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Canadian Statesman, 15 Dec 1887, p. 2

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ttffli OU, _________________________ PRICE 25 CETSA MB1 $A-YA LOCAL N WS pO aý 200 .ietoéey a Are brbe~LtstiePbihI~dlbeU Oaeos.O ~atocotin ao sktin vsoutes o~ 't oWe SCRIBNERSM.GAZ?NEý.WI te, ri Bunso orhfrIsda' iiitÎ= , Salots, Lady'Martha, and CANADIAN CA PO "o 35 a er Mariltn0i-Soa fortL0at05,andwietOosol! thons rteap for ___________________________ ena lauteadgisaroee- nssh. Sond in youror ndeos. nnSsed'ay. Tirs CIraronu HooNoso PAPas n Hoose. D. WoorrLm,eoiaod John CANona)k-Tiso Toronto tVrto s te 7 'Wallltof ot fr Michigan on Thuoeday tholetofngpaLpr o! tat ity. Iti oa ]st. JeosCono. noi, of Hilto1, hhviré .wtdoprrad paî rOD .1 3 u tch .art' ,tO tanMs. Y oonh.aD .n By hot ad tsut has tbasa inbne"onfr ssotits, was au tiînows 0ftheodey wc Ortoe-.:rn. nsnsnsitcdi te jal on Honday foreffre tomasbise. Write -_te -thons for 2_if.i tsooptog. houi Spécial. Tariss. ddreao, The ar~~ U SeTrendonos t ~îsrove veseWortd, Toais. bnegtoized'os tte night of tho 7tkHo.m Simson _J. Ho0-g, a fornser rosid. The trsiievez got very itte foreOt Of Hatescoenty, and a sces. A Fresh.Stock Grocerieï ana Confectionery to hand. tcirpains. tnt n-stttaller and tnnstér denler, died s. ,o si Mu. flues Tosornn. ofWterdowo ecentty i Catgary, Ný W. T., atthe s-AbsRuIhito g lias bco îappototol Cerk of the of 438 yeere. Ho tond beu in iTs Oysters -yB l ,orC n., ýDtviotdn Cotis aeo r asnNortost for aor nvi es oo- otr otin Jamese5driof vuitototiseLhond teen insthe -- ongtitleêa"sor r lmton siness. "Ho esa Hases snd T4 o ssgtarswitt saiteoail ovor aànsonstr et the Ancient Ordr-e Ha.-ohesp ts tfe tnrsnce-Hnnsitton Tisses. CuRNO.sn Hio-Theocteofrtho A Hoos CcenRloeSàu te nove goteg csrttogritai wre ooien o Hony,onnat the amnotHRoose. Georgeowo, and teLt o! M. Win. Set, jr., besg suri wtît rcotinue snti te 8Olt Jen-o. as remoyed t bisn New Shop, next to Geo.: Andrews'- theLe twst, i %T.sa septed. ar.Messrs. HcLeed, A odrses &40Co. btc o l ,where he je preparefi te show Ho. PuTRs BCLLSerssot, veio feltth.*s etoupriins, propiteteee, are de. elxet tc fTHE(G svoer thoedge f thé sioeutinnsonsa tensnsd te rédons thor stock, ovest if telretsoko ttnes g,has neoetyreoevered, asd witt they haus to "stan liter" fi, and they - o up and aoood, agais te a few das. are offeieg onherof aftgains. Thire .:-W OOD -: STOVES Iyo wnt good a.unoet Undorar réputation for Loping nonst bt Set m -A shapTrobets a thé plae. Largeot tclam goda han bes long Rcaolieo9___ stketUndeeeartnte city..Cornr su tisoing thoeae a perulof tei o ieteist ésain iverreght teMilton, ai Lttonsprices, and ttwttt pay of King &Jams oSt., Hanslttn. nstvertinonsont qotte iesinne yon tacrosstheosteeand secLs tock nd ote picestoefoe erloaste - Ms. Wu. CAeoso.a, et Nana.aweva, of ikir inse vitihousMfioeiteashow i.us-is whtos wasreosvod te theGuOelpîs 1 GOair htte aei eun joeaiemenbthat th epsq otes O.e.Od Genéral Itoopitet soma tise ago, a ofrtaiscsonetigoori;etfer l tofit vohottt profanity. The eheapeottn toWn. soSetofteont hotroubtestt, od iedatss otrn, nsonhi sesoi o sufeokn-Fr.. Pre. niod dead socki or noddy, and vtntt tie______________________________ Hae o.k.e-Sue vt e ospse etMnnitioety, tichat yonnsay have t * . . STCNWl"û oplt DX onso WLL Cofshe srgisv.-We R NML I E OPENING i 'lrath vee. SBouseaedSHisse, Pancy iloodn poortiiotiet iLM egates ns porpaDILL NE tee Crtosisanîd Ne r no. Wiiittstlmir and veeU.Lo omnpany _________ha vth nsnseoLe Mci nd ésewo. tnsch. viited] Hilton a copeet fyoen ago thé Ce 5c.asdo(loci.st tihl e eeentvrdit sas thtai il as eef MWahavensocto pleasore in anonieg te e ournsensosons that' Bât, NonnnoeeS H RDRF.-ltemr's adie etoetitnttonad ever cosutete Oeaesgvieitepaeo otorceebatednsslirs'ivory hondlri tow,and itdeovi ceesuded Loosen dur. lace, o ttaaicotry.,: biter and niieot Mstîee th tho La ee e o t s stîny. bit. 5 -I and ftreksbHi.000d vaMto w- Il-.tertnevoititoc gtid ta etethai theo usz ra cay ot 4 6 HeCuis',SMilton. Compny 5lbchorsefor. th o ost vens ay c.4L OU RA LRIGýFFnTccmnn io tthi istannd end. 'W ighl CONsue nd tis ToronteoIaily Worlît tg on tires SSd, souk noue plapo, nwvleîsowe vetO tbc îîepaeed te show ostok et ft, no ontilt miJsnnaey, 1ses, for senery and new wacdeolen, site TrimMeCI lase& ,i Bnet S tn 82,0.paid tn ndvano. Tisa a 6.50 cissegen tee adisinivbut o ly ls * tostan toe réguirs nbcrtisn prico and là conte. Thtivs wai itoe Tooiite Feathero, Winge, Bii'dè, et ths iwo papeos. Hait sasatiosi Mise Ensma Wells: . itc A fretog, te Neeltsas, altenspi -'i%. cous %,,ls s ese.e thbl. -t,,, Plîtsbeo, Fatcy Trimmlnge, tc the ecetîtncofe et aesitloe Hnrdayby i ,îîei h ne__A____._,__il. onirating ius front dose with ceat il us..rIv tiîîis -tlo 1-t5c--P--. , - ti and npplytng a match to it. A sicigi. ýtihioviO5htnA .i-.. MISS INMAN IN CH ARGE. . A'CALL IS SOLIITED, bator gave tse araancd tre ions eye w ts aetAsetn n sot. - *go teTrabte's, rorner otKing&-Jams___ SIFpyou ant Undlecusîcti, yon cas St St., Hnamito. 01 * u sn ises asnd ibliy -ysii duire e __a_______ Trekle'n, corner of tOtos & Jamses St. 50"4 * Laegýsninndrtcnpcoi stock et Under. Oas or Vitalized Air u ~ r Noaie GoOHailo ioelSstin von.ice C le arenfin g zS a le !- $ Ctdatts i. ii ho cpescd os Ssttiiedn J- E. OARRIQJE, L. D- B., *32 * sot, ths t7th tnt. usito aà full.linoe euio u 'esc lTOe ioArt uiS. crit -: grosetes, etc., fr Chrita a ned Noe uiiiiei l ,'A Os-3i1O.1. iii. ITON. 4 geoswitLeoplostck~~da~uin . cK.d.ey . .wîiiir,t riinui.iso he*aei tfl *Hgon te neti tootioc.Hn scteornidt, KTh Sà4.*SURgom"g onat te. 1 26-2t1 * . Y.PJut.ry A. Jonc I. CL.cn, tIse petikitioisn tert îcieheiiio rro.îeî .j trsireor, appeaeeî t aiirteinvhatton tîooî tirsiiicsiii i,soeev iriiieuicnrj o Tkornday. and briitay eveniiegs. NoHeOocoiiveirotito . eoteh.,i wsangrenoid ky tirly tarte audienceso v1,ute.OIirtuiloiioiroin _________ os otto oceosions. TLe frot najrty -0,01nt05 50n h0 50!. i.i Ceeor se en, ISS7. f in iconîveere peoibitionste, btoE . te 'lTurr -up -and ret so'me of the IVzT1 ike goncent verdict o-ai, inelodisg BUG R H r vv castis, uas tnttî wsea good nponker, *- a tfair elocoliseint, ns a claver mûise. Estray B r ais 1F yoi nni nt tanboy attaHatj---_ _____ * oovvittonvc ssore tlînntir raivwayp Caneinto ttre promse ofotiteîBhsotood farses LyJgoigis-Trebeîsnse o f ceihr,ot , Co; 2N. D.S, N-sooo RJE1UEMZ EB NZino &amisoSte., Namilton.-îHe bLauti trsenseontîaga, a raid anuYO C N tY tùe targoi s .ckand steo Hueta 1tn in hte intfer, cemnig iso yeaen otd. G O S a ~~ o 3 tho c o sdcit Owner cas avesanse inoprovsng pro. '"'-' AAMPTN.snsroo pattn saivit tht 'a prry and pnying onpesc. aviudting vhat agent te cpratiÙg tein MWISO ths e=ofo Hatesn. Ne gt, sa, N1oDc u 87 54 Banve s tesosto eoter itoto acegno. *NloDc is~7 2 - ht v ten io kotiiers« the hoIe Estray. L d u_* U 1 t rs Lordise of paymnitîpo ileof thora, j s th 2 bLý!l. atrea oabote Cmatath pomse, et9,Co. , TO-BE SOLD OUFTRE.GARDLESS 0F COST. iktetnî. Overecenkhavoeanens ytîrevng pro. I *- A oYstoyatlargo najoiysuertfoeeepety and payisguoxpennrs. yonen Henry Wtsn s noue epesgn ERG ANE, oua Astii so, Il n1, Teyu,2- R3 G, Groceries, Orockery, Boots & Shoesl .p bin iiaeas. 1attsn, Sive,Nelsn, Nov. 80,087. ,LntlP. htristonas 1asdnov0Yeur Ces ile __ _ _ _ _- 'BooLe te frent atoty, inlsisg hic fau' assal vos. fer a se n, stictami tare S eer. s ous: * *eijfraateatorLelowoiiirr..25-t *' - H EA ? 1. Oheapl O HR EAPI TenMilton Suntoas beon reniscitaeil odlCsnse te isprensnenfethie Snto ytoyuspuhIitler, Hr. W. J. Waa t son ite 0 r, let 12 Ces. . N. S., towshiptt W m P Donda. TkoHilto sud attesse e Trafalgnr, aout. letNvenbeerti.,______ 'dopas. e Mlton dited to Mr. Jsc edsteor, cononig ieeon" id. ElHOUE dépaaiet* loiatdoby Mrst. ewuercas ave sion epeontg pro. Lawiio l, no aeuerto ke t iter.nipety ad paytot espeases. ~T ~ . .SssD Danas tethe-Standard Oefce. *The JHNTOEitiiinery ~Mantie eaten Senatiseftire e en Sue vans distitist. Trafaigar Dm c.dt 1887. M5 8t eau 1Ii ta in Mtn oein ndis * asn . c IN FULL RUNNING.ôIZDER Lùhber *Te A u Soonnsen-%f in tOgior tes Woeklp .OGobe and Carupi. nses Strayed ft, ns spfaim ons, ons. 2 Hancisome Show .Reezpgs e!sg .Et * prar for $1.75;theey lobOoeansd iessagnuveya, a thres.ese.arotdhtier. esplenduZd Ceass6 oiyepar for 5; thees nkip s aiesetp trowe, sWhte spete osnr7 Mai,ansd Fason & Firside soththéeeber fSask, asd an sUtinter irtet car. *£eryjtjhrn e maiew, Cnsacrrentsessynnror88 Asp infornsaton tiai nMap tondteaterLoePres i O emrofroeya o 2 bevor ill buktedlypeecetved by_______ isslineStLe"a toonsatt stations onsties 4. . *4 GEORGE &GNEW, Oits -N. & N. W.H. I ta ingie tans ns Salor. Neson, Nov.SO, '87. Lovevitte. P. O'. A Manufaottmrers' Stock of Ma'nties 1lwhlae *dn, Doit. 24h, nndMonday, Der- 26tk, poe tasdrot= nedaop D .sale'! ehldren e Ulstere $950 tvorth.$350.' Mo toi, - CesUlsters $3 00 WOrth 4-00 R Lt né se and n0e.thi oLd ces!.Jersey $ts,5ùb-oh .0 FeaDec. lrd, Si.tnrdnp, Site, and' 12S58 hrs mJe 10 go* tAd ù th Ourity cf Ties,.sc fle.., H m 'e~t onday. Jan. md, gond te& -* - Lta ee ~ M t etTcîs nînsrtsrsîîp-tsWodseday. Jan. 4t2 sscs Newesuiai t Deigsirnsjeni'rceve.ý * P ,àý" pw= a ap ryCarpets ~ cih et iLs sd îtstons. therts ep.1On b.tr-ayfer,.. -ut:7* BtseeCspt 0 ûU .thé sns tess OtOssedinsorrusseisiosfn'Sije.ntuenseutltW s' erets0è * - * . -t onuSanrsisust i. Osssttntty ouens tovM.'Attrtflutbn. Tr 3111,cn-csc0.i iiL~ làv dei i toc esteup wmt tha t or g.ù:.to, d t0ou halhestok'f. 1;iAt. àre"duutione-fil10 per cent off therrùIit _pr l,..:foi'Promnpt Càih. teSn -ss~tiorgoodesi teontem e 3Hlnf ctueee'o ' se udast nuat tnntwiiol rce s soctiesfl oste thopub ootis et machsti ess nsoiktec' toin eCanndaOsseilisrd bte 81 tto.teregoter r ade.; Oslt setr!nor.dkseyircsnes rssnsthe* on àte'sett t.e r o ï f nriesxi toeonsis. i negieci the sppeos4gtY, n..j 400,000 vert f a DryeOOSIÇOUIflg Mîlînry'M nt1leÏ Carpetýs & Curtains, AatWeeats eics adPeesi nmade oy senOe slr6eteyT D eîý b"ilye osspéna., *Dai 3ýr Ces onely an 50c Ssi c *et 50 tock. se R.Walker Sons, OLDES LIes. S33, 35, 3T7 RigSt, & Colbore ,TOItNTO. Douidst, LONDON.~ eMý lt -Fôrithe Beneftoh~Pblc To-day sue Snd oesolon iih tesonmcti Stock, and ce tie soss vs tbacsveaogsmtod x g ntarisd a nues cat pard ait ardtofllRrdrintuseAt BIG REDUCTION, SALI- kh itoLst qnitp et cent.-o -p J'aiefor cashi: First-clas.s CUSTOM TAILORING L i OJZONIS ?OJtTLYWhich veut ho ndce teon tho Nervcot and Fissent Linos nt tsi 1'Lt«d. English, Scotch and Canadian. Tweeds, seou it an Qýallty Guarintsed. -Frencht; Bnglislz atgdliîzeziCan Worsteds, - - iFine *Enullsli, -Broads and Does.' *- * klUcmLat, aaes . .ea sjso J. . ARRISON. aine's Organ- 50 * 113.5 .1 75 275 '140 80 325 150 i;, 00 o00 175 ~ .125 $80.00 Suis Order ft u 52 7.00 SOSSîis >LeOrdler fer.S24.88 2 5.00 ' .8 *2.88 519.01) .W.0 *~~ 18.00 550 1(10 810.88 Pantetso rderfer$8e)att $0 iîPnte tsaids.r for .67.00 . 0 -e r j .8 7088 ,, * 4.8 m.4:0 50 e25880 Ovresate to Ordo r for S'22050, 882.00 Over coate ts -Order for 819.00 20.00 i ~ 18.88 * OCO17.88 18.00 ~15.00 *meo1.8 o 15.0088 nSS 1.0 12.00 " l1.00 14.88 12.0 raLt Ils. s 11-u b- ovtiuOvcj h. .c 1 ttis 0. oroctclîhi.eOUesNo 00ef.. iiî refj u n -à i l yAuni hii h iu g hîctik e Irth h. f teotiniate. Oyrs.gonarntooIine hbflij...cry - ,rtnnltyaudgetO. T. J. BAINE. ittisyoîîrîiht SrioiSl Pnit~ioOhgvi.o eocins5e r ui SAl. vevco nst.n Oict o FINAGIN., TUE TAýL:OIR * idtot146U sn-g Si.Sonst, Ijoppe HBlockHanstths'7 oiiîteroinioCh. *à i i FINE-OLD nn Jes.i -i derhaýn's, A D ~ R I Walker 5 -....L.- For SkatesSeghBisAe, &,c5& 7&cAUi.'D 00.Qds o~Taper Ground- Lânce Toiho s, S' ti las yesgsé St.i Tu]insto. out Saws at 75c. per foot. MI LTO N NalHne lsSoes Sc * 1MTBD ITH UK RADY MIX1'DP4IN S, 'IL, p-,As osoeuIsttn.s!hl Lead; Varnso aa. SEr. FURNISHINGSArit'(anaMdoasBrhe i ne., B Icdttdin5a. Case &c à, (el PllIette simd Paqus rLah ndShnles. GnznePbleadAdamantine* Spectacles. lu9nenoon re 02]0cR. Go. -ý NýERAL éILDERS.ANO CON ' PP4ÇREs M-ODEaATÉ. ' SOLE iGENrîS FOR LAICDINE. L ARIG .e v ACKSMITH ..W,.., MarnSt, MILTON. 12Toys; Boy.Nwlth ieWI, 12 Kalediosopes, 19. WheeP oônke3 2 1 Albonîs, ~emstre Ase offl" tî BB itn ail k't VElnderclotlài M i -Matle Cil - Felt:B SPECIAL VALUE IN SATI f!.tenake nS o. suu.SAS.e sfor n i% a.el etlo Ie rr ruile4. l.r rsue ocussp oeybefusie vo bu: îLfej li aivoy belowVe scelciir lui jRos 'ut besit Éice of s îtlu~ ricehotr 1).11 sa tuî L. 1li to.1 p. I. UTTE1U'IELD, ors sLIN-t paneral wIiit ky Go ds iuiiay littiui 1;,,re Seîîîg $125 anid$1.5 'THATS -foi -We ivilS sttgivo e S ha r.r -Wr ceeu lttve îdl VIerrv Christ- = IM- , ýLDWELLj o s Cono vs ver nlmevvinm-theT Solit tvere boitelît prtîeupally for t )DDE NECK'IEAJ i s itoc tcohesPret oielruanhhi * LNGIi ~ eyrssshgvîenr.New grril andt andptis4. MIagiirrut "Iî * ~ ~ ec"' - SLHA ÙKR tî SODICINE e, $kisn ltts eadès. A nicerlot iof *Tsoe, P B ACS-The prettient * 0 caundunis Wct. Luise %cr-fn fnsenss iot atatecotuéi, cesîleyd - GLOVEDPATE yecis attthé ltunn, Ironsiitrti su.*Aepeialtýiodoar otiil , ~r a paif Ot Oovc. Alitsize u it l 1 * i D RESS SHIRTS andlCOJ gods. 'Picsiigtit. Largereiitof, .. Complote. fngcetif 110h bierino, Cashioero, Naîssel %fluet, SSi lVoot SeaxiSl2c. per pair. 'Uneqitnllh * Inà WOOLLEN UNDE11 tuci avemp laegeosteok tauoe rom.h la tshowisg a ragniSicriiifine in Sc a e ths not tnfa esqinliiy ail i e.Helis aiatwoli nuueatientq * m ots. Ais a tinîe o! tie r'.ed froete, fi]s ladfor (Getsl' Fume *.fnotti crîOreid,>nd,ocitiznai, if!Y ac n fc tîe egoita -*Gents' FurnighinI WOODI WC ThenderSiigfied bits epened ljitlon, fot east of the. '"déto fnrnish ail wh o Till erdei liard and ýSoft «ý meaay out snd Split ferimi Il . o. . . . . . . . * iii p k 'i r ay cý! eà ut

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