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Canadian Statesman, 26 Apr 1888, p. 4

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Ulr nd thiiet g-ot 1gh r orne» iei luty oug. 9 0L *creitlr!- moz i 0100i0112,. -Tooplial amlon aotiýone rio..... 0 f lie te conteIr To u atb >00 e d e our jr * , T hl jolu>t as WhooodnS eeoi orbee oeed ou ar gn dba Aodpetterio a.vO'mani.Tan loNit oorkdee. i 111noi Ta.oIL, o00ture.'-.C t , Seomet Pom E iO)a oe perdeeplic e0i bon10g 0 l>0ejn o ve emedle"mef, ioeeeefl.ed reo tu A" Iii the dYo o eîe 2.>Th>oueoow o tejo -I t>~oe . L o u wi00 th11a Tolte neaqyomtyý . ir, o o>atroot, y":1 fullO Cepi ots, ote, Fre>0>Çp1 te tribmdofer>0ý>tb > p e. mho i>dmoto t or 10.000000. . yJejh .ryoL to0o o m t iee And.pti>eegh tev-. eméeet lo i . Th eoeepouai ut o 0tsed. eb 1eo~ieeoBae.eb r ,ts For te otry h o ât itei, e>t> leee'ol eocîeaPef ew rie Stte loCr*.ie> ltiesîe 81>011 - Pleeto,àt Amoeg 11>0f -coi. i Frl:l«lî, gédmoiiàý . f».ý"Pins tbu e ioe grreH A - T ni Er l îe en o wera = 1rclgtho pilyO o'iifel u >t1> M rgeJole ..Wand PO.L.Àirt l> eiftegf liewog e de t l io reh e ber> 000 Oh 000 0and0>00>nt 0, U orMrt. h ey oîie- . . s iy . e te ri>i"adehg o lve ae eesr> ie e e>îe, rooe. et c. . . Audeel e, oe t e_ ToFroç ta, 1 -, * >~0eî - deye le tiîo rîiy, bot bodjk a naL o,'abtn utho il1o o rfand foud evry depte. rtooe et , i>o O riir 05leg e ie eise iiieoteioi. oetrits0 odit ero> evee-etthemeei188r. LObe 00>0050 e 0000000 __________________and1ehie 017nadie>lVhoe tbcprd ose ph Hrb t b âri t ehiaurticle te T he hd o 1 a C > stbi n, , od reo - e eeg'eA oc j tMe o st col e m i p t o i e lv h e 0 5tufir r m h a 1 0 e u r e70 or, e gli etlàO r G oen h '; - - --7- - T shon h rh l>oit- 0î0to yoer.1505. Tht> Deteait 'Jmreei, a> ÂfNew o rk tt iosior ot, 721 r e i, des r Pnteos Msaae-ngofa . ie rmoie redeTm om Shal ove css tagise o±ee ercott1i>i bti 11 h& e d, i hotie,-t rdl-flo o rnvA eLco amal-n. lorOeupw i etn 0CI 0 - pioeeVubi cSt.ýCLU oI _>t >rpob c eder1ioCISei ety o b ni cU WOsiUn e pa% - V 0Or 00 ottisdceod oide i rc e ii> ehuuI haer1to 00a et>0tO 0 vr 1e le.hmelo>d noi lcetàteec AOeoOO md Plee Veei e lo>lrpel.feei1 o rol>te ciir e0r>bloe le1o>ciaituoraie.TrOt>euP pl>trtnh ehr il orbioe 1~ot>od;1>udY roiferelorme t 00biel coeea S'teeeett0O He ook Mr Lady Jouee Oeoy'e 'rie4 clbp a27 toi 182.* - f i. 4-..Oji i s or.oOcroc»>l--s-*-b--- ai- ablpteqot.tu 'nîouîaiio-0 ortloVooe sd lo t ot>eon.r an e t as eiogoir.>.t ooAn00 laiee>0 ta5W Milt>n, omto ltvoetoto-hocoilioo -ydeoeee. i rooi>,'l. hoceeo lto erdvoo 1 potteîdhyt A oc-pe>te hi e oleî e lpcloly.uirote.erea'.tlBsmoc cocly. Fieyr>yiove>e nnte. aoPiOoieobgCe. .il, 02Mece Ssehbt~oo sv01ua11l e h riiefrto eps tts 1Mou ur>07Set At oboutlo 104brnne 9i lcru ld'i i 401 Seethrb talbutduh 0rmetbuidseitmthoeeir-uoYfileoi>ge (/1 ooe'doee; hî ttle er l»oeo oteietio C o.,cdt o nt ar>ed tot .18 ltceo ltue e teVOplOuO idon ee trtdiob1 o1a.tia. t . e» ie lav.I> in o>o' l .. dite ritimeort> "YornS u ioetIle'>00luironoo eotb, plue ubrst 0 l>oe-icori>i e ta00-0 00iet!Oe. A>oi uu,>upo ad ioodh Ill .leTol>atentrtraskc iler p star. > ibolZ i loe'laoieY Ie e o edcuoeheohoc11 eioboot ebliynS loge-tîlgdetd oebr>oeerei o s teelion o ely leetr> ee -A vn o ed ayg i>ovtbal>oe. î oiveadCon obr> jlf> l or tde orne , arlinaecto tbt oS o1ovoefl d tire 11 Jcto~ cetceHre ol i T. £V. P o w Aor i of d ol> e uedra-> o e e it1ro opoo vîe»ee' >olgt wr bi , id t lot . tir' bis.Ld aFuamtie 11>nnas v e aater>ogOOeri p oo -t '.. H er>oa- ae lid loi lst te oan d P l H -ri'laC o reT het G o oreetoretla Sieaoe roc toocattotooitje14e- vî L00o0 iîu>irrMeit>e.~ ~0 tIo orroe 'rj>oleile-> -taobih h nyobo ' Ol . OoY di D Seeu, CooliSo eilemmoetnais- CIO-troirl(,"to'e1i l>rr. -Mi a 1>e1n,,"richonght ta bc it'î e lro> r -doa>bolîo recphl. a r>mterrOoredlO ri>etie dist oct),Amuero ae doTen, t, e lo e nau i rus - eRs - t i s sî ov mustancr no e ri > gi e dm t i etew o sp ort e t adm c tc 5 0 onta e a e eo ol D hu , oo m e b s .~~oiJ0et>cioeltOe0lr -hc ooci> o tln 'ei>Ioer peetige a ch lgrtrt aofeparate alepn l o Xi.p- .Oc . all Be etcec anu Mr. oor 'dhî o poc ttbe ebisO ne t re . ,ithe-cdn ih e p oe rchnpl o tc m h roetieg l be b u- b ion so cfd ceirr0it~ ecod Teoreb-ade~doSe'toeo0ceioel-poieictemhloen' eri o semecg'sfocaleyhalva to orbie oii l riL tlefeee epo.i t 0p vorji 0 g >l tio 10Nha 000re 0003> moug i t e u - T e ApSEOild- o t a fo e glecture at t qoî15grio0O1 >~> ~ > isreee ar eu'11 eP oe Xo slt> > c eO F e toie'r0 ibel, 1,tleS taristr>-1)eP e tertet greicul ilitriutii_ýinii - L oro e '-0-lot u ll fe ms vlllce. îdî'bWè e t a -Soien s>c1e. ro V eso isecg o er Î-e c a00 nhe ' etls flu i mleoc ga~toigefie>.Iistccamoe eti.- P HF 1 O t11 ,W a wthlorn oe itocydoo seul ione mtit aotbaeyie,-eptg-01.88' d82 -----ar bouleloee.lbismanagemeettnteidc er>> lr n . Pen manon tO>e.e' er onme h 8: 5teor ý;ý '%%Yitii a ss.'iel c ptieu e ci P O d o ai te s pu ry ivcly. -M r - - - £ 2 t ae £ heitosn Jmih W senN w -o , . ePal ,t dolblasa dm y 0ind vee 40reire"tlbs ,e r,. .I ec>erO "e i or seoitTao botom~lT08 - Gg, dowvnto Ropî -For a'thino' h A&nd Sot our titblè 'Plui dOooelo »e CrO ~ ~ ~ M A leo s Olwn eoo fios miS EIHDS Up.'- t TEASAJ 'JNo-67- Dui dots Sý ss-ct Sws.A.s ikey, Hà>ijt*onent reî« RE AGEAiTS FOR-W.MI. has aSsplendid assor-tment or t d ,,M oltons, & .ý, & cl - . cloth.i. nfrior ininateria. 0 too, will ho' fotind to ho i - . . quality of theo goods he seou I .e.therSby ag"e Or-by oeariilg im- - ytopt s it oub6very respect ____________ BALOH F ILVyI ), cloent> kSîrooS. CC h. G 8 t o ieo1o GlOG i dé,- - - '-I Grat Dovi f au ki.dof. -The esueelber.wmiti!Ofr OasI déBosxdsiWlie Me ýmesoy alb eth( itrooe ooeeL O. V >~> ~ Buib~1 fi Lude. ~ 1ooOOIWAT I 00.0000 0< 7.000>1. LWAT >07>0. .~ j i- w ns, ASS, ý cna 8od ~ubbo1 J . . . . . . . . . .

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