i îét 1't v I 1.9I . r euh S lîsb - i 1.1 1011.11. r-- - I ar.. - - 11WlI ALOIR 1SL -, 0U 1 -, , 0- -_ 1 ,- ", ..-<odo Hoo 3uo4'---ý R IALI.OEW. ý -i-t, mdwlso- Tho Worbd',oM , l ,aa - - h -, l yc1t-rd-è.bot-or-0-C, -I-,f. , an 1 hllren -. 1 . A Pla , oxoloA e t o b O o t f ln - " 28 8m .ostbsaroose kogthya1c-1o1toflbopoc o * a Il-rd- - u calupun? woth Me *7e Ilo a ,; eau e.,--som W. 11. Doo -- ' t 1th -o, h tho gru o, -roa o 3sM oty to. iLT-.e 1 pouludFUp m cour u ito -- - - - 1 - - ý- --l-%e-;--$. eb-.noand, M"YSuoeat000sous t,1j 1 i .Al. oid-.. set ooirtable cheery hbopoetylýp l agra 1:.uooloa of uuo . g boeaooo1 , ... î10îil-.hplo-oO1d.,.- . " oosie au.im usof eg, euiieswtoroio oodthK tg ACT 1u o. Mo. Lau,!,, t uboco po-aoorle opruo dmN A u i - ,E T 1 PL for --ub e-ilm o. Ils . -1'. DA 1 :,I0Oi, t, ooh assgo tîat ddo COOftOT, IhýO' Mo. Larier, ,oeed--rSîooo-*. . heaby ant!uyîoiote Oaa o foi.d, h ornaubeeb tua urey.woro oi1. uolgbîhu,0,,battsr no-e orguojoie 00e as hs .paet, Os t.o Scot-A1 " bti.tMr r.A. toif- arhibe t, a.fo-,om otW o u-oîth-ho 1uitd Sttou h.hl.oobosoeéo-n: - . u . bp-M . fot hoPr ,lre l om-eCboOb, ,oou emioou-,ob-y- aU,. O urtains, etc., etc,,ý..ý ý- . , -, Thé A t-bu! bor fil ro dýH o in ut. . . . a.. 107 Ol B .", iZ, - ,hofeoo1teb -vatiou .-ot.aiu- -ho.moin emofol. 1 . V t,-e.. 0.1e.1 , 1 r .- .eb , oIl ta tetbo r bi oo rm a ta oe, to u oi,.d r 0oeboareoouho sbdobtiel:, ca 1- R. ea,,,aaqutot,.oe uoworpardOueoditsodiaowtb LI Ouutorprejmo bb ob utbo oîs.Oo 0s dp.Tbo moei~ssomuoedhyfardool ure,,hrogoho, ud utrroio. oueIyFBr th r iacceus of lb. T we h eeoa4for tia.t îba ed -, e luib -Nn eu *u ,Sp -Vt. nonu , bi:,or. ade, o-bi1-oaoiu.o, -.aooibro ootnoM .Laon,'spoi 00e, ul bo ,lo a blacuodto onu!auowobo"îtbebuaadifr.b loidtobos ooht -Ogobotn - eo-toioDro ool 0,2 tn 0 lat Qoo h ou ia l bo , - ,boopariborob . fatoboo.lbouscvdealy uaqu. bbu dois ooooogd Th outorubus. o ot o ibeentiodb uîarct 'Yiloetsovi, omooeo=paOaicoasmb t s ol cboud,, und er'.d1tjo'- smiat boN-u unuîbt os Tînltet'u. u-hu ab' ao <N w l.n ),s G od 1, 2, 5,20 2e Ou pohiit ino aboot isîoi- rO-oio ls u,; o;yt, ord tho e.-um-,.l * p. - loa b b:-oo-oblsomc--uta frt ets-Chek ieuu Goi- 10;20,25e .n.,doitIfents nriflot usà cubA is-utn i ,i tho.î1,usdnrin 1 pîoi ý 1.-c......tluü pluliroeil es Obeaybuutdfor isî.. -o lb.. --fo unsed. eSaou*. ,0100J mibes, dloaul, tsÎeebeo-- d ,-u Intt.r pur. ite a-[.L if gtho w orbd to . 1co.,busia . . oiabc«b h t vutbob t-91!a1. T o ,oc oln ao otbIe beom otbnuo bTC auo .nrond t o ei-5.L, tusaind Aîooo auforun tus bo1etab tei-o. ro ulb soopuaîyintOd ot an a sh urbo :37-, 50, 60,-', $1 $1,1 . >ý ,e . al r i u aots eii a t soiduXr. thu ttr uo ss--41îileosoooot. ueo uofadau-e'oodCobpet nalI11~ore nfiocon enoaato onubig ibn crytos brs sace ts ntheu.toe i noooi to b-bbubo-u e Lc O i-ans:taeS 1,$.2,$150 2,.2.0 * obl. tit0 Oi- tuo tlo 10Osnllutlli po oo a fot Sotos Obo A baat.0W.ern-Biie- '1 - . saunteled off, intCompanntoioarMr.t' 1u. o . 1o.u. - le- foio :-pt ,-,noé., o :- -.-N. ..e.1oeT...kobu. eXtra -:-3tte, . ,51. momberW. I otD ort h og tearbo asveoa iI ,îioifS tysio poqo- nthea, ea lag s.e oe 2 u- Toort0Cm== 100. i lboi UoeKt 2. - - H & 081110Rp r,,adgesý# :da e marlenour .n Dom of th ae.hd bibttacig ,aolmatulg0prn5 eiddaycruutbiOiepsc hosoýý%., 1î171 'A'V'1-riCa:4 Sti -t ,t..B m llto j -00cîomcdenotohaSotAcattoEs- hro hodaytushotadIeatrtslIbuecoito.ooitiieoanaib 1sb'ute.i.Crre..i. . DL-.. t Ou Csetnat, io, etuoeîolite Y ois- Iicoîein.A . u O otn eso b'oo-mt!oodrsebos- rot0 u e ptue .cîl boIes thls ____________ thé________ p_______ ._es,:__.__f_______._ . tho- 0. t . .. .o. - ., - ? tionyset Ourut - 1-oe'cr:ond y I..blo V10. aTirearaaomau, oncisopooe-o:duoc1.tv-sis'oà. .u1abntetun arain oai. Tî.atylo-u . 1 Il a1t - . . rolto c ir bbhon-n bletand ao s ioitd lioci unOe sli' fCaukesod uîocuytoogtloooaohlehb Looireie e rina o fî qu1esMionsabocfdbouctotoea!Oats ERo Sd utr y îeiia utOcelbia 'O.tesioocountryn e tleOstaIigce ue bt bai* aceoit t. io r o vsine Ouvoon. aootTooercbcd o eîolhbc alpsAcfT<bo[ts F.. T-nesha.tltC cs. did.torato*bi. -nic-roîrosObsorOua-n yodr fcvoso more. AIl b torfi ul tien îta tc Oubo. Tlta eofeictW i«a t ae . idoot esac 1atlti I gc los roaubiud.l1oc tau poepo olu. - n. Atn er g:ttyla teh,, " M lvof!t'tc.add n ot ut ctubli&'f aelau oLeo tbr alanc.voitlîoud en.4 d b oclvo! hutt ul .getln .. - r Tutua, Os.,ý.,1ý .,l 1.iti' -- !orda. cabonedmcgts. r ora eoLI teg ,.üihgteetbia. o tinOudsî". ,atotnbhToogrtbsnoeustîtiîe tiataî-'N. Ili. botioSte omirnr 00etatninet eo Irolu the noovL e s tubbs udtoebom ac s stecnin;avcr kamg :ý«a- eadoerontandTir. Lobr md hnijn. l o brnata =sbbotheonr.eot u tin' upr eventa, o terfl a n f th é- -ý Q - A pu l u PeCana cuddheto ou ui1hitbib h y rotoaaaX.lieY.u-orcbo. ia-co- da , lieod (a e d , 0100bo dys ,f - . . . D3ý , ri faOon olîcaco;o tm . i. O Gd-ana1v.bnlbbo exemînboîtact tthe Too dyoso iob u,'ethtosei a.Milo efotoo a oioeotbydpt, - o- - .t-t-e=iof.Ithrtottoeq im daca tra r.to M nud ptfor tusd c; 0? - . . fnr lal' b-tits ooen') obooetl _Tî. 1 dedn uonlatnhud.Ho onoroin bu 03. at noda oitu i ateib .rod r e-r o.e soM . "!rier.1normenober. Sargt'umt osstteoI oeoes - . 'Tj s tyle jonrc obt tlu oa e qe . It i g t -gof soor n ai u tî,obbob o- Star vrieoobis soi ut d t'h o c o ut gnot.- -a eda- . .usWei n.rooîreo.og 1caI.. tb oo b ayni.ua hm1 rosoboion. atiodétaial.oppr.toBo!Ato Wautveo aoor motjorefcof yfor ,meuicol Wthu t eUînite Sns t mo 1 cecm ot'bue o "Die acbrOpedis anadeiiose. coulo eay i, l h hobae:i 1. 1. Tlîny xoconiyuit eau npot to t ue T io uablopCotpuCA - Bhy folatrod eed the plnsaîi luei . bc,.eon, ais' npotetc.noisetcl, . . catci o o k lu tr op. lbut agacyndidx-t.bIs aruce u. obs snaoerio.oc16-m8.ofr eb i sl. Mpsa it coi icn poaie raelbts bbeu mi bot boel . o-ccéeo-d. tià iltue o usîsh. O b..e -O las ntsud t h i b t iries ioeosce ft-n odoo.ooîo1muuo.nt£occbo.cee;dy T o ha e o rt n d fculageo,. uÈ as S tb Litnalif ,"t'-sP lgxi"" ocfan oS rti r e ioi r consa tao f tril a aui.c- marauto'sc Oboin, no lîlpeyooGcda ot!otrobnlaco. eoo li elIitoi-Jcrabso bas ite oiopret ax.eu Initiéocentusore qarepoclts Isscsiiolvo tacritiî' iàt w teaéter poindootainoyltsnaeerccib Ea.- Okthoe#ops'o O-li ftix -,spubpobleedbetylfu ontel tasbe alrw ndetrpii otProice ofacyinoo poviera oi ape u da oof Lire irstimntofbute sizondrieiidu tns otodiSuI 'bbhtopoc o a a o îoîen pso c t rvouiido- ral yoroudtoa euxralto er tire oe.ai t,opmeiabcthe atrl ueth au- oblenlg o utîe"tclsFee. i mi tcb TbocovrsairnoassntflOdvotbid.rryoioatisnot0r-rn1ulioiei~;lajegouOnh llois ch araaiet. Vh os- thhae olybeOu ce asoaso 1 iaaOmtellu r.euireoliaisbo a lîiir'eant fllslr i oitoj camoic astor c ,ss qui it yesbunlsnm ooo d eoî ioutsro fresisrmpo t.Pul. yc'lbataod . teoct bilgs bea nopMr aioneier lvo i ls tbie pra b îoIteOléotndo. od rins o-n Tho*t omt lth ocou ol e ammite 0111thw et u'ecne lb E erOh, - - wthtéi léat lie acadecra i atoink as uuaPoteusInlambthe oti on n b hteAols 1ttl ait toenfae lî ne a. hs cltilth e a ie to p rib andsyOlar oO -â is ay w > . ý .icosoiuedOurri.o,,Théo tsa o rI Ad. - oan oae l go, o le c,. mo o cou eo n oi ,led nt h ,nrhad , oiyo aairo C rait al a d Stný M.Luir l t l Lnuhl - b f bri S-î mnt 1 oeycoyrcosl, a'hle 't . "Abîan bîoceco o cr pSnnatr f s o.co - .Io_ Ou Elifiient erle fdnn .ibidrwoe vrt ra iet 1 1 .0 9ataq eile os o i t a tIgeuo Te vesiy dioccinot sîla of bau o bos lti est h a laa ." . . ..brto a, w"b Oboot ooy eort trseot O &b ub ocold oa 3 b 0clou aim eFrvdia aglostualou troinl l latooléso Trelcttuofmthis vo abr.- NeWPli D " Go S1012 11 3 5. mc1st a p oir noit tite nai o u lei e en lu oltscetonor tsu Maor cc- réencc flait, o vsius Bt edml.'esnte moatantlaatOue eerivif lc msgocfa ut N wChuotboaood jl1, 0 2 1 utonds tlo Ar t. hepa dlb.% iParl ut seaoî b cvex ly luanetiei atufsa 1T etîsu tbleritls rafloyug et tha e r oulI al asrvceodoptiue o do n.lE n-.'blo. Fivolocc it, end s t rat é t moo eole. hgeuroteropb i ut olaot buvau bot111oelu uls ocuutoo5-în20.aal- .omon . Ôc I ee it i eso, UI10Ion lleboooîie -batplé eysu d o iy n ay. nce. 1 woaftinrdt Vaocb lley.brelglno lndp adI a nIo pbuvereitshCoelum lito L.hecaltpdity in CoiacdareotbtrainetonoForidt oam.hOu OltolusiaeteFeosmote.loin OhndnnnonsMof Nedoraibah.5go8eou10, 000EdCtoe plbaoet temlo--c rr lct meg bi a, , pes . % sb . Givie-t i cimelai fo as FiýJo e N tsorca olit , d i. ne almooth Pim ribe a in Vsboanouver, . . 1 h p.trtiblh t whimm ebo eo i cliouacs i kntrb il. moto ieonuloituo envo locs,o aroeeirocaciotan- Tion braeni of tire aaoenossrd -psr C r e 5 9 , 5 4 , 0 7 0 , uarseaobo Fl b icl io ereantyisa. tblotr o tocii,!c vmnrt astét i a ots rTe b ner oclol arebooi fbdrofa le nas D îta e ir oinad oenuace N wB ls un- Thra Os otle'akrMr Luirîyn nsl tdob a n m'Vlons ilo , ou seonv o nce frontti oCetraono rcf i)beeilevo l e;000 orblîspelrssenmirotol tpaosânat -lC ret 7,50 0 7J ,$ .0 . t ro. ton1 tc alm Os tha fa ia'. th rsoicg o t o o pao-tof tthe c m r bri cksothIe , niano Wol l a abir u t ,of attre- o. sodeous. hFioritfnbiy. ono -,-b,$ , 150 2.0 Olo pdncoioo.unttoalmat Mo lebn oasprmoiilOuNi!î c' sndb Idbevootbpo Ti aoi Dc T . tooc feicoyo ft irlo eut Os th 'o ers o rf tc. lagono" T hout chrg:Ds eiai is i6 ing . i~ a o . î. tta.ingandeooo s aSO l u y. S t 1 .se t lTo.utt . -îi n tb le o cile i o a 5 i s e, lo i so t lo o c O b u a t l c a i 0 0 r a u t l s , o l e ralu so o b ta o b o ra e o'Mea slsg e o e c oo nttc Pl tem o " Slo w"a uo -- , e x rar.i e . aaca-t.aooy:sOutoprescriac esbeoier200 meocarei cmiar Nosboe.leibn3' -iatîotytoco$3.5y0.e ooobe r..aest rooOeso ioth o cu tioeýtio 1oeuy ripasatîea b loire.- Or!oed t.m0oelloib ayre îS o dian-To e pteosh. aoibsc.ut.oco1 1 . mclot ore:te bnalosCent oaisenaý tis O ou el ,lt,. id y li- , uasboul; ioot m.r oore;2c ar-oy gThle 1ad i Tho eostirpiccot.ilboo. . . us en eatle est,- s. TAlIac ,Lî, i - ttrvlx trobo c t epe toli oneonternia5b ichyo -o-t Dois. p rieux, taioboelce. tbso bolr S osaotiioob'lii tus tloiotasireI tIAc ai «bo 1-t o s rra tire a Its pga î o Bu t eagooO silea U bcu tfs .Ihagem.Thebacb!usIB Eo01s .,-- - - - - - 8Izg H m i t n -- - to lîite ordia glis e îiîr b ion t eooo duo-o obsyrsocni nsave acsricty.o etistxmt- 1 utc loficietsI fc ement, i O(tie -O o cin. A ni n bois1. lu coo- pl rlno- lo y rt o uioeeii andronuret rmetloo.d, mirdooe 1gcrl..Og . Aliane peood ssaiiboaol os-lo s, t ail . troiral o e 5 ocot gilxc o as b tw ny iSthe rbeitbimtOO OlittaiO ib I lve hcbred i nssoch 'AScel,-f -, - - --- - th %ro. On s,oîn X bllle P. S lluosd ooeadiopsi!0 derrickts. erecosti tny aoosyhee ogaante mlinoattAhé1 u cre.vya.-ao. ý muogo i tt emcbeiMau, SoOoentl. nboikIe s ue bot8tuar nu wn- C.L.tb fuose. t t rueAnto k t hO e S nd proooppc t o-r ou ieu M itb ele s t irbecoi t ec " 000 lioo r ss deuliL -o*i uýi à lotoers bart Me r.s Milgeo huoond eo S btioraetrciuiîc o f o lat t e s biboo u li. boftestéeennuo- Wom. ,' blîo a lg o rtl et hBier. u.o.nd dlebo.tBro,-soli.-- sGol .msbohondl lie- f e rcs. Ao t amw ss atooo a scrnts ' phy 11. ate ont.at - .. tie tatio ..ta Tisreolitnof r (ie ti re bave bilbOf otir t b n oeut I u r v thSe tbs tx l Ie, ' blia. A bge us lluawaoy ý . il.,rilF'lak treefecoftutii.i rile _a___kte)_ioi______e evn tr dosd lck f i ile t ha Ë1vetoroso aid - L cI .uem.t.aood A 1.1efots u 1tre Alne Fî it lo ok ng Oevb u fi. utIi. i tu ls l fithsud thérp o e ioiin ore aeb a ou«ai.. 'T oroQ.et.on.".Bt S o. usetuChtheototrOh, -t'%'oI « e.va tailot a kbovifMor. Lnaursuint lets und - rlias or .b e lubi Co urc a, - Wmh,0 *b. ud th f c , trefoe. ' ,b éi%,saopo N u."oobod dtir. fshi.e. houPprt varoo Ou bnucfor Mr Ne le'reilero fOu - Wbm..,rxad..bxnadtoreors "Tei0O5.otim taOu ria u Oucim otrasl, . " .- .- . .hpom rot I.o or iec ,ou- ceottd udlo . otol , ocna o, n oiuser and o, s. r e o ure, toll aotBteet ogi o- roluonamia laro ,o. To racl es.athcOurcfaCliomao laetor esm.voit e $ta lan scauseca v ihotliab pgeb tr bener. - - La . asecth Mu-erbLurit malucc Wéobon Boao-Lhn' u pe anot voeilo. likeftins-'w . . I1. cost S . iTaooths em boqudbmaie e stg.31hc tn ille sur traddpbla, omnve ,ca bila puOr , - o i ton Lbuer ossa jueadseoChrito uuisd bloa w - l iia od alairer on le ü ae ,ry trh d : iecni o.oaty nha ada S o ul rdn O puteuO bit.as pl uriien!bn .-leR ee Iw I O lm ef ti e ati -Bl i e oédtost rio . idates inra dDe -Aura; Ptbmh th reis . .fo .t H R R Y . O O L. L N ' - cdc bobntaoh ltOo PlleSbuid or hora. "D tetne.. l" elt au .i od muselonachnely senccpIngeth"i- -il _ tnodbony edMolIOteCheea-BIO udVnela c onlor bips i hland sdofadtho n-oro Ill ve'or d - -- fr ,r,* - -. -1 Sai cor th.la e o er i l Ou i eia r ecul] F eroaobu idoe-as mtch io s O yor 1,. - cr . "o aote tlcu dor a rlee and oulioobs le o w aa . . H ue.ur ts.g to e - . eiureotlb uôtnfaoia th,éSpotthAft1h10 as a Biu,0 edÛO t aod - andt- buit, imotrde.raSeom n Ou avet dir eot bt t.oci veoibeo.né1 -. . a foret r os.iing utfant ulsed e u au -O r.as n a80..O - - - Whoa got b? a1oo.tienmn n ie atnsuie y ,G d '..;adt .exe n hate volas baas Ohr, - Ab oa s' r."- *V--. .11 . c .or J e o it: - - - , o oe d l r tb a m -i O , uge2 * - lh e d jdo' y't. o , - "-a« O o al ."V mo s a c O I.V d r p , ? a 1. o 1 A A a 8 A l ot F t o r u h - . -. " brol t o thr .. m m e of th vr)S,o l o, -y. h iO u i e tt . --Ta Ief nao0 eut O lva be y orn a sL ar "tht 'l ho X b ll tln d é4 h fe011sb m a t iataudi ttc Ifl.D IO fl .W adtuvriiet. h ro , Forlobis îtTavri ol h=ue. ad-o s . ne iut. fl1 v.m o bta- bsd I neity nd i cA Sq- ar e ta ui dlb in . (otke1 .a - .c"Otblme, lie go ot, rp i no1r.i mIl ie on. *----- eth- *.- v- r ook Whboti Iiindar2.beg a a, fo eo t-Ait v rhIs:IJsabIt.Ou.e.. LU-1i . 0-eficlaàf in . c'Il,,sîdbobbok liel bot saaly tabn Ili=husa &a? g'HZnOi1-iond, 1 .hl, .. aeay naatog~ ~ ~~ ~ o a J S a ~i~i~m1Yèe~ e&id ,teck Of Mo eUWioeno& _en , e~sadSTe~frSring:anS Snrnsgrst -- Troe coa sa-xt~aloyah.liett mooîîattsco, nî the DeoinniOe, loi ESth.dtastock anderpohoolooe -.4ai 1jolirpooc. vOu . nOC3j-F oT *TO CALL ON heoemt ebosObo-cf the mîib o notif po s oîtaOuget thIbe Noor îojin, go tO- -o haa noobu- sex perenooolo.maboog the vos iiso.o, ni .1 chceatinforaticon;alois boy Ou Malle reau;ecy botte r -, p M.l. Myec. 1 i aiso pepaeedo . I Alle lur ncioed itou, nt pros esit-otheba tin, and ail, 10CAHFOR WOOLI t -AT TIE- C.É.bKPELLVILLEWoolen. MJ lu tradéîin bpuy, for voorb. Ci sl -m I ig."O to DeuinladCottdtýadec%;g oo Fice Vo'ey Fbanorluo,oCheck Fbacrl GrayeffOholand Woubrn Oresa Guods. I ialbo a ted liens-!f Simulter n( iot er Tweetds-!rom 4C.Oue yd. Î&dl bave a goud osoirbnt 'O! Sbîetîe!r, BMarhets, onsl lisoî .11ldo bwiodth; lioveniai argtevaiety of écrri, atitnioore.Oouo Wool, 1'use o osuhbteo tevl -toasOUt vbleblfce rilou scr oo thbu un deprad ci]eeoli Sod Yie orOYootbo-r coodivucae foctor suot latoyo tor ooc uotî ,tloco ebrb.Celo Oscari reib adomtptsli;ydose. Cliveneilana yon v h - dcts-î j:1ETfbihi-t lOsi pcrire aiboceotfor a!lhbriba ofT M 17TIZEPICI Tho Su 'i eaioi r s-Sioalet bi ttsre Iiborn.oa ec- - blA stecsb., liOu, hba I- e AcLutvo%-cii o tad sAooebsofeibu lit aprions loooaetclin lits O-csebo-cecrotisetotin,- S thec 'beîeoiot T4iltea. s-iiaobumg cI Par<boSoits,1 - ed..Iooin u ts, Lnnuigeo Extenoi.. Sileô-,d > loeMabtrooses foIaI kiiidb ,Aibo -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n F~siiyo e rc îd1ibre MîtCCîss st-ol onloCh.0VoIt'-On oe..hidi., N 0 VIl t nuenorotfanoibieu o isiîO ubîranlo tho>iar ss. moc actr saol lC, 'e ,i<ES-N lBLOCK, Mis MILVON\ i - - J KI' - IALA I &ý Fines Brands of Prepared F STE, NSON'S LPOST T{OLE AUGEUS, â4aiIs, Hinges, crews,,Glass, Putty, etc., rtists' Mu SPECIAL 1tICES -3TO FARMEJIS ]UIL DI tWE ARE .4GEW - FO --N.ý..STÂNLE'S-' if your siglit is tliipar4eh ebSe. <y or V y. sea perfect glasues, ome guoa.ntee to stuit yon in*every re, - -DEWARS b1 s CLE tAND -CHEAP, OF ALL KINJIS, s- BBER- PACKIx m arout Balance of Stock. 001,11 T THOMAS G. MAT~ ivi ,orops ceîyto psublicp. Omns--lurot Honte, ,asro ca, -W. ELLIOTT, Mil9 - tonb. gr Mo! as o o.nma Il.E. MITCH 45tu"u00 SleIr solicitpo b o con o Lo 25 00xîî C:oî rnc-NéTmuH1Mlaeh - .Ieis l -- Bat 6 ,er. mot ... .. ..... 0000 1 - H I cc * Bo~a~ Orrosir,-S-licito, t- tnar h -- lidr OOrOfonc-iet ra, o aI h aintei .. in.c- ' BAN, T Ioso,. - ...tuo be, -. oh n.,daOt. 10 , L.î - fur0 a 1 1. C-~. A - o.- [tî oeA.D. ..iuD bore ~ ~ ~ b 1c..î,33411to.ia o.u. ii 10s Tond. tu nt -'i lnnr , ,s.io-d tu 1. t Tbn' t. oio..i. le DR S d'L.'o A..G. N E -TOWsN HALL., n.b li,te .in t, , i îtOse 1,. ". a EN Ee roil m~cUouOO OU AiObXBr.. IL d -"tons- .t . l. TuE ,ADoleouri so la 1""o0.i' tue . . Gi. . yceganîoe Mg J..OADilOJo tr. e o1lx m5 __ n lu o. - 1 , ' ,Z.u o r d ~ fi M. nd -1, le-u sO, Cuir.il Ane oresxlO 0o- 1[05o T.rb0Uf il en nial eîi . rftae sce .tUs . U ot it lt . f- .000 00,01O .Irorditl5e u Davora o. g oOh.o1,.ht.îub Uesto Booowd ao td- rt aeN notice. P 1, t 1ittrequire. Ofc 10b a. el.t t 3 p.A i Là.e tmal. 00,0 esa 10 a 0100e. xlioo- N0,00S. 11M àluode SlS 1LDR.,HI Little L