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Canadian Statesman, 4 Oct 1888, p. 4

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oSE'i0 kal ~ Isla-o «. - - lln 100 the 58 len (f" ue ul - - tl014 n I-lroýlý5ot.;f-wc Woo 1i vi! on eicbpodlele i qotcI1fcb wm 5w Le Moil IMMld"rcsCrîc.000cdfnnbc bc odico 00 ffl Da~ . fa~~lo tir__ __---__ LMrploccnlooaa mentb cciotoclapcrl)ooloo mo Baï." Baiec ot t he y ooooormAm h oeoc ~ dm si ~ kt E î ery, Mantiln Fn&iy ell o! tac arolaa oÉ'i rail abO opotc,~Mli s Rbos.rs.ikrSG OS cyclem; = 1 oo foad c oicv Wodlnt00k ca.ýeu-aDe o er c cciooct cdtc S, S WE D ,CAIE S B O S& B E -vl trirn lire, aso .coord atn eroeeax ndGr Goi .iikefo 5e.yd, wrt $; olre Slk frn5e, crh Oc';drssgotheo 'ahyIl Myo. oDmthgestoylmocmu e dcoL icc(hc otlntrutdpolainc ha n euîo od utw a 55n4 caymlereat0_ýe "bh odeo îl" aTh c roat eiot epeflycoii vstfioetonadiecncnna enc h xet euy gons n ha .go 0000) b lb mie roie 111 ryoco adc bor o!tala liooco. AcnElcticut To- 00Ocd ildc polîoToedf 75e ouna, b ler on te tadary *k n "on rbliMg ç , L oe L âa.o4àà.i * - docohrraidbrorhugo mdco bortloy Ino-ontcotalo emtm - itcoobà lt o e ricn oml ionn eg mcc. c tIctie T e ufi 'aý->y;i"n- m -teii t"hi.W lame! ICnpinl LIoloWh lcolnam. roaltgaebece partc1ofadthn ccr dOain S lo-, 'l.ocbri" ~oociloonn eclloeorccnccmoo'bh py ccl orgoo, cdcome ploalogrpbo ais c-cc roallod . m5rdoorcpcfoccr0 eV aiole]]laAocec ollon , mc i" 'e' ,£2..LEJJ O UnIos ccdWoole Drec Coi thfvi ei n ofirndst h o c I o I ollceo omrc ÇO pOcoeron mnagemenRo nd thce eetc., No. 67FLAN EDond As Stre, BONOS, OT. . e. ir. c dr ofaiSpoca oeon.hiyOonNcKo, e dAloLblawdBL;bnrolo&bcngov tac fotaigo! sstesro he oota ntc W Ckih -i rope - lccarasad oaac !om oaie., onton gr Thmsoln! ilie aolui- UraiorngDea"me""No1 e.av lrg socOif.ern eto"sTFLE BAer, aTÔ TE RON an ni gaig do chuter. sodt6gos-macoin30.pyciaweedc i. oh â à eam ponllin e, or~'Vnrl , MThl omas S ao ooeEeyoypisn wthteseegn. * t llloyc Flioe"cd.ta mRioli, EcletWhtcotnfo 0-y.GeYfang d om er epr'2ndge0 o rnei 2 ca&' lced an, - u_____.tin;ai am ali0. rrllc 'sm ai o o red Satirperess Gooad, 20, G5an zils'o 0.ydWrt 1' oledos ansho'tr eadan, some bakes Grôat Dio'wnf j by . aye. o - Mip bcreAlendirSoloiliItes oill S e w Pc.ylnDsor Goo ad 0 1 5c. 20n 2ageie s fo Fè od r o 'thing o' Th ide mlùte s -iedadùn. bly. Dicl (WhcnMoo ccd cltaem bamhraycsi; 10,f 12, 15 20 Pl god tatwee s oie cod Onoonciocia Colo f ccy eoroc.,fo he oldot -ic«. o nid, over r itlcma wand cfheGrlo vM .Ryoeat W. e Ptrins , s,10 ll . Pisetinadwec lra en . yoî iof t ext lireco tram liescnc toc kceceice -- I-i...noon. n. oimnon er lls 85,10, 5a-.Yi.atin , e R'I uR ai .os 0 n S o i v o- an ordoon mle Odc p ag fti s.Ac Ec o! tia x Têtel, O G a n str Crpe ts25 8, ,4, 50, 75e. - , - ' -and ctSoîcriheept.cc7of8eroW- ion Solo i the ovol i=soOon o- e lr ivtcio lpeoetcl osricg cUitai tar- i roesG reo75l1 11..- Mi iroMla.lnlero zebrl ,cfi n~tiobnrom.ag a:e 1ent ex&Te uT1l iasepo .sCrot 7,O j0 1 11. *.*- aipicoonR FO:lno or ao'lhro oalco t. Koaoelieoi F -N i aeCotsntpS Il- i-cllon li ln-lenron vl nocLr ani th Mos otable e LT,,. or uo hornae luod i, hi t i ves auoop ilc!Eqcoateiecf ewCîrai Plot0,7'NT,$1 0 $5.P*SieBos-iiWre yhs mns o le WL n O n th1rooinl. 2o eapl toaamo-. ewItlllnoyvey lîsandq tt- theaGrs Je met y Cliptain LluF wll leMM.AGcccooc _DI oy eutv -'(3= act-r' onooihl meocl losrces must N w.esy akt;exr eu, 35.- wolo nl se hDW i.m hr e = Ar* llsnaions erPol, theaucsowo ic- ner y, Deoan g.s1 cs o 'l la.m ~noS7oThoeoo. asioloc lî Screa u- M . . R S. a it ni'uovianetior*ortanlinlo e then ,T' * s rdicusvtar îeoo.G oostelEnol..Il mbave arge Fnsorkofbodotio tî S M ic, Isoles, r veilla vic e! colet- -- - -N D - - '-- eimis-- --_________aieFie -. - -'v#i!', o f Iwnngnc ivî n can it issent e GenndiîenDes od. -pe.. anclittmiîo ocdcr!uh hec e nry tirayr a n ,e c,ô e,.. . . :1 ulln f ùue i ingMicoitywoichlaDeloiMccd AlcdeA ilkie h e rGodsi y amloAetfo h ony , -n. dogol blot. optembsr 111e ocd211i. 'e" ForW ni the li~~. cdOteof a hIcnde d, lta dreastatyueudpn nRn i d" ntre.yTdeyotrkiao! te mdc, ocdfaondrChoicendrinti-" Finest. Brands ROPERTrEotap.ocom caHE RgNTiegl pnnoonie. T doc.nG. as c e n dct por mil es , c vd e .c t l s 'lacc .W2EL AS A NO are&tocd IILoisli culd plasd it t Shrlgatins *oe entiglieo ceCnWt ed tthîo!5. * anc TVNO ' Te', e'" b coci-rîonilc', tclooinoec ti ro n etl otrie .. cole mloydoln~ili oi nu erls OUI00ScnotIc rof Lae, t wnp.0.2 'and 30. SoutibansHingea. Screwsand, Glasse c IneIlnorcgali 0100S o P. Tc ro stccd1viii boa very op. înnr oceonlii orocr,10 prtooctimotodoit lkrkInovîeaothle Nw.1.1,LJ..Vo.110 2, 5 2,25. orat. o h kn leInk mon il lire cloS 0Universieynîne.- cm. Cn-ccf Mionoocin ccd1Ne20, Do0.ta;boeon _______ lnnoooliilolrn loheî 1 ceîe rolo roog nde e t roo.An se u oaoolydnoenn e1riîoe. ,.se novorywconay 0 2 1,2.Pai n rnne e Ckeoeer ecipinfrth foi elder roum l oYù.1goool er Crt Whos ofiNanlI c etr'FciiH . M. 10 tIr N w P in oolcereo w1.ionooce. tool iIecd ioet 10 1 p, nipl'si 5,l ofal , atlowest cash price.voseal. rdr fomte outyterce -Fit cnîcclpro .iioo;oaedenticnoohtuld bcninnnetcdntIcteiilDocecbraloelag Cil tac Loal;îîc lioNtoileecOleicoicla cuerdi0,ci aro, oitocc clernil Ion icconreheiendiofgthi Duvaloban, N woiaoeotcelooiololc25pie0, 35, 40,g50 cc l l c irnie h trn aneoeltoc, telie of odpreStarpwolslsCres7,$1 11.TeSbsrbrDwbfes o aea Et>.pocktO ic Nortîo I adtccooella n -f a n reMl. lsTlaJei T.O INDIeFor o me. ortî ar ee olices N wWp' --t 7,50 0 5,$,$ .1.apfw cie ulio tio l, ytoCl0 . . ran.c eocrbéhairnceid, Nwere tit -s tpehan1.5 6.5,e2veer!vi f3lJ v - ci aoatntý i L rtlTitAoi. 15-il .1 v haM ceanozlLio-ctht1c.1Me, E5,20c irc-v n;.ne ltauzotur eIfri IPaleou sglît n împred-it; Wr.hrF)adnh liitL t nýtci CepFFKIV'M PIE W. L. MINe TiTa ONe , 7Manager6.50,prfet2g5sse. ie îs'e .1=ADW'S EADING TA ER, Oi!emoeInidSn icoBoforsciller. oscral l' Th NAb= acfe -I au TIe ew olom e hr o! 0ev lmoco în toliiàoet olofye oel'Grass sincrmS.Pul inao4 Do. Nefo lsîn inoh î Dvre p agn 0egnodor. Iroictoeo olc luth scddoroamootateaptincipae!paltiroinloin oinothe talle hot femilles Whoi MinnesomtanrpotovlImoia lion..Montana dIore0 toth"rdo l EAto Rodaisin tsu Ulaclc Scnd la tIc iM voldciO c e Bmpolm tlco4o &4po Ki engce.lHamocoiton [a Parcccrole ti-eIa 'oc, bbc oadnî mttecnmpan'vripoolforoimprol me heccominoot gnt.cnlaacog iIo~-roatesroa oanba, A thon Dngor a aimpicorocf wclii undroo and CuierDtober gtIyhllz atne di bocand, e oillor diflatco Sfnco it h 1 otn l foor o Pic o 9 i ppoTClnicpelb pprinle miotic. Soatyhecic neidng-of = Cmoitlehlafacet te one yayfaire.fo Jîl otheoperrofuncd.cd trip.oRom nc,' y acic lL.- ~lean Fc'utoMinnoelongooisoyle-d *- po vean TIc rBeylllIilihct 0cm.' - POFAL Tébàitsdzn t1o u acrciitg owcesio iwthosee opoetccmo.-rre% ~b uso aplketi >UCB M CIEQ aveit h emc.Ilcec. int« lnimmeisns -uoeccyson f1,2fr te rundtrip a aii;Plàgtaolelpbncias, diIohnd co.n 'cn, c fed ayc sie, Thel'a,- - - - - - or ill lmi'verrop Acremhoe gd i u o ofistagoatMenpruei tovstt bat -ola mtnmsbno~ndonny I tl s5ll !l~k . . R Y A C L :a ' ci beaIni! dec tcU.D eron'c; aeactt mmYnccaroc e rie sasî bitiiytbtlaistxm*so iHtechinraef MnnesEaCTA CLrt D& crlio'nirg vle I oion dbnri.tes tcg aernesc otan - ac. a.scacesiO.c oug C ~ pOl ~o s 1rîhy -- ctinu ltiI, r'oo tIc nt v: -mobnle5ddotoclcdimpImoiat1f2!U5iIt!Uin0!5a1si'n - ? 'to Clar el- e -I rlote;lixnlr ni;a -thed'cn b t5.a7if. B. B. in tin lo comino ccytclcrén<lLyadIo. dd'!S t1 EttImp vorta klotLlm- n an'sddrc ioteicidpa poisin Yo s atlwe tmash prée wir aleuoi Men i. an Mo ntaneeai-0c, a d t e nylio ruun~%ing . . gsalc'rd s~bs~ z.'ij ~ r~ < a --' 0 Til"lov i .rncn.'5c licIt.11 i *rjcIcdyxhe tcnti Ifocdraclo'R cm r oosnao I - - - - its f.oomer fixitincdtSê'r c arsoracot lo f , ig .ar t ad i c c - vic ,0dARE.rO Mo, on cmlii R- RN, vorioco loin le OOOoxaec id 10 un Fil N lIn tnîoro, )OL ~o1e~ il, asd O nonnonleol ied. CaIý:ii;" IvIffl 16u ., 'l for ail 4'inli, stev icek of Fii red hithert(ii ig of 't kilids, Ahso ý,e Mattms. )arèd 1 ~S BUILD e. or by m u2 in overy ro DEWARIS .re, Stock. bxN ONT, O Co c h . n G00 0 r..ita JWELIi o!Dewar. Eci-, lnpc 1 MilwInejar. Morse' ',sCnonj Slc ir G ..""-c on t 0mmi on 19 e1.na to6per cct. lk~~VICTOR 'r * ferci I ýlIN to-i I IbIO.0 , ris l et -oi -0,ni cIl0j04 r- aev ,omr omecoar roc c07 0 oT I0 D.cccc L-O. 0ooo rd cEc -oc~' i ~tel.O.cs conU lnriO t là ooî.e Staie Un ,tc 000 tel0i 0i I.m .«.V F, j DtL-LZ ceieO -f ï. Mnmn In e oSeo-m. 1, A. 0 T1'O00E 0- ,nm., ta'ieoI capiMt al S1,000,0 Oaa 7c.occ lo'y O l. rate..S~ îo000.n) i nsLomAI.Oer.. . lo.. Oo i.c L7, .11 cdio ooInm rOses Olel OnImoi ns. noi4,1W OTO! relI nnei lrwd cA.nono n -t- OSFB OcJrion oWOi ,dici M .Ioi -- ooo iný u flms. rneci0e 1)îûlt 1 .nI. roo-,OR s eciSriimic.O' 1,EoiOmlm.ao. al

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