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Canadian Statesman, 12 Jan 1888, p. 5

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thn: he'. tNiagca U l etc n porcecter asepcy 0il .ccrîc ic' ceedbeeritmy' C't wei At Merreis. u. rueti'~1~f P iic! Cccceicet..tthe. :'c tc.ccccieccccc uat .to (toci.it . j", ey ccti.1d ,.ij e cf.f -1- Thc'etcccctc rail1t.1 -Lto t it Bab t'Cer ilce't ttcttttcc t t et Ste dt d oitheà e te PorItse.j ci . tiens tyra~ The M t, C'pt'ic.e etetI l cj0 t'blls oftlic B t u! ctccc tt. Ctoeteii,, à.cctcccyOC~ ci,.. C t at Q) et ttcecet 'Il E c1. cccttlira.itçseni l "n ceci fi ct"'ai e t e a ri s l ctu a terail cneo -clt eu.I. te tce ilsce, a ti'colet te c tn c!co 01 rt1. s -L. c!!t thecC. t'.cc etic.c CE p' iccie act or 1., .. On 'à n- _%Iir . cr,ý te ccc.ictcccc e ficc te ela. l' ic cccccti teed c lilccce.tce ityc te tt Cle:ececc:tceFr hc-'cc' c Itcc,.ce fil tr,a Cla 1 :i. 1t in, d h t 11 c-t c, tccl eict.tccccitel h l. le 1, i lcretu g cil-.rA5tecr. Il†† .. i. l.(&netls un c ii.fn . I-t.itetti . ce c--ccd c1tn'ecci t *eu t c % tcc, tetetC cJcc tec- entie pilule,'o;jothéc -,A ccc, ce 'l c, ig u e'là lecoP.Ltttin, 'e tc' th e c cTô 'ce rhdr1. c 'cli'cic ct ,ccc'c-Cc et.On el-len c'e, llttc. 88 eic t .cc ...t..c ' .ccl7vPalerme c il ing- ici, lcccniel.a l t c L c. c Iit-icco j t, Trc~.Ses. - George11. -ltoln. du- 'ii7 'a per Grouctanice Toc d. ut éSaws at 75c.P>e IqailsIHinges, Glass, S -' ' IiEST BBÂNnS. Tuba Colors palltt anbl nd Adamantine .8 il i n tromndoussunom dele Cool mati iactî c lesdeeMonind. ilngaitadon TU D A Y'Ba -Ob..e . idt ies eorogo A l anly dsove Cote ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h goce u h ffcd oth obifa be v - - tL-e or od e it e st nchuflterSwud lit whotwnt tovnake long ' lordrns" o neyWt gohj.,. T UýJ MD PKELA . -Y ' e.o Ts t~cSte & 11 'Viveeot lte.yd. 'orte oube to nouy. oltse as bau9,I ils Ccesle e G ioc fer '25e. àt all ousebaet ed a su1 d st clesds12 'ici k Cncctelcc e te eiso t,.icl, to lte cneit e a. Overoor houe fers i 'ccb a lein le otn hrigs j.r4 ct re d kerovatis ti.lees occsliüeii ' Proscihtwh lehorws s cif. p r ceiug s lobe toite 8.a . Bep o a -sor teciccre. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nm Bi.hOcary&Brneeopn ei y. o ie rcn es t ee tce r lc hetetel esld et AO c . Wor25h11Teteua riand.of e' St litl Glenn er lraec plrlte to t aFou GOODS M-gT;Gpeoratodetoitid Core ad Se 'i- tsolàns t hefiad iceuC01i ti0crlIel eib%ýo tec$1 "i.96c.r jsmpo i S.Ilts. Goc Stet a. lue eltsaloos.ar sud O lebS lot. fli5cl.Jt.oroooiîo T 13. teroooscev.oia ______ auto urbo taubcesilat le. ayard nîdcre ies Sale .,Geyen B o nzc de n etie n. ylcftr sc. W y ioraeaos Sntendn. JFeeF. Cla reswuIl cceit 40oc y., fo o5c. oteiTornto o nt ogr ciecnenjtroede ee'ry eî a ses lecesoncoo tote leoee ry. T o ste ola c . es u bes mnoit bn T eiOiS 0F Sal e BSH e oelscad a ot olt ollnrae a&dSns1tentonston. " tiýaadaucà1 il or 9o. 25ls.-icelit wv el r oootped 2-5C. tollciststd- - 1801 sts o Tb e mstreet .ros. Are offering Big flairoq'ns in ail kinds"of 'tYarns, iiderclôthiiig, F1anne1s, MantieOloths, ,Càps,, Feit Boots,. Overshoes. IAL VALUE IN -SATIN MERV, DRESS. GODS. Nsw Colors in PURE SILK at loas thon> osty prices. 0f alkEnds, Cbleap. Il NEW 3TOO~'CE Or 0110 CHRISTMAS ke ne HBtona Sn.ofor a. weeln or two, bot gise ypu ed6o heap t.ear round., e oslrPsone2y before 'se.boy the pasd, snd_ by payeog cash.. ax I on bio the sale prieo. HEMSTREET- BaQS, ues'lyts fonte ou hras of! Ia sjenty. couceging in e pIae icur freese bas haut estin Potechan'. The Genîle The Pueiibttioieest. et frcé,inluruasinlu utersaaytuesescivi faoca nbacs pceetuee saîteeseos.-seeOtI nmigbt ho. t -"s : spiritueles, '.siess au Toonanes, af Conaust spceechin te alloanco itasg ail 'steey ced Pr. Psrker'o Mi The esomuB Du.P luseeCi aite a ctti * prcis, abouta s ltPudt aI bas r onsase. thle.l ase o nito dvaa6 so6 uy rouI e7e1 puiPasu rsù - c~ . c Ieyi-Mr. te' di otatuae bite, sud heétOut lipilng Coud, pur.' Eum0w sccath, les gendodt byChu 'acI Chat as.reei.Uh 1oi4 bu boai mnI. h, 40t'Coul is Chu tJessaaay 5.-es. usicaed boe sfusas buiiy'"of armed iii' Sale Taosday S.Sauding oeslte 6asdCtesnboesgea ather mon itbae à aaslsed. 'Ait. Sf olo, meas drives it11eaoeed ltat c9 mous oppae &e aCi 'mtistasned lthe ait IotaappLud toi lnôp.A statse!o 3'- éîal"d Mayor af w'a deroc-by a eln-M0. llletas. consIýo tcetheCt I te' balow r c. louirc Chas ba' hbeu aS abarobus, badily titolte so'sboched. Protoul' cottdove s sed. oCt msot poitiosi ecececa blindsthem .py frant seuls in 'lscsaragad. DE tees Sott Aot le oa fiai lieut tbuy se otueioipal uieat- Ci tWisuegardud as date ton the Mayar- d',osly' 807oCnt 'soneas Sott Act jonde. esanoftiese a,- aid Unemo bubt r.-Tis'la saC eu- ,où cbher thea lcoit sâCsesk. rsse aintessu airocat vil ona. Texascro' cd fatr as lcssgtg iab flCaadanult w en 5oe, tra 'le, ae .~cea oot aoCt, proi e locC-S1etater t = tgae and i te clnes'Ctart ar, p s t o e lpialud -wso u' Ig'tle oi" a sàh't'f idn a IDn h K as. imta -1 . - ., -,-7 0 RussIe baus le stC tsaiseo hat shi*te' osda temuestCu msre dlý -'Ina'acolliion belCsea. thbstemases trubsoauiad CoCarup, ff etvosu ir.te totrmas u s u.adaespuo ee drowasd. - 1Itis nudîhat Quanti Vicouia biglrosn ber ase te VâLlettes Baesa reusori c tas lhBitish eaany, belhocaitsud otn A Calutta'ueen lsaiÇ seysJi-Th.aNlipsi hu eae C ofc'e rosubots. auditlsautteh 7 L dsed Oso BriithCritery. -- Thedoste Fasatemi, obhi uulpsalCy ni mant 3.50,000 oud-es aedaàyur u or $126,000, bua apisbeso sold a etsciui Lvesrpeolfsuitldf,M. - s A soos gus ëptscua luths sonhor Fr.nosa& Tirty t lsasd suiteasi ac disin lethe Mausillesdidtrit wit iiic setacai. Psef. Coribua baseste sody Pt MoicisaCgeutisnofoteuloang et*0 ite!M sutionthut NleColtil, thuecurspondet o f TOsLedas pCulasau. inhumebsody woa toed ous te brouitnt Bseulo osa litemeois int tester.l "n n riatustumen 'iaied tetosersetlits .e-aict lCoduovà it A: q aties T oouh ete1. sud th egti cle dsontbblood.obtanletes, -Thes dusd body of-the gypsy wastoutdetltCit .topu61thé toosuesandite Msglithn wu scuasted; sbuhies aery ts t easateta. sd bhe uis0tde sd abat iitla sslf. dtece ms! aoelsod- sudhoswrsaCssed. TroubleCbubas esreusd ustoa hu Cueleeus ef taé,'Algab ,diisCe4inittuuehtrs. Soseaud. -Tiets endiss Cs'taOsus, te1 Ùutmbus 61:.0,05 droves .thu abueelboth fardisaesds5ure di eluoi rastute tuCtepolttasaud'luespsmbsmssszesenC.Ws tes=aesNustben wr usooede!on btCi atdesa.Maup oftltuCrotes iorer. e rentod. Lu.st Suscay aIllb th lese of t lis Cetur. au taras os tacs sunas hast uported, prsuohsd tae ospe, suC haIoly rom Poha irisea stescleojate. ,There urus no eitoisitae palita eud Do pt'sdeeceua eto thuesuri rtasiof thsatlpbesesCaleta deiutsd Short. Thtslaesiitoueii bu; bul mley soC hava il sue aousmas' as> ater elsstea day ?"Toronto Worid. Il i «sy te lesusneronsmitabotlliez autagst. but il la hisdt tc ep outtai. rs ebsu CihtCCagesit C ietsiy reuste. ste s oeotuescfutheiesurouatits ays citer ho as e rouupslsly osnd usosleuty sintîed. The Prohbtionespeuuy i» u inte atttudeaai a aili boy wucisb heo iip. rd insisnluataie OjibI, but sshC tos ai- bs la nkao sud oniue»isCi 'te nordkoit eI taeair.-Brooitlyn Engin. *' ' i -'. Thte Maharnajsah ut Mysore, bas piséd bte ttlittery ruuai'o.a t.litadlsasC t h" Vienreyt uossito bis idrsire tee abeur.luCaedateo t. lodta. Lnga ballas et Thitl.ass e sertue ikitts. Thu Thibétaiuri ars os e esttu moe ostiruCtaneeCud inoxjestrdCtamureus. mntasil habucopeerdte cliuksaCn bu. studiàtodtsplay et toresesitemtroCer. ' Seins Loekwaed, tse lady wmua tonr the UaiCed Staes Prssidnia sud W-8 hustet by sa oii.stuu. basutund lu itratuand in .tryaicry bseaca Cierh Oocsrumtanscimati.tsm .qsesateu pcep.uuyiu Uteit.ý,AarCuy"5Ysitsal er trseus aC lte1- Sstuobed. 'tb Ceirsta, Washingtosnlque peusai AttetesuCubs uù~wC t 'heîill no05 go aeaiteaa tod;.. V .lo l~cC lhtUaeOst'*8At5- Il 8U5d systessj a nto eCse it o sseuiitCs has lits s ~ faiis hCsiwj i i a taOy tpsoahysbititon isia as'soplytas. et scedaCs ,abtuC t iSotICsebteg.o8 dail atida aeaCitanst. uoils ilC-dlotin htassuo nst a air liteape l tuelasa dimt'l , ari*0 ilig AGE& BLAKSMITII WO)RKS9, Martn" St.?.IL logtbaubs for dite Âwv nbn pà.po atron. ) L CLsEMENrTB OsOrtCnnatporsss JAc.e MI ts. stbt ueay, Cs18M i'O YNOTICE., csa t .. rssas stsus 'ns - . v M &te oeoe .. u29n110tc e apesa. LU , tdU J.UUU - Fou Hund 'd TousaàndDollars worlh cf Gôf. ThissItéockbas ines then been xo4uceà -' Oe H-i~dThou sand Dollars, * andl during tho NEXT THIRTY DA'YS wo proposa te reduco ît stil more. ARil theGooda have bain marke o don-'all'.of them Dxrci subjepi Ten Per:,Oent;"'iscount. To settle with ourretiring memb.erS w'nead monoy. 83,385, 37 King St. E. & 18,.C bre t. oi 'Hip I'Hip . I Hrral' 1.-' ÂÇSILE!! Ready-i4adé'::Clothing'. 0 f ýXCALDWELL'S .Overcoats away down. Bigcdiscount on.Men's Suits. ý mýGOdbeUt bu ý- FRICeS WILL ASTONISil YOU. 10 perdent Discount on Woolen Underclothing At CALlIWELL'S, Milton.. Millinery & anitieDe'artr IN FUrLL BUNNING ORDER. Handlsome SÀOow .?ooM'S, ,Splendid LiIS, Eoerytloiiog ýrw,' A Maiiufaoturers' Stock of -Mantles whiolesale Prl Chilelren's Ulsters $2.50, worth $3.50. Ladies' oltrs $3.00, worth $4.00O Lde'Jersey Jackets$5.00, jogl -. àIô'. Ladies' Koittefi Skitn (Germn ake) 8. Newest Desigos-in Carpeto just raceiv d. -Tapeatry Corpets 25e.. Brossais Osrpots .70e. -Wool Carpets 70 'Union C0 etsà Corpet Sweepo1 rs $2.50,1(a good Une). Curtan Polos, complete, 400. Stail' Rods 75a. per dozen. 2/4 Oilcloth, .10e.jper y Sole Agents for Perfection Carpet Sweepp. MRKY BROTHERSAD, - ..,-46 48 hg St, Eàt.,esmxeP ~vngAw.-ay! _TI~ Has removed te lus:N. hp ett o n - - - . - butcher shop,. wheeh s~p d so Etray, l4th J n ay -.sr h a geot>.stoc '0'of-' . 8 h tntilà, the 4th February, yelcos sCe~t toadeOeroOoasses c f vll give1 ONK-OUND - te- w Thotpoat.~eciaeti on ofGood*, 5c. JA>A-N "-TEA _______________ ~ eevery cash,:u-iaù c 9 GADMLNRYOENI] -'laware.W h inuaapl Mrao.nsa 'i l urnrospaloslt I~~~~.u Ohlri'emnl5 '.teing ý I. ..~-' en MIao IIh repaý o sk e so a le le _4 QoIS IrMh a5 O z/ 1 ý

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