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Canadian Statesman, 5 Apr 1888, p. 3

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flotel foi 1m-r- rtrQel :)ods, .Ribbouj,.> Ties,_Colr~ i-di-s ,fori- Lhe'easoî - Paretrers.hip, dit, iiesebu Ii- iîn MO1 liicafa4 THE l s-l ilusfc5. 40ls0 750ss lîi, ll 25,Sii ss hiO, $2,4 . ~i~ 0i.C".? O50,u f TlIOS. AITIR.N, Caraeasetedo, This. MeDodubI, Ante Lt I, 41bLino, - lsqucofi. OterP 11.1.Son. 2n01 Clae-Lttie Jabsuoàoie, - ~OT dE. iceureo, Johebu oin Miyz More. utIla. Id bauC. cutt ,isn -Lotîle Brbarre, -YicAeo ni n0 li1e 'n o t o lppuic 0 11 Mathe iichicsn -i ~ o:-0,usi. coeuarncm&e. icie,.Jolu. iddCluSS-Edn ioboctri. s;.. oe, Ioriss enS. lot Clss--Loie F ster-Joboli DowThvis-e.f00Fînos onuanfil 4t. let î,glassI Etf r 4iec, Je.F 1-1lx irl.iis;sii s-Ju. ltCa-AniebLin Ra', Jenulea I î.sp. c.oiCouve,, A. McNir, fSarahsUpbene. Fouat xyCLUS.e e trd (o.Wn. asilton, Mugbimule, Bd.a i..sisoîSîîiloor. (iOî.i,.îîs b) Faicfold Rooman, iloyd Wlace,5 ,5~i~sicetieCisi (mia)mîrlcr Obleholn.- linny Dionat i'A' , i. 1 , mi l> iie ,.1ui er Oc e s .- c,,,,,uesi,,î,,,,,iiiîcii (eL)oule Mlettosul ,LbCoi. acris. ( îLc e) Florence Jolînsoa, Clios. MeNair, Ssisicmsi. ,csitet. lniel ilisuon. neiioCe5iii5eis.iic~tetiîn2 f Tbnn, Conooy, -LeorsScott, C, CARRIAGE & BLACKSMITH N.e!fnainenonroll .....:8*4 Boy' ......... 180 ýfaTIII S".11 , M X1T0N. Aggegab Ateodnnce-.....4b7 Auveragie Diely Attondaoco,.... *19 Mgist . ... .291 PIlAF IEIIE biTîlOi bUlrIIS0 Tise epocrtciftiso ChioSe uCahit-y mced FondICcomiloîocisso aiig pnedeis$olbea.i 2iee inuocitofcrseiciiioriita te clI.tle ecof c Coc nucîe.Thii kiueagiron hy lise CommisioareiBlI ............,l . 11f per, et. lippu Cyitel l....in9 lumtcr!iiç ltisiiko fr lcn pito- c1P2ce . 66 Ae bee-inwei ilîtîoc ..tbi ots1cm f o! reest Cipy.... 2404 Mlier Ieliccee, 1I hcg btaoti- De Lad.... 13 volsieciliit I li l'continue tise Mecd 3.6.49 Tise qe.lloii uitroly ebasei tlu l biss,iKioi iulicsod It lcut b ich toln. i isail cioinese. O chat I 'i ;Lteiiiicuil.il andtiet-dosetiacimpocily or essieoî cooBist? l s eul Isi Ii slei wiclî l iotioco ta ato. c s e o f t heint al îod poîvel c gie isesii sifiotolusotc- tece b. ieec ccemcly ive i-eul.ofo cu ly.l. alle iy Pcf.C. FP Chandle, de thue lat.- lOinc. ct cloiieisuColleg. N. xY. .oIertcoit New thie Nec loch lote Boao l illtil.fi tous ic,ispetiolîy soplira theic iein- - -formcatio, sud actii.imanuteacfI tIîleprtiesloc poilraceiicoInouIv CV-sCT~00, . cellig frlc, pichi jtiOCeha i, s ,i colo îîed I l inispoorde, tliene e.ol'e M~~IOI-11 vin oce hction tto tesltciteieuthrs. Amooig - ~~~.A~OO14S.lii c,îcîîîtlalro,ChuiudIDro tecl ClerC. cciii.iceii'oonc Iicl.poicdccta ostaioslaecscoit o ASDAI ESCRPTIN OF RO icite Salt. 5 41 por ..it. of lies.,, oin -CARRI AGSES,----- olnî,at..oil coac. . l1iicIlics, 55,0 os-isssi.ociac. eto t aoedî. Alpie n olisance doluceel 1iOiu.,ciJs1Ii iulaisi55i t hrlieîes t10halu Ietfiul Au.iiseiieîidms 10I hbaane!fthisi. eidoeîcn i lh -- ..... podcrseopied le mnde plocreeiy ofln010 si asme i i n iooco10ta .ja oti io os - icc .1 olel liro ta isOOCi. Alicuire----olle ir ,,,. s,îi.ii ii ,isîthe tets u h t aboli go quilt ta h ottea ol Osn Ioaccr ectaîteslie eiundal. '1iVw. McKENZIE. batr cri. IlîuierI C. Rosbcd. CE/LiLEMEi, .ir. Gilbset . Botedor o! Brnllng. ton, diod aiu Sîllu î i., in lice liaI ~ra~&~ stck uteswcdes. AI tiiieshie ooffcc- lunguwc in îtecnso. Dîîniig ail hhoso cehsofaeufferiglieodid nt poueroc1 -bel biec IltIIcitIc a'Chitiei spirit,1 GEI' lavng a liigîcl tetiinny intlie 1 GE T Qws goig otnet witilorcvdosootliat halldpasou oo ce. Mo. léece c dovotdcif aod focrclîildcu ta ourc1 CO~~nfoOO si Iii9luelon, acd lco a agîsd fthatlr oi-uce 80 years)lacîd seule nolcedil00spts laI cee oec tîcie tiseco scorepoear aud tcui ono isotîer livcing ini New TetIs Cuty ais York saftter in Buffalo, tocf hom. In fot, lie isocgd teoneof ideol fntoiliou. lie wos e rliliuoon ÇALDW LL'S ionthiesection of thi cceeotcy, aisuiog beuncbusioscofuc a gceatomari), penn. Me Pes a pacluer bnte îo ou imio!flInXbc h &CnlIony, pari, ic __________________ foo, oneconucoîd rd ii lise fora in,tii - a ver oteyare o go; sud wc el ii '0'Ilisiîîoiîsil,-e.1ticSirts. ey big bbY thilm as eing =esctimn. partialucorrecsand Ic.ntsi n hh;bicdol. Seclise lstýst 5h iend, theo ato iM. . ilallooce. lie cicccsi(l ileiidMlsd). saseried on fatncdaynafternoo,cand1 .cineami Culis. te funb ral w aIbîeduitby a cry1 811k lIhi;ccbiie lîspetty clîne). 1loccemciof! yntpiatbiiog ficodu uO eltoc. Me bouOf a inslercof Lis elCutllciil.cccliieic the ]lsoeonofatucobîpu sine fotY Fiieissi SiiitclIro ents). nbr'f uloninton Lodgo ttierl- Sots (iesi cu ceie hefilia.*sdbriedbiencmcd- leilo ~ i 0oeeu tise lisnotoservceo. >1ev. T. Bio Idleklupoil Iii)Jcfocy, o! Toronte, presceoTa Tony bilt. - felinugand .pointed ermaon. ie ilsi.coesiLury ood onog. - îsîoe, tise 11v. Mr. Abrami, e!flise Culico iite lrwitlc o ritiot collr). Premoluteian Chireoci, aise gave a ushot Peton Coloce bo(ail c. - exhbottioC, >aot, baclufhooase Iiiisiio MI, idcontat attendat on histe.gace a cecyi Coiu. eacoueafig g ouCt t i. fl,,pa. tirs, oceinî Cttonillioign.Me- ticulnly dcluf is ileee-Tiaicus. amei Na\t. -scOI. Sout FtflLc incaeh tihemituS lles uedh ooos, iiti .o i su ei iii era . Nic lot cfr]Boysocs .ule "sInnul ec bis socks f Mate ii0r,.ssiei.e0uik selote leiiig elio-slcccc. ý i tst of-t I e l :ruiALT0N.HHI lI l'S Siitnftom $4 to $14, ~ o 's . OCJ4NGelTi.w s vlecylmOty steocho! PieildGonds nbnd, Pen'l 1go t thio CitY cr11ê Denhiand bigist, enao uen' Sfrom 0to u 9tnfle ocyorsdlves s - : - i~nrieôiSlpair.d SC AL DWELL, teco j -e '4Os-" -, _ _ -m.olDDv hù1t e Z DeBupbiiTraI1, h. * U U U U 1. DDllo.a, o JD ;1R il H l à -1b,.7 j 'a lCDr... = a..'1. .U IUII-9 EB J BCD ai poae;tzîi extensiveu,.. B888fr uDiuh08vàdotyn. w. o...ii o!. i. ateution,-.884. *bm h , L u .on iv poi 0 0 .1id déa.'vR,. J Slo.h8 ioeîe a yarhos 1_' Laça 'Pa1f pur, an i T-Wallethé ÂCUM ëD0,6o Osoeuéýîi;.rli.. a l ' p Onfrglo1hebd Bute l ~ ' P f P Mi.ayWüïiitm,o. oa4 ,on'rbus.. L'Aocnpions Tuoidyhy l0aujoh.. 1h8w M0,ey ,ï ..àoa Î uuCorelin thoor àkçX. punlktforett1ii Alain day .ofI881 W881k, in. Dthe-Ooursili.DJIB1B.....sowgh ____ h, ie1iu sbuTo1,lly eay CéC 81~7* ~ Osuhc PlO lt~or tCu Tii 1. it ttelalla aiWle,.a i.. ,ttad.ndage at ciutwe1ie de fîrFcI4a e -Béia tB et i.881eecocecea fran 1. .ff.oe etra th moisl'fte 1hteliy égall.7 -M CC . haThSTliLEStAND PRICES RICIIT.h Oulit.8el u' 1d MPo uitagu. on l ,»,î cuiA.NDid a OS . rtmeot dbne but « feit i n e focleueaain.. a -aeamdnéeAau BD FreePlh, uul, - CtIseint Spie b te.ei de' a 1 Fui tepei..BotisiClt..I.du in; Resiveathu invnît o hen il JCts' dv43.à ,p e w.lidid s.rthyhe ntbo i ufiintyrcoee fneth uecse anijuy ta the ll oa labo aih&niedéfendaitdnpunts.i e ucha , . York cta e ringl isà ", bol!,mg a.aDOaü i11mdeteud. ICi rCahiuCCI tLieleautîiuucweratcele~;ars.lOg J1iO a;ec , _ dlu SsCaand Mar.lBuborneecu obéitos eutoc laba.dcde acoeatorCCtéseso ibntieaa"nuêteiFZstepraos, e*u ,oip.,laee, te:,aCtBB.p88t,8R88Bo. ?A EI*ORDe R o ueîa eat. A sul 4'ieoufn 8.0. OiUOOfiiuy.a10 in l e4pra a Th r t i t, of uuu ip u . t epois. 1 . 1 3f 1 1 .a yad laex c ge.Tt T oso jned t lu hon. ill bca-gfr05è9 Sinthed, s.péDl o0611bketleo feomoferuidesy :c reupeond con.,Mc .soi WSe r, Atesed te a;nu om metRing hll of se.., Cteée us flloognw .attas chahen;"-ou r .ogocise ppd ou ie .P.il .pu.neln 1 b.fuciind, shh-.fyO 8 .g1o~t vs h eed we aiv !T r S té.l , Woa Hpafesoegeuotv riet Lu o y.taon . au bi 1010the 151 ise Mnt.ci.0cd o. r , . oettpi. ngsdAse elsi eoresnaa udiéepeeheule feeOefue Tlbe ceu çaaueool , e en o tnru c; 8, odàec ua eill.,h' uer It ef t he aud is e e t lni;tIefae colt b i solce.ë-atY tghUI u liCret I Il tp VM6b4rotise 00. W hiBeute l s ttotln lises b . ,, ets Ayu ta epuort tis %yacu ti. .audù a on M n iel 1 s, t s ôW 1, eaulato oics s hfeo is i ,lbe upolotuWidiegud l t Mlor ieseed cTie ouea, Mr.Jcboihplac e naitino tin al contaminéntee 'e.,DIn", b.aei eo mls Bn. ise eedlbc u Itis a ionTs on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sm ccdat ie0 .iioeyhc, Cusera-n.Oitn sroe e lwtitsa hi Iecs-u th et hi . ieep will peiinthe pucoid tI. exai. y uaW e nptfi1 *o passé apbis t tle uo ene dy h9 n sumièe nsl ilae d I n freu o isaodu se , be endn etoll.g b ise A . beh ., u let hc utuMeuu eor o e tan athe iel atbo 8.5Tie hros. ae o ai e f bjnpo.iaryu ed . moectRacw euy .dhcfe rcupendc et& eeec.Tisscryweveiteti e 9treinisogtmntont«dî.ceeoc. faeil iav lseuyepabyeftie dh tie oi ble e,- fl eeaseivutdnts -0WohoN scois u cl u er iniào sis ft Ce t a neks lu lb.WBuoni givem"vidednease a ninthe mont of Curry, aseegesb mgaluncu p>unt) t illtia ut o ckBus1,T pn pIU inadH m ap Anethninis ioyb o lgnts hie pier p-a teudon it tu a t.ub thevisti seued b tialiasrn taI i o.' 1111 i de n er ife 3 p ar t M cA . Tha e. Ilr ui t, 1. i h tpr e l ac u ot eae s e ac ttaos u i u tn e s e fere py li I duavs e ntbornah verdie ofth éi oin -T he _ _ _ _ vniat a e hi.eoe0B.c Min S tcsr bo e f, .fer fie. .W , hbis lcin ans couel AttIa ill roainu .pIbsnf ___ ___ ets Mala sIt Mfihéiug e me of t is tetnh ietl f naba r fo pai t, au O Y ngliab tkfcr y onda ter ci M e tineeuMorad, o tisey ý ss licb t biele eetio telci l 5tn ie edng b te aU otri e o it ad,onU pu ,1ltl fo.nto Y i~ o Hcate ('rou ly tee. Te jefrbCD utecMnil orn-,u Coabet p er tc day , u.- Coyng o n-.bO u n01loecsrgdetbal al ~ I~ wa rae i ourin s oknof L a t . ipe nd oleutg a coope 0 u te~st el.b i n ulcu, n itis.ohets'axte evev liceeleiîioele.Tebaa a 4i lu ountbop eu0eutof itcsac so 1 toein-o eIfront 4Lr Atts0 ari- le etts eln ln eeef un ffcr uc a tie of.ivaRe brio . Che!CC.tPa et ten is c unc, e titi T e P e e . so idse cî.a6lccovio atd ual enooe ua ioeu4, 0010 bhi o u t i.i t. n-tSud k o i us es T p sr ,W u, à d ecisplhv hetnsfrngtise co t c Coliee, T. etuo is npce f3 eCDf ens , isoupteeComippdy ro I el e ps ib e ie tur!',he faie ts isndc o eton tiaI ? o adluo re CsebMet , isa camul eu taetriagl o u nd e t er sd .otbt e.teu uuoeu cuat cîee bu ol nLs, ioeuanpoinle lu aeabeliou etnday t0iuiedesio uM uda bse pmpte~eî le Ocon Trocs.100. 4tT (J r a i is Mr. rateayeceB tC iLu vlae asutp ae e i ocsteu oI# bo i Torogng t i o .seTFhci ar gateliseW nM ensverdi cut cdJ L ugton c bd dup mokasntll frin tabe ineee n iis a gseU .8 lc aluenlMe ge ..~ uotool8 favr e re200).se J.iWad b adsenaisoal ry on buli se o fBtWe.tcu.ecRad,cdt fo the w d w cli paie on oeday tise tuutese feete Pliotetisfor pite ch ange fo .cb TBackosealpel PesotiTforC Jnnttai Mrpooseutise eitnoedatsgen soy fr.maentTlee, OCîlae, a ,. liuc e etede t ecuegbSarniainebo ilePeduVdy n atera f lehla Ages anmbreuse, Und n bil dieto o ac et hposditno d f c lki frte Bpil a deeait au Mae ob e. e POTDtrzl o N in ut tse bock aDd tis r a tced t isu iseo no a ecie h i e ae Citll Ktes oti s :sticeort ean ti vilie FpattesFenc atrie, c paor- lsg dor, e tpn et tacousle f en tudMitei ot fc01 eeiOo ilse ht~ Cem adbie eod Ib sc oo b oîyc ot. ndJane Se.Monile. o nin =ri adstoChptelvl.Teba c idga.ulit s 1001 h ie aralnO rtnNe . Sothe o!ts eingyogté m on K-ing esio o! ILeeC , H ldton- t he! abonti parae<iseédbe deeil eoebe h aet tls rm l~.ayr p brdenoeta otau eseeiutsa dy voio bfoleio efoe. cc oal vSoy ca f ranea, u noib is t W. ep, Mniee isa MsTebnaien P Ityurqur tosip o nnv t,,a01101tnet appo ro Taap rand o nete sdin e , . M . y td tis hiot, isan cet doanet. e d V oCb ceoc P nfot e p:Bute thicedenra e eodthe a ceoît ~a b give yothéu laC. lb.l iny. ilcy Febeicfipeiscso hupufayfr in Mon ruiter te C onn en otll n.T e e d bt& fM lo uho e ctio a kneo he t icon nep htfoe.Col lag e ppac To i etheauc eso a M lo e apio of, o hisele pul ta m 0o&e it 9rn a l.iudco eg as7 .o ajos hn Marrie, .1P., nu T en ay, bois lad e sâe C cy d o!letoba ces té re hrùhtém nwste , msa-ghe oiovete Ot' A , e poelooodouti tlî evo Bu! o s, a Rhe aaite. o imn ovHaioM en aterWiDuipGran lCD JCT Cîom rspoàenoet setionetad thébo n odacncd foc t1: eaFnted 1111 aie on_________________ M etseanho oua"Met o ts two rtepaers tai - oeandol. oitv occ o itobnothelv.-A ut n o ruvi i nl lles, acob l e ance tatdn, iwol no! tise Ete.ralto frn f r a n c h . L i . ý t o n , a n d t ib i a é g ai e t i d t y g ts pe ooh i nc s t t e o n da a - - , o s l e b n e g g a h s t r h n t é G i t W s e n a r e d r df r h i d w terwl.- Atuéreingof thecou fisoî !Ooc ob o 'iki i sec pot er;- F ra , s n o s a n G a TuOn. A cope f iocinteuan deveb tcben Csocl Mcusy isn c hatise 'pila ot nc e , ewui a o e ss foov t aTaster *JueofM ano! e1 S O ME cith uon eo odt e o r us îotéetsinan Lent isy tiedsobsiecn asudrtimet f a1o4 gï.buS p x 'ii. g E I atas !s get t hédon f h 1tasilten on iea soe pvent. owne e! se" *Tisseo lsc ufe a e s, uc. daolebcnnipeg Pfr et Ad ion uttoi 11As ie a- ieeuagratcense tu oo isomg thécpétitioneand leopoocotie eeotb Gcaulirstt l en boihga fA rI e t t e aa it to anooednfoet isepetnaeollyel herNe ft eCUtiu h o cc ie idriio n ti se o a a ee giteas a o bo lbs,çeo Kig10 réplac pedo ut he r nt h dbe M lot fc the .o mtonlbe i A eeitodii4 n1 iads t is oue o tho hey oe6 r oat e- obi Mcs cvs e nco l Istryheu r seun itrefe enue goOnM arcà W yll nuecto bt t ero e wleo ieo inish. lcasC rii Ne . fal eliblacipoood ivte geca f ce ccn ai nMo-ofaotco! Ib sridou seàisor Tcd as loo aMpoissible.h o.t Woet Nst12e.a ar doaofuc h is ou n g enagof it- he lccot.t hCo.'o uobdisid fa livl acte or about a ie tl,,nioshoo o0ebdss JatcoCooor etfaîie Mois, e Ie. olo a-tise. ein q bids autc aclcedta in noded intat 11ye iovce, 10 aIl tso o o hnob Hec gto r acirsol eigth oste Taflga. Hpote roi tabPooe*va a ou villaget pescit otn o! a te eebip a acuf ulei-or, sclege0 uJnsHf10., tan c iem e e t ise hceua ep. aaanod ts1algd co n tieeeWeo lebrnniieso i anLonBYon.S. Rm . ic otaIe,Mswilfrebll ei R.yed Mnteor. Tiey poneeel , tHise lpt.T e /dn SoéofMlo loei t anj r inac eto sit an a arait n ueWTo, au a o Tcéecjte ieofly ito. ondoMbaieitç, yegel Ojise nt.,cllautposito n t ieeite lbtl fdocls arot e r o i.f Vien~t ie Luoaen Clbthe isyn ois f heiècobî a 1876, Whe*~ Ini e vte Os tiawlmset. Eng1i a 7Arner icanos' sy t 7, . ni JonHars,-' . o uedybt,1 wmdnostcda otiy te'ov ____f _huestWnnpei_180____ o er,.la en oteStif - dei that th l e y elot r ecd bchr d lise, tollooiual-lthidee ce te thé cc ba t pe ofsably tiso a !son UPc OgalO, aed nc dom t I àn, c epsc g ATTU n E CIo .LDRPN neev£ -a-l -m - In lrit!), g- bo opgcaUn lAd insrtonoefartse col io ocoufeu nutlyisooo pilaboca ud if dny at ise il Vof ceiduth- edcviil.EdFi eA.Dà ndon geoct ocdec,- J eisu âeulCeat b arsN. Mtis4il r Bya so.. n bi, M0s1,Js; Teeclieat1 osieg0 ieN TsliecnllocecflI oelo n sOCin tfv te etcy an ud ose o f M l, lnld!,oeSf oe. ' fbOâlbbeoe hefe ldise cera ! i Soi d.Tso bv A ebenl d tl4ptaHrnc u dée . Jon- O l, 10, McyJnef rd . i ieo.Tieleb bv Iosy îta Alo coeon Bulig ccisios do Oin.lon, pa e. -oti for ubli c t vi o a tito a lcbly senetclyCors addooert Flu Ientby thé ,isdes teand il ehep Ra=O-OIenopaosemmduchvee, it t seagoActese 111ei bugoolic eni uneuthsan rfthsoeeeuOïtt oeeis of uo a epig tiCs u le Rslà nleo Ot.,.loi is, Oliee eliuo!lb 'sebendorth pnalty11 iseoilgetveo. b. n h wy nWAiailuen e c iioe ad paceB C lsteo Eg, gelf yes -s and toi sea aise Roauo!Repute Mac, h Ti rof théo bugigylon It é ave hc aeu Vlaisnbéeten, lis t ear's v ed Mee a oN-I n uquvibu , tise 1cii e codpesi P treidnc o th bid'smoter a cagilnt Micelb ro of estepo a-t avillithé Homo ewOn.,gsoeheoiu- atT souri; oc.hM bas nJat e S i.rices t Suittte Timet gul n hecllcsi s ylmpticT. allooayn, Msefibe n iia ne ipcaoed lue0 had bsoio g t celaotisnluanerof o rd enA- dOnf.' otd ia T Ib. tM.We Htpisc. Aocaaond Me.s, tilc Toi feckda maine linsho bovsnaiprofthé ! nnstgnitdesg a B onoaa afOCI a. *- sesîd ro ltheli ennylaing e ,cl____________ sbudt anl h ibn. Te euRv. lts.He basluoo!recolen. Ce iv unne ýu9-n eti ,e éio isi vapre.d oihvdisou ueeipsd NE E T HA S orncei. he eocl oapccne - . .nce te iaà,lb, to*. nd ea'8 iocitcCih epafate p oaldoocho lflgeO rosiOrL theaaitlnd 501fitse labgeeOceins-fu 1001ltetsdatIe ndtonitba aud lntlC Tasie Cnolsoralnaie g ote cuuideo t., Hamifon, Wete . Voia od Int ia.itebfa eo Fscam l lam ni , Mncb s bttr a uat ec, Tis conetcy . unde a o Len nouuDceed t nd lhi, fo hieIcvngbi rinaasid i acsyhCeudb. . ,l Iton vas butCeey we onab nod 1ona cte, utE ùg1i h A e- an tyl s- 00. tahne uslisindIpnti os sa Lscoitr We Oahie -cTharport héeyaitisI o ideel a mi doistacsie- o slo a ueb se e cisseed Ib alli elqn tos vTîoer fto~ î1h 1hbi aioe i nbo isbt aî tet itn BlulUiru ucZnf - etg coationsaferusi Mlddla, vonce_______________________ safly orn, wthliae alérg bodntD W. Campnfbel; i -Prmonnt, ceckâ le abZInncd Jeodegarder. o hnailute an; t 4iu . Mitchel; vaîno, o! tea04k ien, u- oeh 24, us; hcou ubt n8glia bo is v h. Th Pq o an of, Apil 81,85.ovci o ! metay san hTe ai , ICe H, nbotely se ge n54 ucu.void. i àl sand eet hvte afaetec, n - I. lise ntei a e birnc thedeue aICoire N EyW ' Sec.RIliIteeîso sieci o o ntlvd Ihse o pneof té o t , uiCy isce a. opudee Inpoc, u ais e! tiecseb Aict.no, h av oe Aon Fiel-.proapttyalen fed b - it,1 08,May oe ,cv.âe onieste.gThé Slatbve théoco la tse .J k l J coetely r iuçayos pncefap.ko1litb ThleiiincfpuOeooot bso oo s be a c o .l i oie arue a a fledfactheab bu lbe aronumet hiethan tday lfofne st noc Steaute, cf01hepen CD ise o el lu C oftt ich b boseech het nd ew ap ilP Tics and Sourisd$rting. Fo onterieçh confeGilbertrth br on . aev liont f ur ag al1bts bcdyiiibrii-teceô 6 Yasn. iegapaols 0 tehfre c , e c ô R uao c i M P i . a . e t w - a nl l l t a n d H u ai tp . I i pet l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ caneaissebouaie lr y r.T.pdi al slie ec W iaoshp o T isD tolB laC bo mseigt l, 1c16i o ie. an01 cele ert bsid m Od e uncfstadde Itisere ma Pmcb b9 iltllpc eooin seaslnoed aboultapuotee ies nordu, oieloecl hd.t1ybiIit cedetd Fiel 7Ba sy.~ id eto lun ip Wi te eon.dbonvsey Tb imbfo r jp a p r ot ebC iio fNscin e ba gBni t uoe oa t a c t BrnistseOolAtwensoiudhegaey&lc ! .Otii.eu efiv jearold ch~idwoutpnijed the Vi5001 Ese urlnge.n.esodenl. H. te hiooison hi y liruotba. __________vu___________t__the ctfaly uot isy bugy cau thie c' Doctrine," lifool inediataîy pubii. Oc frex Bach'-= B dltec fS otepin Si lion fhapi~W 01F199~88# * ~frarw Shop. ne~t to G9o ,Ajidxe le oreiis~ed iso s'how J -~ j' .~1 i -~ --i ~ J I 1~f :3 -il - j -4--b 4 .5 t,, b' v y

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