Im LINDSAY. T LIVE 3 .1FAUJTIFUL WHLT 0B jý<lsoa load f olor'1 èýiltedBedComforters tobesold a b 9e.,$1~~t8 $2.5. Thee E)è «O o90d BrgalSn Geon . con<o.-'-Mr.' Cionolen I ~~lion troltiig onetaiBrampiton Te- Oirvuo..e n ratei sln ilo da, wthlo enac t ente, litef Mol. JMCOÂouoLL, t trog ile.lirr nraigihte o teMlton Sanday hui. qbynnvybn-undS ea elabd niro fornto forooi Eno abut il oo an oho lin li ice I or.e 0 1 1 Henle'j .,puden of1 ite Tom te G o e 7 - - " F e c De s o d Ilenp.yo theaieils e.IG Bnwtooe trnecy*t1io 1.O1 Aht C angai-o tebr STeeSno J J. ooan i o ti tiras i diotnC in io ioweëtereàryiloIIèenTagod Cona5c New N ar ins the ottnt lo -es t-i . okor . . A .. M U R R A Y I C O ilIon, anS fael sDyGýen i rinc sh et it noILa]rg 'a*LIdhsm tn 0501 .1. C L J ~ ealobr et lon 151 liaiallon Hant e nos wi euI inietttb4i% , . . .flW Glr vç Z Zei a s uls. Né oda .-r .Ed c .d i ci o lso s r delth u N w o fe i e f l o i g jl r f tO f a d at r c i e h ri6il. G S i a l t 'coottheet rher Ibabil ehnclo h h. Tà. o. M-p t . '. brilct-lrda focIho ccctoro O ioaihiooW rOsoï W o 2l.olFje tiea 8. oth5e dllbakahures>~ .7e$ xrgo M os oba Go denth eitrt.selLotSee ti aZh - U n js Batite erni a .O oo a n id 0 h etlo n w i k , r c o b n to l , o e o h a e t t i g o t ie-.Paris aud Loxfdh n ;M a Crk nto I? e a e c m i ioulesre onSGàis n l Gorgftob hCI adhog fo t vu 8dune ibosr o tiannddOOce,,arcaISInppuaý y, Vz. Ofntounhi etu atces. M rt and XV oni 5.c'I)l< () roel 'tJoc atit y auyh houl ey an t- -.scea s L&-trton 'c"<'eto' f1 Poe.rofimIde Uîejk ocert a a gl a îîYnt uo< n tco hs.M T r g , rit 15 (31Al2 0'aol2 2 in t , E a t .fll O l . HG V MetýîO J ColoatoltLoiuO.W 0 . i 3 L fn e içtà80- O iluil co F ao y uî btbc at SO C., w oLnytOoeccc nt tis50 <ton T he G re a taS aforfthetîlieuthflfen ts lc. i atI e c teWOneo n o - na lail on r n 1 D c s si Jutts ltC c:<M a k et . T T -OFcDiiit, Innaddition tottdeueott aaveitn! t Ei b ttlo tiNa o S U :RM co .a l; uttt c co ttits o t nd i ] r s o d , - T w t h ej m i u d L g S ow 1 s .T s tT1 OLE . ttttttOn tc t t T t r <i S )-el r C L O T H Sto n qoo rtO t«OBl a< < 5 W e abé naiae s ud b ug g ya k fd C e o m e D r eolG o dorn S tin c m v a il th e tie n c it d e s , v is c li ,e a n s d w Ta-Pe t v ates. de i gs Rt pries lwâc Tt ee de -1<3t.coic oncuy o Itre l Ort c t r tr lt r a e s btcrScn anaoi; atOd onesoums oirtin t bnuh lssDesGod 1 - Ç t rbs.- -t ME oc L ya oi nCnd Heclt-35c gin-rut -.n nci -cntccoùrS itlau" -Cor. iltnl,lonSt.,iattt«.. 8 . FA LNDm E .S JUSfrby nd e ns E st.,.t E astt ocscoËtit lr Busîu .eSS~ i-no g - i . th ; M lii)). nim onte ab i lln il ies rht i 7ntere it andt6 on tch cit I tn e alc c o tti D e s s e , m ltstHa mi toc erd o,,,,)seejloc. iione--t-P. s.c orv, m . Me- ,Id tcio ia niS o it.lnb ,cti I'r& hoo . :M- S1:3Y <i<te lott 1 - l csteonc1y i un v ei Mc: TE .W t O li t LýCLS nithI<t nt etbbtt outrtfor ilt of os. B R cel'aOm'h u s S -tM-.ottttttttttntdercth..tctt ti th(, U'Ny postOfncil buAdi, atBise . Elde 2 ai t-O t<i nltri Q . -: :: 7 :ao 2 ito l-lh 75...Z <m n - 0 s.~ -3t I nvi e insp ct-- - t'tîto ii oiinel1< S tss C tepritm 'tor. i l Il ~ < stiere CC i i510<1<St'., W i ýn t OI . à il cboC ttof trtttIlgr-cN ewt.t< > pr 1S i 'ÜN "%C<CcAFoftc t--t-ilwilnîiricc iin-IllN0-owtt t, 1mW t .1 .c--. - . K Ji i. -to m- . :<is o n Ne. N-rt- n4Vî«<iîS vifoesa£tth. tattei;ettt otse of NtW Sa ity liaicitNb iTotnt liteettc'1c5tt i . T hets<<ttrttcCai a a ce aot- eitilitut e ritet cc tit tmtontt< < <tt ct A'nt- 4 r es ei, dlo iatictv so itiatc nhenenayvsme W a spe t hiae ICsion t e t - - - - - of r l e- l o l c , i t p :-e 8 le tte . n ,e g o tt - i a .ti a ctt r O n r a t e ) u I t t tc ott, 1r ,t t I î c n - ~ 1couiitt i1cteotctAiu egot ittr-T~ ,ttt, rcbn to M ie n, Va.ieRib f5,D es lks rSSG od ,F nc r vt ccr s,"euicteLnIý . Itit. i aî aiitttlt< l ite 1191 dCotyctn at tPteys B.<.ct t . ene - t 4. OîsR D n .o rgna Ote I ST E T R S ,aii 'lcoVe-ltoManx piuItecrapot< ,ttr t11 tbOr< ~d cilei t îi t i ýO 'A N enio n lonPa it< lelcirc a 0 Ttu r ve sLe lioslub cattîn e g ie i ot a etto n n e bGrn -Eýisiùe"s essatheecbcce ,notcctiuO l 'Y qul'agv Mtîult', ýenSlî 88 . - t G eone i nce it~ i. P. coxlthit .et.vlle. IcInno A, ,yr -mn o Viicy0btctciitn ,,8-.-0 ilet - ES V tth Cet.,tOc 18ct1 ..ottoalO aoc titre, sonaaltr, n lit «tccreel literoa ltet11nOt ii tiec u e t- ILI Tttt<,t.ttt.Ot OF C) N EtT S -t- a Ot 1 «tc te,.r1O Caro. ihouctoaai bustieritciVIE tInhothe elurtcd <i trttt--i< cil IlOtO- -Bramneono( utrciOh ia , -t r -e cO 1111t e F. l<ctttn Blond' N - t -clcettl <ci'a totl l I 1 o cttnt, t td p in l it i heSa d it trie rnea - - tcîts O i.t e nOrte alo ., coSiTlaoctt ite21 tiennt no osscsttteto - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eotttofctti scelti telrtctb Ce E ttcn1 itefun <'ett'cc an t< - lçU p 5i teIlieclose .eil r poa Ilit 'Mti rIdtt tu n o < m S L T H B S dT K 0 t tt tiiV Cftit~ <n ot ftT i y ai7 - atlicier n Seg, c t;n St o n c Uec t ,.o rcurs. 1*d, 1 i t r.tgitei ip rt ti ns .»Wttith f i tt l f 'a---n - le i E -hAVE P to'I OEOAN)WSI.UrN - p assiitulileMcaoeI nenoee ItLLetene lttrtr uo ecùetttnquti.carcas.< eiî- - - - --"Poildssu vbo O ee, t -ot't eli.qhctl SItinc ,,, tf i ta anb l , c..tttucd -pecalattili doc -.Is "%;n i h ,cInSt Seeti oslI It hu - aoto eButdttnc i M.p oten ttcILntn.Otd,5Atlie es t i nost ,ttttO taoet tottîet f pagtci& Ce ic N e suti n 0ith c il e t o ffnethieda at ô s , r a y G E oN t l a91 Cs b ,IýLna uetdee tRep to brito n et1,1s ,~ n1lo eS nonL ltng - - - -, - - 'FLANNTSTI'I Z E S 1 pu ctinO c n rc an tI oînnun sfiattCttitet<tetlno tndtone s Morttey fcr «e lnlotS ttd tet honpattdert ittder %uhse.n. g -- - le trnt , iscinoc.- st elL 1U W ë 1Aliornitituber e -Gc ,tfor lao____ Id.lis urTios, ai e or ont. Mil ctone Cletlon ad.vtt Ihc ShG 0flo]cu -ITstthe m -7 f j,:: e . ( a rii -. di1 î Si'EIG loiL Qe. 18& tr «tn u.11 a tatoi -Lt t t -Yc <l-t-t-ILt i Sico - iWHtNEY. rOaOOth.IandalorLot 6popse. T io-id 1 . 1r":cit1e,~ u0,iv.t.0e.<i C. FIME a N, - y . F R ent, S200, te Mcrtn. orcCprIti C dnttIý N .- iOn.. cýl e wrth 15. bo'ai.. trs.~ I2iFch get3 Tala hra 710 trerit Mn îOc<e Tibtthi.n5, -cr 5irstOnoda ~ ctnb dio84le3t50..t an F A R MiAN 3 0EOR TE M ih er dD oskioh at lsi cideia t n 1. C T.M j Wi11 SICades jod laio N MIlien anS i-tetonds;bal elte< nia teneprine 1 ~ rame I nib $1.20ed n be c me-vul-A l t8te e no bo s lîo b2bn5( > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r n onne5 i~ b s s n o , e r o in g 1 0 i M y eitn ntnn a 'Yoi h TIw~ 8A D4 HN TXETEtT l 1tT ' -e o Aitsbo1tFoule COot< 2&00;sweth 45ë. -atctt n1 SALE" ta Il qleel[)érsAte:-- ao 1 Teareets dclt ul en.te nd o Sats ra- ir es o au al2eotuo m n -INSi-mates. ai -P.Mu VILLAGEOF NO1RVAL FOR SALE OR TOiN.sttea oe.P.M - - - A brick IOhou nFenlr'gteeet. E'n ortiIhe <ileesit e! Htl t lJ. .tttrt Itt ht tt . Tt<ý - Apply te mjenicanifte ScotlyTl» 1 Actan" ccttn licese ws fmisla tat Fr'da - n. FIEEAN01,cnsca lomillste<nd hi Tue sday, Sth Ngvembers'0 '88, - - a-once mttscost,ine tettlohein Sa e avet eeacf teItio rti% utlte <Y bttt yt ttIl! t l 'gOei loirsaS oe bystanders i cteot ,,ti Os ntt - i50jkjabto Bc flerh- .a nie cama eOSut.Ot ~ <tr<tconune nlirnooi<.euA<- nitpndigrc, o tc. The <attOtP n bu'l n .ttétttt a et i Bnleneuobatg ppy Sgnte <b maobi e)în titar otttdn- ttt<. ttaret ocuco - - - CannO.1l£0OW5, incien itWllb .le a eIL te,', elîts- -- - n, ja.,ItIsilb o eare bonY l à . otrct t.< uten tu.l 8S. - Dru15tO . to .on a case ainol tlt-cet h. ytetun. .a<-bmore in iflineOs 5ae a aie last- itîrl«PM.Farn. for Sale. , n M<Ilt yahe nonepe ace n 1n - A-F I héaeitd ac autlnsenr T Il tu.<n tt se Ches5MP'O itid n o afcrr k..i-i lll ofcm.,tS t reeen. qoieler 0 1toc.trt O. efnt. se r<tc Base t d-n oIvea - I i t J