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Canadian Statesman, 28 Jun 1888, p. 1

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TIIE pàrt of theo nilltonalla raîationtaseoovtotw L1O? D iC~0 ta ojtailed itw oad laid tat t fh lé J.otirînki ai il li% lho 11-1!L5 favoî hfi ùrdct-ra, aýith ~Oft ýW.ood of sj-it for ise, iic John 7% H FOR WOl LVILtE Woc ot, ctt<tto chttititW<o t.Sr g, ct. ti h eobi. ooand Il )re.-Gtooltt. otf Som mt -todVto, < ilotes ftrtWtt o f D. VICKE] tahcn offt ;ttS MCljVibrt SOT&ZEAJ rrLands of Froi u tt,. Cc J'tt1MTO. YAIJE] S-W T AAN .lI e. iALIEr y ja i tjitid itýt it Y Pute IM INDER ardware 0o al ful Illeaof E [au o .iitt t . t t t .....T..... ii'6l", .i.d 3lt. SitmgofiW Dwîinout !the Do..of Halton. i . l e 1 1ft 8 aA n iy . i s o S aOf a ~ ~ Toy ~ p. N v w= e i - -tamt- îitLTONONT.. meSO ÂESO, 2~iot W tnto 5 2~1~ 2 0. f r n o P r n n v . F tio 0 ., t A O4 oo o o 7 191 1 . 3.. t - t0 SON 'AD VERTISVG. 1 " .0000 .tto t ............ 1t-85.tO00 . ' Os OSo. à CLAtý ýIE tàutiOtO fo ti dîs to0e1. ýt'tne .ti ea hi <t T \lU nto,<t< otk < Nwiàth&e ef h 9p0o Xîlton toget Bargains! MMENSE S.Q- 0 ARLOR $L1iTS Covee& mFogued afi Qosi~d~PlshSi.l, eps anid :Bra e J. -W ELLIOTT,- B. A., ~Also a very fine lime ofCWalnut 'o ra Aitiqn4 aBe e Bit'We charge nothing tonoee them.- Also a Au It 1, CtttOittt eLntOt OtdyOtolreseeto SdbsD.: s, "<'nre anaEit.ensip Tables, (Jane andâaPericr&ted Chairs. A splendàdlimofLds'S- lt'o4.got c. t0oOJ, Y u4y, ti f. -I 2.4 oCCOt. t 0 . . ing.Baskets, Rattan àand Reed Roa6'king Chairs, Esnd Masýtle Mirrors Ail guailantéed tu give entile sstisfactio*n., 1lemeia-.. swro Etq., n(ti î petotairs) DewarmntOTottAt 10oooio<.onà joooey i,uA . oo2idjuty. "l tSOo< ber.we otelaigtaeo h ity . sifrcs saatherefore have no lasses. -Our Prices are lower than ito. leMUNE000TaLoN. 42.nLÂtdio!domlatoÂottefl 0otîoo,,nÂ,areîotn0ooîte on thr rt-lashaseith ct. tr ho-ooésae tw loksfomte .&R W R taioIihNb.Ai M. ,IMITCHELL, pod;" . ~"H Ttetofh eo. eletricilight, and qpen tili 8Bp. mn. Favorûùs with a-cafll, .~ Sottitôr, conogoroe 1 t-igoapolnti Ce -f tày. Onir-Totto1 fait, Mltio. 'Miob NEW PL K 'M L tpsaOofeo eedo os i VICTOR CHISHOLDE, »Ont taDmCKtSr.SaEETHEARTS onVý iarinh tauyt C - 'her bhew.'la .?trsrrfae,:Soicilor, etc., Noary Pubiei. RUI LD Bd o& <ILNUFCTUREIRS, 'Wh ouono id goofat Prositues t 0etid fioSn;the XVII-.Wou tal aneiyu MoIONFYvoTa ootosmî OV.TRA.BII blI u uu. th ui. ..tt rie 0 iiY y theoAothor Of 'matzoTmttflUOOyooadvins; i sutdedta yooohbaod, neti ?9 foaIr nootheatt Whaoiitmslf!ormtt Onntt-Noni doO Otte Id fHomtto.DOORSS<tSH. BLINDS. MOULIN<iS. BondS WNDOW pdSMES, BALUSTR3* nhfoo.oDooe47Q. nioo onsjo ora I ooltnomn'P , d.. in .. aooa tttnS, Ilitht Paz- 'aillthlisat rfoulhiot toniton Matheio LAIDL 'IV Co. oto It'BYOtL, oto ott11 i, f SCROLL SAtt'LVO. y00 iavoohetritoitaUi. foonna darnonof n. te' godto etoto lo o ftéin hoot mytitit ty.a ci BAINg d Mtttîngdon te&nCenrThoras ioa ns occasion for tos. Ho . Have on oo"'ashso tqàloito. lantoenrnos diag oit oo Ion o, thab Deoier nas stbolatoofo, risI. &oersis oins iowith a =mo n ataging ieg 5ta tm. Thorasladatansgol' effanoo néady theo Sower-ndenn briseo aof ry chatmfor hfm.' f-itmoas me martel ts fdntno&5ttto5. . . LUMBEI, FLOORINCI, LATta AND -SHINGLES, as. mo. saolod afriadof your n liarhoyes . mornoare oatog midot thtnettoumerlog thno fot enaSmatu re ons sihave lerit. .0<0 ntKO. Z - t____,____________f.11 anof humst'oln ntain me poshl novrd.th cÏeny akgld. oA anl5d0sB£FerNoTr 5tfDt.t -o. -A. O0<t So nliate&.lMer enour fadeo-se. tna50havn ntahlilhe nd 'st engstor -N fmi t onetl'Baya Donorot. ioSI 4 hy tottoFrner ide. ' t . Otott i n. ~. nhnre n h bo nweis atUtIS poebe. coldnots, a deoton oil i lic onovera. fhappy toton. Il Sec thosgotat m,-1 ybir .1. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ et bne Ott0o tttt0o5.Oot tiofis gaes. So, thonaaiteod toraire. A 'oriain nous sohms np ther on woothny gteam t 0,0 thttthe phtn ott itn 4sr%,oj4 S Imy, h sy i et ttonos totocome fslg VytirsffnosWhaS a traminoonos ty linrti An iet as Shhyneatt hllt I Iltnm aythsenle sih t nnwfi5'nftth eit _qefoeLAnmilnp. Sh irioo otofnrr's atmano onvcy tîttoeetts b ast itbis 'V l" l. ou may ? 5arly ytonosave t v oB hitto asosatlc, lea ttnniv foreinto 5 i. Oh, honI lovt itgtt1' liaio, wtortng a hroad.hrnmd ootottît il- yh. . t hye nitt oh...Oh, Inow *hat aiot î mnae1I ont e.Adry yane fo r afo i dmiatinlantheoutntie daleotoo twfth aMple proportions n ofolofh initid .a hi. exnatmn tht fmpatîoaiiy, gftlng h l "oto advOn YOaMy n asn - ilIIthest einnOy turc f ta punt fis.hocollo onlgo, arrivnaiit tnéBoread tanagry hfotiOginn. IlArt a fov infoIn ton ," thbcntys qoietly. IlLnotfus tpirlS it, lée nn ta50 ttinh intht ex,* iret Station yeteday nu nt no Site aacet aopittf thhndkerchielfiototO. me. Hot nondool isoard oisittnof 1"l<nsghiy sitil" Baa be l Nroveto vy toisof ot ton ~ENTIST.-Plants, Flow'ers, etc. evon nyiod, aler dusednlineratioo, tn nmy. 5fon hîeptfsoirnyt ipunamy inadsnly. '--How uOotsn ave o ed..ttanacat ina tf od as drives ttht May chonetnthtow t ?It t auItopte ghtootiaotioo.'t I,, iaidonhotsmontolfnpot errnd 50hlfnt. Mono,.oSer.zmohing cautions lAtoitTON, ?,NT, a faaf od. Ca otidna oqnetti f On .o l- iy.hnnd yçotinatse'ight V lightt"fq ilfntnsdnon S dit tc o 9tot1iSoOh îtoo. tt .- 'saod thon ta rinetotcpta&mat alnis ho otnoly. ' They nos standing alninthe Itquiet CtIL .8. Cockhon a,blois uofo ns s. non erit.ono todtt ioneStmftot aS tes )%hanbfis orndn are totynoona . Uho. gardon, ttlth onoly'te drownyf Sowrs fon ttidy ho deliventd the tionvolisent ito -G .. L> ESTABLISIRfl1) lita ESTABLISMED 1868. oas faistloins aO n enos tnt. I at o ovntdgitly fontsettos fobanfo iain. oompany atoSihe nantiiy ni tht oet a Rilhnonrlinf. G. X E DI1 M ,utof nithe whlo tfotry." bol it is then too50 . in. rtso ety lips dnon foiS ripou ifono. AtBfs tie ttL o Tht nid a ma a a fonsi toomen TOWN HALL, IMILTZON, '~ 11 N ,tThorsafas fotbfonslmnch - dnnde. ior ontit an ele turns honr<non oito Oa toons himstinofilierpretty nsinndndfoeOndaontNr ohadtn lithation' oa the pnrt of tlnovit." atrldpstien tiis.lFor ont senond armoe.tnd, oy n a lils heetohisticonva.indS Cntaa It h osoa i The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o eaSuLo f1 ttttt55 anp u1, ton 01tîtat t le lootonsoif rnfeoondillhim Sto tent, nnoduces foer t laythoa onund its d r oe11es ittno the egnd fnlsoe The ~~Sho gianono nit him khesiy inn a me. thoon appnrnitiy s ta oenindifhofalltotl nnohWeter mot trimnon t erlong lutteo. Sho nan nsbed su netai nm --loilhave pon love oothlog butd0tatdtn<tsnt --EiiL<oE'7..~ M ILTON - foI boaveo situo2ti1thOW. ;hootonifit atonointombufoonhos ob m," fonRev, with fond, folsh l ous It did net rtquitr0mloai investigatioin niioontootoais -ontion.-- - A oiinut mnou ilfihaveos wy' WTALLAC1~~~~~~~~ I pe T ewe a bs eds, t to m to pohakeatihquotas abct, tohsltilnlliinO lgoinSa ont.ofi ioaton Sfnl I onofmnficisoelntsototf oàtedn Mltons, &0., &o., tnd tan supply his patrolnsttitll Sîprsy 7 îîlstwltî ootwfow stand ilefa tonais innforinteat galon4." g taSuoendîlientiouistodHirosacevoneoIloIl -, ligifeio i rotilfonmsrinsyttiolito rovtottony hatisaoutooego," say'Vynty l eno, 0 ýYohoseonhaoppy5tnght?" ch'mW"im - aothngunfnorinmaterial anai finish tonýone. Ris pices iiioB no tuIinon ihie Cap" bu '.ImmamoreiîoattBars in lbmnn Ide dongonton pinitoiaformation pr the 5à areehnsaonnintop0n ailein -pa ton nea norîthttotnPtoittt ha hn f ntoo ine io s 0et< HÉ J.EAlnmainJITELIPmTOdN tao, -will be fotînd ta besrensaxkab!y low tonsideà ingitise fanon." a npyl"t1toYS tton, lwithnoifooy sin azd nth Oonio iosai Thatomaffo ns odon. 15onn id m n st o oi oton . Il '<nohoppy.' aynDineilh e fto mot hnh om JOHN AI~L C~, PIOP. * ~ iu ~ hcfoinossmo nattxoot ofni ny man ifoato Il"1am Lottl"tBaya Vyor.iithsaqoioh hoghttnîsh. I"Aflttotnwflloîncetsomtaotn.fnbo qnahty af gaods fohotidhlitto sa'tomas coutdd jct Slush anti a totcofndigntty. "1 tsas to lltnted a sme.oSlfoi sisds o g e n lntnmois MONEY TO LOAN I. . hmi ot ot u ort o moIren t becim or- a moimn i me o Ol nl. Why efnna totirfdwta ies ern f inora t 'ailtot e LO laiîts Wn. BE~WS. Sheitnus b i snanaia iont s-Budhiwas inq ounn andmttt ltamt ay 2td, ttIa butih ontryWnsorme oinotoflsttels o ~ goherhidtit o itois oroisst.itP' . haU annn ft t hitiaotyi m folnwn So"- osmnnm tffoisStontoa beuiagiii t- omt btt i o mois tnovi n t ell a rIotiitnig beStott no tsn t far-" foùtofideitonce. o fo hi feanna anm Ge.Gisaw, Cei ae. CARRIAGE.& BLACKSMITH au fnnonttn - of iem ootl itai tnil loioasttngeogfottoenait treott hehi-otthe odontde vimco nTlit fnaioatos i3eo ri sh w OoUtSae.'lYett arsbter io1" genYs Vynon aoIsy. -itoat yüu osoian oofti W )hnto me ntreotosat my riohes. I tonte yeit.- time tond displayod cootidorafoi mnnoy. ST OT".>,'.e. e e .ýrîHoe hannot onces enony isingazenta ihiafo t' lalimntotoyon nly tiednS yod1tTfot"-orito a ltl n qiohealoti Fintily tbihn dinctooed l m a nagrnai Fo',tootteotiotoo d oi lIint.whCfooe toit 1ttei os tuOndate tt ou, 0ontitîn o foind vpoaniilltiis. <fo itom tomit an1 tt" etettn'010 rm ohtotntaiss F.ile C r I.It- sd Pd; es. .ý ilbbu . 19AP AN"I ai s a urato otdeo e, an;" noas HinnItBlaIa nudu oooghiy opon fonce. ihog; fut, bimideto, hoon ita other emtsgtn galat St nnieto i sfoo ich .d "Lic..edAuéioner fu HatonWentottelle.to3 tontioes tiotletoin no oat raoinsjotaaremon inot" fSîey Mrs iating t SonePhiMlbaî AunI5A P io toitottho ohiiI PE PBL Mao itdotia maitnb 6,t 1 "tid t iliel" nret he atin a iow fotimy bondoiti dra7wn hon yei closnrtO en îo soto tat 4 att o nnsotift FAOHREALTAL P IIfl te Uý,ohoot - tos. Sho Snaoo lotorfband fronfoltand hlm. fi ntonooo thon a oonuc h t.lit 005 ot.Al hs"sy ooewtà m.fmetaavnnntfrb80 au t ]oO ublonitem ttOt n 100Thn.ý to!do.t alcooeau e tnt eoito ntttono aaslhon taon. ' ti its"sysnietotos m.anenS sd so ooSsO 110 ou Fl'he In.sura mniYOo Cotef ohthy we o r S tofdCI, 0= 0 otoco.'1"a m msocof I ai-that,"ey ot bhaln nt n orfndf ttht Sinatfy 7tSS' uoo. Ta tetono toit fter f0,. btnllhtrath di yoa oi eya Sl I eid meiô yth fo erwscm l t ndit0ttm Otio tti- dO<<for Mits Ponitoitty, nattingflier witeitomd. ou n i etly.His'lookng t mon sm ytonS, rnnd motoelth fooen ca onm tti t 0< SoMina , Ti til tt lotograte, gazotn t hfoin u l n ,o tegrooiti. otantms oihtd tigt tohea n t tonne motigo h is fotslfoc noarfy atit in J~.J2L ,r rT1 IV te ms dfith1~tiOtoa= ttonihet bottigneod.mh0Uy secn. l'Aboutsy acitiosItit3ntistg." nfron4-tooftis adf1.]Pami mias Dotiwontt ndfonnoedfntranisas. 'Tho JOHN 0.JN...Lll.. d- yoit0Mîeiir<toI.A oaihoo onnu iiSonosilo titrons liztnnoi anion foit s tis'-rthhion e n pretsctaStenSaitîs Mosay wout ___ 101 "Toudo fnow owonotoautitie ynsc tps. 1"t1 tom totoîmtomed i t horS chec ont oiy aain8 iifis-" horcnso e to mio i tonorto thoirneio. AUJTHOSIZED 0tîEEASn AENtT imon," gelennys. '"Boi tn oshetoote tsptctoiosa' thesn a. mAîod varor aU, etoin il. Onioitday the o lo nteso ta ooômd FOl' NAIt <'0tPAt'1 .A T.E ~ N[ lo retonfti hanot ortho aton' ot ihsto f air y nuuhoolte.- onna slaty hooho tf 'tot iilotDO I hat ihono étherntighis,' -Bay St thi iy 7t,titt tm a o fetomernd AtntEhaondEion!ofy ait."itutio omse.th intforntii Toto. lt~fY.t" cBROEOt&g0 o etoisod spon te 5ct m ri o Ttthe main ftohp .n o r m"nore ntncatniiho!i Oo o uiit hy~0îofSohihoO tsMiifrSm L. Q WAN~~ i~tttOOtARV utien & MeNoazie, Ifoog ta an mmSoaother iomtnBainthr dtoY,"' iiiE dam Bue tI fhaets faiti ya oiis nioi oaia.Ioohm itoaipdtoatt itgott ___________________ NOO omta taf I tvd continue the qitotetVynen onoolotsly. 'mMy a#zre u rto, h n soaot." aotfing fbut tht nrywnoy -o sitnon the tand a itteo mn NAOlth]r. utoSag fi ottotJugéitot ton o 1 t . -Lr i t fun lmo'n Tetl nt"ma,' n tith' i nun't Tfho fermner, snpoing itoiana5vetonla g-C) betsi lasstodatoomomnt. Li ro stm On< r sh. o t m. '!SeLtt h na ees;1 j" i o on for o toa mi tny éther in oni a IftNn toiotStot dSotO N- y- g~'tI.~ "> oto ive teA ain ticon msoo t.ootag omînfitttdpest'O tno mi.'e a ofIoa onete oh ys thr *ti Ob ein naîm anco wtl Sttoo" toooo, <" lilhtotm nIotctnaS oi Ioom-arit.Yeon tmplain otliern onhnes; tony ihat in teoy moornaol, and mott fts ,tsfon 'om pfoofasoSm, isosnt' - Co=ceis , 4-2.tot th n O fr.Ibis migfoi proimiato honr." bIonbonntrion oitOtîoiioan I luOh, Ylot. sony orlon i"-onit M ty-t he posmed godet Iostie. Tits oh ers as itdthe tri fIlo.bhonBaya.. owhta tgs t .to 1. 6 l 'ShtoS u e IeiraaOtasgh. "Wlîttt? W'oohiyou baf o t Smnsons sntine tomtnnos i e. - a ayo n elty nSpt O * tebalom,?lmelitaopai s smoit itlanit,nor prlnî Mr. Cocnt ndtsainetoffil n îthe DU ~ __ '" ~ <tm ton ery lasi oho wosfutlta Il tastn ittotottnufttonpte.,.leenooasmltte moRe W pay imisfar bètoOnodi 'g, aùniue opootatfy adeoinyataStfot oonitts 1TOe ohefartendttapia lier." w .~ ~ ~pmoutoattoLady Beuverie. Be assurli I uoudtr ho! nooregard mt-?,,fIt pric tosp imo ntonytoho n d oo i o ttn SiTeo ao fermard itotoooyittotoli STBÉETSVILLE, ONT- 1 ~~~~ 'Z~'~tBi oal ot otonry t pIntoss flie." sanvoearnty, bot fnd nptm fer no. camuihlsaeylir;bttoaoerteki n oldsacl Os coldy-- mynolf t 2n domS Ston gnonS aneetutona.Andi fonidon"ý - "I oonder sonitd*t t'tonta ietoa Ilion otnc lelintmy soand tf: Dýaooetos, Cr ga n aat'.BaAND sLLIOOSCOOOOO thâtn1tshlpianoda toa.0 onettoast qIiii-ky-"lldo'yon the jiceitu n s lcot. mYs hoooiy. hoiut oatno. TorontsBontoiSMiatC Cre ingngoad LahitnRond o- ' "F _ as nur .cieonlnt.dtttin' tt" teist z -Sù Pic n ù*soi h ottîie tand diai taino1sBS DSaktotut hu a ht u.nt 'tiyonbaand THECOOK'SBEST FRIEINO -CAR Rauta luigLaBnvrI OA Gr E S-e eerenBr M bati tit oittou Be titof ."Àoo ttt lptcooOtt]Ie, to nd il' yfocrtoipoant on thes .tfott __________ itotonooor,. 1O nyittegt itnult tfté i m -Asa tri ath t 71,' t ynnpst t tnos 'tnfît rmn t rtic - - tf d.fO wrloniyatr ta m tt."Ono twitoa, tiles oitbtitt efl oe intDto ieau hlodSpOngt:. t 'Yetodo DU love me, yenoor niey1" - titit2?"l-"nnaimouibutssdont lie mo.Lo U 11FI.tDuoseiomnies.Ohte ottaie.2.totoaeOet.a__at',stnm. I'o gel ,ol 1. . >i 1dal' c r loth'erelleniOs tcoSastten e. omatiimrs 1amIl-mottoren. Sontoal nie Il ttl Mvndsnn 'otmnn f fr et,"E V Ud *, Wii rtot her naf usi ao ou o t tà t1on; hbuto aIýtoYB yen a euere, t u uhttla. NerdStînt.a amaofontdohooinnha pentoo W o uo. ttosoo par dtfoagstah sore o," ' i ffrbt m t ».tho r t o usifa S va toernmog' ahdo ;.sîseee Wn$300,l tu e ENZI..d.opunt. 00 th l o ti Itsylnlierit ttehlSpimsseln. mo i Pafoon hon tord,"pasy lets et" ontSps totor ou int ; xe ct ovt"n orereMpoae n a tmo.'a 0s t cK a i nisomo thoa unu _____ LI motttoo nan o 5020tha oahtto tutSSof h'te~no~îiifopgfa tep aintotassnty $1,0Oso 5000. drppTgftrn-m.aonn cuoooit t itan. a rives a réqîted.OficeoOe-FOH lI S.ZPZ EP '!o oonfnoSt oato heponieot mit n tle w t o ftt000liY altt5tiyot. Iom nOomins =otot B )qovçàismstni Ial otoStignd J. evfTeIa ttotdfotnfnfoS tto-cns ontrn adyBtttn Snoa io augfOis anto urcs!toona td.fit nio siyrc.- onne. Norl000 Wt oIt,1"0n55 soa n f ooaots li ofo i ir gaot b i sh ai tu a f tsatail leoti an do nt ptlo an s io ta n e r Thn cyonst a oehtooro Ishfio t -tWhou _1lIty - t1 1 11m ,11t 11toh ag" n nsght ant o ot omisee sot !q.ofleas biota oun d fghtuueti ns.t n t att npttolt ni htat atiaovdl ieo nt r V eoit s recSt.dée0tu t l l- al olt artfor ta oto tt i oasn mfntear Ili Oîii iv e m0i ýt g Vos îictation: palnesson M y bu istit B. rop tiST T t Siea Ttittzl 0t nfitsicnoonîtO h nS t h ano t ea aifOttovelvtagnkynwilral est allo__________________toril__aî<t donthes npfrltaerjar. ohingy80 instcJaeowath' foamfo. 'Intiptim. oftnti trtaontei.ot ittiooos ~ 5~rit0îo ~t o t yonnhi=mobn toto %ite om Ay 1 htsonnas ttoo noth la otag i 03 oysa ata s NonoieRESih.0 hý 'a onrn.yiatfoll a't' nitngiattTtooftnoi.Stoyigttormlette t ~ ~ ~ Iaa faa eute.mmO. Truc wi am en th n afot.bosnioaiuqistooaSn Sthenlnro ;Cr .YTrn h s otoIanon thepoeo f MilrS ton it. oyunnng ca5o lonoaller hyheein- edo asg ai m iitt, oncl tmomhbc t.oit r n everin a t ti ýt.o hitat. DlontnSturvuaBPIL rturd.Ofceâ<stFoa = 1a nth; -<" outr'" ' SaIneY t i tnt yi n toa ont.I m t osi Oo nd 'N oseutoiWsDonI t,"rdttaos -l'IlîBayfthae;nifuletahno d s ipplo oo' ltto rioi itadil vnntotionant.ns..t uSa' tstmoyor'ittllte nitoTaortkiatotheu Ïtatootchoiorai modération ronbc ttontot ST.~ odifremonfooto' Nnptonage atain t e s tt ont !nye Vyso-o sA o 0 I ooaf"I erpibeta nyiabnolihoatu."BI l o noo a do usogdtl Ntaohouigmd~f fpatiotonottt M"t5s1r11hSh" d I 'tt'atinyt.tors: 7' tni t . f ne.h - ,ii to..olcoil.<Sawto nl.sqtiottia o~~~~nt n m of it ' bnd Ten mno teteutiPof a W iSnfsov dat!p.and < nFi tafa .k 10 a.t M.,.....o..ottn3. P.0 eoni.abmtatmoY tootoiim fato onttoeita 11if'tDoshegf ~..~iifldlFiinrhlnlitnlitay onoo ftoor han~'sof -n _.tt, . t~f5,Olittsottitt.tIdfyitm httottis hYib tiiîsog "JrI' HareseE ON PARE OU TOWN Brhe LAR PAT G. PEB CENTt a inSsf Ootlsf Ototoirto thVslEsf EniihCanadiato on ittO.O ,m~ osot 2o Adtllitn. rut, lsnood~ifttrimtiotP.'t i t I '1

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