TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 1 Mar 1888, p. 4

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>1 I I 1. .1 (N.-.. i 'I - I - I. 4 I - - 1-. - ~ .o.....o<.e. ni~ h -r - ~. 8 ~ J~, t- set 1. r I ,X fla~i h tas i eeggraton and dirtort ion rolioboan tior. -mIeP bo erdeolaseeeeoelet - wtlheatirly and shopltc loffleel mnd, carable of resoably te. paretiveestat M rtd ivestgaton.TherD t, tee, à t of.Éiàteoo ofm8aeetor distlrtion net Ijette fe runi eqeelteet wth the lisen e frte te 1 87 te18M. state the teLl,, or roth iwhet te char- Act agitator1 seuteiietibo e! really heneet mirfe,.te intg" steetl bn te truth. The -raesh, tmVýu1rioe PIniiasiofe istureaceseationmith a stâteofinfau.l. ËlèihbadS rtireScott Act egenlf , ut w have afrow'r 27 ta 2,Sfincoe's 99 te. 10, Mu rtght te ropot'thet corgyteon and Loke nef Perry Sund'e 84 teS8. ral reformerquiotes rach apey'Tehoe U se5J5hT p asy tatemootteoyeuor Ieur nolioh eueoee,dve tb on-ed9tlP*ti some telolp tirir carie hefore actter. Otfiirtaictree'by thé w1Lrieeyrt teg thoneetetemeete teendoel t vtlr"Newv,"lie Ceetinue% , bol, etrtO lte wetghi netereily tteehtng tae toltceoeoentee-Algoteatneeýefroe 08escefpeubte We-r'Aed nolten1 erminittdll te 1888 te 85 oommittelafi er .,are dsjbdsin tdont, sne pnblicQ 1887, mn ti jraeo 880prSu 11eetteWle avaot =teoot SN. piqsieg front 6 ltiit 185t8it88 et Icetaelttt 0 ait etain f Welwerth frent 295 le 1885 te 878 it the Stateoesof Oppoenateeef.s4eia 1887.'enéi, Yrc'from..1,785 tsr1I888 t etementeanefa bîtef, onotrPharteeio "ýtheir nliat lhcenee ees. PBt hb attitueo, nhtoh îirteelly procleittshet croillugnoresecuh feeacs thOee: erittce nmuetof eocesty -bo bailmont. Age nd er ltoono,-shews eely fou, A trely hobatten n tlnet fistort, ejmtttale lei two yeasteii nconsiot .olor.eod sltet wth a vieno te creastiag Ntpiiing, titf i ticronee fronit 6ceen aisSueimprrsions, bwenorrnteoh thoee moittls te 1885 te 18 te 1887, deoron, lepreeèteseeayeappear tea td.Lserd fronmtein18854 te0tin1888, une oae.The bIl oeefpltctnWetirerth, thoogh IA-tfesnshow ai ..hwer. ao.ne-.baend 'to0.ottCeausées en.184.te187,shr ety ledthorae te fiffortint dfolliooteer7, mal docrenre front 1880 te 1887. ou eare lelt inre rftethorrfeetiand thé larke damans efront . 447 in1880tc ba te n-thoir tlempte te 4maw cou- 818 last yoar._. cleeleer> . We suely mtght. oopeot Nor cdosa the Scott Act agiteter leo eqie.l Jrereeeameegstlorgyse; e. teeaileîraleoh fects asthoa conorete dne 4IP 'get ît. *-. lioPublie.ttlu Th'V e of lHalte broceorteanstiale fer' foeireaiete E8. o sraprlehl l* fb~oi pkeble.id familiarv, -the i14.a888t nefri-fromlin1884 te 4à Bone rtgteeted br Sotfetiloi£ Y. te 88; Ntpisitg"free 17 ta 1884 t Mauioev. Mr. Lucas, formeoly roeîfoet laeeetel880; Peilfrote 24 ine188. tu ineHalteseeadeof lteanegont e of te i887,and eprhfront 7 te1;Pror prehibitiotUtH.le thoseeoemparirrer, ottisuefRuseell, nihicît deoethe1, ahui Iteve etece, iitheegt Ceoy te"èCittj 888 asS 7 iT t1885 te 12 te 1887 tien, oprdeoef thom aeceolnrr.Orey front 808ine-18à5 te 41 te 1887, Ov8s.c of 8the bon tfit unde c r Bey district frra',e705 teilffl rolisipieoeuto' . , tei g 1488Q te1887, Weterloe froet 14 in enraller pepultation Itben.iltest sldta 1888 est!il te1884 te 4 te 1888 aef t cenviciones nbo a 0 n8tihfiePrineeEdwàdrorte 70 te î88oeIt idefoocoo*eand '41sin1885 tae20in87 «T i«a 'net thr Tire tat t alten tetnstaeosnethoro et doreuein lte otî ntior te Otarie, at gttot tite Sctot At egiteler f raws * pomiae ~ i 80,w . fialie aep etof etioer te Scott busy ity lo14 'itoeoof.lY eepîîre- Nor dux the ramne agiteter rlîr. the se.N emeio l attefl ýit dieloeere'et tire tecremeeiteDefforte seorel1 rerel cetr o fr looento loir remi ne cemenittnlrie18 e 88 ilrtoehehwlo1..irieoneseisutIcie-oand 1ten884tetail 880eand 8tin887; . .. thenltsiecoeor itih theocee:ty oflier thoeoreate in rant frot 8tin metie otentweasppllnîsasbetwtoh 12 1887 ;' oee treo Sott Artrineetin. aorotltoltersuorrillatt*ropylanoifee 1 8Ie ta p n 88f.te mrfieth ceaein eeenefudcrime tlee Halto,red lt esof ntht eeiiror etnicomuillale (oaly. saine yeeon ahîoletely nemlloritresier 5)i elltee te 1887 teaIScottiAct, lho ef commitreonte for ,lreehoeo e-doptroeorsience onotheete ht Helten spite tIoreoerions tact Uilint o0ea. hail 181 remittalr te jail for Scenkde. smptioo boer letIrt ceuety trlargo nosr te 1880, ied elyeoe e rolieoe nefnd lmbestt eivornîll. lu te1878. Nor foon it hall) )ina arfe. Theeunfatreora nf Dr. Leene ccoi. met te poteteet tiraitQiebeeîghted es,,n prtere nier lagaie aed agate pe=tedooty e Poeott ard IQemeUlI u tnrîîîit.t to.i.lt rtm etetiesâ4coep1atàolly oeefomu&l tho Scott Cycledra ep t a ol~(jîit lteute th. Ae t'e70cae, lireSoly e commit . Puo lorsOtpeldr.be.~oe edoory moner tele ferfreuheeeetla 85,'deîy 2 fer ito av l-e irP8ir tpuhliity, bon dleipite daiclirof trce 7000e oui eft the peuat returrepea. Gnt . . ..t.. a rierrrtietl continuetateloce, OeIY eeene ncaliOfetotirer lttc- ec-lat; Yeu'ni laird rireelato tîrior rtlirrooycare, and nouo le foer.yoars, te. helo r- tlrea.ftat ttrln IeUio tt clefiig 1887. a r ui r î a, re oitiet, wmietreirry;onroe used And wlro;rgareri ltu ovrtthe 'i liafelrF.efaye 1I.aiud aie 'distanceefrosiiriue reocoeîidlorod, ittn lertpions. w fth the 1sf thaven b ea t po ylltilornt foreciScott At seaker te lot hie ah or otir bthear ooee onocoie yoîi audieceo erni t, doajttte ailtho Pi rralin obooeektrecruerteoefnsboate emade te regard te thee irtt Act, a îîrohiatiuo purain itichi teltefocceoite octotfet io coie. '1.roouiteck elLrfyteeti, eu oj,ey tien nud tnio theo etiou if Ontorro, tire exteriroly ne a Seti Art eitetor. noînher or c6nierttil for franheeur shiows liheniso ae treneoirîdifforerîco iirreneef fraie 8,5à5, te 1888, te 4,180, tta atr. .Hnecontes ith aipooiuly let %Caorte a lorfornumerrthein Ji cae r1 oOtcdation, frotlits onrecord te tîroîraouyers, oCeeptief loiir r sesioe, .lariegiît reSot184, whn oe ptioeal circeitStere Ant beraslao aîîililated treatief, n te Algetea rosuritef temllîcl iurnhon. itatemeet frotin titrîttho laoton of rl'casnsdlita onemittel if .M porsor-4 Ifalton ar sppooil te a for. thaintefer druneaironain tirt wiit. No& tiWoodustoo treetiglbaseat lootgroatly nilleuy pieuaboutitho Se.tAct ioiog l' .Par foorreoref, neud thoScot ot tlnre le et gio0dirirelîoneotiycîforcdbelli tie, of a n,; lontatoer.bleerooîs. YettlitfnctSeott Act causa, for i t e O f te in noterions tiaiet îrWoodatoi tlioro in. Srott Ait coulito nhLre tihedecoanro no diminution i drieloing or druneuotin te emilittnls te mon uarmeo hete noini, tIret apen arîin te ebotte, unS taerrenare soliieg opooiy, nate Sinooo ltobren aimait on open. uhotind. tliet oer motaofthe coety ;te fact rigid .traîting hasie at et ail fiminishlS.nod cforcoeceateOly sooemeto-ejgrnîate eliat ceetiy 0110 of tiet attractive theiiraatro!fruirhouîîieîî byrirting lîquor barsen nadau liislicon apouearr.teiot oun lo m roo erpooiulelty Tîrtipatno lrgyman orirtuef a faoiogtyegmaae5dio ye ar a agefrontr tirethon Mayor, naOetposes thora te lese publie nliie and wHtreitionl.ateot tiat sot oneoilottth lie, cotraniintfluece. Tire nort ai raciodrtohieg arfdonasneoroun. opidoitoof dreaironoora orer Itoon fer titoliceîo low ir. nlodouetet nMtelailoe on dîîriîîg a troeedou jobtateef jait after thetir inint etsport of enforcemtont te 1878. le tirat forcerantiboforetho 'peopîle hai lettre- lito la rite, nitir 'no brcnroriou audfln oS loiîrte sfly nrapt tlîotr friehtsg fistillerios, wiiti t aimportatioe ai habite te thaere ord f !tîieg.A liguoer swl s ni ete saeoproobitod. aad1 fetoneeah Iter tlicra bure oe peand notira population oneihrl teat of1 itstat opraten. Afei cotir InerOntario, teore nore no ferrer tino-28M theosale nrq&.aimont ane boîf s n a auapo noctinafor ,taaoetteepe liroeir00aeyeaaftee lara~yoro etitery len. Yienitttý ot8' tiaerSobnfor tIandli erao nn; tIIboafet oree omouPr lS ttlèèieo etr mifetght. toIthe mayo olf car. prof ecfdruehoeoritan t e o 10 olte tla tehaonoodttioe s 2.11.té.Iliâ edrooly fieSr troon htb thèe t tiat elacteru cnp- bopa ta obtet -, cprjodlief d naCe'Bfpceimntol, correcnt tttorànete ta'guide tisent t girteg etiteligrat reteoý, Sech sate moats cep many peopleo ihanth-tf sen isteterenoe te Iqeor-dimiaishec -or dirappone sn aperetal chose ate eanot.o.-the.nvtop-. nnlic,, tirragir ta 1 dIglry or Jte8amed imagisatirea t 1ribtiistgt, ta made te appditr or ian Ialtae:on, Id Oxford, nar n aRas trewniitasoma e rmot conr-of thr ontht. Tlaerror enet probibition 7 armnaisufrrnrnner t, Vieo population. Tet thon m eS naothor.zoes r o nrsovorsaw teohoteeon mta In ai lie ~ en. 51Why cime ehoiaaateelutaoe mare ieua nther -ortineeses ceyars maore tirar enother ta sot a e rplsaide. .li~oet Act atil ~Rope theBake: .ra emi UNDER TICS bceNiAWo .on IBeifees heracter otteprip 10 187.. 11187 i 41 J il8111 j wIirh èetfi88blIiidaiity, the a 1880.8. I S Ij 2. 11.1 .iv othor 8te'ap5i 11881.1 17-j157 2Il.ti45 '130 mot ee.ioro --asaài nz:.emTTioTir u seveNTroDUE. verymeaibovefri fôitin n 18n. 21 III 8îj28181169 181 tse vInpj 15 UNesacamieOTT AiCT. popiat aQed 510.1 8I l 5 j 48119t 1 eaoIai iert 188.. 118 j1127 1818 thlde go nef etnfanturig Ce 01887. 181j 15 1471 182 85 thoreuooaof 0c ettiooo a eoo te s not regar oSed sromai 8 AeOrrgnt t'ltoeronitns emcerefTlit tleromate coavil.non te nthe neceltanceu.caeu for -1882, fuce tIr. a Soe t 0caesotl, aller leoSt, nwcre il fer diserfeoerme o o thecouartse le thol 1caofotnef damnogat the or Cr188 ye" .:- .1 niero 18 for firardorl3r cendeot anS fie- . -Aor.oo oNgoSSZr, 1882. tubugroLîgiac-a.nef.ter meotings itogina vr. Sarahr Flynn; & dmuo antetarenew.) Tira Trnc bitl; verdlisint gnfity. sonubrt auoesl 887 of disoflorly iRegina va.Joseph lilnoy; lp efotnmtee xeteefd tel3, a record TzooAtiII.,.I3efedaet fiSeot r unelacplof, ie believï, in tehe tory anasf. balwasneàfoteeabl . f the ority.. Norders th.oao to-Jei ' Sldford; pr crf ropiesont tee reletive teorenof a on g= t- !ýl1 diaorfcty Coudaotunerthéroett At. % soroor aroozon, 1884. Uodrr ionelài, tee hif eti oepoc _-'Regina va. tie. W. Backr; pI cou all ie theearviceofaonestabd leîtalol. Truc bill; caer edjona or prosecete. But enfer tire Scott flg' v.Johz-ieoneott;t eesi Act, theeOqaer aellor fatie net dusea, a contble.Truc bill; cago adjoi far it migiri oxpose hie te prooactioa * arErNu -osSIESe, 1885. for violatien of the Act. Ia thieniay sRegn vo.': tI. WBlack,; pi hundood oft.cae offdairoen uao *eoi'l.J cdienrrrd fiooreleoî an Sautentho village logryg. aon oet; .ens ohnheenr ga untarertigat.f, iteIlitea onsnteble. Ve* t, geity. alono, doronesof seeircaesroccarmig z a Zrrrscau î4. SOnm ý oten0a e oItgio Sateo5ay jrigirt 1o ce.rtid~ afSdndy. . taptetet.rce n MAY arr i eb ,Tl,. SertiAotnotteeicetil riooroAs8.l heîlbor lot, 1882. 0if tee covitinsfar vie. ,lieglea v. W. D. u.oiiee. latian oi tholiîqeor lasn tiat ycar, noS ivite; litot. Ver 'naeM onaenivafor lroacln ni the lions airi leniS 1aruoioe, 187. and noreotoon for breuc tecteeOatIRegn Te. W. J. Dogoor; repe. oct. . bil;-, erdict, net guity. Tiro rbtirouprarehown efroeded ar-e [POTtho rpriogoersizeerofni 18, tIre cloaniteir lnohaveatvarioas timon aoec. àkcndXfor cna a ci boe made thntloCo t hei o a.Soret, viz.,iiof porter7, 1 ofF otes e em. tt lIa .' inS.Iltien; uenâr thneCirarîtea Act, a Tor ieltosedirt"'tiosoit1 , C1heof filso pfroioase. tire aoideote roduotieuroifcaviet. loua nrrh t ny coorupand in eae rsiotIe(r. caesoanitanl orlcoea cits ' any perasfeeia rom a pr SetAct, a 1r ea an rth t Jnarortint cmusera ngs, fiOuctni oi epotheeecaîoof nion enilly afer ratieg. ute iemo, onteteOtrio, 'no iii elotir. Naal Bba'e irilli ciý re i'.6ii caentieà the accidontel iroorcaoolo ih.o cs. _r_. hes foilaod a theiretlrioation ni thé Seott Ac te carofully ignoref. Tire MMI1 ONV1CTIO111 eiporioaoeofetHnlton.hl, eau herioly - j teioditryîtAn otCcln .Wle Tho entoeor of cagruestgot tiohgrr eir of covitioes, ex.-jeTiistu e largo oitoot 1 Ztoeî clafiog thoseo-for riolation et iqao lecal oroteteanoS teuao ro Ianrorsooî ot. o * neyiofteinreacoantfeaceplaced inotiCqety yourener Iico, fnoirte l, r t ie o rptia beia nloneefa ltouai otai i drot ru ira higinot noudeer, hioobiugqa erteîmrey trial bcfoî Wr. th tie ex eclusion,unodor tlid CouetyJadge, or n total by july.~ OScotAtires -90. The total avorlo atire rogolar ceots. Sa tirat thirr ycarly ennaeor of ceonitons for tirreo bor et trinlu beforo tior rcnilar i yearolce i Iioeee Inn nu 8,l, neftee fartriieîc ortreotnnortliy tritoric areragen areor oedero ctit Act,nne îîlierteajudge of Ine.ooo W8, an tcoaeesoaf 87, or 70 per cet. cîremitted. ' Tire foloing, .exn Dodnotiog econvictioes for bronches ai fiee tîrorieordSow iti. the narte ilquar leniafromte retotal, ne e firtat oferceiù onoîr yearaollotâlo1 tino averagooe ber etconvietionasn'es 1 Aot, triodSunmmariiy tefore tIre Cu 5 enter ieeened S0i2i5nfer Sctt I Jadgo front iet51nte Olet-Decej Act, ane teerores enarly 18 .or oet 18180W2 -Aceît, ,nth boffily barr perocooL-For frenaneddioordrrly tir a nenltiag nànorma,,1 Ji teer =Zorgeneber of cenviotionras erottal . SSOI-Bargaryaor leee li5erar anef endor Scott Act negloctirto te e pces tt.iIet ts'rist *fite WcknF wririaoolrp.fcfeltef.IiS5IL o? rpes~r... . e, ang down,to ioer n i4ý SxMe4lisn8 îd 8hë4tbro bOITFR -T -YOî..L~N. Mlerd Qé 'I , .- Fr'ts~gor theo kindlite - Ii i ~ Wzson.Ad st urtablé echeeri 7. Pessesonf l Ouamet el a cf e(il OTS SfO~S, LIP~ER-1ORER .-.o¶ TEA S- AN D Žuo. f37 Dtiîntas StreetI A. PilLe3 ilecilon, Agent fr lihe Cous ESTA5iLsrEc1t71 has;a Splendidi ssortnsentrof Canari iur Worirtedc, Mdtono, &C., &o., anid. ( elothinteînerrr n m ri, 'ni ii c. WE INVITE O G-ONIImEN ÀNDPATRONAGE towllb n to erniot 'Initia. qullty tif tise tlodelie Selli. TORONTO SHOE COMPANY.____ uteg The',o Lagct Ste. ra .nada aetcloreFip-,er for Cashi oly, icth -AT TEl 1, thoraIntrl pey ceashfor goef, lo'aeerrcletts Ontiioo blf casiraeudlerlf trado.. Strosg , couse,, lie seduelie trodo or te pay for iror.. oodoo on I haeea largetocliofgpoêla t iiioe.fi Ij ionoi Doensand aa ttetiacu; oa FiÙe tiey FI, GroynionsiesedinWool inlrtiaatiood. bJlEo ira a full inlo, riSecairr- nde5 'dm mptotu ~~y AnîI à-r ocofaosorieet of SILLrtij upton aIl da blo niftIri , a isean nlargo varioty of Wooug.Las ne ora1,nbtilatea for Weol(te li rieg the gotîsat you auaepeaf onegoa ofo ariu ofitIal - -___ __ ly e FUyIUR Ira o. w~ ber of Scot rmet sid ueli jatatioesate Crt pefl. a. sdei .retoeoi 77re 05 th i-,ihaie fi-1 orri fliuro.ii,.ioli f- t. Cb -rg .e% MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. . The isaharobiternotl el for CeIraetIr e Mf b ie stoch of Fereitre, Parlor Suits,. 1ed Itoom Sîîîts, L Sîdp'Boards, Wîîe MatbritigeS' qualtty if boa Grais and -Nn l Oo l s oth or ýýo sthé timo for famrlse iho osis te eoo thte 5rnttedelheomn te osTENV orr mach-maore se ta dratte LCUR iceotoanff FI. 1.E Dfie, I.in ît. , rrruu lit 6 P, 'î-r. ,'lI', l e l> it 1ti\ -QI) Le tul n 'il cet. lii JE te A. 1r -- te G~Pi; ,hi. 1.j .r A. G. N ire Stale LUneoef Stea WAÏI1 WE -rHELEAD UIt6 .Wallai P. . W!1.,1 1--,.... i î,ri .,irr nd HEUK'B In i~ fI r eit t *epv raee. otc ?0"t equir.Office t -Fios 10i ii or t.- trepeired. t eel - .011O10Di. m. bs-iheribe for th rwrs,.espec ess, exceo

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