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Canadian Statesman, 18 Aug 1887, p. 1

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,è .- _-,ý- , . - ', -1.. . - > -_1 'P----,-.-, -1 1 1 ,ý -, ,e ,,v;,'l ý': ý,ý ,__-eis.,-ý . . ,(,y. ýýtligl- JUI ..... ; ý-- ,-, ýf%ý - ý -1- .,ý.-. - el- ý, eý ý Z 1 ý ý. " 1- - '. ý 1(tY* ,ýtlol* ý - ' - ' ý ý ý,ý , ýý - _1ý 't, ý .... ,;-à---- im e - - ý ý.. - , M __ ýý -, ý -1 "Il, l î -5 ,_ ý,-ý--,_-,ý È ý.ýýlý'ýî1 'îîIý iÈ% _1 ý à .. ,, , ... î9ýètW ýý ,.-ýl, __ ý ;-iý-ý _ -- 1 - UÉI ýi - - - , -, I ý.ý . 1 ýý 1- 11110si -.,-.- - .1 l 1 __ '. - _ ,, '- - 1 ý jCtý ýý . , _ __ , ý ý 1 __ el = = ,Z -, - - ý _; ...... ,A , _i - _ý, ";7 -2 ýý .- Il ' . ý Il il 1 , ulil k%ý4#1Gk ON nýý\,i, ýL 1- ,:, ý -, - ,à: ý Il , "-,.-, ý&eî_1 pffl ', rz z-:z - Tý . ll7;ýLT - , - ý 1 _ ý __ __ t'ý , eS=mmen .!.",ý , -.,, - - . --""- __ , li --i - ý )NICO. Or . . . . ý 1ýý-, ,ý ', _ _', ý « - effl -, ýt'" 'W - Iiiieiu ý, i ý ý *1 . ý ý ne _4ngU ýhl,, - . . -1 -, , , ý , - , ý, - 01i i - -) , ý , _ - .e , , _ý 1 .. . . . 1 -, 1 ' . ;", »-e'rý _yu ý , - __ - ý , , ý l - z- - ý -, ý - ý - ýý._ _ __ ý,_ - 1_,.r ,.Il,-, _". , ý- ý'. - 4 ; 4 ý" ý,!- ;b . , , - _. . _ 11ý1ý'1l _ 'l'e, ýý1_,_-;, ,,, - wuail5ýl 9 i ý ý 1 . . ý. _ý 1 7 . ., - _ M, ý"",-,- __ - 1 1ý eý... "ý-ý ý - - i- ý , ý - ý ý, - 11, ,ý1 1, ý ,ý7 ei ... 1 - . -;; 'e . ani 'lu - ý , - ' « - ,7 :iý , . 1 ý;ý_ - , 7 , , ýý, 7 ý 7ý - FW,2ýle.ù tnilgd 1 ýiMn ý,ý,, ,ý . ý ý ý, 7ý -,- ýI ýý '_ 'z , 4 ý Pl OP$. ýk-&, 31 _ ý .ý _ - - - Il 1 1. ý - ,-, - ý 11, . ', ý- ýý, - ýý -, ý-j -T,ýo'y, ýMj ý11_ýIý1 - - -- ,- ý ý,ý . ;q, 3 .1 ý 1---ill, 11 ri-ý'lýý; 'If l__r"ý,__à -ý ý--_'1 7'i - ýý- - - ýý-_ *- _ý. ý - 1. "-.,ý ' 1 î -, ýý ý: . __ý, __ ." __ ýý. 1 11 -_ , - 1 -_ - - - .ý , - - 1 ý',ý,, ,, _-IL j , >ýý L & PANTON ý z - '-- _ :cý,,ýý,-ýe,'-' ,ý , -ý>îý:,_,!i,ýý-,' ý ý - ý ý ý - ý , __ ý 1 . , 7'ýý 'i ýý ý ,T4 14 ý_,ý'-_>,., -, ' _", "..' ' . . n î . 4-èî,îiý«1;W _ý. ý', 1 . -, , ' 1 ý - , 1 ý -ý --_ý- ý - -ý - ;,11. 1 ý-- et ýi-, -,,. ,'ý',"_ ', ". ", 1- _ . . ý .,,ýý'ý ý .ý -,ýI? ý -e, ' " 't', ' __ - , . 7 - _,ýý ;ý - . .se .bý... , ýý _ ý -, , e ' - -ý-, ,!* , ý_ _ý ý -;-.-- ---ý, ý-ý .0 ý - j -ee, - * 1 , , ý ý ,,ý ýý_ ý _ý ýý, ,ýý, ý - ý ,_ 1 -, ,ý ý -,ý . ý , - rizz?. -,-, ý , _- 1' 'le :'_ - r_ ,-, 1: * IN :- -1 ý ý - ý ý ,", ý - = =77. - -î, -- - - - - - - - - , - -M . ý «M - , _ __ . Il. ý. SE.&S ý- i,11-TI11117 - ý-f -n-,-'- - - - , ; =-.iL' ' " ±ý7,M - _ __ e- ý, . ý ,ýiliree'l'e-ri- . * , 1 _,;ý,., , .. -------- - ý ý ,,-ýý,eýý,'1e7 ,ý - . ", ý.= = . _M"ý .- -= =.."_.;ý = ý =- =-,î ý= ==I;.'ý: - -- ýý _u 'qiýyge;-429wiilýl,- r ,lilý' .- - 'ýe f ,ýý1ý,r-,ý _--ý:,_l; , ý; jý-ý-. , -: ,ý , - ý _- - -__ -'ýý sp&e"ý»ça , a cE. _... . ý 1 ý . 1__ -' l. __ - , .: --- .ýý - - -- - - , - - , ý ,;ý , - ý e@01 2;ýou't'v,; - -:t 'ý - - - -11 __ý -". -- _ _- ý . , ý ili - , 2pý ., __ . - ý ý , ,,N:,-ý-, . .ýý -,ý-,ýý,_-,_*_ ý':_,,- ý , , ý .ý;ý le -ýaî_, . , 'l I,ý, 1 . r0jUME ,27.'ý , ýý,;,. - , ý , ý, - ý , ý Lii, - - "' .1 1 , -, , , ,_ ý ,- six- , .1 2.-"", -, ' Ild.% le id -ý Il' ý --1ý -1 - _- 11:;r-ý;--C'l' ,Zýý7 iv ,* . _,,ý îý _-1 - l- - ý , ":, t - In ý ër to th e P 111-. - .ý,.,f . . ý - "; ,ýn1ýl_, ý ', -, ýý - .' , ÈTJȧb l - ', ý,ýlý,'ý . ' ,_ý1 , Iýý7'% '.., iI:..Iý. ,ý«;;! If I.î ý la . ý - >,ý-e:ý,_->-,ý-ý,, _v . 1 ý ', - ý . - - Il - ý 1- ---,, - "=..e- .:ý-,_- - _ - , ý - - 1. .. .. 1 . ý . r - il, . - ý - 1 . T - --,-ii .87.1 - as, ý 1 ý ý - 1 - - -1 . -ý, 1:i ý i -T N , el 2M ý - _.ý _ - ---ý,- - ', - -ýý-,ý-> _,ý:e'1 - -, l - ., Il :, r..ý-- . i _ _ , , , 1 ýý ciàGý ý ý ý ilýiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 ' ý ' ,. - . - ,ý e-, .,-«-,-ý .. ililillillillillllll :,-Il M IL - ,A : ý - ý. 1 11, ý __ -ý77Ie 1 .. Il .. ,.u - _ - ý. - ý _ < ý i- ý,- 1 1 "-e-z -.-- - - ýt, 'w - . ..,- - ý - 11111, _ ,__ _ýý ý, - 1 -, .ýý r - . . 'È ,ý,, _ .- I i,ý 1 ýKM' 3 ýDyoffl IF. thR '-ýf;1.D ý __7 ... ý - ;. . -_ . . . * - I- 1 . ý_1 _: - 1 ' ý 1; _.- _* 80 - - , ý 1 , -, - 2 _:-'.-ýJ:!ý .,ý ... . 1 r's'.Ili' - . ý > 1 OFA D VER SiNQ-ýý t sitili Y tf- .ý -,Ç."-Dijiài6A.,ýôoürt- - '- ", -, ý .... ý . . ý ,.ý ý- - - _- = 7 ý-- ý. _ ..---e- _- - ý :_ ty - l-_ - . z-j DI i ES Il . - 1 ý 1 - , - .ý - - , , Il Il -, - - .1 Iir 'e -ithé-co, - :«. . . _t get S6 . - , 1 -_ - 1 - - 81 --O ., 7, ee_ 7 ý:ý_7,ý . 'i Ill R - q% . q à1tow, ý ý ý1 ý ý ,'i ,- ,ý . ý, ý , Y,--' ý, . : , .. - llmei i . ., . Ca es . . ,.: ... f-.?,ý'1, 1 ý % . ,ý _- - _ r, ýý ,, ý ',ý'ý,1 1 - 1 ý ' 1 ýý - lut -ý ý - ..-, e;' k, ; , , p e,ýý!q7é ý 1 1 ; . , - .;-- ýéý.p.tiý.*i.uý.i" . ý, ý ý . -_ - gýItvý ôj-tl)i-ezid and seule b4-'es "!y.,.. ý 1 . ý .. 1 . ý H O R N E u,.iDa-,,,ý,,.ebijl. - , ., . - - ý;Zblfle-jà- là ,> ý :,; ........ *- -.._ýý..ý,-,,,." - -ýfDzcIýý. soci I ý t . , a ,I=ý1l. ý, . . . . _ wgâtoid _. Il ý., _ . , :, e--' . im" ;NuèÀu7FALia - ýý - è.' ,.ým, ý_ foc a - ann - au lait, ome ,.were fonnuActeut ,, Il - - ..ýà. .-eAzrlmôx av ,ý. i withont cauu.m, aiesýg, ý. wilsi, a mtokery III. _... - ý. ; ýý Iq,.11ýI!.ý .... ý ...... - --. ý - ', a 13 1 vasag asttyplwpl : i i il 1 i r . 3 M z - - - " , t ti . - - ý . - ý - - . % __ , T - . ýi, >1 -LI t, - - :ý--l .ilý,.ý', _- makes . .ý ;'. --_ ......... . l'ia,ý,Il S 1 - 1 , ý . . .r_ý ()..,I.IdýçR3 . Z -- à - ý 1 floue-, ', ' . ý i Beýamtri'nègàlyc,ànlàeÔpýLbiué'fh-leýrbdr-oýoýlSnh8hmàyimmOotý- aýlicatelýý .wàilý'.,iiet: ;ý ý las, -Ir, - ,, , ýI- tz ,, ,,, à sec ý mý , ý_ eý ý ý. - Ir bloýsomaý,bheh ....... ý . ýý - ïï ._ . . . . . . . . . ..... - Cli à ý ., _11 l jtlIyý Se - . - ý 1 116 C_ ; 1 ýý I.. - -1 1 -,ý.ioàe- : il. 7e- .ý, Noir. of Lher jis Ir btenea.11. 1 L ;,va "r 'l 1 ý ý,.-> ........... - 111ER'MOTHERS SIN t 1. - 1 . - 1. 3 Il ' ýF ý ý , III ..ýý Jicery -0. ý ... . 1 .. _- * ; __ -ý - ýýeýý ' à ,-Î=ý,ý,,c, Il , - sirelunýtdit' Ici ý, ý.. , .. - . "BYý ý., (ka ý i i ,le -1" , .... . 1 . ' 'n"', ý .. ipL; lerlà .. Iý :1 "... - --" ý: 1 . il; .- . ... ý1 le - 1 - ý:ýýr _ý_% _ _ ý Lady.. siens -hall sumac, pale and.-Lý ,Aii7.;eý... _tý ' ( __ , ý - ý, ý ejý ,Zý - - , 1,ý .. - . 1 , '...r ... e - , - -w i =o1l, --i .. . %vm.ýpâuton. ý u 1 .û- rj- :, . . - l' 'l'A-i-'- - --, ý 'ýý : , - 1- 1 ' el. «-e. ý ";.,ýII- ';ý:e.::,. lit b, ý - :,:::. 1 ý Ir.." ' , 1 . +'. "ý ' :1 -,ý'.ý.*.,.:::::. - g:- eCýiu ci, colle,,- , L 1 Airlî. . :7ý-,__I. -1 i a", 'M .. ";i* 1 1-111, ýý., 4' - - __ 1 - . , , _ .wu .- . i oý:, , .. . ý -.11, 1. ý ý,ý,i» , ... - 1 -ýý , - ; .. _..... . . . - - ... -l-,"'N' 41I'.qcril)tiOD for Ille Il lia ý a1t, ..... . '13 - _ a Ig. .: rd Eire. cela hini *12 ý F, ...... i-cýtatlOrnaaBiomelaugbingrep _ ký ý .jiaîs.;ý il s'lut* m % ný: (dt, - - ý . ... ý:. . .. . 20 1 . __ 7> 2 10 ,ly, . La ' ý. ý- ý-' - ge ,'.'- -., - 1 1.1v. -IlIýi's front Lie country ti; . 1 3 GeIlý,, tý1:1 ......... ý - L . 4 ... 1 .. .ý.l Oi ý- 1 >ýý:5.ý:ý'ý '. ,..ý. ý . J' , o ,-,,, - but L Helena was net S.Ùte pleased. unellY. hOw tbeY - boa m2àsed l'Br, and ner>amsi and a costly bracelet enal;cled ýs ý __ , ,-11,ý - ilýl01' '-11'-1-1-"""0--""'21'er __j__-_ý, ', 4ý %ItI'II; ......... -: ý 'a al . -0 _,-I7ýý;ýz ,ýï,j'2ý 2 .5 Pn - ; ne As D.j ilEix r il __7 _ ý it latele.01:01 I)ücélubtir loth.. : ý -, ý 11- 1 ; . àý. .. ii ýji worth UM*.FHd ýl ... ý .. .. .."ýq-eý, - --t;== ý,« .. ra"q'W-111 ... I.... . , «'I»u=tu itywithber«Èad wayabeenawliatliadbeenddne.- ý , 1 thewhiteléold a=Iý,ý .,j :.i .1 ' ' . - Shebadiiot.then.,; *bhtý - Milieu au a% , , ,- * - . - Ili ,-..,.Io-,- -- -- .. Il . - '" ' 1 ý 1 , .1 -à -4 jý,z.-«-' favoraitevirttLe. In eue of rosi illnesi '-'l Sbo'must lie trying'to frighten m.i*. le, 1 - - I.- -___ý ", .11 _ý '- - i . reniovea ý lier jewois ci a ber, artimi ýrsiýb -the ToIeqôjýMépiiu 1 . 11ýoým' -M! ,ýee ý- '. ;ý4ý __ - 4 ý ý 1 ... ý' ý6 .- ..ai _9w ,_ý,. .. Ili, ---ý 9991ýý G. . . . fia2.62 hër,ýivest= iý?au, m ' _ «ý . 'ý ri ,ý , -, . . . . . .4li. ,lw -.-ii,--, -,-,'-_-ý * . - . .- '. ....,ýý - ý1 ý ........ l 1. 1 1 1 *'- -aUûwance wù Of, course ta lie m saute bu subi; I- site; ment, Lui hidden bar. ý aiOssi V-liut' , coula- . have : . i ý-n' le Dit, ýI it.2 -ýL- , .., - dw. - ý 9w- ,,e aIý. . ,wl ppea..-tlir bu. X al 'itio ta . -bi '3 Z "" - 'Ial,-i.eIIý-fIl.,I l'ý.e...d cdu.tyrcýýInt'8un,,rI,;' il hau. noier considered a self. ý Theie catimettle anythicg wro _ rw _gu .;uo..P.,li.1ticý lort- _ýl . ýl1, rE z, zp - .j, 1 '. by, thé - tý th - - Il - _ý,.ý^, --i TIoudRyItthjulj,ý ùiùý.. .e . 19 in - vr jeu - ,-ý: ý 'r, 1 IJ ý-r-'a ia7l..-.n. . 1 et -Why -ç,iis ,Lord fità , .. V( e 7-21 'ýý --"',ý:ýt;ý'ý;-^-';-:,'i-1 ý-"' a., "I' 1:,I..!ý.1-11, ut Io ...a. ý -Id a,.-, dovïn eto--ïhaýý'Uki? le - ei ut. ý.. ý- - - , -1 1 - ý*"'ý, - j . ..... 4 11, 1 , iIeý iIi-, "ý;ý -,.-,[th . 1 . ,extra fatigue as sufficient roason Even as ho epoke, lie toit hovi imp" 1.*.,Airlie's, hochait au tightly eh Il - '.. illiffliteil %I . - 1 ý 1 "Il .*," ý ý.*l .:..l .... ... ,, -'ItlI..týý 'ýpru'.-Lý cun ni , o 1'.ùth',,riiiu<Z-'Dr.ý, .e Il .. ; , -_' ýý,,ý, --ýI i.;.;4.1ý - .. 5 itwale that lits dignübed Beýàtries aboula band? . '- - -, or 1- r.7eï.lour'liluw III4 - ý. - 'pi . .11 1 ý ', ,,:i Iý" Il' ý t.i..IýI) L,..,:a sdlýu9I - -eZ . _ .. ,. ý: ,iý ý t . ý ýd 114ý)Iîoliît,. et Io a. Ill. - scal hersait train table. - ' - - .. _ .= ,: I.ýý. ,.. ri 6ý il - ý ý 1 Idd - - &"liiiýbidly.-jI,- 'e ýjjf, -IÀdl&.,,--.IU,ý,,:,,.Ir-i@' ý ! (".I.ý.,y cýý-o1. ýiz g.-F.-. . 1 .-.->-I-ný,,-ý .,, ', 7_ -1 ý l 1 1 . ý 1 h If , _ýý àpl. il 1- The two, gentlemen taillait gally diir;ý baie donc aùything w-ýéngt;", ý -1 t --,, i - - Lord Airlie, wben hé wu colin enongla jur.dýh,'T-4ëýtiàb wa. oonipm-da àfïà . ý , thali dû . nz ýLh.ýcià I-flo , .. le ý . 1 :, .11 . - . . . . , , -« " -, - ý . ý 1 - stlh. ta speak. suggested thaï; abc miglati have té' « ' - azi a 1 ffllic - a 1 . . ý ,ý..1i.ý, IL, ý.ý .ý,. . ý_ ý _ . ý fast LordE.tl.«kedHubezi' limaumid ý ... . '. :? , p il ý ý ý Q .""",ý. I..I.---- 11-Ult '1ý"ý'."'* 'JLI-L ý" hýIIIl ... - _11wil.y. w-Ib idéale, dait, 1, _", ý_ ý tlirowài Ut qn. L L B .-.,î,ý,%,k. 11111 y ý;, ' rële. ý ý - o - -- -Iioý;- -ýýet-- -ý;d- _ lEu ...... wh à 1;.é*tbiý ý 1- c.- 1 .ý 1 ý ý ,:., , . il ý - -I I--- _., ý lt ail. .ad lholus if w o vieil; m ta Boite, and jecL He boa net issu a since hé ffl a = .ý. ý= ýà '. ,t; ..... .. ,.,;;-ý'. I, i! ýý ' -,i'..I. al il .ý - '_ __ -7-- a mý - bidding'ber gouttiez a il ý . - il .ý.ý 1.1-ý ...,.. - je .*...tlý, 1 4yý.th 11, 1 . ý , a ý ùght. tirait il l t:bf i la Ilia' "el ý , la "' _ýkda4ý.5tý_ , ,ý: . . ý tC kissel lier when . Il ', I;z ,,,e -TQ« , ... w th, edge of the laime au , : m I, - 'Iodw'Tfitlhe. taille _1 .1 ý 'er,11. _.I-----,,ýý îý: iiIll , 1ýIý. 1. t . j . - 15 - nu was und -ri . t ... ý . . ý là ._ ,I.,,ý ý1' 1 , ", Il. i.ý. ý .. , or 1 - ' ýýv fýii..ï;i. a ,- .. .: Il,:,:...ýI.. - .1 ý . ý - 'là ý - , . - 1. a. .. .- -,, - ý- , .. -,.*.. kngine. and 1,.,ýa 1 .le ' -0, ý.,,I ,.",iý-"". à , . . Dy ara 1 :\,:fp:E1*-.ýý1ýý tint, intime tlionght'it laie lumil apollon. Sucette had loft bar - ýLMe aloi ,- q,,ý . i.,ý;:,7 . - , -à. Clark .1 th - Bon a warning ta ýpreaa-ox LI, . - - .ùm do a bigiýemlq O£ apned.ý!tgm ,41, I -1: a Peam 1 h;;,i. ber ownràoincýnilýatucatheu-nothing 'ThatveraýmIs a la .ý a m- III --. .1, ":. f';ý..Ille, "" ý. . ý , _,_ý__._ .. ,. ý - 1 1 . ývaiits.ýutàlù-tbemýit - ap 4e, , in t ý ai .-.Ul.!Be!r,. ali - . 1 C O F F R E , ý1 Il , . . 1 huile nyptr'r.!47AI,-cettitýt_ M . , - il - -I le, _._-ýý , _ _ . - __ zýý ý; À.- ..; Sha g for Susette. tri! huit li ci orý hèàa of Béatrice, à B Bronza .,4.ý ïiliî'ài, à'aiîll>,ýY',ejje .. Ili. a L- .. . ---------- the'whole c6nntry-sido; the and il; o- ý rsionis loù'g .1 , ... 1; ý - ! ý -e,...ni- il . ,,,7 _.11U;,ý:! 1 te ý m o , ý . ., ý - , ej ýý 1 .... A. >:. - .Il - -pou Beatrice, azd Earlè. ., iainèi ,,-Àl.' Th-, th....I,.ýUht.ý.. ý Id comitryjapers meure filleci with file au hé.ý ho laya, .ctà 1. lit - îýýn- ioN _ _ ý-ý ý'*; ..,..ý .:I.-ý.,- ,l'i'.--rý , î 'Il ý ÂÙ,viifiÉïsý111rii i nt Young mistressl F'athLi ana lover went out togathér. m varices pain Il inoi uiü,teùùfiz..,I,- Il ý1.g il g.,ýIý.if..tcl;.4i"iié*c 7DON,. , 1 -, . _. deuil. bUln . the Lou on papors aiterwards tala Loir treét, 'ýO2\ « 1 ; 1, 1 _ !le; . .h.. Il c ', i'ofl,!-itâù- Thei 1 ,, ; . nidled c..dýIrt'.1ýg.v.ý. IeZ. , 13 à the bulk of the .T '... ý ,ý . Eo wever, a ing - . ": . 1 et her writing-tabli, arrang. Lord Airelle suggestea that abc ho jet, .. th of t'le . .IAli,à%rII .Il m .Dielýi'd -: , ý'ý:.,., 1*,'_,ý,i>, p 0 U N K S : bouillirai Misa Earle Il Lad beau ýtLÛ bulk . ;v,«ý ý _e'. ý ý . , -- ! , 'e zid, Il Out fite.lit m tu 4D R.Iý'I.1 c 'o - '. - . 'i ýtIIe chlinty *of Milton. ý ' ý* 28. .,ý ý ', . , ,e 9 tit.. th m train peoria. S , i allel,,,",ar-3 aidant' èngi,.., wàrr', àzié n ana Vol 1 ý- .1 . et-fi o . ýIlý,ý ing seins letters, ,tiheu the maid ratura- hffl galle out into thé gardons and ad a lad white walking in ber sloop.. 1 u- i.-tèi il go. il.. tri .'ý-I,ýI, 1 1 - z -.ýýýý il , l Il .. ) .B in Il ýi- ý,.;..ý% ' s B ý 1 LORD Ille H mAs. They rawl calice from Canto , 1 W fitl'wý.îr',- 1;ut ilo,' . . , __ ----- loblieil ut ber in liriez metwith soma accident thalle did mot c . 1 ý,ý y., ýi ý- .jýt,...Iý,,L lilltil' ' . - ___ Bu, Lard Airlie's suggestion mil , , ý.. ý: - .e. ý ý,i t ,wonder-the giri's fous was pale and went Rrüfully avec avec p.;Ï-ý-thms ' toit, ami tact all'Atatious alongg the Il ... il . ollg'.." bd., il,., 'I ,,ý: ýýl.-- - ___ - ý - t - las* chute. ýe ý .,ý!:ý:ý!;: i ; « - . . , oh, . I .ý'i ý 1 N G . - - .,ý-NO.RTI 4 CO satiafy Bonald Earle; ho won - - - , Ille. at*ýork.: 1 l'a tact, ; . ei i ý el. .;.: 1 . 4 .-I Iit- t. P-e.I.. .. ,:,eýl.>, ' 1 , 1 - 1 ý i' Beatric . . - id .Pt ta . ý . ,."!.,;;, S A K > scared. . was no trace o. Z They vont 'a noie lion, soma train as filir veut au Burling. f, ý,4A;ý * %, . ellilita. Pl - Il . - E,,,iilýieg.l. the 31..],.l LI lia, il will yozz pleillie Il , th bi..,*ý Ileak nrnàfiîý-:àcti... ý:7..- i "I' -_ - 1 leave a darkened chamber. Womon'a ton alla Keokuk, faim. - A spécial and r.:2. wf0ý .:- .'. _ ý , . P 159% D -e"R . st-L 'lai B-Ink.. - ...Myladyllehosi - irough tbe.qhrubbary out into the petit, , * . - . . mvzcm-T..,LLlnà,-2: .A 1 1 1 ',r,!.F,." I Il '" ' le bands remauvect the brIght jewels -loir, e uhile, wzth an Rolulin. of ý 1 ý1-ý,l1t .. ý -----ý-- .. Pitifi. ...'t . . lit t.ýd ý came here 2 Yen are wanted very pax. wherc, the quiet band allons maniant the ý 1 .ý ai k..'.M a . gant lebeap rate fiad* Lune mado'for the I.ý -""' u *... ..ht . I.ral ý tial ci. thé evouing dress. , Lady Helena, liere*i,: - - .. IC ' ;, . - il 1b..I.-. nul. i %j w .ý . . 1 1 .cai lexcursion, and ail sorte of people took alOtv;âPccll this id net the caile. , T is preIarýûdto' MI ail Draa il, . . loguu..t...Ppu tu.. tictici - . green trous. a tliat féll litre train, dried the - the tiain drow ait cl-I"ent of t"t"- howe"iýZhaïll. loi . . ý .W- 1-1;-:!".ý:"I' ,III :. Lady Helena withont apeaking ta denly, Elle the thrust of a shýrp. with tant ý 1 - . 'a ý ý. 'e l) .l.e 1 1 _,i";ý*ý i .Z'ý,1ý',',-ý;1,ý 1 THC COOK'S sud advantace of IL Wficn ,,ý j ý;:ý..ý,,,..ii - ' BES. FRIE'.1u lougwaving baie, ana drow it backfroma ut o , -Àl'o.rtacti.ac.nit..tlym.lot..Il .. -_ . 41 L , . : . ffie gentlemen, went ta the sword, the remembrance of the mormil , * o f ]ýjoria nt éight o'clock I.tlI.éI!i. .. ý. .. .. l ý . 1/1, ,, , 1 . .eu - ! ý;i-ý..,.;.- - 1 l - . &TTFNTÏ6Nt eitbür Of 1 1 chat bac. lis .ortel b.at;-Iflit lave t'.. .V_ 1 WORKING CLASSES lie. - - door whare the girl etood. 1 allant * luttait the water camo ta L ý . ý ý . ..,'ý Fýý, 1"ý-,.,. - - _ . ;_ - 1. .ý . ý . orà the Llac.1il brow. She closed the 6 y -effLot au heidth:ý',uà . - ýl .. .1 4 . ý - .W antèd 1 ri reikorit in fillubihilil ellat'. ,tint ýIni-l.yI.,lIt.t. hot . .nid net cross the white Iuma. .. cripacity. Evary battit in t,,,,,,,I"'r6ýiscia;, . , ý,ý il' o if ad ..ïIýt.i...d lis.* cinîitiilît,-Iidýhîug or 1- i",i; i; -". "::ý:.ý l:,,,,,,ý, -1 ,,,,','ý 1 ý canîia-sÈi& s. . .... -What in it, Sùsetto 2 Il elle asked. Airlie. Ho called ta mind Beatrice's . est. One hold the lock t -C )II ,- __ . * , *ý'. "' "'If.".,.,ý.*e ', iiiib, a"Il , faiar-thé cela shadder tbat seizzeil ber on the cela lire *s1ceper. A3U Ille -ý:_,. . ý . ýl'i. , . .1 1 ...... Do. h- was takcu, und the tint, cars, ýo.I.i..t diee.iiýc. A YI'u.g ,.do Zhoý Il le* l I . . . . fer t ýý,,, ,l .,b,1,ý - m'bat in th. tuatw, .? Il - p3p of dcatla and* IL ' _1>ý ,ýý«". -ý .11, il . .. , -;ýý. ý ...ýI. iIýjF«Ijý%TF.Ly. 11, THIS COUNTY e-----IlIýIIIý." U....I à . . : . ý . 'illi d 1 ýý ., 1 . - , el , 1 ý. 1 y a5oýIý1-t-! "F "a * 1 -. -a,à. *Thé train t1y "...Il bu lik.1y., Il . .., 1 . l ý ý .1 . ý 1 .11 l'A...1119. B, 'Lý ...I..,I,. or inerey's suite, my lady," replied %then elle doclared that ber own face in the firent tight el ý iûd si il 1,1ý%ied litervait, cnn.t.iI',. . 9, .1 '1ýý 1'ý-,, la. ý the maid, "comoup-stairs. 1-Icantoi I;itii a mbeking saille wai lookin- uP nt coula ,ýty iý)eoP1,o. ., ý . ...... I., A .%ý !ýI il. >.:il.l:I... I . le 1 .,I 1. il- ras sa a ,y tbut ,ý . , - « __ - Dot bu move 4', t" eugine.9,Wore, illirittefroni actic fth. lýe.à:,.;"" I,, leur, . , :. 7ý. __ _ te. i . ý haule-fibislil . ., eý, ,. r1î. &C., ,,, v >ý «.. . 1 .. ý "" 'I't",",*""",,ý"*"""""""-, flua ,Misa. Bontrice-sile in net in lie, lier train the deptlis of the wato;l Bonald wotjIdýîo' leave, the zoom, lut laid t , leu it pýseil tbis t",.IIld dtot,.t.IItdriILýi: -BiIt,ýho.woul.l*. ý. . f1 ,Iî i ,ý% . ,,.,,,,,, ' .. -111-11-1111l" le ' ,. Il , . - . . ._1lý ýd their tauat. Boa. 1 it was ait bout and a hall beltiud'àèriéükl>, maiotaie, rieur oý,zdlIt In " Id - r 113'U .. - ý - , ý' l' ,ý()i-il, NNORTII LAND il - louez *, 1, and the girl trembleti violently, Ho vralkeil hurriedly toward the la'ke. Geolle i , aun 1 lIi.tý.,.o... I...glIiiI;, or il .. . . . . ý ýý 1 «« - ýý ir ý ...., -da ýý..,ý,ý.I... --l or lady Helena ,,..,a C e swiled et liez If was colin and elýaý the tell reud rio Pain, ci sorrow moving the sereine . 1 " > >ýr.:, ý ý , . - 1 . 'L 1. . y ý , ..-..I-iýý-I - 1_11 "Il, -'l"'. T...ý'. - tr'ce lýY 'o thm 'wf"-Bcauty of deatl - ltinie. ý ý.1.ý.ii.,,ýý.>.ý-,i-.,-,ýz.ýý-- , ; . . le î î 14 .,..r ,*ý V>T, il -5 rcomIn. , .....e., re....... .ý..ýýýý.,ý,ýý,.ý..ý.ýýýý'....,..,",..,.tIl t station catt of. o. .6 vI.I..t et kind ni 1 C' - -.1, . - ..11-1101111-1.1 - terrer. ý . sud green Badges Bwaying in the wind, lacir placid brow. Heknolt 1 .- ore Do Chainworth, the nSc . b.îtsn lire? « A ge-t !: -ý î: ... = ,Il ý!,i. 1 I ... -'l", , ï, . ý : 'f -1 ÏA ,hile .I;d 1- 1.'l 1.I.."..;.I. .J.,., ý fI.11 .I.1-ply.f ý - .: , ! ,j; - ,sa . . Eig:i.h plivýi-i-1- ý __ .. ___ ý l ýý,ýI: .-f ,.", -a -.nty,, Il She id probably with Misa Lillian." thé white lilies rising and falling with liere,'in six miles ..I.d.1Iý1o,- i ... ;..,>Ilý-i;"ý.I..,,ýý,ýý!,ý,ý,ý,ýý".,ý M il ,..!""!"r, v,.ýý,ýý: - ý %l", Il di. 4..,. '. ý,:ý . .:: , ý;:,.ý ""' el off alla the tell thore l glieu . ' ".' 1 Il . _ , , -.. . , 11.-I-ýt..I-.t.- -.eh,- Id -TEEL FAP.MERS' TUAL ridiLultaDr.1lieliar,13nit'inr4 -01ating . 1 , 1% il, _ . I- - .., . . ý ýl.;I , . Iý .-_.Iý..!,-,-,: . . bv lier aide. It was bis Iittle Béatrice, ý- .:Iý,ýe.1.Il'y _ý >.I.;..ý'..:!,,,,I.-r;!i.1 ;.':ý.'ý , . .'ý'ý'..", ý ;j , I.I ,%, .lie ",,l >,ýl.ýili.l.. -been, - -, abc sald; Il why maite such a mystery, ,he ripple. 'flic biýo shy atid green J. a. il, sa tue t2r. 1 . . _ ý ý', ý-- .:;IIý N. . ,ý,ti.,fp Illak this stri gel cela, marble fitatué-his wl18,ntade in savon minute 1 th.it it i. tue chlictil ... lia, d'..ýý...".ous , il o ". 'ý- :I. .,. ý l' -,.iIl,,%.!,i-ýl:!l ('ýn.-I. - .;I j_ .ou ,..,.,l -telle 2 Il se fifteon coaches - ,ýflitatioi,.. But it --t.Iku3,, with the tee-. -1'4,ý.'.',.-., .1 . - .1 il, . Buste trocs were reflëet.e(l in the water, the littie baby Beatrice, who liait Isaped livrible immlentuiij arche !. , , ý _* . . . .. - - __ - I - ..._ - ýýIý . ,ý, ,lit il,, .'She la Dot thora, m wu cligifne . ý . ý,ý .. ', : - ý. ý:, tý. - . j.....--,-ý l,ý, :,,I"I.i-,;..:I 1.11 ebly y lady; I cannot ileýisure-baat was fastened ta the boat. Il througli space 1 toLýb,,. for ail. , 1 « . .,.;,;,il%.!. File h e.urarce Co. Lis amis vous aga, who hall criait sud and t a attends, ý ý, _m - 1 . . , :::,ý,, lui ,,,,IIi,ý, t. -ý..t - find. ber," was the ansiver. balise. How was lie ta know the lier. Probably the treth id that . _-ý 3 .Il, . . . . ý '. - ,I* , _ ..11,e il alletli - lauglied, «who bad-learmed in prcttý, ma. et the rate a mâle a minute, eau ho,, citait .eifor..Itl; of .lition'or th. phylhud. * . ', w - s . .M. j;. ,11,YCIII-*ýý.1,, 'ý ' . ý"!:;:ý:-7,-î,_- .. l ý , - C., . 1 . . 1 I ,,.,ý.lýi.. le. ,ll I, bItat . 1 . - . la beautiful unacratood. The train dia net stop at tibia .. mental Di , . ý à ý* 1) . Il Site may bave gune.ont inlo the gaz. cible secret of the lakii 2 . ý uynel. i. ne u.f.ro, ,;.t . . 1 . , 1ý Il. Iýi11.Iii.11-1I,ý. il., 1-k ..oe 1 e. ý Iy, Airliel" crl3a Lord contai ta Huit Il!% nqlue-b f..,-. t,.,.,e*I*!,",,-' 1 1, ý a Lady Helena. Il Came &wu ' wilo Chatinvorth -and abat ber the small' 'tio.i.IttIIiforiIity. Âtlmyrdteýarfity .., il è. .-*1ý,«ý.ý:,ý!;;,.*:. . don or the groituds," soi child, lais . ".I,.ýý. ,::,.'; ...., ; I-lshali go nodal 1 will cuit find Il --r7-, - ý ,,, ,, ý . , 1 ', , le, f . ..I. . - My lady," Susatté wbisperettand Èarle. 1 1. clin ipi.. of lire. * TImpe--Iý -j'pour- te . ý . . . ; ý __ . ---= . ý . ,,I.I'-VIý. IIý;- Iýý.i-i.- ý- ..,ýiil,-.'I' "'I"ar-ý't' JOH N 0 0 0 N E Y il Il .i.ued fifin the proviens oi.ht station ýjjtb liglitniu, speed. Thorn -e-.:=:«T - , , 1«;,e, ý%.,- -ýz--f t!.,, co'mi.l., ,t , IC bave a rogular 1 il lie spokejostin-,wordatoliciabUut miles saut of Chatswarth in a lý. . ý, , . . . .;j ,,i. . :et.ý NICI, .%booý, j., Idan -!ýý.'j ,::,ýI,ý',,ýý .. .... !%Ii','ý'.I!,-'.I1--.I. ffi, 'rerit.,y A ý ý ý Il . . v i o id tu lj« ce - ài ý, ý 1 1 1-TO Ni -- . ' . ' . .. -Il . ýi :-. , :iýý,:;.ý;Il - . '.. "ý,I', . a, .ý..t ... Ilutain 13THORIZED GENEr.AL AGENT lier boit bas net beau slept in * mothirg- iiearch." 1 ý ber lover. And he batl envier labard lier siough, and hors the railicalail crosses.a nulice in out - a fè%v aisée . e 1 i 1 . 1 1.1.iI. , 1 ._-_ý .- *:":'1,ýý.1,*,; -, l , '. .. ., %.ý;. t l . FUR SAID COMPANY. . ia'touched in lier cocon; sIlo'ýas moi In a fow minutes the willest confusion vu nid haut it Regain. dry rail abouti ton feet fleell sud fiftuen lobait. It.11 d.poud,ý. ' .. 2eý - Il . : . 1 ý ýý .., - - Paralh-1 BI1.1m« ..il H 1 base in itall niglit 'l and dismay.roi!!ned hi 1 . ýü-)jIj .k 1-.I.,.ýc')'["I'. M_, i,*..- -.s..,- il.-Il. ý ý i mIl ý l . 1 . il, idiali ellid Illi -te CIll . . . I,ýV,:. ..II.j,.il).ý.i,., o-I',ý13.11j -Iielka.: - EÀD.OPFI(;E.. : . BRA31PTON. A,,hpck of uuutterab'e dread seizeil wept atout, and ni races grow pale 'lad abc calleil hi- iviien the dark tact %vide. Over titis was stretelleil an ýýo: Itro.*»IY .blond id th..rg.1niel't en . . . - 1 1 ol, Ca i 1; l d * ý Zr ý ý 1 .1 . orelitzary wooden treuille bridge, ana as , ý ý, . ý , . 1 rilliant. waters cloaca avec lier h , 1 ý- L Il . ýl)(!l jý'r1jm'. r'. -Le.1 le iii..%Clýlý.lýr ltol3lNSQII, 1 TIIo-ý. BOLTBV,ýP-.. L CIIEYNE. S.. ; a sharp aimant secouent ta % ith. four. 'right Laid? ' - 1 digc5tion 1 macuteil bý, teetot.il locturdri . . . , ý The beautifu , b hi; Ld."r(lýYtIb".,.gh ber heurt. Cela, motiouless, uoý9lcazn ut lire or thu excursion train came thmideric ** . . ý .1. . I , t'a ý : - - ' . ý ý ', ":1ý > .1. ý::I,ý ýF,..'I1II;0N 0. ý 1'tibu.hor - . _ . .,-- - .1 liait i botii by , 'a. Ybu.la.,. "b,.f. . ý ý-... V... ; I ;;ý t x f Ball'i i ý voulu- mistrose boa di3cLppeared, and l 1 (ild (-:llI-ýiljqAý 1 1 is patrons I*,,-r:: - , '$22ý,ý "Irut à' F .Jr ;ono' know lier fate. Tfiey scarched -and this was Dora'Il. little child 1 clown ait it' %filet was botter of IL .à > T. il,. avili . . , ,. . . ý ý, . ý .ý.-.-.--- ýý lit... - 1,i.ý ý z , ý ý . U $100 "Tlieremiistbesom mi-L-ika" Rixe IigIib ginceron the front euginewlienlie- .zuký and Sp.o_ý ., ý CHOICE o - -, He uttered a ýreat cry as the theught en, : I.ý t I . t il dfýxfrzIti.n . . . .1 i ý « l'110. Rise " i.i-%rt. iI..,. , 8 AIM L* S ', - 3lr.ý1Ic - ta ', gently ; III wili go up.stairs et. a ce utar Io ' ' 365M -ORGANS , . veilh gardent, Parti, and grenaille ; men in bot strack him, Il Vhat vould Dora say V' ew thaï; the bridge Was on lire. Riglit .bi.l.t.ly c-..ý;Ioeiijg,' th.uuh a'pýl-tt'l ,111I) 1l"Ile. 1, .lte 1 . . ]tante went hither ana thither; white .-il and finit ý . :;,-1*!,ý .ý%Ï*'. .,.,-;.F.1 ý , , ý He lovrd Béatrice, yêt for ùIl the long up before Lis - cyni leaped the briglit ý . o, . . ?. ý. , , . . . . - - - ' li .!.;:.,..,."."I,.,!ý!-I.iýý,..,.,.ý,:,,-ýý ,ý.Ijlý...d viot 1 11-Le, a. $Ica lim .ýý.ý111 ý ý. .île rooms wers withoutoccupant; no Lady Enfle lay huit lisait witla four, and hildhood lie liait beau ab. Plantai, and; the uext instant bc was 1 ' ,ig..cnt. Dr. T. F.' ý . ,. le, .,% lII% (-(,iiýiderin ]:. :,,. III:EýGT.J: 1 f',',I_:.,.,IàlIrýýh; A. MUSICAL JOU14Ný"...., I,,.,.,ý ý,>-z-,.,uýý, 1 y-IT uiry or. thouglit would dittivate the' : ý -Iii;ti-!.ý:tl . . . ., f 1. i _.^;ýeý7 __ I ... l I..ý.ýLI;f!.,IIl. .gaý ,.Delle disarmy of jewels, flowers, or dreqqeH, Iiiiiian resteil calnaly. knowluc, tic o was no chance l intë ... ,Iiv.... of il..,. ý ... . 1 ý _t i 1 . "Il, , - h .f,îhlý : . )thing B', lier. How muet Dora love among therril Tiiere lo eNIabôný a meilical profeusor in oncof . . e 31 ', 1 ., 11, ý , .,.,,l .,..,:, ý e ý, ..i 1 '1e .1-1,;,, a., C., ___ 1 . . iýlýtýili,ýsu.11.11,11ý'Il.r-z.ote .1 kt, 1-mullial. ai!II no Little alipperà, no simple trace of Des. of what hall limllpend. . Mil a Palier 1 E%ýI: trice's présence was thure. IL wé-9 Lord Airlie who first suggesteil L.1,to child.who liait Blettit on lier besoin, stop. But'lie passait ovor in illafaity, the' Tlr,,nto lichoolit of inedicine, in i. , , ;- , . ; j;. "T. uY IN«sT]ti'.%Ii:.-,*T (;17.%P..%ý,*TEED wiliblm Imn th ýt-.,à,.. Il...g II, yý-ý, I.IIII.Il i ' 1;1ý11.ý'.ý,.ý bel Il . , -As reil!d befors the rucene simulerai conferenco l'oit 5.17EAIls. 1 ý ý 1,1 e,ýt ln ,hct ff'l'a. $22.oo. vo'eli.ly Il who iras now part-ed. train lier for the tirent engins keeping the rails. . .ý 'ef-1. -lie NV'lýy*' . 1 ý . - 1 luarI ý",Y..b.ý,ibýl-,i,..e.,ý.1.ýo."nh Thé pretty white huit %vas vintoucheil that the lilLe aboula bu dragged. The . , ý , ,)., ý *.... . ý. fiý , e-ilyi - , t ý!l .11-4 le.l., the rallume .or daille for 81.m. li'd j'ur.%,L 1, 1.,Il.lil, 1 . ý it went avec the bierl'ggj tell bancale it, of 1th. ek.,.It of. Enpýa.«I Temperý.co . ý ! ý, «ý 'le W15 !,-:'ý:'ý"ý'?'.' s'ý , III: -no une liait Wept lu ic; the millets %vers latin raille Iligh in the licavenui thon, and evnr& , band. - Ana then bis thoughts went bàck ta ana it coula onIý have beau the tortille 1 S.4idty said - 111 ni ,et.. rf.r ta Rit 1 ý . a.1 i 1 L"'. ,- '..e,ýt ý 1.1i Il - B.E . id ý-!,u:!.-ýI,!I1,*j,-Iu; III.,.u-IY and e....t.i.,. 1'..tý.ýtiý. .,tl..]. f- t id ! , ý . ý ý . .1 j : 1. ý .. ý .. ý . icvtýtýn"urte'ebeua"ýilýulýiý':êl't'rýall'i'pl'."'1. drawn, and the suidiglit atru,.g.oIbd ta alloue glorionsly over vinter and the old subject--l' How boa it but, - 1 exPIerîment whizii id filequently lierforiticil . * - - i ý . iý,.-.Iý:..,-. .. .1 ii.ýi.ý lui ý..u -.1 et ,II..[ 1 enter the moral LaiIý Helena wallied Thev retrait the titi and Hawsou, a,, ? What la a k ýp..aorofitho train velâch. saved the :1 ta en ber ta pee gineer and bis fireman. bYisO lc,.t.llý. ta ý th. «. .. ----,- - r ,.>!ý.à'. ;et ;,.,ýr.t..it ,,le iIi-.cr,,,L ! . ,ý . -1ý. re - .le lives 'ea > ý . 1 fii4.11.iirth.ý.,,Id. ..Il si.t ;-r ý-.II-.Iel' el ma,ý-, cathI,1.1. 11-ill... lutin ?'- But the IIeýt engins weut clown, and 1 ,,d,.il.r und o ... týr..ti.. or g.pi-,g -mý,Ile i :> ', ý ý 1*,ý,1*:%IILISIIF 1l1R!F..ý, Mal. la «Ieh I.. alii.j., 1, m1,1.1ý'.t mochanically ta the window, .and drow the bitter, with Lee and patient, two . . a en ý . . > ... . M i8ja ' , ý > , q.ù,,,,. i illi. IF r lubliýti.I,.,r a timide the lacacartairs; thon alla looktal gardcners, got loto the boat. . Father . .. Il ,ýlýlo.. P.I,1,1. .,Iý" . . - i . . 1 1,11,11. 1 C ' ILVI Il 1 .ýllý,ýitý.t"I,ýý; . rond. (l lover stand aide hy sidecht the habit. (fi'n 1 1.1-r'iil.11,rl,".,,.".,,,..,",,.,,, thli, s.y.. They., ___ ýý ý Il.,, eî.,d, 1. ý.iýtd.ýý. 1)..I,,t . 1 (II ,VV770 0 L ! 1 t 1 ,.% i N. 1 111 1 il 1.1, \11 - , . i. ý' ' 1*ýl-,\'. . . kine t mi wbo might'hýo tala instantly the deuil of talleth was donc. «PI l . alla Tho boat glided softly over.thé welter 1 Lion, battus, mental, awfut chaud hall Car crashait foie car, coaches P'led . Rail &orne brandy ta ilie white el an epz ý j #I', ý , - .o. . 1. Vniel. .).zlt,.,I,.l Iý;-oony, lit au .1 ý ý .. 1 1- 1 .- , - ,le, IAF, Iii.iI'IIIiý;,I. Il.. ou, Add-.. F. It. NoRTH A.. ce.. She bas net slept tierce " I.iBafil; Lillian. Already wcah and on top of another, and . , 1 1,;,,;,.,..r, .'z s !:e'ý Iý. ý 1 .. N&I".q ciý.t..tst Il .ýIi8s thalle the men boa heurt once ton -' 10'zeIl ni)( in thé twiukliug and .Rý : -Oh, whatia dreadful rider thie, e, ý ,ý . ro.Il vhil.dýllhi., Il.. -Isba ouest bave Blept wit . ý ý ý: l' 1 1U . . . . ý . ilits, Ivl';ýl.-Iti« ' ' - . a the l.ke ý ý ý ,et i;":.....ý111...%.I.-.ý.!.ï.;LiI (:!..:..I,.,4..dt..; --- ý -- .ý.ý - -9 frightie. -DI SuncllB, 1 *!il. bu, without auy result. Hope was ris' lit, clin won lanable, ta tabac, unable ta of au oyé'iiearly aile litandred peciple làl,.l iý 1 it býj., c..kil th. agi,." 'I:hey -1 I"-;".i . .,--.". - 1 Y.-hù.ý . - 1 1 ,ý """ " je .'l ]!,ý1:. ., 1 W.! -- -.%-,:,,.,. . . l., ^. sud ... .YBoIfcýý .balle lier fiicas, unabla'to t0il -right round instant death ana fiity more nari tint baiest enotigli te teil illico, Alint , ý 4 . 1- ý. ,.t. l' ,r. i:.ý.ýý.ý,..-,, E.1-bang,,ýVROI1.', et 'i: 1 . - iucaý-ain in Lord Airlie'ii heurt, when ' .ý j.'ýý LE -ý'VTçol ' n M I ' i ,1ý. ', - ,;";.Àý:.I..;I l'i.o ', 3LIeýt,: > .1 - f ,,-.wroiig. _ __ - -- - . ..I..1). hurt tlir.3- doublent lire. Aq the TlQtýdj oRetrie juiue domporcîmélir thm . . . . ý: i.,:.e ý . ý 1 _. r;ýý.- L-'b-là..,1111l*%ýsjZ. -1ý9ýyu.l.."...bthý.IýglI th. protty I;ý7 ,»,ýýe. doute, in the fiçnt look et ,.Il, te ,,,, miette bala il. A u ,,-T k ýÔ N " «ttivj-léoiiý, ..lié,. tue boulin Býatriçg othor, thon et Ilime. ne tO'tl'O mý'B'.f.r the wound.cl, they were evDrý,%ý-bore. , lulinu thing with albulorn before iliji . f ý , , .. _% ý ý ý _.; 1 *4;iý 1 1.- ý - ...1. . ý ...".: -.,!,-ý, Ilbe I-ý ,ýh.- ;"tIý.:,.,.I;,:6 I.. 1. Illa . . '.wden Lord tory, sud elle Icuelt l'Y thot 51enth-fied Ouly thé sleuffing coaches P.scalied.. il, L doit t- 'IiII ub;t'gula-.e it'ag .tir,-Iv ulei , . . a ýý . . , *ý ;ý .: i l . - U,, -4. àtI-1 'for ordinary . *,',i, i.ý l-. .. l'IlIll': '..'n Il l',ý--,l:e:.. ý .. . e - .en le's ,alet.,colniug mil ta ý 1'l'H an(' eyes full of à Inched bI,ý iive m;uùtes of Inidniý,ht. . II.Le .ballot ; et- that tic flesiaiiedly illoît. iýen raadiug lay toton the table, on r ,-,."Y Luli - saiù ' C ; i ý ý 'j' .: . 1 ý __ terrer. lier face s,àrt[wl those vvLo Down in th ' dit.lz lay the suýnd .Wdllin .ilin ,v.ta,1,.f.re . i , ,ý Iý, -tl "o'-ýhcd - - - * - . -.- Lillian'. chaliner. 1 ÏlubDt, w't" paie, I)aT" - 1 - ý I- , il:.? I 1 :ý e wools ouly ,. ý ý. ý 1 ' ? , - Li ý 1.I...,, ý-*.,il.",.m', Id tiIi'.ý..:Ity la elM: The Young girl ivas awalcc, Iooking Il pray talw my mailler boule; they have .aw it e , uating iLýl > . 1 . ý.. 1, '. . ýý - ; -': ' - . I., 1 je. 'ir %%'illi.ýIi 1 le .1 - ,,ý', le, ; ý ý . , . 1.Iýý 1. r ý 1 ý EACH PLUG OF THE lier Borrow fourni no veut.ý ý 1 - . , ; - - : , i _... -, 1 ý: . . 1 . .'!,ýý":. I.,,],ittI,_, .fi"tt. sh" . . - ...:., . , 1 . le no tours -* tien ,,entre oves """il chum,"ed leiremait.&IIIegatebftdl)ýinjured.. On li -I exf.ci.II.I, > ilhonjug lhat tcI-ia :, . . . ýý fU ,,,a .î,iI,.ý ti:,p re.td.t ,.it-I;!ý of*diz.ti.,n of ail '11,1.111, ý: -,-e->:-«.ýIl - ý, * =1 ý7- :M eii-I.M. .ked the ilight 'borate. Lady fidio. I.riýiceliimlinine; awlpIeasekcep.i.t.jý ;lie coula net replias t ' 1 1. .1 . . ; ci B, ý . , :: . lite ý . .. - x 7ffl e N.C OV Y En"- ooutrolled ail uniotion, and went Lady Earlo and t').u.womouauontofthe that ii ras Bi who lay thora, sa .an .flein , .Dl,,.IýTI, 1 rowo. thatli[ru,., 1 ::ý- *:ýýuI-,,, ch'-k lý']:;";.ciu - ,ý - : . ý:. *ý9 . , top m-cre'Ifiled the .three baggage carme ýî _ . ' ý .e .. 1-l'..,.,."ý..It%,...ý,,ý-.,,,ý.-.,;.i..sl;Kiý,gst.1v..IIa- . . . . ý top of ailoth.r litte a chiâtes et ý ,o.Iý ýe - *ýý'j* .. . .. ,.ý,ý.,.;I.;i,.:. z.->-!ý,1,i.-if..!:.I, . . 1 quietly up ta heli way.', ' calm and still-licatrico, %vite hall knolt aura ;-I,,ý%ýi-it.., '1',,I-I,-Ii front ýI5c. ta $les , ,_.ý ý . ý 1 Il Haiîe yen acen Beatrice titis moto. - Il IVhat is it 9" criait Lord Earle. bonne dilate lie lins, swc,)t 't %'r't" diffèreut , rels. -Io, r.t--iili,,gl,.I certain .1 , ý . - ý. : i. ..I.- .. 1 "., .. ý . 1' , . 1 1 e ý -1 ý- ; -1ý - - . - - d . . .1 i _ 1 __ -.-,- _ ý ý ___ 1 1 - - in * . Il nt lier 'cet, and praylui that abc voulil his boulin. . ., ; . . ý ,i ,:ý. ; . ! 1 . l . ! Iieý 1. 1 _ _ _ ý . . ý IS MARKED g 2" aile asked. Il 1 waut li.r.11 I.S.".alitoweAirl.-e. M'batisit? 'l.ý,titiu.,. doit .tholle in -'tait, 9I,."til il ,, . ! t1i'l. ,,,.t";iIi..l lInri _ _ . lel save llcrDLatrice, wlie hall belleved i q, -! r. *I, . ! ý.I I ,,.,. a .... .. f'. . ý Il Came away, Il sairl Lord Air Thou -calme the six Ility conclicil. - il .il. ie.1 ý,ieseý . i il' ,, , . , : . ý 0 -- No,- repliait Lilliau; Il 1 liive mot - the climax of bar happi. printintim: diglut.on. 1* ...-J :1 Iý; týI Il Ilivit f.e', au.. - 71! m m , - . . . Tbey Ira,. tel.scaped as cars mi h4% show. that dun. î r ta .tio .Il Ili es%. -i . . 1.,ili..". r I 1 IM , ý,,., el T 4 0 .Buýierâiuce just 4.furo dinuer laît î; The mon will net werk whilo wc arc- liersolf sa ncar ! ý 1, .T . . : -Àu ,e B, Wor. bof.ro, .el D he.'ý i l - , .1 . ý 11.1l'. i IcI i , m , ý , . ý; Rou ,loi: jý7I - Dess. ý l.ýI %'ý,i-'I-r .t.,; ,,IlI,- ..îý-,Il. t-ou ,vaut * ri , l', 7! ,,ý F, ý - - . ning.l. ý -ce." . . . . m and titres of theinývercýioniBissinany.éabe.%aýue .

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