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Canadian Statesman, 15 Dec 1887, p. 4

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ILDERS .11 k1.dý f Dulidinc 31.L. di Pm ,e.SÀSHBLrNDS.MOULAINOS. Jý00 ij 'Mid NEWErLs-aw «Il ý1an1ng and Matching ýiýne tý Ordièr- I LM, MER, r Lý -LOORING, LATH AND k.i.t ....t..tly.. r.-j, I"d.à Begs to intimate that, ho is prepýti-e(1 to fill 1 w.agOÉS-; Dernocrais, Roper the Bake'r to the 1 Gfin-.down tc, Roper's a 1 iil "et sOn1Cý Ca , Some.buns und sliorti)ý-eit(I and sonie For. Wthing o' the kind ]w makes, r And set our table elieej.,,. 0.1 k Phiin sind Ortiamaiitnl Caliés ofLver-v'(Ic.ýejiption fdi t -P i 3-0111. fliviii-S eftély. Orclers frôm tie *i proiipt'att-ention, sliciuld bel in noýt Jàfi!r0iaý Dt,>ceiiibftr 11 'A. L L BR Ci - IMPORTE oi., .ýTEAS,.AMD -CO FZ _3 No; 67, Diniffits Str.ect, LONDON;- 0'-, A. Pilh-ey, Hainiftou, Àgent, ýor tire Cowity of iiaiton. WU.. BFW.s --ý-MI-LTON,7-> jias splen'(Iiil-assoitment of Canailiana'nd Worsteds, Meltons, Lt-c.', &c., fuid cansupply Jiis-jîî elotliiiiý,, iIIféfýior. in materhil -and finisli to 11011 m e., -1 tooy-ivill bc fotind to bc reniarlzab!y Ibm- ct)iiFii qitality qf the goods lie sells. CASH FOR'.' WO OL --AT TIIE7- CAMPIE, LLVILLE Woolon'I', I %vill pa . y c . msli . foi . - gooà, elcan niercll:clltLible NW%*Oul, and L, in trade Ôr in par for ý%-orIc. chooge c Grey FlauÙels, Cleck IIW ýréy 17iiýons anil*Wooleti Dress Good.. 1 have alsti a full line of Suwnier and Winter 'T%*v'eeds fron! Jý yd. Alul 1 hava it goeil às"l*tllleut of slieuLim., ý Blailh-et,, aud alUlotible %vidtii aléïo a large varie-ty üf *turns, ail c.1or, Wool, ai; 1 tise rio ýubýtittite.s for Wtxil (a fivast which few mil] ý-Aî so that %-on cati delmid on good souiid Yiriis or any other t,ý factur.cl, and alway& froin your own ivo.1 wlien desired. èaidrî--, Weaviin, weIl nind lirmulffly done. * Give us a ýa]l and vou J acaltivith.. r--- Tlie highcht possible priccalloýn-ý for affkii;11 é 1 -Il ý 1. ý.. . . . . .ý ý 1 . . . l-*ý. . 1 1. --1 ,.ýý-, - ý . . . ,% - . - . . ýý - ý , . ,ý. _4ýý - .-;ý.ý'ý.!ý-,_ý f'ý-_--_-'ý 1ý': ,ýý _- -1 - 1- - !ý - ý - , .1. . . . __ . '. . ý ý _jý' :'. ,111 ": ý ý .. - . ý - ý, ý Iý ý.' ý , . . . . 1 .1 -- --- .-, _-ýý :7. -".>-".--... -e_-à- ý -, : - . . . . - , ..,ý - , , - y il ý :::.ý ' . Il . - 1 . _ý,-- ý ýý . -1 ' m0 ý. ý - . , .. - 1-, . __ - - , ,.. ý , 1 - 1 ý __ - - - - - ---..- . ý - 1- - . jýz-ý.-- > qZ,ý-. ;.ý'a, ', -' - _ý _--at'-aloý-_ - -- -9-:- ý - - . - . :ý , é;ý,wb.t-.ïd-jhejam'i.'-IinWý',7A'»D,,iý-A ýý .ý _", ý .. _ X ,- . - ....ý Il ý 1 1 . ý . . okiugdoirs nfbeaven" the restaient aùapr'otést ftIaýn.ýt ntiler . - PA" ' . . - o ý - MEFt net ,91ýeauto mach *ivizsë" WTU _- ý . ý TUE 9U'ÇI)AT'ç,'.ilOUL. - - ý. of tiré" . 1 . le.. . seTtriplès bëin,, insvosed 0111 . - : .ýý_l_.ý ;, . . .. . .. ý ý - -- ýe i 1 : ý ý .1 71. - Ci 1 " Re tlimrore:regnivea sillon - iii..8)"* ý--' ý ý :I, _» A. NiýM'PIR!BlAlq AitTIST'a Cissinvis givés the O'a'me 1', a.,, ý : - -To the îg'eaýwotn&o:, 7. . . -INTERNA'1710 P, ALý LESSO.NS. . c-ý-1- ri ble, whatover tire C-t. and Èt . i ý ý STORY cyrA. "RtRdNÀTI i --cut bi giveà ta: 1_ý . 1 1 à . . e Case, muet bc Fifthly, wu knoiv as n.arly a.q.wc eau ý .t En , , ?., - . titis. in auv, and O"rj . .ýýuýs d. a f., '*egýtùý hékoà- bar Étriry' -6" net - ' .*,," . - ' - _I: ', icil .. ý Irr ý(Titùsi43).,- ý . - sý.. jinit ý - ý, ;, ý ý . know authingi, whicil in lust expliultly 1 .. mach main, . , ý ýs".ýf _I: -ý- .1 U- 1. . v.I...Iý., o. o. Lits rosolvé if the hingdOul in énterna- 1* rter'of le ;ýeIl-knoivn we May,.-fiirlv mi . - ý a tý repo lart èonscris- - N.Wi think ý ý . t .1 he HoUl Mont stated concerning'tljo porsonal habits' _' - "" '> ' To pangolin thiý tressur . a, su 4 1 ý - thé FvereM New _Yorhi,."Is jhére-il iléthici In-theïodirectioli-s'côm- 1 ' . -_'ý" 8 - .ý Dtz>,-nr.à 18.ý-mlipirl'arlibimq- 9 d*mu.qt i of tire men ineutiolussi in the.NeviBeur of 1 ,., .- ýý ý . . 1 .. prize Ili abotie ail Listings el. ý. 1 . ý ý _ Il , ý..ý ý: i, *,ý.ý,. -. ', Mitt. 13:31-33..44 52. Inve up everythin, inconsistant with a Testament that Paul dia net bimsself 1 Assairicaut art improving in charracter suandidir Tit" batinPàcc. - - ýfi.. . ý.- . . . - ý , ý ý' ,oai), lire. 'Thorn ose bc no bait-Iray apply tire priucipld of tire test ta total and exullenS?" - - Th. -ý i-jàict'On la lu sac came agalnot 1 . . ; 1 . o - a cube thsst -ib6r 1 ý __;ý.. ."-...ý,., . 1 1 es Co-o- T 1111 Il il ni ri,, -4 .r l!,ý axes" alidolleeme tir . ,. , -, ýi...-p'ras.-4- 11.,, ivoriz lis titis matter of - possessing tire abstinence front wine bccanne there :IVery match ce." . .. -m: fil. ieý;jl.p,,II. . izingdum. ,IL in au tinql)cakable trou- wore drunkards. Ho las net air ,DO Arnericans ,,-,chý.' Patrouille exhorâtiosiý sadroîtred tg the EphesIîusý 1. ' la ýik..d fon,. .....;; the J.t , . . 1 ý-Ben#st d;inkiritii wine whercin in ex- .1 - - ý 1 ' 1 lire of ilý.0,Týtar . aille 1 -T And 1 tl a best 18), ùr sa the Revii*ed ý 1 .ýiThebe parables. in point of time. have ,sircý Tire rewardn of a riglitcous lire abutainer on accotint of snffering train forei,.'n"art?" ý , . . VI 'allie. Tlieý,'wlio the terrible ourse of drinsIceuness. This ýM I (Eph. VI' ,.w - nue connection with tire paýahIý of tire es. an. tlicy I?ýy 1 V.Wwn pute lit, ' boula 1. riot.". - ý ;,"ý- 1 -ssoij, oacli riglit estlmates arc proparreil tu existed il, ,4,ýi'.% .Miner. %%'iiýtlici- it priées, tiroir private gel avion Coûtent ýt. .bat, thoses who ý ý _ý ' . . 1 1 .6ýLare.ç." r.ntiniýierefl in ciiiriaýtl,. . . I do ý iiot.. "ow l'o - ; P., ri et t) e 19',i'i.c.ili) ail fer Christ. %vas sucre pravaleni tirait in Canada tir gains of ail Vie inodore uni rs.- *"-.nl'l iiýfeé,th.,t the'Apo.t-lie walmio, a . IV.-T.H ý [P..ýs..ss Pl., Lot». . preac o -Whicli arc pi-cforred, works of Lire 'gaillet excelle a.nèunis týi* an Apouiýlit . 1- III ,If ý CI . lit2c. lier Coula si.t say But t1l" - 1 - . i 1 -.il thé .1 ý- - PoTablon il) 'rire ,.aýc-, .si'tpl,,,.4Lýi. or illustrated j)riiieilile vrasthe sýiwL-%%-Ixcthertlie pro. mariera or-ancielit Inasteri V, cimm4on of tire perUct lgt'fýilt,ýs. of ïiein. . - . . ý' ' ýr Lie. -ro. i.i or -seciier. ' as aile in 100 or --Tire inodore. 1 storical secoue, je .oderatiun, hàvelïw and riglit un theil . .. - thoir .,a, "a o. . portittu of dritýulzaràs w. E ý _ý p L 11, P"" pe"" 'il "ait """" 'P', o1l". .ol. irlfe:ýsioiial Pearl . 100O' Tlierà%vý4litittlieýqliglit- rerd and ideal landscapèB, ý:snajlecidCd ý . 1 1 . - 1 X.-ryr 3lurT.in.ý szr.D. . ý Thu parti-] J4 round; not by accidont. an aide. . : . , * . If ý . :ý - .. ý . Tliim ,vas t . lie - -t soleil amonk wan tire cal. of, tire tréanýnrü hid in a est Prout Ébat Élu, Alýnstle.waý' ou characters in figure arc the mont rispre la mie test whieh -in- rorviently ý aisselle., 1 Oalh)ýet'aiiýer, "lie gava tire strougest cati- popolar bandied ta and flair in controvessiai - : 1 domnation of drutili'ci le lent tinta 1 wasý I maso th.t addrésioni 0 7, . 1 gartien herhs", gro%ý,isig a j.ert-iýnial plarit lelit, but hv: a ilierchautrisan whose lues, Redid thiq -Tl in Paris I cioclès, , ta Tire or .bruit, ingteadr, Ili ail M1.1.11.1, vrith ilissiiiens in tý fleul in pearki. Thi.n toast . - . y . whicli wn are fainifiair. Alnog tire ýra1s in #!ver on thr' louliotit ,fur penrIn of ut (;""'t", a wiclied citv, a groist duel picked tip a very strong, hi of drawing, by SL Paul' *,Drink no longer w.ter,, ut . 1 ý 1 - * It.ag«wl Mau .9 10 0 - .1 f. "V'ouid shoot . ont g,(,..-tt ' ],,ait.l,,.,. va'nc. i-nirnevin, trou, place ta Place WOML tirait Toronto. Tire church obicli dopicted a raidcl' usa a littl! winc for thv-et.macli'.-..ae, - . V.ere inoinsieil rtj-forrn,.dý'r inkards, and lý!,.iterect ni) in a minuit bo-cushioned and titille alleu infir.miÙjo" t1l lm. v," ). .. - 1 1 tonder whoqu Rhode tire félin of thý air la ýr:ircfi of thorn. and of marlicti fur - . ý ý 1 , AM IRIM - - lie Cali tir ,vriting ta tirent Paul acier tala choir, bis face and surrovindings indi. coulst lorIgo. and Vis amiiig ,,-Iýi,!Iý t,.ýt, i tl.,.:51... nsàking tju, b"t barguins ",O!"totttll%.al)siai.l. Ilecourleinned acting intense agi ny. ýTo bc continuera.) . i , ý. ý ý couhl élirai). TIPI Rower of tliis,%eell Il ith siiIlLr.ý and with biiY-_:iý;i. At last drinking, to ýxccssi tire wine lit tire --His table is crowclod[ 1 ývith suranv a . , .. -Tire Chirist . p W D E R I 70f 'Aursa, in tire Soir ,if '.%lait ; OS ý(.Ld. il., finds a jcarIý,of sirll,;I.,,illý', ý-;tltlz!-;t ý . ScarunEws Mé.0.4ziNB. tint ,!::i lard o r ,o),pct tratl i, . mll the fi,;1:1. i '. k.Vàl !I i:ýmo.iý.t.,iý,.,ivf.,,r.tl i,ýisit-...irL-ro] " Loili'.ri "I'able, la iiiist aggravatud CJ-4e physicians, phials, abandoned baud. .a,% nulorbèr of Séribruer lis complété in . - ý ý, . . ý lait ail tire of ýlriilil;eiý1IL.ýi. a', ' .4, and tismi op blister8.1 Harare hier itsolf, corstâcins, iso'serinl matier ànd &&Ibsôlutely P ures ,v,,rtýI.-'Irhi,'Ie.ý.,,., *ý4 timt tbi-,ýA. -,tl,.r., lie fil, , . , fora outil , l'lie l')rcitcljer iio\t rL-forrcl to'tfi,ý .L' lied by'an drnàmentýil cèýîCr, ý 1 , s,ý tir. Morpions bf. licaven il. it, Ltgin- :1 c'ýeau ý1Ie ,If ,air .11. ha, ýhIt lie luay tri]) of stoulusing vvater derisively in curie' q_ ilztýsil-lel> i;i Timatliv irait Titus re. ,,,,,I, ý - - . Titre m.d., ri,- villi.. A ..,,'ai -f poIIY ccpeýlinj,,Iý, swijl und r-.ti,.! j,,srchase-nîý:iny fur titis elle pri.c. fi. , it.i loueuse into lits trac, ( lie o litifu lyprinted lis gala. Tire ljýICe 1 i i'j'ignifivant -et %'..Il work Ont lorid. Isgs, pari. Heèe %vý h.v. illustration birvin'-, ta %viucý ývIi:c1i las ri tjor- ga.te rire "jlý,eriIy blazes in mackcry Of i.j, as as, .*I, uly 25 cènts. It contziiiis tt'.',ýu",I:..*.','ý'ii.','ýý,"L",.,ý'.',',,:eý,ý;d ý.'.',.'ýt Î."".Îd"i,ý. .ý o: , ý . d'ion. l'lit I*L-xCesý" condenined. It, Il*, uii'i:ti, 'Se is a t pu t . lie tue ý st * 1 Alérion, pomissi si ý cil ,4iý'ib'ttit!o,, .Itl.,tl,. * ... ultltud. .,ri.. t,.t..I..It Mon roigilts in inilividitaf licarLs .%ml ,if a -,sol TcalIN rois tir supremest aloi eligilitif ,,ftl, 'a 1.1ý.,ýi.l..t. J..«ýl'.. HIIld ýffly III -t;oiiiiti,-ý:itl--,cl-'*I)riiili of (lis ,,av .: distin ;u livea and in s,,cietieR. This filet linds -l'oud. aud finding thi.4. nt 1.ht« in 'Temis Il lical ns2 las rL - 's .4 Ill iilied vi-riters, iàÙtl "... n'IV. ý M..x. il..D- co.. 106 W.118t., . o lougtr %voter, ])lit taire il littIC witlU Ill reaiI%ý enjoy loolzing et this pie. S118pe, iý1 tistra lotis. string tillec.rýilig Ili Y. . forible illiintration. ý ýl.riit. Aft.r l'ring sud anxiolis trial Oýf L tl v 't,,iiiýý.1i',,>.ýal;c." Nu rcaýonaIls,. to,, !, - ' ( - . . o 1 (,,), Ili the Citer nf Yainiq Con rerhr.- tire riches'and bonors and Ile.-tqtirý!n or )r 1. 1 y vear rial stnrib. na important nirti. 4====_ _nn! ý__ ___ nl,,týýlýýor onght ta object ta thi.. It -l Izocu. flore there la alwayi a graduel -,,rýi,,-tli thL worldar of il ,pilles., lift,, tire lisait 1 l'Olv tlic Old follOw racla! ýIes contributicil Illy lenfling wr!ýrs 1 sursit I'C', . ilining. Tho 'ymulg is Conviliced triol lie -11 ho %.Iti.,fi.(l ,venir bluta duhoprovideditwastile 1 ,VV,,If ,vos fur t'vulve vtjars a ý victiDI lill ,prcýr rsloiitlll)!. 'l'lie, magazine frais' la - lia%.C"Icnp Meling, auciiii.. on ý Iv Il)' enibracine, -dy. A . tuait liati lis) riglit of ý - nt ý- TUE ILLUSTn-%Tk.i> Lo,,,D6-; News" rrmýè t lila3 proper rame i ;Ilattjttiatýrv i-liciiiiiaii.4iii. Fvery costs $3.1)o s, vour, and in tire chcajîý.4t hnds without a rival as Élie oldest, find oui Lurd. -Ifs-' se"(;hr'st an Sav'l)"r ta ,ointuit suicide nuit yet lie lind Iward spring, and Ïsitti* perfct torturé si. publislied.- . To- b&qt, and ruent progressiveillustrated ý tenin emati"n,. ai 1.0 air.%, fiiuil,4 on that il wilicont .1 , . firht.clit.ý-; -poriotljcn ,non sav thov %voila rather dit% tirait ivrsteil lue forwtwo or tfirce ilioiltlas, cueille leaders ta IDàsesq tire magazine ly aper lis t te world. By spécial . his thonghts tinfa.ýýiliml)* Lurucd ta tire .%zýlf..siýrreii-leriiiiýlk;.wrificiý; thatmans, taire .tIýohoJ.ý Titiotlji* %,-an a abstainer du , . .1 consi&ratinut et saving tiuth. lývery. things enjoYed ý and covetad luilst ho ring whicli 1 was citer] Untible ta f ai tire firet niiiiiber (Jantinry, 1BS7) Rirais vivront with lie Laurana publiait- fur tho salle of tiroir %ýIioý werc ttniptýtl date. r tire %vitale palier thing ma%, bouts.- clear and itire, or lie ,llivoir'ili) ; that dutics, for' which, as siocl) for a vvéek 'nt a tikne ; %ras Loir. tir'o foliowing iiicliicerhoiitii are offeWl : cýs, a varice 1 Rte InRY heà S nature ta call Iiiin.4tif a yot. ha Illis.no rf!liqll. mqnt bu rouler. tu dritilz ta exce.4s,'I)tit Paul thutight it olented by continuaus a.ouv, assa nt A yearls gubscripiion ý and tire truniblers a tl3,,,for . ad ta New York Il childofond. Incithnicametlintriffli talieri;.that llt.ýlshil, joR4týbe ondured . ,,,, ,,arc important that lie should ai,, thon %vos totally Win fiur. a fort. fo, 18,S7, $4, .50, 'a ve.ar's stibýéritiýibu o cet t . enabling tire Illum- ý . maintain hin bouilli for tire ,salie of his Right, 1 ger ,, or,, in inerfly takingrcot, tire nevr lire juiît and crashes borne. Bat, couvaccil of tire diseuse I1aviný .ttlml in ins, and tlio'iiiirül)ei-s foii887; bointà in turc, ted, notion ows Co. OfN.,,,Y.rk it b'-_ý,iiiýillg- ta davvnýa lire calling for theinfinitc ,valise of tlickliol,.Iedgt..f Nork. Itiiever occurred toPaulthat oyes- 1 bail tiie.l)cst' leaie.%l sliiii, vo= ooloth. gitt top. SO.Uo. Sadâýi- ta publish tire Amorionn Edit'on about tir'! tende oeil, the ý fi of J'nos, lie . plirov a scieutifics, Of icndship -ol)lesliotilit bc total alis mincu nierolv uedýssII tire inost a u t elscivlIero Jor clulibing aweeli latmr Ébats tire salon nuniker lm rutearc.; yetiiu(l(!rtlicon. il of . bocause saine People abused drink. ' . .; - iýg!àenii1g'aurI Icaflilig of 'Lire Spirit, .1 a ýeternaI ýlire, as offerLil lit tire - visitud thé tansad iiiiiiL 1 springq- of ratag witli'cliAmiid, ý iqýiieâ in i;oiiiloi?, wbile Élus retail price .Ilr. ý%lacdoiiell thon roferred ta tIýp ý, ý, .;.; reang .at length intu str, gth, ,i!ýI)LI, el..Dr.ý,tliiis-, il sfirrýnlIcrcI1 fur A si.rica, of Carlbithil a a Paris, but . ý 1. n, and 9..,., ý , 1 Old Testament, sijowilig tiret tire j'rie 1 1 .-,--.- .. ý . for tire complété Vaciller in Armoriés, 'hi 1 .V.ry N'car thosaine ainsi tire. literàliv jýippbPCIdVs ,Idoiittily ,Ifjtgullle: , ý islten cents lus ,cul of twenty. va s. nf*Cljri.4tiitit cliara(:ttr. Ail tir - . ', i'à au-I lýc.,.tvL.I). Imbituallv dralik %ville ont[ Oulv r0fois"'I burnej issu alive ! . i . . Iliviun grauos aie gro%,,tliI in Lhc.ýonL ý . 1 ' . a.1 boléro. Tire subscription rate for 1 . Tijo lesson herc is Unit tire kingolon) fur their bal), service. l'lie Cano of tire I.1 * 1 Ni) Christian in nt nuo, a complote of I,ü.%N;011 mont ho n'ouflit, au a price- Olten lauffli ta iis%ý.snif Us I think -Front LI as," , , and *«.ýamt)le copiés- vi-Ill bc may be, and lo's treassire, and. ail ý!IsL,; lit1il de4r, love bat air olt-bear- 1 iiiiiiit luivil beau, lZing, outiller of 'ý,TIso Dr.sp.i*ter," hp. iniailed onýreccipt of 10 cent%. Tire .At first theru I ,,, blesscd for thLir filial obediLuie w est suffering os that bl nibrir CIirisdnýas iiiiiiiber this year excecdis lit It..]ý;tl)itc-s lie oxainined, sud saisi tire%- lie Raid, bY CaPt. Clins. ycar la 84 ,ý,-,,-.-,-.ý. intur. feuille approhéuziiun of pri. ri t lit! giveii.l;iv. sa fur air troc 1 lie, tu 'VI fellovi sueur.% fronts in full. in the Deceuiber nu ,.i;.ý!o ou il dùtyýa feint - vision , ut Iluss"s tilt, kinglIoui. to tire lIrCUL'I'tS (If 110;lRdOI). Whoil to.1)0." . 1 of Lilil)iticott'.ý. It in a innýterly story brianty aiiytliiiig lieretofore Iniblislied. lxuth. - Thère iiiay pr)'à.qiblv l'la inarry a . , 1 V.-Titi: DILIW-.N'I*T. . forbade il juxtiViolis city ire alla desig. , Il -Ireii't yOts teniptilw raté by mailing of illilitarv; lire, and will clotibileý%ýlbe liding a double nusuber with tilleuls C"!,.lr(,týýi.io with Hill, bLeAuno Wf ohl This lits coiuîtructud .bu ait ta e,*%vpep in cities- %van ftý iÎtraong .111 injonction . Port of Nour, nid cri.1.1- )' as pupuIaý'às lin èlever author'n former full-page . il ý Iliq'ratiol]Sl bebides tour bolicla or unhelief.4, or (if uld habits Lire buttons of tire ,es. . It gathLred iîýh outholu lis --notto ilrink minc,', and tire IV "Olt, i;o, Il tour hù.tý' ;il longer! My productionn. Tliejiiiiiiýber aise centaine i blantifid colorcil ilictures trous tract %Viiiàý .%vu ilo£ nasily ý"%;Orcjillc. .Many - and and btill. two tdionid le.-taiioil tog.til r. ,Èrtllsýgle m. «ýI lâni w's ., r tiiv. .. aisce," -Jouet Esl-l ive paintings. No%%- cri sale ,y ali of every surit, .tli(ý« 9 1 ý. "" 1 Mv, First Appéal. . , il l'attise aie, 1"! rougi i la , , , - l'Ho -ic chàlII 1 *ce. 50 cents. A tirons. it with affectionq 1. ilier.pun i,&vý,I ti , cant Tire rerd isicatiiiig of tire test vies y .a va .ý., .sol ol, tire , 'O 'y Of tire iuoýCI.So.1 - w Il(.art." flash i-J il w.suicaiers ; pri li -lotion%. BuL by end hy, through tire b.1d away - unins - - le, .,ri ait thon. ]or; IIM'iii; Gtiatié & S'vallovv.- :Ilbiýii T le Illiist'rated- News. Co., pull slier4, . and ami% -* 1,11,, sua. in tir.! vrorld. .. Yeav. i... no. wiýteliftiln(ith aud . lirayrr and effort, , ý this ; if yon, boing str.ng. overbear .)Iý, 1)11%,.Siciails guc me Il ,,aile of ,.a. W Tonrgeîsý -SIý,ep and D > : p 1 iiilo titi., tir. serill'IL - eatli,"Ella, ,Ilcr.B,ýil(lingN.wYorl,, The gospol iq a jiot lut duvi (If i*ulli-'ý%.,!;Llc I)r"tllur,*%'ý'Il c,,,rY. ,1 fusil fui ïV ý , 'anJolui joy and groivth'arc sittain&l. grc:tt.ý.,.I. Of Il , -self, hovv- W celor IVilcox - -Farthivorins sud -; 'il)IY le klo Iiiiii à "re:it, aliaust irreparzible aval- - « SooietN'," 31ary Parilléle; ".No%,. ',,:cli-,,.,! . 1 r.ilyll..%.4t-,] for bel[ air-] su%,izý_.,Iyizý. l'sono Iivcý- -1I-is, .4hould consideÉth. church thi., * 1 1 110csLýy for Ili égondrer.11. 1 - out, illiary, sud for bis saké yen niust .. ýý 1 ::c!:zdiý:ý, n1l influences cIjorating, cri al)stailà.,, 'l'lia proacher gave two "Tho rlit-,tttiatiIiiential lin othera. The. work lias j 011, ]la%%- disl it work ý1- - lottolýisfielkites* ,.Orenny Liiid-Oalcl.- - 1().týglin, and Grni hawt1je snui in char ,o. 1 , -sin vvas in my case, as Scholisib", ' Lucy ýC. Lillie; -ILookiùg 1 'Il vroncler what soit of a persan thé ý imdually vision in CIL-aecd, j.vIgnient t illýllc-ï- thoié lac.eptance cf iiiiitý-;Ltions * of th's-the aile '11(llle'llg Il in nearly ail otliiýr.4, cau+1 hy' à (lis. BacIzward,ý? Rose Hawthorne Lathsop; éditer la" frequently is said by tire !il. nalvation lit Mur lourd A Chrit, All loaii. vüjojý, onul ý-to cent a, r.,)rrecte.d, hopn (Iiiiehfýnt:,]. faithstren«. tlin),,,.,Il tir. ' , c 1 Il %VI- a eas of tire blooil, PI-0l'aq1y- producoil -,Tire Destin ,Nfnjor," Y. 0. Baylbr; te'rested rendors of n-any a p . ublicatibu. sid conturhts thi, I,1:,h,"'!,,,d ,1,.ZL(leiliti", his C.,Isuiýlitiotis thonuil liait 19v. - L-týl;tr-,ed. What (!il. ag'es .1 l'y ,unospectea iijactivityjýf tir. Iiid. IIl)j,,,Ii ýltili)c-li.(;I*ailc'," .Mary- B. Do ' ý C.u!ý gourmit or voulu,, convoi .4 , le , .Crtll.]..S, and tire .tirer thu abstaiiiiiii, a"; , fer 1 hua never Iiii-g îsny Pain in ,-Our .)I()IltljlN, Gossil)" sind. 41B g,(j:;IjL.l in ta Ise lireaulied-the suit tirýtvii. ý dfie; Editors rire sa 'often itupersonal or in. 1 1 (ir.!at.iý,iiltiti.14h 'sisitil lit,' iospToýselI- front, a glas% lit liner ut cliiiiier go thaî *% noir a essible créatures, Ébat it is hardly Ile'i;ýnitigr-a býs .11,1,,,ttliegru,,-tlI Il ,,re.itiiiiiltitiidf!nroiipwed. Witliii thon'. 'r%%'-"tf huttl.s jof %V;trtiir's TIli." 1'l"lli.,Ileil bý' .1. B. Lippincbtt tir reaeoiiable if peuple iToiffler an ta hl, ha ,ràiitl, outil a siveet restfuiiit a" - otitýýr.4 sholdll net ])a t.ilipted. Il. bar, o t.1y jouitiod Co., PhiladclPhia, l'a-, et 25 Cents t1i'pir very existence. Tire Doccrubor nud a coin lote vie r in loua. ! 'lie tueshes of the net binait bc gathored ,poh , - 1 àlid 1 nover, havýý . & tri s « ', , . Letý tire Moud and lj:ttl-tile converteil aliel and tire absollIte noces "tv Cf thosu ettio * ý1e(l por iiiiiiiberior 83,per aimons. 1 ,,- iiiiinber of Godey's, Ladyts Bouli fur.. ilooncliesita . arti a umth o"d tir!! unuonverteil. . Ily-and-by, ut. tire had net .,.ýli-cý,iitri)l sth, 'l'ho rinAi robust lit-alth ag ljoývý illindreds ý = _1ý____ ý - ', ui4hes a notable instance of departitre le nut-in si C4 efore and Ùf thu 1 îtlikliilg- flot of fricilsis il, Europe aria AbIeriva have, TUE CA'I',tU.% .)InDIC.%I, AND V ý . W . - 1 ICA train the alti ellitoinn in tlin'iiiatter of ý1ht. Wo arc ;Ill Va ý , ýcV%1"fttitl" Pro- this was ail different fr- Suan 1. ive are c'In L4. : ý - vierIll, tire airs a perpétuai air my rvcýinniendal 1 Illicil it fer JOUIMIL for Decciiiiller contains:tlie .tl,',.relatioiiof editors ta leaders; IL ,Wr _ý cesî .,hall pro=0:1. Ech will Mu tu outil life-long, aloitinence, 'vllicli iscithar gcneral debilitv, luilitria, 1-houlnatisui, following Original couitnuiiiéatioýsýz- In the cape ofthr Charch- WlUlt, Ilis.owil placzi. 1,111 Christiau cati te. Christ nitr fils Aliosties cullird for. isjiroduces ta a wifle cirelle of familles, . . , 9 etc., and I Iiaýe lievLr là,ard au unI -Illor Uiii%,nisit3, it(,,Iatiol - a smlýV h.ginning t1às haj 1 OnCU .lit. 9,ti,!",; ,Va avoir chtirches, aru iisixed \Palli-distilloti, sa..*(I: '»"ç tbot d"1111i' sutisfactory report fruits tli'oiu." ,ý 1 te Profession' extuliding &Il avoir tire United States Loffl ind out a single .1j.,cil)lo, soir 1, bodon. ThoN. Contain tire faisc w9ll 'tg eth, clrililioth tCý tire Lord *and Miveth - ' % Ri E(Iticatinsi," $ir .1. Il'. D1IWsýPl 'da pirf of Canada, tire éditer of th'e . - s Itesllil-atiOu foid Réuni Larly's Rauh-, tire alictel, being quite f-Ilower .il tir. enrth. , Aft.j u .in.qu" Lire triie-cli'.I(lre.ti of thiI world lis vieil Go 1 iliatils." Titis was tire apostle's .Ir Wright hos a perouai ecquaint. Of 'teachiliv .and woîffler-,vuiýkiiig thu aie "ellii(Ireil of 11,111U' ariet "viril tire béistave IVàq of Euýoj1e ,ýC11o.I"u.,.ý ,,i,,o Jý il* Graut; "Saine 'flie.4o.ire to bc 1)1*illiýil)le. Soute. Iniglit bis i g;vi L'y -for !L. tir 1: g and Armoriais, . ý' ' ý0tojgvaIý,hié in its accuracy, but cri. "TwoIve" wore cliosLýn-fortlicirio.4t and ]lis exl)driellec giton Rare Fortes cf III III L ý Bad inThe cloiroli ? Yes ; but ooll thaillis, ,vt a 8parlite vrhich malles it cx- Part' ig'lora.1t;lllllguo..vl;.alid ti.lliý.11c'rt(I 1 and regard it as air ar Titinor," Dr:,ý%'. .Il v il )y Élus wnrltl-* surclv. net a proinisin t)1s ir.,ý'ýý;oé.q VOL In ý 'Veighty t,.stillioliý, to thol reurarliable 1'. '.%I.Itlitoli;' and "Qtiàrterlý, lictrospéet Ceediligly life-like. Thuso who have .0ve ail ta bu ba'i. Tho ir'oongroity. 1311tiftllL%,COIIIInotgi%.. Poiler ofthL cc'c')ratL>(Illjrej)ttr.ttiOn, of Slirgery,!' Dr. F.Jl Siiel;litr(l. Thé wýIVbrCd port *bat tbe gift ( ,,joli . g ]ziiigtluili of GULI .91sail bd fitIlv sli.ýý!1.scýl tl;,aiilý.4 to' Goa fur a g'fliss of bout-, or- re %% el UV . sotil. Then tire --S,%%"ciit)-l' lave ello.qell 1 0 tire and couteth, net bý-forL.. nanied. ý oint sont fortù-still a --mu4t.tiýl aced.- v'. 1 tg , ,vlýi4licy, or Wilx, thon 'Il vroulil sav, lire revievrs by Drs. H. 0. CIutpsnaný .1. jolle,, in lilie- Nvili greatly enjoy %vliat ,ý . . VI.-Tfl>.. i.,;qu toueh it not.V -', . "Yu" thilll, tire,', .Ilr.ýVright, Ébat A. Wveth ami J. D. Bryant and 'Mir. J. 'At Pontociert; lin ,appui -rouin lis Jans lity. . whalier yon Cat or tberc in sulestalitiol ait duveloilonient L. .Milton. TI ' 2%fr. Wilson lias written. For Christmas :ý ' ' sera are reports of tire literature this number in indeed rieli. Soient hiffil tiré whols, Christian church This ii,.,uq if tho discipIý.j bal iurler- Illirili cla it ta tire glas-)- of Go,]." 1. . I '*Yoli are but butin in Assierica ?- , lirýecclingg of the College of Phyrdeans There arc saveral .Bpicy Christmas si.4c fîx-score in tire 1 . - a to-drink boer or 1, ami wIxst wore tir . tounI jeilil, tlroijtllit in tlý..ýýý 1,:,r:tllý-.,. "I cortaililv au, aloi avi', Confidence ausl Surgeons of thn Province of quelier. st;Dras, a valliable artiele cri christilias prelonS ut iniglity luilli.us %Vis. 01 ....... s. Ail Vu in!y Nvo filay "efl ask I,;Ii-,elvziý, %ýlli.slzo * V Roy marc' tirait you arc 1,01111(l thut Villon illu -tnlo Aulâlica Mon in tire Tomate '.%radical SoLioLV and tire ý d.ltltiýliiil,-,ýIriýi'lý1'l'ý!N"'%"erel.,,%vý!,,,r. Viol ail whillis výo :il. .,,à,ý!iiti, t-, in,- Il, cal, llelýle.s.'* Therc are rellonn for saisie practical d'rections for .sr total .1lstilsý!1,.,cc. Yirst cri tir(! gratuit] s"LtIýd aller', n'Ir devI-I0p(ý2Ient will be ýIIritih c;e.ýei"ýls, eloilleil ith: . net. Undérritanding the.,o things. CI,,,ý,bii 'la !,, Curât i 91 sûrs diunors. sud siiii(Iry %visý' power; vvent (.%.Dr).%,.Il,.r,! or fathniuiug !;ý.iiIL - ý Lath rapid and excélfent."i Thorn ard, 'L,(Iitoriliils as fnl]Ows : Re- b1iggeHtioI1ý as ta. Cbristi a. Ir th Illelel'i.W.,g tir o %vOrd,ý anl l'un! .Lli.,t ' ý nvisat tiroir de'j'ths.. ý'f].ý-illtli. lie las . il total abstainer . - . _ - 1 ri 4 1 osais . bs1-lii ý 1.'til 1.0 ,vas :-Il yeuis of age, but, saisi . versai of tire Normal Teuiperat4re 'l'lie practical contributions are' nu. -'ul ljCýjI.,. lu" ." 'lTho St,,,ý,,c.ri-iiie Fr.iiiitll 'ustially ivorthy of mention, jartictilarl%- hegiiiiin,. trio %voudrons vvidu. ovOIV Chlistall ýL-aCIler In to lie lilio .111 ý - , . , ..1 bave et l' lipri, elittruli' of thi:, irin.t.enth .:i!11. 11"1.;,!11"1,1,.r, l'ri-.I"i.", îlot of hi., trea. he' Il poen aile %ili.sý, all. TEMPERAXCE Co , aloi Nitcý9 and Coiiiiiicits.11 l'ver ý - tory lias ,crowij, suit tlý"ýl,'11.1 'L'il ilritýýLiL'Itlly on abstainer." - i, Élie .Il lappy -"%Ie.ssa«o" %vitIt its choice 'i 1 1 1 thu notiou:4 or tbr ';,ir%», Or Place uf'(Iý7j.ý,7it,:,ii things good Ilont tlzLruwàt.ý tire seure ,)ftix,,Lýlise. un 1 uledical mail Plloiii(f have ilti.n excelica't jIý ý netrationg.. No w1jolooarth are. v, il]., ta bit lis tirs, for tire I.i.l:.",!I;ý;lýi, a. ,,C,ý",i,.Il inav TJIF,'IIIIILF. A.';D TLMPEZ A.ýCr.. indv, who ,vents ta . rof,-hing blindé tll,!rPof. And-thi, dlu ... ard. Tire lesitoi is Vint j,-ýcIu! * Ivilicl'Iteeiilitrge(l, tlie;,,rraterlitýisi-.-coiii. 1 . IIJRRZIIIC,;i%-Iiicli éosts .111%, ,".00.liel- dre's Wolf cati afford io bc ývitlinii-t-tlie iiii t(enchers aro, ta loi WZII iiistrilct.r!ýýl fort ,hl 111r. (.'Aol.'ý, n'-11 -Y. I'i,,,-. "f moulin in it(IV-.Itl' lis t - oté- C'l'ý'ýat" "ait tu ho C-osi1Ierý'd- Fl,,,,-,iýli (,*/,,,,,à. Li-jwý,1. ,1,,11,,,,,,t. -a and in l' . bY f;ýsliýli ilitelli,,c-iý(,,ý given und illustrat. grolth in Us Va air. .AIl oth.l. j,,4i1,ný u BY oblisin'd * 1 t1w thilig Iw Highland., "fsc"tl.tllýtnienýIr.ii.Iz ,,,,ý,,,,11ý.,y,,.ý,ll,,,,-ýle...., ,ýci.,,,il. 2l'a- the Gazette Ilrititillg Co.. .Moiitreal;,, ail ho fully in thin' nuinber. Lonflon ;Ira ta be rootud out, ail atio.r svsteuln Il '. (Ir illu Izi::.!41u!ý!, and in tir,: , ' -1. ý . i . : ni ýs-Iii(4z1v, faith iV,!rl,ý'.."ý!. :Ill üLluq. art tir h.wling ,ojiIsý thitfier. ThvV l'in.,it jUahtitien Of whisliy 3vllicli %votilýl bc ý . __ ..--.---- ý ahil Pari,; correnliondence vvill bu prize(l liýýýtlli'.14ý,fs.il%,.iti.,]. folind fti'til., moi 11--t.l.!.ïli"! the lrt,,- ail;1otlu'in:,iphet.ý fatal in Canaila. -Our .itm.isiilii,-ý-P," [A parler vend buftir(i th. Q",;.ýterl,- t. Siellotils hor [)Pcpjiiler. . . VV ail rel(ILr.4, and ho will thellolim S il- - 1. . . . .H I lý 1. ý - 1 "" - Hints. Chat aboà Woinen's Affairn airs] . -festin in- il, "moo of.ý tho travail (if bis .I'L'czý,ý.ý.u illev [Xrý old, ý r tir. --*-ý..,I,.;] 1 'aid I;..C,ý ..i!;.ü lýii:ti-;Itiiiý, encul'h ,vith- M e.thîý,- of rite Li,ýrl,,,,,l -, si il ir ri' .. 1. __ , b. .. - %V. 1-t ,,, -'4 ,Y- - ill diS- fiîty other tbingn ai %%ýi.ich linsiteil ,1,ýie ;.",[],* .aloi los Ilatuili. - ou -ý - - t 1 1 - -et ] -flic rearlers of ýt. Nichola 1. ()It,'%,-It;tt sooral b" b Le -q :11'%v-:111 'If "'Lv-1l'till-ý t ti ,bol *' Aisothev r,ýasüo for (!' l' l' S a , ï a t la.1 'srver in tire Decenihlcr niutriller that Mrbids preàLjjt iiiention. Suai, a nulga. - il ,,.,ti'..Iýý-c %vos tire dilliculty (If g,!ttilýg --- - - Ill, l, t', il. aloi noligibu, forv,ý.q -1 ail or .,ý,t-lil.r, truth it .a-i ..,.,ýý ,,,IIL.i OAU.Iý>" ý -1 L..,.L--t:ý.,ý,,,l rit Fraliàcs lIod^.ý,jj Booctt fi 9 , . tirs! in titi, ý-iýiý,.,. lu'i'l' Int Illed- Rlý vine. Thev ,vas.: il k 1 _ . M a 1110-RR Oýe)"SLRiý-' Booltiqexcuel. , ilo-si, flnt n-ý 1-i-I-;tý%lý(ýr rio turis-hor ho ýýo-Id"v-d lu illo't' îf.a, " ý , . - 'atill" al:ll sufor'-isil, good ý 0 1 tu 0 ý.'L. for .,Crý« ,.n"- (Il.h. il. 9). An be cre-ýlt(!il m v.-DI-Lliv conilletiiion eliàritýiL-r 7 l'il IVriie ta dileournoed. - tire plau or VLIIL11,1ýtiý,it. 1-'.vLrv Sahý d'ink a"l'illttill(Ill-ý -ýLlsif," IVI i . in Iii.),itt.,.g.8,3, on tj'oa,,-f,,Ico,.. ' il giv ehoap et tv. ( . ars. , PLIIIL tire K wd :' it nlial ' . .1 ýb- ; ". , ý! grow. And Lin, har bath-soliool tý!a;oll,!r shouil «I'u lis, 1,ý'l",ýI.Ils and tinwI.01ýsulileý. - . iV.s .9--re(l "%-iiit-g.ir mingied tý "Little, Loril 1-atiii'tloroyll. in Élie tho*Crolv pisbliýllill- Colulorny, pllila_ 1 -, výe.t,!.:Lll.».Oglori,)tls.. ai,,., Theso ivare ait giowids for total ell', 1 1 %%itll liýroiný-oflic!rstorý-. "Sara Ci-eNvei:or ' , . . .. . est, Ir,ýyëi-fiil ntifflo.ilt. Il., cannot il 0 att. --vii, 34); or. .a .%I.ý-k pot, - , deI-,djiaý and Icaril ad about it, aile the . 1 M-ý [IF. 1.1.ýlv-,-..Ný. , - ý 111.1rý?it-iice apart froin thoir --brtgtlier«. o, -'Nui. oriufflod ,vith sol %%«Iiat ll.%1;1,011cl Mt Miss 'ý%Iii liili'AI' . " . . . deal in iIatituiIL.ý' aloi co:n!ooiIàIaceý; l Pr noussurs tac. are Viai-lisigoloni Of l'envols in tho :sud bc sitý!cc.ý4%flil. ýIfarù." Mr. .ýlacý1.111ILII rec.guized 23). lt ý«on. ta havo ,-,rrý,ý",l,.%,,1:,"L, xv,; and, an in Élie carlièr ritoiry, tlin 'actitll.'V'*s 1 : - _ _ baron ils in thu '11oustard 1 tantinets. and ta Il.,vo 1) ý-) conceptions stre Rided in tlleié settiug JOý, - ý s:-ý!II*'-pietv; ý-ý _- - . .ý'. . -_ . ý .. ___ tire goorl %vurIc y.hiel. t L -acirilg.,eIl«ititt, ,111,,Oltes or tir vý ýý1j1jýc1-CI .111 litraling mille Oitiliiient. Ilirincipb! cf -oxlIiii,ýsn in a jujoutu veto nors bail .ffýet,,ý(1. y .itllit;ctL . . ..... I.-d ta b:.Ijit ti.û sensca, and il ... forth hy' tire worli of tire illustratur, 1 itisi-l'INil'y ANI) I)ILINK. I . in tire Illi . . . huti,.iý*h Ili., inor 1 . ' ,tdek ', il. ireli. 1:1 tir,] --itlti.ýLard 1 __ 1 broliers down ý a tvranny whiel , 'V'V' tl.o,...Ittiý;ý " '.911ny. iioz.. lisiv, ýIr. Il. B. Inreli. Mr. Frank Il. S - . 1 . soid- Wo ll.%Vt!ýtligt sioltward '1ý;l:lifclt-- Étil. D. J. )1.%Ullý'.;ýl'ý.!.*., .'ýV.;tMON AT ,1,!týi,,raliziiil,. Leb'tlýLm "lot. lioyc,-er, . Il. . .. 1 t it u thl- ,ýIllýifýIl .,ýtý-,. toit Mlloillisiers a ýallit.irý' litt-e le.4,4On prPll,!Qrti.wantl.èferirllýlý. .11,e.ý.li.ilg,,.,.IU,,[,l .m.o.o.tllil,%g, ; 'Lion. f tire Isagduin. R4 ta !t'a growth ST. I£.IZDI'tEIV'. Clit'ItCi . atterript tu Fitýttýii cri lis anothertr Il Il ' Iludý,l te in Proverle, (imi.. ta bath yeung and nid in Cou of his.àa- .ai,... h.V. beau foussui bv lu.ny Mort havé suld exteusion : -î a"I'Y. xxxi (;)- "Givis -t,-.,g. ddols, ontl, bi.o irable storiLs, I-The CIocks.of lion. lle-litt.lel..Ostelne..ijtt.il.tlý,trýatm..t 1-1 Lire "le.%%,cn " tire __ Tire tiare was cil bond wlien t'te thot' là 'l'"iidy ta PeTisll." and in the ex. In hid'hui voler '? . lis! kingdotn, %vorkinu . ý * f L .ý 17--o-fflu 1,%,..ýl,-I, N-. .-.e. ccourageoun lisait would be "a %V110 Prelsieil ut the prophet Aille daille;" thà first p«I't ok whicli appui s ofl sait rheztoi. pittiples, blotches. Imihl, - , , .1 -' "Tire Nvisso il, this lltliàbLr ; ý and tire Ji .... Coli ..If..r.ý, .,ald., loiru., .h.fing». et.. Ou. Ilie former jarahIýý .,su III in IIiI«41C1ý, TIo,,,*wýtn .1 é,i,-,,ýl e, ', M, -, S il ý11,11",,,,,I"IAýoiill, H,,ý*,,*,r, Il , Il'. Sa 'il 1 . SL. Audrew's IrL..,IN.tl.,-iýtýi (luir.b * .Lg;tl.l.s*t droite %vire st issupresent Script. %VP are raid that l-whon . 1 . la liait t..tý.I in tire lli;lpit," reveals tire gond ola le claitii f- it is corieut; F- sale et 25 1 IL ove texts in crdûr te establisil a turc- themof He would ,lot drink lait xxii louait-, lives arc t,ý e ruons * *îtnccî.ý .,ti".t., last Iligh , (à i t in a iiew roi' ..Cote fitr box l'y Wille.o'. druggist. .;.,-l Lhal, the ...... ai,(,] is to sproad fur.and ll el, Itev.'l). .1. ) -Caohd n gens concIusiýu. audignore thoexansple 31). Our Lord woold fais, 1, , ' . sa Il a. H. H. BON-C -WU I ri . glas of wine R"n""" ý ', 0, t « oui, L, vu ""' 'in t"i,«C, a, le" "' 'e a "i"gt"n, Gind a' il, '* ""' C, In tr'o', ""' "' e",r"i",t ta P"", t"t l'et . %ville aniong tire nationq. This Pareille ,,soion Vu tire :1 drinti ilimstion. His Of (ilirit auffllin, aliosties. . cloude'l ruind, -ml ta 1-Ills 'V.ohl ,Vit 8 tire strange story or II«1licýl3ýnr .1. . 1 . indicates -tire l'iodé Il%,- ,vhich thesp . - - _ _ .. . _ . ýl'i.ýk." Oeiý!..,g;.i.. thoy .ffer Ilin IN ýliýL that hall a lhlJIýaCéolInt"; while JiýT. . .- .- --ýl-- i - , 1 - ---",-, ---- - * ' 1 ' 'rt!.4itIÉ, nr;,,-to bu aSooipIiýljed. A, t(ýxL vrits Roujanq, xi%- : - __ . *_ , t-- ..mbýtge Ilis terrible thirst. --L titi st,-, *réowlridgè,'giieq jtli accoulit of IIýIlùo-' f!.*.ýd uffl ll'I'ýI1 RýII., .., 1.,.Ii»l, "1.I,- Priiiteý" Ylctori;t*s Ambition. lie cricli. '-Now thero wal, ý,,t . ves,'ýj the Hart Il o,,',,.ý1 h'uvýo- Ilid lu M'a 1-wal, by il., vor'y ý.ý.Ï't".".I..."ý11.1,ii: ý-lýi"..I.ý. tb, borh. "Il.,ýli,ýlI. . - ays Saw Great Salt Lako, OIDE T- 'S ÈADYs . ù:tturo.,Iiff1v,.ýýs it"Ll full of viulg.r; .ild th.y illied o .,omg, and Serais .1. Prit.jinrd draws un intér. - . ý f-Llir.iii,,,Is Lire wholé TIjo ill.caclier qaid Ill, Ili'l siot kuow (if "rite Ouriolut CrAvli Prinvir le neither with vinegir, and pot it iota ý . unis. outil ail lis Ivavenud or pemicatoli Il.v Lext sucre frol]tiý-lýLly quisted thon .,ýý1.1ý,r ou, .t.tý..ýýý.!,ý. Patilo, W- "., IVI,ý,, J.-'u Ili$ ... qnthý esting sicetcli (if Piuritan days and pot . - FL -Bo()K - ýoolev a tkierýfnre hall receiýoi tire tire (Iiüjctiliiè.s whi c m . wit!l itn (,,vis prinuiple. su Lire g..,I,,-I, in ibis le, ordur toi' sottie tire. Cliri.stian ,,an t hi. arase, bat C",,ylo.lý- knoWý wlo, 'i'..L,." B. sald. it cll*atteil(le.;l tliogét- il 1 nourri heurt bilontl'. .rosi ht,..%,Iilý- ,I"t,ý«jf t 1 ý ' - lu. sesil yi.t.r, ai., in fi..iahýýl" (John xix, ting lit, cf lITh, Fint Chrhitinas Trou .. . ta a tax] Ce froin ;,ii,ýtlýiiýI, 1 tir- ClýýW1I Prin-- Is-30). Thh, Vi,ýeg.v . %v-vlc.% os] outil every fainflty in ilvtinct ,hioh ý,.ý..ý1- i1ý1.1.sio!,.t,,, Ir ti.o in, -hi_ '-et liiýýlýilil-lil,ýtýl,--.,ý-,tso,,ý-.da rit,! puea of tilt. li.ýý,a'cv"lý ta "-výý b-0-1 in Nev FàiýIamL" L'dvard Duffy, whi), __ - o orlis .11 ins.ciety t .V.Lati IV icild, applicati, . N :% soldiers. a uheap on rtporter for tire Na%%- YorIc -,%ý'orltl,"_ 1 18 8 8.- . ,with a nom, lire -, atul ,:. gonorall., tri, ictnr. Ilis Vritricied jiýposition and ', tue u.uldly mjxýd witl "ai". 1 . . outil allits l'art.% fi-I-1 . vrIn -, ýj!,. grr.at mules .Il -nItiog th, There in one pý,ab.li. mention . wh,, tire force nt thi, joud. of Lion tl-xl; %verts -.,.fý..ýn, 1 f Lacis: Part ilý' tire ascènsion of tire gréat 8 * hauts, divine Efo. and N'.11(,In Peuples ale Ilitl'ý-r thé cati . n. of fi correct, t'lois in Ilez-liroistio turf, #If nihid, hia ileairo fur by moý Leva wils-Il 1 aboula bit, b. Mér St. Luisis, la .filtre lust, mPle Coby, Fifteen Cents. 1 1 thorchy int)iildatl ilitu esh nor th, ..I,ý,,,.. ,11 uiaku hini air inifit iustrunio.t y.,,, ta fur A. ajoutent. vis,' thfit *in %% Isle], = ft110ý1.!Istirriog adveuttirrn, %vbjoIý -ilitilitilly with drinking of iviiio las nny longer a il, I:i>ill.lrh, his-1h,- At --oti-ir, alon [le ref.,. to tire JivéeeatY ai pisttin-, trett- . age, niid tire th. will of Mil. lliw triw! Wlicti Matter of iiuIifjý.rclice or txlie,%Iieiic%,, lui prelcic ill liai .a attended tire start, the voy ALWAYS Il o1w earth it.cý.Ua. . very thrcatening ohle joie new [Initier. The tietv j_.- - descent avril tells Pr thé nývcl and oftini 1 ý , E -1 Ir tho ki.ýL,ýl.ýti caints t $ 2, y A R' ],lit a tirs. ,rliiq*l vvas settle 1 for every n3liect. peofflet thè Il,." ... (""ý'It "-eu- 'ý%'iýlý-t[Y tire. ne,, .pirit ""' : lot 1ý .1 DVANCE, ëd "hiddüoý, bitt it hý-an to Ise fait as Cbristian-therüý insist bu ' 1. i Il 1 th. lie, thriIIiuýexi!eriencèswitIi whieli lie si* , - - a poiver. A littlo lialidfoi Of tbiq luaN abstinonce ,tell quite huoily on the possibility of bis ordér cf thiogs whieil lie Zi coinu ta on bis trip; ""I'lired Miles Ili-Il in a A Ilatid....., r".S.vl.g VI - Y S.b.ýlibe. . . clriulcill,, never sactudinir bis fatiler*s throlle. Ilut introduce, a,,(, .hi.h hd I-n a rmhj,ýt ,if Ballo o." ýoThc Childreuls Citri.stillan round pla"il in tire IÏîojrtý 'On front cating ilesli as %%-ail liq ý 1 1 TEM S TO CLUBS. of tire dis. ,vine. : But this lis net* tire incaniug of bis lits in latchinz over hiln. , l'lin. Crown th"ugllt n'Ill eilciuirY ta tire scribell ,,lit 'lub Golf M'àshingtàii'- CIL),," is a brief 1 - . cililen.: Thist.wrosigilt cri lintil tir*.%, tire Passage nt ail, and tilismustbe Pro-s Victoria isdeterusiued tobitone pliari.ees. . jo.t .os (1 . . F.r Cash Co..I..I..., - wore ready fur any toil anti any tri" - II.Yý lits th. tirvan. et thé aille n8%v Wille, aith, its history, by Edmond Àlton, or tire oigbs Il tttl:cilfrô!ýi tire C611text. Of lier l'lis- explussive vicour, sionflA 1'. pot Olt int:. 2 Copies, ................................ ii..82.40 ý 'L'o quote tire part referving ta lino C and develorunent of si notable organise. or tire ,oilie of timi.h. Then tire Ivavon . b.nd, site po.,.,.s thé to".,ýit>' of il.. .1.1 lottles loit it, 1--", sa ih.ula il,. o- 8 w.1- lodmed lis .thern, und the %V.,Iýl ' - that %vols - ý,Ij0 . tien Nvhich cach ),car gives a Christti',Ls 4 ý '.'. *7;;ý *t,., ***ý*.*ýyt .................. 450 and MR3 ,iliurgs and tbe,,(Iusllillecril , Pa ri of lire ha pirt liste cals. fý-,,ý-,. - 1 T- rotain tir. dinner aiùIý ail 04 . tortainstrent ta tire 14gan tu be in fermenLýin a senne, ta S tire troth, uiii!st the Il.ýl.výre. o jollorted lier .alliées old traditions and .rdiýat.ýý., NVhiýh ."a 1 . _ . Chili, Il.!»,r. 7.00 . igrioriiig tire eatlig of ilesli and ailier , :: - -,::::.:::::::* ................. 7.10 '*ttlrneýl ill'side .I.wu." ý ,ýNl:trv.l. - lill and ..,egy, am] ts.emby .X.,ýi.ý.. hissé lo"""t wi.....Li.ý. wonhi ha foslil'h Poo, Cbihlýcn Orl m , ailiiilqtoll City, ,le 1 Il -.as tatit.iuiptitit grcIt i lflý1--,--'ove, lier hu-lesud. Th. iuas'n'Icli -la theY m'ore net able te licid suui', Malnés Dodge, Mary 15. Wilkins, . ; .:::: ,ý 01M elllllgrg hégire tir Coins- siver tire t ilignin tire eliài)Fer, v, Mary . 1 , .Ï 1 ý. . .. .............. 9.00 no ý tlinllillit9 - ýUolC aud s:sviný 1. rhiq C'o"' Priocebs Il "et marry revengu te a living thing mm tire si w tir, aloi Amelle Riý»c". Edith Thomas, and H. ,4;01)ET',4. nt the prenant tiers le ad.. _. dition of tire J)COI'le;,anl sa tiré recon. 1 . ,nul t (in dreNv' .4 dll'Ircll." 'WF'at did take, or lier licart lias often bled train tire; ,vould t.mIt c.,t.i.ly Il 'r'ly, 0. Bonnes: côlitributû tire poctry for tire olitte'l by 1 réas moi Iscoble ta lie -liperior 1 toton ? M'hy. thora in two trentriusit site 11-il ta .ndur, et the aidé of airain, . thé dptriment afAlis, ri ..iilev - tits, etruction . went mi-not .Il). force or ew trulli. iiiissiber, and tlicreii tire initial complu. tojmý alliez, ladia., magazine in Ailleras, sectioi'4 in tire éiiiiteli-tlio Éërtifolous utrol.. Auguntà, And tir--, He add.: --N.. tirait .Ise barjot, ment of short telles, juglots, àùd hi tditea. .11, 1,11. boLýI1jýy tho, powér f tr"tl'-Ru-l and tire libéral. , l'nul liclongod ta tire -t1î-NI1U,.,ýý-nýI -.--I'lý,1,,I'Y.liiki.,usl,' .il tý silo IVIN'ilig thé groatest varier) ci depertineitta, "ri, 4. . nà ,,, -partir in d,,ok ùht %vin, straightoay ileaireth now; pictures. il ý 1; ,fer t ,,, w - , . . . lishin, roconstruction liberal partV, and* las enforcillg tir, order toit te Le wnjpýllý.d te li.ý;;ýýi.e th., for halorith, Th. nid je .,..ýl,,,., --Iatt,,-- . 1 - - ý CLUB RA rSpR*S pBEýýfjUjrS , l", , . 1 ier's ']--P -1ýtiP:ýtl,,- toit fer ho,. Pi,,e,,, (Lois. V. 39, .O illosoudi. duty of t'ut !Iiurting . ý broti . ÎT. , - F B THOSP WHo pBpp.ý,,R SILVEB. . W Y folioll'ing parabloq ,O . IR. V.)-l'Y'%,I.iý]ý Christ ... N'O r À BOOK AVEN il I nsciencc or càti.ýing bini ta rittindle. Victorhis haies Bi-ýna,.k. Shu calmot for. Lord rontained in our 1 g . ,. l'i'n th. o odi . O en ppýIsrstt.de-nI. tl,.f"ýlilg. l'lot ;« - cagnil st'vlll-ti3*llttvc Thère wore fîvý; special Points. First, -, Pll-e-ý-1 -bout hr et Hhossof, bat of tir. di..iules or 'John ý3lr. H. %Vatansi. lirug[zigt, , IVA ' To CASH COMA['rSSIUY; . bet altok'ýl" 'lot ta t'lu Intlltitlld0 thOrO tire apostle, was j'lot lisci . ing a v- . . .I.illl.., ]si. CP.-I.ýne.ý"...ýl il!. plo"výr. thé fho'tist .lits Phari.ce . .in net a book GýDFYILS ,bals hrranged'te give elegant Vu tire niotro, but privaLéIyý ta thé dis. lis ( 154 [Mon 1. ,vis,, ooold net 'agent bat bu' tir. A.,ency 1. ýliltnu*ibr Silver Plated,-*Ware of sulserlor makerà . . chit. lis) was' net treating soice in trying té ignore lier. Tire CrDwn euily àiàeutallglu thenoul trou. il,. obi Jühný'oo'. Tpoic Biiter,, whicii lie. de,, -'- éild,ý lis the I'Ùllgoof a friand. Thoy spýcî,t of tire prillcess ailes 'et M- toi ýt"' te a 'Pues forme, unol rail in ivith thv.en.lý. cird.v of Jussvtily rffliolliend -for ally complaint je Proiffluismi, the ,alnè of wbich il, tien of indulgence et al]. It vvas a cerner nt l'otidatn.o, l' : Collavai i 1 calied in. IL in elle who iompirý. bis,, with . ivor t'nobles, 1088 of appetite.- ami for 1 ,illsl.ýtate different phases of thenaron -t Windsor. .an .ha thilige. Ta theur the 0191 W-'better, ju.t which à Latrie medicisme il uPPliýblý Tui. saine instances m olles river $25 for one lit eli lois of weak éonscionco sud VOL do. Dot m-n ta di. ber.'t, et.. 1. ...Oua. sa ald wine. ta whiéh tire ,hinkor in tic v8lusibla Medicine lias beau used with mois grost trolls. nntl'-ari3 %vorthy of careful dvpraýccl habit.1 There wA notIiing tititig.1lllilisantiletili ,iisto Prb-ium. Seuil 16.. forsatuplecoloy CORIBitleration. ' 1. ý . .. allant kivin - m; b-corme 1*1-'m. en.tom.d lie h'tter th-- thé new, whoh ast...iniýi.Ély good résulte lit usee t wliiel, will contain illustrated Prerniucu; . bu g V,., ,vina ta prevent persans press." tu bccoine'*,%l-jýst>,. " L.tily,',,,I,ýn ham bat lasoly boa,. introdu...1 tu Iiim. g.,I.l..l dehility, wé.kjýos@, 1 irregula or vith full particuliers and tennis. . I 1 . . IILýTUr RIO -rnc.t.ýuRr.. - . ý.mioý ders lourds. . tire Croivu Prin -a grc%%ý sa souci, %verso, il, wu Tvo traits. là.ring ou th. .,il 1 villes . Second. Paul ý ives treating of things the Urown Prieuse who; with rai 122ect or peculor'to- females..*extreme Indemne, kadress, . 1 . HOro %va have tire ililexp . acted flarfling ý -9 e..ýrgy. Teuruce -tend out .1e.rly thi. ;éspoveri»limýnt of tire blessa, sténose]. sud . ý et a tré.'Lýum in tl",.fi,1,1' thu fiioler in thenisolves indifférent, net of tiiiiigs luti.tel .11 luiving ou Et.gli.1, physicosts pam . GODEY!S LADY-S BOOK, ,og thé i11,ýl t'lu tact aura goiug and boy. biliful, but %vliat wca right or wrong 1 1. The liait in thet our Lurd recogniaes thist ceneral: %vain ont feeling that noarly i . - .1 . Plilladèlépia, pi. -urage and cuergy ta cvercoinu bis Mous. the forment, ci Witte -.mu cr&Iiýry %vine of (sVerli One ia'troubied lith . ý a. 'According ta tire Jewish according ta circullistaisces. ,,If a nien pg . brW- ail that fielil containvli; in sight ., thinks it >%vronàf t Bism.rýk dec.d. th. pride.od .pità et saine par, o, In Club with this paper, GODEY-à slriUk wine, or ta -fthiaý...n: fiof..-th.tas"31aié.ty" Bis rime. Thi. bu b-.:do.ýiel. But ti..ye.r. Don'tforgýtjhenao.hs ._.la a* Tire CnAùpoN, Prion 82-50, which 1 ont of Higlit. bolonged t'o bus, an(Îsiiieh play bacligaluissurs, or ta tako a -suaday .ý19--g- -ý-« ta bc in Iligibli, il this noir Taule Bitten 50o 'in -Pets tir- -ssy te -piniplý, fer flic, -hifis sa r il ý p.rlLhý fillililigývould net bc au tinfamiliar oc. ýwaIk or ta lise liu4trtitnatital music in -lie ý bu,-lx the old skins, %Vý.tso.,s ,imt!,t, and $1 Ltl. . et aboula lxi oint 1, the omS .of, thin cu!mn O- 1 1 goeroing diffèrentfroto tfiom 1 î h b- 1 wu a lu. fermenthrg wine. - ý . P4per. , .. in . Eus M. a OU 1 nez ý_ _ >7 , ý ,... ý ils It was un uncournion Lijing publie worsliipi lie inust obey Iris fooodta tire pi Sb. mens.. .a Z... 1 1 1.. a ou . the a na place, our ... _' ,- ý . , . .ý n Uiisettled and liklf.civilized conscience and refrain." Tire culy colistitutional principles fur governiug mSguis corintries ta bury trurL4ures lis tire finid and absolute guide for a Vous in ail G.russny; misé aile. et etopping'l" r il î ma the tact, ma rucog.isés j .. nm=n--==== Thorn w&% no oth, -as Ilis cduscieilcu; it was God's 1 out coude nation. Lisait the .rdinary. Ce.. 1 'r vi-ay of séCuri;ý things JN .?-al and .et sessile *goýer.mýnt; eh. de 1 tain CE men wu te driuk snob wins. e ýý & Triée. 1 1 . B O O TS"ý .1 S"ýH.'...'()..E-.:Sý oainst marauders and tabliers. * . . . . tluvra a, i m Id Thiffl, toutrivitiortanding b"'es that the vc'c@ 01 the nation -hOuld .bc quotes thoir words, He quo LI - 1 1 ý -_ - _. .ft.o ,,-ý.ýýý eh. " YL!ýin-' P-rti-litiu, and He quotas t ai, ap.t . . ,ý . '. ,ý - , , , ..Forced flight eV ..aile,, sicatl 1 the statu. card-h! allortI alhe whikes av ta, eiý ý . , . . - ý i 1 1 ý ý ----., -1 1 --- J-- - I.1- - I. .-I. ý-_ -- whi.h IlPorla-k il tu ha th ý rum.f illa wý ý...--- - __ .-,,,ý.ý ') . . .. __ -- -.!n!!h 1 .; :- 1 - ý: 1 1 . . 1 . . . .ý 1;:;.U. su ... ....... î- Id, I-111ý_,l-1i A, ' ' sz si lits, Ih. 91- 1qill. I MI le n"I ilad 'v-1 i, lm hl Gréat Downfall ix Tý1IE Pities rif eril ki.d, rif, The Subsetibur 'nnw effets- for Sale 'et bis Wd STEVENSON'S BLOOZ MAIN S'ZBEET. MI: his large aud well-assorte(j stock of Fiii-iiittire'at pACes loi . licen offéreil hithertO inille TÔ%vn tif IliltOU, co:os Bed-Roouï Suits rroin $21, and iil)ý,.,ai-ds Suits fýoju $àý0, and:llpwards, Tables, Extensioi1Tý 1 ables, '.NL and -Springs, ai ver3 All poils pnrolinsed from the le iling màùhfacLýtrer of Aisb Agent for the Singer Mfg. Con, New York. Machin, -ROCIESTER l'Ai These. la*mps are still at t]. for lighting large roomà o: buildings. Ghin-ineyÉý1ý.a b.réakàble by héat and N smok&ùipý e . ven; jxrhen ùsi cheàpest ý ô 'They are ;09ýiire âýiid-ýe-,a'sy to manag b a Baia, gravely, t it cierLr.til.it Yen 1:11,1CI ain ecutellt." L wa8 téo.lie' me:,iit feula lie thinh-s lis r., uld no m6re ilion sing it," hat irdtable ruSpOL,ý. Silýli men aie 0-01 blv nilturc i, th' i hall experience. lie u 1, nr 8aýi un cIaWc lu ali'.1it IUiýrV. ýu1k jýour ni t 111-v' ý-yqur voill Il 1 au a N-:- bia ;i7Il4Trr. xr,- END OP TUE l'ut a-1 ofién u'f', . t dou ,-,Il Pez>, aud el' l;!ý , t- lws b, and1cok it léisurdY vil ý un ! pè;ýal;s! About it. çish.. I «ilioula like D-111ill, tht 1 - tolgèt lest , . . s no :Ilg ]est. -t val ira in .1, Ilue 01 te let t.,ie.re is a ire e top 0 0' eau 'il. lie ýber a alf au hour," Le lie .,in carly ft, t W ;,lA th ow lune l.asi:I '1118 in, -P - e "s , , t i U. ive begin lu ta., a the ah'talic. tl . a ô api But drive for cliildroxi." si, Gra dour b tho soin- el ý'an eat culty, hi with ý thd. .4 Boue ýwdUw find- thek il, Y le on -passédîerayaon b-gail te ope thah'ýhe hall dared el, WB sliaü;reà thcory

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