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Canadian Statesman, 19 Apr 1888, p. 4

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loAl T 11 Ô.% fA S co-mi ci'- Ait. Pl pps. Pd OFFICF.-In Colle -lu ris .......... pn rHE LEA Di ,i,- LITTI C't, th... J..t F put -t. 1 Wh, 1 but ore 'Pl.1 111-1, min.. Th- .1- 11;!". -, 4 t h ý l ý1J fil 0 Il . noul CT"C) W.Y -4 th'ir 7-= 2.1ýz "It e th,,ý vtr the -notr% C.t ýý, ý , - 1. à ý - e J: §e alýlctea.bmt are now-well, and thé par- -- , -aff-ael Il ' .!f,.IýIniiiëi*of'het.WJU ýK'1 i,ýý--;ý147iý-ý,-ý.ý,e",eýt,-v- ,p;s - ' , ýGUd Dick r--Shali 1 tell &-tic' ; a fou. - . - ý1I--.; ,gýsjàmýcy o. h.ný1 ï.d id, Te ý Iiieg-t it * ý1ý j_ý 1, ' I.- . ;. ý ' - un - !i - - 1 .. ;- ,t'W. 'Il ,ý, -them' - miturally solicit. ý . _= È,11ký,1;t4,,ýý_,ý l1,%ire'ý1-ý ,ýý ý , m8t ing are Lý.bjoü.ondme1'_'zý"' ý"---,ý ' ' l' --ïalièýb; ,thérè'ý4ý._ ý . ýý., ý' . ... ýa 1 ,4 '. t1ùitýfi é.>k - , .. ý ý"4;Marf; z W of,91ý"rnd tt0AM-mt'f.ý ___ý1 ý icins au otiiersi troubled Us %rare they, ý 1hoý'CMyi tiiil.-ýi V-V. - , .. 'e'_ýi - -, -, 1, ý.- J; r w 1 ý ý - - . - ý ý ý1 Dfcoai-so'-t-" --eéË,iýthl, y coucher, 1 cm, . ýý ,àW unticwcneý -, -, ýý ý, ý yýýow;ýIie menus ofeure. Thora 'II -Baya. Qth TM À 1ý,2e-M M-M29M - -- - - . 1ý ý .. . ý', ý 1 .. I - > - 'ý ma ,-,,,t,,ï..,-An:théràf,,ï,ay,Èaiuugýt.tanquwy-i wugtg - - ' 1 ! ýý1 - 'ý -.ýGhî1 L Lre, . ý .. __ý,,,,,ý ý,,ý;. ',-,',, , 7! ý 1 f. ý - ý ý ý -, w- . . 1 1 , 1 1 i ".,ýki.ý -1%11 Il - . 1 7" - . 1ý11 'Il Ili lie reaSOn'Why Yeu .1 1- 1 f ý ý ý , 1. ' , aboula bc longer iibn-1- the èoàùer flic - ý - t 1 1 .. Îzî 1 - .. ý - -- ý Niffl, 4e..,, andat oi2cià;e: The Ationther np'abOve;ý>rYY1 - , - , . » Il worla aboula bu told, ý ý . -l'ïýUlýgu:ýu, 1- , *1m -1 --Iïe,ý ... 'téIià'1ýthcbý , . ýý-_i ,Il g 1ý__ utipw . ýý,-i, ý t-' . . . - .- 1- i!lý front ki11nûý;; liver -and stoutach - . ' __ - . , F - - - !. 1:ffl -11 ii ' i. ýý Fý r . ' . ý :-i ý . - Il ý troublès. ,yoncombo euredas'ncuas . tomentl reach homo 1 »ah*,ieu.iliy nertat'absurd.ýansiety, «ý1 w _ . e 3ý . ýýý . _ _ý . ', I'.. moth - bu appèaýipý . , M ý"N'. ., . c4.ýý"E=, ( , or. _ . _ MME ,ý ifiâ 't-, PL . , _zi . ; tff ý ý1, ý lZc : i Il ; . - - :11 . ý;, * e, ctberi' -DÔ---tloligerUa)-tiontmont, -!" - - ', , ", -,!i,ý, -'"'hit6,o,* "' - ddi .. - 1- - î " , , 1 1 ý . e ý Il' ,>.f,,,ý. , - « ý- B ýý1 EèIL ý'. .0 .1 11 1. fi. , .ý t-ý--' býquita'YôtI., linhi ;n K 1.'ýý ;ýý, -ý r - -'. - , z .7, ,c ,ý à 1 will re. .. - . ýý-_.-1.- - - - - il #c-ltèwc goïm-, - ý _ .,.,!ýZý,,L, - __ sod."VV-Qtm ý ý " ý, ý , ,lJolbrcs*abrinks-iroinjam.. ýagi n;ia - ýýe--z7 ; 'ffi;ý s=1îý z , . a,; _noz..ye 1 ý ý-i. -', .1 1 ý 1 - ý! stýro ý Le . perchaucut, heulth a a - ... - ýý .... 1, à 1 _. - ý ... ý ý ig u V. ý ý 1 . z-,.Éa 1, bqt tO'ýday obtair, ti et whiell. . . - 11- - - ÈIII is*,rict1à8f;ýeffil At 1 -, - '- , > ý , - - . , .ýôu o - *,Iob,. U nîcnüw;Inaeeulýt_!. ý 1 'l,_;Iiil. _'-ý ýý1 , ý - --r ý. il' LU lc,ý ý _ýý ý, e9sý, ý 9 .-ILI Iý . - t iprépar( i 'eV ! .ý - ' Il 1>1 ý ý - - ýý _', .. ý ý -&il - ha iàys. growiug very - - - .1 1. - ý ý 1 - ý(ý- .1 ->,% îf, ý- _r ee ý1 ,,1_ýý, >ý, 1 ý ] f .. ; e - mon, 8 - -Éale.- II DO ý net uut f 1 'iý _1 ý,ý. 91 " .,ý , 1ý , - - ý _ . _, J"Iove,;an H' ,_-,ý-ï,ý,-'-ý . , Il - ,?ý -,. . -ý4 , ý :1 ý _: . _ý'!_ ,_ . ý ý iti 1 * .', m -'l . ,ý-1-; -;ýý 'K ] ' borthi HAUMTON, tell your mother Yeu 1"' - - - - 1 -i:,ý% . -11.,ý-- r ý ., _iý 4;1 - ý,:,ý,;"ý r,;7.ý7 _- ', ý > : _ 1 ý l"; 1 ýL i,1.'1 _ . 1 : -', . ..... t'MfJýxCNàb St.; * tue mülhory ý r. , , ýý1,'rc> r ý CI , . . -cm ýý, 4 i 1 ý ý 1 ý ý : .. NOV. 2,«,188G.-i liait boue suff«rý But whyliot, mylleq'l -St?.Iioiv"ydi ,ý - _ . ý ý : ýýý 1 1 -l", Il ý 'Ir ", Coût - . Ïfi -.z ý 1 ý - . - 1- ... àaigac6louriSurelyyouaromet 31' ý.É,î;,i hie'n, ;ýýl..b._L.-dý -1. 1 - - ýý_ , -ýZ, ýý-ýr, - . fý l - _. ý-._ . --f_4,ý,ýý,,,,-ý;I-ý - -*ý èçE1ý7_ .. ... .... __ . ý ,à ' - -1 ', ý à,ý - .ý ., ý_ l, , . ý. -_ ý - _. ... .ý . 1 - u, - - in foi:ovortweutyïenrafromaPa'n'n II - - -, ý'11caniffine- nü, , .. __ ' 1ý __iý ,.-,- 1 , . , ' , ý ' ', , , - ' ýq t 0 !ýý- 3 ý 'LI ', , ý7 , - _ýýt,ý. ý. . ý "Il, ý ËI. , '. ,hg. bp;ck au , ci iný mother 2 - -ý -, ;r1,,ýý ý ýý,ýýï ýýâ ï0 l ,., 1 - 1 _. ,;-.,.»,vý14X_", ý'-ý _-ý,- ý' ! 1 . . 1. ý. a bue Bi o of the bond, and ,., îh MY. balLig b.t1à Il _..ý ,ý-,, ý ý .-ýýlýW e ý : ; ý, e._ ý , , _., 1 . ý . , 1 ; « - Ne- nul,,-LhastiIY4 zIioIi;ýwith-Àýý ý Wb. ha . . ýý? -1"1f'1Zý1ý >.- - ,ý. - - ; ... 11, «- 2 '. - ii, ý1;_1, _. > 1 -,.- . - - ý .. . 1 , indigestion. J COU]d est Scarcely any. 1 - ý 'ÇýF ý.I .ý e . " - ý.r-_ . _. 1 - ý- ,, , , 1 scialen shr6mofacedtintlifulness- and Un ý ;_ _ __i 1 1 , : , ý , itýý!à ,-ý-.,Âý- ,,xý,iâlà - Sï , ý . I tbInq,ýaOd evérytiiing J'aie disagroud - ý;ýICr.- -, ý - , , . ,ý.,,ý7- ý _ý !, - , ýý, , . ý - -é.m.ýut'Ïàýiiio-,,biiývmnýir--O*; M7 ,iý _ _ 1, ' - , - -,ý1 1 P IMM E action of the hoad .,& .týi;lýiiý, _ ý __________lý - - -1- . - 'ý 1 -Sinians adorable downward ii ý . 1 -,U>.tb* blil'i.fii' 1' 'ùiUiý 1 * -, u ivith me. **I ",ýiLý,*,,ttended by Pli% _ - % ri != z ýý î . . 1 ' itliinàïàab Votr.We :ý1,1-.àcl'éülÉ,ýï*o-,lDffàiï;ilf.- âRIMY. ' aisoýfrýPWB ý ý-an&the" ý1ý 1 ý 1 ll - .tý libo eiàminecl nie and atuted thàt 1 boa . - - -Au exprassionýýo -siýïe ânociaty; ir, -ý i, R , -.1tîîtrue; thouýh;'I ani-"àfra 1 idzoi r5M i bernocrat ýýý- ,ýý-ý , . L 1 otie-pli 0 ira il, , 1 1. ý>ý ý, fmtls ý _:. i . . 1 1 ,, ý, A bè lutely ; . - ý 1 ., 1 o lu - . ni _I. _. , , , ', . . pu mi . nlarget Je. t Oftholiverau . '-' - '61,ýDùIore0,ý--'fil - ý *"iipon'ýýbii-whiti;faàe, 1 .ý- Thl. f - , ý cure . 'Thcy qUèOà-ý'hû 1 . tkâàditba'Ilà t"oaàwý lîýV ', iýïM.'un-Jq', top, ý eîB ange"mommfnl..'déapairiagi,'-,j ,ýý , ' 1 ý 1 , ,ý .. -. ý ,ý e , ý . ié . -', ý . Il But. darling, ',]Î,ow obticird 1 - z;M ý r, --1reýtbîî:iüý -itéýot'elibiiwiiài . ïr* ' 'à - - --ý,, - -, «. - ý >ý ' C) ý tbut it wàs ' - . -' 1 derné.,ý si . , _ Z' - artively, ýi,ý ý-1 - ý, .A ,.,ii;.l .ro4tý. >, _,ý-i ý al ý ý 1èý', ,,; ý., ,ýý. .-Iil...ý ,IUI1- ,,ý",.. ,ho gluýncinà f -.1 - )ratty.d&Wty« fige- in th, ,lue d,,jI . î 1 __ . "., . ..il, .;i , . . ý,ffl. îè ne - '-.-.lkU..i;-];Ii.s,ýd 1-t «" -1. ý . e. aise ïa . 'Il . ý , . ý, - ý. ll-dý, I1ý.V- ,ý,1,.,. Po si -I W4 - 'Aù ite ý ,> , ý . ý ý ý_ ý': ý . - - _.ý. ý, vý th.il th . . .,.11,,.,y ý abc, ý su ý9 Va way. ý ý - -. , e ý,,ý jýj p -Il I !41-.ýz_ :ý*;. ý,ý'.,,ý ., '.. ,-. - -ý, 't." , ,,,,ýý"",b.inkinlaýdibetanificelý361oàÙroosof&:doW.-ýiutUng--wita colion .f. . , j 1 i', 1 ' . . ý ring,,from Il art -il - ùd whon sho au 1 --".I..tttl." a fi. - bu -a pih. à ý ý ý ý,._ , 1ý . . , ,:, -tiýýgt. -.1 eh.I,ý.-II a 1 . ont .ý.ýg ter ý . - 1 . ,*» -in-lawl am GQý . 1 U, -!mt,.J.ý, litigliti, .,rlo,,t,..t short kiduejý-discase, .ý - , ý ý bliaud- IISUI14 Il sa ZCZXXI e31iii--ýl ... 1 1. u, 1 » isé tuf . blnader, ilig La giv. : 'V _.U - _', ,,--,-,a 1'... 1 le -an lm 1 ý - . hoartecl'âfidlàélàed »tb- the-ýbýiKofthàtýýitritlýivith W light ,a et ],,ai in ha ' r ý dg .ýl.ý.1.ýlii., LQ., .ý;.i J'I'. ...o..f.1 . i'é .-ý : -, ý . '111, 11,t"", _L he .oldjü ation , . -ý,, - , ý . ý,ý 1 ý ;...Y.,It.,ýL sa ce, .and that if m . . - > .. _. -ý - il. 1, ý . erérlr£.>_?,ý 11,k,",,.Iý -di: Il - -, ùlyjd lion 0 ý ý - . ý;B . m . ý* ý - , I. . . ... 1. .1 ý __ saible for me ta Olt, IL isn'b thatl', Baya or' - ë 01 tha"f'nýeèaÏdea oýéi'zi,àib siiie. hap, ,eyM-ý;-_ -ý , wt ý r , . . ý_ 1 - _r - , . ny.... 4 1, . . Iý..haveIýeà;wùthý.0lfayG .-.ý .-ý-z. ý, 1 1 - 1.1. Z_ý . .t.l.,..[.J,.Jý ..d.."i: a"I' . . chitisaudcatarrh, - . . ,ý,, . 1 ý . --l; . . TlleY atiencied .. flac thrce with a sudden filet flush .a .'tD:ul.h .j:.,-ý.-- .ý'.'ý l .. - I. - , , '. ;. , .. - ; 1 ý. , - . . .. Ion M-.11,ali. ,Iiy, .. . . . - __ _ - Guy implore. 1, ly, UPOU.T . Ï lie aàtI3FMr.ý#Ua . 1 . - ' 1.:,ý ý,, .. , éi,.ahernIenàtii.' ý , . . ', f . ý . ', . !_ 3y ,.,Wi that s#s 'SInwIý a - 1 - 1 1 ' M e II sa a or, , ý . ber ta > , Bake ý ýr 1 1 . > - - .. thout-inaking dijýjtY very chaFmi F. a litti- ZL ýiý7 ý - ý - , - -ý, ýý - . Ment in Iny èonditio . ý , , jý ùt-.;ein,,Oned Pa , !ý o Yeu thi Ahat , . ý __ _ , ; fý.ýý, , ý L . a ud eudcarà loin ,ýý.ýAý -âîêùâ;I,:ýBsïà-"Miàïý.Jf 1 , - , ëý . lot eiie'a love mukesher-prcigréss'to;pqý *IýIi.-, i.'a. why, 1 r-WIio' hava' neier'be 1 * thom. _' ,: ý i%,ý-,---(11-v- -- ýe ýh èi, yin athis Un , ýt hyývaèitý, _p , , dur; . ý--, - Cý',--, i C . - - ý, 1 - ý 'l IIE .SU.Xl),% y .StgI ", n. 1 ccSinienceil 0 more. ul .. 1 . 1 ý goplj' ,ý . ý ý5)L. in "Wa cr's Sure Cure-, and i Il I do net drocun Liait abc will abject tohousc; Site ý tries ta bifieve'obé'z'ilsinýre, .ýùeýýýyýýp.. ý Pt', - - ý )'1ý> à Ë-t . r t ý nie; but there in somi V, _, oue!t:wëie.only selves' __ ý - . . . , !.ýl%':trner's Sir. -pillg,,, actingatrict, bâclai as __cGIý8 . Ma '« J__%1«.Ck,'ý 'ie: '. ý u ý . aterday ;!7- ;, _ ý.- ý ,ý , , , ' ýý - - ýý"1 . ý. . . . ý - ýl.ý . -., ý ý'. ý -SSON FOR À . ething about ber. mad haste ta teil-her talc,-yetiiûicomcîî-ý 1 ý ý.,ý - à .- ý:_ , il ,ý l' ý , 1 .. 1 M L' 2ýx» - 1 contact ý explain it; *.,-batl'--obe gladlyaüy ,deLayý that ,ki Cu t - , , - . itýiÉýd thnit. . . 1 . ý . ý ý . .1 ., > : _ _!ý il . . ý . . . LE uli-to dirûctiousý.as te diet,. and ta, , * ' in , ý mi , zLUM,,.,.ý - . 1 , ý ho Cao 1 , , .1, . __ _ - ý ý -- ý"- .- . , ?" _ il t ... , ý , -- - .%*-Q.f tlJmà'ý _4- - Dolores . . , 'l' ý_ . : .GINS comes bffera'..Ier. . sidw,ý,wý- 'l -- - . ý, -11 - ý - ý il . Gýàn" dO'l -tci'Uopei,'s finfi g(ýtýý ;, - TUE TiN - Héreý ahWý etops;, lyhut, C , - .1 __ . M. el i «. Ome; Ulis, aýnd Sli'Oi-tl),.C.L(I-ttiý into ber t3yeg-.. 1 - làckýa ;.ny y 1 a Cam. , ý » S ý1-î,ù1,7_' ;ýý allieure, abc fIoweraWdýto' as. r,ý,.-Iiia.ý,e ioi... f-O ý - ùàt "' e ý . . 1 * - thirty-six bottle§,.,-alla bave Il 1 il pauses, and- alittlà..urjouq : , ý My regular *III du ýp1 - gliaiting "AiniÇ:e curions Y., - -, _> , . Matu 1 1 ý,ý . fý . , . 1 Y;r ---UATT.ý,xxvý -13 beiit of beaith avoi since.. au n' , ý, . ' -1. ýý .ý_ _ . '. gent . buahoit- ,àvertea, t'Mt iýý - ý _'e ý ý ý . .. ,ý, . 6',ù,"; - C, hp Il- y 1117 il inosa der a Infibulent impre ' . 1 . t ". ý là 0"the Iiiiid jIf, Illalz, NOTF4.-"'17icet.,--Ivg,,, .. the bon of welght oued té'lie 180 Ibn. burin YOL 1" elle Baya alowly. -- Sho BOIQYn," and habitacle fi, Rive its in . -_ , ýt,-asYB - - ý_î_ l' a , IVIII, ,, - , - - ,-,>,.-j l' , clommenud M'bon 1 il --«Îdisgràýarîîl - ,,, - eut la bar. ieconoc. i . ,1ý , z , - - fý. , ý . ý "Warners Sure Colot- I will bu the one to aestro Lia - lui nAmesake, a ý4;enloymý. __ __ 1- . . , ta- " ', 012 th'at abc watts IL te malle herro'0121 . , .. . Il Il 10 . lm .;1-.',_ýý ý. ;j :, - . '; ý;. , , > ,- ,;,,, . 1 - 'à t ý Our tàb1&,ý11eel'y ý - 1 - a in thoir bain,, 210 IhSý ". . E Again Bhe pauses. S a bas 0l' 0, __ * For;â.-t n: - Mau "l'a" cOme-ý " Vir.qin*s.,'-Tite.r. Oilly *ý%,ciglied 140 Ibs. 1F. LI .-ýý va ýta8, il . rit . - . il grown deadly white, and noir elle rkissa t; ajic'L.boreighe,ýliugg--lýo _ -_ 1 6 0, MY :9 ab an - ce a over or. % - ý .. 1ý -gins.: it in - .v Wei . lwas àt tr -8 1 _Àýîâ- Part'of .. . ý . ' ý . 1 ý are , - « - ' . . . l, OnC bond dfiGafa.h.hCarkon,ý0 ogmjpugýof;-Boméid : a n DOW. a ý 1 - . ýO -ta ber beaulin a tort th - 1 - - - a ionàý . . - , ýý,; . ,ý . ý 1 . ". . ;': 1 1 . drnpéry Of tl'o'parabiL.- flic bentifýÎ - ' ' 1 . . . .murs 1 . _ la i - - ý Te a _-ýL - 1 . 1 ý ý '. 1 ý il :y BP02ial rocaningin the nue ý lz--"Ig.6ýesti 1 Il arc . Ili ý . .. è _ - _ . But aile inaBteà li î , ý . - . . Plain ai'dOi-ý3aLncütfLl cokes bfeverv ileser . ', ý ý , . ÙOr is thoré eýý iOliýthO PuPils of hàr large ayés have Y-0., cru Iýi,1rl l -i Joli- amiable . ' . 1'ý ý. ý . i 1 1 a 0 ý . , - - 1 , . y of pain; And ancià. oral ;.- ý_- ýý Y jall-powerfal; holps Il ab. Pleâ" OÏ-aiàyoirfëvol-Fieaiý]ý, -ortlcri;ýf The Jewg. nber toi, ,2,!ý dilated nervously. . ý ý1;1 b ve.itaez ' ....... ' éve,;the . . i se . _ ,,,,, ., il t - , ýý ._ . ' the girl mustijivéi . IL la à * ý ý . P 6 Pt attéîi!6ù,*BbOuld bc in no ., - 1 deIi9Iitedýr ici .filet , . ý -i -é%- tués 1 o, o 'bol a Il t - . uunib' - II Dolores, what aie Yeu 8 Il 21, or. ah* stoppa ta lilb a tiny beetlq ores ' * , 'o . THARURES, Ir expres. the eaiellea Pathway, anal layinj, il th . . ;.b t won. . , ý , ,..4,.": .1>ýý t ,citer tll.,IiiDi !. «_ eA-ý i t- 'flic carth -cou' ---:-"TQ mai .- 7. sien. Oro 49 '.,derfui mastery overý Bali hoWnver, and - _ - - 1 _ . . l . ý - . 1 and IL 'n','Iit hCV- bilan . nor, : 1 quiets Beuverie, Elle l'i ý '.. 1 S.- -About six C", a - , an 24, 1 zcunelly open leu ýuuwu. . %., ... or lit - . _1ý . - . - bar ýmaid , . 'Es, ', 1 ý . VV. a cet ' Taille gratis, Sl)t:tasH.d tboiii- lu -owe6t S 1 ne iPréves the etréngtli. of the soul within ------7z7ýý- -, --- , - ; , ý . sIsses-m Of flic' brillés. CA y n , ibkindIýlhOIUBwards. ý ý :, ' ý .,F.-. .; . . ý1 . as col'ta'n'ng th- -Ofi.r.h su fferer . froc . -don ivas - dOwn ber UPIifted bond, ha ý , - .11, 1 Il. . . . eaolleb',Ii.r; bat it tours lier heurt -in twain. . ýý -, ý ý . 1. ý - 1 iii-izi' r i8cauc. an ' holds it ýIuseIy in lits own. - His touch AU tbeau dé1cIýz arc sa Ïmany wily de. 'tioci.111 crp LI Bac ,ýCo ,ùOthave&ýHcrIipn are bloolles . . . 1 *. (ý ý , 1 painfuilli, vices 0 -fUssibly aU13wèjçdý h; :t - ". ý -blirýzl-,.,,l ., 1 .., ý ilde bricleyl "'-]3 lit 'a à rêàI Coming. , ý ý . en ý a au as on. -%.. , . . . ý..ý - . ý . Il . . l ', i '. -.141or file f,,ý1i,1, ,,,, - lhersto leu-thon out-hoi rond Il, S; there Whow- , , , .1màta ý 1 ý ý. - l"M' fè0k -M aashamed;to go 0 > ,, .. -. - , ý -ý eý !eh, Ut'aver a Stone: open .thora as she.,turne, _- , .1 ý, , . 1 ,. 1801jtrýùll.th" ,,, a. lier 1 hall scores ta liootli bar. tge sighs, * un'venal and ail ille clèct are file bride. itiongth changh, J Ilc str . lit .lia ý, ;, ý ý . as leu thon ail et once thoirightenea look . ý .. ý . - lheirlaitipt, tock.n. ail >Irifjf.lhmý»_ . - ]lu .tract. ward off for a Ressort the impending Il Thé et ter .. ý, _ - i 1 lËN, 1ýu 1. ý . . :- ý . 1 Théy bou. Inn, thew gains serons my, _b . lie v&uislles, and a atone, sweet, but lan. interview. IL had ricemed sa Catay ta. II 1 'O , a 'fý :b6ldlyindaniiwerathe.girti.who ia the 1 JK;ý a0q i : , lenty of ?il là ack, were aiment o.. guid, raturas ta lier lips. . . Miss muaturiuj làyin r el .. .... :6010-thingeboeun tOuP9neartb.-,ý. ý BWI lac,- P II 1 . 1 itting do '.II do iudeed," osayaquitly. A.1cis. fi', but IL ..ta flua re. ut 1 ta fille upouther k. , se W àk M o - A L 1PM- iý . , ý .1 . ý 1 their 1amPSý ta - atart'ivi ý notable, alla 1 was notable BhRY elle would-tell anoblît ail about ig - ý ý -n î : . ý . ý . - the . ý ùiîli e lief,'u;vdL,,Ii.p. 1 hava beau talking nonsense,!, silo , now tinit tlié7 Lime for telling draws ý ttl*nghr fer the cruel atrainýthÀt givkbuh cohà wiso 'a" ýDO ýý -of. Y- L bagou the sa3,,H, with an attempt brows inuteïad, .-W . ' ý ... r i - . ý ý.. ý_ ..: , -; - IMPÔRTERS OF_ . ,. . rrý. oILýivitb the m'cuels or use, - at lightness, 80 Digit, it allffl rs ta lier terri ,hi liard. . 'vas allowed ta go a Il 0 U t !au' loin bc fwt'h a t _ý ,. i hcavy and la alla tu Jing: , wondei why it was this, 1 ý 1. £3ý . a ýn9I' . - - ý ý ý . . ornées ta c-a"'Lffi'ýèý' t - Thouc raril ý . ý . in? Wha WU ý . , -YotL in , ýCh -_ ý ý1 ,-Iocddng Ut ii.w' L rj maut Loangtnaug waya v ce . Ut Bympa. ýý.T .Z - tS ý" -A N D 'C C, crusies ilitist liavèýb'eèn quite ' II But still, -do Yeu know, . i ai tildn't ý ha o b a "Do yon matin, thiteI oould , 1 ý -1 1 . K - 1ý. . > Y.I!VèeakrjàeIr'afeSuitufde-Crulrice,ýfI nannddinagfitaec MOI Vvith a pathetic meaning-I- 1 réel silo une 2 Whal il bar novis shunta bu out a 4coper., IL ce th4 case 2 And " Yeu are in love, child ?e , - . r.în yhcavyathcart. Donot tell your unfavourably . receieed ? She bu lance. front ber 661 Il -.ý - . . ý . 1 . cuinbérsoine, lharly weie ,Ibo,,t.ly 1 . Lima it occurs, ta For the lirst ,vont of fonds, as ha was intimonsely riait - Délom*ith-leý elùhvbotfa,ýs, ýX won Completely ver ý. ,-ý ý ,,,_ ý ýý . .. ý 1 1 . . ý a 1 . ý .., a lins rit; ý .a 8àý > - ' :' ý. - . ' ;,,-ýý, , ý () iN71 . mother, Dick, for my salle 1 Win net -lier that>a'unile Je tre en tac > 1 LiMè 1" :- . II. ornatiiente(l. . * our 1 va bu ail the Sweater if butrknown mL'n(li - -quiteamillsionaire.poorsoullý' m?", ý ý . . ý :_ . 1 IL was;an Îlot of patiancé - -' -' -1 . ý . . ý sh'e' OchrieLs atllicom-ùolobuulyar, dear l ý , , , ta earry this extra loaïl. . nuily tell 1 Yes, IL will indeca bc ,, What wa the militer' with hi ïo turning. a - finis Î. , . ý _. ý 1 . . Thewisctook I - : l ý - Il , 1 . tourf,:ýalono?" Sbeerceptielnserto difficult ta approach lier. Oh, if 'abc ,,L., Dol,,,,,.discarcling*-the protection I.. 1 flint precautio6',' Thorooliéli w ý . Ilim, a lava bar check coaxingl ' abouti] laugh nt lier and tell lier abc is a 0 . now pale as a now-bora onowdrogtoi ci . ( - 1 - , - 1ý_ . - bec . "" 1. f the lacti, Curtai i; ý . ý a . use they tïmsti3d are au 1 ... y tin a 1 an in" or 'anle ta Mau Maturin. Stiomakca,.,.Btep. c:. %, 1 ý -ta rock. They ý . . childisil fasilion against bis. -1 Le our silly baby-too young a child tu know bear the trudand o v rit bila t lyr of wara and bol ont .: dg . lier 'àrnu: - 1--.Al4i. ', , , ý ý ý in this l 1 . . rked tboir full'- resbénuilbilit secret bu a secret for a little white 1 viliat truc lov menus 1 Wliat theUr?ý Luis sudwooor. .« Won Icoý 7 . cries . a Utile lnoe.. . ) ' ý .. -- : «I 1 vital rnùtter.- IIlbey ' O Il . . l'a lovo'mo StilIVISbe inhere Ouly anotie nend know-and, Initier ail, "Tlie-Delu.,e .Baya Misa Lorne ta lie - '&ye8, ho %van,"saY8ýM'és Maturin herently pollua Il eï a ' 1 ; but .with an intictiblire- . ' . ' . ait(lsIPllI."-Itc-stiligin son 0. >agmeably-,«qui! =ad 1 ,Ho was about font that mi.. Ëtirin might tbink ber..; ý , Mauugerier American Express C' Soif. . thrast filom le converrient 1 TonONTO, (18 Division Street), Sept. ennuie fil one WILII us.,. , 10 il, ý 1 - . ý ý 1 , balise by file waY %vlicro the bridegrborn -- IL shaU. bc ail exactly as Yeu IVISIIII, At the Incarnations lier.beartýbad ficin, the very ivorat lumatio GUY one avoir Baw self forgottou,ýnegIeof,àd 1 - ý . . 1 ý %ýns bY, - t1icy lirai; ,,>otlded and , .savs Dich, carassing lier. . - lf bu boa ý beau just the fir.t place 1, ýI ý. . 17, 18S7.-Threc yeara nue lent Augest - - "Bat my bégum baron lier; now that abc la ab eut 01 an noylonc. erAend;ý1.ârî, , AI. z_ , ý . . . ý MY daughter was balcon il 1 ýwith Bri-là t'a faille JI IMOW. lie flic hall deor thore in net loft t Il Duo ail 0 rarer perfection AU bis ownmost IL aucuns bo.hur tuait she--sha'hoi; .. . 1 r? HGaýIcaSt m a * er m" Élus ,!ý ý tlien'O 111_7 dropiied off ilito doë sloop. disénau àm-0- She Ji.. of il, îrf the kidueys. The %est fil net bbtray us; and o is.Tery car Co , fin. w Ê ý y 'a rnuchaEfbnôpoorabredoi o = , lie would have m&4 in- beenthe one-to.inectiblasi, inj --- . ý :ý ý .. - «'> . * ý l'lie lirgins are haro -DO6 blamed:for tuedical skill in the city was týsked ta ta cou. Do net forbid bleu, tu bu a allarc, mOmits the atone Stops, abri, with ber tiolota' . - ý. - ý .sleeping. They ýlejt whilo 'offieru ý 1 acquaintance Yriib'- Ccludý,ýl,.nthatfaithlqiàodivhohagu a7w 4i ; . . ý .ý. ,,ý. - ý watched. Tho vigil Was clivided. the litinost, l'ut ta ho Purpose. Silo in My joy." sufferine 14Annalloleyn" clasped te Ratch-l' but nostichlock.wasmino; hhhor ail that.lm lwt"mather.PQm!Y.ý iý 1z'ý . 1 ý "I"i-iiliej:eclthrirlýiiijiv."-*Ti-iti;ààc(ltheir wu -9 racked with Convolai tcý Our joy il, abc saya tenderly. II Yos. suffocation in bar littla trambling l'and, remained a baradess imbeail ,. 1 ý . ", ý .. - .., ý ý . wicks, for tIgnY lin -Ilin ciglit linon. . our doctor dia his haut, hint. But do eut lot your 'Imothel! entera tho*open cloor ana morves quickly t'rioCifi 1 ... ý just, tO coidd lie. . . ý 1 ,ý 1 ... . (1 bouc but - au mul went away Saying tho case %%.lis know for a white.,, . . . .ni) the 'gr* nie.- 7 . 0,11 Baya W.au M.t.rin; à4 1 ý . ,-ý . ý titiuwlii!dand.rifille(l Limai witiloil. i With au. injured' .i,ýk-,. of ber huma. bas Itlhoifsra,,il Uttle figure in a close cru- - ýý, - Perildrenturc.'ý--Let us follow lloljeless. Aftershocaine auto£ thé con. II We'liinake IL au elopement cane, il IL is alf-past sixGy the big èlock- sorno lier.dXisà M3.urInýresuhncE; lier sud in banding over ý. . ', ý . . . vu si6nn, .elle wý4 very Nveaiz and ail you like, and bilan abc noed union, know later filon elle hall imagined. But Stocking.' . ý ý . -. 1 1. - .. brace by titis brute, i 1 ors e S, e ons,. o., n sa - IL in opoochiess',ýdef-ýn'griefunknown ý ý 1 ý ý .1 - l Soyer in S à lit'aý0os!Gt1GIl of Ill's pas' rhair rail ont. The Iloctor lind luit ri .ý age; it i. the tn bý . lovera' battra are long. By this-tituo j The'ýritl'agazUstilliv.a"d d' - ' 1 Il 'ý ý ". - 1 , . ;-- . . . - 1 'note vi'vid: "Nover il, Our eu,-Bgern.!Dt ý ut ieast,-, . reurn . Lait-'. will bc Sitting in the draùing- 0 ,ý crs. ieam',Y.to.unaucsscclbýDolorm ,4,lari&dëat élotliiiia infeiior in Mat&ial ;', 1 4 .1 allant a Mentit, wlien I Conclutieil ta Boiiviýrie, ltughing.* , Utivazis. - >5 claires ý . 1 and finisll:, r .. ' . (Shan WC giva Yeu of Our Oný ; there t'Y 'iý'arner's Sure Cor t recto lout in bar 1 hees, or porbalis iiè- A ý ý Lailie, and - lie i .1 a - fi Dick? for the . . ý .. . . %vin ccrtainIý lieu It.- emulgi) for un aud a," and lifter 1-lis Change of manner scomq o rans- t au ovouing -it la V'-îîI:ý says Il- future-is ont that ni 2" 1 ý . ý ý ý ý ýý __ ý . ing talzý.qi Rix h.ttles, atoll, ffiiiIii-most probably iudecd. the atter. las ,in a ý ý too will lie ibund tô be -ré*iiiftrliab!ý -ý bar 4 1 1 Iý1yIIa low voicla full CE intervient ad- - Te BE.CONTINUEe. i . . - __ ý ý yoll."--"-I'I'lie, Iiilcii-veles CONC.11ý2r, g.with cure lier and rouse ber train lier vague li Opening Qui aller with all.tho outward 1 1 1,ý ý t1iLhoutio of the bAdeýt. bannir . r . 1 Scrcral bOttics Of "Wamur's S;Ife Pins." !uara. . , miratictic. II Sec how thoqq il .. . . '_ ! 1 . - ,.Ijo>-il,*Lt)j-(?,",-Iýxprz!ýssiveorinost al, droppeil, as IL were; ihLb'the very - uality of thé goods he seU ' . ici . i sali, a clecided change fer the bbtter Il Yeu grow frivolclus 1"' abc ý says ans - neèmhlg of a Oxsar, but with a - quaking 1, -,aie Clouds .- 1 ý'. ' r ' 1 . . . . lit lier condition. ,ýftertalziii,ýltwellt3-- .Crcly. "Itistimeavi tl. - ;, heurt, abc entera the room. Yesauntie Il 0 . -UEWS i Ms. W__ - - ý T ý ureëiit etitreat,ý,.- *,l i.sIt)iv ilou liel. , rive bottles there .was a complote cure. Dritumb.1, ý dantly, to.i Juli; . ýart of the Consul. What à parlent . . ý ý ý 1 _. . 1 . ý ý . . . ý. . ý_..- . -:Tlietýe,-ily ilàl'ochlece Il « 1 . luttera with lier Velindu and the fat initigling'l Vihat.n, àlear:c-alm lightl .. ý ý était - ,uthowisyou w _,iffl *ye, ana the est, and teý,' - "ý .' ý. 1 . . . ,mont , y caugliter lins tiov a sIbieuflifi lienci &4 1, a' a Mont unifflinticare as a sr' m 1 , al Sh _ . Look et that opalescent bar ovok*thoro 1" Jacob Sharp, the NùwYor ex-Alilcr- ý' wticrl . rfootho, V' 1 - ."Yeu liave-comell, driesmissma. man, died last week. ý .ý ý ., - 1 . . . 1 They %%,cru net biture ta ivelwine iiiin. of ]loir and weiglis more thap sho ever 1 !y butter this tiuio." --A fuir ùvenicg'indeod 111 says Miss ý ý . 1 . , . nets more and turin, starting fille lifté, and lotting bOtIl Mulinrin, gazing ýPîth a coup satisfaction. ý The slavery question will be votgd on l'y .1 7-- -- - - -.= ý ý . . 1 ý They haù mis4eil tbciý appointaient au d;ù baie ý ce.. .ý.. .. -,m -Voit, let me habile it U - d . ý . , :1 ý . ý . - . tuait wu will think of rising up audgobcg Beliidu -and- tho Skye sËdcr.fr- bar at th.' K"iciff .horizon. II À mont -ex- the Braiili il Parliaratint in »IsY * ý 't . ý :-, 1)riàusi-.tiid.4. Heuciýfo1th thi-3, %vore ta . ivith a little Lima, ta the lièàr--'tTeat. ' Uj:ýb.Iclà1 of the ne United St3te. lias refuýëd Gu'inciny's 1 1 ý ý : -CA SH F O R W i 1 . . . . . . . ý ý MOI as strangern.. 'l'lie Ilenalty is finre . ý ý -1 ' - A va ý -, ý , ý . S lut, II th and sky 1 VI meditation in the Morocca dispute.In Our wn' ment the Skye rcseuts ivith mimerons guisitemingling 1 ý . . . attached ta t7uf.litl:ftilll6fs Il A ý0e »1ý _ A 1 - i - 'f' ', O' il' a UmP ana .nulllilSiýUdâ SUCCeSSiCI2 OI'SPIL9MOCliC car . .1 :, 1 à "r.i,,",.,, .t.tc, in plangell ilito the finir.. Il A blid il *," re-cats, Ëadores hofbry, ý F.ur tl,.Is.c.1 1*,ial, o,ýiý-,,--ts sl ý-I ! ! . 1 . AT'U'I-IF.- 1 but, &'sa ta inte barlis that threaten tochoko hirn every Il .. puni2hinent 1 . . ý ý .. clearer liglit liis-.tcvarcl ta pli,, tell. CUAIFIA34 Ont., Mar 'an rirer. Again liur little foot Je ten-- mailing a *1ýii=te'ili ay for e),tni,.iý.. ý1 th. L eh 6, 1888 -In c cck. II ShaU I evor froui Queenstown on Thursd 1 , ý -ýý 1 - fui once. - . 1SS-1 1 :çvas M'ly b.tl!el by thé Most ,ïoving boucle Moment and bring bâti, ta an untimely, ho a bride, autâtie Il Do . Yeu liver think 1-lIe .to.iiý.r li,,.I..ýýir. m ý ..( * _- . .. ý .. ý . . ],.àblc.ýýcé.k- VAMPBELLVILL'E W _ýý ý .1 * . w Id nuttr .,IoutUvldýo, witil 120 li.,ý..,gýl5 1 ' ý 1 ý ., comè vo recto l1ý) ou icul i ndo1vv bac11ý t'rat saine dey. perbaps 1 Bilan 2" . 1 1. -I;I.ýl,«eletion.--ýVitll %vl'at Strains of miffered mo.3t m tiie world. %Vbcu lie bas dried it grave. - ý ý exultation flic virgins atout forth ta aol kid ith bis pocket-hanilkercitief, very cure. II How lutigg Yeu have beau 1 Net long ý*,,&br1d6? NO.UQ'itis, 'hl 111 test. 1 . .ý 1 . .ý noya, un sccro thAt nt ùmps 1 Llly, 1 suppose; but I nui alwayâ è.xél'ýims 'Ttiý,S. C ' « ý ý - - . ý è . 1 ý . . 1. ý ý (1111V ]eut lie allould hurt it, ho scoops le' ý,i:. ?ýi.t.ri.,;, S'Iddcn Tho burathig of a wnier. * t et Pýs Il - i I min pay cash for good, cloua morchantlible IV. . . ivolcome tlicir Lord! Theiniglitypro. v,0111d ahriost ho. pro.ýtr.ited. _ý, loqs Of and . i , ni Pria ta à Lias upon the Snowy arch _ es. ý.. 1 . : ý . . . artibitioti,.-,% . fussy, you sec, sud of course I miss you. C;,rinu4'vobeýence.- Site Collé salirions ci Fillay cansell au imen, Poultinou a t vf ý Èali cash and balf tralle. Stroiig, coarse,1urry sud ý . 1 . 1 Cession stillmovël; ouvratiL Wi gravit. desire ta urinate, V. lier nicce; and a quick ýpâIlor over- .:zsisinge. . ". 1 . ý . ý ili joy of the !autel,. 1 . Foolish old ivoinen Ince me are sure ta 1 ' i in triae or in pay for -worIc. 1 - . ý ý ,e . ; ý alla zur.1 t-utliu4instie worshibers mardi %vitbOuu flic ability Of Ho (10*g? catulng 'ý Darlin, [cet 1 My own fée&, 1" lm . . - 1 ' - from me. as .IL . 1 lo' bc troublesoute. Conte over lierc, dar. Illirew-W lior-face. One .inight ýaImoàt ,%Ir. James G. Diiiiiels illiiess lias ý ý I have a large Étock Mitchell ungil liug, . ý *,a nuit it vrais barrer itscIf that ,,,.a,, ducisively jronotincet Briglitla Denims and Cattonades; aise Fine Groy Flannels ý. that lag, bellind ami beg flic Strong ta Urillo Ivau of a peculiar color auct con- ',%Ii.ss Lorue drays it away front hiza II I thOught ýOG WOuIfl . b'.aucI.&I it; Silo sigbi;heavily,- and « 1 1 t * 1 ý . ý ý tolucetthebriflegroom. MIioni-etltè3- ' , were in draps. Tho . -and bave vour teý1- ý of gonds te chriose franc, coi . - ý -. ý c.,.rrytileili? 'J'Iley ore LI 1 . a . . 2 c I PC ni ý your Leu. by thil; time.,I . .. di,ýCasc. . . 1 G u * cl-'%%'colon Droits Good ' . ý ý - - ,. le foni.ý v, in tailied conqiderable forcign iliatter. 1 vvit,, p-cety pret o a o t alice. ý . futilet bzc',týin lier chair, as one iniglit ' !. i reL illons au a., - . _- ., .. - 1 nol. Pli th.il. l"11elleu witli-the Pcca"]O satilfied tbat My Izi(I-icv.% wore .. If you love ruy font more. tbnn me, II Won, no 1 Should if yon hall beau who has bevu fouclid -orth of Opium, ave aise a full lino of Sommer and Wiuler Ti, 1-1 _ýý 'l' ., I 1 ' ested date and file' , yd. -And 1. have a gooù assortitieut of Shectings, BI IZ , . ýý ý - ý Ï111t,111-tal;I of lii'ý, Lli.ti-.Il IL vias a frec gift In a Cong t 1 ,vos , shall bc jealons k IL and Icad it a ball t, auclscorchZby Four t1lonsuild dollars n ! . . , ýý with lu bas bècn >'. 1 . 1 , . ý 1 . riuming down rni)idl.v. Finally 1 cou- li.rc,,, si, 0 ; but i put it off as Joug liq i a bruatili of passing JUS, ý talzeil ili throtiffil Canada - ail double widtli ; liave aise a large i-driety of Yarns * -racla Again, who vrotilli net fin tlicir .0 sayl, with a sort bItisll. II 13ut,, coulti, ivaiting for you; then I grew . cil ut Sali Fransi-co. - ... ' - . 1 ' II M'hy, àuntie," Rays Dolores, gazin- uc", gourds witli flic water of lire, frecly clufleil ta try "Ilfariier't. Sera Cure," -starting ruxionsly- ive reiffly -mulit 9'eedy "-"*!th a Sorb lau-h. ý LÎ *ni cror Villia L a Iléon M"001 ' as 1 Use lie substitutes for Wool (a boant whiel . 1 . - . a' L lier iyità large start*,edleý-es, II %vii: .,It is seul E Il 1 in lui. - . . giv.ci ta ail Oint tiley luiglit thirst lin and in forLy-ci2lit heurt, Citer 1 lin.] à fI it )-bu say ?- Thon timidly-Il Why th .tjou eau dépend on good sauna Yarus or go now 1 I think'ývviLIi Sauna embar. I.,IAh, why dia yOu wu tV' says Do-, 1ulit fati-cingly ilibhtiug 011 the mainten., ý80 S In InorCý - facture , Rud DINvays franc your own ivool vvhon 1 1ý MOU Calicot snpp1y Lhe.4il noces. talion the rinedy 1 voided urine that rasswcnLý'I. il you ivere. ta go sud si, a es. Silo draws acculer, final linceling .Ce o g.od r.l.ticel-'ilithlins-ilý . a.. , , : - ý inch fo ilhoulil, Îý bu lmpossible?ý Ciller girl!] . ý . . « Ili, n,0.ýts 11.3 ,vos nu black as ]nk, contýliglitl',1.4ý..atlti. just ovor thore, on tlint big Rtonc-seo own'beside Miss Maturin, slips ,lier S. i.,i..y Irish cinigrants &ce * ' Weaving won and promptly (loue. ý Give us a cal] ., ý . . anion. onIv OviF. -ýS « ' ý , ýet, marri d.? -i . gl ... . . ,au UV tiens, lion and «-"Vcl. 1 con. iýý -*ý-with )-car Ilicla ta me, 1 coula mon- ultra round lier ,,,ilist. -- I have lucon Il f- 1-sages neross the A apply'ng dealtwith 9ýý-phehî iestl . )ossible prièc alloiv-ci _ ý CL.,..;i(l(.. BoLli Sexes iall inte iï. tien of ni S tI.Uti. chat, th. - , - L Let.usývara ottitirit and.ba %viseour. timicil, and it ivivi net mnny barrir,; bc. a- ta j'!t un rny-rny-slioc again V' unkind ta you, L.%llre," elle says, lu le- in a Iý%V' vo:cu akin to , Site m -inehir, comptants canant acuuniiiiolate ; 1 ý. ý. - ý ý ' : Av.'ô'.Iicr girls 1 s.%)-iMi.3sMaturi- . . ý ' 1 . ,ý 1 .ý ý ý ý . . selves. . .ý ý aw " Out cil ycar qtoclcitig," says Mr. - moins ta havo lest, ail bar soli-control, 'Iý" , . ..i. !. . ý . - . . 1 . . : . ,IL Iý der. Ilouverie, %vite scorns Subterfuge; II bat - who _ -, : * . , . . ý fore My uýinO Nvas of a naiiiral st , ficorseful accent& 'Ilsbould.nothavü ; a gratin. - . ail. . i .1 . .. ý .. ý ý ý ý 1).'Vlox 1 1 . ci . . . .--.-- ý 1 - 1 Î ý_ - . .. ý This lessou ten'elý'..ý th moral pre. color, à1thougli it contained consir leftyou atone for2uch a long, Joug finie.,, el thowoids fall'from'Ilor as thongh ý Zollili Davis. the neizro forcinail - ý 1 1- ed nutil the ý ,,Ille selliment. *The pains in niv Ji' . 110,,.r i the - t in 0 y Il '1; . ý parodiions" mont bc Continu. lu cd situe i w ut huit _ý fil ilespittI of lier will. a ; r ý n 4- . ý - ý . : ý ý ý. , Caserne, My Litten 1, I lit va beau "a nýýi,,I,-rcd .-il. --tr;-geJ iittl. .M.ggi. - - ar noyé Aubsidell au 1 contintieil the trio of ý i,:I." ý un haPPY as Possiblo. Colitaitud. ,hila 1 - . Aln , , thon aifforant 'floua ail the ",Zl.ýý,, (.hil.) ici Chiýago, Ný." seuteu.d ; 1 (lire..,,, -D ow nfail va ýýhonr of the second ce int, of Dur . ; : ý - L ý Wdtelifiilne,,.iTinstnatlcintr- the rûmcýy doit -s but a short Lime 1- Co end ait vrlierci 1 tell yon Pl orticts Do you then tllink.j catmob livo withont ,1,,.,t]ýSzýt,.,d.v. - - . ý . ý , . , . 1 I La . r'est'?" questions Dolorès,.with a saine.. ter. ýv.ý - Yeu ?" . . -1ý.ý'- . . ; i « Tuittent7but lasting, fin the end. And ý. .r . Rný. cIlletclv Iclieved- MY. Z,, L,,,,, ,ith ,,ddeu di-uity, very 1 l't is a 'rather wistful sinfle. * Whst il ,Il a Col,$,i,.ti'. trecting in lýî2ex. Fri. 1 'l . , IN TIIE. PRIOÈË 1. ý. 1 -L;ý - --_ :-« i ý if by saine migliali, of o . tir o%%-u"ènrcle.ýs. urinq was.normal and 1 cuit truthfullY proi,,rly talzing no notice or Ili% «advire 'II lici--becausalknoný1couidnotliv Il -ý>e-.,-.,,iiig, Lord -liea.o...Ii,.Iil,. iupl.."., j , ! . ý . ý 1 - a Lallie sbould-disapprove of lier el'9390- I - Ilultl'-,-,i - F-vit -g.i..st .ý ý . . : . . or throligh IAý1c Ci foréSight, Gr tTir.ligl, puy thab 1 %vos curoci. Il AýuI bu sure yon don*t turc your bond withoiityoul" lu lier continu Lliere is a ment end look coltily cri lier Dick " . .ýui,.gA), a - . . . ' . .et .11 kind..f ' , .. . ý spir tuai drou-qitiens ý%ý-G . . unti: 1 givc, Yeu leave." . subducil but fonder rush. roi feeling. lui, Eulo. . ý ý . .. 1 1 . are off ou ,, ý ý . : . ý. : . . Sliedraývaborau*ntiols rue . . . ý . pat.h tg Th, Noir, .. ý , ' II M'hy ubàùidyotiiinagine tbat?"S&Ys 1 FI U-R W ITU R «'7 ý ý, ý gpa Il and ýtre..siii-I)ri.,el, impreparcil ta ý t on the slice in 0 clown CIDZ% misd Maturin linatily. II Tht,- ellikil 1ý'M"eIbb gt-u Ilcv I . 'es ta fle : homo is U ta ber and raids lier in a wurm cmblacO. Yeu mus. ont mina che.,' She in speak- VOrk 'I*ribtillu $$;Yà il' uovu inuent of the .5. 4 ** j', . k . ý ý ý . * gLV MOI trio reèiýjtioii IvIlith is due, . ý * 1 Ulin ter painful. Iluivever, , . . . - ý >ý ... . . . gýýý-.0. 1 .dbýý'l.Iti Tliere in somethinl, sa forvent ý u o c..f.'re. th.i, a.al ý . - ' ' She rnUnCý t le walIc £L ýý . . ý . the we Shali finit Unit thiS ivoertil - . ý ..., . 1. .!il the ing ;;Itýs "n u" t'ý il t . - ý . . - > ntrs ui)àn ber finit Milis , morn Iigbýly now, sud bas ov1deotIý r .1iury lan. ici Blýri.ig's $La. -lent vrill bu puniblied by exclusion . elle will net allow bila ta conte with hcîr hi r6u.'ur Il 158 tilu girl best » ý Tho sub3criber ivill lien for Cash ab the 'ý%lauufaciiii ý1 . .. . . ý : ne, - farther thon thé wichc'.,-,atu that lends Maturin fi$ slightly but .. part lier ultual Mannar. . - hisstockofFurnitureconsisti '. * . front Iiis 1-*.in,,tloni. . . GALT, Ônt..Inn. 27, 18àý7.-For uneonucicýSIY ForzetwliýeIlliavosaitl;orratocýuber Ail, touni m-lIiulý linclov., 100,0(0 Peuple .ý . bout .. '. . a .la abrubberies and thonce ta the owakencd bY IL ta ilio inevitable endinq Il, - lit" the Iaýt centile %su. Lahen ivill titider . ý . ý .'%Viýgloin m% find to-lay Consiste fil five yenis provifting ta tvo ycara ag. ta V 1 ofthis.drama. Shaputs Doi llythattllo;vpry thongill, or parti.g ; . . English luccol g.vuriiiýi.ýt bu cèn.ider.d Parloir Suits, . lýed.;Room Sùits', Loungè ý . .;ý ý boiug far-siglited, in IroýilIing for an ]est October, I wan tronbleil with kid. h ý.,1 S 0. front ber, and gazon et lier %vitIt you cau-ei nie allait Paill'hot . eouuti... . ýý ý Why cun't 1 Cercle oui witil Yeu uow carucatly. . blippeil fIoin'*ine tfý'.t-tltýLt %rare lin- >. .1 '« Side.Bo.uds, NVire Mattrabs cýier,ýcueý-atidtltL,:iacý-él)tiiigit. Tho ney and liver-trouble. and filially 1 ivils e a . "Ilov Rivent Yeu are lookingl" -alla -nuant Tolonoyo no-.v-dfteralitlimo 'ordon. ý ,. . es Ofall *1 Fý ý . ýý irginq .hall thO lilio%%-Ioilffetll,.tt conflllë'dtOM3*1)Cd alla loffered tiletro t 1 a tell Mise Matutin an allont it'i', ý .% statue of General G - for.the ý, ý; ý L 1 ý1 . ý .... -- 1 1 . . lamps Coutil net buril, for()iër:ii-itllotit exerticiating Pain, acifl for M,, wookal as'as ')'clcl Nvho collant beur ta pictuLe says for.dlyý,, but' a littie pale as It &_ 'I * . . ý .ý 1 -.tiun of M-l'i.l. th. Irons. ,If CI.,tn...j, 1 - quau ý tity-ôf Se& GFa.ýï,.and Fibli ber fintUing ail alonctit the bonne. - lin 80ocu te lue. Di-1 your wGikiýti.nue'Yeýar81" . ,; Rai 9 Do. ; lie pasatil a Bill. uill * La ovmted ici Tr.- ý - . . ý . ý - Ville Ididnotti S'tend a %Va aboula net ho. rat-bed, . .. wool oli both ' or on on : 1 . ý f 1 or Square nt the.end of the yeur." ail, riho flint the bridedroctin iiiglit bc ..- illoiv wlictlier I vra lingers ol)ëfÙlly, hanging on ta' the top Yeu 2" . Jures gravely. Il liave 1 ',net juýt tOlIx Il g ' ' ý . f the gato, Us thot ,. lonth ta lut .ý---- ilidefillitelý,Ilela%"C(I: tIcùUtlieYaýý),pJieù or.aliyýa.ýý physiciens said I Inul on. , " "Oh, no 1-1 - ' Novfis the finie for famill whovisli ta furnisl ý . . . 1 1 thoir ivits and iýgènnity'2'touiiii6 jibiain, largeméhf:ýt- the hier, thouffli thcy Illr o , vent that 1 Cý.Id Dot live without yoti'? 1).tc't.i..,] .frotte iver. tendu by Nation. . 1 ý% . e ý ý ' - -- .. 'tWir]dÏwieliipoi*ary relief. Heur. .go.- II Yeu Cnjoyed IL ?II . .- -_ _ _. ru, Lailio, bc sure a: Longue ]'culture tu liolil the proclaim. ci Monoy ab the Furuiiuro Booms in the STEVENSON 1 ý . . . .. . of the problein. - Thq>1sýchë,,ýýrobIcna ýtùr, , Ir No; IL will La a littlo'shook ta lier, w ".ýlery, very much,1, \VC tvo;Shali u2ver pa ý 1lý ý . __ .. o.ti-,g- ln lýýIn-ýl in S-it,ýl.y, ..ci in MILTON. . ý . ,: - 1 . 1 . . coufroirts lis: M'Il liý,rèe:thô'liëY. ý1fià ing.Ôf:t bý.a ah Dolores. ai thot.1, - ýý - . , . ý Child's Play te, finit tlidlàiwèr-.' ý1t ro. Sale Caïeýlýbe n lis nu-, Coli aller I don'L ýo *àfraid .of tliat"-sweetly--- I a intacte benjtÙ ho.r.auuts..Bcru"y, grýws tac moult forâs, and we oursoives nny Inepte 1. , ý lie,.%,ýzoiiaèiýtiienresof"Warner's alla 1 would rallier tell ber myself. But . rith uuthinking force T .y. ecolours i--Mro.ýJwoll; . wooLhearL,ý the SUbjoCý ,lie placius there were aurions, collisions, - ý . ý, . , ý . ýý 1. . . quiroq simýIY faith an(IpiiÈýilýà: ' bila tàlid"i*fÏio bottins 1 noticed achange. ý 7. ý . .ý1 ,.» . 1, risiug ta lier feet,.I,,oas, aval, ta the Gin rolullesbly thoughtful aver 'a arentn- The Unifoi Chro' Milton, Doc. 19, 188 1 ý . . The folly of thé fii know silo will bc PICasca; Only-1 have au, .,!cl. stlys the Pope la ýi - . ý ý ý . .. -o %vho Look no ail for the botter. " ý Tho piIffis disappearefi, beau lier baby. You sec, for solore, that Wbulow, wburG-Ilcr festoies 'et leant aie Linct may never bu fuIfiUedý - Solfiaient ,tout ta issue a clùeilneut inviting liriests,** 1 . . - ý- - ... - '. . . 'was consummate':antl liudaciénis in the and MY W-11010 Aystem scemed ta feci II Go ý ý -011Il t.. co1.1"ýýte'e., lie - - site will Gate tôý-ntddi%-idi, Iý.à ;ýliÉ - bayond observation. ý. .- .-- .. file day je the ovil tlioraof'.t". Misi , cou, 1. . t . . V 1 ' ' . . ý . ý »unto ut 'Y '.1.,ý.il ni?$. extreine. Ili flic first Plouc thoý, front. the bonefit of the remady.. i have con. r, Dich"-turàlii, - S . 'lit, . , ScI.Renbsr,- a è 1 . ,. . .'. . 1 .. . ý other. Do you knom in'duginto the -gaiiionea oid-ransii. ý,,,t"vin" asuheiaý-sthilýBmileslaintly. 1. th. ",.,> ' ,. ý- . ý cd ta Blicer look, hoping tliatthe arrivai. iiulied taking "W.,mer'a Soie Cure" the cuire t%%.ilic,1,t' !oued saut, a . n, pIýlgi't.ry, cs-the .r.*nýýIg ý'. ý!. e ý 1 - :,; % ý i ; ',ý-, ho turns lier face castward. ,- ivi sijould it bc ovil-.'?" unité ýDo- r ýý ! ý, , : fin, ý ý - ý ". luiglit ho within the petty Entit of thoir and lie ailier modicine silice. 1 con. y o"..ri.1 of [lis jubile.. 1 . . . . . ' ý*_ ta bloc thOngbtfuIIYiý 1 . ! - 1 ý . ' , , ý . ý a upraising ber lac garding-her carnest i .. . . - 1 > i . 1 - »* . ,CUL ayas ta 111,Ze 1 and gazes dreainily upon the fast.dark- lores. ' Iv-pe.rljnPs (;erw.ý, Socialins in Sîtvii7ý,rumd bave i ý ý Utu LI, was going ta Say ta Part with MC;ýbub coing lallascape outin Siowly .the' rôi)ro.ý'ittully- Tocdllarùairiageir.,itli parollied Emparer Frederick's .mùu.ty de. , r' lamp Capaciti'. sccoll(ll3,,* thov matin aider the remedy à great beau, ana if I au 'do. . - .' upýn tbeir over feel out. of sorts sswarnerg Sure Yeu ivould Mirer try ta part auntio sud abstins of goutte ý night aie' deaeauding, ýD:Uk au;.. or l i - . - ý . air mincis ta Sponge 1 .fil,, L., ý - -ý * . . ' . - . 1 'îý . ,1 weigh me, Voula yau ?,, ý . . , .,Ce "II apre.d 50,000 coJii,ýa in.the lirin. ý . ý, 1 . . - - , , ..ý__'ý - - ,-, . more prudent sistorq for Supplies wlien Caro" fixes me ail riglit. . aine hg a flima lover carth ýaud -, , - 'si,3'i Miss-Maturin, 1 ý _ :, - -« ' - . *. atrom T', ideriùu BETV& Dttoil Sidrd 5c. tý ýim longe Elul naile frm 1 nerficau ri ,ourr"t= ill he squN B of WOOL 1 oprectoi. )r oue ]uoý ;ioii Wli ýo a. larg, Éses, TO LUN capital $1,000,00 MILD ép sits 'S't "LI10%, ,,;rate. L ýo er omplaim, heu ici - luritine of die ,fromýh.t. ea se an.. in nai. ?Qrély vejzc.

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