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Canadian Statesman, 12 Apr 1888, p. 4

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53 cI F -uit- 'c la k .0]' - un ~uct z~o~I~ ~ tA r c -' ,eandina roah. M :1 11 î1 ~îfoopoolroa eoros 0.4M _9%a ------- ir-t--t- Ieopoi - ~ ea -r u Te4~fRIts odmWetwomMifo ;ifat ge tiins lareortype.'mOnetiftho reay orutol m Wlursorout C itttîl l oe ; tWlioate tio.oio t t io ei iB tIt.soeiaa-vali'o iuNi ioi h j~5 l clc i is94tâZÏý4 "hi moterotie foi.e AbolueîiPues * ]aýoere)ot or opro ýIon wc ai, lu qurr* 1in, tulita i4ode .tlali ucea iu'a Tloo , ailmer ta Olj qoptao r. Am0bidspaatho oPueaa. bu]ji taseiefdiretaa>aor thé ml lo tgorotyotuolïot roprt itond la4laidon utîetî0aus a Amrta nîo oaR e ii0I--at, nýwlito Ooetarotbort.Oto dtmtto. T da.oR abo totit o fit w tohou It w ýlip . itm. G,00u ow te icciophabuttiebysbosepotiIsot-Éa ucottol- taaSidhôc show ret'otora - --i th sior- l a ont .rtl gratoroîî tu i oraa-nssfitaOodgut"e. ot motaturaisquesionn tho i sotheasber pro. ot osthet areatolhnsr bl ritmDOoh is Ootdlr p i n e f re q ;t osnlt -byf çp/t n a nt - -rm s la i tt cb san 0d, oa on wo sseA atmtos c ros t-o and ie 5 ts beoa c A pà r l Dayi." teat"'-Aluiosu îy tcTho ieiiitltttoasa c mtsfr o ho suai md t ha poaain c oons fo Wla so 0Rt " h eroP folo -aor d.." on Otth le3- l te8 tonei oog b aue rtiofO a o ntide-poistlo h lnto rtcht irjl hr oae iam frthicsrant, luf ile stea a iiuittf." irctioA foall ;îa aitfu 'srvntfie efapart . ahlo p r joooRooBoit. s-a 0g c i b --poa iy. T c ep s i o tntaitly woms Oiaaistbtlgom ta eput Ribym be aoaisyofy"the.Jilta R f"Pit snoit i a iiito tray ltrat « esetilth - oltasottttaly rogricultauroe.î c i cas ]qt.--Cot iia a Tus'o i ut t hè ar t hueo rodtiLrg on s totaas-y iit ur, onat ink i atoo n oa i* lttomca or pU,1 litt w fn a l ofpootTe î int paon blo, a ubli of OIts o R iva t ar taainduoltitgeneetdurp nm i mot amogt îto Ifosupp os a u oie fia Pelal.L oîtgi.ttict o s rtern t eon ritoeu t1 a deo s lytafiqet.T eArlS.Neoa a es i8* / matintt î,cvl -ctho ooi b idos - wo san atc - im umrtroo tLie s a i]omo ttct pao.s eiutly otath leibot ilesoogi t 0 icvms, accoodof titroog y it . tpsitoî o o r twt. ti, lts uitas chtlm imp te o n lore; olttostig ovoo.aa foco'amaitfttn o-rai.aithat tespr et. lry mitroa nea n -'Aud." Tiis-e aeoo." tlc tu h.0et aostdir inttlecehes- fronmlo t at from ait otlaor ol aebsfltp-dio homeif ecot i s ot tllo-attoa yh aruio.ature fisiutic-r nr ytatoleT hèsmedonlitos eOioO aau ittio su dt e eoat pe'of d a loage fo l i a tala t ro ai idot, h Mas-ta - rai upbp tooorfop. Oso margia I or ee l s co oe ba ac-wi o -t iiba'ootot. epoa, ad Oit i rbittstt tay uslse Tt e att \cTtetuRn i t os ti sstt imlt, "Prit allR iiePot sion ofy titsea t of ti to fOociu poe to -rta- t e fobets-cnoof a ihlte TerlMi Toe. ites-oto a mi 90 -if ior ho ologoti T o r ta-lo a-avo blto aet tîs oh a u-oild oitdr tre glit of Iho ups as oftio aci te's-elao tes tefof atrtlshui agav tu ier ooo on as rt o n-ctt lty Ho itadr éeitoim b cvo d s-'of le sooieo ta uit M atas tltoy caanousmaIl a setflta .eo t atloiaalb ta. TttT be runaonSo"o-osidoolî.tioa tit tld..loer pestgoowt iti mosvt iidoi fuld o, ltci trta saw,- atdgamt ltil ff ttoOt lostr d Sao w ecit s-e rm aento-lrin chaoftialve, and sosatod ha- O gIum elo the io ny. snos nClyoe i lLeolrp but s Vîlila nso ow n ito: Ttis-e as-opatie.naetouragRe, tw-Bu h Anet hel m us tmte37t alt ottat a few t m. Fit cran- tte rhbtistCbtd.in od.os froos Oorgoexcel. thats-oIlle oet l nditmm tta; rvivRpeds tamies o*dista pfroR c Ic illoRerod cilsneu bo t y.ucdth flit iîal-yca lc'eost ilhua0," by izabot d . Coicio tmaestowian.ur aaly otacoitulai ataad aroun ar-tugemàd st ý lo soadhéretsorated olotobyiestly isadtranaion ol'EDaden-ttoMari culoian i. Tbgee Plî argin to edud bt o f tio cd àn taucore, dshtr i Is. t itu and c.a-toifwa photonrais A ol l t y b 'Rino' OT Re abrhoColt rtitrthor.îm o f-og tes"'oIt i'no ifodedbothet etofi theaopat rr.andtedoiniticfonaus t hé ells Q itona r y. Gweos-g A.l tle uIy -Whrot hot- tbtoro a Tolis-oseici. len 000 ofd tadt poînea ola ttrRatiso aetn FosBn cttlsCsaui nitrstgao Oo la b oo r sia Ott is-ctin nrc ation tbo îhsoalo rndr it sse ha." Tiof tho o dor o oo ohe lt. a uloaIs- ae3,o at nfou ai-o taecooaa-y. acti te f bo d al. .o Imiarc u n o dagon stuOrsouir !î uiet l aulle tYcor m alno a sri t Iilsrti aid us "Tsè it r ltooo tes otte srcotditho Oagitossît houoobindbyu ay onoagio: oR tIr. rrovicntoRdio orLeR"atruc maot ToWamici caioIlo w o iardnrl,tféasoptA, bi qois todgec i s utitti ouais o-îtcîsso Paîltiadciol'An'ha is- yto nias- on ott is auolioîos gh o oItd oct ttd hl ivig of eql uta,, mtaîafthe olîgc a-ogntro.ttlse "Th Ronod.'o." Ati luntm. os.herc e, aMsucicii sile. r i' btisrtosn itoseici ortgld m Aufo nstfo i tutog fh rt a e ti e iirtcoo tVieotrcalInattt iith isod; William ro. tadarge 0011 a~~~~~~l aaior is oenIOdtit it hogit c isg od ttain1et, b coldJusedIstrtlaon. bThe pla" us ier o tsi>to- an aiss tayo B1' rxs' oaRdîîi andtoc lîf sho Bure ; 1toio l r 0 1: s otr dil o gotf obatis o nsi to tî o s ie s oheou y-Ltîo , np co l y eamsgîît S I.Jîî arnelis lrm a icu reWltat Ot f cu io t e . w o naîdo t o to hi d f r sr ya-oniio if e-p s-4 . lt oafon n u odtolite rats r. oy Ri d." b T itoo abo o th B. Cino' oec; e f c g a s s celtt itpea > foro î hodiotosce ityIlalo aatrtatngeof mo- tfegt vohups-eî ThyeAfr et Oatiela co art-ou Fr agtheolsionby fJ. O. Frdat, an îoîlfug tmenus.rTei arosneeafsîobsructiyite wod iif ts otsOsler .ilspofoItheas- ntasnao oryh.armooocosu '-Ham'Eoui. o seg osly rt-yIlho ia dorl fseigtfnllyutnlscinda. ad fqooht tiy ooiraandp~amîu'r. nd papesronis-t ooft atrs-oand O. oe, .GeliorgelTlIagtLlliî. - thocra la a - zic.pln ta 61 oininpodcilnethe cagte oahet e Beerso, uIha eb hodoraes-Roosevryemt ito ]'ooissanof amiAstopc . atr Ict croc l a l tita t tn,.ue -Otonipioh go uo udsf u . o o b u l n a e, at a H n i ul o lsl. f o lt Clt-tc anis it spedyadaeut C Irtatssoc -a bud o-ii tto crpa luie te.ofnMu.Ito WointsoR iiha liformd itou." L'zle, . l rkh" b oi- niOlit oftrîtetiieryohéltuosanofpnred porfiOiy doviopte ss-d and lîo aroae tupir.tlosdsstha 5poedvaio ol ca oir-rati tynof, tu sto f o l cnctrot, i:fn aonttessgonsd ork andnfa ving;ro. itreentithasiitosneo Il uootla i 'but whorefotadOliotain o slThtcouud.ùc'p."oAnttOusrfeaton h ca f aiclu-ts -Dil tuirt'loa sieofG d 'ta tatrethml i laolO th otsin *Coa aeioy to itiofythétusTîtomos. Br.telle it i'satory Lan osee o f ite nm, t îe 2 a mof I iut MOIvrluaot lIs yth aot I, h lîsr a mof raR t tivaueiodt te of thin venctiap,îri; -ui Jamoly ao B. A J ltis estien a cl.' Wpatol t he f ait-- teurto nf tio nstie b vaoo b f oosr. itîdlins Me o rp r u tl - ea ed-d oth ne .B v ad " Th r i o c f lo A tc ef c l s e , ceito Iops rittlItleustr c tii etoutd sbleattram.e f u' *r u t Apis tctAlr, il.Trat a rtiK cmlosa I tagcni t.. NocJ.e G.o ra.fu pos-ooand cSillictina patltttttofaooooateoR i'Ti-o Kootituityifiuto giroImériaitlitaraomîtiîtotaoaa-oHeif i ;oftttc Sn o Oa. tt e ti otîro te.. r ong etlom poo n I etho o uiScboob ." ioltrsyco-a. AO oaor ogy ,ycsttgtas bIo hacoonîîuitu ltadws n d R. l ciV.tas-cro. sro f ppr te PaoMo.tMttoD. otAlce dWe itornollicta, aceod a i a o 0so cti nont>'O. - y OuiRiteetiioreoR tuvespoe' t ryolîîa ii o ao ro ud cce olcu imo-olio whot>dP l . lire .-Tano sitosbc, fiiirgs t tu Apilridpouprt Rstudf- Is- P.ost Cas-oi-ms- ,4tueOm ntuelocîfîîg thefdOu i plerit mo s-O meoitllta p Imturelitto n îsio. i t'o pfa eoscotlexndealment a d a s o eto for iipa s-O estf ttaa bave con ecte Ib lit ral kinglot of fte beiigl o.ýeldt abou th ît re s I; t h e oii Tcal Tand n cr toroci in.lloP itt "Téidt e OuiOs-5ta-Oc on Isipya s- t . Ctd reist sBotcrren tiseto abantth cps jaill. n"To o .of.T tac. S.1bu,- -he ]RdIl-obsesouilers wiaoîypmomhe n cuooio atîofuc. npect det peîttfand hegi ainertisr.oo ine s dionnte tole o uitoaioo only$1 yer oi al taioentse tis ot n d omol es utor itok If -thise . id o ter ion, a a îu elltmerfy s flargerho. A Ro-its tsbssfti lirdcod thliueosootîs at o ra nl thro ieiis - aui ce as-io oexet tito Prbihttfoef ient, f i i c tpa s d a-otcd ttocndibtten fAtdonphti attn. too -omctîsohrif olo. .Ris rots-oct. sannai f uýiti ceeis uîlI e the tagis Woasa aotOor.E lieou at. iEITR.j h an fa now 1-e lns oin. ,-T oiao-widtilo nta - . of]l itoa I T oh r oiltbs on. M r 00 e. to lfbmagaziny brouitsouforMas-cie frot scmlostyorqrlicn MIna. Roo a teba mtoeiltý ioh ofdayhe ocoosnethatoe mu oenditomesLoueBam lliethreotnuia dmcepltilsie fg -c t rics? es oothPeocthofeoriat ue baftronlciic fni rttossis - Poai Csoe tilto on yKobl ly cr3odQIt.NtawtorkIu tselaaalitert uonthspiriotal itat itomit t iieon oCtR ior 0 e-sait uin-aod , icaco t offoi Ketukytttng provisiocmpltesave o oth o snet octiaeu. s thyaile hs rl a rc Yoitasle., mi G enfsoteen ofito oohe Old Soobl . beiit it ordo. Art iltl ail. Riaor E.aInfuîo Vt.tooteaoeoa. s io aprsbî Inat o K iot' aereerardtaryn cSfl lasurutosl ce nii l is bliatti itio' tliiaio îtotctsyas-tauRctlhoRle. a rasit e r actt ms-lynd otO p sgo eL ctih o tatt R aitbeBsonowiR Taooopsyth ld8!aea, 188. liiton Ioats the artis- o fl leo rta Jin stswshcriitar Tpoli es co soo et of plyesu tccoa.wltatId rn 2 Vantnhn loeodoaea tb tt oiîi esieol a te rul n-thaRiloi nr psdart ot a ncbimat r oipae a h rfiihtt a i îiof aîthe tGo capaiwo t at o ax t oate îtau i ceivs stotfa tt ttra ioio Odreat o gsn o -~~~~~~~~~~~ . IRloSl-to aaiisa bscothofoatoatr n ailer oengtbor.ta cesntolstaalmtofare ontpis tydprtof os-yo itera . . -.---------->. lfnîuolaote alialreho.a1e:i-ti Reoidc t ritetso inlM larnisg " T e Nt-u cefia eld ot hc:botr ta ta nb Tht ateesc o f iatat ,t e be - la ,e sa ,c moatoato, eetatIo bysa TIoaUs ang ifoteaf dialeti pof, Imnie-: ulf do 0l0 oeil ctoamoren Oin y oraoa uths- roc a împan t ttolo qeîtoo-itaot rooucathe U'asnioPn;ftheby Titooslan mlio Paor osceiption uvtito L bs agatso Cly o mn t t te ea ocitea-o. tucr o lne.apectb nf jto Rpeobtlu ti c" reao ofltipor e-rtte sityatnaaîuIs-oa)PBeanor. onîceial im Osnt oI- afc sOtiiii1 im tb Rtiocdemi oRypce ia ta hrtjaseoocvlesdcieodt A f"Cas-mo iatanttsbailinpts-oaU ooprirlon ao a o s- lerboy.luab iliie stmintiion;coandoelleos-Y. - t o osaurla la oaîfothu to-e ofd npulctos Aot tas-os-trosubleeasttatusenty.ie' areraueac-tma cethe tanobbaroaoilstiti rneth, to rei sa ndion otohA sr t ma1itnou s O R r Rtlons Oi Wae"hingonainslorftas-tos nslsBa-ay P ROltatn bi sot o estritmeitglast.l oa the o clb fae' é k o h eelon r ere T o Lb ar aiie fr M rh ir ccialamity oSoifalit Inc. otî lamto ait cie ta-ha.oN o i ita o e yingca F ei ut Il-.O uta dsy abs ?'rt po6f t a a '«twuap fet oRexpeosiveuselao spratellel snano prtcoRth Atnaon le si m otstttaitt a Odes lc hgh Bou rinmbe tatthemot ulatil.liuoi a abëacrgéla ituni asgse" yCo teasoishnW oisi s. P. samia lsamthes mOtcassteratrAea ligasta aopsRniso. as motalié t bsb ar ie osmot oabo h ncî of wihaebr rel xliel hc teblis tj etil yltOtraoa-s-o ctl 0 r. a.claObaa hal ;iaO Rvicegtoatos ipgo cetatsighiy paper l ahutofa rigaenaI nis ry to an070,Rttc a noooi ofon o.ai lig' at.d ba- i lre b",ni out. Teita poex e andi oatc'a oea . B ssa-sOufi ra-tt 49irtclwotrolso5ly ha t todcor esnaod oarysbc fon irif 'tetomre, téIlarly2Puofonaspe 'Bi. a paîléitîtesloel onithi gsr. mtiitcdlgiito sylelo nio ititheL ay Vintho R bthe tir' ets auum cy t hiha asuoazpiss u n e an s-a-m haRoocb ir. 'na cetat faor' rcoou5Ohtffana:piongas-gsaouet 50 Jod arMtici hons ananoae rics ad itarpmosfe whos s iar e aabîd lialcomraa. W"it*l liita" of Buapplitiont ose .do Ol ta letht loes b-.oerl Mntr on hanlos aoanlO n-sases oa ntios girl. "lo mitoa oboits-t'h ad Obta so ne 8o1 isp oatom y ta fthace ('hamocoborsvi O Cmin, nd Sieanto cbiinîut cifd5.lm taaslitos-ty eosor of ls st a a "tio dmfais OI, ta ieora potr ,a.atio ffot ouià ait' alan ceasu hnaIo tOoihn isCaeoao Aac'.ros- - negrl -"SnOsarmecho',OratlOam tta'ttntT Axosy théleu"oftetoea uoian arexmlb rf ryRabtWamO nooofrle'Mnabrng.tî.s- osiy-M. Otdgeo inmanteCentlehaerate t"Tpub airsohe ]nt p -e %otten admmaepires.aaPloastearenail. 1oant nai f0-m$05 a O direstTiatire s-a oRaprothebit ot o vf pr t roo assLzruwe es a ddLhoitod y"Laretoamas-o lidit aisîtxire ails ongCasI - istof, 'at's a tan th niiaitg srl aco l" m out o mo eainycetore socibla e .o ia il a"Os ipn Lter" rt iar au tni bof a Rirtetai.. -- lutho, ansjara- cson pe hloo tha ueeAamale Poalms atnmiscacp A il ui eivi t hé ntu i Oatio o t. at osiao O. a t te oR eaioo i 1 Ta sitof B in ni c!i ia " ofthe opj ra il O tno tCtiiai.Rgna erraTaad eranrit.- otch seOlrvtOlm tls-e d. lui tiond aa . otîit e ouoein n 'oalstaa-ROtuseO t . aanthentad hy wo.nt ta he Tita pIl-titCitittoo 'tainssot'atcles l anda it'iny80pin utatio7 abil; ut èdb a I l fmlin e town efec l pousbiaooaacey t, tlr ofsthe- - - - Cam igposi ea-ow i mi ase ia a :.If B- cit d- --ell- - - - - - - -A.taRit.andmttho lxîaosIe] 1o-tal. CaiWimllirr ol fos lia m ln~C.. boo lS. CMtomstat Icoa groce - if rd ra wruisa t og, titlodisghàthavsa tooc do-iiafiytiota onr n eti to osmi ao boo.r an oan- n J.- B.Os mP Arinel Rýromia aballa. o u, Nol' on s-as ueaoao' te- s-abî 0'ita tas caniinio sptrei mmd- lis ~loho ay stc. hs ppnao j sa rlg Acsiaoia.Otfra0.uoopoffi blla ;O o ee oaed a sot ietOtaf AoiasrebaOivnt paadna..sa s iti a pin to - a ,hma ckIlr gl~ a ton, oxotediag tover a third ontR ea nlb aas a s t *g oafa ta oh aino y olir - ' t hGta ii2io n a - i .l ao a -ba - b_ ic A nd whuat.....ec ur.c' s loymdm ritgamiaea.ofCi.louieorbtnthtlh lid - Zkos. Wilson - FOL ALL ROaNDS 0F HEARDWARE. ailn.a côj G, LATR .tND il i Il epf-e t c ný oreer. 4r'anet tls mt-0 e- 'à Ro e~h- a e. to--t - -- -nt set, oir table cheoryO(. P) PItaos Ornmeontal 'ak fJecvisry descrituitý Pieuse imôByàrfsvoro eorly. -Order omn MAR$SHALL BI AxësTEAS 'AND 00F lq.*6. u.ds teeLONDONýT COross-cutSa s . 7DtdusSr, stMti Pltd W r~ A. Pltey, Hanailton: Agent for telouity fHl -WE. ARE AGENTS FOR- WM B W *STIIAN LEYS --CEEBIITTI--- - - M ILTONa"' ham a splendid assortnient cf Cinadia n and In - - - Worsteds, -MeItons, &c., &o., antd csn mopply ~sssi. lothii gin£orai0iutatetial and Éfnish te nei -too, siibe focîntito o« rornarltahly..-l'0w i -quality of the goodo lie îellî. --- os hnpared eihher 1-y ago or hy wearing om-- wo gotarantgo te esuit you min every respecet. -W DKVWARS'BLOCIC. ---- - CAS-H FOR -WOO. J>. -AT THE- C-PELLIL* EWoole: 1 t oiC psy euh for good î -loaî mneschantabo Wtcoi, ani h1alfch andlall ROdc. Stmug curnse, barry and. ucosl 1 intrdos-taiàpay fora-ori. I.1bavealar-gestockt et goodâ a ecehéose troos, ransistiog 1 - fonimo aad Cittaissdeo aise -Fias Greiy Flansela, Cheek brGryUstnouaod i'ooloa Breas GSds. - - 1 i lîave o afull lioa oR Somume- ana-Wiater Tweods fi - - iyd. And RIthave a gof amsortment oR ilictiogi, Blaniteta,i i.ai double catidtit hava lalsolge arity of Yars, nileco iwooliose e sohattteo for Woebs(aaouthic ew sot lie tthatyu u aodepoatd on toof eound Taros or any otier tii factore, anaayis front poor ocea oo chen Onsarcd. -C weaceing.coell nd j,-ooptiy doue.. 01ve us a caîll ond y dealt wtth. KýnTe bgest posstileprce alincef for aill D . VICEEMAI Great Downfall - - - IN THEPIE -Theoaobocribir wcoil i for Cash atibu Ma ufastocero Pote -bis Stocot f Foonitoro, cons!osiog oR 1È.r1or si - 1-ted Roem Sumtî Lotie eîExi J.Smdo Boards WmreMattraîoes fal îd quaetsty of Soa Grassi.anti Fbre Mat iwoel on both, or on oneide' Naovi >a ios tsse for Raaimileui oboo iha rtam thssr È msny tbsFsmaitora Looma it heSTEVENS0N BLOCI ýMtonac.so10,0887. - i il-derse I~ca plensd î o fMena WofDen & Ohild- 4did heî for Sprînc iand.SuiMer -weir. ada by s l tittactitresin tor Dsuiisolo and 0 ll ho preloYo' ;Boitsa onO Soem amade taorde-.. A pirfemt 50 snd - 0,N'T PO-RGLT-TO CQALL'02 ON 131 ,ka 'l iM. Ao . or ONT.- 1110MAS G. MATJIO * O iti-uColirt llrui,,u., Il J. W. ELLIOTT, 1, 5 M. E.tITCHIÏ. .40 Dû I &jiu <,rruue :Ao 0 ,.:25om >I 15 00 \ j i)1 X a, - t- 1, 'oT 1oT, TiI%. 1AL I LI > i. t C t t-: e oft ea m s; ,i rtti:I.t. .GE W' XLACE LH( rHE LEA DiV HO TEL1 t00. T' -lo0c Ohy t c ___ 7rwy NOTICIE t> -, -t * Credit Sa] 1 i ' Farmis for S a1 F01 .1 1'iTI-E-' miyd GMOOKSBESTFI S MONEV Tg LIA *Ge Gi ms h0. n l o TO LOAN O-N :-RM OR ?R.ETYt6ER c ý o i lrrbt :ý. - Pr q ýl e-

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