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Canadian Statesman, 22 Dec 1887, p. 2

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litOBBt u At '- Ci1 Wbo ir 0E shill . Ilha W. Air al $~~ i Ji tom la tefbllisuer. 5 te BOs M i bprsiiTe tiofte of arirl,l the ei b ,f.hi d talie Soieh 11,,remlaeI' .111 i e&lis.Bmr Schunl e uii.tgs. 6-thb -d tu.t in cale cati alte ur heonrolslj miro miS ot mm mii th-rG.Midlero Fbré.. Tlit ,,wb# «0 UPiiri nn e, lisobOe Mr,., lJe5Oiwi. efBIleuilIr.Ool; h. hrrci arpiaennsgrr oS itetiithiern nt-" ,oS"Lor nfeon. Tiie ,loryAI7e tenbodilteib.19priilta o I $.00a péar Slitai e rémnqif the reoort of a émi t. it.iigte ah re m-deute sou i h~b 7h Scotn-ti oiPriy, h.bbè apsSii. h Le omoo . énntý1%k« ele fM i f dt5 daty. i'hs ulmiids>B..sai et bu obi.It Ompnde. Ariol uthe pht. à 50m 1wt llphiteleid t DAly. -11 1 Tuze neréntinte thoensnUItY gOnIC fr doukwMdrinS tan pit twlve Mits.ar&M e7es. t Wh, it iss.Msi- ligoatwiwi0 So 5eneof née. thé doteig habit.,C Th.Sroti At lmbas hointeperalos bore oéarlythroe earnand yt drink. encens bin ùthrhoreams.TheToroto Oluir. Monitreal't Pue, ad other popero Whch rénnily éati uese meoens déunoh senite ogaol intOM Connaainh ile Int vlve minuho. in Ponenmaha anibe oS ths- hbsdsteM wh. ue. éàSdsk.hqpoil fS ltri WIm .hssécm , h.1-g t. iaiSnrfm d., ammb q or Iitalized Air Z. 1. 0APRIQUE, L. M- S-, -M.rssonf TiéORéoal fD..Otli uoO. OIioro"Oér,-3dio O St.MLTONt. Aoréo. Uoi.l.SCau. tissé tua,, fou idO. .nthe High Court f dustice, co. o maih Din DesCnrvisito. rilotions At. le, ?téeolt ofsiet et, 11.1cS. esos111t...u -cwi. 'à ne,. lu -a. tniL Ab- t etitm.t z0115moeoi. s.. u If. t r Ti foOr it% the îColiitioo .nisn5 O5Amri 11b te i 5eth.Toe...1utulto.i t 'f ,:ànto.wOuOoiSe~Jéou ,éi.niufstiralilieeutueéooie' 2Zj 57il qrtunNmt0. J.. C.P. D. *i 0.th ig ourt cf dusticei, -Thoe iminionceetiovertea 71Elocton At. 5tiuos5 irui.Mleon,fe -AM Moe.o sr Int. M iooh. .Aprél irs r 0 ii. .oierboOg t. th.m suit d.rtfs.U" 0e do t. ii . "it..00 rlia ofé ii.Un o*mkàtfé-ionnlado.n ietiruaO .itfoa.tbi. uni nionu. i.n eboo or-ou .1 . néa43 itAR . BotTe Ir HNEiportCad, .1 reePFless LONDON, ONT. Ths Hanboxasst Priluea -P&pîr ln *ALL THE NEWS IN .FULL uitmpnoaeif pttoUu. * anie. tigiteosPosiCobri orln TiThi- amlyl1 nisro, !L d,.1i>.siîpt1gsy ..r ii * LRGE$~.PAPER .......jW Tiot Caspho .... - a A .it, C, 5,é* : .. T .4aeiss . T .... . rJhnàswait....-.. l~,$, e th,é- ... ........ le...s..L. - .W.l.. I.. l..' ai D esa .... O505 ....... avi Dewar ................. ....... .Aexadriiodtsu - ............... Ji5 Tsoa . John Thomss .. .... L..... r.... 1 John M oas;y. ."L W DP- Ros. 5obert Bnnet s .... P................ - - -- .A. Altoo. ........Violation of Canada ToniporanAni, .... 25th, William ...ai ...Jo hod. ....... .. ..S........ fll ....IJsmm .r.b........ "51, .Saerinool L noduii .......... " Do. in..r...l J Bm Powell *.. .....Aos loieto . Nvogwrmn lso en owîhsilnM SSI [ sPonel oavid Mora ........ Diloanbin.......mr .....m... . .....o....orR F.dwmnpaeanii ...... Tiiry om well.nry.......ODroonkand disordorly ...«...<..... ?-j. oeiisre-21i, J;men .Alesand .r. Jîhn Athony......... . enIi.........o-n.......e..tbtý6 ..aàr ..l.B.o.is ....Fr> Sam e a s oo ug. . Droel .. .............rîy 51JUl, J.lrB. aP o nl........ Joh:: n Mobson...... . teHaigorr nhs sit..etUone 2h Jos Hely . ..5.R Blewia. ..............le Dr.....d.Peter.B..o...n Garellen.. a..... rel Watonw..... .... . Druioîlry emesud ... ... t t , Johed a t ...rr ..... . JonerMogau.......... &s oit ..............n...::...:.. .. Il i; AlfredBobinon ... JohnMPan ....n. . rnT adreipse ...........A.... g ....... - 15lt, Joap i Bed ... :-3 . John P iroon :....... Dmg t e reher ....iii, .Thon. henler ...... .. le Aaleyi ........ . ............................. t , Wh. SP ece .Pm N W et r isoi WiliamBl......Disorderly ...s...... mb 0 or th JoO. ......Ch. oteph.... i:: hm. R rM. Clorha....... . mfal .......... .i..iy4tb Osarln oson.........John PMterdi ..u.......WTesas .........on .....r..e..... T B ISot5 , .WilliamnForillao lwn iodrl .................e........ oebr5b .Edw nrdrCha . 5Mhc arh ......... s a l ................. ......... l 5 ti.i . .i .....S . .. S org lOsoons W m .....i... V i.... osie....... Thom....entes... ..............ani .........i... N. . ereoy.d .. abr 5seos- 2-00 2 00 .&0 - e -es 200 1 S0 -500 r os, s os 4'os. 100 1 00- 1os.. .heu Immsi8 - i.'tutti eise Tem laii'1rasrr.. OsprOil f. otww T00eoreupan oh slay I hereby csrtify that the foregoinga is a correct Sehedole otiOoonvictionis retùrued to my.Office for the Quarter abovo speutioucd. Mrilieu, LtBerooshor, 1887. for Infanto and Chldren. colleme. ommtaue KM fomsa fum a.>&. o.cfLréys fnOI. -D. utchart's, t A Fresh Stock Groceries and Confectionery to hand. Oystersby BuIk or Can. BOOTS& SIOES. is reteiving daily a splendid stock of Men, Women &Cbild- ren's Boots. aud Shoos, for Spring aud Soimmer Wear. Tii,,,gioil r ntl the bestmanufeoturr. in theDomtinion, and ttill b, .enlnt entp.u Bopotse littied Sheumoe ta nrtetri,. A perfot - ttand DDONT FORGE TeT ALO flion. Wilsogn Millinery& Mantie Department IN YULL RUNNING ORDER. Handsbme iShow Rooms, Splendid igst Eveytlsin 7l Vew, _ _ _ _Lau, Pices,.. , A aufcuers' Stok of Manties ~wholesale prir~s * Uhildxsn's tisters $2.50, Worth $3.W1. Ladies' Uleters.$3,00, Worth $4.00. Ladiee' Jersey Jackets'$5.00, Worth $7.50. Ladies' Knmittea Skirts (German make) 81..00; Newest Desi gne in Carpets just received. Tapestry Carpets 25e. Brussels Carpets 70o. Wool Carpets 70o." * . Union'Carpets 87lo. .Çsrpet Sweéepers $2.50 (a good lime). Curtain Polos, complete, 40c.- Stais Itoa75e. per dozen.- 2/4 Oiloloth 10c. per ysrd.. Sole A gents for Perfection Carpet.Swsepes.ý CAYBIROTERS, n - 46.& -48 Kn tEa.~ c$ ÀÙ TIR RO5TsC'.F oz -est aaà aiue. itis (tlly mioucI'ly Charles Scribner.ýFSons -the Publiehei-j énable uà "C0ANADIAN CHAMPIPON" for. $3.510 per yesx., GRAND MILLINERT CJPENIN G Wo ibav much pisahuire ina amounr.og te aur nameros patrosuniha 'OpuOpeinios'wilt taho place nos Tuesz a & deinoay, O.ct. 4 5& whosenve it hbo propard, te show our îteehof Trimmed Mets & ]Bonnets,, * Feathers, Wings, Birds, Pinehes, Fancy Trimminge,* etc. aiso ail the latut sovoltios in Fang Nos]. MISS INSSAN IN CRARONE..- A CAL 1 SOLICITEn, Mas removed ta bis New Sbop, next to Geo. Andrews' butoher shop;, ç hemre -he is pre4ared t6 show the largeeàet stock of COAIL-:-AND-.:-WOOD-:- STOVE S 7of th elatestcleiniss sr iroightts Mlto', atbot.olna5twl y yontosromsste estsndle s euîtoiqkand qsnto prioes bnlre pun'haing. ta fit w phrOt iui i capE5s in Wf T a*le issil on on at . J. .'BAT $ Hiurry pad e 6npttp Six imon>t 'at h enrsomnt -ett ter it fo 2monuho. Committei or 2 monthe5. forti.. Senca od e m2 hi siesmot imprisnmooi. PaiSý onvnntilin ormcrly rettiroti. }Tiiose aete r -theofneo ad pesý trc enteoser tho Co oîisda ýaltiiesonior ivlicligout JOHN ]EA8 .C]erki of 1he>ào, un For. the O ItoPbi. redit s To-day ovofinlirsenîvos wiiitos. ucSjoenýlaedte veadco tassamo ov haiva inaogsrated A-BIG.REDUCTION SALE First-class CUSTOM. TAILORN INiich tit1ho made feans the owEst ntsi Fînst Lises oS' En.gZislb, Scotch. andf - -uZirrs. eeds .Frenchs, English. and .4sericiz.. forsted5, Fltine -£nglishr :Brýoads and Doe; I!GUBES TELL WADWEA DOINilG: $80.00S Suite te ,Ordor for $s7.00 557.0 Sotte te Osier Sud S24.00 2000 " 18 s.00 18.6 Io 1.88o so.o ":ss.12 . os0"'1' .î.o 01s.00 Pante taoterer Sr $8.00 825.88 Overenoate te Ocefor 822.00 ,,.,8 :: . i .*i18.00 *$8.00 Pante is order for $7.00 122.,8 Overeate ta Ortier fer 1088 j i 1.o I. *i , t '17.00 j14.00- i t12.00 es -. î. bii . sud.. tu.. thi k t, of. OI t, bii,,éî,,oo..-t toboy hm a suit. vui. ..s boit , ,051O' Mot OOSISt.. TIilfim-1. t . Ift. rou u sotli.s Ooto .iA lthi.g . ho iItuilohî tu. uthl. ii~d FlYhà ITIIE'TAILOR01-j. 1nU S.Est,..Cspi'î Blssk, Hasita For Skates, Sleigh eis A es Taper Ground Lance .Tooth Cross- eXt" Saws at 75c. pèr foot. Nails, -Hinges, GIas, ves READY MXDTAINS I Wà iuitad, Varnishes -Japans, Ai'tîsts s CaasMlbsd.Brse TsbColora'I.PàlleÎýs nPi'cns initÈadAdamantine'petacles. oL~Âz0S.FOR I5:ARDINE. soeii ihii 110gtoo. nw Valuiablei Noàticeé EstrayM Cameinoleutroono. icriur, lot 21,Co.2E N o boat threenmootîtosi pOiriy oi praenog o '!'-y Nelooo, Dc. 81h8 îssÏ, Es trayýý Camne te the poenitseoil Nelseno, a *broîvn yusrli Oonorecnoissmmc i 5irty anidsyososro. 24-4 '*"* GEOISRA Nelson, Nov. 80,1'57. i' StrayS-té Caote Oie proisqent norihor. lot 12, Con. 5, NJÉl of Trafolgar, abotuitlIti N a rictr, conmng t5 Ownerosabave onmeooý Pnasisig JOB *TraIs! gau Der Ste 18871e .Straeýyed StrayedI runi y auts, Easagaiveya,'a uheoori dal rinauybroov ,] Aay ioSirmation htiot reenvery ilhhboisin3 rsé 24.4 . O-EO51GI ,Neloon Nov 2 0, 87 RuL sys, Boy with.bail,' Ealedýioscopes, Horse auJ Eiders, Wheel'd Doukoys, AlIbums, in ail kîtîda anets, Yarns, Vnderc1othing, MateClot' Feit Bool FECI.AL VALUE IN SA1TIN fi lie Nsiw Colors su PUIRE SI LI Or al ' les- C IBEsil 0f nil kitiOr ,7h i QMeDou HemuesSALES for a ittski iANi lise yor ràoed. 1 tias sur enuuoy hufore 'se âbuy the 'ý ol awsvy helew tha tale .prcs. * 0We of rA itl tiucou>'i Wat tisé oys titi> girls oacI. b o A'M firoreouf DryGeedu Militory. CtqtiÀ1g. Gt JflvoIyhsSythett> se fIllt.-'ý of lit «.We-nue iielluîtg $1.25 tiand lt L- FELT RATS for 5ý Jus> t Ëi HOLLI N RAX .7laflnt;.Oib C.i .Nue-Wr 'sulli it give ,t BNlQhto-mt abve.osi>or. Wýenuti iat t.'ue sivtr t AMerry C14rsm ,hinSgs evor li snîSinuthe flovttn ~&nbonght prisciîally for tise CIl lu ,InNEC:KWE2AII h-s s'iot-i s s 'Oie 'dauber shuir-.. 'tetCttt3 ouan1i t-t . liseyeo icr.Newogottbîos5 t-J itste hianS paiotld. 81igniietf-t. Ch àiud Sehs stootf Nsohitsr Îvj tti, us ,ÈILR M1ANImsKEIHII.' ' - ll the hales. àAnienlotaloftt1t5,Si e Apb-Th rottiest stîe" 05Csaàan Web obRuîue ry 5,ue-t' in e. Y'~'E DEPARTIME-NT.-)u the Sslici ufrointh iuiuu,- stieh Os. ipeem iuaoetftui ùitilot tiuu arl oves..Al i tîs u d nto.lc-o. SS SHIRTS axA OIU I Il rîght.RLarge, aneos5'tf CtAlaeAil mplte range of' IIOSIEIY. Cah NerEtaral IVool. 2týlaituaSts 0OaSe. por pair. Uoeqiittti. pey auasiack te eheead froii. Soules n aliggaifiaenot lion tiSsutttel-o boichth inoqooisiy andMr col 'uIf OMualsavii asso notuet oiiul Met . Arg a A ino meof "0u.4 ius NE tinfaei for OGent' Furiý,tuîît.'1 tonan, jt t lSton ftho Polios , ofr tmshalwbo sy orde'Fm is wîtd' 10,1 .............. ....... .......... ................... ... ... ... ... .... . - 1 OMM

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