TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 14 Jul 1887, p. 4

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Ileracf . iyïL ful àdsId WId. At0cn iE.d 'Iil55 550b . i>Isoo r log!,,i.,b, îltsI ir " b«olt I5s hi J'y M04 15 r . lMt;~ t.'-dhhh0 ia rior. - A r i. r, htdir.4 jtt.rr huiill5.- t : i , r tium othiii b S 10 <S j; prslsh îen & OInld .mli élittt o ol.ty, orrosirlItrlitsass.rls ooplwhn. Ttt 10- otO; ths.é OtArot libssrerrOolsttsOs ,,,, rrsc i,gb osososhtis reS ter ic 0 '51015 ibo,eoîtx 1 in Thbopî o r. o o s«A sbods iln. w si.~o~b ehv.ou oattlib t i t bs. .o Isoo..it.l osnl oor'orssdle] rsdRoosairrs rhors jeabo rss stsih«om , u'Amt6 aepnro g tipod fi s i son osor .msse sio r igb i burs slssr t o AlI e nisOossOo ,00sstsît sssOyý H-ha Oi15..5055 ffesnga , ea ý ,o sE .s 12»e; sta.b .le i! br s orrtisd 1 lîr 05O i te ap00 me,* fo r th mdr v, IlyhrlpîsosîIL o prï ces ô .u vor. .ihe [ci 'd ai' al. où whse ait i i t ook hiTOpooibhstostoot Os do:sy-ts or, bfos ors. s osS pr psso rbbotr, obioSobrshy sy. Tbcotoirsast rs.trstis ts osssslg.mo . w To_; -4 srrboot h iOt ofras niv y At shA rsf ss th ni rprU i s ors ilosOOSthe isoogo O. sdsrotsd. -i:, so tîprry osrOsfssstrtrrr 5 f 0il r -' ob,,c loeri qooolur o 5 t bs12jmcr d bObt ni y. ss- - t1O 1 sIi . ...es sotan A nigt ilotorro bottr.,. s - . risosoA lososs theinsf1015 lie5 o- tstrolsy. 'thî. ba i tI* - es w o.. p ossoi.t. stoun Os roro Jobsitoo weiglid frin thé ainethoralva cao Oso ousnaturethsh ô bu U n .s i x o r o r r ,, O t o j o g t b o o r lroas o nr. .O s o 0 0 0 0 , 0 5 0 5 5 . o r p s t h e1 0 0 c e. i l o lri s b s o i s s O o r . 1 isf i z-ta te ko tst tým t tu i.tuatellro:i400 i al'ac tarelamequatiie o t r o iribuo Cso hy ,o tr te50Ao rb t e tYijrli Cirrn trs, t.trrr:O sors s AIrre trOo- r hl m -d lil il t vngrte ticfincs rts or . Th. ..ros Iorolrîor saist opti r itblsos h' ro1 Vsorbl0 po bohs.i . ftbrs oO t erro bro1ootra s lireYso 100 Orlrioror m ;ctong îiojoogosrooîo r.Sh ovesro;oOroo, O itoo. j oseuril rrdrbsîssftOoos.tr rr tVeci n ioofteOnootrio rint. f - ps*O ltsrsstC. tbi.sîh Ososo oroolles An sooos o brio s, r P.ol %V.rîr,1 ho tliltis O in osrtt f b liorf rvsinto.orobo l t e i e srlsoiait! .L J. .Ia T ... taol l'y oint t tIsOpro 0 îirv, oto.2flr s boy bosoc.ro dsOs--Jîs r rs IrobiîsOhlioroLsdo AN]It st .. o,2uls O roi! sproo roro ed tfen .. lTuesloo o iîs 0110 sloasnoit e bors boro r-.ai au l lou-th .nby ofdisso s - o s Oo l00ithmigi.i ndicattio n Gaorri th.tubsoAoîoA !rks i , b. ;d ta Corros r .O rorlle r liho utr i.t R t rt o iF ah io 1 bs b rssr rs 1roib o Oo girt.,00rlgor s 1-i. isol, toge oo.de s Ors ,oos0rro 'Jsb biot n10theoo.gljob o l'vo. tu ;lI trOoo rr ronos l ho 00 A, loiri btit gio l oou3t. roo t hé b in osî rirooof t h o crt Von hrjorsii.o fOor oonionrdOont tusbroirl by rOI, -a ha "Iooll .t rhensi ti ont Alfrrrior.Or i dîo1.liey irnrttrt lort oirrthgIl b ir ,4 buîiîosn It o-r. OOOliir torbollonrty.oo o s e .rOW i,oovirthomunibroîs 0 ,oa o bs g1 li tlo e ororsit Oongsîrool Iro lroi 000thé 5a. 5I l 2a i ust rr rie, i tio -rr. rro ...orrîgotts ooOn50rootofsi rol rirobrdfCoroth.orrloor. r ootcy ansocoinrî Osou.iti.ol..ot XRAOR1NR 1d Obo0001 soootol rosiri rooost T e slo stj rtofOrsths csO iothe r u arrssro tionogoie,b r odhaoe orpir.th]a pount he (ifli,î, -osIoolrijorn o osai wss trernooo of Obo Cbrniajo. the hoa, :ir--dii il onooth. dolrroorol tsooolsyen0 10 00000 l'Y hors SOos nb 000:plaobrin nt eo (oob ero0obor'ilrooée.iorhoootthO bi 5uothe Id bo .l:-and.noI.ASO L l Chubrmn I0rug ohenue,1 di ..b .1t h. cvci, r.r b rl. odp.iInIsoifooooooorsoorooioOobrooOsOolobi.c0,i trr- rrce. br od ,201 si 1.0 rllos io rlloiroboshbooossOrrroo oi..sroororrro slsbo, oi n oso bo Ooidro of itOb io 00,Osn lob t Victoria tsS bstO eng cln atreog a Neolsi oon. sn inchbdyootod Onbut)tgrOsoioo 0 00 .!letostNewiorYok I lrîobor d rbs o nt.îrrsdaro thoapMilSau serf th. iio r ,, li aooof h. ht ro00000r i roororro.o r v rn noboi) psrsost. * hylbRiveeî feot Os.i ta sol .i ssos Otian ta iote p agi io olac s Oi rooo.o i h v co nl.a CIb .. f W 9,e nt i g hé o d boStos. 0Ooisoo8,00og0 l% ail o,' Mahorouaios os lb litola -mamlpror b t othe ot fono f wer i.-so tbosy h.loriiono iooylr o s iollOihei - ..otolîs sfbn c u) ýah Addtio n ai0li %as lig tl d ,oi 00.0n s ntto iro.oi, bro 51 I rou to tivICr a feu h7. o 1h: A LIM 0F i .oso i t ooso lii l rtîirîl ooros lOr o p...oo s beau00 00. ,rsoi ob rOe en ino - il r ol si. 2.051 iboso os Ibît&Uîse i l.dlin1 - aoi M ert ooioorio I nuo crn rsi bto h J Il. T s a s a ptr r rrt op o O o . srtoOoir,,hlprtiooortheSColoniallbhoy s :s pob oottre r oIm tg iofretîr t i l ni s oi iuth t 55510 Il .i ' t rio: 1ro inr, b eî,g- t hoOoc n s tar i nd fMsin ,sit Ith. i . lt-nlof in ne 4 500 ,01i'.r ens tti l inb eu IIo. I c h Sut i dst i ii oprle to rtos ooco.ai..otd by 0 100,: 0oog0,ps00hsio 0555500 1'.tpliooiros I o lend.on.t fr the lss ios o is therioOOirsrotel.sor o toiilt Nrîtlrt IV CrsiitrirsOh tsorooss b loctry lloro n ott rostaO. iro s tepooysl oue rtsof smrsEt tliets.mso Isooesroa the s5,ooOOO l ier eovrso. . 0.and o rai bOor tbols ro d tiiorronts rîrb P - n n lre n. s e oon tlofiorooronthe chl îroog i Joloi. oployth d.griroi1noblî , orr t h.Poun fil Lh ; I l au r nu be, ogrt ariOrtoS pooshe iri sii yoof a,.. r ho0gto 1 e. GSh 5e lucs.* .. .si , .a- h l ya-otonio îr-ioo l lt ii - ubrdotshow biIiorr. haï;o t hr.E p s Or, tair hola5e, brtu8 e T .-ohema -rbil s biotpte bty Soglrrto!oidforrlrdhla bn od > staA hblonrirs ori2000ios rtho retait otr on t r' odycs osot oinogo MoIII,îor n =1oo , sit r lii r. tOob r o rdmii seIl Or ti s pIIoso - se toc o ofol rsdy.sncoo Tro ossoflsp oorr th Conc l ientoori isheitOrho000515 Argoo 100 bamirto pythésb htsrO rt sSttsrîsos h0ltrsdoo flest IrltOo d bOtS. 1101 folioîtt hotttortgllo loliroy y t, 00. umsoor iri 1otis D rthP.io toIsper i r son s aoods sioslt hby to, roeune, siel u o rl y l ts Soosorl ors îbsrtst I Icor l h sr b~ sau ha h o nne adylchiof il atOt osossty for àthoto pon ftea Ilo. a Pntto . *lr orrodnroOiboroiroo sh butte. fi' !h1Iî,>" lý'1ý'à,",,:j. th,- br pnbc. a b vt ll fid ith Sl:i Loob rîrsbOto on oraspisobîn o-oo hoiools a tibîn at id 1, il..bom lr AtLth.ol..ritt leos t I r it orrO ors Aobelrroin I *cela Oo ror o îl sOlean o oio oîso orm, -4 orgOroro Ite al i s 10 osstoolly IrLon lbo m oss ibolso fr. lur n itiOgraOin, 5 hrshb.IIoiuS1iS ItI o iîoor u lt îr 1 ;'otaby ls .8. ts-i, i ntao* bors is oiiio rI t . - n tu e Mo.iit es i, vhc ttIb,ootuorubineiot, te oi'o rOsrgioii pIiy oiOSotreblioso 0have r iî toliiOîrrsItsplb-nirtis OrsoP Ioodj.rtiio iirtooosooito.l. ooa, lSnn. rdob Ocobir raticioLsoîrlotssoitp aobo oIV.Ce.OnliOOtolO thtisOtrbr.irtlo ol orFac iooAînossboooofor blia r o fs lrrnosoOottoror ac I I rro Ilo l Oro .. . ibOtsirl o , mbl o. PIC 0 p 2 . A t tlsto Tor IL 3111,1111. tbonrrorgbiono..il ssoîgloplotr.rtrse rt iot t t nO i e lo .no m. on EaOrSOsothfnns oiOtorsoso. bror.s .p1t.g S Iol, a r ti roflolo s taS rt or urors rn Shoe 1 .,W rh 0 . ThsoritOs ra obrlisît ootl sOIprv tba o Oto Iro lobs %at f od. tj or he RýýtInis liut u c nnueYotlitst e weo onud str ois h ck rs tus 5 ,rtoîtyottooooolo.siih osisOibc.. phpointoeilbooh. c t i r t tottr q oo SOhosostosol - .d rgrosoOby tirs ooortootion. ibr aya looO .ooo otI" os tdFs.roai. t t ' aoiO looobrsonpororrsosy o..oss veiysof a il pur oitsrsorigancr l Middson rnnravi ng orloîoOo Ompr Gsootoa te the, Mo ois iioorEssssta,- - ioio riob yto r î ik ssonoll ItO , Pus tOosnofl 5 oC:ole' of .sr:1o.Itno.rrtrnOooryorsrs i.soriva, troOsstinitao~ sîrsrshoiooOonoblboirlosborooO i es orodro i beersira.r:te . vifl.toroo lro il.ip ann. orlOottbonin ooy soA tporsrnot. TnimlodriolsontIoo OonS attdcosolrc i 0roobonorot 1 Onsor rosîlsoolo ry ei th rrsooooonttrbteis Ttooo spetIon i)s ue daao u.yr, t.dntr 10 outnas o, den oo rt h rorr. titi, 0 OtOIV;erv 1 0 fisisinonl'o nrnie li- h c ento 0 lot instol a rcns oo dtui lve n u Iyinvostincbe. t %osdt Il Os aiie.. l l otrgo l sitirîiO ic o i roipls,,. istor il. e ai d.oonoSCsOi. t.rd. i uel ; auL0c ài c7e, Il - averalcurimvvas equirelîonootoil ,opeil, sis tr1....cpol.,es y..Os î$1.!tfet t1.25.a air stal snietsthei sten-tlilitputy goro.s« snirinlie rotst te nobih' oioioin o lIsiral aniaor frot ioiDI rbito.ms C, and sply oiu ser oforii-torr. tc. i,]stomos . loso bro l:otOooooo, .orN o o oro fwiiit.p.1sîOto ,Uossl s pctb ion ro-.- l o r mshebo Eisrooni. v. o.dy bs oorooisd s ot os do ti,-tiOrtIl. $1,25. Goa., oei cam .%bslieo, .Alie e gtt rat ososAeltooomilio, font cae, aseepoit. -IcObrallOiotrrslir hogrooi ooootsrîioAom oittrnk finit rsooj utin oro6corsod . oIp. :Ati fin o er ,iWr Ti srr cupii sdby Ic... Vibooddb l r slloln ato t lor oilOre r Sit or sSio til sttheoOOst hosols, solss.noy imta iro i--o t-,i ment tOboave istî nootol.a P eoplo dsOri pesOo of:yP ai]. inrtPs cn bsi osnarrlrsrodn ts flOîoAlle r t 'i -giobno Clos. A o tnbLNe, or l.na:"Tiot mrs sdbos P R I N uprfoveetlysshns o rtA ft prrui rs ai ro rdi slt sp sten d it tttl. a j f;rs uu ut ey ltl f n 'iln us oticl cie isi ll o oooyOS irri r uitry Obs o .poîo ol olOlk 25 estsdsr othesdosOll no d n o so troDtse ~ ss.osoAtll tbojroa.ceptit osando mr, ns t r fomictt-jo, oo t rs5 l b c oltcdeedas1 s hsroioda th t.si droet ooh.o-o1e oa ago otsi t he,îs pOues t O e. ect ivr a mo t en5boi ion s bteheh l.t ien. v.srcthoI.bsîroodoptIlasA . W.C ee are omg to u t e eîsi chan en, sii gt.9 ý,l air,Y sre dlen inrp - ls . sloAs1bdlsoor. o thclx es tG i S ; 5 aoSrocgel. f s-oosplilhoio hst tol Osytshebss Is 0çsgy ooiriiyo S't ogt'y'L'GI cr O Por rboi- year5 n y rojotl iltrusnthe150 1 t eOr sosoodttf oor rainini oOost Os.ttl OOai"b jstifsot os fnvrtboth 60o oost rs crsd tiOlOtbocossbokor Ltus th. MichOS an:0, r t lro nd teObo DOh iibits and , Obo Or s sbso th.os o sîsobti it o ss ojc Oostamo uo-o h e socoOog Slosfothe-itît br ShstPainobc-.Jottos.GihsîthysfWos fro.n-o BlaeksJly ttr 0,0 SE ntoOlh rori the, r! or il osîos bO. on OrottOSosîl,1f sooi . _______t__th.__ale. __ni _M_. tr.i-isî fts ho ai onnel.tlstO, b s oo-s 1tNo.Msor lsh lCo. SatiORnLTSIN LST on, sm ShoOtdOstmoto. tyoo~Vs bor, gi.i montifnoospîstiA.d ifsta Ohthiss - os ih-Tbepot:bstpo lxs 60C.hsand rsno.isofi atieO o ftcasd.- or001brOOpO l t eOsOS sis i ly .oîyasoýi.) [ rîyur3r i5ied 00 EM ERin(1R25 th f0t or. o tsdSth I t5t t5t T Aof sianssooh oauoi.odfi T rogOso the 000 0.-of uios greni r t rifiro f i v ie t h oso.fot toy.i. p oofotlive.svsrtio . .. .is B lc G lS G rain '7 c lo o clnbasrrsgis ly flor te ulrlytobbo d, iRpehn, oor. AOtbo hIo,,trooJssst bot b tloi ssllo.Aiht iasa o lor odr thes I lfohala et .sî.I,-ins- ooodos aitOthoOlot foete b t at s cetis S ,ot.î o fOOdis Os tis0latadm. uto'oso . Pipr an h OsLae ubj.t--s - Gvszsstaof bOisdWse-vic Os"osotsofmd. ds prince.s udalon OsoO. ci. trtso lyrofessr eo ton n bGulp -ytmo aln u h ua op Th iyl bbssotooi, hoSof e orire so ctficdsrpino h epO o -of:-t-au t. 1 .a1%ill oRTrisecodtT- -asbyyoSo rideraote aoi,10rsfon s..~t, n -ac b v 0:hi et ap .d. ou ---thé __ Sbofo'tedirecstio rdo n .. i- %ce e t tlto-tf-0o50 Os0: -niAR.11 _ t l. ail .i oso5s [os, p2Ood Ju5Ot A. D.- 1887. - (Sgdl 0W. U .P. NAGER, - Treooros. FOR FINEST BIRAN]JS EÀD'Y.1VIx'ED.PAINTSý,« 0115 White Lead, Varnishes, japans, inder Twin.Me, Annealed Wire, Wove w-ire Fencing, Nails, linges-, Glass, AND SHOVELS. STEVENSON'S POST HOLE AUGERS. st.s' Canvas, Miliboards, Brusiies, Tube Colore, Pallette- and Placques Z. .ACDSS= kO~ Geniuine Pebble and Adamandine, 4SPE CTACLES.. 3?EOIAL PPJCE S TO FABIMB iNTENDING BUILDING. SOLE AGENqTS*FOR LOiRSIER VIHISKEYS. Wdr a l- srsertsbot'foissi Walkers, N - ISnA3 LE IdSr 0Cotoittooos. - Cl ELb IAoStbs ottr ID ORKANSIPAND issuSodnosaosM. ; Ot BROUIi. «P «... 0a- sla f.llust o.ros.."d Sisi t soa, Ooo.omsOorloîtÀOOtso I05Mato e. sho51014b ooo511.1 o550505td.to Otr0' ro 1000 h.sottl t. i APiskeFo Hossiton, Agest for lité Begs toniuiitimate .that hoc1 .i wagons. Demnocrats, - WM] han a bpl.endid, asno'ttnîit ofC Worstedm, iteltosier,& h, &o i clotlaing iiifeiior in iatteriani ai too, mwil bi? fotind to be rin qoolity.of the'goodsbemollî.z EnTABLISILED iOta CASH FO CAMPBELLV LI, IrsObSpsy omarfois in lmdorispay fror ie. I bav6s. large stoolo of goso Os0miss Dosltsrsanià totonades;,isîso Fitns G Gtty Usos andt0'ooltSsirss Goodsý I isasosafsllhliossf ntSmer a yd. Ant i bo-s godasosroointof.! slidoubisî tOb; lZSise lrosltge voi Wosl, asî1us o sutbthorlm for Woohi sttact Çoteaudepeno o od ou1d, fastDomti.snd tirsys fotsyotssownoi Wooso-Otg vlhlsd pmro Otl3donc. - Co SislS oOts. ~ ~isrisgbest p ooth Great D'ownfal« IN T7HZ PIIOS FUPS1XITURE. Theo Suiscibor enosn- fsOIso STEVENSONS BLOOE,; Mms bargod ulwmhl-assos(r ti ockof1 baon offesot i stbetsmlsin the, Bea-lloom Sotitsn nom $21, ý --Tables_-Exs Ail pos p hînsidfomtstise leo Ase Agoal lfot th is dotMfg. Co*, -RA R D----------- ciplTn or h ç o lUo l for ' - . - . 'ta andos woru..oslun - O I .0 ' -, 0 . j COUIPI F ORO Il. s Ult., - . - ~ Axa is TfoVissssoENroonroLoros gPoorrorsoD. t 050500 5 - 2 I.oo los o1 Oit .0.... l 2 6 o- 13 2I hrcpsoslsts..t 15 S.. je li 55 13 20 olu .i l. îtiesotoO......... t10 10 00M0 aO 250 . Or 'so Os Io '10 0 02- Os 1-,i o0 o 748 9uos' 7 4 1 o os .3 oîn 2 2liyiOO . 00 2 ou Iso 2 ! pvari ahlem at v Osotur R ATý hoI rdoRt .tooorr 0 iroods ý otit rs àr,00d5 oss ,Vuàsootn Oes itt ffly AOt o Il 005t0 r eu thfiS fl.losiOois iisO..0 cors ", rbotos. 0rorr - -.MITcHLLL, IMTtos Ucr0-, lost1 teyacrt tc.- lýie' 8i...0h ,b.os.I.-oILo1 ilOLil theO.IOTT - ;fIlrLi.sS. t o B . BA y his .atj - t05 s50. ors x FLOihGLE, li1oU eootsîdcln i cisto t lteSnrý= orss5 "'41 teor S .' o so - ro- ,'ni. BE o5,mi.s 0Os 5o~ )L Wots.OroctOon. Mot0t.t00 Itopooto Bosis, id Or-l. 0, toEs. E Exoo 1111119OosfssO w- To.s . Yoosobf st yb,1. 5 T: 1--. i.h. Iroo .- 71n. -.0 'Il 02r ZIM-NERZMAN, m ol OV 7 p 1 NTIST. ,oAMLT.rNT ftecs rip IEDlAM OO/sL, IIILTON, fi - loto olSteoos.*ops $e Europe -Dl RAIOÂL A G.CT. t -r- oisei-.t ;de m. CE ÔUSE, ts1vv- tau DINGROTEL INJ TOWN D Mto TLE'S. ELOTEL, ve 01Y lor LEIIMO. sr of 1:e00 f0 btsr, aoltsoatil wisbsy, tir T. P. 0,111L..Psdn 6% 60- 000 I ON .PARXM OR T1OWN TYZTO PEICENT. I h -ýd- -. . 00 b.. p5to5000 00. .P.omo12 X. - tso~.-t tstss... ,t o-'0fE., so ot. -i. o2515EPee ./rtbCrthi tien U oTsd.AIU srdes ptstsp taOoa5te. tont1 .low, 00 y ot iL. lu -d fo a ti q

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