TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 27 Oct 1887, p. 4

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tri1 in. L4, MgEFMW. and0202 Ihl52 2 o0I, 4 j 222o. 25II'2" - m- , ..S2. O 220012-I ~f00i0O. ..0 I effi22~~ 30005 0,215 ilo 0.22, .02i,0l 1.9202 o25222Si 1, ut- o02.2 5 ml -I0 2222 0200. 2s1.02 bru Il210'22 025,200,,,0 2 oeRALTON, ONT1 'NTON,.Pops. ý!blb1 re . t VOLI IDVERTISING. 4&00 us 00 I____ .5500 P.o.-Ai ....... .....25 0 .o A ....... M lt15 .... 1002 Oakill... m Ûnâ0 ur 2002 2.00 2per 4 Autuno .5 Ca.npb.102 ...,2i .o o.it0,1'. oand0020000 nebI.200202200000C-stO'Ce-! 2,2 t 11oo.0 222 222 CoOC0 F222500tIo,-en,000 .2 (or2 0222hoO02d2lb 0212' 0*"*~~ *2000000002 ~,~.'.~ f!I7.o0m~ W 7SOL1î 'Il 4lJ,,;>f2-- . 1 - - - . 1. 20230JO.0y 0002002i2002sO,ý0000000o ý0 o on ýt F J L .. ~tý 1,., __I r- 1 , A..!o" e It! , J .252200 O u s a hé 020000025 <OOO2200000202220 dtOfrO 21O0 - ý 1, c ý_ .1 -t7I c2bz 'Ià., . _ , . 5 ,0,0 02002000 Mi 00o2sooot fn- 0-t0if2 -Ol -f005,0i300. . t-n 1502502oooooohjopoo~ 20 20 *S io t~, oo! Ui20Oor 2o soihotitso O iliriaros nd ïod 2002120-000.Çt 022Ume5i2 252~5OIM42LE 1 0' ty hliog 0e.t _>,Y -" e' seI pSo.f2, 00010 h 002i1021.2. op> o0-20oosnoU.',oitioo1oo0.__222 Lf±OI ,E .~ . 1 , s , .ig a d . - .fo--g - th - 2020y05k I L, - dM 0 , - , ,o tic,0 D aO52220202o 00d2o2~ 000700 1o~o 002.o~otgo-Oi.AO. * - Ii ll h oIot o n fo t o o 20 0 22 00 00 2 m -00 0 52 0 M0 . P. - à r 0 o ' ý2t 0 1 2 5 thé2e i lsir -iâ20rt. T O-x e , .i, ot o * i te0022 -002 s0d0o00j20002 sce,= -i -l .bq- e 1ý> , -L . a i, drF~hi b1el ..d inte-C oo- j. a000225000,222i002.0 0 o.&0>ooes mdtsi]qod.laesi ai00tt lI. -Ohibi 0o2 l. 0000020.d- ,200, kOS20oooeoOo.002 .o10d01002on- -,fi'2'o0ooorr*J0-buyer un ,,,ï, éculas 02eooo 52221502 2prii0i2 nr 001,2oth o1Go o . 1 1l*z1- . WC>-e L0200, 202. 1200.22 2O =*2o! l5eýlo2fg 00.Cil. ,_01 - ÊFne , - j% , low ,pIce lo h 0202225220 *M...~.45sbs0. j -OirDr ',G , o oeral, osum 0ha. Drsa5Si-k,rsLrmigM.teGok> .y fl0le2 ï 1 h 0P211 0t, 5li éire o.. A e t i r a lliée 21 4Ooonstue 0010 style. . ý.- 1 - 1,y adyeax b,soit-orte sockl .ndrS th1020- 1 .aoo1, 2,,25oot 00 050.=00055 . . . dcI, SuerGte . îuCtb a.Fanne=l, And pi * 00;"'I'V', J...- l L. 00.i.Er,- , - ,.- . o ,, 1 . , -d', j2m .tole , o o 2 d o 2 o r rot 1 o n l o g erth e , 0 - f-!00 Cl , : 1 1 00 1' 0 u ts n -u p e-uf esl r n~- U l ~ 2 ; - . e es il -PC::d. 22, rmo leSormo2l io d2iokqef vryhng 6i k:p oit retvaityo r cntoty forn b>aioii bi.opomet V20 hno, 0200- o. t th21220200eli2000022022020ds00o 02020022,07Dr ýà 2.,Wob.y a sno1a -20022000,0,2 0. 1-- '. ,,eA SoooIoo l fr5. !a 2200 0e 2 .i 170adoo 222 roo th-Posby0oin ý . .2r.:0t01, ore roioos05t0 - bdoi ',sr aoos r- t deta Oe18.iao..SiotnfoH- oy'if YoffDihoi. ".n- il y fi200p.' - A1tii ,ii 7iD tele, ids2e. tl %Yo rrt 3fomos wiio222l02100--0 t-o,,,.. o un I oooO..0oo22o.. 2e0ko 5ta rii2rprtdfoti220n ns!000d0001d 0300 at l ' of 30. O722002002'002- 2 .0:0-0h000frf'17. tr d2oo225oboo ý20,5 d,j. d.sh 00.Otal 1 ,.rit.00d .The S00bo 1hri1ooo-lio.jio-fuep0Menas00Lrd0'6J2 155025205 oé..»05500, - i., r o d 'frtfes h . l Sa 000m1.o! Obo 6 -d 502000000 tho ho'St1 pIy.!. J DE S 1 Y & 0 02o0o22020 ooholo 2 pono ptooipioo o! toopoo. Manyoho2 202:WOiOooWr liogtooSoo . 0 2 00 Loond00202, h aussai t, y l, 202 o. S. 'ooo 0 ipy roloag ostio0d20oo eoeioialntofynby oo g tyu n £ 0 2i l0 2 2 2 . h o , - i S 2 2 o, .0l2. Il2.. ex222 edl Adkio ,, 1 LiM. e , oot en. 20000 0oO220ioooO ooi t-.a? et20ICIoèhaoido.i.o 2 ootooviofor ' 2205. 1 Cr ,eo....c.o. t . ile ..,. ,,0£ thl tmot op 1hxgd t2. 000 tophlo000020,0oofd 0a »021020,'10ooino'boS0 Ibn. 2l, - .p25od 20 10- o r loooojo 1d olo, o . olo Zh . 00202200 0000j' o d*to ai t , onS 21-2202cm of OSi2OIood. ifoooioiooo thosolsý,!_ YISI . 02200203aaPrcet000 f,200 p0 u o ., ..M LyRSU, O00'o 502opi o atigteoo!bu otaiOnooo 2001 5, o. so l. 5:2o.1 -H R, , I o r le.e Bak rPli" h. F *~~Ià .e 02121202î022222 0!22, ..'!Soo A0 5- 000', -noo tedg-da2,oth-irvoe, SgJ,.govol orý .____IL_ O. oliaO o0022,0120225,022,ikd th; _,1005-y;11020-1. y0l..0--.. 2. 221o0 Gang dos to Roper'a andget--.-ý IVýdtýkCýel'x.«W,.ýj h Q lataismat". m- ' _.,, r_îý lcL. e OOOOooOoo0loooo 2I. h-Ioll . 00el00go20i0lad 510 , 0hOeOofOoOido fot .2 0020, r o I l.mo ..lo'or_!71 . . . bun bad -à tfhe000;0020020125 O I AfoLco,.i 'ýiii 0-202ajo, b 000na0 0 ,0 11 ..tio.. 'OoOoiytijdOsd1O, 1Sdpr,1.om .. . phtor hoSh 2.o oy0205i ooe ailor l.Scod ad ltioo inado' t-oooy o 02tra gio 1 TO00 sO 20o n hrb * 2ho250ly2,0220. S22,o o,2o21o0020102021002020t22o 3000g ado, 2OOOOddOfo00Oy oovotig tcm atomooo logorOo voiod. 510000 _________.. 1- - _ Clths,.DieýýSiks,, , -- _d 00212i020022002o2 be.,25 .dfon2 itaOagir WSoOiliotMod0,022000polti__ oio f00 io 00 aoooo 40020050000220dnyopn,*Fora'lo .g.ô e.in . emaean 022500220252,0 202202025. Ro =L ylo t j, hoaooo gu=i..reo00 cal ýt o o211220 ! dnoobit. .ohorO a n osiooo 20IS ....ý.o. Pa. odOomooVoooo 0 coiîo ot 21222 OlOO,-notio25e'a 022202 »00O aoo 0 -thé. 2 al e00 h. 21202 oo ithoroquesti ho o! tloo....o-io-i..r1ys, oood 000 n fes -areM 02o iooo SlopOîjoOooo!22222,2,5 2of., Ilo-ha 00 oaoo i oýio f Opo. r 200i0 Iî don. vo.a d22' boigoa0t o, 22000 "' . - -1_________ -LIoo h ,, i.e 25 'oo 0212 lot10 oi.ioocroooo.oo o*0d 0.t,22,ooolao1o.'TooSot Il oa o hoo 0y.0 api10 *a222o0 0022îî 0Lîd2in : , ~there de f g00 ad end uet iof., 1 hd o o ustoo buoo igO2îo . a 2 n d t 20 h ~o. 05 20,1 -_o! 00000t2,ao.ýq qp i e l ' *ý k ' l c e ; 2220251215'0200 Spolo oOOot'oo ooolt SlosLawor' e2df mii goo 00 po2ioîo.No,-* fot 2oo.ook.of rgo .. xoiiolr soo oo 0100rOj2'00d f an02 lo2o 02 0001a 2,2120imp0005iO 00022020 h 22 o tat _lo !,- -o ,_a. orogo220 -olîo 0 020, ,d' ,- 4:ý,Ét .ýýq * e-pa- aa 000221'00eà2d 221002'.0222.kj2020.d , IL i,520OS00 -0loaooy 00di0 roo. lio2h liot,02010 oooW R 12 ~ 1 ~ L L B~ o. o12o.g.02ojooioom- jof2.ooo. . Y t th of g too1o,,î ,, iloedooo vilfo 2eS,oipýrêm'oool 0p00r o2o.îhOIL ,la fooiu h J euruct e nutbro f g tmo re Ipor at retenutof sit nfr ah loeey itll ige t TLI, 00i otloo..oa, Juk .oa .tyiooo 'Iagpi anfcn atnFln e o c d, ui .2.O'.rio,'--gof, 21 o20,sldoo2 loaopsom0 Ohoo 002"2500i asi2ri0522~cl th2022222 hoooood2 oo5 :i-I-plio 00aot o2i r 02 Ou.t boe, adieooo I2OlOOSrot2îo 2it e 'd. -', - e 0200*lo0l2:.2.o to joodgoo 000',2 -OiOcTelles y ealwo,2 -uIES !. - o2o 0î,,oo ao c£l200 o u- , , OJm ooiî2 a 'a 00 0 . 1 25, 00000f022222a , . 0 g bo .iy l 2 12 0 s iO i2 Orl er o ol go l . a 002,o 500200 00X - els- ic l 1D A I 1- ,. . rro c ; .s ( ý -- r. . , 1. p,-A-th - te0021020.tîh U.2 h o it0222 ,2d. li,0rio.oS 20 002 f .22,50500tfratao CoS 02i2 fo'roivt.'l th,.0020 o ~ ,~) use221.1 the2000010022 , ! ros200 t er nluene t be !n coplaf nkototo a u fet ,! ' 5 o.lo »hoo- - ' - pîhOi a, rootoo*hlis.o,. ~ oi oiI oooto 0210002000d looSmlI 50002000maoa og Oa h ooiodo002022 ' '1A-rieae l'voter ETILOHf 88 , ATTIE * 22 qoiio2 ! ., Sio Lo0o~5o~ ar 022,0 rolo2h~0021, 200 02o2v022d. 2'2it2ht2isolo220 Oatnt.r2t.Hg s ooaile or" 1 oî£i 22st,2ofovrythinSlbutOSoriéb ooo'i proits00i . t. . , ...'.. i 1 1 ta l, f 6jaratlsO l o .k.- A."0G, .100r22020f0 .iI l "21.1.2-oroS - I. t.0222r0020. ,, .. : ;,______-- __________ AndYafw l Iie.nstrals,1 Bb oof Pr2m0ots 2r0tan t oo' 01. . - Ldie' cril ontý. oewe , . i an es , o r k ty é l .1 i SIToooiooot 2u 221220 IiaooOlmei2y025001.co(da a lobS stprthcagoo o f 2210os poie ogo . 25000tedP O S 220022saty-l4iigb'ýap:i hsDeý 1 0 &bus0,0, 0220, l tahuît 0 1 lu rOoo eo! nat2 d i oSr t1Theiiofai'022225so0 uest Si 0 iio. . choa.o 0.02, 00.000022.gri!C . . Do. 0-t a eizn hu, he Mur palie. ThsConcu0en cl0k0.nt2olou.ù.plidy r_ the the Ceveatîr frLo l abl alie2 0r. w oo v peaoo !gieonuy oby maoravt ai, 22,55 .Ho> diS ý STEVENSONS . ole.1 f 'droicte 1Dr 2 .. e012 2200îîiîîitooy ailrgdn .lîo Wu ateats * liar s ,la Benpomses, a rfc« ed u ines Mbtable ;ain a ve.1551 it a l fo! Somm es e W1 t o àcs cheo rO I20 Ilh.51 '002222Délais ous ,oy £oi 20 550élu. 0000200200 ;it , 02122s 2f02 0020 litai', a s fore& r c eveseii Os 000 0o22oCe.5.02-,.1 . ý tsOl 1er.l ltr &fý.t, hr ct h oister,îoof 0pîo'. .0m00 eao e yl o ritîoo 0002210 to a in gt rmaoyle e ntltuspootaqai.dci ormrotaewt Tsil mid - 252a, o o nh sperlo 020oubliniîao 2202, f022002,OS2 able my: A t ioc02. li2. 2 religoion. ndfo -o ibt 20 e ta l es i22eadtheat uc cntnty - C tir.«l'Ilit. ii.Aoodll prsè. Ornwfetrs éelsv tleuçuUelb is l îavo ag e, ooa doufft . ini i wll uytetrRe2m2200ý, î2,01.1 0l0todu0ut deli ory wr Lié i, M.eStri lio for tin Talo ane.o arias aoho f2 oriooo aol oo00' 002 .I0 00 a ioa GtyUm. nSwi.D . odo nation, of in.02.2. o 020 lloo'o o!ooîdothe fa01 Iooo2S 001 2100000,0- 1, to0t 2,0-_,0 Tb1 oS difihnc btv 2nc fdadmmei. ad,0on e2hésedl esin Mde 0di uf2dofCritina;orcïeye ole 0fte 0ema r. atii....o..t o erniet220 -N o& . si., . s o t lt.at. 0ciu02g,00Oy.a î.4Oi, .0.0,et0tat0020 dpnSoogodooodYaoo r Ototogod'y Cashf .l' i .pri02 u'lo !O. I... L Couo ig t2,o l .ois in hot as'ooo o ncaI n ' egiysd 0 1 ofcesa a iyt eoceos.'thos 2o t h -F r . . o oî 1021 00. i0o i,0i2 70 pe o2 ac0 ,o1baol 020002 ! 0 e h d rf. Ce 9 '., .-r E * 2, i- ; Oo22202,, e1 220,d Sl2i l...id ,ea Ttoooho oaes bofooto îc a i th'wo'î' e o mo a fîtoo oba io1isesf rh o se- d0«tua o ,ýo f 202500 . ".B U A R - O . D .IK lK Mldodî10 , a ! il..0055r0à2l cd îlfeti oo t,d , C S hgto ni th 0core 5vins co dtt, obo 22210022100 fràe50ma.0U.W' 20ooir2."2fo SL i IS 00L2D. ...1 .e L . .oiV.LL.O1.J,3 C200 IiI.20 o l ie b'0t1000002U,52 fa2huSr27Oioftoo 22 aj2io lO,, 20 0 e oalootl, 0hOuceo ir0.bt2 seOoo li , e' ia t a .cur. inu0,i',12SSi Oan20.-ter200 Oiai2 frpoo, vthiool, oo B t 2ooo fio ur aod . ;ýýý' , :.-. , M- o. Iela, o nd Or ooif ., l Ii to . u a 0002 fa l fg000tt a t n e o-201 ffa-oLo.ao'. . . 2O00fiî '100220. .oui,_, .'220e in cre u v t . 1 tu e t t. o., inuw l ue . 0a or 2 ga.g«t o ,o hest i t n a t n aHo , . t alg t el oo l o f hrdo r foiî rtho S r sa e r u s an S od , o '022 22io o Ë r i e n , C M CM '&. 1 ta; lin ; - a otfelin. en. lle Cnvcton 2 ;1 S - O rgans_--.- cfG ng M oUR Ée' a d e B ul âk s ut - l',oosost, jure0 thritsto hoov,oo yaos gHs S1 t attilla ad qulioy f i po . . t TI'-SE Webu. OTESN o rea 'ad ices.h 50,000in c2 cil.o. ,,ertlie ,votde0.0Mo1more 22.5 Thon2, îc002. spécialt tO.o02 1t A.2 .A ET.I lsioof.4222la22 12Iiaimohnooîe t ck Fnrn it a ksi , 1 floosjo, 55 oYgirl .5 tLO o net bte, taseuil ecU 210or 02000.552.alle o.r1.57020serionsq e eiopest, 20,20 Openl,,..o îe ten2o -il)l' ,lzi2 te25acIu oliitîonc TOc.a jehooanibgirltonc setotafeptonforLISa ie* .> . . . lW',O* : f ui c.. O 20220 00 S 0220 a i n éth e2 r a n v norti e o h o ,o o ' , aT no 0 2 , 2 0 f 0 2 0 0 2 , l oo o l 0 2 2 12m'. , o J m î rr r 7 4 0 B d R o tom $ 2 1 , i n I E Aan d 'up n*fs , i 1 si o b' 50001,Y ia2. 250521252et uiLtyIh op e yohvoio,>, 2020. 0tea a td'5theogitdat o h 02yScott(agroe owi l h uur ec O E M I N .125. -SO. Pai' * sniena-es 0of0Oo0220ao2,2 Mt 'y 1 o,,l1 21 ase 10220210ouuour oI thopoop, noiîi, ýs,,finie 400c17 oOSo Th previulystuied. Iipreumptitituat it luves n stigm BolaWnpeion;'i 188t oFreogr3tuati'n1f50y Srcive met y thi questouitsthertoash$50, lasud e npw r r 5dts,' 'O.. l o' .2etPtI .t aiootîoodOi.heOiOS. p20Youn a,2doishO are - - - ------ .0 0in 22t a t .oe.,.y - prohmpt attention, sbour2l,2o1b trinors *~n - . .a ,.t0 % .a .,0,fîio,ý002015ao fl~ ttoofro 2000 .goos 0227202222002.Hg tbiotroo 0e10 flio ,1bilpMa r.000 220 At a 00000,220. th.'l20 . '22200t02, fw 20 l- TeMaiîracWa. t ugst 12 000002 osooor ýC... lc fok'.,,r-.,,e hy the o2orati ntoolîa0220 $ , - T.M'oo ro 2 - 1anft.o ê, 222Il, i i b o Stieno, ro Ls.,otIci2t50I aor anS.m. 2. 002B o iu fhOboS 72.200coSIR A R oFoo 0 22'oooo à 02-02220002 ilooS o.oo.205 07, hr o0eopraoî Sjoîi ~ 2e . ~ rro g , 5 o o !25101, o 00205Sia2o Slioe aîl-o ' .. , . 'é il t at bcen erinlirec .-iz nc a ur ra wihoit mo al i a oa o t o ,eii y a e o o ,itiJ. po1rob as o is i l . 3 002a22 of moreIa 22021W0W .0.0221 ol gà ad 1wl ieD oiin o- o i l f,o' îtror mitaiî, baso Agéoifor So a20or Sff. Cc,,Nom Yak. S foe,.:.--.n. ,p.05210atentonabolez aS .,a,.'2e27 1 ý eirUob U In colig tho.OOnriy. . . ' -1 - " 'a . ý . .o! . . Fl ot .;C..ti.tt .o.ioo du.ofr , M 4 tiot bav 0O4i0ot Il ro htol 21 2T1-E HOLY Q EEN. - M LT ars01251. y 0if.ojuc,ý*ct'Ïr .u . i or, 2Ss'al' i e a0t20 Chr00 isy20cotian and lo a lty hvi c ifosioolenta oro von Pa'or ern pt,çeti, o bc d, j 200crte or U fte adlmb'0ismI b ihr cetin ovitos l actoigo - - - . . .. . - M I. M OR S0 .0 P, 00a- lg2 urlMd. 0 fn r mrsnet mh 2i01h, Éphle« h i p00e hyClu l_._ 1h2"'!' ' - 'oos. .O EIV LL , I ~rýr22l5, 10212o oi " U, psooooi . '2 0 20 f2. 202 o o.y . 1..o.00 1 020 5220 022-oaîîîod ,0 . o 2 , ogo.F,1000 onrù L0R?2p502. PEhs o 0. 2 iOOOOh, ll2O Oso, lit ocIfîf., Ru2 theot o lef so a ionS 0210 Sia 002ooréférit.00Couasuo teian zo ho So iv dot îo g007 iloooI- '~.0~~ 000220022 0522300050210trfîîo20 bî. bat o et'lit ti.oolfth conpusion. 2 5000a2202u ehly iso seii t h y o hi aori mboodt o ol lo ro., hon,1 20222002022202022202,020l200550.u$2ll2ofth. SOonsi D P M T OI Si E A A D .C O F t e6fLhéIrid ot.' - ý 1a.,st popl li li, ad rotste sar--l (ItoA cyBorhiov otil thé21.y acrmenfLieoaie2p3 ..ni'amedOliit yTit h er2t at 1tlhe fr1 iOY, ~ ~ am 1. i0222,2ii~0ib0222~ ~~Iu, t uo -rlaino s eo , L0g203 0000ior:M . . Pr ois Ofahiof hlbq ave01,0 libetyopenteio suta ho!d i s . 2220. HO. 'io. .eao Pahln .ltai h bI.î t ya solu, Jtheo oo es e. Ooo s 2ood hrr timeoog uo oit sibotiOi,.iljohîor - R 187.12 . iiuo» ith olbone h2, rlattecur os. ciie rascin2.blr2..... ih temrlcaatrofte'l.ý an atI lotag anwmd edetaiteIoiv éemnsi,ý SALSI . 1 flessaive ta osoof h.Cmct.fuli 2 srno - bo mo t(oli ituildeceda t. Itlegrca nd bacton hor e sa~ oinegc a0200ns" ill'ui lA;t~in . ý i20022tho îîoo sira 1ooo25O2o1to îu So i,î0,jkoanlosîaymdr20ooaloo a ndor bol n oe o aol in 1 o 'OS .i- 'iPiiuj1e . a~lu0~2îI0h igi. ia i h h l1c. Ysi,"1,Slmn 1 ' o .R fiS:i02oo5200t00020, rob 220200220~0~fO2 ea îO o~o it00~0up he . a - Cuý cln u ctaimih, or00200' M , 252 iîsac20 , cloueFi st osroutheilslofe AriS nS00 th oo rc, h.taoout,..12. 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Va - - -- 2.12, or. othth fert0si00 t bin0*ILlaP2..0, .).50m2 ' Mits wte a d vedone cnsotontfth Sot Pa tah. ý litofplyi fot acoiieri orauyasa e ltth oulty 111-tý-t,',ljotorli"00uluen'.>' anSý - p ) . .e i? . b i i ,I ,I 1 . b Y . . I - "I a r o t h i l s ) J u r a i s t p2mi g t e a. u ti w I à "h;. ; i l0s i ! lon___ iti.waC au/ Rmr w oue aclibre Prtot..t .gD. 0' c Doo-r -r ipp.ti.f; roi- - ,- 2. 14. l'PlýlýýLeýgar.tt,ý,ý le rntte ai.jar allai.géý.lclarie isgnthn Iit rai; en gttJI ut hehbi f liae Adetii PigogtC , '. ,o f s e sti lt--h f c ]yai.. a e .AU Fo2co, ersth otirBmi7ngof hecaoan'Tcsh2uooo hertrdigntth elf1brgL.nsr .. 1adàfir ar i , ' - Totucéroe n h %ai orteleuemyb h tchcc,0îr0iststamw* , 0)qV0 2RN0INS1l0il.u U, tfon ýdfiacc, .ý1 ýf .- .1ý,f11,!,,0 l: .. . .. 0- -1-tIlho.la. e âciboil-sccm U dc r .a lhOesme'blt y-ndbythewa rcaly asaceaintheývHaO or imbeagpsmed-teyCorno gt he- 1 -sC,ýA- .v.-,, 2sajio j Z 1 . 'r,7" -, pu Ac ;R 9BIX . .. 02or,. 9 t S *"MIT0HILL Wagon SmOmr.o!th. COSOtr2021 Denoc: OLM ELLIOTT 5îi.1 tp. Pira ot - eta' 82o 'ofoan - - (itodtot. .PSISNqLE, lordy- aoSlias o oplef .gL iotocotrat« ofio0ro.t. Worsteds, oAJ.DLAW &t Co. l & 8 aita.. a, ton, oili 1 -IBo55 50.03 4 Wot ~'E22rn000 Eoooo25o i22'fIy of 4 0000200202,00, 13MEIRMAN, p. N 5t s reîeiv-iil. te020o.- ,, reil 8 B >f siOamOhÈ'op00to Jore 12E lOUSE, BOO à7OTEL INTOWN J!aOJâTEL,- ader f1OORS. SAS~i The Lsr.eoSt l~anadm FINI WHIE Ge~(ooderhan Jas. ~ï 2010 02002 0or 0the .d CRY. 4 ï0220.5,~J

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