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Canadian Statesman, 4 Feb 1960, p. 1

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-r----,- i P -Outstanding Mites --Meet. Leafs * I j. At the Young Canada Night in Cobourg, recently, Cobourg's Garry. Crowe, front- eft, and Bowmanville's. Jeff Gilhooly were selected as the outstanding plàyers of the Mite game. Gilhooly scored Bowmnanville's goal as they tied the homesters 1 to 1. Last Wednesday, Gilhooly scored the openmng goal of the Atomn game on Bowmanville's Young Canada Night. In the background, left to right, are visiting members of the Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team, Carl Brewer and Bobby Baun. -Photo 'by Layton Dodge, Sentinel Star Womens Wo rk Committee Swînging into High Gear To Meet Red,Çross Demandsý eJVrs. E. Rundie, Chairmanihas almost depleted t-be sup- Women's Work Committee of , ply of these essential articles. ]Bowmanviile and District Red! Every Red Cross Branch has kaise Cross Branch. Mrs. R. Bate,! been urged to increase their~ S ecretary; Mrs. R. Spry, Pun-!output o! these articles in te licity Chairman, spent Friday coming year ta ensure a large:I O et Red Cross Headquarters, stock for further requirements I n 1 QTronto, iearninc oi the need- in Morocco, for refugee wcrk $ or ciothing and bedding andiand disaster assistance over- Ho use watching the packing of bales'seas. for overseas. Your local Red Cross Branch The Mar A supply Of Sewing anti bas r.ot found accommodation Campain: knitting materials was or- for a Workrooma as yet but manville ox diered for the newly organizedlit- is hoped t-bat this will be eflng by thi Women's Work cDmmittee of Iremedied somon. Meanwhile, Kinette Clu the local. Branch. The Cana-iî supplies are available for sew- suceesdfUl. dian Red Cross is continually ing and knitting the follow- man, Eleani shipping erates of baby lay-ling articles:- baby layettes, Helen Dunin ettes, sweaters, socks, ohild- nigh tgowns, pyjamas, sweat- the canvass, ren's clot-hing. bedding and! ers, knitted baby cutfits, socks ed that inedicai supplies to disasteri shawls and quilts. Bowman- $1.900 was areas throughout the world.'l ville and district bas a proud marchint a This year, World Refugee record o! this type of work one hour cz Year, has incrcased t-be need done during the war years, Mrs. Larn ortiese «articles for reliev- vour RedCross executive ae and Kinette fIng tm suffering o! the refu- sure t-bat tbis District will do en Brown1 çMf,ýrpAsia and Afri-lits share "-dy. appreciation 4 4o hipment of bed-j if yuwish to assi$t- ini thfs osity of the oh* and other te- work' ple4te contact '.Mrs. E. mnila Le to the 10,000 Runlie W,&3-à4B0 anid ..she Woh i :vietims in Moroccd6 wili dl_ýI& -~n- timec wili Ft. i Canadiar. Red Cross, 1 quiries. .I r t4 ewMemb*rgis Jm** Meat Ratepayers Association Opens $1900 ie Hour SBlitz wch of Dimes held in Bow- )n Monday ev- he Bowmanville ub was highly The co-chair- or La(rmer and ru, lu charge of îhave announc- approximately iraised by t-be mothers in t-be rampaign. ner, Mrs. Dunu, ePresident Hel- have expressed n of t-he gener- people o! Bow- md ot the work ýny canvassers JKOsvê of their ~epart ân t-he Store ;Here Officers ait-licý organizationItion which are beld. on t-beN e WI. present-et- a general meeting1 first- Tuesday o! every mont-h. N x eeik of the Bowmanville ,Ratepay-î In a discussioin as t-o wbe- A new "quaiit-y" meet- store ers' Association heid 'in Mcn- it-ber or not- it- is necessary to wiîî open bere next- Tbursday, -criaI Park Clubbotuse on Sun~-.bave a Welfere Officer in Feb. lt-b, under proprietor- dlay evening were t-be prcsi-j Bowmanville, it was st-at-ed ship o! t-wo brot-bers, Ross dent, Norman Hannan, t-be 12Ath -at- one ig required in order (Bill) 'and Laverne (Dick) vice-president. Tom Master-- t-o gain government subsidies Firtb. Bill is from Bowman- son, t-be 2nd vice-presidnt, and grant-s, and t-o do t-be pa- ville and bas been a GMC cm- Mrs. ý"el1 Wilson, t-be treasur- perwork. It- was also said that- ployee for t-be past 10 years. er, R. Q. Mart",n, an-d t-bree thbe Wlfare Officer assists'Dîck is from Niagara Falls direct-ors, William Mutton, t-be Tow-n Clerk and Assessor where be bas been employcd Gen Fry and James Coyie.I in their paperwork dut-les. It wit-h National Grocers in t-be The treasurer, Mr. Mart-yîî was duly recognized by t-be meat business. reported t-bat- 16 new mcm- executive t-bat-t-be Welfare They come frorn a line of bership cards naxe been 's Officer is necessary. but-chers, their fat-ber baving oued since t-be lest- meeting., TPle matter o! Dog Con-. considerabie experience bot-b Jamesç Coyie, a nîcîner of t-be' t-o as debat-ed, and it was farming and butcbering in t-he 1959 Arene Conînit-tee. gave ecidcd t-o send dehegat-es t-o Newnrrarket- area. Bot-b lads a report- on t-is îrndertaking, the Derlington Ratepayers' got- their start under their fat- onud stated t-at it- is financial- Association t-o discuss mut-ual er's supervision. ly good - . d; problemai concerning Dog Con- Tbey wiii open wit-b special Two letters wcre receiv. troi. prices t-o be announced in next from t-be Northern Heights, nure eemd st week's Stat-esman and opening Bat-epayers' Association, Wb:t-'Iureswemaest- prizes as weil as ail t-be usual by.Th frs- eqeseda ooy b veterinarian, Dr. gimmicks wbich go aiong wit-b of t-be constitution o! t-be' Wbeatlcy, is emnployed by Bowv- openings o! t-is kind. ~omavileRaepyes'Asi manvie. A view was ex- Their store is locat-cd in t-be sociation, and t-be second in-ipressed that- arrangement-s store formcrly occupicd by L. vited t-be members o! t-be la-!could be made t-o bave t-be A. Parker & Son, plumbers- cal organization t-o' attend the: Oshawa Human e Societ-y des- just- west o! Lander's Hard- rreetings o! t-be Nortbern 1trav local animais. It- was de-1 ware. Ileight-s Ratepayers' Asscia-' (Continued on page seven) Bill and bis wife, t-be form- er Marion Crago, bave anc ddaugbt-er, Saily, 7 years old. Com lee roaton Peio Ross'auid bis wf a h CôrTplet Pr bati n Pe iod cames !romn Aurora, bave t-wo cblîdren, Cheryl 4 and Michael 2. '~$500 Damages Awarded in Libel Case t-,I <J Damages o! $500 were awarded t-o Merlin Suggit former road superintendent- o! -Cartwright Township, in bis action for lîbel against- for-!, nier Cart-wright Deputy-Reeve' Jack Green, Fred Trewin, a, former councillor, and Wil-o. - , frid Vine, Cartwright. Theý case was trîed before Mr.' - Justice King of t-be Supreme: Court of Ont-aria at-t-be sprinM - I assizes in Cobourg and con- cluded hast- week. - ~-~-~-4Costs were awarded Mr.ý ~ - " ~- $ Y1Suggit-t ageinst- Mr. Green - and Mr. Trewin, but- were ~ -. '. -~ -- waîved against Wilfrid Vine. - ~ ~ ':~' *It- s believed ta have -beani -~-~ one o! thbe costhuest trials held' in t-be*United Counties in many years. bU Mchael Starr, Q.C., TorontoI was the counsel for the plain-' . . .. ..t-it, Russell D. Humphrey and G. S. Boychyn, bot-h o! Miss indaOshawa, were t-be lawyers for: Miss Myrna Petenson, on the left, andMs Lnathe defendants. jýn 1 neColwell wene two of t-be 24 members of t-be The action arose tram a' gw~g9clm sof 1962, Oshawa General Hospit-al, wbo- pamnphlet distributed in t-be! mails which t-be plaintif!, Mer-ý *ývîed their caps and Bibles in a special ceremnony lin Suggitt claimed was de-, ',* cLaughlin Hall last Friday af ternoon aften hav- signed t-o discredit bum. -ei ts uccess.iuhy completed t-be f ive nýonths' probation wrot-e asking council for ai DO1OL iss Pet-erson is t-he daugbt-er.- Mr. and Mrs. wlthdflwal but none wasý A. . Peterson of R.R. '2, Bowmnarville, and Miss foTheo'ialg. -orel ~parents are Mr, and Mrs. 'Eric Colww ee, ndthe jury tokfora . el te e ac the vury ct fu uK~î~zn A VOLUME 106 16 Pages OMAVLLONTAROrIOTIRAY, FERUARY -,494, 1960 110c Per COPY 1NUMBER 5 Ratepayers Protest No Representat io non Arena Commission In the absence of Mayormore than five members, atý iWilfrid Garruthers, who wasileast two must be members, in Ottawa"on business, Reeve of the Town Council. Otheri Sidney Little presîded at t-be!mernbers of the commxittee meeting of Bowmanville Townj rerpresent service clubs and Council *held in the Counci i union.1 Chamber on Moriday evening. It was pointed out that, Ail other members of the much assistance had been' council were present.. given by Branch 178 of the' A delegation fi-om thg Canadian Legion to hockey, Bowmanville Ratlayers' As- and the branoh had donated sociation with thle president, $500 to it this season. Norman Hannan, as spokes- Regarding the early pay- man appeared before council Cniudo paesv) to discuss thbe reason for thle'(otne n aesvn association not 1'aving a re- presentative on thbe Arena fA Commnittee; they also urgedKree ne Mvan that ratepayers making early payments of taxes obtamnaN w u t sizeable discount. aN w ~ i BRA Not Contacted "As president of the Bow-D rlng o manvifle Ratepayers' Associa:- tion, I would like ta put forth' Darlington Municipal a protest at flot getting a re- Council has appointed R. presentative on the Arena M. <Mac) Short, Keene, Committee," Mr. Hannan sta- road superintendent for the ted. He said he understood township. Mr. Short was that the seventh member of road superintenident of the board, who represents the Otonabee Township, Peter- Canadian Legion was contact- borough, Count-y, for 18 ed beforeh-and, and added years. and his services that be considered that was w e re highly regarded unfair as the BRA had not there. been contacted. There, were 18 applica- Why OnIy Service Clubs? tions for the position but Mr. Hannan askecà why the Mr. Shoîrt's experience and Arena Committee shouid be qualifications were out- confined ta service club re- standing. He is married presentatives. Reeve Little and has two daughters. pointed out that that the Act Theeider is a high school governing the Memorial Arena student. Mr. and Mrs. provided t-bat there be flot Keene and their cbildren Iess tiban three, or more thaný attend the United Church, seven inembers of thbe Arena1 and Mr. Keene is a mem- Conmîttee, and if there are ber of the Masonic Order. Ç/ t s anad qÇPieces DOGS AND METERS - Some interesting statistics came out of Peterborough this week and, while we are trying ta obtain local comparisons, we doubt if they will be available for this week. Believe it or not, parking met-en revenues in that- city amounted to $75,630, up $3,638 over the previous year. Sale of dog licences bnought in $4,674 while marriage licences only brought in $1,665. t t t t IL HE RAS- FOUND ONE - Who was that fellow running around -With the lamfp tryîng to find an he has found one, but it's a woman. Recently, he lost a $10 bill. It could have dropped at one of four calls he had made that day. He 'phoned three without success. The next- monning he again visited thbe kitchen of Memorial Hospital here and was gneeted with the welcome question "Did you lose a $10 bill here yesterday?" Nice folks in the hospital kitchen. Mr. Nowak's faith in the future of humanity is strong today. 1 t t i. t JUST LIKE OLD TIMES - Remember those women's work parties who did so much good work for the Red Cross here during the first World War? They are at it again. - Recently, a Women's Work Commit-tee of the Red Cross was fôrmed hei<e with Mrs. Ed. Rundie as chairman. They haven't found a room to work in yet, -but it won't be long. If you would cane t-o help this most worthwhile cause, gîve Mrs. Rundle a cali. The need is great. T t GET EQUAL TIME - Recently, the Home and Schbol Association staged a most popular panel discussion here concerning proper methods of %..aising cbildren. Next week, t-be youngsters will be given an opportunity of replying in kind on "Qualities we respect in parents". Six Grade 8 students will conduct the panel with Mrs. Robt. Kent as moderator. The event will be held at Ontario Street School on February lOt-h at- 8 p.m. If they aren't- censored, 'those youngst-ers could provide quit-e an interest-ing evening. Rabbi Norton of Oshawa will be guest speaker. HOW'S VOUR INTERIOR?- A big event is com- ing up tonight at the Town Hall under the sponsor- ship of t-be most active Business & Professional Women's Club. It- is called an intenior decorat-ing night- and will feature advice, illustrations, pictures and'a variet-y of worthwhile tips on how to make that bouse of yours look like a palace. The B. & P. ladies are using this met-hod ta naise funds for equipment- in the new hospit-al addition. Aber- netby Paixts & Wallpaper and Goodbrand Fabrics have joined with the group in sponsorship. The hour is 8 p.m. *t. i* t t *It ONLY $3,500 - There is anot-her project next Thursday, Feb. lit-h. that we are happy ta support, sponsored by the Cerebral Palsy group of Oshawa and District. Tbey are trying ta raise $3,500 ta build one school room s0 the 30 to 35 youngst-ers in t-is area for whom there is no room at present can be taken cane of. Locally, the supporters are holding a euchre at Memorial Park Clubbouse at 8 p.m. Came out and give tbemn a hand. There are good prizes and even a door prize. t 1 t t t CONFUSION REIGNS - Pon Doug Rigg. We really crossed bim up last week, unintentionally of course. On Wednesday afternoon while com- pleting The Stat-esman make-up, we found there was considerably more type than there was space, so t-be'Recreation Reviewa were. lef t out. Un- fort-unately, Mr. Rigg had included a wide ait-ena- tion in the formation of some of the rinor league teams. On Saturday morning, ail was confusion at t-be arena as the wrong players came at the riç!ht time and so fort-b. Our bumblest apologies. We wish we could guarant-ee that- it- won't- happen again , t t MUCKI WEEKEND ACTIVTY - Ae citizens will bave plent-y o! activit-y on Saturday.--Tbey can attend t-be Badminton Club's "Handtime Dance" wbicb shouhd be good fun or, at t-he Arena, t-be Juvepiles st-art- on the phayof! trail against-' eÉther Wlbt-by or Port Hope.1 10 More Receive WeIf are Bowmanville'Town Council. at the meeting held in the Council Chambers on Mon- day evening received the Wel- fare Report for .-t2nuary sub- mitted by the Welf are Ad- ministrator, R. J. Welsh. It showed the total number of recipients for the month was 60, an increase cf 10 over the previaus month. There were 279 indigent dayz, the report stated. There were 12 families on welfare, six single persons, and nine patients in Nursing Homes.! Seven new applications werel filed. Employment was fouidl for three, and three applica- tions were accepted.1 The welfare report showedl there were nine unemploy- able heads of families withý 35 dependents. Also five sm!-i gle medical and unemployed. One person was receiving post sanatorium care, who had one dependent. The welf are expendituresi for January werc: Direct Wel-i fare. $1,332.99; Nursing Homes, I Colleaâgues . Honor Superintendent $97.40. The total cost- for t-be IDSR mont-h was $2,216.34. It is ex -__________13.8%______ recovered througb provincial Few er Births N Y 1.%IDSRA subsidies and cbar.gebacks,Hr in 95 T wnsA esm n ieaving actual welfare cost ta ir in 158T w s Ae smt the town of $443-27 for t-i% mont. _ ____ Weddings Up Increases $162,243 Car Topples f18I tenumnber of To -Nearly 7,5 Million, I nto DitchBowrnanville last- year, 70, Tbe annual report- subm*t-j Grants in lieu cf taxesontb In 1958. The number of ted by Clarence S. Oke, t-le foliowing assessrnents. Post ;Office-land, $ 1,54à; buildings, O n n v4onday deaths reglstered here in Assessor, at the meeting of1 $60,1P5, a total of $61.700: De- 1959was119 whle 20 olýmanill Ton Cunel ipartaient of Highwèys-1and. Mrs. Lloayd Coverly, age-21, were reglstered durlnt held in t-be Council Charnber; $500.; buildings, $1,.260, a total lR.R. 2, Bowmanville -fort-un- *.*Qf je own Hall un Mondayj $70. --ase nî t1 "atiy~Žsa~ed'n~rYil ~ mto - ,There w~e 103 ~soe oa h 91 aal accident ori No. 2 Higbway births reglstered a t the'"' ening - wd otlasI balf a mile west of t-be C.P.R. Bowmanville Town Uall lu. sesaniènt of $7,445,678. w~as reported t-o be: land, $963.025, an increase of $14,- overhead bridge on Mondayi 1959 when 49l were e- Tbe 1959 assessment for 340; buildings, 145,742,836, an evening.-j ported as against 594 reg- 1960 taxes as revised reported: increase of $125,956; business, Mrs. Coverly was driving ist-ered here in 1958. Land Assessmeîut, $963,025; $73.9,817, an increase o! $21,- homne from Bowmanville at The population increase Building Assessment, $5,742,- 947. Tbis is a total taxable 8:40 p.m. wben t-be accident for the town lIp 1959 was 836;and Business Assessment, assessment of 17A4!5,à378, Ra happened. Snow bad drift-ed 91 as against an increase $739,817. increase of $162,243. * - across t-be road causing t-be car of 206 people in the The Assessmcnt exempt by The classificat'on of taxable t-o skid. As Mrs. Coverly tried previous year. Ia 1959 statut-e amounts t-o $903,8501 assessmnent' is: residential t-o straigbhten t-be car,* a wbeei there were 356 dog tags and is composed o! land, $72,- 1Ilan d, $703,330, buildings $4,-. bit t-be side of t-be boulevard sold. 600, -and buildings-_81,20,1165 oa f$,7,2, and th c r t pp ed ove i toProf cssional and com mercial ~ t-be dit-ch. EN e l and, $156,360, buildings, $684,- Mrs. Coverly is a member o!ftl,, ' I I îff tN 601, business, $356,002, a total t-be teacing staff of t-be Vin-N o ed A d u ic to o! $1,196,963; Industrial land, Icent- Massey Public Scbooi,$1,2,bidns $6780 Bomavll. h i adugt business, $383,815, a total o! er of Mr. and Mrs. Howard $10180LLr ad 5, Gibson, Wellingt-on Street, andC o m ing H re iof ig ht 55 ulig,$4,7,at- ber wedding t-o Lloyd Coverly C mta4, ldings20,41 V ato e' t-ook place on July 4th last- ad Alt-hogh ssewas seereîy$33,565, buildings, shen and bruiscdi -eeac-For Dram a W orkshopr$0189,a total o! $135e453. shakn ad buisd i th ac Ths amounits t-o t-be total as- cident- Mrs. Coveriy did not-* sustain any serious injury. Mr. James Dean, noted Di- wbomn bave bad no experience sessnîent o! $7.445.678. Constable Jim McDonald, O.P rector and Adjudicat-or, will«be in t-bis aspect of theatre. The percentagres are: Resid- P., invest-igat-cd. the guest- o! tbe Durham Dra- The works-hop has been de-' ential 65.47 percent; Commer-'- ______________ ma Worksbop on Tbursday, signed t-o deal wit-b ail phases cial 16.08 percent; Industrial February 4t-h, in t-be Bow- o! theat-re, and sa far t-bey have! 13.86 percent-; Farm 2.77 per- Teen Tow n manville Higb Scbool et- 7.30 dealt wit-ht-he problerns a di-' cent, and Vacat-on resorts RIMr. Dean will demonstrete will examine some o!t-be' Population is 7,203, an in- N4ews, how t-o construct a section o! ot-ber tecbnical probiems if'i- crease of 91 for thbé year. The- a "flat" <scenery used t-o1volved in puttîrg a play Oni!census accord;jrig t-o' aa-e Ther wil b a eenTow block out t-be curtains on!t-be boards. A speci9l session groups showed:' Age 1 t-o 3, dance t-bis Friday nigbt at t-be eit-her side and t-be back of, on t-be Art- of Make--up is plan. 646; age 4, 194; age 5,-208, age Lions Centre beginning at-t-be stage). He wiil aiso show1 ned, as is an investigation mb n to 6I 7,' 343; age 8 t-o 9, 12;1 8:30pm.t-be Worksbop met-bods of speech, diction, and t-be art age 10 t-o 13, 582; age J4,î112; It is a --ardtîmie dance wit-b paint-ing fiat-s t-o gain certain Of crit-icisni.* age 15, 100, age 1ftt-o 19, 409; plcnt-y o! square dancing as cffect-s. This type o! demon-! If vou arc interestccj in any, ege 20 t-o 59, 3;425; age 60 to Mr. Masterson and bis group stration sbould 'prove most of t-be above, please contact642;ag65to9,25ae will be there. i hepul t-ot-e group, most o! _(Continuedon page seven) I170 and over, 44J. Hionor 80-Year-OId On 'Birthday -Four generations of a wehh known Bowmanvihle son, Raiy Westlake and hi$ tWo. cbplren, Penny Lea family wene phot-ographed toget-her on the occasion o! and Ronny. Mn. and MrÉ. Ted Miller, 30 Prince Street, Mr. am cKniht' 80-h brt-daylastSunayentert-ained at a f amily dinner party in lionour of Mrs. MrJamn 2t. edngfoml! anight- 0h itha above ary, Miger's fat-ber on his birtbday. The honoured guest Jan ary 24t . R adi g f om eft to igh ab ve rel w s t-be recipient of m any attractive gift and Mr. McKnight1 bis daught-er, 4Mrs. Ross Westlake; herlniéssages.- Thomas K. Stewart, former Road Superintendent of Darlington Township and now holding the equivalent position in Bo"bmanville, was honored on Fn.. day by his former employers and colle agues. Duning the interesting evening, testimonials were given of his fine work for the municipalitff and a beautiful loungîng chair was presented as a memento of bis years of service. Mrs. Stewart received a lovely bouquet. They are shown here at -their homne on Church Street, Bowmanville, with Mn. Stewart making good use of thenew $785; - Excess and medicin1s cn_._______________ _____________

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