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Canadian Statesman, 7 Jul 1887, p. 2

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Inini >1. Ina OtgWINj t t t" u.bu M4iu~<~ ILoI', . 1,. lu>. Mîo r .o~ ,utlOnfg. ni.mi ,eu 1 -Ilîîu Le7.In Ol~ InruulO1,tl lotullou&O t-Iînubt" ol.a niO 0.rii T..ol 0, th llof .01 f0 m U iïï Iu rDo lu The auduhp ottilr Euhbolimiter tri-oeonmnuuutpuebunn y~ ,.ýinrfy ound ooobl3' o;u tu o ujunouof etoctionu oohih ool1 doset oMid E nrutuytutePu.~ 1nDrlu'~tàyOotAtm.t re,duty opireriiosifotod.sMt by il'it0 Inch boiil.,Atou p- Pobobty atonaItui avaut nltnuoubrunu100fCd<tRÙyI0,>soPde uo 7 fllun.bouebl a tb thneau otthemgtluto'Tho .nu,éthatihoby vent au Aust.-Scott mllait, btwon 'thonWhie Oaksof t. onoondtas] orlon.a uI eu thieh ni itobhould a oltO urtoi tthehe luln hnr. tu aiofhaLtl .Oltinli qoorC-t ybu- iè AuttSuut' uuooioîîoitim ont u ath ffiansOrg,,unît'lfltS hodu i de of thre ou n - hi'ulunYhi' 1 Ani.cot mniiiaitessat n routhtoeuinaingu lu spuunhby tiefliow- oeuulgutluonn' hrohosV, o P Sppstuo the Smott I ugy igh1pmied hoioop imc.'a Apptot uphuldaeari ttfo msiuint wFWarta O... Bond dykaooll0 Olnotothennr àcv "y ,uta rootio' ta tu- ahetrllO l"... o. - ou ,mpyeti1mm0îeeuen ttoutououvorhbutbu.. Il u a tu odf thi smuuuotyl hni~ o m olu odersofituuuiug ttoeeiu o fl auW .,ouL .r..uK0r.........f 3 mry0 ino Bml éhaï 0annia R turrit oie mo'tu ra t nSn, ie 2moiu 1 Erb. eY.. r- Citt bauOI Br laduiesuuauouto hvr. TiIl î2,thru OCe. oI nu u n ie theouPDu 'o.a u Itbu t iut talpo ulo to tfuroooolo bth nuî,uugtb l .uiOO... auui.i thrbn the ce fduttrluo , onttan sbtfotb3 003'p "'aly - u2la.".O Sai 0 t fooru thu, ttbo fotrty y r, S rotiuuilla tur uoî n tom loho tuo 1dyourliaf.....d..a1o1SCauo, ou t n yea wouo tnt prohib Le ud 'etofudebuttien.tTeecoou lie umudeu tue ofbuy on rtlirnuphondrsita'à glà 8 p i t ut tfo elfnougoîhsle " trou Pot'eîmaie xsb o uroonuttod 1 r y ae ym aeoiregi.Y , tbe-oird 0' pl Bitho ofmo ouoou Ana, mmd oumyi a l rt inspebter. hs opiu If i llod aoubgui ouduustuad5 tt th trdo utu ftu uo o 9m hoeofoo tbo tutlittauluantnol, ;ruS. Tu 3 O 13pttouuileîaod o utt ins ubeoauo of Gliu teor lag thposi oiu toutonst.oîo.t T he u ehucr oss th "b t r t h Ràof Paldr e of oruu tiut r , -ud ont revng terasivntait. hos ha hvr dyorflofPakdloandth hOy uia lag sfo dnhfbtaL a ve mld t amoke b a.pnedthir midog, si, ltwavryitrs lu n xigu he -ngo h lu tth tilb or , tiro iupbleIurs oe enisowaopi obu orboue dymo um oruto u, 'ilut tou r n- J ha* rvll oe emite n;tutof ' t e a n lytrefter en:au u dy l u .fyubat ,b uapmtt una H d t :"." ose, Cr itto o peneuno n eauuly ue er exe'e mi uig torio f t u a r hl a ttd.A ta'ac, ter up intheSlS ttfoSI o i]gJauuier o f funs wfir tau'# ota y ' t coBonstu abe lloa'Iun; 13ta ut te- atf terspt. f- tlstad Truhgtmttuaa onatiue t lta rn nSothAebo tdon llne os ba G * s0 utsonlorn tstub iiorotdb iduu d.uTyhegt 1 bouu0t'Oo u hutitotedoao sî 3 ,,.tottod bt oohu î.eaiodutiuoo jtburuoroou rou louuSun o ,u ot Und rlug 1,o motno ut andoutt foreoitjecbeva eolu upoulu uuidabouioofutltce thuieoIt amiwtheshall ' A inthe0ttor u .ftheun is luot irf u fl dO br'lne otný eiau d o l lu a dr bru, oi n teu, I0 boof Io puturd rqOto'luu tfo aurToulal.OIOroua on of Até Wbuig o h n TU POPSE. OIS IO. arsluuu.dIte ir, ai, o.alyu. -mcotnA t aleme un o sy ht Visfoloin, s lit 1 helure trylue ouperuadomothow a Cas ..., - p ruat pottou l ttutlofuurohuOCtioOO w uelouinIaua-uI.0 l I ..0 Io, he ao auruttupthco 000 ouff t od ubith. A mi' bit tioisuu lurio 'oulat ubcoonoad 0oaa.0,gng a rosso00 l.Lof w0o . uhoabouttuokéns a rodisp utes n u t Bof atnl aits recu. u otfurthttutout'iu t. naav.00he.aueOoiA tiorfof.tho Rollon Sco'tu.ActouuoO. -ou oaooîoul. uou.,lutheu. ueopn aonguitmor uui hnalU nso Iout th y uS Alh .3 ouooton rutb u tfu lool filant0,: u.1,u*brandysOla u,.u ru r l gftîin naburd flIh o os.it ta,~ u tuu loystolice. f itrr,1up01d a',Yo uuiung . l ooola. t; al, . ufrut otn f a r me. fbu ROI naeàtii nuiud uîahutrio 3 ouloha îaiu, ItuéaOFulô obari li0 po0,i l uoo. r utuote T."'IornOteiru c. huyo e 3' lelu tho udt.io.atohtiuo»,u, the focutttr supermandtlu tanurur Chi by W. H. ' of ootirait , ofi l i o,,, ito. t tu il.l. 5 luua tbn. ftte, ~ eut a tooSuttAu-prouo~rn utuoouut b. to1o.ib saveit Tu lZtiuu ta smu o mon ouu ffoir the BJo wt inoein "cuhtofriiutgtiu - uottu,. utu uruetosbiu ulot;ME.on iatin s . 0, atetu ot utu auliepro. Si , nuatouluit prrjddt umo p ouilin > oriof neà t4i ut t ilum tuna lu Juu ryt tefotnclu on p fou adt Jar res'uthPlion fortogtl tre ti rotiuc ro'lu I0ýaloeoooo 'tu espatuu t 13uplsity eo rcailth a n tt lbu u. EA of To Stretor bn ilo rasntoadfuuderstutudran pIl tuActou e t'riota sAîoutotuu bu'Trg . tu13oildgs.tatuueo 3) 0 000 lieSbnd ,char 1bi 135th mmd ut yti.Too Wlo r cao effortes o rcuuoury'g 1 irm ' ttallae 0 000u fot oru u h ter tCh o -M heOnaro ovrn ié t a uie %'s flic f 'îl.n I l 'O 0.Lie e cu...o 11ostu otbuabuodt b Iu Yor ut uu o uuuu t ueo oooofn touu t niiz d. ruo If t o , u,. i nl v r aem ,J ly4 « .i i os, tu lotuo 0 to theoi rtiaa0.o'oop. î.o,,,.... l':2 u ItoSoruuodtnril focdSTton trsed wrotobuu iof l efrobrousjarotfe.ianslied al.0. rlooka , tuir tw.. o f Vieuh o ctrOlld st00,oturttoocuf- bod aqum al on lus p yflortrt o 'onant'o u o.rs lu,. pu.*nt000 l. 'otuuth o ttuhui ltoi 0'. ilOOi. oITh.......o upulot0000je, enor h uoaou ,urIuto =' o t" a.uu ,....o r o'îo tle alorur ore Thuit oe Sottooct po.of 1 have pn sto lootbuItutei o sounatOe O u , a neu e of the.. I r b w !cdru.0i10t tu a inthot WFour. i ntarnu eood rota Ei MaanSBilliodnutîuiuo iuoou saiSOoru 00,0,. "y'co "Ioug v t ateo f uru ngto ooo'tr or togt; in. t It I ' - . iL'000. ZaolefillotelewammettJau rlatMudimtouuuttthrlo'c. 'o' Thfa iu utcti thtuîoah uotÉauert i anctela ' oltîoîîOut. git u b uolg oftth Sco t L-t, nd: n i. l ttu uuanl oruioy oultoi îig, heu. Solo O inîlOOl..... 00,00. POOlO, flord T50tuaund oto b r o un g t, oradheupartiello lonoyingath r of tO'E InIl 0100'. 2 IIung. iugOtotrOgtautheauretuporrf th tooase th fc fi "hi cnenio ndf ic o' u.wi. .il auo-- O.luu.îîlfoalî'Io u sra los omiDollrt stu oalu hoO, rueiuuiu tin nurn 1trou .k. , tiraiOîtulo 4 u tao _oo I.; ea, 100 ouneut tha ta Ilim ohfceiou lIL morie. she6.IThianttuu..ou ' o faldto utio uorta ii ouluo, . lIIIî.. ..I ostoudorogtoepdelred tau t tutylie Ch * t fo tu 'ruu o t. us tu o its .to lioen .....t............ .a ........ 3. la: CoteS s e d t u oar ttt uton i ad i i i touiporauuu peeptu ut lou rutaoly ut -4 l rWOU oo.uttiobulueSco r. ftun 'S Uitin arutbtopinon usiu.. 0I T!. atrofnoutgur 303 ' tosaimta ofodýn outil enolo ttho l.uo Mn .ilahutîto tt qlua ro otan i n er t a ccluu ton 'ord .. 0 I ,I .....0 , la t o ofthen,r a fo o ler I l t hu iu oale A * fteouratflo'tutu.'iuglolafoiuu Dront Iolo uue .ab .etionub t lu orala l ietd i Rut tev. i roe- thutioarroont hujittott ttbuaoti - -, ncce0 rigt ht by ae oo moto. thut tat o s tl ouu aooo t r i tu t tl olui uu otue fl oîuin httM . imnt ag tb u d0 r stg Ru in sth dtap toyofteOtrioruuoy uîru uady pvid. t tu re thruuoab urrGepyiuu n.ient;tuo MIsd . 3utooerP imtiart nr ddrmot t ou of2uuirii ton awfaily. thirBbveu ero lotartyurs.fod 2..l'bflilo ton 05litongneliet o tît aiho thutcol t hecoet ou r t %tIloo truturr o t tha T,utrah T 0 r 1 Il . IV Giollu.. on, iftilth ai.ou se'inooud offluith nt' malleuuttuu, btorcom i o oh o fi it elO Dr. OTulu, l lo 1 o u u tudPllu utt o Io y tag rb o rt u acts b ut A lO u ru e O ruo ru b , t so u p i t rm t f t t g f d tsu.tiaatio.siill t e r it' o o u o r a-u o t a iu o er . I ie I I*Nu:dc a nnta u u . T h oahr esfil enu po n t ofut.I tb ttotthe tt o e o a l0 sogu i r uph yu.org. -hrteinh ot uuute 7. Pbeo. A uitno uurptom rojolou ubot 1. Btuosu a onu'. 2 uree orneo ty 1% otmnu 0s "a aimot bfut o rloomu uolfop.Fruoiout5n hoou l b et r ielu hou C okediu hsm chR.oita ali a o utus3 olu tIL loy bu n un ui.ata uoC.uu iuul watho tom. beliu u tho L c oftoGenorIL fîA t nbina t hu l, ...o ......u jsu utt >3n u ur Su.tt.Autsi bne tâsuubCosot othtyistug iun nomrdit popof outh otyuîî tio'ohwupuotmodb o itilu$10rce.rrls rt ta iehperanhot * tbta., u nuoporso tabo ensigaofuraroagl * * dub urittubrmosalo Vieuturd otuuetgr oe udita'ouiutiou untsoapad iudoulogronait tnlut the oli uutottate a 0003 lutot thupnuururrnuoroOltqu'.tugup" t't andit r mt orter o aitu eo ple Tbulle bogt rsu rjudca aoatsoie iatraOy tho lor tos.' Buti luli wioogarr ootlîog tt po satt uimtl o.iuurgu rledoerie rui hejint hemit s out thetbtud aopndtOO ,,rrttu tolu th ur ou illi.gr es Fi i ls iulîtO. t a poit oi.lcoue b dow a W o nneoromathh rpect. The chef o ndh u dg. J missotly the 'slttlIrra ttion 00liDe ,ooe iu a tig of ohtlamat u ioboolýteo,ut l'lent idsuuîot os uoohooairo s gto Ls * ulat ta a u o in t a soio ie 1bsof'>abIoid oe pluel n teBohr omtb ocat lc L 'h lmjagaouu t ao pfîu ugot uta opu aI ulgu rt huh-iso thný M o" fa,, ps i s iSo 1uo -. io ucat nra h, A comison or lo oedyrut. sdtt i hnbutltî onrS pouptyaooto yf 1ot, m ttuioiruolVchua d B ewroelMer. tSuutl;anuho l i lks a l * utduloaosdoood. toru io v: Chtlorîh oSuuaod ly bun re r. ostt tf b. Thnt iooaud P.),g - mauiotgtur tou Sluoius utîuua i uatby ucceut a ti ier insutfc,loute oar uat u hdQir c blthe Fi o and rrhu otadt froîpusille lmano urorthd 'tuooc"odoobic xeng t liatd.li taoe ' I fn hiiltt lTr0 t ri shn. M .V. is oma t edur .k no. %attoou oathaloff, lu . reoetn a er u tho noo tanD r. d - e, i .'* agra* hi ad a utathy iDot auv o ng heuca moefne 1 v oe, oaineadç a t etuin t t vot s T te ntotMssMc adtaug. o no t o , t o popleatfpresn meuh tnran antaMaseus.lMtrtumnMitctemu font. -onun nioo.StanrdJ. S. h5,, 1 ttotbamuuer o rtth pot tmutt Wautron caphetatu ash op i. ntyole C dsur odti ofugth m iot hoa coey,abut lotmataeg p eratt t o ns fun no to buS md brtn n t o t tateha ta J tod t i, nttbearc qol s ofltu n e lg ntotoena, Accion d entooudftres; P.Iu i l. leo C. Curut =tob r lu tho Wutu t,- teg tbn pote Bauy bo'Ttte sp h Juuruvoyefdule;lgue pds coa h ~tdonnrd o uethFrec all, ud stheubsauaofunRoet tramuin nte anadior~uen ltghf taayrd pourtu ploc Ac t, ot ttm ormulit. uta îortn uftahueiofutarLSotto Act O fo 1 tali àfc nuitd tuiI otuauotui'hutu oap- or eror pusobwuorosrtiina her att uaBarmmd ; t .D eauiTrutot * eutotitlu t osidura.' l uta bo vthotiy nu soln r o ,i .n s d boun e utli mnemtoy e a r gtr.Junon -d the*Wttloo n uiutia urus orthregoarorereron t Sonun a11 nat hu u Ar 5htyltr;Pol. trnn. ot e o i *tbstaudtg tbn asrrtnu r uuuytnduua h u te i lof t Cfisublu oh , cr n Torb., 1. utoeurneS Cotu J aiu.u bu t yun te Ia tuurig.ne LuudosTotol ull Pe lou.t roo u gh t DOtroP it, o Bau di, oeyr aaul.ed uututo.on sttSu nm ro eerm bo n(,uou otce Crsetm 25orlma 0 ot ta oubiteheu t aa flour u auh f r e arsipm u ot Iit. uinbl y teoruol o o dacb theppulguuotetyofAn nuoolicmututo th, o t dd uo onbiona our ubuptim Bd. tirRbou t Bledow uTo noNt cauhfAn f erda anrt ut a rgnduud tuig rta euu srC tlyod o rczS prtogu bo l oo tori yrd faoidmje Mu. P lh in atuttou cas ua ides btn Soo attu tuns li Eedrs o foi .rilu tAsh rontuend sfigtay s T. ablo eu-and ingthu rec. acordu w ' o Stc huS tt'tt nbt tthee n .'- Ths nbeAdtluuuu."Tiouufdinhtnoonvittheutbebm noumtae bomS n dlhuer bailirhe on Itutue p. g onu itin on tejodgusl aooipot ntlunaD'ISc,, iBot abontteruuemetoty mmd pur- ' t -te i'a ôe or s ~ud aks ult a n at pinio monutluut yoflyOprehibtt thea tC tt ea. lad ae ruuuutty ted'dh tort thuton haliod e tt(entctutam.Rr oto-' rebhNuetotoa&ralu t ng lbtetg - lubuauihoudakd.thn uttaeordaytoguutu'lie*--- ,,>o tuorlu inteureThamepuorguthu uDpwann tne oC n g nlultbta i .Aumrd-Teluutox'eeUl.mm n duaunfatl- uson etpnnt Alu- met o auuita lfhed volatJiion o hf Ac t, iletu.W S7S' ;tb'o uuyneue ileSdhotôta pocotut thtAutO t'fe uln; of tes all m.orte t u. taoSnmuaC Untoloere '1 ho Osh'Ah'.duluhOethnlh28& tr ,dSi.dt,55i'épesadhueuctor' . utasE"eonbas 0o ý"1tIà.sdonum m.'u.A. Mono, MhD.- -'o'aiul iitg Pora,e poulmnnd.hbo.uymlt t utonno ouT tinTos, PDi r.L nO a.Tn~ttuno om ilf3,iotul*ISun, ri nf citfltill etnenpuudmifuondbnoma.13 >o51ftEu tOntonnm w& theuagefn 73 oî uro0utd0. ;..Ihu onupauSunbularfond ntl croire d: ho. OInolO.Muhsoirmu hy Cheuihualste ani d CmputImut. uo,13n 53 Du. Subedl-, A Pound nn ot ruehpourn Aooua Ob, fttni Iuumtng powr ro unulat oocrnololollu, thtereff lthhnindoffulu. Thisnproetti ltetst oét bhy ,,,iL Budur c ony proos at v001ertubervant nmmerutoftthu uto3i Sutmng rp0ugrr knom bhypuoctceuoptrlee, fAot, ohile t IL oýt o l eurmta per.pouud Mau tho n odinury 0105, Itîla r rure n uooiuuan,OOties, afuorusthe odumb tautlurboer L kA. snlebtillbftht RBo1a utingPo1du, oh ma culotaa 0 'lo edlelhgiom sboiasO euet the ilaupourolruoluôfhuuabgbrh ge et Etrezoo hioh oonpowdeuOi rsul hrboo'thoat, 103,00netu o O ahéru td=u iitt 'oI, c e d3uun., ' - am, r t - 11 AuceonbcJaJZ Elhi-tt_7 ad-= _f - 4A'- - 17 Lizzia Stago......... or1FruuI1yý.. ......... Bum ffu11bbu ........ ortho Pattuàn.*. dti...... tOteim Dewar . dit... .. avi Barharun 'o *.425t 00010ruun oxx. mn aB u . Total Éa.to rarl...eM0 No. rerqsuid lte sn-,..S6 vaiel. ONa...... ...447 hn Lindsay....w.......4431 11300 Rbehrtson .....42 borad Shtuglrr .......87 F0000 au. ni !o îoo. om. TotiflNo. umbu- ionw No.reqairedluopass..8ti lobort tiofloteU ...; ... 47 nmttio Brbaores........ 1 zmntn Por, ...... dtb Dee'ar.,o"""'. 1 jet Hinànot .....40 uIio Ilodruon.........d8 Béatrice taflit ........ 87Q ;thef h'ostor.....;.....8510 Itért Pttorso .....85 irtitoa Lssdabrugh 83 1arleuBaonhasn .- onu.. ý0 Brtha Brous -.......... 8 3oots Duper ......... u...eG ret Behi - tutiý' ý ... 1 5530. tbotriaso(o tiosif...f29i WUnaucuFIL31au. Il Te Jr. Iii. Total Na. utof nurha...fo5 Nu. rrqooiucd lupoas-7 5 [ennuisCochroane.....-....47 'iIian Cohrane-..........87 ffoo WoOharto....-....... 76 asupbhWilson.........- ut...S Emrmou rmtuvl...........-.307 jaurnlm Ie.uon .. ....-........o,3 Wtiiam Soilry fou tral)tl... 2on Total Nu. ut ooorhs...d410 Ne. reootooeta upassttO1 iho. Mcotutlorl-.........84 toa Bastalu....... ai ubr,.ul lirk ig h t t.............ifo A 0000 Sitoour .... . .- ... 8130 Roet J Deru....-.S....831 oilîf 'Ieosli e'-. - ES 'itio t)aoie ...... 87 - auooLavery ......... 01 JohnM 'cus................. M. WoilihirLansoluuough ..-... tO21 ToaliNo. ofI uh...'t30 1 No. rcqoiredtaopos..if trard Wa'loolace .....- 137 Fouourtrovo.................. 810 Johtn Roon ...o....e. 0 Lity.Rtohlrtau...............tf96 Rotuateor..........1277 Firak Dewar.........- 170 Etimul Andtruwo....u - 13.... 70 Mfary Obooad-........ 70 t'o'aiur Linilsuy-........0.16 o. Johnonu..... ........ Llua Lac.....-.--........201 tîliza Mforley-......... 95 WlOiu F'crou,-......... 5 Total No. ut mriai ... 440 No. reqtmtrrd tu puas0 Raouet Lie........... Bao Wliio Stagg-.. :::::2 t)uiny L e ....r ........ 09 Eduoaril Dun ........ :8 Louran uff..............06 Jlooop m tfruroud-....... 9 Gracie roemao-..........28 fithlo flono...... ont.... 8 Jameu Stoort........... John Glenta -'.........27 Pearsou Johnsou-....... j)7 Thomon Armstrong..... 27t0 Eumua Courry -'..........:7 Giorguouuny ......... 74 Thomoas Conwuy ......ý.7 fotY Stewuart .......... 71 Charlotte flurbaree...... Anoia tliuhin .13. 68' Wilio Atdauo . M Wesoy Armur.....i..::*i rou ai On.00 ilL *-7, TotalRN. ut marlis... 415 No. roqOtaloS le pass..t70. Saui e.Ariiulon'g..........B& Wlhin fotrEozie ... .13 Edtth Mrî..... ' Obarlie Smith . 13......18 EdgarRIobdrto.......f80 Rohert Siluor.........61 'Atnu tMottitt ..... Jonoomb .............'a thing ont Pril;9 u Woot Dlafi Ne the t of nu cnulumer 0 C anvas. > ,mu.s Para 14 o 3oots &Shoô HIats lassware, Or( 'TI 0DUCE THE' Fine (Jus inElglisli, Scotchtit 30 ttpeib range of 'WVYorsted Continnt.' fCtîetom Tuilening i thing 'ooarm for*one mn E, nglislî, Scotch and Çuî TROUSERI7 IPanta,-3O,4,$, We guaýrantee a.Pei 140 'Iing St. E ý MAIN, ST' SEa'X9.troug phung. .aps, eTal1 Paj I1ý, E l EMUý-1N BASTEDI libre Stocki 6f 0J7'., -0, auRîitfOoi i 1 tih e lgtoli ig MilIo leS, %%" l'oe bofflf t( ;-0, $2$24.ý S-28 30, $312, $3 rOODS( o, $050, $7j 'q!Bl.c li) H ttuilt f'l MILTON, RE, ETO.t\] nomi li h îlneus lv tj lteototnsh ail uh ou .W irmuafth PO oroi'd dso thet u13î0 are detiwrrnmd o t g i m Iffe any aortice--0W e 000 yards f ttugher of foiQé best . English R uio'f tesà e t h> <210 yard Th are 8aid a 2t W e aalofeth ot af 2,000 yùr n e ano achance tîy nge ina baealoetdowot rO13e Engli ltlad 'mntto'reekung price W att befàr à.thje first 'Of J W ilmlea ).xor oâor,15 aunS 7o.:Lf rt t u.0> outh :t bfg ed i f"ut, of o u d.fu. ,o ie brig t S e aw n S, W i th e tu en. A n u e o u lot o 0 Iicorra N w neuîg . - Jiust tej tng for 00 f lOdYsIu.* A bor. 9 ýoittkg littIoe,oey moite' Il 03 Inf oE mea vry. wor M. tl luBEL nüuto 0are altt,. ;ill part'yith*a bi f printe litu "'noea Dress. GCoodFt Ii1 i lia. pamue miigrut Sosguh of thonr irS ta thnotout, ý,mbrmg telmen .Edeofth1e. 000Presby.Q *o~ÔialgrilO ovulaid aw ha ui'Z0ditt o riminal ,nt t h@ Oourt fRouge on wou , a tyigioHaRt, go to 10 3' u est c igo u. goî d boy anid mtai rae,00 o0ale, in t l n*aOs, foiltn. tho 1010 ESCq.. ot Oig,lasgai caieblo urn, rod ehy"f1u.-oouo teuttuu," fur ao tgiu gre. pan T u e S t a d u rd 1 o f ut R ,- oft etoudthenStars utftlouton ut iug F>p r tj o Y y B 2u t e13 a nîu d u n r o etac inCol Cauacla for Iltulo l C aé&Joule0 SO., Ha- gîte aaa -Rb0v.Boit. sonoufu Re- o fou, otf.lodrisgtoio, ,liabob-011 o.t,Ï;ubenot 'of the parlait of 10 bOdLfell0Ole. dt rliro Sot.or tri houUrtiti,.,n r àuttuk Hotu iocop, gl'O plorcj g&10cOSt..,main I tout., lgar, li. as. pur!t S e crl oit-ird ,u riroo luq rito bortil"inorels..to, aro tufbutUruli]'. ooi r .-t fr. Kouuoriles, .gor t trit of 00 u tig uith utoogI, lu 'ut toodr tleoTr usty, wtscTrah S M«.Ki oootrorufonou- , 0 liouto grooohry iuoo. At ailt 1,od a rice g. otitoi oti,-Colrudosecau f or b000 ror luli fautiNllrcfl T Auouil arrOOaO01a th pbouogrnue Mta,.ot va. aunl 2 u'oro, iait, fr .tiuouto 0,OturoO ui In i,iuucri, foouai aîatlu ,,oo, orrofoGorge-foîil- ois u 1,ro te, u t he ,uery u aitgot iObalOie 'a to'iu-oLraul2f. ii go, iîof 1 shu trl o, . nf CI Dowto., ifoo, itabl for oorC, raiyi*oat the raisink n's bil, ni ai,itio'î I. pverYa u, jr.. 1), 0 i Ihl, chtaîu'ont Trll«.oî .enSts.urioi a tlt..lra l trha.wtro"udu b ito lu loole 011 Joiiy IZtlo. eLi * .-Theo iaîd'uofier00aoI, orttat ith.o In u oîifar,,, lrotheio l i tu Cougraguatioai cheloîoau d-Lut vrel'lu rq. Tlao S C. tatoîrines'. and lui vrru isitioog 3fr. Zto,, utlbroidoo. fouT'oh o -'ouf àbottin'uoaoii dcd clientot uuofuuîr ofter 1 O ouiaui.-Speutator. dTrucfoouuor lias pas.4cil * brtfduy,uaod tto 3'rlr.,'.it it. Itliaos rrotla' tn as it laalouuorooo r; hdotypeuand i -iu ,rioota Y0000Wi.rtdale tor-i 'ubifiior, M0r.fRoîy1' ho rooardcd, andf long mo% Ktogust. W00,0, ruro'r. O ,to, luiiutoe n050 reliiooll es otablishmenot in the Cto il, weh w0ouil gieoyetiuauat hf ut rtaobinets for l$i pvtu1roofu. 'Wtg gio'u tau ttuotmerrgttiot ll ta, uanoit paintingog .iuu o n o t Io o '. IR . R . lui M ou u5 G riuoub y t fo Ig r. st prouuuea tu u eotiug outi town bloit, ottiu an ad. ho m1.u t to 0110uity'a t tthuorfoîooatoro. Mr.U "in- lit&theo ruoiyohao Iloidly'So30haoî o&Mrrooiiog CI l;o a01ut 000003'c.-,Oa Press. f ETAT PALEROu.-Ooo sud musialiertali- u me offattho doililotaoîi 0 dor thu uuicu I'. , Su eo f tSt. Lookua ZP lu- à uboiru liue Vuu..uud tnutrumoentât o tiOns 0anddialogues.Ru. hbc servedfnt thuuouu I3,uvagi , lootlL ouori byho att y tonb tho. .m ' cètj ide0. t ..uoiughoveo'aut fileo WuloFlluünt ..a.... . 9aiziable Vllage Prop'erty Dooui iLeu ...1. 15 Mmaofu Boub OIii tfhe TOW0NSHIP OF 3nNELSON. 'EtbImrlEard .......... : aud VtLLAGEOE 00LflOVVILLE, toton St.g... . .......t8fo' Couoiy otfRittoo. 'FrfnyfVbrOu..........I32 Ttorno oîllho o subI sSATORDAOY, PROlMAOtO ?.SOEO. ththhmLIduyuo ulv,i1887,ououoc MLiss KEL' 50Boo. luib ha atroout, 010then Prutotaro, lu rou nuueieTu u uuoo~ theo VILLAGE OF LO)'otVILLE, by tRoi LIoduOy DAn TesËMINutCA o S' lul tOfPoa.fflof Sal ol utaitieol iuî Anni Lidsa * An cNar orlaisntiurtfllbge" 1'ootooulo'it bu lror- Ihotu Douar, ' 'oliU0 1Arnotrouli uceS ut t houSalr, theooo loi'ng'Pie I yeoott Couuay Gertfo Muffat (triul). perty, udr il:rtgugafra.uau,00 R 1 uO J01. Te00. 00000 S CLoDZ :- 01od. Brown * Aieco ottcost'a noapubb0nolbu00lbIî 'matae Duumun o eI n N lbor.îr.u. oî... '0îooî' 00, ,.ubl. Wilbiiu ItfNair Jasa Ryaus Oobulo,îo.ol,0l.0O ,oonoooaî,,r joch Wahgon W'oV. Lawu ",n00.2, ~,iIol0.aoob0lalb Ou'bI Malolm tioLrau Crry lutiibury. r-ouoo .oIuaba-JonOn Bertfshaooobouoýtrglo, Eotoo Siio'.r 'O 0 1 0 0 0 ut - ou,,91 Abogu Adcrusn iubt. Antderson~ ',".î'ua. o lu'y o.sî oo iruce Dalloy WiituuoofaiRonu~oo'o0îO.000. ,, oot0000' oooa mo. 0TG10130,B, mua uuL"S lOua.bbloîOî, ob,0,on,1t0bb,-' flins Scotti COla. Corrio l'eI'lIoOu b oroano 1e.0,0 .0Ouo Roulir Douooroou FoirCil o Dobalthu.ooou.iurou,"ato.baOboorooO Rtoht. Siagg E.Cm'ol 000ubononeoo I. o, 1 i2Snd, 000 * Fred Myoru O." ,0OOo..ouogbonblo. IdiPouobululirourtOo-oouuptob ' . lu n.. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tuor o.b auota IPOLiI JN,1317-mm ouu*o uuLL. rm M r-E.toOf. 1>0000SI Ouo. ftb Cion-Bertbîa Hourd, Jant * --c IDuuuuuOBella aouo uuo sd Grom 9 ltBuheniuu. otir Juu. tii1 Cion-Ranuttu Rydut I' Lena Lindlusy, Anniem'0Lyo, Lz'o E Ilaouuut.j th Chos- ery Cl-uc.....ma.. ir-: o.ADAIR Mluiibhoi i Rubt. t0tobmitlt. r. enu, aurc ,Barclay. . Soofoird w-dtmtali00Ooilrs.lu iotorm llmn peuple ofofoilton Lavary, Chas. $butinraoe. and surrooodit oemutrythaha baho fut. fInaCima-Chon. Cubrr, Bella onmtd then PlioUi;raplrOGullry and Raortotin, Jolmu Lindsay. Juna 1rdCOon-ootiO aburun, butunu routir. S.- Dtun> bfor- Auotorlur. Editto'Douar. monfyoucai moudcamrooed ou So. 13o5 Chs-Aoomu SloanElle by tir. Qm. '. ermtret,.. Woharton, Fuuny Crchran, Eaith ad hliasoftt np with tnt.' 2ol Clou fotouy Rofbirer th, e ltsblatpphoaurrn" foahl Robertson, Ocrtie Hutoro ' 'anS tulo'pouuriuucalu j Ju. Ic. lasn Maoy foorhoýad 'necesuriylte t LitiauÏt6RborloummLuttio Jobumui.ý, . pouSsutiuni Seno 'tt lus Clro McGmbo,i taiguéd Doun,. DunyLee, 'oVlluIeFIRST' C14.SWORK Aderon. à. *_____ Iot. tt Ctum-Jubn.Cauipbett, Chu. aighatèû loe er Smtto, Wmm. tinKenemu, Chu. %'outaun ' Muu . on îuo3n Jan. lot. Cla-Loue Fata,, Euuesl uopeuoratue n le bGsnsuanld Robertsone, HouonS ýOnay, Kunnta durgthattii4h&rhnàworkOa Deacun. 'Inan oubur of the tradieggomlterton ii Pl y claO 050. Canadu, asi In ttoita ufl to;n S)Auoto Lilduy, .Ago!m fotoir, N. Y,, lot lu. piapaied tu tes nlootk Rota un.' t lt bamnuy sd styloeb (B) Prnd ow3Bnn, Lmenmn Bowuui, posiqntaoamt, eau .ty 1o!f in h,' IC(V)Got. StOuànSnou Jan GhupmI#, lu snul inrpnas6d by uîm thbi Berthia Fn-utrg -goaryi taho mutuY.'X (Dj*-ý'ti Ruion.,oIS WilonO Rey . e l à Ju o tPît o u yt a u u o i )O L -O U TH nnme nBl... '47. Pioofs Sh.own TUn o. ames unel t7 N1 oiy roe'iCiSe GOuId~~,*' Pîctorowaspninh. I tntunoh.,uan - ' 50y Al Ii, Je Fi Li m Bi Ji T B N it Auction SALE

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