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Canadian Statesman, 15 Mar 1888, p. 3

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Icrachan fica trateiciaj place atitctathéefDaminion te iil tuhe aet aIay atd halijaf, oital thé Crall, htam'ceatila ta lr Hankhaftrea i a. Sac, achea thé11. Ail Frésh talscha aaiid, dccIiacd tet atemont- Choîmegistrat q tam fotialf i din , f ci P t_ crsn ta' t e rdisoiCE) teBariet aa.. O cou ve chaaid net bt iaprt af accéoliic f the fia'aila in mle bthaardonsaacc ae il accalit ha :% handy i d , a t caaa tic ia ho'caa- rcgciAs t ts ose fiit iat îctalicinl 't bOf iland IL onsable a bcas lit. rittiai tolicta*ctliacer u cacldin cc iniitiacacinlà i.aaald siîtaltc i a tîcracc aTas i cfheaper ta Iiiie iciuicitPcLE#B ri tviti-tii ilea cf hav tiii-ic d fia'. flic atil pici' iC Cape 'i iiii niaaf ;i asive' W L S 1 TO ', M ngr c t li a r roniiaccc a 0 cîjait uta.y 01 w i t J fl PFflTTCIChain. 0 a1ci iittciîc aii-Mitiaje ilth fpe Jnoaitv t 1 -------I and thîc ii scii iMFz ti fautionsîaiî a te a ithte.m ner ' teOk tailler ofl én1 ,lie shiuBroads and lia1i îîccî i. t ItTil;L H T W~Â~~Ol t bMaua f'iy f." II-,ý . . - i T 'îî- 'îî iniiyiiiticiui i i ' 4abcmod frot t * 18.00 /'avi-s"If 'cia t, Ii'n'iKc' luS ' uiTha -,I 25.00i iti " :. tar $270 iii~2 ers tc ' iii titi tTM rtn-litT PuT c-t c M t iY 700 i r f * $ (li A- 8.i tî auer lea 925.0110 vercats la caca -rrfateqt 1 0 i i i --tuait2cMtccciaatp,ja cicttchii aîti0uati't.ecciiita16.0 cco' î titi. î.inv!i ii, chiath a.Eectt ,e.i t ' c i t i i i i i i u actc p i e a d tfr* ii ciii îiîiiî iiiiicac' iiîiiîiii u îi th haite el liIf:i he. iaiiii~tt FIi ci ti iIGiN iiiit~TH-iic. î"Tiahiiiy La iail.i ci . iac I nf mertî ea v a!itiîîî'cic As ti rotiec ,lîi ti I LAicd E rchta113t- c111î1îîîî utu iuiiui ii ttici i-. c a-le catei, Ilii nii. ii ui c h1 i n i '. M W tiia i dlil ttlctdhial Stt .fecint u e i ceiit-tut' - c c~ttiad ad waI I, iticti,725 ciraceLneaii e ei%' andi a i iii vi r c-i thet . . Iiota jtri e ofr flcme Ca ae -hu. fpn li a1hth riige eta teé twalaae -Oa -tet a -Iii lii cli ranislnt hi fcil .ilttI.e i ici- c-il.îî..... pî, t-p; doi la upéel.eeandcl.éO e i-c ~ ~ ~ . il iic i hiciîiti,t tilin t vi ity ' Ceeca:iaé(e Aa o ce t ida îtctiî ii'ut cii- iîîîîe~c îîîîiaeiclc hssi tajd e ae îîîîî1. a'î îî-îîtu. lîc~ it lhaiilayai r t eiaccaia aethe iiiiciiitfilecahocîiaea. t c i-tc ticc'iclctatîîîc- rac ia , fli c l ,ls c'ot t1iîîî ' îîî i. il. -iii ti ta iiciîîîcc h.Tahe tac tic'I iii , _-ti ,ii li.i.ciiiiCccaii 2-clc-iî iitla s *eét~t îhaaîî.îîlcîîCîc i uiiiiiiiipi.icci-iii'.titilui~ aiiiiiitiii1;,;; :la t i t ue th c. lcit-o i sI li. o tinir,- laci..-iicccyili riaiocite iidciiccd t l; th. th~ ] ird rta off tuaoi P *, téhilcec itTîa. w, f-grettd ondoferd in l. .iiii l lit ui .tîc 4 eîtc jctoar Ofiicahittceiéta et cet f aiý.t Eî~~ il.ipccctcit cciccaca tQîc andig-eeiit oeid . V.c iticîii.a.....i..atéta99acîiatîad catcdlacttia Att itih ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w la iiitiytîcaî'îciytiitaeiaehiuitta c a [ccc ~ ~ 1.0 facîit a cd tciagbraatî ccc .11 Ille c rai aaSa th ...hi .. .2actiaca cc, SÂTul blocDfe tttit vatt il Af cci 4MALe e d yl ii cp h Ir i i-a cceaeccdocbtaciathie f r e sti caa%ýy s ;iat c ' ii' ciri e"tiý . ....cii . cc... . c3 ctS oi17 , titt.rc y teci tiac lAieOci tli. ei leý -Iifag Ag. Il cTe j' i, ét ai ,coîeii -a cci ei 1làtie 'd e f litiacionii ccc . j'ic te u etl.cî icciiiiic tcta k i fac ticd l ic dtufi. l'ic, .1ciii tet h ieciieeuuilei. 1,te3t lanha- ihe oflviiiingt-itee c e-cc.", iitii . %,," Bt cet. ce chi ofis c. theaw.,! e.uI 1 ciié Ž lng lnc Are.,eliva for tht Srig-Tde GOODS, EW GODS,- ýottoîtaîka ttat 15, 20, 25 and 800. yd. hciaet9, 10, .12k, 5>-anfi 20e. ,yd peuitea froln 1lie. yýa:up. .. Dress Goods,-, -New--Printý Bluttons, NwBraids, Saces, Ne-w-,Ribbons, awG1doves,.NeW Linens, New Tweeds. - GOODS, . EW GOODS:* taen înitked at pricea . that ehould oommandaà iya have evary confidence in aeking the closeit to inaptît otrstock and' pricées hefré making9 Ucehaeses. etor Ata- Pnti idecenbylir. %s ri- mr W... sr i C...alterceli .otfl Cneap b-tore, Mlton.e paompt, acery aeainegearept'Betarday. eadymade'Clothing 1 of Clothing, Gante' riFurniahing, Hata and Cape. Caldw ell, Main St., Milton. urishing ýHats &-Caps. -0F- 44GIRDLESS 0 OT fewd piaoae and sunite ha eet Tie pa±unity tôobtain a oheapeit Im ttp chie braotoh o iyb és7 i era tha goode muehaod CO'SDRING.-H CO'É tW o pin toI wll for, one I waak seaU Men'e,-Womaýn'e e-a'-Chflda'et _Sweing Retd'ota itar Goods at Ie ha , t l"' u È -oGaier t teC àr enTaaiitay nandc'Saucarj .cekbg ois Ga (Yb tt t o i~s eY 19 t M-Cioé as wo .~mere8,'wl. 2 Paperei&o edé S idz ho aé e Combe, a MM Whîé Hndkrchiaor2 Spoolsahast o Mne ooBoeldd jien1 e MooedCtonSate. Bilk sndWécl éfe, 25e piéc ~7 O O c5 -- Boos Soesand Blip.er' wllJecleared outl-at - ta-~ stàû,'whI ducaed o~i anted Aô> en1tArj*Aph st- -ô .ýki Scr E î-Oaaae aietseto akvtl..i . . ehi aimeSCeservattevtp a s, MUglilp- .expledes the, at.b'.. ce tecese ctd -v.iyteeccceairee c lifraby7,descedcieet n 9eté th7cheu oe JeWeca 'cefom c y mejrilefa.r eethe Sait And .ely Esqaieg,éciter g a iefecea electy etsgv elepef t9aiegtsthe etaAt. a the Ineeci altlale cedcliltho i - 0te9 âpees bed..ehitaithe Glotbo - Dr ceaeledee hst it osa the p bta oht idBallasthWe reetd et peomt" fGeorge. ced Milon, and theafaraiterne. c f Nceecgawaeya end Ecteuesteti, t0 er 10 ot eseere esche aiig thO &Ugav maorte ra t wcati have be ehcac lied a amena becs stree fto et tciThe calhis'ition will include the very la ier-Acten ait Neolte, bt cîti Germatuy, Switzarland andi thé United Stet i. teaiciulltibe, atîhecétiCou- [aaettics, gave eecjeritieicnd . ~ o ~ 'fe htAct. Thece le rcecs ,la A. M URR AY T l Ir tat pechés tMe Gobee regards- tacces aeste oiy to eeeectias !Occimu iie pes apulitc cen. If ai, the seceer h aabai tae dointe otltier. Seease g-Mtu c e ca. cla hmga imlst tthé -ira cio salô;w ntbottrcrpacclactstîy. . *u5obbis sud -piaoneas e ca8 e Asaisfati. Tit Hc :it t Rde se cd, aed tîcat astsaisewu made et . elcte.Trd a recti, amre - dthtaag the pltiala teastraîshit eit tivriegltaauoscrihers ticir en.. psrty tiare, rrsphleal. aceceit d Hitent ae cThe Neteceerp l ilsi »aties Hao@KneieteMis, taether iccitsaiieeaaeaaieeteijrt tttir ncaltceeoaislaedctaed d&bu am we hr teajiy egulsr bauseansd smuli e lac aMecl Wasgsitrepéat. aai for IL. Literacy Scteemee Maensi, seepri. Ct aec-l e e tdboreate- IcRa cu ea'tte Faily physiceno, tep lehl.. de y Ibs at cighi a parpfciToronto A0. GOeec LCDI., otiinailleotaiteacmsecaudHamilulttsports iedjot cei. toece ci tiir bokste Tii oaaisctics neit ýù ac omble0mais, leortelle birds in ie'rperated st eocait le'forithepur. a sie, a fecemitesi aulidecîthe terra. M c suplyul;dirct a ls inb hn tvrToronto dalaeive-s made the acrut. erealeot ohrs.. cetot prio',maaad thitea aif the bled, ced tbah NALTON ASIZEt. Ii lateActea. Midyet1p. se., bfoetheboil. aré, es aca5« Juce Sotreet. - - ThtefleaiegsacethseDaai01etlceOcd T.a-ta paite éaair i emt-io e Jury.-W. Il. Ltedu«Dtiaracti. . aeccnediiraaa - lIiter. idoord -teri,l - e. G.N. og e taeo-aiOec aocaee, ta-e. Waeite. é. t. Bacd. C. aoaeer. J. tieffatl. A. eica %IecCll, .Ji Feéerill J. Bmwer,,F.Cateeéc steS= - 1.ittcaaB..e-osca 1e J. Atle, J ariiely. D. Wite'e W. l e-- Jeh t i- -- Phail. J. Atdesed L H.Oaulegtc. - e.a 0. ttse-JcaI ]. eit. Mary Hic Lérdehip. cte' ehsrégiigte Glaiti.tPrt Ïi.sre Dixa .a céhbta. .. arproeeoiteit ult heecil aesceecthe 5 Atsae i - - laacslomceaniegu esholHilto-icrdcc stedmtl: itetéceituece.eeUccx Ip in$oé..viee. As acilesbrocut l.1 ttLL cicr tyAteeeeier Cree. Davi tniel. ea Lit ljh ieprtty tcled aec'pt aetted Sacîteelen Patele betEo.. téreieteas aetc rientcllpcet W. Liti , aC.1oc7t. 7ihàtiboi(uEstaNDérIcecea er renta01leszeace lmS.E phaittaeitisoocM.Fetirtei REittilao icdeAe acitor ail " stuiteé. Ataieres I. leg vecnee 0Tlce Sipstni ilee ,oAnlso. VLitaaeeAetmt.Ecr Afler a amesetai beio0OIrMe cGrgAld taca Jary lued leta airtoa"dbd etint e 'J vaeéetbrottclrVia brdll$icte aie bclo..laeAet i a elaeie-su a.OciPlo.cl seuairn olLerte Crl tsI. rn e A ect ior Hporjoréleitd- ig lt.o-eéata.Wtrdeotr Besatty. Q.C, Srfiéeatolediame ertaiiroe Ca e-ec ird&,OWlcéti.ticla Tt. lîcceil is l 551 ,vaic 54.. ec.ratms jmoliIte.o aoy1 llldt stllo s oe.aeo-OtIec . lt aIs.. t is si. rMrrgcred il«-s Bd. eedteplit erp W sictto«"eW éad- ori5x otidot BadeX tacilrsâsm adPlaet Iloie ioil ieLirepeltoa vCdet a liac.e', -j- otesacM.lae é,e L- of..re é 4' ' tia.ioo jldd. 'UIcg J D?, - si :IN :.0F -.SHOW. CY C WILL SHIOW THEIR Manles - iIkDes aGmas, 'RSDAY, MARCH 5l' atée noveltiea from thé haut andi chepéat' merkéta0of %tés. ALL, INVITED. YS., 18, 20 aànd 22 King St, East,> Notice of DissoltOnofP ceged seGeetcet ecebata the Village ef Gerta 'A~MLead, Aederson & Ca heeljen tie day dieeciaed hy ce tuateaeas -adpaea tapax t ajaaa Wee MaLeod, at the ato e *Gear I.M~ae l a te thtiesaa dpacteeehap ara ta bc.a-preaented e AE4Wr. 3McLead. Deted et Geacg.etawe, thie Twenty-feartta day ef Fetacea7,Itet, ;OHN-GýBON, W With referente to the above 1 beg, to intimate that.I Sntand adntinîîing the aforeaaid buainegs: WM. MoLEOD & Co., end would reepeatftilly aek ail partiea ôwig amali balanceaconta and ovari ettge,- aa money ia required to pay of the retiring partieer. I aleo hag leave ta annotînca a Diaaolttti, je large and firat-olas ana there are eeveral linea of gooda to ha aold out to reduce thaestock G. given ae we muest have moneytoe-quare up tha retiring partner. Otir Spring Gooda arecooninginijc Prias, New Dreee'Goode, New Silke, New «Millinèry, New Parasols, New Twaads, New Gaenta' Ftarc Made lothing, New Carpate, 'New Cottona, New* Towellinge, New Table Linen,-New Footwar. worth double the booney; new cottona for 5o., great bargaiete. Remember -the Ordîred Clothing-Da Mantie Makihg JJepartosent, and Millinery -are in firùt-olaaa workitlg order. and àtocked'withi the lai eael enuine sa e ta realize monyt a f atesi ht a to puÜrohaee, and y a hail hé ay tpay f atarhpta a be ieled oya e Athaeéh ti toc sa ehd voe ta lae ad sned ene tae etw eeet, we aftrsea5athrer ledecarnt ta haers diacacat et a of Itat ced epwada fer twe emathsenedieg bet9etMay. l8tt WM. McLODI WIC McLEOD Main Street, Milto'n,:(Oppposite Dewar Block) . EavetrougQhing and RepairIng oeinfirtcas C:1ail nd examine their large stock-o St' es,-,Tinware 3 '9 c~i aFrance, thé veider. - cm ft cam ft - - *- - cwicg te othe eatareesit -'c'- icail îîîîld-t 'ha stock me aliha es for 5a., maesand a. Thie anfidance cen cai stlos 18 cp cii-c 1- ce ýtcot eftviAVlal Auf-F Sl.I asor'i/tati-7ed Air Cre usddreo:hIesaiasiaaeeaieéttmaooae.eéiopes. -reeacaîéltedfaie.taceactoc etieet ute a nd br . cai s ne.i - .Ibo 1 rocec-ca ai.uiaicsaithcgcai sJtécc tc eeeaeotTi Ias Ctrefie-njtllahr ~-'-. ~c~éti iecartheos,~ce, -facce.itor .a00.'x . .1.1 ION- M. .. NOT.C0. ,7ý-- 7 .-,- 7- - .. ý

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