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Canadian Statesman, 14 Jul 1887, p. 3

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ed lto retvriced t au anýy.Sacrifice'.We haý 0 1Priat of waritdcolor i: bd aery pie ce of thiese Prn- o>rt I12ýè. ia yard ThIy I o] a. ma svll olliea th e et-À~ot stri'ke canel ail c hse Lanv ilonas alOgfn I'aîats ta c'aîa ris W'e - uthle e ii t Of July. W but iv iill f lit jo llo eor nat oSe . a :iî uchinl lic.Llaismpi.îte a agîvth a bg drive inat. ACtofe lmio.1 wh(ile va-e lot of an picce cv.8 juit te hi tlîlifol. the N'as ds.âi CoiiLing liiilc, Iymlicmie sp fise ,uitb 0 ni eaiî ey Wordl se are el. Iata sSYLI amidolot paaoft ine sec 4, ar at aitl a Ili- Inlot of Pain f -Ily. Wewiil] aiait il iem cep leliav e liti allacatg eat liere iord. [LWEIAITH & Me] EVERYTHINI q90 ss Goods, -- - .0 I -Canvas Cloths, Muslils,> Piqués l - Paira~ ts & Shoes," Rats &;Caps, WallP àsware, Ciockery & GTroc-,i J. M. BAS TEI 31GSA L ~ine- Custom Olothin muujo0iuA i to iii oui- e t-istoek ef'~ l suu ut vd ';iiuhmîalle uuhfbtSrM go- i 'iiio i0o0 iuiui y.t' lic leadtng I ou ul i s iruu i uoîuu- luîsîesa, anîd se metsD 1ýi rou- îuîii . Cuiiociandîl le thiesé 12.1, q$16, $18, $20,'$22,24. ~or~te& ~r z Zits to,Ç $ n 25022, S$24, $',$28, S30, $32, ~ ~OISERING CGOODS.( n l:llte lut Pe i.f(CtFt, orîuuî sale. .AGIN' S Big TaiioringH 10RnE. (Cal i s Bledl) Hamaltntmý TO 'IIN STREETr, MILTO. VES, TIN-WARE, ET.C. luae tiiîe aiuc sîîctaltv. tural .'mplemefltsa uioiuoeilucluaih1i t1Veoiîw in lteeO b iiiinouiatoim lisili- aotng f1cm0 o- theo le.i. Mass ci, un, Leacit o Mo-eusr ie î1iaey llîke, IhilSiA ))atll illuluela Ployas - iand Carrier, aîîd* al itd of other auid tf al desciptions. --cA L., loi 1 1.O 61 - New Gc l Orderea. cbthin@ I order.8 *OOe. ~~ ~_ ,as o fio iE E X E L IOLO H 1 - - - ý - ..ý.nt.m ~ . n - a 1ý 1 U IS . v . __ , ;ic. . w}? a a W 5 'a î i l o o s- --; ., ý ,%ýt c z -c,- if W e m ten-d, . n m gtbm- - b o o m . -- o e , t i .e n tn tits e e 7 .- j, - ,o n ;t- , - - - --e- -1g !sn c b7 -" ý ,od~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ -o .n- ôs iiie 0fê asilnln..Qebn .WoteChno _ S iet.a ondn oi en t-plsfiii.5rti %i.8 rS cg wîg e~ îcnaile eut -_d Ot a stylibnidRatPe - ]Le eytn lb' Pe!g-ieL-frp t1 n. a et O 3,îî In',etnaoa-aitp-oong-dî5nl rloa.a-,olanSWS5iOb ro _cerveyn iiobnisdrcd-. _ yard-s of -- orno;-n. -,s ý-ý --Ëýý J , foi'l -15 . H nry Toîce. i a bt a t ai~ to tli ape ii L_ ' -c 4 ýo. <M -,O . Kititd. 540 W 00iIO -i-< --Ë-bt','l.n-ynrt 1e fn nypot;_E R .T -OSINes_ 1ote rient1,lcElo J'cyn *5u au M e. . wo by Lo ., --,É.,. os ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 8 , ,ods.- eer, , , -l ,ituieDaoie0_due a.aino1.Mnlrrdo asiilîo s tldofebencil le .ied * :r0-0tbn ieceson t Si7tS.TlrEsp.to',a-or_':l ,0 ' -Sneed.-, iobt nely- loog nenso-o bie Insenlseee c c ted'ensmt eonsil> e li c est pic ol 5 -63,e19 Il: i T co is -." .i fI. - t, e t 1-ler: e et il. D.o-,-i.ons1 b _ 510nînly ex- W OOSS-.I.O-iS 1--Z".h 1T-- ne '1: ý e= ...9 - , . oe .rl -y1 g.tY -t is d c -eW ii 88-f.. d t nn- l- , ,- - c t.i rdi S acn y fse cnt lac F, en __ fa1i- - --7 --.--n-ing1no ,-oS ocroc -'. co c1 tbe O , _I_ r tend i Si Il.. ShÉà5einl tos thei tn.rwç tD 801.4 tint De -r--- à soiS ser4,li snd te,ï. = ', a ,.on eÉ a iii a. UInsee lice lith.lonicing-th b rodesnetae% malises' _ taie C'sc so Ip5 a4 îlt l-- ni Rn -rs Ia8 einsin tiS-Gn~bt Leio --40-sont sotte,ý sé Mi;î ss ba binsono o ndby tIse s ntitiýnnntotbni otis-, tk ;-lcs 'I l î -i-ii--" . uÂngo.t-ad.u i i Mek r.iý 1 - ,a.V110*- * se -4r-c lu Sic)y - «- ec" ntà- , . - for Gs. O Fregx1eîs de aipd ns ucntéa i iiOSoOy-.j T ei e te tee publicý . - _- , otdd t , s- .: tof .St . loo .o1 it- vaiso à lo. ýè- -, -, nctaotbcèm nis locoi. i O yspioe *Th S tod . IToii.loe .ri rt inen ià l, lisoga11ns,, cul-,-* ,s,îjoýÈ aW .%Irso . - nna'u 1ï ý- . _ . e-. e, S er Si i l,, , H -J ...: lr,1S.y. - ' , ;c. . -iSc'O.oc.o- or0 8.5Vor at ihn!iI-nime..,-...il--r-55N. Sotoiric- nid-SSt1.1.Sson-il o iftùn oongcug ,,i lilOoha use iFOOdon rI pn, - , .;oooeàiin1' ',oii-fEic - -il -es n  oi Y.n t .acibi îXî t .iiaàL, Lnê' E* - t .%ùawliif o.en . ùç amicii0O gsaea t raietedeec= ,d av1uiiAsret11r ý) tNS. .syý-ý ý -- ncT în-s11 1 IÉ>nt p-oi-ne niiBomgôh ýn-5 oý5.0ý- Mil iJ L, - 0 'rvenu -namS in Ste T0norcnntWl Ea i l t.n__ __ _"du__ __ __ __ __,___ __lace:___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ teeu. &gjaCor>y acnHa ceSS - l Wîirasjnmninrond, ,r 0osStien ttuni'.>TesgIn'treiue*worI- ns.lee nieîît,' toto tiseoleaon ilsé ;.l liicitiic oîeeeo doeno OreCd "éa .' - oi I oso.n- . -. 1 .Siate50;àye .,uoiO, e ihi ayte Dindioe enîPlte Cteioclc u Lioiduin..,"PIè,ý9tý',,4,.ý,ýiiýïi ,baotS olfiiîoosCP lcnenon Vter-i,,i- o eo n ae lti£.] IL R A7 & CO S - itc st ito.-o iw ntes ot.ïlrtero ecreoteo dé. -n'.i..uS :-ul , liii- - .-,c-t ,apenol ni Ilooeîrrln . u T hsaull!sen c reofiit la s t e ioh- t,.o! tloe .o - nerof île àlot oi ine.a _lklîsae 1 t a mec 0ienue.ni'i tîr- sony te s. - nee, -ïéuee-ý l ieiî 1 Telos c. dssoc abil o Z1c, tît-ho ' Se. St. "' ' l,,i StiniaOt _Rc trîn. s Icia le iieni,. -hie L igin - U IÎ.Î U.D.Îf1lJ- alui ieoy, arasio.-o Oi ,. nie s .. sotoo m t _11hitt esaio.Srteeicnsilçloin l ooliootoon oeti r nst ef e r .lU E Se nt11.- 1 , ,- I . ,ýpietto-a id Gàa." ro rec endui ih ît icl icc ctrl . 1 ft itle tioieii e o ot n au lt po otbtooe s.I tl ii Ie i1 V- ..A.I, eSe. c'n-îmîre oS- lb, tond. ..-i.IU.. .EU . nouS ifibanecernOt, ofor Glans.en lioe. . roi ont.SSIuseale- 'a i >lleni-o. . aheisce T est is o l nt . L tea insi ._ _e. , _ , _ i Is mi _!ye.cls ui n y io o. - '.it .B p im s a t b n i l i as a1 - , . , 'tgi .$15 l. T. -O-ls cieeae. fciSI EvO huimnblyetercod. o s -, T A in testi oialwuoro ..-aontootépule fltcoer u-ýls o zc-ý,._ ý .1 , . o ampsoiltio b ioeid tl i lau sTeod s.CJh dgO td csopianL . ne -rýTàw isod .lo1c f .1a. ,e t laoVr mttaio m oîii misdo c i ts ecce0ii . i: I - (pe o -inioo -.n -d ie un a . Gladstone unohoi a. Oh lico ro inlt -l e7c - .1ay ihi uýéantlk fe socainýfrblsý -ète lc 6 ra ogW O fe ý ais Cuo ti ls . outnilonncooune eooe W Antp, i M Icel i e ry. . .ý la fo j o m t iIn rýi mat hIe oîr.tie T,_ lu1 - cio foo. caihto icsmjcuid lrbclnoat a r - siend,nevotc4, lctieplSd 00y- lethr*awi.bltheoéo , - ý oimoeii o. -.0 isînîse - 1 Sý - fie iits rcishstieoî îe dcd s~nîcoc~mI it e-Ntirsoi Ygu imaîîneti ena îî rani...ý' ,_ . ;e... : hoC LLA.D1S O U RE.T E BAB GAIN les ico i elsueioriKin &ofeti . . . Oc lI .TiiItiton, .Tn, .y i_:. nerisl ohy b.o..nt Li. aloi.; eto* y.byepîiiOO et. ice 0t oinliiieioeofu t la'iysdcsie . i A, cosn lio, -ot iut. île neso. ilo, ai;S" yisisi.,, i t. ,ct.iit u.u i -;t. i î e rt csrc i o ns g l s li ooeb, i so di- aeo . c iilo i l * Soiio ia TbiiO t an t lssa 3 , O .0 oh th 0 , - . . -. ..en.d-e' *e Aepctd a o IrodnIntmitoi i i ecbe-lenA-"-idbi cnncSle Ths ee1aejitî1cturuteu Ld.s'nn O ilra'sLîcea. FnceN ik ee a-hifprcna. al.ti W t mitiscismonoot #--.%.-.iS_.tlcgcacc 1fosmcibtasotsndo Tînii Iuelre-frcnt. 1 -. M R A &-. 1 ,2 A D. K GS. - EA 1ST,-AM LT >trussesi Cocaoae iseco.i-Pb.l ;-rcr otcisg . po ci tii.id_ ._:, -oii. tecn-nd.. -ebheiio evciufisi-isehs-ui.sOuobOet loeicîilicosipullshcpieoecliSito-tnIlc-.ncnoer*eir>ei'c.ditileeeds.i* o.eiiieliiih.iiiihosih uiiioc cli.oeciedih icns Âcce-d11--éTbe iaIgauen ter a tiocls. . 'l1,e.ota.1.hoa h,, uiuS iioeiosu ,loity a d aincOt-c &;tie-e-s.t.seaIS . 1e..-S.onoo _.di.,.h.o.tb.pSoneS. eiOcndiio-o"i'h'co.o1 .oSee O. ohvarin i esoiet es s ocolecssoiidh: h aeocui lcetacos cip peelro l clonbtr*o- cloot Oicetpelo.eced . i.,1Ci,- i,.cou.sui. ...os. .1 un cese olCl oit coiiSeeoseeî longniod e , S07 eny foisv ste lrier i P laT5nc. Iibf lo i1sii.a 5mee u N W r CI TP (i A fl, Woii'shi ci m iatvncnoOiîk eOtfbeO reeeeileidfsnislutii Crten î veee vaoloî ton1000s, dow H O L L IN R A k _î- ' . * iQ- a«n-e'1 .. oSa.i .-1 - SuSiOihii ieuooniiootlib n yo oiebtca ila io .eîic wue onee ed i n the1. TeeoistownSof' Wie.dc uia, bue flanci - -i-luleilS -n îi O îibeu cîîî,e l îoîuelîDisLoEc, lntmn -t je S.s ichacil.o. Vahc .oo n l0o st mcc i n, ils lits fmo, .ýý - . .. . heàtahscihogfrtm e huc's .lgi snceth sSei' c tiprs eorcifemo Iiesict elSlnirtc- . Y k iii b e s t ai n ii sto V i uol v I o . a o ior.C erta M s i es sufbiif- scuitbier iend i 1 -rîcu one. - o k en i - %i t « * r n.. .. ý - .ýý ., i'O iiiiitle o-i c loy 1 cbs ctî eîc.. are~ScocS, lJlS Ce gost oe yciet sandiBe.ncdhoiee isio ceh$1500;Insreo stîScy Dn,oîîa pit K.,at ek - . .. g'!at stndàef _ . .1ha"ete aemonc -ntis abou laI 1o .it1 ei.t. ceaiîu lphi isosh 0 oc1cteilocll cc eo e e Tiiearietiioiiluc b Sootiie ero . E Gu let y. ' s .cli S1 .pedy dIof% ieo iuiiiisiiiifiiiuuiiiuiind ish oimeoiu t s t a i oue o n ti," l- - - A N , ..mK- rH;I-t; 1 .. , O,_,.ou i o ua y a i eo ldOt M is. nis le, u I ll b .ss. dlme00Sesolt oiaiiu sp o iiSuS csî bs eo.SI usItc - a , . - -t pu thnto twnhpais cýpaugan te îitrana iîîg ai S.i90iîccmle tii ri . ". ) hciiwtl ntriI vryi.n a'iml b5v onith cf luiterino ts foc t t itusifoss thuopl t knomd iip u s cid~ne oi toPunch. eîttcetolni.cot . isa.silurcsf.kVl iet teeiihciuor u ssat i ei sel em Cci oîîcoa, ab.u. no1-îihcdn-Ots6ilulS ti&u.î. .0EUOF AL* P -RCITA.ES frotsth agie o a . .Thrn av benBaer i llar o o. l etaned.tooca *c f -pi -tI c 00, 0on .. .enien. .1hheaiý . 1. pep0 P lRocyistvc Colucet, o ii tîsis~og r tuodleuodootatohiin OlsuongroI, useîctecoc alle %itae COJýV r - bt, c;tuntelI B fe, oce.C 'Awo w amilMcSRisnentsofdte louerstandin ciiasthu e 1 .1: . .. .1. ... .Osî .._ - 5 .sut ooee cSiunsidlcso eoe 1 oon yboss omtL e liidleqc lbos î e b,.. ait p n y tnie,u't aeog . . .. . ,%S..I . . D O N T . .e . .. .S. IT8 . ;-- iii, lin eit corio c ts net., is 1.cty ei'c.l Is1 . o7Ti ee ie .i it im- -mg . j i"taise aci l ton-osiPest M soi sut gene sîeiatbog -os they Iiiuni onobteot..l K àa"s ssii d tioo e is tne,rm shabcteî ,. Aic.r.,,u.e.$at o rts ouba ' A ovca.Th o .ctu *s'eniuth e ota5 eti orluiloîsi tt si ___te___the____ Irish___ greOl eocd1i1 ese t80tpar ,tict .cdcaaecitic îethe omo -rtolseodi , tooia o e 0 0 l s hsu Lo ctcmîcn~euwflee aet rolbius!biciogsteHbreiilsicvocst loaeofCoc vc 1os i HIeI o D.erciL nicMm elr8.L '. O. O5 i d Biln ispeathp. Tb«.1 î " h, agcdlifesiicdSjeOcorrectiw ,turmu1 bey.oldeff aoot'iear01h1s , ana u po iic lb e aee e -o l in ailî h a viY n ie n i mon neInrIi s eu îts 's btholiS.o plt îe e. brccislosyebefîcvî docii c ooeio 11omt u a. .- 1 ., .cs hfntioîaî «.t.t .o.ot otte, a 081 tIsoniit -eii seo,"w . A1frd à tonber ftheDiSodci.o.si. J1j1S. . pur.chase. huep, foc le f i somtimn ue ________a__tau itnee, c .eoosSilet Poit .C uiPniceM.te. *1hIad reoe-À for casneh, ctheap, by. the ba.rrel or - 1. . ý 1 ý -Ïny ait rti on. Dri er T cf ur bo rlon tho n iare ep rsaryted oii je îaotie mh ly Ocos eeotc ii n e ie o k a et nT r noSo:ý . : . . .1 1 .ý. . t oe ofa leoy . , tso beisg eofe Ry o n r e le Thra li- T h se dar etiAnelîadro t io . n mHdlid50,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __exus__and_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.. tincolteisisidet-i-fumeclanisoi.,AprlnossoteIn p.ec. HeS CcoENCEi. MeciîmDSIR DofED . ersoae IRonioiSUÉ.d.o- . .. , .e cIeniiiei I iii, ceoviro Moeennio n . r..- . ý ý t11y . or.ildeueieiont eece cpctilsy iindrtlte et Haalt n o us t lon , tp oo1 be e osiccsy mn th . ahopilstPrlndOeg . e .- .,. .1. . . .. . . . ..1 . - ..1 ... gboite Jue dtto s Iia entberiJoHon o m s ki g t ii Boua aiel0 hecat A ct h C ea in. sa e, Goo. 3. lu .ff. chfic. Stec t. CTlflandcseoan tlidopenfcdttmenigbitnileoietBtortstec p JephG enuteCiaoscait .ish I l Ion"" icoiecd na thoeIs ocei- - -' h " Bi5o L L.. . . ds idî tuile cflot gonglfswlhe.Ne.eoil lo, yLioL.No.10, G n.1. t hne.1ihoe f'acorpomrtfuithc.10 -ac-.iirn . cdthulirpi o D necoit , liansL Begola5,an arp-u arihad150,15, l otore a aTIrle * G e t e u ton. I1 etan. , , '.. - . . :i ja tas,onîh fcll tMc.9.leil icdc o o.i 14 heilo astiasbikh m y e ahilhr. pl os flnh m a rnkn .M U e y » . .. .. oteril &So,:ofNesodid rehrn raelei b peci altrin-t dylb a yfrm oo ndr one le Docsousufga ...escrKelyi.. . .1 e.t ., k - Theole Joloill navticg1 thotTHtients siOed. toeoiraontteliamioliotconydepieceln ic e lce secm-eîis doee s iîslloi psot lcClair.cii S[ ai R I eviyîanadted ws.T o F e res ta ra ÀlbYtee' i nof iesoiiro i ýîo selpbt e ai f uuosleatepelt cmatnl el f . 5 R i tl5 ' tI e G-fl ilo BCa sin oe ib S tei O r o d o n d eeu 4 5o f t uhe i, ac.fCc iiind s. S uan d. otreloCid .. ote.o c id cie'1 bie io m .S dc mC1o t m s m incllisvas levere1boutoneinf theîfinB'chonÂhoioCrie2loip etonf Billus, theioDominion P Ilfler tuecCnredîoc daf. c . ..ns ai1e . ie t e . . île el. 1A. ltt:f. ir trslo oooerfn aco pau spd ai o th.etwt e emioin etnlyda. AI evctFo "lGadsilb ottbîl. Ali iy cco ool Doîl Cu feos rnandl elodtaîuee.ti - .0eoa Blritaile S iv dryii uIitth ote. A itio s Cige Thnon il eoeand, ide igt moncveul d o t n. otodo -a LiS enOoiioilncicdtacefemedo.iepe. AlctOfc.e.b.i.Liiil1r He.s1o.i1e.iîtaed Il. r1. peoc. T îyivi1 hàiies li5hhd05 bila i1Atn d drdafeseonetee anien i e ra iy Phch o fihioob os.bsaxel t&mrdrr. t ; -i. iti indt c fond tgsic anelito leer oe lcseGi-lph Mc.,(rvihes to l.Tie ono office -b -iThe beVysehaveicec Sisn20.i angeaid isiidcdt Dreusaetcoe Gi. i-oe, ha.toi.tr-uuo.iioo.u1.. fu 50 B.sS ELSt D-tTER CAhe counetry ittorS uel.roilot npneioooitleeeoecolleri theoîdeue. .e .iericise- Tu.pecey. Wuil.e.odnotai Mr ucsvs iii iî lîîinsoeau iio u et r-sed . e GI n toIs n1.2 ,UI"n l. ave n. .nifetmte oi.i.oo. pe.ci. A cas.loto .,e1c...e Mr Ruota, adtte ikAu nCsoniooGorg AiiP to f i ~the 01*c sII.îia .kaeleieiii.r Bgl, io noaei AenionS.d1i-ab. SI..cii.dKi1 sies,.co uo su.t f M e isul i s i foreotee n dbei te.iydr r use idin a - aba ove nd 700l :-005000. ', TA . n. aso is tdaoMi - E A STo .iedTlia Wtie. iOIiL C W A K ssPeaa mletnpootmlt lh .g Oait r utflte ncuhf-ca - - -' aom fýwi q,. .1 .ý -- L O tui.soi liitîJln.abu 55 rtht i demimcd - - at càit. ii;it g tefrbonut .u adw b ..e st O.IY - aOra fCo.l1ttaiA N D 22:cmtn oeil. . .a idcict , aeedereW-raise .. Is.idfnidum, .. - . . t ... ..-t.B.feoinos - ehllirtlnee L lt.rii.i ea. . Tt1sI-eý Oece..5ot0t 'reo I, ll£înoooCSGEEo i a CKiS-iteltg- bnl D Odi tyn t e".tI ' ,,.bo ,, mgh rin I.. . . . ý ý . . A . ýý -Yreva r marlhd îmbnt ugeas ed ck aol ,eit dilu - cii1 o nri a i ei wya, tj u aanm . .ý ., _ eîl . T. E.Mr. T ee aa..mi. Snseso. - ci. - r idý 1. %DooovegW..sb. tii'o.t il of bucshppîintlits Cli 'Se.p dinîImtIeà vctim of lis igh eus D - esiliu- o n ldsixhnati Sbilu.teoeistnceopih mnc. ' -H "L LWe De IRE oCalSO NrA tnlx .~oT oS e il ie MiforsI i he ti s ,,ortiiroi. .ueno n.t tn e tod ett e cemprl.f-rp ntauis5tip5 a - - - - - - - ci'-iif eot apeoleu frida~inaa ion iO edimaeefl20,0 . A m, j tizn fPr igNJ a- aiif e iool uit i tooer10s (u o u iesrc..r. . -t.i .10- - - n ofnsnro hbe meveaotntaoe v ccnr aineoeuy aitr htn 1,,a&. en fe - go sv :ldls Il ntlewet totoîncetooi i lue" Who. ho em ate on tio h 10liv e erc fo nt iui .aeleB G Q -. & .AM S.I- M S oîOOpi iS teeosfei.p9b$Rotockea* . i i huuv ioTi.I*ielr tinWteile aiv isae 00 anforail a e.an anth ar.Lim. ý.awt apr nt. inimste-11i ~. n . . . ý ' ý -ouu -i. The e tu , tiý o ondaethcgnxitd som suipiSon.A w toimO'Bins m ,a iie crO 0. vtOIiT l S .4 , g jo i 1.ie* it., un 1 i1.11ir-.a!m. 'filera je nu uame ttaclici' 1,TpýIBT N& .W IL ons2l. "o' . t..wup a, .c.la,!,,. an 'Bcp-s..l O. u~ Vy - diE is s e i l .e ' fl Da s r l a u n ld1c-n e. - o .-..--- c.O. 12-iLs - u

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