TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 1 Mar 1888, p. 1

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- BUILI) L'S CE u57 li -itî' , lieu. tî tlt nt e75 of ss-...7 puinfg sand latchngdois.eate 0rëdd. î.'it:t.iittiiN ,LATUOAq Çt il lai v 11tti :1it li e l t~ i PIer e t Denilci117, PIoper-the Baker-tot' t' îtt7 l 77 it1t'î'7tîd 7et sonle ca l1i, :IIi.,-I!ioitbred tnd sorao:, o' t>î Ilu.t lie kj7tt* lie Inalies hÎ I i st <tir tble clteery i i i Ôt iltitlo if7the 1'. in ot lttet ia U mbm . TJIMAO ANDCOF WM. BÙ73, rizd jtl(i to oné. CASH IFOF WOO0i, vitt it RINXER'tRN i t it iit rIt itji> th lioon tii I-tilt arttil t otd rlighiting. large .rc)e i;, ildings.. «Chimey eakable by heat. andl ioke up even When s .eapeýt oîl. Thieyar SiVe audeasytoman1 rs'G d ............. . ... .... ....orn....i . ............ ...I..500 .-1-0 OC t. ~.. 9ts~~ show bot ,ohui, ace s,îtsesh es . ': te. 1i tee.m t' Da .S.ZIMMERAIANr p1o1s. . Ltotot tdt.esOCte .ÂreTe. eT lia Cr E#t Sl estýý , P500 s'. Iffi Il,. .....I- o cte stfr Ht . WE 5 .IH hA otîtts,,ttetItI ths and 7Vstn Wî..,.t 75Cttt7 C. A.- NEDJIAMý, sts:osF.tTEto-Tto tttd. TON H ALL, MILTON, a t il ittî,îdtttsttte h lto e e itemsi...6S 60Euoepe zou '~ WALLACE.;IIOUSEo. nSnu-t5 14. -ts o Oo .stoe. . ALêMO C i.,5 .î.r.t5. and t l.. Èl.. ýg. Os7.oeLit, . 0e T .LT'..s e te FarmsitorSale ltt7.t,.t -Wt . 1sbt7. - Il - k .7t o n N oitsaur itst oS Foo t sottt 80 b 254 4or W. liIc.Os so.g, so.Oa L.t.s.Oittis Oedte.5.1 h c-h1 Fr6%. t& ale t,.. lot . of Fuit G I. Sock.andDOr ar7 c. ... i la ttOmst TO LandON., R ORTO iittOstitishsidstsm Pild PEr TY ATil6ILe- C n. In I é. t t.ttt.bJ.ee M e7CsOS Ces Or. SOCS, 755la 50 .1 sia. .,,eseo.J se ,5041564577I 1547555 lsCe 1, 0'ttslîcstttsscelts iglso 55e 0.6%s0SP AIL.. tso d so.ttUl, Mi...li 1Oc.. hu ss.atau, d btetiîttO Th. ILtsnfo,5s1C1 ss5 thYlitttre. andS si ti. socsos. . IL. 2Lo r,.-1,. - t CLASSES tTiooT 'O ot !g ad '. - P sr -I s- - id dh es 80LD9SC,-tel -c . 6heO t and C lts5l.COS . .11, rm ol C5t5 . SL n - rc ted a a ne .sid t,il, er.seh .D p et sorto os rs, i t alew d t elt .I.dfl o,.elhtss7.sm s - - . 5.4Otso l S0oCs755.M05 Looy 2 50SO Rural C.mtlt ". - .. 51 t. Ntowoesd. *ss.60 te -Ttc B=iC of Hamiliton ei.alw4 D» M.FeRýRY çl..WIdý"C peot.ertssoum o ey dépoied- 7 .i..o OPeteNove55bei test., and'the Saine rate for nOW diogeits. G..,-R JOsflkW c0zýAtýt Ha ARN ESS &SAD»bLE - DRIU ..P.O0. NdsethToisSi 0 'ladsstetthNtiàame9A.Fe, M INST0lI Ses atteodedý tue oorLet ots Terme liiterai. 2. ne;smon sd ag to. et à, Harriessi, Sadd1esi P12.e n ~ Cat Vdlses, Whipo, Cl),. AVHO .. -ÏMP. AG4ENT rssPttyLod t540 F0 !pu1' C a'--Pi T1 11045 e Yr: BRAIII'TON. tpstetog dOnO ithortanseod ltsîerk 5050~ ~~CayE., 0075'arsTr054 a07 nt407ed. 'BAR m ILTON- ~ASAL BAL -Plani.ng MMl- TO2t-sOo.t. tOsY IrA01807. i bavc ee -esti 5 <51cIs OEVLE~MTH -ad elieed i psseorpd ateetr. sssd .. - s ormO touht1 bae uaosted part oiti domot- c.-it.te teooso7me itthe bmt emdy in W, e rdte 011 s11.C0tld67254e2Ot.or th orlde tbas, Imshetsrdisesos, FUNSIG estoerh. t is csi and pieasoot to se, lHE0US E UNS NG oieosrorrticshi9.h !itsoîestO, ISà&hiDRsrei, BLInde, Mou!idIr5e, Cerne &0 ,heos. podei" ro o eh eymtWào the6 t5he detj htbe"" r od. on OssOiLiuMbér, -.lath and Shingles totbisg but&m sure paieret soeemou, à! K0.1201OF L0.75080R XTtil.58 AND; b ts. resolt. t j ss r5Y 01 50.0 O m00 tE0 J200I 8, GEORGE, .IAtm oE!CEAL BU ESSPF Baser ncCooîetiooee. ACUP sel5sltdtsse Asti t.Os ie- de oretto e, J. Miller & Co. îISSrd Lase SWe i&UW î0855d4 aroh,-LOoOSOtneselo!Pretsaecttoete9 Dovie, Coliisgsasd Labtt'sea Toeonte Bewigand Maltmgj-.O A - - s. 0Ho . ..ss it -1-9toon anssrotaa.es .1 ma .50ton ana reaSy for eisiplaqt qs.ti t sieol i.5si4 dm.êS-4P15.5y se M - M=U' 75 i 6 thé it .ilutUniehesw'baruoiaornad uýmtisbtise - aSw1 At Ulis oneu. 50ti CB ' e . ~ ~ J film - I M e2' -nouéMR quarses mOiS a-einvi e ase SSOBjBCI ý;te Ies t Oso. iOelCg teon,ih sio d siit 1 'i. .oniEteo OteCB1a,'s b In e th auoo kd m-. " nt te ini mr sooct Cst !Pt taà%SO -ifab 1 dOret aspolsa47Ri ig. oe s t Bveiithe li"eCeogr-the eas o n . sobsil. o yorooel16 *9tiCrBlgh, i toohe i d, ab t 'ise oordontoattp i tyosro . e lendo teis. -iale ito Men, otijsOrncnt IT]7ysotolomFà . 1b ehea_"iawaefcefom&tols IltsadOio n en Omos ot . co Pesel. el 11,19se SIisi 01 elirtem li tô. hoRS 5un 00455 ! irtsr la ct m esslon e.. e r is li ai lmod ipo t a ntsC 5 mdesosal ià raiotm pu -on i y '-a-i> leavssBge; C0et7l lopsd a baet rde . Romutrcsun i qte ait ;i e bOShsolse o i1age ted 1la rd cPe hla uay t2 isisudof poaofthtwa. T lastcdw . s-SssSt moisiomalgsatsifdems Cit jse Art - 7L >50 gns y oisteiarc d ii p a talzpsh5messonoft iPe. me~>lar-'d- i o5 ilt MI respectt Fialgtitt ao, t itosdbss steite d e. s O ctautiC.- It is a te ogis e b esthe vé aisem, uh Wbut lif . nt elag tti e ndthés os es or ause lé - the trsiSratr) selit- IlD iffiortes lotas lseeteod' kis eoniss - Ms. isetan a.!na.ncrb 0 frister lidsgOogttseir thi e -ba P- B beo. bol o yùPer.., Ithooiss ns - Bau r ! e Sd tohe, banS itevgedtiaIisPr cteé ltiseltse sitiýre uh a ï-oOtst a as y h05oiSheSevOrM »Bluffos t hé 0Open gu, r.Né an's- iso tCoi eseriseaoIdevêery t ý bc ras& Ns wos lipi hspoeéa, -nanhgttea, e;S* .-- - - ohitidrn t.be a i e0oa d t h onarmeS as l oh*tsst diototee o tito ClsefetitssscMR t~Eoeohas5teO amd ndetom. l" er n psa tytà o o d cýhm f hpioss i. T aoosu =edesd-f= Z eintertys!lat iformeol for1ishsie truck fOsto ach ssoasdtaena.laed ter mai tietth es momntoainsth seOsmof..ess..cabl.e .an andafi lniile.i oof ftperatd f al omenttalta bléd *prtohetlbisgota sh is 055150. Sinàcet ofliaybeao f td thatstoida m otr wuta :e-fo hS tsettttd as.oeocin50 Scoddigs is rns 'atodnsrcoh eoel.- Màti L is ahnailive iit i li. eOod to t ni omtCatsuit!h Cisadew ae toi>.ndLora unt -t i e m i. Tisca ctt riai foireite b eCo; ifiote ss ose epea swC CethOlf"ssefsdaotoand&,,teII. anio alcadc 01O .0-,nse fe. ise teysoron, a on,-,s Ttenso oW o eiien g mte n.-ee.Aslis otst!ibéa betl onry ns to s er tiso Aet te ao pfeo! sf rai 'eV.,e s .sd eii.55155destds ttmsis t ohpse a C mis te risosut et oighlsardof.lSIoss-b js oo. r rot.cenyzged S d; dt ier aad;tisas iCm t acdoliorspo ii ZOgt d C iSc ein th em==. Tt os 0p oseS = - - té Ment o*f * - *-fiD tefot R k e s aerofHates fAc t; or ti O Ca a, --htEfe oecuk pr en-tewomisethe inormotois eai fais-iah e e"tty gid itI h6- ooolîhei b F so rondhcean-a oroo isg f ir- - - n aevoeatate ee oi eo.is aefusi overons to5 very050 50d a brsce te mie. st Ieli ad îos. oa -fistetieCommun mis solastidnrh Cha sly scoe onoeta censfoste iti e otos Oy rieth r nicapalh u szstSeth hnoteSoisip5aestan i tes o0f foée ios5.iéui - eoe. I, issasil. sie eelieoo oapi;til not sue psse ai Cadte till. 7 ls at a rote o iyti; Istem intor. t ogaulaA eoie oe ~ f5f t OI 1OWhOi1itt50. bs tpod ea thne oe Nm rsao 7ciss .emtst.0d iserijrass o bécce ode. ali oÔmcha antc ipsr - s. Tetiloo Mr.fldr t ,LaOsecdC tonst elioe tas ssth ehesiepepesn nia ii ooe puarwmI aedete plas talio voso Mo.gad asldmOgOa tm n b Ce lot asgs iitstoneotier.,htaat o oeo bt Fscdgst o e .t meCetagsaie priero etn. lires ta sthé aubeeisc baes nocim on lieiti acniy.- Iorc Ir en agr le ohnnoer.,ponimi Ac ' t o itja, endrl Dont dstaisyouaef, nyblod. Lu'ou s moth 00 mow s, sll u tits anS hsr falit Lsors Oso.it Eer l. pato e watice te i eihc iR t ssno sea it trt, te n,,wabluian s Mnbordt uE'nrope D raobeeseil e s e Ie Pr.a9Si laPue, cL yn U t ensamd ien et ,u amie o. As see iàypt ontctrlintehefthAcino rfoft te li er ," ubot te -utmy Oartkiinsa wimpotat sdnotaitesgtkes otigtrttessyosoew. 1eot t ba.oesil tietidiet. tc eeee 0-ioc ityc ti cnn ,oA aps erdofeot . e ilaeintinao d o ttin 1 .h omsalet m le Cheatbiani;asd lito r.e Ford; 1 hâve i"'atooA-ostiotis l d chap ad ofesthé lîSeS. o.vtoIrivbO 1tie. trblfseej ., se .osh t oed tm h a i«tero Me. m .Iostlc, t orstforhcsselfoss ectse. -deoo inw tni. tro t a malits .bIter, an ros>. M e ae hi t ecal plo o ne tedhie if aC g ante bc t ak olorûheciote t img ,e BrayHItaser osgA ma pfotyrit, nSleB m frott M aoopat er Fo d O em ne ieLr-su uttu ioa csmirs!Oops-it br illei tea.051 re hadesoio mfosa taosg0haso d toms sottozed is bnotleruk t .fiasoath rapt. ,wh ie atf olrosgekt e scrae iI- e sma ilih m ensotandet refoooott . dtvcii allte asie on t ioe fr ln. tttheretice?-buotoftatofSosts e a .scoas e ioGS eae os hi assCtta sua-ottelo e i eNoa wd ;o senhoktCll elcarottr Ine t a aut'a" abis od. inca ronsor fie r;i anS heetehiit entd280sfs ho i- deamathwe soarDtps-oe i.- eneritas ltoesnn .Oede sIte teoldoe C rsae gDet Tw-4k Cho y tChcato e e iotal , syil ghasoto his. se grinvgesOty7AtCh mrm cnai ea B 0 ionctsa Loro's weasngepen:e tc ornosoceta epîtelsnsli. og cao o isi the seoce taw ic he t eam s a auCh r aosil hbÔcas ta e T hb e bisable o : I sult!ta iI i thét e t. o u à , Lo ,sa rait>. co .fros*p'ta1 an. -Ill dde il ts pnti. molte e aestoeis tixatgrotst opta itt etlise tEvoluiIPm a h aicsdaise iesr g ." so tteraa s e rI e u dàbltSehnr 1 .asSgft .mOte.tiog 1y : itep y of ot Os!atenef 'co h oth.roye5 5l5O~~daeefe fro iRtaisanl ail aiswui é4omoro d lint!ero i ectez lo mceaefl5sw alýýh u face antertise eitpsse bratata0I ta ~ ~ omn cea #Oesi if it c ur op ana peololoa edth-it "' "~lt!.tPmro'ase. Frakd o gent béad. een M os eialh b e, 0 maise tee tiii.1 .U t iotssO hrSs ig-tli. 05. th n eafit neSra oJatr luth sarr'b te bleft fta haffl1 ob itpp isycroadpàtis has eb nee1rýatambiion-f-lie'Illst-iome n: n a r s ;t'5 thaior m te 0lsta r o Ot Uh ota ýt aihi h Ga4 - . ~5r .Psasiseoisdd lt'iet oen ay tte ied, ws or id Cteàubtat. cretÔst i'~ L-it cdeitomrd ectothIss- ro e itoaa ry Kt, he.îs tle, - ansd etateflfS5t0.. lhtheïeo tes ssomsed Ch Rot te asi Vteas sfesî- iSm -agohee ws o I t sit o se P aIraiStBtr0.a a stlAeo egie eeft' suo itiSOo1~osoisad f k. thfe w r eadü~cey, ndwlenth h oti e is sa dictisrdocom oneo ibleosjrat .Bfc c rontftahetepre Fo uSrd aso aoela faot s Pol reSt oeos slwls e sulia iner' - li fsosen ferec ie st oer uion. elite lo alEfnsi:Tm »Fakvsnal I Yehie mach t olGnc5sale, temaatepaelorBluPTorontoot! -wthoth my lutt e.i,.nsuit 1 greftsy ar hplauoS cedte - - 000 n leie fnseltopesdrage ad ealotmeV5- ,elili ss4mtbt amfrmay 809Crie. S0ioiSm 4 atssàiérta -V. s.. Cesmo-ftiooe Ypn65tteTe ches ioukhfr t s-; no e. -8 lrenyàoo Bi~ ieees ,,- er hétaal ti virBU . nW-eelth Iuài »od& re " ga sal tas o«oetos aiattgoud.t he ws'ithNoen-,acosPstnied or t-eu z T.%l ara e. o taa ay - notid5 y .ceâsant - é - hom~ne ). oo ektto u t sna teswu yeoîiovs me. I ..s.,. -2z2 tmo g beloronn ehos isw9y yoa-ièed 5- an s:fr e. osdsMiiss . -thGoretw , a..~tc~ smaes. ha te r -s". suo5kisotabu S h l hr be Jw etaofse t i tDroanonalssies sonhe o .may ..Âàideci - ôsoogCle4s' t rs, ! ècOttaitaecc..eOn hsti l iOru'0.la3 Cin hmd. dl "lce bsneer snsih o Rs teetosoZ.s. mdeae p= . baui t~ s eta e. ac t- tabf re ci Ob 115 ýtai Uustssos u4i0I tat bthe '+ ILT ng'i atcÂfh.MWflarea O rsSl5IrySaea te a frét .bck-hehd hoae ,Eer ndiie y eglm er U t h 0sin o'eiiy,Ate e retsaunîba ; De:.. ror sale ,wlolesale tr etal by . W .MAÇN. psc s'or1r dojMy, bas. ta eso" U tt dû- L501-0 1e 'utty lisi - .;i7.. - - i id j i. 7 -r- - I - -I - s.~ i I 4 tA I hz

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