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Canadian Statesman, 25 Aug 1887, p. 4

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LIE J t~4 pj5uOi.C&II Tii. 44000LUMS O? I i lut Sf44 ItEFI f~0~ ttoI04i4ttith~- f. oci~ 0r à 44.otot 00044 f 544 o. i. 44,0 * i.i44011it40,,,41000 tOOlO 464441 Oh uuAtf0.t044000 ~ 0pZ toto 040. Rt 0.1 t t400t40104 40000 outî- 140004"l o 04~~ - 44440440,0 ot? 0000444000î0 1044,14 * 144000 fi - - uft,4,oI000i4î01 004444,404 0Oo.4u4,o4,îoî~p 4 44 54 4,014040440 004 Z. 1oi0i4oi00401000 o ...0 foOfIiIofit04 04,4,41 4i ~ ~'~1 0Zif b 04444 010 6 3/ I f4 4*04 tothi o Ololi 10 444- 400 a? 440 400 440 * - u4,i~ -. 4,, i400t0~00~0 - i,,,1 il 04,0 4,0- iiuilio __0t~(00li t :~ ~ J -v ho. î4 ~ (t ,iotooodl oitî,,iofti ,0biîtbo 5 bih ~ box; hi 00t00 otttoto4ii~( t .i~0f0~ ~i ~oi4tij 06z: 4i~tl4~ ,ij ,iilIO fi ~ooî,o1~3f~ t~1~ t-I ts i. 'elils a" -Ch 'in, àt fi'-Cttt &t~34u'ufti.hfNost suitifte t isa Efoieumot, beohtg proooe4, o0oi 16 ukhof mutjot.Oeoît4- t hf tatutsit the chaair. lu opcutu.fhA u4etta4h. a i fi myftt t4it.Toy fi reoteitho f0 foTutsaithtit w4000 ,ferithe umont Pat, etd tIsd si i utu.roof y poiuible t to 'apfit44 gttt4.f4lythtif44oit forth p blit ion o .mnt offiuf withauut 1, ,11urohetuth orpof tin theîfut44. tthe mode. Cmupuahinit h eti eneoed gutdfthyt 7LA uoc!iOi44Ofy front v4,00104,plcestf as trvlittf the Rutitîtin thetL'itof the tafiuc of tflictttte iuiptota, ~Stts, D. failli- nus t'fim t l4atnod do thoidisty, anadconulotations, ututlar ttoigh lihfii*aliatf sbidarei*tht houEpittptf 4tco uroionic. ..1ufaufthe tao the uoheaot tt egnu, hall d 4 lion faut hy thtuopdty of thutuBtisth fefd'àud he.ftud fbud thfa t wuf Trýriir f ht-day -netfated i touehudofttu rjsnutfitsu the lw Ttyou to fte entetaig orcýe0m dca OfthOduLcs i tuoy apptittaset As pîic. ooial of inspectr, Itl hinflic inoetOPKf Dot nfiîotp. Tht4,ooth of *hte Dgftth .uodottoiuft hOiOtOOO.tiyC-ld.. ht tin 4,the Bttî,h upossesion. broado juitd tfin 0ufta y cesfpfainto lon thetintervetufg hudretYm" bas bain tfioy utthtd ti, and toofo auy tuitiotoi. pfttoutuof. Iuthet otuosof the t otot4 * 40futgttrafy otîitto fi th utpoitelot y theI ffuutroof tGoutte,. ftqitotootii ttf 44,03'frttfy uol and ffbnfftihop Ifuglit won t. 4tIf u pta 0P'iodt leursetnt cofmce. her scoècltahla, htttIntifpitd fy attttttyf. À ho à dsirctaut itht part of saite of the hOf ofth otutitut. tht r ooottthrc speaershtoo 0 fuitfuu fli4, Diurneoof the in .404404. Cheito ofu, Ot niofof toto.. ffri ofàfi b foot611 tfhe Inspectta4i,thc Nitgtro.oto utd fIesooofo. Thornt httfiýougottttle ittueg in t tendoofuoto i thftiu ftht l oofoii afC ttdifo ott.of- ttfer itfltty fis the di.t. tftofpottou-tudu th . nat Chfargtoof tfito dty thioftfho fargeo uti oiottt, h the ffot f a.htpof F tottttviol ait q4,006 fsud fioou iuopo.qinf htou 0foiot0filetIs iy t-ototity). Cfifito' 4.404,4 tit lt tlit May foit. .t oppuotdwutts, andt.utdfipttt't Lat4f ,tth ix.t~ h. qite O oohetthtoule44,4of ft îitt. f0utr t ItflO8 thre .-cru - nyfh.tdiîo4&f tho o.of te Actlfttht fi- lieduprtoeaQoitht und Toontfo f tohaof the a fioet %v0ara4,0, 044044l44g fta Drhe On,,tario4,44 Nhiagaraîtfofttti uthhà ciîoootdgitiiit. nuit 0f d tafiltro tfOf. and000tiiAgu ofift the esonsflOlhityt f tire ffaoot44 ootfte nofT1hilt...ofttt ootî huh ti0 htotdemoo f to Cotooto Dittoîl iotil ].liooip' ttottchao'. appointastoite t ut anod Ltfo - fuopocor»ootfitY hflt18M.-foltt5-Buhtp 3f4,thvay iootttit nec( hpoiitd. Tht M'Itot. oWallace4000 0444ou t ihp of fItpttu Ltod. otoitboatp aout taosuvataot otio tt li footoîutot lt suhoffy popuoooannutlstIn oli4 ottftcif car0i0d, wooodtitoy roakh4aociontriy ittf. filfBfu t l a Litfooftfîo oetotut andootror O4tioohioftlClotîof flog- pol inspOftOttoseootin e0000trogtuti- foud4004,00fptltjotOcure, i t vras but ont0 Iog fthetfootttrut otfficAct. pototofdhbyflotoofoo0ttl Thott fra At hs îta fgio of tfîo poocinîg l44. .,a nui t tiOit.....fonnoooi.t hi40 tf llainig vry roerl enerpse inBii.l ,Cottii.t, as welft- . Int0l10, oI ftot flic 00ovruettf sito :-foutlf ou ftî Sot h *.. .. fini * Oniito ove Dtotoîift. Tfîit Gooeto. NOT A IfOffIf .fENT. 4000t.faftire îîfy oe-tatofoooni he Attt ii doftoîîot 0ff444, OPOpttO ftt à o 34.'iHWofuo.. ggit, t .foroof Ttorylargeoullerft o tot ,04 oftofVeliae u)-1 bht h fOot u jeotylu Oi ottI Porters1. 'Ttoy fhave ganit ut fotr4asJotiooOI't To4ltt fitt.t'htt1%h.loan4,0 folitt,fot Vus4iftiPrtoic las huar.t400ytytt.oooo4000furi o oîy tîtpft ta tsa4, patoiol ttii.- Ttoi10bfvaottuîhoi 11,4 ttoo ooto.otio fot oo4 i.ootappicahle..-Tiotspi fottto iootstati,oootooiiiooîiI,flîyttfoofbleo ooitottttbasîobeaotoith ontttt wü40 iifnetoo île,0i00tiLnfoli, olytOta mahl t000gy gooo.- l s4-t --4,4tortjso * ofoi 4,04040othfite.o ontoooîttoof troir îoooof IdLbilty îtootlootts, toogolitii 4,4 sttllfttf00, ai l, seuOls iardtOta01400toot4ifto 44 fta, otu.- toOoliit foOtOlt4in i 4foootn 4tiiittooi4t44 4ofoi îoo oîhttIo,ti i potff. .oot fo ho *toittfioot havttg detslt itf fîytotngt t tftt 4,40004 .t rrvon~ t fthot il .. yt>-s y01 on tfltctoder iottrcëoftt b ass iiina Dotu..Dot fogdfthoiîuit»,OtOoiitOO'4 mvouiiftol4cr?,4, fot. 4wu arciot 4'ooîtti itt 'O. .od $f f-0 hotlo t vis lirut OllOfîOtOf af tib g,.tttiiigf. it tei'bo Oiiify fot tfît 4,00 eof ftooing toi. lieu, ffîo.looutt .fotLt 0fFîîoroo. joIit;thftfîoinayf4lieoile'44oofooienofoofn, t4la Scottf Act, 'Ilolfitotig ,40oooo- Thot Ooogooilo Adov*risetotogtooo fli fi fr b ilfos401, to i i t ars' lobiofts. tîlto folovt'tîg pcooiir o tt o ttenfftisted tfîtotoootitîgtooo o f oooyoi f00SoftAct ofttutoioits,-,rOvet-ixy My tf 1040diges 0 tîîî fot %fnsfjuoofîfrioistt Coofl foriootnetoiio- 4400 todut )lave41ta v i ito. fifo. vi, Le îf 4 ogvc totltoto intoiret li04.Nvailceîîoot ,sl0..1 . 0 teft4îooifît)on,of Sfwrioîîoo.ngtl flot., Mr. Wallace ogailyoott4o4ooo' wit4 ifracton of fthioSottt At.,, * ir ictiîon open 441 it; 'otzofoîoeIot, alla Noffthertiedofoodiit Duotne e oritdolit if 3. 3t mlitog 0404414 044444- 4put in ai, appestran00îfilsPolice 3logto.pi otnsi fintît tat woofflofofeelig ilftitstrftotGraoy oojoisit hoe4case fn-ti colleiy. deolotttty. fioatiesof,. Aho, ofoc . * lfotfo hefîoioootig loothftfo ovlo ffHotiug'f 14fj44,tend406Gilespie. 44,04,0ch in euinivre; 044f4444004,iti4o4- 4in400400îîlo l 4thesiihrgefor tlc Bi '3flO f y f4cv. 3fr. Wallace toçiolfo4toootîî(Iloy. tt tFioour o4ojîpea- tot cîçIrgotto expres it0 40 oîîoolyti t oooooîf. - 1rf. àfytto oapotl fot lit,4040f01 f4t04,1410ci« 00 i illespie. Tht oort woo4o pottol04and * foic loCoud Inspecter 04000avorta . (jeDonneîi, Alto. 3fofthooitoad us lis, 'ottjotoououoAct 'li--hn forceoi tu at 044d140d4004 fitol adiotls.Tet * *Coîty o oo o lir It0004t totw f %r0re otsittttivety dild nt th' 4000tit tîifoîoth1give oregrei t ta 4ylh 3 orqt o n co0suy on. 7T4e very §Ol, ýaI aconigl-rýilý,tfr iOO4tf0t0040404,4t 0aura of anytliîogni * Olioliitofdi àmlhi,,ll400tUR istteO;4alla0044,diii.Tin caoetout odjourneiil m %vtoiorço4toouseaiîotoo14otîf0oolt 4îoofLUIfthe o f itofSfulhuro. DiiSat4. T, staolofdutioug wih4tht ll410f400f0,0 loY, tOUI, Donc1. 4044d00i000 West:'4t ]lveidttlie i44ntfoiouiittio, tht cuirf fîougigitpogain siedotilfarfietal.o fa. * Hiotdtoohl i4tOttOls 141000 to*ltfforet ijoiiit. So lit tnfitergeso-lt. 4,f ilifouioftotttii 400to dtgopofpostion on4,0 t lierîo. tht fyiig of ffooinaio. hy -flti. . 04000h44. iio t i1,0 heuroft ioli 0000 eNOtR fff4fMf i O-httlî oioglît fei, foojo 44s04 ooolo fottcoq; W4oof f Ktotttitd Jit BlT itf0. o, fitie lfy.; esOto4Ofiftiyhbattroullly te" ooploofILffbt thou tith04044il,04W4.. 0 oooftyifotito y0to ptt tttotac ioio nteltdis, n400 if gOtoit - t41iilty o00tilf s ttiti flic41par0t Oflinc ou eoin f i.saooiOOOy,i0 tiv toli iotg o urist o lofioo 4 fficien fît it.t o oi t 14,110 t444,004 ooo-Ir naïoîf tireScrCoofooy of îtheqtt ctA.' cala ief4 htais by ioto. 04,itir 4044044 Saf stnotifqn on ,tiiio4ol4,40t%-tllfhtDo4t- oooof St 40$llotitetooI1. 1104400 14drap -suentt r0f4004041ting . t to n tloo o torctf4, M3fifOoii tofitfty of fîcoot foo-to ffI. n~'- - i. in04 aider fu ol oua~itoolf ionta db f. Deuitlfîor ao f0otfffiser, lot h uat ioftfliotoe"f . -Ant.34,4d014tLait14ot inPi'4t, l4oo- Tfoto ooooltoof ittotoooy otonts L tsfoa ofotfnooof1,000 000 ftineor40,0 rd fotfootof fooSoof ,hf, ,001 t e44000 OOttftoog, bobinioi h. rPt-'ot 11,041- o lothvut 44404,y0lietoffootuafeloi4 toi tfoîtth lutngol,. hro the 4v4,- Archoiv..-fft 4004 thet foooiiigtottlthof t ýs)Oi littft tuoefîofui0fiii104i0ftfOo if fo thenilibh and4 itoo t i t a, îooyu t ic COdootootouiitooîl i t4i fotors.Ott.00otlong 00 i i 0440014i,,0'tti. t aoit. 1f040.-fr. Ctohrane,Ofsttai fittî ou,oeil us,4 ot od 040 hi,.4 fot 04 inoO.f-oof-ioo tot ,wa loo 000010f0 3nntOli4tj0bord0040tiffts ittOool0 foitolo b, flint f totool foo 0bc 3' iofotiffuttofotrrt fobt aif alai ohith mofootO ofo uo lI thitn Oi1ffot 0."liv-re, too4ofolhbttairst.o. lttooo .a,,unoiooîot. l totoit t-ilofinfoooooooofthelaissasooit oot'it00041. 440010 of oOi c t tfi outil tiltgfihol'litoa fitn404iotfioto 040044,4 - Wfo crI ii4 fltfi10ilfooOofyOo40ofti.Il,. tlg iyoOfîtoî o -tooioîioooiîfolfooo't, m ('ooouoo.or-Aaol loiioverO.,00000oty la 4t0hi, suit tf uiooffi!o Ttottr. AftfothoUoieflic At:'grilfolfoi etoIb4o .fot. -Surof40tif hoyoîooai kovo-totoou irt 00t44010110041 f000404,1ti0440 mtOtI fthe totthî ofinttheuot4t4hLi lier atriocu, là nieoîoo ;iofa t,b4-ilow to ifthlitsandffoootl in tuoi htto >to-toaussi Ca4r0 o olitvai yooî ootcitiig putuootof gla.idtooof t4 M.fst0icg 44 veoouïraifî.VWt toif 'do tfoo proset. in the tgte ta 0 400 ttfîî.ltfi tiltii.î." 1laf.oîhFoofot workvoy o-off. hu wtt4,OttOti4000tt40t404-.l hot..1 0144fo.lciC.404I 110l4r,0t006îofut tytiitofothy ooootiloottoofOfth. t141i tof i roouilrof fris",.fer olfiniooîot il co a P..tDeuhnetfU4t io¶. the fins. is..4400 s tioiîfootfoooo Pt fut fOlond fldtof txuttttof wt'uthutOfhtthe ttsO. .fff4,000fand " ftoosagoitfoot uon it tri lainer itttuppouod ta otve ne, oltoîohfle hflicpofiefoutltioy OUofd otM.-f 11fI Gafztte.Ot. fifilt=o-arot bellioo.tandof iulfdP pu ftiien sàtxî00t'tiito tflficl>oO0agnus * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l tooott'i lotfivoolthbt fo iout Jtoy Jooli" Cryoiy toahoio tfîot 4014 lfci 003'sucreot rothiof-1 0041-t. Ldyt 4oo,utm auoul ooy, 140 oaitoftuoty oodoofoî fiiot 40,4,44fo"tt offaooiots pbi.Iitiu. titîdu ilot hoooofiil ofut fo uý ivoe.iig wtolf o t pttdifotottt ofy the 44ofutoriet ofIof fî,Sot At otlà woOoloiottotjîttoovfi fittoth tftetiOgo. Teliuootulipe 000 es 0ac h voits, buOtt4, ttttf uouth, peftitot tOi t4itO und- to 00044 i lilo4,uto= !vohtîi ptfor..prl.gtauftive-tg verfosîog otlt ftoo 414tooIoiyrotfiten ut-tu, Pai.'oILotuof.ohtg t. uoji-à utoohytho Scott At.-1Ooolu Till04 oo4,Ofotototiiott01 the coutry, atoof tle tf - --~-.14f o. Cofyt otepfutoi maut uiOOor aoooi - - hoytoofttooritiotoyuittuo040160ta o t*.,u te. tutit oi h Iuî tt Ilt t nutOfhooooitni., ioo043 ta10 ftht ,ioet tottubuonof ,the . O4,41 ofoc o ioioii.iood gh, i4,t Ohotott liesof ,4Aotit. Athough 04a,dto1 tutti Slohoto 4004hh4ooulbiusLuIdyt 54BahlfoLa-0f utyt hto fu.o-fa wit.cidiht tsT 44. 004 l4tt04014 ufarhutht.tio ptfotof goorattt0tconi1 ttt Jh.ott 0 B0 itte,., Jthnott tetooooh.oif tfie ial .n. o Ttio LitorPillf i044otffrrs wthooOauoiohytut~ of.ralitatti..boo d oafPWrtt fOt u dtY-oOti ot ttof tu i-1044tjt," 4f42 5 cet.iertbhoOi t ht S40ouohotis l" ofoo10t ftu.o ikûào-ttf-utoi$per b.ttf. Sifoîooofftr nuf0hft4ftttk hy If. Wofuen, dooggit, T wft h 41. nI 1t400cou ty hto~t0f - - -~lody - ItSh ot ti o f. . utotuo. A0t)h o 4 t fine0f 'enO a looof th.. Sott Ad, l'tor. ao,u Dntretireroo, infooood flotcuoogistrtt ut flo ilo1fdbho hotutidttdtououd h fut f010 ndov3oy ofhd tuiu ifor to iOftotfo f the ActPend ovot 0hinaastoooooeottu fth oott, Ti% mtruioof0 luré py ff tfineso 0f tcd ta te rquet- The totîtuttt fpie filot ing4toofti a orduttof ou tho osilc utfog itatfoflot toioftauti raftor fic ift forDint theOffwn f6l bîila pttso400f y o4,opuoofhblforooflo myoîet foffotefooes. Toetiisflit olco tniof,tti todoeutcaOfofy, othr ou f1lie fvils04totoiug ot Olu Bf toof t 01004004ine Stoppislg t 00 0certnîtel, aOcommialft ioblt tiiog rtiiOte 004,0, cooot lo- pl-.t.itly c4,0 ttîoott4 ht htof ofo4,lhiog ous 040000îiîj bot ooopetby it6d. De4 îî,u p in oomgt, tooltfho, lien]in ,4,00 04 ute bimoiîitcy. ti, oit 0h006litîtif ii o icî. o.sooto ýttttt oîîOc ufier- -rt i traoîothtl bout Iiofftafoo 'm bte]. 1t'iItfhl,41'P Ooto Ii- tct t itl .oîoîbiootoîotîrîiottdîoiohit4ll, îOttIY ..iuoboon .id : o bt uo Soit îo"s, , y'.o, etic,0neuto. lObOît toustbt, î ohd a oto%-ooul oiffototiofiof 4totit uef Gio. ttoim "o rpli f.Th.u getui My hbuilo-t, tyo'o.t 0 Oîd t fttin bthi tf,...ils:oryu uotifldhot fiiod 4,00 tbot-otttootor î'Ifdouop ftoîtoogltft b.0p tit. tfritneyfV TOrici )ci1-ig itndot ici0d040 loh agret mesure Iotte i of t he 0redtoi6 r- 40 Is itit. blond. Toe eccody tOut ou. 000004,4a tluui il Oicuh poodooestobtt ti-toosay fift tofo ontiitounu, oui the, bet t o- îiseovoooofleJohnonattot 5044 BitOt. ttiot 50004.. i1 1;1,'pet, hotof t, t %Vaoutotdtog turc, lonî. f0 i t.itfofhy -Dr, Dul, it.obhs fot...land t'hyui.of Aý.et.th.ot iodiotu hoI5cht.houbd guiderenutsttandtochouf- =uotio . l d.do.ti.n 0û-biindet 410,lîttheirwoholeu4,04oflcier On Jufy 23od . hid ut out 40 youtg .. !io.loîot0,îîuif.ggo,,piotdth'ooh Trloubto fo ;ihn1104 sta0ftiouonthoeo "'Y4 oa doototut. TOîoy iîoîoo la toiiffoty f.hiîo, .dooduotd Go stoto fotidl Vi t .... tt . st. i uii ,-. u004g.gtI o Civil oogittt ta oloilpttotiot fur coîettfdohictiot. "' bootood.gooitIttod ... bh Li'o...it i ulid frooi o hog., Theo pcrllIoy f i.ilttuof uthOeiToird loio &iioî Msîtrooîotaifunyon tcOit ofo u t..l otti..otCd ut Q600000. Hall of hi ...uîtooIdb-oîo olt Ouopply îlo,ifoooosteoioiotottub.4touo A tou ou ntooîO Iopoiiitcd hy tho tliIothecibre0oftheioioOiurnlyout dtidt 1'. fluo tit , Ohion tbiuoy toto ofoulî 1-IhoO- ot iitiooiftîg 100,000 Tttî.fii ll.ooîot oft îili bas.h neoffy.tlhotu -uo irail,.044tfOa T,îot.Auoi. t5-1tOi, M.MTolofti if Pî-4î,N.houtho, .ttooit tteUnion -4ttion i b t000014ig, 4-10auto1for Petero. Wh401.t'il iho-ioOg fer Otfotîhto modt .1 agottiliy yD'uto .oihadhiooollp. 'In.'h-btooooo rty lindtoîly andl tOouuool "uthoîu îInitZbtu- for tb.ît. i 5 tîooSOtltî44ru tOOtfptO4d oohtonli ot uîd hbuhletu t sa40ieutooty dlo0uit fyiog 00ott rfor îlot. MIdî'ifuon ftfistOly d60 ,4 and oou ,tht d4,fttte. arc buntoiig for Stouutd. Adoîufihàouotiint, h.irtsouh. uo onttodootîtla So. L,îiîo'tohoooi, Biutttfg- hoin, E.ghuxl.d F oms tue00.4,puât VfOo elicir-ladioà' noiioi ,a voltoiaory-haut ho4o to t in,04 tht gofitoy ot thtio4t 4ooo oiftnCtho oooh. Rto. 0W. f. Wilkinon, tht titO0, feeling tht Onoumiin.0 4tof Ofiot armeo mentt, dtrýtamutro- t.t tthe lo ChooI. Thoti t4,ottud theitructiono ottourplioc., nd0as .0f411up.i.il0dhoir is0a 4100 thing ioutt itiooton rMViu srt4t tfof Lad4ot,t.turlooutf0 utotteresilt if thet tfpriort. Thh o.dOtu' to or.tt 0440.0id tttao6e iot1 f0f0f . oiuti.,ooi4 ut 104 flooto if Tîtz Cuoo 4w0rr044 Ani) N4,4on»o004 Coooiotots-A corretspodet outtht Hamlt0o Timestha.tfht foiltoi,gt ttiott ,of tht- -fof thefoudistrt. -neotd:o1 Haviztraotttti ooet tfarget roftio:f Huron antd Perth,1Oodhby atueoftacft flt04,4 ueort044 asfolloot, IWhitft luo flt o Cogu oderetfy lihhoî 04 acr,and whtotot.fitld ttothosthitYtor o;te0u. fftotaoah twetftTh. Sottu i. tf. Oui ut .ih. prtty -Ilf. 7The tft . .o0th6.tarkdbin:o4t-Ilunthe putO. otaiSout etifrice, tht Michgan à.bhuo f4,04trfytafaoritteothu rolho land- u gon.th..k an,-4040 recor, httog bdfýwtroot.tl udotuIf. Ocre antooty mer t..30,no-l pa- crsototuih. Urndisigthtttlit'of f 00 o0. 0Tht fth.the4--uthtf tit 10f4 10uuhu syutm.u11saklti. tpote tioIduasu ouft, W.jS.oîu 1- touat, si, Soliaiet thtkr"ltt utitàeuif a;45 t .ttop. 5. i >.Ïthoita htff ta4044. .. Suaverage ouuuitu frot f5 fti16 hochatupao tort. Bo. ftO4ttSuy tpthtn. «-Coollttt ki044,. tgond qutsityt.aou th. reg'tgnf9. 500potfof.Pot.t--t0aitt gtuuttt -4 h1.g, fhottttohuiippr*u., otytut il o Zdl.à, o u45hof tt leu tic, hto to 40t41g à 'M'potu.The. f.5 dppiut' ari o y uOoti- ut t. wot. frui iPfuttt-ootftthog ht toth Have qmito a lIùe sto1 Gy4h are anxious tio go>àt riaof it. ud rifpces aie.au 0bjectl âhohsould ho, wo have onit dowu a .ntnnbor.of lios -It souiioor goodo --Wbxoh .o ex offringatotrodxay a .SVJdMEBR IMant] les - Jaciretà, 10SILIÇ ANDI CLOTEl.* from 50c;. Up. Wo aie cutting to the bons -Hats fr-om 5it. np, Featherit, Ilibbons, Onane nts,- and al kinds of Millinery,- EXTRAORDINARY LOW PARASOLS. being cleare 1 ont regard- iess of cost.. A -LINE OF DRESS GoolDS lI., worth 30e. An immense stoitk of magni- -ficent Dtess G oods very toiteap. & lii. Laces from l6c. per yard Uip. Check Dress Silico; '25c. Checked ail pure Si1k Dress - Siiks, 35c., w-&rth 60c. A.lune of Biack.& Coloi ed Satin Mervei eaux, 60c. and 75c Wortfl $1 aud 1.25.' Black Gros Grain, 75o worth $l.25. PRiNIR-1 froin 5 andj,7ic., worthi 10 and 12i5c. ,Wo are -going-,to ont gatl t0 the boné tôor-ednce.fO stock. Inspection Roopeclfuily Iilut REMEMBER MR Milnry, DEPARTMENT3. .J'G?Ï;! a-IvmI u -C --sfSfu1 fS lsf ot iTowSumdwe ar. rofl'a Boots sndShoos, fo ring a9,d Sno o madet ooi ptt4h t ie.- ou aiool-hot fdeLt oiohe. A peoreot fit and erfoutt ofs o uud otoofoofouthp atouteed. - pftt u r 000P0444. b00TFRET TO C0ALL 0ON - - 'o.' t-os. Wilsono Treasurerts- à, f L nde, IN AItIEAItS FOR TAXES -CQUNTX OF 1HALTOR. ~~~~T . 4l, titlîoIt,4.i 00 -00,, u b ofltto1.. 04D . oOhh7, o00tofik o dtffiotii.yf44tO iiot d. Or lothtltotii fi504,it r4,d 4 tu i l4l o otohlOitOfoO 4,4 .ooî40oduf4th 44 uf ttiuit O ALLTt.i, UtOOtoOf io£u Loto ARE PooosTEotF. 1oîfiiîtit. 0 140o f 402 4,07 4 Soth rpretiet. 0 514a s Souhof Par Oer S m 1 1T t6 t 1 3s ---- 28 5tt4tt.40 13 7 416i t 8, 1 1O 11, 20d u W UI. 0 ilR IdifootI3odJuit. S f557 o T'utîr4S F011 FIENEST B1IANDS READY MIfXED PAINTS, OILS, WViSiel Lead, varnishés4 lapass Binder Twine, Annealed'Wire, - Wo'6ve.w.re.Fencing, Nails, Hinges, Glass, - -AND-SHOVÉfTLS. - STEVENSONt-,S POST HOLE AUGERS. Ariste' Ganvas4 Miliboards, .Brushes, Z -Tube Colors, Pallettos and Placques: --GenniineP~ebble'and Adamantine .SýPE CTACLES. SPECIAL Sf10805 TO FAIfIERS I NTENDIIOG BUILDING. - d. E fOAGEMNTS.FGR LARDIRE. - - ~- - j - - Oua GLUSSING LIOT. - fi Tttutt dofu00i,6 Hiotto n Toonouboy -fofo.eiîulx îioi A futl tf0hh4g .o-o.oor4,ea d ,.trt0~ ifoitt1.0ttt1i-o Pottcottt ou Pttday. 111 - ZOO4-tu 4.04 5i.htitroy 0fatuu oliktfy tuO Ott,.uu00 î fihtop Puott, uoto ow . hateto ftOfiOotttt &it. .tt sa ta0the va00nt0f hh4,of ova0400Scootiu. - Nattot 1.otkuJour.., .44, tt. Th diottut of 5ukthohooIht Lto2.15ot4oitt 3.00 diotdtd smd o utu dOututu (Ctlgary).trti- tudtdtIrtut1tl 3tti"tt "ot Tht Jaot5o. CartiertoBazuk. HutMfontréal, i0,h44? a ttottu 2 .600 w ut tti.iuitiud 0. uduy .f0ethetntoto bpot,5~ ftOOt .04,4 of MI.000-ot hagune htqut. - Oi Magasinsu, t. 00 5t0f Tfht pttftioo fotht otput lof tht Scoft tototMgtoio t-o04035 At in Brocttwutdtpotitotd intht Shrtrfsa oiootoodltt, - 1t0o0 tot Offic t 0 îVlktttononuthe th 9f ut. - 40. -L tott -lt .450 A 'dtipofof rottttd ftrainAttututy. 3.00t4, 8.,td tt t0 Gtututf Zdout fodicutt. tutiht unîtpro . NOrtiut 4.00u htfy trtomainbi Etgfood f40orutu tttth OtOtuttM.tu.ut.t &co 3.m0 . Aou tf0iupt waot maduft urektrain441,- 3tt) coOfOoyit4,utoo. SohreibhàoPotuo4and The Porfte ho.met t tircuetu. ftht Arcthihofd hou fficiaiftripthroiagb Rova pouto., tuhuug thuor dvico.an tetht 'uttu. - -- .I .- 1cotnu f ta 0htu h-y Torhty tounoof. ThHamilfto Cty Counetf acueptat it ft ugu01tato itoYiwotf.Printt Fotdfoood't pl-taou ftiutt 5Bafouro, oarhitect, oft hat1action.- cith, fut tht otu CityHlf4 tmoutetofatit Sf0000 - - - Tut amlopaf ttu5tttttèh tf ta ot Tt;tt uto dtth hot tottot ~ dtupoutof uinluEdinOtn:i Corn Eïth.tgt netiofoutith thetChatstorth abseteafnd nwtot vaui .tsuit., t10 tory Yt".u uo. fTe Boitih Gv.ttowMf have te if ,uuo, Potto., basoteauut sit4106hyaJ thoolduo.-Omo Ot 144 44, inoise;hutom.-uwhiuh attoqed otn ou qotoot tfdcjt of manutoCuttotftt lices prty htt0t.td lueMtu -- theucoffition t Aeouuo t f ou ttt,.t ' -ZJohn S. Rttffy ttopfoydfoo uf0otefon. trniot. ' o ottl rAt. cot uoohd und dynttAlbany, N;Y.; luj'dotlu0ftefu tot4inttupeotulwere hojttd . -a.uvo, uStturioy utoruinfgnd u cic 005mnh p - hokta1 dntfh. - - - 4hguttto5 ft ote veslu of tLbttEootgho.5,tmoooiilt4ton u iOO it roA-thutf u-tht ucamuetoth ho n Stghtuj. Tht rtff 0040 ftàuliCitdii. 1879, ufit oruton totht Clydt tbtp. trh0t15g6i~tX01uohoZouuoiShhoof.otoy ttpitbui hlfdng yoodt ,4ut thtefuwttt pot't crâner futf oÊ18,Wa àdtotiitotfft.naton fodojoi;FùI 4,44 ooidtithfyodtto a Gang dawn éta "Roper!s and ge on some btmssanad shortb;rèa n o --For a'thingub' ;the kindhe makes' And se.tauteblf cheery o. -ii anf ofo n rsiotâh (Jltsf'ery crfptifoi Pfeaut seud ftin uvoerl.Ordor r om Lo' prumpt ttetioft, tfutufd béut ijot tr tfuuu Dttmfio -No. 67floindas'Streiet, LONDON' -A. Pilkty, Htuttif ou, 4g9utfor*lte Couonty tf of aluo Beg-s to inthuate th athe il prepared'toý. Wagonls..' Tox, oliT. pe mocrats, W M.-BWS --MI-LTON- las a splendid asoilmoht of Oanadifm and Isii Woî-steds Moitons-, &e., &e., and eas ppîj, ciotising inforior in inaterial.and finithtio noi too, tyil ho fotnid to ho reémsrkahb!Y 10m'wf quality of the goods.ho oeills. -- ESTABLISHED 187K.54 CAMH FOR WOO0 -AT THE- CAM PEELLVILLE_.Woolc hf cah du hallutra e o of Is, uryad D. Ifuooooofugetgofchfgodsto ohootfrotut, cttuufifit Doouto atd Cottodes f also Ff uoDGrey Ffatuefu, Ch cI GryDons ftutudWtf4olii tDreOdf(lords. - f bave affo a ffoi 4 f Suiutro utd Wittr-Twuitodu yd. Atid I hotiélàot gortuftît of Shfotiug00, Iffouhrtd .ff douhl ith; bave ; hotoaolarfge ooofoly of Tootto, off o Wuof, as1I0use0no hoottfhtsfor Woiof (a houttwhfch fevà w 004 fhatfyof 4eau4,dtfnotn f0 00,sour006 Toouo otbüutto 1facureaooov,&01 foyt fro otu 00 oioooof rudt4ioed. f W4,00fg %votfaoiuoffotptfy dout. Gft'u u o càlffoand droit 44fth. J The bihtipoutfhf t pice owftoaio 1).viCE'ERÀ Great -Downfall, Tho Suhotuitor ont offtoo foo -Sole ot hfu -STZVENSONtS RLOIDE. MAIN STREET biu flarge oud otl-oosorltd stockt of Forofiouro utt ýii - - n hosffotZodîhfit o itéTowon U ilton110 Bed-lloom Inits fo~$i; and upwtýrdà,- - P ulrnits from $504 and npwo - Tables, Extension Table - ands pings4 4at - Af p oêla pouchaiutd bout tht feodiug unfàtostùfu lot Agent for thte Singero Hfg. Ct., New- Yook. Ma, MAi MUNE. OIt, -BINDER EARVEST -TOOLS,. - '--- - -.GARDE1 - Window Glass, &. -GOD.VALUE AI 4Macub'sEH Co. tut k 3uotiu oi4 W u stuo urpt0-20-1 5f40ot t.utooItOLotoOott e ! ! fx ooot 'roooh 1 -HOTEBL G l çEiAM, otol LE. P.L TITN4 $2 00, . o'40- X OR 1GTL NTOWN 's , mamm Fî~1f 0.0. 0000 ailot C'W .. . ........ . 1

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