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Canadian Statesman, 13 Oct 1887, p. 4

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p--dr The Dress-GOOd B ;Bnct TIER BIG LOT OF TIIOSE 2O6t. CLOTI DR LINDSAY'S IS T~ mitolc I ii il cOIV ' Fi -:43TOVa ilul fc h. ice ut bni 'c l' cl c ii l,lei..cb5 Im d - - -leei' ta ,11 D Auction on Sa5 lier - - ]e to c utlIIà 50 ci I TEESCA IGs orTita te th.15,, Iîitm for Lnuilig bs assiiai Slle flllu v-W îelî'~u Lreicseh fUdcvesar d C CAî~Q~ L ~" a2eeic iîtiec ity, et Trabeisi co. Mn olsîeuSte.. Eeiaitas. iOnSi i,.e TaIE Froesseu vanlte a veoici ..k sctnsense oceu stbliahied eni Aten iih'lerto that 'liera. seo eoftinan ad vicia' ~ i ývvufinuus aL enastituties 'a irit e nele aa itt.wéSad ~CA.L NE beiie,,futlche sseyLnpcgiesy j irelllaton tlc viere iothriewould ."""'W"e0elcîîae. Cl ibc go elseviieee. , Y.Tui LFe.-18 j, . -zeliand -4.tlliia, go eta. iCd%% peloto, o eMilStton ridle a I iCg iji5CCeiSetM.Ciitecke partesn Meeodaptethonitch. Soseof thVictoratR idieCueami. Cocla.lCiCien et. al. lteC. la theosuder match, 200and 500 . cseiaast divCe yards, Sic, Zelaed sien the ithpetes thcinelelY..vsin110. veuwitlea* scoe oft58, ana tn the CaCeii a Ht rSatii cathhcL eeed effile nIL oricc os la i e,%ns ititec uses ut4. la Sue 1i1 d o. c n -jlCces to lIa200 yard imatch, 1ashcLte Sidor ridle, e. patacl ca4d0audswonethe firsi I sliL 1 liat Atoe î01cie,l. 'lui : * tulieatthchampeîîcWC ,j.j InIL ieraif1ta eB. Tao T5IIINSeuNNESe-It ueeinuthat s . , as.u di ktPles Magistrale Youeg is vory ngea- Il calIc;I sti, alcaed. -Ice mer thc eiLrbesccipesoesedings500' alle lineeuenase s îe etadvitlilCsWteat atson siaa Ce a' lC v te e. et t euea bs1tSiaotat Act convictionsshave atst.elîl go eCcqCae. veC uas suresthe les=.1 ictecas, aCdipnrtin8 LeiL ilset the halens ,ir Ui alue a)c s nveat aggel iu on se' Ils iI' cet is teisg alneu eCtasi "mi ecweel eiliasea policea ia.trt,LeutLecauso lhulce accesrtiec Lelie Lnd ujastia- ssedded vitL the u ni iitlieta tcseecta-liberty- et saveeni orý e! M U easty'i Vairaute isaSuulicriicer te îLe oabjets. ilulleîîe cilhiecsil ement- CsaeerrIae,.1nOsur Stovareavuesor- he clvaabBaercpndeneofte vweeks nge itvau :l i t, nclailiSe t ilactiite etatad tîat Mr. Jéhu MeGOeel, ttioe 1'u11 l alli' a aI aat taLreeili anit eatlage'1of ilet ICN. & N. W. IeaI fla9 l £ %eîiu aea5voas uffreet finalmane stteeL 0 ýù1Itj 6llllltile. eprit or in l biis feet silelli sisuud îieisuîvil a *a-rCct y le, Oetri lse. pbabla- leeeîitate lis eesigeîsg is l ticrNs Iitcs eai >etitation. ?lIe.Moeeie vatas ta sa- aidn If th ct c aa iu bis lSte, llceCiacl is .11ethe aa lcaesat letie rist eiebrasssd Cii Idairi ci, candniregreft jr itvvi n lira orfileptheiisLtise abouaae oediei in gn atilensd hadne Idéeltha the .lîen. ee, ulurui cCffu, ail tle sttest vii regaed ta Mr SinusseL euh3 csIe hn, lneai 'reiles, cr ws -et urreset. NV e,t iaivset sue iîijlausSi.. OHamilituon. enrenupedes tu be moreeereul in Ta C-* ieueei.-0 nI1 gia's future. vclia ci.i tilaiob eteaan ee s VeinaA YMise-OsSueda sliut vlur Fai u75;.fles Daili Globoisand lest,aIetue flesMetîcdisi riurs, Eden )-ee51 Car eur eee; théco W'ell- fils, af er' iLsprayer nscsiig hLad l ti e&îcAFeneela-e, sntbtlea béeradueiieudà tw r ertîeru nme cileu ..liuieayeae toreLL. *Jases cedlWiliiee ilieu egan 14 lui leaaYtaictieActas eerreiiiecg.eeieledserigd a auiiîiethccritiei. eau, g ns Milton riaisn adisternleuceralea-. )uieg î,1nic th.lulc aasnlavrInen 1îetif.- Let tIcsfitiesit s oi nn eWilim teeeL cha'it iiitai hiy-laub cloet a ni icia tootier tva serere fiumsavitl î,aîcIlciîuiî«iVianSlîeeif aieecif aILits CUttieg llaiu est enera- tîrmit. n.uliiiiietaau at aiuagrcet and tlicitauiet ta bute icistaftics I able wtccasihutiieheuer tu s ieaaius malii5gond I1c rai.-t tsii i * 1b avrS, a raeeLer nf peatîl au bilad Ilrliruct tics atLecieaOet ur 8ad- toimLa"the kialefrota i i. The lmv m ilihea- il1esticeInLn fMq *abliliuinppletftice village Iloilesau aviloe. have ses tlia'icrotLOers beseesicta hiliýandu eceu iiclale S (sieusrmade ta uiifer o tirsin aaeaycou. ceea-ealuth s s. lIma-oarc dat.-Mereura-. eilulcea,e,tthýir lisins-s,tlcysrq AvaisivineeQcseî5 .1qtanci ceu citeirising Yug enu A-et Et ONICINitie, a .SMta Iil liev hullle .nccnueaeuld. veeLs ege Thems Wtiau 1l i . lotoeaieeeras aa nenea bdLa-Bi13y the -Oic iieceday tiche IsBuser in s Miltonaeatlcat ut eilcîn t i îîiting et tus Oaciilillaned arraigied eteePoiceii in Toronto, a a sluion5 5ja-j0ra'Yn'0sg eae-rgsof vila »aIl .ld lîeecl MslSilton, ed fiend $,)(0.0,ad a M1 e seiiit' esinhLi sprt hatge.îer ic ieain.ausittnd ta jail. Wttie ,i]L udinei lauicelettîîraail n alil, end îLe cae e nslesors àui-d . eq ýjhrLh i fuure -JuSe ..t Osoeode al leoroto, IiPPOcCAin-.Tils trio, s! Sueoa Feuda-. Ceersuel fr tice appelasi rccii ia-ciul i Il%, îuMr. Perry. einined ta;eitSu loion mse illégal DA .ltSiler aaitst idnt. 'ý tltroudiluai as Youngl vaS ple mi mc ciiei o ai',e t. gous SuIesLe ndeet .k 1c.c.lul.sIilLiacue èItepstar uagitatelfotr bit Buhr ihiq e tîoiîn anlel- elg.iya-tua- Miten cia s uteede tics t t: iiv, hn . liciley. Saaaiiuttnd at tervn. TlIc'ealurldjuSte qasbed iLs ietiuil etueiicysîîllailtuedaentii eosviction, napresing inbsteit vOra- staeeily inta ee=satee o e i c of th'îs î(Se geait et î-jstie otnd st linliqa eaata- n-ccela~ Jy ?oir icalurtsaea-iismpartis Pelure n,ýý.*n intiielaiies depr teut ?t a«Istats.'Tho déenenst ivea-e tl e e Cisi..tv, faireases 1tho case of filon, day oesseg ililelicad oedelieg in Deiu.-Tlieu1sîceentruie vues lîiipintng01îmai sudlvolenae eaeied seoslela-lieras os Fed(ay, tles .a 1eul%tlr )iti lly a n)eod dai ettfe>fli est5' eleov, aea Ci,-caandtoilani clions,Mins, theasteti ees fullief drcs.eta- Ef -a, aettes, l&. T'Crs vas a w aeo Tnovry aiacndesia- JimPe'. - nt ji ,il efrnti Oir. Frasera laut îltes Mtasn entisiiest OfthLe tels,îesfair 1luvisl. sievatiscuArsa-. gutfirlsya-paralyseS CLice seF Fii..--Aec. hersas siles cesSattscuptéd ta ilcaulea NMelsoe mari a lsnîl isa thes sasmu sofiva nwseL' eemed Simpleso;bt, nol.Ci tachera tatiieticsCie. i 'liafs rac ext realbiei. ie tireas utna uSiruued. iii1 Sivodolars aw-llecsiLs ayer ie clati aea ore-deaistie al,.de t, 1,ids!hle te. uud aelele rvtdaryspetacle as bussasn seili.rier:%villsiueeiai fre riailwr'lagolIi agmi f t, emlieiaiuier s iciaaeu.TIlaSteeti(ftir îles cee. Mue e 4 iigiuberilees., ail th*ue us rui ~ofSutle towvvscs Tcm Sieveit-uMesday ast filleesinorsidleasrutaisîsBrleyca. e cimleiîl e î le eietccegfra tc'tes ses esba- 'ofstebscodfsin 152ilesa- ,erorachaw.Thora nacl()de. Atr t ey lB ao siet ý ies bih -lae. pon d'acivees w parade4 bolrolna., Messii s -rna c tIh ectlupsateiuer'Ij W eS "o ieesora 45 aa 81 esteuell' 9 chatMr. Engin,île .aiu.reaucrA tlicd deue, a ]non mmuea BSiI, a InIsvetics eleAraeeetieces orlrgs.at eascoi leturer. iicgsa1ci_ WCltcfentse1310tatboes. Tee e esIlc balrieclacc e ls ev s ascerus es sn Meesa-, and se lailluai tIbcsuden a-eS suesi e t les -vena1iciOff La- Sue a-si 5eaeueeltae ssteon, lue départ- sucac cty tccceisîe d in tceenos u lrrY de 1Lýzrein ielsaer soeil ieantit sMes 8 ht siat ta Steeîuvillîansalallî u cule juy ivpacieio.hd bertsig aq,,uiyf tîeleinsed liqaeesli iisieccsiey ici1eles s..aeer ier. tULoapeOesla- tIc sasnoOffeOO licu erIsalini il. asethiesMilton sSsteeo article, Cédant Ilsr itiacîuientAz.-TL5c5 sppeaits TasedaY eusseng hLe van geirisus' ti u eccinltiiece vcag abouit fSn)pastal deceele $es S oteii Miltanadpointe on __r.tnlSein dlt. i N. W. . Tîcauglelai %eeeenSse.eAiu.-TI loal-cot As nliec f îles Cieieix-vas pesteS in 'eonstables feeing Bonne d5l55uyaSun dit C'ta ose icruda- il appenes itubatesilins iLs contani of aresUa-th lut turliigtace suicucciecohave at ce- brailea Pstaicanasii evs.Ei5t.¶a 'xtisUnireineae.s et iotboasnquleiiet f Bucr.ceInuaf intl 5ads . &aple ut a-s ego ud Gedsorgetwafus Su esBrea ,C.n .auhilia Ceaunese LuSonul arriveS. WeCeavscr, flue Toronto POele -ceenen vae bi'Eteeeiedsciareompainteievera centtfor. iLs The tles oir eiipr- lhu- durieg îles psitsarimne, a.and lingtetsa-iteesy nng fli pre Il luatssudonet meud vse hLl liles eedeta look tor ILir peey, but on lectsd ta asa litce Pse.efflee Départ'. efthîLéfaimon ieca-Met W h etatforeue sinvetigainie. p Pese e r h iv e esa 2, Sa netoy oy peseitcLe ae stiltlOvsha- - havbe5 Beau tieé"JubiléeCo esa Satuwmte iens mdeiLs Coic" ir e .Peter ws-v a e RESS G O O D S forwhioh terewssso 'ea a- q e e N ow Opehd--sýndwill b é given aw a am pris-a s the s 6 Y l2 " - O nbdyhùi~ ~tag~ t DRSS-GOODS i'wiet1a LN i-e Aq DEPT. OR, RALF'RENOH KID GLOV. NOOR-FiT! : MCLEODADISN&C A HavemUCnh plessurdilà snnng to thear patrossdfensomie arrais ofNesa~shoaI alad ntrGoi n]ac sndStale r7 ood.,wes re the leaders xnthèa1test styles9-- anad the gmang star* rFùlBagin Visietrs srprse boyes dlighed.Fine àoods àa d ow prices do thil r. O r D r e s sG o ô d s sn a D re s s M a te ris.ls , abtm e l s yle s s a fi r 1 ,D greo *. n S , M n le o d , M st. ing and .Dress Making, are msxvels Of PnPls4ty, in seasonabî . styles a.. faiin':gures.. Our M illlnery is sperb,ohoie, extensive, vsae . ny lad en.eéstd -eve st r . ok t o rfil an q sw qiantity sd style. Our st aple goods la beyond comparison-the lsrgest nd-àchesp ées vr ofer le ottons at on &J 10lo priees. A niagnificent Canton Flannel for 8o. yd.; Snlperb Grey Fa nèl,2Inoe #e JlWO,2o d In Gentlemens' wesz our Cloths, Suting Mtril, r~0ing epatmnertle, sd. Gets, Wuarxsulg of kinde ; and.ot forgetting our otting andamane-up noi siongD p tietfrtyesdinhsusu asd ¶ beat of everytlaing, but no hig4liprice profits. Ladis' sii(lets'psowee-lm sesstock ssna great variety. Ws esrc entatly ogeriag LargaiO ethis Dspstift we bave s large tock ilargs promises eey faiity te SaoLusiness esistertabie ffs bave sasqeal faciletiecate bey thegsd ca lsSa gatetruc evcy Linsa (e nspeav ths.wssa-eresbis;sitso r see trade wtl, irrocistebîsdes:,sest t s. bp yssoiLs se* ibîprstrnpsii coesprisos. Oar essi eatree --exelaaie stYlss, ssequaled gi ns d raset.e sd sb ts tseipyt rd MçiLEOD, ANDERSON &C asis» A VIURRAY &COS -YOIU CAN PROCUE- Firt-ÇaSSDRYGOOS heapr Than Ever. A MAG1IFICflNT STOCK INIEEYDP.T1~ gTCIAFl PCIINLlE ;r.pee rac ru ed alesin 0eeeadL os yeeyoe 75 p ees et 1Frenche Dre,, Goodel s u l at25. hta uhs tey 5130 pice Frec D Uess os, lode e uiet c. ao C in at UsrCslotoThibe Clotho, r2 incle Scotech Tweeds, 52 isnleAU sisal DMtensLe 800 LACe sofF e s spu i tie aetdése, srasging ies pricesfrein 130e tesi per ysaLrpd.re Pi dsýar osvleMN OL N hADIaeLaNsp sci as ge o e penddWei a ck Jeetest . $4.4-0, $5, $5.75 te $12- Dent a eo DBMAT ES DLS ND ae n seWilCdepi on eie v tL ai nt Lest Mesrnueg Ceedefit.' r 0 aln aauseafren$5 opsieds. Every ganietvntd pnetft jeplnai goas)ut 7. ewmrke s . . (Vs eWu ffer 22 Bteelereileuxnt8iees.è2 tJeard ali ltsveilex, viele avyai$1. à a l o o 5lakStin LiLe3riy Slke, Blaek snd Calored alls BnEjl.r4 vl wgooad, ad isapartiuff nns deotensle large quanstitieseFrein Iet U= ~~~~~~~~~~~Every depatint t sinamiet, aBoy iîles estne.CrscasctesmpYdnavrygme iàtatéf. in îles vertS va are prepared té ell se evna ivaer shortLass e. w f Ut Steples ve inaLe a sesiaity. Mlsa ode te eorde siststc.Tafa-tnasnt:ieatyd si vr arse ef A Lmplik tisW]1 cst A. URAY& C0' 18,20,( AND 22 KING ST.- E., HAýMLTONý ItIAR- 'T A. 00-LLINS' House Furnishiflg Store, 90 ~ W0~0~~Look Eere! aaeo rc the fa r w e Dot a ev B LBL 3, Bide r inaaufteae yM ae. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aeSs&C.etîetea TtteelIeýtOs.. Mia- 3,d, 1887» TIEV NW 00D 1Li sa uw cineî0stLeiri 1îbavebas.truaîedreleeseîesaeb & At EW TOLE! NE'W GOQ n ele and te eue oueds h eeiaiea- nei deieNul&iO Jd.eiiderestvereauîeeîîerisd ectii'd 1 pracil n otie. snd AI- ,th ear vndth e i d tielelngit S a e oeeusec jeilSic brie r,,enses theaNe Store? , oiffPI'Tse hl cIt tarnt dodyIning o teFailiadWinter Trade. :eantbeyiieieded teiearéaickC seehIiy5d~itis.-oe eyubet.t m t orsthe n.oe on n e The Leeoe erepl e :atsndie li ssin e ..ev~nî et[edytTeeli e acininstacnt ~rothing STOCK IN ALL DPARTMNS UL .ne fteaefrimno COin -Dry GoodS, Clothlflg,. I rugt eistla c ieereeeai aui LosieCI ief t ae ei su s i Spr-ýo . hea-PIe,5 Yý selthc'.hoaCO I Col.Ihire ses-c 1tiiebolual- t sy m. ~C- LËadies' U isters and WalkiigJackets It us te& ine t tedenat a5 e ala thd e îLead at "7 esvsosgo rsicis bete. Cu b. L u Tes" fice.1 la-Gofi a $10Boots & Sboea, Hats & Caps, it'raene eed rive toiLekneite. I Sut i . uccbadtpt e i5ana iics e _______$10, _$.5 ______s____ clte dagL tnsa ..f t h e Id oa ,0 $2.00, &o., awayn shg rlreWall Papier,, Sa seen lss gur iChai whels, is t skr ssýi Cuntaeliieec.I tis.eliiand 19 id hofis tLe - BkradCn to. $63.00 a Suit for Undyed Natural ,Wool Underclothiug. *CroCeXèry an Gls te Id a ibu t t n tlahoiny ïare dandy gooda.1, Do u.g Vn h OU sdO g te 0 f ireint a îLe benleell su i ad take a look a hr. tnî i ite. I sel1 goofs as chedp as any lu the et. west galeith tlet o rf ed4 b. h.bra . -vers 50 be sold cheap. cean nay ,. Zuesada r esec, TQearisil." îples of Shiits aud Da eil fote esy I. snsqdcsee5 Th "S Mita; Me. il- I! LOHJN G CIOME ANP) SEE My STOIR ha Cm.JW ez11" pte ,nablde LOTIi.LN. hall aeut.W te sssia s moheb iresbiin alse wo aeawa e 1rC r. eh . S II 0 -:a uen ana s ii disiiycd_ýîl i eîîleou i C loth in g a t- -Ih v ob gi g s e r en w o a e l ay r ad Isi h.eslr . re Peb wIhYlLs .,.e .Rernember the place- ni. ba ouscsCu. * is r5-.fei .y tdbu i l n, onw ri a- yl Suit. or, Overcot t ;£.= i.iiLia fiÉ.ereS ba1L .eaùd yoeeug an, aOIfoyOuhe wi5.ery?îsa imthyrs, don'tbyoutvaut to rig the boys Ot frteaiuea t f aitiii5 *îsla-5 isSae aLi c ie rae ahrdntY W t nitegetinaLnea cd in strum en ' c0Tae itiecindeed al'tB 'tfaT -os macinsytpouCa d s rer tai o r cm l pred'iLsTe r- olirke&Sosdamnioth Cheap Store. U . L L asiates. e este ar.tlent &bîsW" Psi Hopare pufi«e & *. 1AACo0àsRAE lai-s 'wuoda- ec cs. i e-ehW dS.iLs e Ti' * Priente uafrfrtý P .ari utra où___________raieglmut_________zldy. 2- ar illisey Apprisatieini otaJumdse eS 187À îe vim ite sr. W.r . Adairvbî tnd uiitIO teg .usc aeL son..ieS i e . . Ie Mtu 5>,aaîge. ~ ~~~la.eh.i il if. dosegn tSs iS - efaies.. * pat crsieSg eciee551ci mth e tLo ritte5 seOnth -si5SS 7 y1% I.V J s~ess d y, qua .. Olt I iiitbe il5Sýý 5eh O n l, O e . ne 'th M C p iL e sC E U brides tathia-.Lyt* ~'h ~le W dia5Ryc*i5ysang' a- Ca n Un sc a 9 b ,,hedMa si' . osM. et tile5 tut' .4 td5sSdCsi ttnio peia * a(~ti5Eir C' sels 'atiiufe ~ e esreto 0 jYour - toiý Two Lines. B, P 'di els nc s nets 155cei' iT e duiSqetrlos Sý t ï., tger iae Lies~~Mu Sus ce.. . bsn ase -The scnd laei ktuns ' aeanlm, age of teegoiSlna au tlj e ,uiises'TheI sé. v . . ..., s c-ê' .Q...... f q', j I 7- -CU j ARRISq * --'-a h ~ ~1 Si- $ A n

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