MA -59 One day Peter asked Jesus familles receiving it.. this question: "Lord, how of-- A,.cornittee will Ïbe formed t en shal xnmr brother sin of members from ecd officiai board witli power ta act for their congiegatiolis in relation to sec'uring a minister for this ,charge or Pastorale ta succecd the Rev. A. W. Hardingc, who Je F, H EN DERSON retires this sumne~ roi each WELL DRILLER branci of the church. For tie session- Mrs. William McHolrn, Treasurer of church- Mr. No Job Too Large or Too Small Dawson Beebe, Womans As- sociation- Mrs. George H-ar- I -FREE ESTIMATES - ness, Sunday School Treasurer -Mrs. Harold Osborne, Mis-. Phono Lindsay FAirview 4-6018 sion Band Treasurer-' Mrs. Harry Beckett. Ail reports 103 ELGIN ST., LINDSAY show each is in a good finan- cial state. A motion was made and seconded that tiiese reports 140W ON DISPLAY ..a. We Exlend a Cordial Invitation to Al bo Visit Our Showroom and Inspect the New ENVOy The New Briiish Built G.M. Economy Car with the Low Price Tag Priced as Iow as $1,969 O.K. USED CARS 1959 CHEVO DROOKWGOD 4-DR. STATION WAGON 1958 1957 Windshield washers, wheel dises, custom built radio. on. owner, low mileage. PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 6-cyl., standard transmission, custom built radio. On. owner car. CHEVO 4-DR. SEDAN Two-tone greY and ivory. Very dlean inside and out. Licens 1B5519. 1954 PONTIAC COACH Two-tone beige and maroon. No rust, dean car. License A147188. ROY Oldumohis W . NICHOLS aChevrolsi ad Carvair Cars - IOVEAIVILLE ChvrsW Tricha Ph.'. NA 34353 5COEE Ph.' lu 3mW be adopbed and canied.Members of ail offices re- main the saine with tic ex- ception af Mrs. Lloyd Marvin appainlcd as assistant to the re- gular organist, Mm. Helen Mc- Holm lin place o! Mns. E, Wil- son wio resigned reccnlly. Mr. George Harness, Super- intendenit o! Sunday assisted ly Mrs. Harry Beckett untii such lime wîea Mns. Fred Me- Canndil cas lake over as usual, ail leachers remain as befare. Cradle Rail in care o! Mns. Morley Harness. A motion was . made and seconded tiaI Ihis slate o! officers fo Sunday Scloal be acceptcd. In closing the Rev. A. W. Harding voiccd lis sincere ap- preciation for lhc splend;îd wamk accomplisied and the un- ited enliusiasm of! ccibranch o! dliuroh work, special tribute was te Mr. Dawson Beebe, treasurer o! thle curci for so many years- for lic efficient liandling o! finwncial matters- whicI are somelimes difficult but wcre always workcd ouI ta tie satisfaction af ail con- cemned. May God's Blcssing rest upon aur churdi aI ail times. Thc meeting closed wih the Bene- diction. Thc lostess served afternoon tea, a vcry pleasant endllng la aur annual Congregatàon meet- ing for 1960. Tic regular montlly meet- ing o! thc W.A. was ield on Wedincsday, Januairy 2011., aI 2:30 p.m., in he home o! Mrs. M. J. Osborne, tle president, Mrs. Helen McHom conducting There wcre 18 meiers, 1 vis- ilor and 3 chidren present. Tic meeting opcned with scriplume reading iby Mrs. Harold Osborne, iymn 640 "«The Lord's my liglil and sav- mng hcalth". Lesson thougits and prayer by Mrs. Frank Anderson, a vocal solo "Tic Light o! the World la Jesus" by Mrs. D. Haines, a poem by Mrs. Willfam McHolm "O Gad o! Ligît" concludcd thie Ieme o! "'Ligît of tic Warld." Tic minutes o! the last mecl- ing wcrc read and adopted, the roll ealu was answcmed by-pay- ment o! fees for the curmenit year. Il was movcd and seconded that a donation o! $10.001 le forwarded to Quin-Mo-Lack Camp. A committce was appoinledi to mccl with thc stewards o! tiecehurci ta dedide what re- pairts are neccssary for' Vie Sunday Sciool and cail for tenders. Tic Fcbruary meeting o! lie W.A. wil l e ield aI Mrs. William MeHolms an Wednesdy thie 17th. A reading was given by Mrs. Morlon Henderson "Something for Notling." Mrs. Harold Osborne lien introduced aur guest speaker_-- Mrs. John Conneily o! Wcl- came, wlio reccnlly relumned from a trip la Ircland anid Scotland with lier husbarid and son Harold. Tic jaurney was taken by plane then by bus ho tie vil- age wherc Mr. John Connclly was bor and wiere an eider brother and fanmily stilI lives- froin tien on wc liste-ned toaa most interesting account o! towns, villages and cilles vis- ited- ain feli for severai days, homes wcre àamp and~ chilly compared with aur Can- adian homes, a brie! stop-over was macle in Scolland wierc a fcw historical places wcre vis- ited. Mrs. Connelly was amaz- cd aItich number o! meats and abundonce o! food served s0 many limes a day. A number of bcautiful pieces o! Irish lînen given as gifts wcre ad- mired aiso many picture post cards o! places visited, a licar- ty vote of thanks was givea Mms. Conneily for tic vcry en- joyable report o! 1er first hrip Overseas. Mrs. George Harncss, treas- tirer, gave tic yearly report o! the W.A. siowîng a v'cry good balance in lank. Theie meeting closed witlî tic Benedfiction. During tic srwcial hli hour a dainty lundih vas served by Keen Interest Tic present session o! lie 26t1 Legisiature promises la le anc o! tic mosî important lan lie iistomy o! lie Province, accarding ta Mm. Alex Càr- ruthers, M.P.P. for Durham, who calied aI Tic Statesman on Monday. Nineteen conimiltees have been set up la sudy adre- port on lie legslalion before the assembly. In line with the recommendalions o! tic Gar- don Report tiese committees are ho assume a greater re- sponsilility for lic work of the Legoislature lias in tie past. Of liese 19 cammiltees, wiich is a record nuniber, Mr. Car- ruliers iascrving on aine comprisig Agriculture, Educa- lion, Govermienî Commnissions, Heati, Higiway Safety, Lands and Forests, Prmntmg, Private Buis, and Travel and Publicity. During the session tiere will le much legislation of greal importance la lie people of Durham,* and Mr. Carruthers urgesalal citizens te take a keen Interest in thc legialallor as il la presented in the as- w'v. DY DOROTHY BARKER T BURKETON The social evendng held at the home of Mns. E. Qarnochan1 was fillcd te oapacity. A pie social also took place wiici brought an enjoyable eveilg ta a close. The Burkelon W.A. wiil meet on Thursday, February 11th. Don't forgeltich Crokinole Party te le ield on Friday ev- cning, Fcbruatry iZili at 8:15 p.m. ini the diuroh hail, aport- sored by Vie Wonian'a Assoc- iation. Mr. andi Mrs. Leslie Taylor and faniily werc Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Trick, Li.ndsay. Mr. Allen Larmer, Toronto, spent tie weekend wili ils parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer. Mr. and Mra. Merle Hublard and family were Sunday guesîs of MI&. and Mrs. Charles Gib- bons and Gregg, Toronito. Mr. Alden Hublard spent Tuesday in Peterborough. Mr. Josephi Avery is spend- ing a few wceks witli Mr. ad Mrs. Harold Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shan- non and family, Bloomifield; Mrs. Gene Harten and fanily, Bloomfield, were weeke n d guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lawrcy and family. Mrs. Helen Ward, Moncton, New Brunswick, was a week- end guet of Mrs. A. CarIer. Mr'. and Mrs. Bill Parker and fanily, Toronto, spenit lie weekend witix Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gatoheil and family. Mr. and Mn. Murnay Abl- bott and f amily, Bowmanviile, werc Sunîday guets of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abboîl. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and famîly were Sundîay guests o! Mrs. Ethel Bryan. Miss Georginia Getohell oele- bratcd hem Virteenth birthday on Salurday evening with fif- leen guests presenit. Mr. Morris Mitchel! and Miss Gloria Willis, Pontypool, were Sunday guests of Mr. aind Mrs. Leslie Argue and family. Mrs. E. M. Adam's shoukier is under x-ray trealment, we hope hils condition wMi soan be impraved.. If I hadn'I been half an! hour early la catch My train cast rcccntly, I would nul have misscd it. This is iaw it iap- pcned and il is lhe tale o! a !rightened 11111e teenager who lielpcd me discaver I lave an ovcr-powering good dced complex I liadn't been forced la recognize before now. I iad just checked my cruise case and was about ta pick up my train lag and iead for lie comfort of a par- lour car seat, wicn a timid land clulcied my elbow and lie mosl frightened pair of brown cyca I have ever seen looked int mine. Sic finally gaI up enougl courage ta tell me sic was in great trouble and nceded lelp. Foolisi child, she said Iliat for safety's sake sic lad giv-j en her ticket ta a friend wio! was a regular commuter, be-, cause shc was a 11111e over- corne with al lich thingsi there werc ta learn on her first day in tic business worid. Tic fricnd, who worked hi another office, had told hem wien thc day was dune ta mccl her by thc big cdock. in the centre of tie station. A seasaned commuter can be forgiven for forgelting ai ncw rcsponsibility and from wlat I was able ta piece to- gether, after I conferred wilh lhe attendant at thc gale as lic train was pulling out, my1 st;îanded young girl's friendi was aboard, complete wili cx- Ira ticket. This young persan, wio' lad so suddeniy appcared onl my horizon, iad been indoc- trinabed by an overly anxi- aus mother with ail sorts of possible * hazards witi wliicIh thie big city 'fairly teems'. Sie lad adviscd 1er offspring "1neyer speak ta a strange man, neyer get into a taxi by yourself and neyer take mon- ey froin anyonc you don't know." AUl good sense, but terrify- ing for a youngsbcr la cope witli in ihe middle a! a luge union station and not even llessed witi a dime for a Icle. plione cail. * r lady only te fInd the door for the nerit atr4 but wua these day. for the world out- to her office locked. Slie wua told it was ail booked up and aide the home, I thought. I probably powdering her nose my only chance of cathn a anyone, ever again, tries but with time running out be- bit of sut eye en route would tell me. teenagers are a halk fore I was te leave, 1 couldn't'be if a reservation were can- sef-suffilcient, self eentred gamble on when ahe would celle&. and callous lot, l'Il have a retun. .How to spend the next few ready argument for them. I grabbed the Young girl hours also posed a problem. As I totaled up the sum my somnewhere in the region of I couid contact friends, but I Samaritan act had cost me, her pony tail, hurried for lhe have found my city acquaint- while sitting ini a coach on checking counter to deposit ances are usuaily boolced up my way te Montreal, I won- my train case, ran ta lhe front for the evening by 5 p.m., so dered what her naine was. I door of the station, hailed a I discarded that possibility. felt sure any young girl who0 taxi and told the driver ta I finally settled for a sand- owned a pair of such honesl "lheed the speed lin-it but drive wich and Ben-Hur. I had an brown eyes was worth the like mad to the bus station." emnotional jag when I emnerg- price of twa taxis, bus fare, When we arrived I bouglit ed from the theatre te wend theatre ticket and eigit sleep- her a one way ticket to her my way back te the station less hours. With a glow of destination, stuffed a dollar again. I was ail niixed up having done something worth- bill into lier hand and adinan- wîth the brutality of early while, I wasn't able ta work ished her neyer to be without Biblical Urnes registered inl up much regret that ail my some nioney in lier purse the film I had just witnessed, plans and reservations ta the again. Tien I started my te- the f ix my own softhearted- Maritimes and train connec- turn journey ta the s>tion ness iad gotten me into and tions in Montreal were coin- by taxi. the foolishness of mothers pletely balled up. That could My train had left minutes who don't realize the phabias easily be straightened out, but befare I arrived and circuin- with which they infect their what might have happened ta stances were reversed. Il was youngsters, witliout providing that miss, if she hadn't gotten the seasoned traveller who any sensible preparation for up enough nerve ta speak to now found lierseif stranded. an unexpected situation. How1 me wiil have ta remain I tried to make reservations lttie they condition. them merely a conjecture. Il Afler inquiming about whcnI TY O Ehem next train lefI, and find- TYRONEing il was hours ýaway and * The 4-H Club meeting was just before midaiglit, I tried * held ah Esther Anne Roscveam, ho contact the Traveiler's Aid Jan. 26. ich two leaders and Vie Home Economist, Miss June Lillicrop were present. Meeting opencd witi. tle 4-H pledge !ollowed iby tie minutes, read by Esther Anne Rosevear. 'The 'roll 'eaU 1was answered by cight girls. Wiat we wouid do on Achievemnenit- Day, also the supper on February 6, la lie Community Hall1. Tie tea biscuita Vinat weme made werc judged by Miss Lil- licmop and alle also talked about Achievemcnct Day and a trip. Wc taked an table manners and service. Thc home a9signnienh was taken and lunch was served. Mms. A. Knowllan spent Tuesday wih Mr. K. Sidler, Belleville. A meeting of lie Tyrone C.G.I.T. was held in Tyrane United Churéh on Jainuary 21. Tic rccreatitn was first and two word games were played. Tic business !oilowcd, the minutes werc mcmi anditie ral cali. We dccided la go bowling on Tuesday nigit. Thecal ol worsiip, tien Miss Jean Rob- ertson explained thint for tic ne>it wecks we wouid le stu- dying Africa. We leanned a lit- lie about Africa and closed lie meeting wilh "Tapa". Tic Tymo's met la thc Sun- day School rooni, Monday nighl with Rev. F. Jacksori la charge.*~ Club 49 hlId a quilting bec Monday and Tuesday lie Kiteejio! tic Churci. ........ Congratulations te Mr. andi Mrs. Luthter Hooper wlo quiet- . ... ly celebrated bicir 53rd wed- ding anniversary. January 30. Mr. andi Mrs. George Young,- Bowrmanviile, were Sunday callers o! Mm. and Mme. L. Ho- oper. Mr~ and Mrs. J. Kapîcyn and family. Bowmanville, vis- îtcd Mm. and Mms. J. Reyenga. Mms. Roy Spry visitcd Vie Red Cross ieadquarters iniTor- onto, on Priday. Welcame back te Tyrone, ' I Grenville and Carole Byam, liey moved on Saturday te Harvey Parlnem's bouse andi are planinng on building a ncw home in Tyironie early la tic spring. Mm. and lra. H. part- ner anid famlly movcd recenî- ly te Orano. Thc lest o! luck Harveyi your plumbing bus- iness. John Vuitue spent the week- end with Ross Wonn.eott, Tor- onto, an Sunday. Mr. and Mn. E. A. Virtue visiled Mr. ans lira. H. Wonnaodti, Tarante. Mr. and Mme. Leon Moore, lire. Russell Virtue vialted lirs. Theo Down on Sunday aItich Civic Hospital, Peterborough, glad te leurn. Mrs. Down is do- ing nicely, aler lier recenrt operatian. Mr. and Mm,. D. J. Camér on, Haydon; Mr. and Mnr. R W. Pascoe, Enfield, were sup 1Keith Davey and Elaine. Mr. and Mme. Walter Mur- phy viited Mr. and ?&o. W. SMailey. Oroo, Sunday. ?&. F. L. Byam naw bas a private telephone. His new ' 8ute aCo 3-2;43. IR O Y - !Mr. and Mmm.C eilim, ;Burkebon.. accomped MM. 1and Mm .Weltoe Ralun SnSun- -a~ te vait m.d Li.Gai-CO URTICE ( ~ n )NoShopping Is Complet. W it ho t Refreshing Beverages PICK UPAÀ CARTON TO DAY Made und Bottlod by SMITH DEVERAGEs LTD. BOWMANVILLE overrough runs. . -and shrug off punishment that knocks Out Old-fashioned malkes. And Yet, Chevrcdet is priced right alongeide old-fa8bioned makes of truck that it wiil outlast bY thousands of trouble-free mileo. Get ail the moineY-saving fact8 about, Chevrlet Truck@ at your Chevrolet derner', today. C-o (ET TRfCKS-601 -Soeyour local dea« lerfrery ddwi!y! w. &P NIHOLS BOWMAN VILLE - .--.--*-,-.~. Umm

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