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Canadian Statesman, 23 Feb 1888, p. 2

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s. - e~ 2 p1 MILTON., IBý. 23,18M8 itt cthe. itât ahe Heur gOcdciaecehoubl.t=un tt-justlcelu thencr u.n.t êu *quetin of te epe l ofthe c ct Àt.cîýpmda WiCS t sO hoiee tatthe law aa gooacad 9aoîrits~jj feîtcctbuourtobeice Ir si -ottieàorth883.e ba .rdcdgo eula aiudvt fteAt18880.90 to eancbd oe e-uc piotil h o-uo f ; erÎèfuî stayeses * iclrgboldicg au, cpmau "citer way i bi acineflitepubi c gc.Lo thesbhirberaboera Balaneagainet thet #438 IrTla nurttl by laoit eProhibition-t i. 8tld te ScottI Attlebu utaned, ià ietatateuoebaciurocdidric ill licraveu1mor8 ctuly inthsefuture lait tht*noonehas*eared Mdrn lutbai itbuheutanthe pat se, accord. * the tct iniier te Scott Att, but 18tag taycterly's Globe, Heu. A. 8. la a ceturstto tact, ebiclittt h lacf Hardy id about taloteudacea hill ta convictions prote, tbant mauy Indu tbe OtarlcLcgislctore ta tbrcw àllthe -alstyee p, wueoothe act fitu ccc'cteetrem îî Act Whoeetituoterteta, uortuoc xp atbc tem.auto n freeeer. * drikc nee in he htbi cttef dctubtcg'ment bau puid ôxse.bihdof tex-cu tuiexusoe. Tbe saincctupeorcd by tho peintcs. As tboe ll 1îbalueru. * reccords of Scott Act trials, mortboetet mcnaucritmi urcetePas coceitieg eidenccobau broun ccpeted. 1 1ly * Inby bys*erbo did cct bacc'thbo1, A tetàszuof ecpoocca cf lte sd. *.taul0e liguir Ottit tboy pot it illiottly .eicistruticu ut justiceoi tautan foiteoÎL ccdcr theAAt.' Vote aant thte Att thet borec eru prooeedittg 1882, tbent a pviteitas detacrattlitte otd and tbc in abicis te ScoctAct c'cct itta er- b Yetung oH a.tion boe, mitblboeeef tbethsceou b icadtcg ta Dccobor luci, telle bdtl A - favocritearcguctouet of Sctt Att. agaiot te caireu ufthebu dvoctsofot lu ages 8tbat tise liiaur'.trcffic, ,Jtbe Att tbct il bue decreasecd crime. * oW ai beuceii ccc, Webcldcnt bulicous.; H&orittu,: cd, coidîltavut ro begb tbe Att in&> ore.or loi.tf l.ts...... . 8 ucceel bruit ailcr, tl tinevibevotefor ittao012t rcierdtfrem resoî,ubilty, as boc-otoeI ttrerýittadcd ta oappreuulte teffic . ils ......Orme ... .84il Tisi itmore ecpisitry. Tt a ibinec.defwr vtesufoi titScot Actlletiigtat. . . . .39t0. clvRadduta'tbe eils coecceduqit, Ttlfrtea o. - tio'traffie, tbct t ijttres tbe hbol o1 teaoe....tte.iSlaui teade otly ta fiute bebbooctbi at tur o.àti, otto. 81.5it rosuutltitaeeud tatemperancccud Th b.oerl'tgreccectalionurefi..tct wooicele ttrjtiry, iaýdiretiy recpeaeomlotactbheecnty Cencoil, Bile! s ible ftue t-orecuite. A gttd lii c tit, ecerpltteco forat ymr, mbiob S lac' tbat' peedacr gond reautta. VThe taveo'ot yet ceme out, bute broc priat- Sicott Act ia cet eeib c luc, and gdtcd tththOe minutes ccd cieutetad citiceotuebelttcvote agiuttL cmtg tble loeteo. * Poottte'îrONItrtteeticmfer tbo Scott LOWVILL. 8 r Acttlitat litbau lut au ccd te treeticg. 1cmutpleocu-i lobe citableta a uco . A viei 'i cycfitbieutieomuii1tit bcMes. C. Butta,ebe ]its beaiilfurI lllqearseoliitg boumastintec oeccty iii s long timo paisc lmcu conescenteemc quicly disabueeite coîtcf ecyo c geic. w Wh e'beiicliucrdtaumwallec'thiu ridiccl. A ,titilber cf tbcfarinera in.tbi col nu . euattmot,cund.tboaeobdueetîooi;bbrloo(r ec gituticg; ta tey th * r rareuet-deitg tbe tita"oceeuatslyantlcatabiultascbceuotaeleoy bore. 1,, *tboe4elrruby rudiigttheoc-idocce bote teymayeammed,uastboreiue 1obh tabioc demi by Police IlugietrtetaYugctg r lae o sc uinstitutioc. I et Sctt Actt-trials. Osunatt>oco b c c siltopi 8t le gctbtbemttu Wruare oee>ta lecru of theosrionsu et Ib lit eer eiiera ltebe ldtoe insmaetf . rFY. Ctoul, mbe ta tcn ntrtdoluer tabelltact tltoyidtititeOuiedote biclbrd mitt coegestioc et tbe Mb luttaesct lite bru, tetlîtic taee bemele. fote tomif contioed. wubc eas largo Acetcor rectorypttptl c'as opol. of Mtttttby are ift eby oyeld coco bat d"oelod I.tleoeerctilcpublie ebmlol sta » rdk s 2tao" mrobyb tth ocober, butmcaiictccd «r ____ te geobba cpccyugtliug 17 îpcto - - B""70eiclritishftl bypeuî'-V r iert Oc Wrducuduy. oeeig, e8 ýBil i it fial e d(,.lnaimoslytbe ltbico., iu cocuorticu m'ththie ac Xlii ata lcl eraaeecuieelyLimecloe cootl, ms -cet agoodua bi citeldbY tc Cabitiet, crecta o eau &m muid Ituve beu cpccted, tti coccty br arcpucmiy ciectieboooasis.-lbacuglit tt ma cg ced ecletaicmect. ]IV Tltseo bàra cro tavae ecir onmuciTîtore mac e cpleudid eolmctiec et eesd. Pe of te pclitic fere. mitic thietajcrto. egu, recitatieosccd dialogueta, %b-blet, dietonliecd teyaeeaisetiseandmwere coll rendred. Icstrumetaid' ttcsftef pubicue' licesoe. Tbhttatopt. mutemotocpiiod b te Toelter Becs. et linoftheprictiple 'etloatoptit ualTior mat l;ec ru'bebt uttommîtuiotl ititu provision for tbe ercrlutctmicitmcutofait y all, tb comtptnsatieontofpublieefor tboleueancd tbcl c'cutbe ectice abse o tu Ofctbie litreeecnioe itràe pritilcf c alrmeuie. Srevrccsingereue.bemreuif teru cttiqd l nc roecocf viela.e- oetot lbe prcect fiiod luput iu th( tite tonte luor. te lemaloptionc.u cearraum .Me. Wm. ifceittllufeu Ltuetf Eugluud are moeobesancd tad ascebuireao. Tbe prcemdomill cbi mo tem liltcc ite e-clled tamper- -gu toac l byicgualargeodieticcry fteeRai rceclari; cf Canada. Tbe lutormuot tite serbeci.su cl lte pmohibiltite;eau got ta long - Vite ed iutaligec*arwvdy c - as etbe>-do'lbhave te puy for It Me. James aveo r meseocelerd le u ______ Coute enFeid; tiut bsul A ecer tme ge 3r.lilsaCarbk taegitee, ilm. Tbcu. Dawmoes, et Mue. . A SUOIT' tient 'a Mr. laIt, Mihigbanc ac dmcd. lMer rumaiceutl u lcttdieed o e 'crgetec's'lecdicg bôtal, uritod hbo cSaucdue' aud useis- I. lte ituetogettertele'y ptreaircd b coin. tereod ttt*te C. DI. cmtSetocy ou Sus.th tmartial and otiter trutrives uabret tue. Dccesed wc emll bccte-eic tbis Th te te grottttd.>lr. Carb leicgltetiy. crfiibbrloebcicg lived bore up ta cse tilrisympatiys; e proerd teercbrut teefouryEs cgc, wcdtoseobe murrief l ltim,,uttd titeroc a as uttcralindigna. . iTo.. Duc'oe, st tbut ime s Pt' tiec but werbek hn a i oate ubu parttceuitb Mr. J. HcCcuau intba Fe baetutbe ited broemaiime ttagrit miii lore, c'beuebo meod mitit"' naor bitore olieiirMuitruir Yoog liter buubuud ta Mibîgac, mbereute;abl ai* h" trroot'Af iiirgciiy Krliegliittttr bute livr e-loer stnco. SBit lavosa ligsraa l t tecre mecu beclieuc.fte etuito c'it ittlret y oe Prosiadcet.Vierec'sua lcal ttnadct ultoeAt meorettl cgeol tybti Pru edmoticg.ci ba iteaeyaocity onFri. aet Autie, butcevetrte, tt e ce 'eut tiuyorouieglauduieeugeed peegrutomne. 1 tribu onSutcrdlavuad tas ditietodtfor Tbe iutenottal musioc upliait bt ieutt cf citTt he.cVite oet cf tbe b; fliteraicitele Iceu fic.J. * fc'maio. o pretttioi, utacpro. Celitgl, hics 1laclt; md ced Il iu; r.oïludite 3fr. Carb tut cftite Lttie llicg, ced rrcdittga moegioettlot cuutysandtte etMinrotrot e- iyJ. Shields, J.Vurctulilacd J. Agcec'. e, lsagon tblte t f act.bfotelite.repeul VTeodebett a mc, reoetd tittliean thfeé Scott Act, ]bot mile itblasabecScott ActlibulaacfttiiurolitcHeltau.' t aufaillirajinu doieg tbuit, it libae biconiiuprevd tabtite muet icteoctitsg Go scesta mcbieg vtesufer tite rettOci. dobete cf tbe eeaeoc. VThe uffirmative spteaktersmore A. tichtardusnuud B. * r tie guceruli cdItitcd, otcc b; t W'tic, aed tihe cegatire wmcm J. Col. sdreealeu ci prohibition, titat te maic iicg, A. Mstcerlced F.iTurcitaîl.Te Tb a sprcitittry luc' a ScU. eceta i rinetitoespeaiters docrvte epeciul louity it nittnt tutu aitrovuilico oaud meution for lte tory aitle muccer lu s trog piblic ientimoetin itsl-ttuerwmicac ; ity attdiod te cubjeet, ustd teoerinjrnô occiteetitieratin>tfaitc aise fer te tact titthIb er mou euhCe faveof eteect Act. 0itcu il evau Imo epeakesounte cfirmatice cbij'eBr! utau-eid ja1881 ctaee- uofttoee mi.te td tiscre m-cee titeeocntAdrotitr. VThe Kl ferIl did ei mri; te gite il a triai, debate mvacs ontyJito lieutive by liti atttcriteu ctcccecaiuddlin 1874eaabeut tbtrtreupotst.flir. Wtc.Specce tlb Iurýppretion cf tiec ite eesppotr. tted « ce crttie. *VThe dobatu fer cult 9 rdtàttvero mou mliteh iecocepatbye- ocuitgmwil it, -reueitcd titat ret. At toit cithit i, mIte tre t inte itaitl& eeii'c raeu as abouollttaleEogiuedl.",o eielig it,cndc'bce-etedteorILtbecccu Vite crrcleyceaiumtutetdiuoept h the%*'itad tut te mrcurge tere. t citaliecge cf te 0amptOllie liBte tetr doe,uROYme ttiaettevbal edi ocit; ccd le citallengo the Nelucu bt ttoltreepeeýt te ualoie ta 'eei iiset. Socityte le etberdebale. len fla; otiteet e-eld tor il becate teyTVto He. B. B. Ilooter effeisted in Mr ttoreîit tlitusltieoc biesuand kbcec'thetit hfcbdiel Citucis bore oe u Scdaysy ltatif itsuioild ito repcaiod teir teudie l,bta morieg and e-riog. I.meal mivti b la)qmped euit. te rettinuurd deliveerd iclecturelotpoulbcteuIli faibite cf te Actlinc oteytiig excecpt At, iunte cutce place, ou lte cilemegrut in tddesrafitatgite rmt;iui libaitlit oe-ig.lttua yfirudience.oPIr. Hr ittoi ci te tympathit litad t iral, lrgecued itio daugittar. Firy. sud 0' seit-itta c ucceautul utercemeut ie aus opoialli te late, deiglttedovery'R sucitof aituipeeuilaitcr. Itae oc iti tltoei tgiug. 1Iventureut u su lterortaetttdty ofotey gecd citien eytbatbuditueeer teitog ter' f titecucly teevetaeugcinet iluand taoreemid bute beu- aeerylit ve bel tuptaryitmittsnoblaumjoitycudiece. * * *litîtie c-eiio taejtcucegittiet, il.M>. Crcmteed bau bootsineeting thr miicbb lacacedmm ucluslrtte sud iatteomeoeerosieitate.bha-icg pur. th * ilcil,uallaiteustapdedut cempieteiY. chitcdlte 100 acre rowcecsute idun « Emertorneubmesleud, sud f818; acres cfba - ]tOw wil bfulttedlte aumiier cf behlacd ftrnt M. J. Detorest, fer aI Mlceliceuctelu terce itt Hallet ite miicit be pcid as mcd pico-Maccu, dea licenue voilr cf 1881812tuat îremdliug - Rt tetrgicg iutale lote ioScott At, ' THE SCOTT ACT HIIMEIG. qne wittiteameeutof increoserited Min frottotab; ath utitipaliticu and lb ther Htitee. Othe cescp49» -"d lte Ontario Gue-ecrat: DEae Bse-k aeu-c'daysuthe peuple aIe *Of etiiaconuel u oelèd o a vuet e :5* 3!à foerte tbiie noeeofbhe grouleet * \ t1 itmbuga ithalltaeof lamtstmwac * !t3jc er piscd Upoue eue Statuta Booksu. S.a Ig tmcones beote thepeopleiteaaiep ou66SP Si otretigice, tactporacce and mueslty.. caac c gicadofe. muer tccat ce taunt>'. Imostdsuggotatémenitjm tac toemoau t ocaioftceiraisu Vieilof(aueda i Auercau errsteobu ytaloifrthe'dig. tetsi tapeté -h issuisrbécearIsaof ab ticede, sudsa feue- éther tuLtu, mit prepose tut isttote lporteiectaeoi tiuldipeston-inta-place oettelliegtz bum ta roi uaseussxinCunada. .As;yInaw tuit la mort beepingJ geseecl; bkept. ifet merta becpisngj sud tautiburegalsatiiby oe Z0~ mitr .C.ayCo t s Bee,-Aiieemueeceandfor a fommeord lttecotiruef Hlas mh2it..od I al us tac friands o! true simperoce b; dclug mbat ttthe celctsietiesui1 beliere ebubethoir dut; te lid, ace Ibuir dut; ta aboie bitomesdttil countr, us the lot dayofcsttometis Wu doecet eot ousidertatellun cebat.tado ou thatda;. .Vbi Ippate Millon, Gieorgeownm, Uiatteille, cellcg les, cuthbe tust; oeiaraily,kboc'fai bottertasuthe jUsc f Toroto, and mbgtettloruteesmithat lteé Seul ,ot isu bes 001Sfin Halte Is.ili ecew uru ours sifaica, astil cou-uttend oe cror cureinee. icibasa heau bohinatihe sies and i uso! l te secret mttrbtago and the tibaalag, de. stucaltioig teedosuies and affectaeof tas Sctt Act. Vbemtee en the fisI cf ncboulut sc;fmusiloet, asu ced aty ta Ged tce ftee epeaicftthis mmi istous asti ruinous Adcad in doiuî ei we ubalu bufoust e-dig agaieut tas liquer teuéfileins i mltietruetive forit sud cete-tu liguer r cuie'as it ineretbarata uIobtels, sud bu ebtio; eti1dî1ceis ca eue ,teactsansu cunterectis Isi dng for repeai ci bué Act mecitoltféaliniu cu ccm buat me are e-ctiu glait peejue;, ;ypeorisy,blicd iiguti; sudlausticians. Intotagteerrepdui me ablilboccltitg gciuuste the t persisteut ast iIful oerreeinofteomurd of Ooa andtrue. octpt cutidiasregurd outis piaisesl baingoscuti prrmpte.fIsne-otiug-fer repoci ccc ital buvtiig teer.té cuot; ioe re utg maiu andibrccluere aii; clurod iintiomu mio're secret rdiitir cpractised, cutidfAtre toér ietof àduebumuaie àutr.Wlsuect ti te borcarricduon,tolbeecic-u oti body. Veliog for rcnu, me obéit be e-cîicg egutesî a griedissg I;rauuy titad uunsapeuple miolire lemperuta e-oes, meri; l pite mae cteor cuople miu Imcgine ltemmos mimwsr and bciier tauu cillte reel tfChitin. Liguer cf mesoimakn iil ieomae, tild, cuti ticast, lu! apita cf ail prebibi. te- idgieitte. Vu stop ita bceugtbus modeeanduset is aimpposibe asut rrep bunbthe cts'sltieuor taceut te ligtt of tume. -Oely decmicg casatie. andti ipraeticui ceunst iisi Dtoirmime. Pruitibitary bacc cuver diti ad cotver eau depeite the meelt c! cet botaragre. Sch etiugtthecasecltInue-uotator s twIioat wcUl tubetoétaie ci hiquces t cf thecbasdc ci suoi bresuiiti sud usccrupulouspceplc e aebobeeu ocpure and wmitîey poddlces, and gire te suie taeilsomse h are dcl; licecedt. bas icil ituer eideor ;cog cee fucia tcutgitet apaist eir muse; eu tinte, 0'bom: ccpeul;-shsu itmi; te tics clItît baraisetido ou, asti ot cetlthe it ofe!tieabicg th'pocriteu b; drinkt. el;bluid duce. or in auisuoc toebocc. Itla ts Iis secret drlsbisg àaîthegetest danger lies tasuç tsung mou ced boyos:ctsmparairrl; 'xr suai ceulie hOcu tiiebtg ope-. y aI s publie bec. Butewlto lteéBrutt ut romaisinstons ltis greul danger td ils diretai effectalusalramais. VTheectora, auslte loeromf teuti, tucat;, sund justime;asoers;tofitaré- 3urccce,sui, austtefriomia cifymlit tdof thehoeccirrie,ieloun Ide 'r styain-etsng Itu purnciousAct out ufuoncuty. Iltbahau tseaeeoe, tdet aticusisgîteuna. Ineotitgtfor s repeul ce ehall bu dciug car duî;lei 3oùcuti te ccc 8faleur mes. HALTOMIAN. iThe ilaltuneesoits;lm Ita 8ddtear. Laut meckit lepetr Williamesuad Coeiciic Mises, et thc BruîtAt rigade, imuglurd ltaIosie. Corge ocneti. cf Myde titei, btai cui iccer. Soriaeso!flte boat tfeea le 1. pdigltbceitocd more sutomoe ta e-ecv en o f lteéeviolationoe!*thte t. Sumwiltimauthe gîeumbctirmti mrw ita titi o, mec mdcu bec'tgbt ep te btoa notderoves becuitis lpur- ,cilarhiteuceasdcthera mite tdmeut msetbcro iuetdisof!a ;etr. Itit oedt. uast ay ;ltsebhege tuilthreugt, asti r. Wilims& ta asiti ta bai'egnousa mepisb grin ssie ouid,"-We smslimcc naomistakes." Vbetruftduabems; bde Somî Atperuetioa i son ficcl Docurécdit us its peomulees, Ir iluiamsa relics tce bis informaioun in cetain "apettees" cerisiiiçd. uaboralu cachit ciglittrtuood for tbota sfunssaties for cstnvictions. Te-"&pot- er," ce iscea, are uaigbrrscf the videneoabout tcemoolees. VThuS oe buo ivet us gocte rme o! tcliemaitip,- reugit thee spioncnacacretiou b; o Bruîtt Actl"sputtars" are et du80ee's du, titesegit tlts ueabicg catitf insinau, b; peig esery empect. 'tae mac.t-tehtielit; ta, glueti. oié injist osse uppeul duln. [non, Vbme BrutI dUttriais «ou il. strae lte tresoitary of s deperoei aist, ccd ltaI -lte tomes.ted 1 lmecitlaboa eailtigo, suddospurl. FaIte! In laine. et. met rti.e.-P.- Prohibitiou n-luie ba.)unbcspsu., uuced s fallure, sud.tms4eis a more. iet se fout isnt tâatte"lmkieg ta e0 auatassaits!fbigit tiis tees.- t'aL LioVax CsUza.-Wbis. stces. e! o a ctses b iatut im thé sdtfttt 't retS0an eoipai7 pdueSctiu.lo .ïYmIeaisencesud eh titcic r t. Ituat - Promise Wlnabîl1o-dl.g;z.ln.aeso1eudy..- Jf e8 gO5>nae ce filp t.leupfpMinbêb.W- .u2éX aer> Mt ol liyceiebuttaai estpladt tt i c ~~~~~~~~i .e ri s - pslostt W.troupe ou . . ic.s lis'reidse afreutiette iet oiaa 0t m u -btbots iocae inaw ChbrlItoSdt0 yamt o anl Miye. N.J., ed 7gpbin detsra"vDai.Y-. (lutits wil la u doiuo' u n ,ge bskttao.t aacin sttbCn lfsld i ccdAnise cbh.-i.ai ceseaIetn aals hieub ds iliaidâtde ttu lutTnor. al osenaesi c l t laind. ada ath;aeaes es 10l - Isidence l ac i t nr Viyt N .,Ieea &ýen.tl paeW d-oules auic dieF uL musae staseesat hseieea!r it.ery. lt a se at.sth blatsuosiI#Tou. eciett lteomsse. Axei , tisuist aierlen, Viiflaloil om-re tto 'si a5lnrlu@trast cf a BritoU tult is rpis. nf SI8TeuB ruS ctibOs.- itt tatea il-li.-7ab' .cros.. t a l a a u t e l i l lla t ta B o esyn e. a i.. -. ; - . . . adrsisitus dstaclod tha Abjrailosasseolulu 1 rt ei y e p eetulm ai le. -- P o- Tt" as i ie u Oi L it 5 H a , -â T h Mu ar Qrobu m o ud e eu, i l u o p sauc t, a d r o inci alu s atl e e e d b; en x- li " A k e a l h lci a lt a e t h .A t s r s e y . e n erhl H a e t i i o s s , i i l i o h relTirti hois ii«hct-Lteaierdt.b. Tb' ce if Mu.1 o i sc , 01,. m u s n -it m f V t.Vesl i a sare a ptphe cutest or quet' i ll e - cf# tih e i agl a o a M es y sc i. Ga$Ofo rut ah i s M n arteux àeecil er a u , &s tl s r iu l a u d b ; s a i t . . a t rs e a c t a p t u e .ho @ - a c o tl l a v1 5 î l t e a u o t i abd er u tt CroclPelA"umusedfuehtth.tost te arsil e Oionwt h estc aro tmti u fl A Mre eai.bieattaedileg irouas e a r.diu sppba sImmelesl le ue erle. - c i erutaitc6uPovcapid h e ess te fn Cititb ylose sa oi 5 Goge iuaiuseàm.nta e c Tot Tessei t ciaeuple 0a eetbî kl'c l tce. . cfteiii tui itis e ilctut o ciety, fieo ia mitersinlaeuw buotr h it' e ecta impeusbp l s leli .bon-tue te GuOs d Cre ae be rt f"li r itta ace retus S oite a i iu P ed ,ar C opas. aiBi lis,. l e iT it r auo t ae- l ae ai ta wu i à cuta ar e C tss. Cus ieil. te rese. J cestui sauiCthoiit;st im caut nommiepiIardsera o urloi 8 t àlu bu r eme;d bc Geurtma; ced - ei t fit mcf tcfl, oci c r. ouerct'a Tliti Cha herbususit id (bisa . Anocuexplsiona gourd cf intuer aiec miitieaClosetof laeBea ppr, herserdicee ii tfth i, iti Ilue manyPtLirlm t l , nta it i, h its te i omir luoal rio ,erq oc ut ote orfsbandeutrtit Tiiesf u iled E u aa'e aiuer So; um s at uccne i t ui oci c r o. '£msCi.rcs tred eman e ireadte fuse Viu e hu.lCirai. fbeot sl. rucai]orheue.cTo tlumisiac, cc d 'ite onr,,m atte 1Smiliole$avcebebai trrîbeetidccu umli uteeiudccu oc l.n Th et eof gufepd er cb ga it maPaoli c edemocti ; nifrme Iais taBrec-,ot ittlo 4for il ite o timed e e! t ý ireugt onsud al 80 tcea aqea re be oa o na Iba pieent Maioba Cclithe %8iter, rasi.reaboit. b co plsee bcdtajturuy.ea s 8tr.Ot us timuliet Jitin aipe Te Bater lsaia.cicmmbebsce ' irtituba.g Vte cesoe pr i sed ipTehoursite ice c is t r el eia immibgu racotin d t em s .83.915 ý Baie. e ltrac w ficesd h lth oblapsosio er. ito . coturaesi ct oncl ,eiiaeisl aisios le crses teef csaig ususes.t DepîfoOtetif91onTtthp.uet 1,t ipaaisuuaurufes tse amttLS ced biien c Feid; t,; luci 112ilo0t 0 l.ella pe i durhe taniss ie a itc.etifcitat eeratrtego c re inbl.D ls,. cilrg ieldnisti eselle1 suiterioa tiiclaiuue! Ef d ue, lu m. n- Vthe sirtu 'ieo r c u t ee,-tl andCe eaptaittheoiet ofV.1h.Biste o uerle guztee, sas lseudur s , 1,216Ib vtc Bduc itola th s eppit eeorallatai.- aeàibcnorand mpaei3 eetd n alu trilpsini e - , ey.- cca dleetiatu O a fa Sc Stui rilla upust ar 82.; it Pur stee c ci t aces, brtin ass easrittua lea. P rsi i l lT' mi8 1, Vt a tesx ts, e nfuou1thertacelle .e. is, S. ds ol 1.,Vewu sch u st iheiit Vuda ugciricstges o tan i s; evetu an uild n Frd y h kWit e.81 .10 - sa e. Ie d i Btt M b e îî'b e i s ti peiic at8cePruh iaees Vi t e tia f i lm i etae, ide. ,s 'i t is lit' ta eciaticbe e bumea iseAuri' Dettuilur;, adpebeais fautj evre el LiceBoCe . at onict a ecie aS b; in ccespeseBftt;c cl aemrsMlthrutaTrontio t teene tiionaoftea inbras it e eau Tiem«tPoerfou ridet, ao.cIeer uescV ealeatiofM Tfi.>V ucaan.omeeltfretIuo rtstt emamsri i t An isP "a e us pfr btrposa cf site ea. MuedetufVr m ulfr i tf e, eeils is nited rtoti Mste pe fer alesim eo lmu t etta;inet cid f ltisn. iieit e t ecie cfYork a ilTh.ce d tupofu ss r bi eout. Vet Sitdeslat17.s o al -Oit l iiiu cit mtst]do ; aituE m L lito I s t M t Se d us U niaea do S elou . d etel rebleu seai gasT erei ro.sts ta t1.a d m Pbo Jc cothiub e ,li ececa S itf sacer uls tew i-batil auowasaeth.uisesaicser olts eycusaîg eaofs eititeilu ' lAtOrY e-- ut -hch l co u d l ieamait et a; bu iti ;otferes.see ai Aeî e la aim a d dee e à 0f csa bit.r out-esIY st tu~easwuoiop. reb Vitedepoteti outilVit31 r ndit, oo u.gt e usa mforsl c fbe rCntce rl ebs mu i u t3 elitaIit e a leSsus a m blaisd le L teu ismedsUo ute he pv e .ta inal fer .Plu ttbjraor la acCes c fd beisesaIofsth- hate . 9t e;e f uet iatu5tt a a itutStir is tglam ghits iecer Pue a sodfeliter e' hesr Of. a i aploa - ýttL éo repera' u ileliti diarem mssg s e DOf Bueite uit s I. Asteise, I , t. Ji e s e t . M bs. t Roc, r, PunoerîlesoTn . u e lc, o strait fu rocs~itel Merurm l e sr A ts aaalt aI idr.iPc-n4rde cbi bits ie'iue itl iet ellacstreai bd ite terîILti ca t e att.. t. ewiimiraer.h itierou iultet atourn e a f acce tays tbita dumtrsiyi't te andîc i 1cdl bbs. esu5, ) WAutuI ci, Lsbl ugakbirand5i1u Berneu eot@ pi ace e Nolrtuweernmte ifl;datt ieb' o ru Ismo t e O s bid mate s. Iit ts Ceecln M i iges - ,Irs ,t ccI cf toiteace c5 M .c'tforalus , and hileaqiiu 'fi "i r iki)iags .n . e lii o Ha roeild telueCidaia euiti he tn f e rilbut P-con utei>iel e45i litheacîi 18 -i sc ,e fo u i D te g tero ut Ile dh PUm eu s'mau dabe, oet "Potsfm eti ng.f4 pcre aed b;binIlie sgt «tofee eMAalldoaii:ed. I iueill f h ati ontea lu Ics. turlVS c mi- t eb4cr t p tr on f- euil. or t, tcrcdar.rad îu eCmdTI. p l ima; .,VaiOetCees s Jr tttn tho. teain hi.ilbtettoctehouperest sub0for essler aras, tsf P"Imt,cteai Suinj ateaeiibellpseiet te flbcige ii i .m te -n-r et cimnes, * a"ois c huar; etai, 4gt ,,u a Lig eete ime nt wu0; hmaie.uas n iti. iuiasilati. fVr 1 eo ee.Petlest. t caa eecsIi1 Ce Vtqenpeoéri le is fthi e y ciî d m s t ; t g m s N p l Gerset.i1ttra0 i e Oeceh . O Bit lun lbsrt ibs if bettam itm , ai-its th amcstfhmdied. -IV. uelypus ttc .cu uis tine i Ad e Mtt.'8;om e g sî u bM , etftitîit sieuH. TttraPîltpedma . , ,lud.iug atapriibios t a , sItlaobctt loli budeî Cluaeo ia ejrii at s itre e s e t bi i¶e.ntm mtitn cd tautefo o ti oure! Lmitoaeait*ie, t. besu cu t t trramieesusen Sh tae.,istrusli s, V. tucs bsml cr. aesstmrld ebtses îtietcave na lcs Htcir . e!Vr stt e res rthmree mm le tinde st NomVorupesit 5u s l lu, gruddgthe a-sjaa s sud loue ilamsuuahbttome lb' 'tlss. orslt er IoAb ..e i5 sute o s . ài...cral otes Tmbi It a.' lthingGents' Frnisltîng, W.iB ldwell, MainSt mGuelpht Hortury' tarnlica 01ere. ]raeu c oru e Gabo--ýranPttatleSab= 12 OF.HE. SCOTT A' 'sésjlàfuiWtulié feU n'saay l'î bocofit ta lteé commsusl;y..[ loorPly f'-the epmesontelives 4- .' .- abclscddmue i thbe»éaurlieama-cda l o splacé?atl acd t0datec owhere itii it ttssuiteaenlia!;fyIsOrg;athS. e'cdd e'Company ceamuess taaté ta abuse' petipi.- è 1ter a eoraizg. j ebarged81.2fer5SOpeoiDtW o~t Il-mtsultip ebleboeus aned omrcgeu I épsf the'abie rt.'wa> l Whmi hilem it prertc lteé se 'utluger s . telseesli:hitit. n no. oulad '!- -te sas cfcther ligltdrins, wmi blé' bnfine oprlimas.aoaesenmo eudugemit streug liguera usder tahlis sp. edtnseisie tisfs mtlam. * * it ins a -e ; coedtaih si, It ltinessesnkiocues Intact; plaes.. 181 mor e.upt liresous mno- - Ilticeuaes the tamptalucu ut meut rTce re su ld1e'e b..-lais iffctsbog' men na udb>' demclcpicg scccbtcg, n'tmanute eiffbmrt e euenesw itieteber qelibllcg, lylcg, poe; yacd ut tseeling ctam dIriut ltetalob.cidsdo mittilb, rnetammoesiy taon ilseuebil e remue. 9mwiiel maa .prestoriiy 'refsed ber. - 28t - -Dmyn;public, mcc n ucdiuassu e Ho' rucdeoa.ascigsent ta !Acteng by ci sud anadosbIc-tcd. I Sherifi Guse hst uthIb abunkiers Ittas.groas;l>ot recical, sud alieotal partir b id bitotigbtllt;-appcictsd- ose cf magictrata e tithtucgcud ce-isicice c tltpreutes irisedpoeisg Me. Soc'. mithout lther jery-or rigittoetlappeou ou mtt Tusbonstritporet bend aubehocf endenta, t Itrcupeel ing citoctpirai làcdaudsecmg lttle farnil; sud bis ita Britisht nmorteenturies. .- mile, I mis q gsdlo ;uof mman tq18a lyrccny miiticaccetito juetiledet% tire erge cfelrv0 latie tuita for the gccd the peomoter e e oit a ecut6e 8u *desbndcesnd llouaàilipseand Itiic'suge6xaggeration eilcmoralà " 'Ulteoîese juidid tadenperulies sciritifie ereru. * * b tas tilou,,gttu cf ibec'ie baibees 18 lirefesuos ta -hb. Chitaia, but lmo srsisbocsbtthédrocdful courue, sud seli-Chitetasansd londs ta mcckeu taith cclrnaliug inlte arfelleepoedy %bicu Obrietiscit; sud ita Diviine Focudoer..1 bus elurlicd the Dominton.: *isehnIl ignores teé Bible grotutntsu tr-bulth lemp Cuire as bor euos to situesif Ps.racesud tata-abstiecc and pratimi; cdal lici Laite osetrespectablie . percuta. ta Chitascomuuaed '" Ite- rigitt baud elle àMes. Buatîle and cislee ces rouidensof lthes c ul il cff," lteé fuetime oommuaid 'a Micit, 1.8., Ho mou civl au i iiilite,, sete rs eul eff titeir rigitbantscdaiuse.", toltumtag bie business; au a farmuer and ne28 reobs mes, mislitor luote-iretiterucrunel, framor. Tbo. tact job-be dtd bore wu rsuper>uand iveing tee eriiiogetct iicli ot ta bii Me. Jameos Basll'e bail. -Me sciece sur Seriptee rc eres il urreeýte euse bad setrobreimitt bis fclbr.iu. Il peu-ents- reamnuitble ttd taure 1pi lac' ceucaine musc; ceSatards; lat méthtoduetofdtessssicg itttmperctntr h sud ftue irsut limes inbis enfoctus. mas;nelîie propleroulid tewcithelitore. atalniee spubeahbsIVltabMoi, and bug - Il ctabeumauy banc; graoru hityoct Pol dretsipeie, feouitichleseuad wbent-gomiog is bcmcmieg uspeeitiabIe. uru gaiog ta bu filetion Ws.tccday. isjresthe importtaut burlercutîe cte t Me rarbedtloas(luit imacnunTous.revense, us$4 deposlete teuscru ctituî us day eileeUg 'y cbdcare crZag empenaticg goba. t-niitlt U ornme use ies'1.=milibu -lftela ais;ealmggu.uctitllrair ta-me neurssW'."Hcen l old Me. thugh ceee>ouepicieludsit thetto ei.e tisl Meosas, the in .io teisseeopor law.eriflsl it earu it bo postsitie t'ýe rfure Ibat hOul acid t tir ut-seo1cm ihici aareIo pptie cf lthe praàpleo natie mus -Clien. ofilThe-re. rt cbtdlcg mcc; etflteé brut >etmeca, regutd t ltaI ho'futended te tout Mr . . cesiut, t>'rsnicail td mmue femin and Mr. Herbert Rail s netase,- -_ __ us te taid on ,eerF, a in aVOTE FOR THE PETIVIONFu ORlIIFPEA Hopethet ri. tt fkiffci a-'ttsSeub e iueie.ftri s bet l as lioter ture, mestiosisg lt c te-c M ROuRoasa.or ttut hilutfe. H. Masin, bis e-iclim, sud a le. E.C1ebklo cf Prrnlos. Puer Iurei;vh t ata ig ititues ou; Foc3e-su Punt'T .. thte tictim ofetotrties.. -* Nuts-Tto Ostetreutcopies the sbe priclpuil; blcuso i icrepaelod ltat cortain1s tt c t ulogitalors' sec -- caiog lice Sait tregedy ousuansagument. sgaist ligeor lireses. Vthe; mili une- Te ouPunnatO. ituediy celrudictthe esteset, mig aum it dueferin tico Gusolphît Hcury lthe lesit gC Bruît Adceagnuacf teé. eou; cfiigtes. Th iserne Ismboa- leste aduomiit lte tagedy thiseste. m Theitr ies ridel, Sotît At cdlltadeomaithte tuciieg t! Mr. Lakb b;licegaliset limce ta h. toit u.,VTh spemloe. * . Théreluru mtude -b; lthe pro'intt trsu l Scretar; reprclittgliretteu and fbe-t itt nie PisOri r era;y. - 8-mlic-liguer treotetauu1tcrrca.r t -101 - - ciereiustrcar c ec 500oferee detet Mcc' Tata, Pcb, 18.-A Wasbington lthe llstcfrees Scot etl d ie rcet dace preasi syo tteéfolowug aith ie lf,11 itsec lstuttut Lepatr cult cf tas filierico tecat; ar tcrleg ta dctruknett.e-ucu tertitg, Ccc iittie a marieio Icgue forn tbe auit piIsi; eemu lteat lthevloti tcat' iteo-tirce csiieu-Cccuda i is taeIsavee lomoërice lu ou tth icrese. Titere ecluive jurisdicties. Titis tampris" %mure 1805stoedretitards en erts lo inasl ce t, te aucaioti instore llcbèeieu. - 1807 ttau ltro crrin 18RG1cf thetodo Th ise cdlccd gques t o u it; aldis. dSctt t e tliCs'3 ltcd l it e !.... ed cf ftit le st truc, ou stat-ed in erofutee rnmue lbote peous lOto tui "amle pcpora, Ibut witisca sbu; ia mure ese, is10 cmtitiee ttro eau n- titan eigbtuiles mide - lteé lice ofcfrdore, aud ionttlitcreovre loes Belatuo.lud tecreaice îio ta bc r eun tro enilea. - u aelic tthé vrmit> -ci lteé tabe- e lauita Iscailacd. The bar must bo ai t roltslunrep orrte (ledrrrueOtt Icaut tas Utilesacecue.. Fîb ishn UtIete relio c ott oInt recîltue Mo e .et' pipî Amiriraelieiormots mu; go, but do lthiu tmruatocOxtord. isc te r ilis io; cauxctis, k. Inail otiter cascesltc teit oraat cttttsa uu due tbror.mibc limit le tatefliom lteémiterrus tité tact lu lterp e nemore Couteur cf tlise ctre lise. lu caue et deccitu seul ta juil in 1807 thitu, tt uY stress cf meict reue temis mu; go elitieerar e thlie juil c-au itiit. 80m11 tacelcru ltoy meofil amd tabo toilter fcrt)' ysurs c std lte jcii eccrds - uisn thonaresI Csesdius baser. - miilbrer es ottt ittii truse uttemcts. L 'BylioterisueethlicetcoutYtbeUcitad Titere ie arreit buse iomcurie inScot tStates epottOcl; taseeOde te Canamiakaing sp titeicturcel.Sel lie eigitt ta esaieqe us hemncitayisg __ 1 itMtmsY Of bat 0ta. Thoerascea * no r3 penaltt; ed fa; Caiia oltArtC auresni 'Gegetowns. -ese. sltesld soi Me flahermoe boit, but . - 1 - * . IhC 2 mnder the trialstpslatccet Americas Gec'reure, Pcb. 18.-Pclirfeatgc-- flaboreetou ýiuî est LsUrs c ytrots Teoung hOtu Court bero te-day ta Caoaumshit and s dispesed tf tloiiicsegsomofor ?flerti 'lenofnthe lecaîr se liin cf the Bruît Ad -P.. P. ci -iteue n .tac-s. Tbicpiun, cf Ballieututi, picutid LS anficsIn pd'57i ci tlieipicnitflssdursOed 050 'sud Coutat; Wou tuorpt baio eiipt an&t taMsi SesGibit, ( rgéom, imas icit te stlti t Anrianlbestc& Oed -872 alla, muta ortuetcas o fmutthe esto >.ta. 0 ~impeloceent; Chaes coAstits;. et ail bothO ptid Georgeoanr,cees fitscd 875 sud cmuta Te àutablia t be..'tact tliulCanadta or tyu » motite' - hmprionment. A - boa lari bo te lreice whurbuteonta hOý. ttIest ElisClaerke, - George- andsuslor mitIreglelutioeti; stliai tame, mcadimnieini adcareof« talnte teiperts, t e<fatelisulnt, peler; aiieust Gee. *Gibbts, Gcege- zuboiesuer sheided It atthsomius tacs, sadjourued. j e sbdci sat ebtais a licoene, butii fi - Simpi; ce "O. K." litas ,se Ita u tdded %bt nosu.chbrgo e tafihO Gercorltins aut aa. tsucteld fer.tîcesoo; TIl i mil cl; - -Orn.a, ele.8.Let.u-et aie nthe foret cf tc Çccsdicc sutitue. Abetu Mclba, arr-ierd tcrenIis - tissppvisg or wetbag 1"O.K." on cestieg temeOsuit mlivite mcrnbrru c us AmenlceateneoCo testum pcmenzs mthe Guvrumnent ta regard ta teé Mani.ou Ta t esd.edettOudu oba situaios: Ilta'iouid ttt lit t9Oioaurotallatery înlis~~u iefsrru arle s V9ern&s-c oevoy Srresma evronEt uri anetcd e-l INFI 'LRUNNING OLID 8dsoif& Show Boopm, .Everyt/ding XNe,, Low rrs'Stock' of Iiantlstt ',Ulotors $2.50, worth $.o 'es'! Ulsters $8.00, wort $.0 adfiesJeritey.Jaokete $5o 0 LadÀfies' Xnitted Skirto (Goe igns m i Carpets just tolOirod. - TipSbYCitpets 250. j flrittiels. Caiîotî 70c. WooI Cerpoîý .1 es$2.50 (a god-Ille). .411111 .-utinPol4S o.e, lettp, 40g. Stair Rode '7gjie er d e gents*for Perfection. 0arpoî. Mo1 KÂY BROTI 46 & 48 Kin-gSt. E a euxsluici tacletbct.suedi .REiD.UCTIOý lass OUSTOM TA] cbtilbo mdedfront lte Nemoe.tldFtt, Scotch. and Canatcitanic1ý Fine Btnglif/cBroads ca IODS EZTLL WH.AT V2 AM! I te ordo r tee 8t7.00 * $07.00 Coitei1 28.0 28.0 tat 1emtr8800 I18.00Put tu '1.00 ci o 1à or88.0 108.800 a 100 4.00 -e c.ttste er oo .. r82lic.00Ovctto' aet.t.tclthnc t -'t.e.rt Wst sutI,. htieac.-et. tt o f ceettt ttd étes t tiit,Putttcttoeeuk.ttt.r l'Ir N4J-N, TilE T-» fl.% jno St.>Est, Cepp'sa 01cr 'SIDemoralized i EOLLNRAEE & S to demoralîze ut wiarse foi oeew(o 0t intrôduce the o hiiiketojters<of IA jty tao ur.Grogen-- Dep-trîiiortt, ar wdGscypotstegr.t icllof 2 tlS .........tiiÊ ...0 0:l.Pte .eer... Z C!4ý1î... i.. it.12 . t5 .- 1 l itreNo. t11L.etoio St Piste tue e..... _'i lit..Pot...u....... O1 4ttou0CU f 'aitîs 50<IL> ~T1al 8 ........offet I Pt irtedtoo 7gh abne aoper iitiuinti ii en ar tprditi r ti litC du a iota cFarti;lie t Itttotttt'r ie W e Orp onu c ek-iilvterrit%t 4ead COte au fo teei- cotit, ose Peerulu e uucu. lmetu Viteoftuiieet o r bieu usdiboroi hflltli i d Sp e pizs tot%,it. flutie! reomit, Pug. feci;._e fs0t0ito Wsb eairdu, Clettot ito. e.. au Lornsd Clics.qo, Cocou, Coeiitt -'claPtct.Les ccd Perric'weerteu bou hm al

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