TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 23 Jun 1887, p. 3

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cd t e icidmi Our în< 1o o 111.802,00 yrs f Itefleolor >tn best nhu' r 10e. a yard. Jiîse Priîîts is aargain ~ '>.Tîvare solfi t:1 1' the ecoîiro lot o ,00y9t~ jaîéëcto bîîy tgntsynce m dow'îî 1>11 01O1' fine Eîîlishsid prices. XVc waottiOa '>7 17c. 1»n»> Priîali 111e a il. t. A cl»toff o .al aa f» . 0 -1i . Se . »od e a 1 1 > a1v» 1 "11 1 d a, I s .1l O l eE e f> a ;jl.1>8o oîf Prnts between co or V,1>1>1: »» ol h ap. W liieWdl M-1 & MCMAST' ARAIN1 S TO, ORDER, -oII11 > . î > irec, $2500 »>l>»:>1110»11h'1. 8.880 5.08 l ys0 Suîtl tb Or&er ser.i..l 1uit, i:1. iils >> e11o' 1»î ike oo è il . »'1>Im >18g Eu TIREET, MILTON 9.NWM .iJETC., î>c NOTICR1 où1i>8.d11 :L Ill h; h leh Cotu i.to'ab W.. C.AD 0o>ilfn e e 1>oh ll co»» lîogootry È r 0ltý l>o l'I>to>1101>IG, >8.8.000 . .. - -i oo ado .81 n, oveA' >0. >80 the >1 -iti ~ th' I1 180. l'.. . S>t hfroofa s 8.080081Sehodo1ébf ÇnCo ~00~ THE TU/LE To fil the vow eideo'n 0ii'c? the étMÔsE1gi ~i ~:* lz*0;, 1ý ,- . , 1 : , .. , , XoL. 0OvS 11110110 ~ W81havo-t cetHBirk SatinMr. ........C... Ie.L100no4 . ;.w18l1187 --...9;,$ 0 Lsle lGlnven . ,........ 0. -n" 00 eethemeb ahrp8.asin for h "m Ooo>iitrh atm8o0588.8aeniq>0 . 18e.L1le oe. 90.0 .8 .. 210 01180F. 1108181,~~styl. Thà eoffe,t aypnofr H ETOBQIT Dow 851160 arb20 96.75, Jeomi 807= b 142. ' ' 8r1..>81880 Who6188.f ....... 5. 1 ;;à. ra8n,588hn118OîpldOcul.aiLcýl 88 18mbtie.82>1>70 ........ 0. 098s82ef8gh b iensgn1103.. .8Pj8111. 9108f880 o80O lp0e1 A~ ~ 1 ~ ne2ç1 8Oned. l'hy.oîh8pri.m.19798d2Peu - Iat12aopw6m ÀBM. .oc. Nw ood, *ew'S ris;-ýPatterns, and.,Lo* P&yard.1Duod.ii j j'll g a EXOELSIOIt LT.Hfl=G HOUSE. * *~~i r~ I ,in . ttî a' 4 T-j'alr'e SalesinL.,e..lia-. 8. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ -o 1I' 8 8 lIe OO8.2891R,08,C811 ~ RlEa O AE REAEMîR dh t- the, àrýà.ïï Pas dI cu Oht aile jmid'olo! ite ,1e oîoîîîe hôco.l -- , ] [ JR A YLè e ;0.1d.oo..î.8 8187.o1î.uno l M11 88108 8..l, lohuou i8bidiI8t88r88Ib,>.888 8lt888b>h>î.ibstb, . ~ 8 oîo Vlo I, o r l otq8818.OT0î î.7îlB 188170,8.,4b8.1178888, f In1881, A I S DO .F R E inatehor 0f cs !'.t h-, U0 8ebIa80î8î.o8î81l>o88>TelI.1880 88FO8811188 for>I> y8,188 > fure>owtroadl'Z , 181800.8 au o8o8.8A.l701.»oo788~88t181.11~O 1.eO.. ,nb omit. 'c De. a >d traitait now 188 y _____ 818.d8M-Oeh,. '" Icoi SroheoL, sTll onI LhaE - p*d l>l H ý icio110l8 oryte piait quar8ther. . 8008erîIOOvî 8 0 77ot. tii.Gthg O n 311 l oa88 174'ta00 t18 I* r o mperHo f cas, s th atln tntoî r 88W deody . .=.. 19 88>758 108 ooo 9 lel foiheuooe thyhg1ad10___________._____________ -s euc.a nd .:: Ia04calta; AOO inii it.I, clint),go nd B r fos, sy, itable forIl F O. rur il 1 1ic >0>$W.,îI;o dicul coo rlbe L inds.o.-JohGeat 10 80 Saaoohlrnssesof4 îon Lopmg etn s trmcG dns Hat, Ô' eLyar voi,.1 la ilael Tuesaor1osol enusdyseig ..of18 0 ail d. h scoseoî 01.oof» , cari nos88 andoitran'ou ,î0,' 1e, ~ ,'Sd L ' AE, sreBae rnie r $ 5to $250 per yard8 veryStil choap* eetore fteespedd$iîîa ikjt >1> frtter, 1»0, Uh8 F.Rg COIe R. VCillof7 So10uth o e Stîroee I lt ... 1.. 10 0815 3020o8 5 t>ooOoî.:itonf.oeor> of billtooorSadaieth11 ke o wAndun. 1l0 o b 8. ee ILG F LW IL app888for thet 17poCe mt1 et HIR 4 J r ietu oaoOoadsaadd 7011011- I tu ton> 118elaoehlée- u AE 0 W Io se tl>ouileo rn aOOOeleahh8vh, cO Ap ho T-faîe";1fr. F.1Beh ,r,21.8t177 .>088>b»800>1 l>8i'1orCSdirib lea o ro ubce., 00, . s , 2188 0 a e noc od e orgtt alc u nt e atc c Oîoorî>h o»0lut - >1 ii f lb " e 18 je oeceotioe Dr CerTiiso lllI2o00011cardstof 8tghee 'ohicloitr28choppr f ,> ' t e st C a s e w al»m a c.»h e yv. nle t g~O 8 l 1 o t >h n i o S s- F onyt o f r B~ 1r.um e C .8 r q > 08lte 1 8 8 . d40 9 8 1 0 2 3 S a l e ,àth o f o lleeoc o l o rao nuit800088 . .il t.. .. . ....to 2 -er3 e ecr. lis888887.80»T>8e.>, -al orthof ary t-L.......1-i - lu 295. >lsoa Èle. l lne o Nep.esî..i .r11li lac andBro n;0.ve08.0ededDolmn WcpsI>08 $4 o>$0 - an2 1>8.0>80» hi>II- ur u cddrross toeoxI iîtonl0yhe88eeegofFrd>, Ah ieî 2 1..Ieel >>furo>>808. 880070. . .A UO 'TiT le' »~>11. Nî r..o-.A S Ciia n Teoahrile dfrishheee8.8 0>dboadrL P8118.ee81»g080 EAE, sueBae rni es W HI$ý65to$Q L0 éryadvey B oa;arpetoof , h oespèdi 1Sua ik 88>» l a l o. 1e11.n1-goal. 'Onf èllrasphooo, >8 te, ho oe: msianduewa are e! yeeg ladie 41spécialO8.8c, 888ie>'in>8,>r 2 ogO8.,»>ooac slae lhl h4>lehtu thr 78fO h 070. Co laint e arealll so>008gra>8ba a>n8>oOOLa>88aO 7080110, 08.,0o,.8>0>.ýtc.. l>1 8 >, 1 î ie lîo»>»t>O8> 1'7 . j 8î17ol8»8.508. .>1 eIeee, 8> 8.10e~8l5c88tS. 108888 80808818r7»e>03088100087tc.cotS lil.amou. î>ooî>>t»».,-î> l Si Jeîe o te dOc enI 8710 prontid e rqa rt ~ e egrd- u n80.IOt>i88.o08-,.S A L E0>.18.w8 Tloeoopp81th. L8 the )I:ttter'8 st f or 0es808..-808881> r01-î>o8loI98are_____y h orî onoîs îaoerp>.gtiolo tae0Dr. iru10p levait 1er1oîeand >.e>eowakain OwT.n >118187cn.o--- 8O e,08anr. 1811.88>88a ios. 'W 'i àf Br» >'>.o»1,o > o ta, ena>o> 8 la.1>01 he ecr ionp b t B rlig700 80 of raions wee. !»g lU0 7>8888>p008.8>800. 11888te88 80 708081>1 l»88 *. o se th t ave o er7ouhtan whéh we rè >10 r> o î" Of. the 8.880000888809b12 02 Village l rge IlP I i es rgTt c .. r » t-.1Il ,8 l>A .>.0 iv»of Br ot>e n 8 0.5hU àae oon_ a o - iaVILAEOF80700>7002 R 1O>v ' n-'ilee a fr îo 81 ta ors. 'Wuo ef a pl e M rreeco 8011le ol n AT RD hft8 ý te> VaoîI> r i:>onsb iS. . Wot squicre, .8Iacee.. as wlehewetOeW îhofnuioy Oe- 8 da8»008 1 18830 >701rit81880>8 88> of. 80»Io>'> lo000'>î 87 Ii.ttte tei retthe- sole Werk terneii eut fully oqeaonteothe it fasheut.enable t s nre iella i vae tolir à'ýdMlt on; mis s 8l>188 . 18 ors 1of.lY.caee f>eo 8.07ina ana 1 1->01 .1,ea . O . fACHF RD' 1-7>1ol>, . lb ie aieiepntohasSla,îleae0te01 >îl0o andte ilà.-i8>11n ublc88817118theÉclt Codi ; r. 0. ar 1qe > 1Mr1 t W,0! Fîr à riJho NlT8I) B W00 0 8 I ~ 8. Roya , Culihhe>o athoesi eient .3A000 a , aflgrd ev1 eO A K tâ%ille lydclouoiExhibtion, inthe own iHall;YOa ,o H artiste xvl&SONlleNotrt Boot &oShoe House 1 lorel0 iFi ne!80101 hj24t8101 detuîl iîtîe soih ae' io. 080 - 0 8 98 ta0'8' 810a 'l )Vlt 1>.ni. teo ra a timini un th c 0 j1nt 8888ou 1he88vtrag sferd1hi od , ued ues-8811 tuleel11211R81.I'82 T S 'a he »>l'yt!.Mr l>esoo . O11,; tlistof13 î . e o hg !a .8msi, aa 8118 f on 5uad e i. a it h1128 81 lo > I 10 1 . ol. nuit r.ljrn» t:iiee 8 t he f0ter o cu888 1 O eh r rfoh et. Cl a pel at. hl a otte esuh Oo»te >lote8e ojoeh8 praC>Cs88rs>e888008800 ""Iltn rsde a d he aaM0101 01 2 Wcb ueu0 571881 0081101 1 700 fil, ou181 0 700ýý 0>>1 forll ardo ver -tiaes t 8100 fo réProai o'>? O B e t LIdyé o reON Bm 'o ti3008l'. 27080o Hi 70o i oncau h-i lan urbiobul dingentn Bramtn.deay Ooeiertiti i the ni of0 8> . tho . .o t.80 - - - otffei 3 SS Vj l" >88>ie»~»~n~oo a.> ee cgetlaceoro.r.0118e1o1l00o P- ,8887180teile IudhS udnned Aooneo5801.U8o88redAlette . .~>" --- brto.19..11lu88 theEnroera 9>181108 8L885 88l0i8080, Ioecigu.Spîls IoîSe.oha ttWhe.,Gride Outiay -of $10e.end tthe otelà ldesfttooo. 1 donios f h 8018.110g opr-Slire mo e t8,akn hostiles a tquel bte! C88Il el0Ie.01 Wdrûey w ituî2Sorchaula,, 8,011Cl:8tIYGipr8,JbI4e>.oe1iet1r.obthf O uluFthbil,8043hOIledeoo malO. ThyorMaoooEo t .lI" h o*>the 5001 aétyfc and0 ih ei tbgy 70 0180e0.. l.oo ido trletocvr.ruthe. w00 olse liDesOso8. AIes e'lOîfR11L100(10008fl81 84toh8F188TH1,0 bogte1ery Oîrupfor i h l,yî' j looo soeod îe lhory e spoelote heirppoeet 88 îbj ' l8y1>.o' ..rgr.9e>9>117di.idil has tio iffnHe1tber.7u08. Tteo oed.eekSrotiIîh i'Toietng.ertie, 5,e1>oIgat'nodoyefEeoroidrie fo Drsicete Il -jOl. 8'îedO> I>o>g.l»lho> a retciso îh i1188. ThoSstcold o 'ztodêd i01O r ont he ltefrdc1 eni bt87 rl 508 rsg .1 - ..ai lec .d.'r îî'iloieLee o ! 87NcDuI 811 roc )c,0 88efrle945. r>r 8 odvife 8osdAafr o e trais assailple wil ho end 'a9011tlni e'. , .:,. IOur G ods, 0- 8lîî1 a»r-.. ~ j'I 7eoe7: ersoi bn>e8hebI8ceo~. .881 8lgO 19 eirho, 880 cl hemrc8,80 îd ni Oie1,-Llco ClirlaCf.;.ud18 8,0 Ilr.,GedoatoiEoroe.v9iayso'lo 1>0 , ehJoe 1 î o fo - he p80g08111> rrSe d mISbye un the'tmt o '$8.50 .hFoa obeau ailetaboFut Houarpot 11185 Ongtartinent.s8.lireSa.i1,1Ih, teyX68BO N N E T S1. 7880 7800fout00IdLr8l888. Carpoe lOnîi tl.y ce'Wo1Ih's.. fi»to8> oois iol.dooh o r the0 ci.te gv HO. a e i nveny 0811ht. o rr,.due W>Ii 'Iiti. b CaatrIict5e .01? AFle s hT 17 la te' ut nishr i t'f j, >" - 'ef>11870,T111e litsOer.oilo Hglrn aree. Fe Hme.0e le teO1187008 HIo1Hue .odeudnou. olbis >008St.Wes, clme Maua0 an o8e.0w Sar Hz. 3dis -deadte.18170 . now on ei907'. . . '. ..W Cr i . invite.'l"adies )u rhioilorle e Iil -o, sbîe1in i aa 1bu*- 08 eO - ' Slilem orno i, Toroto. -1, . 1802 nujo'. O Noo~e eeuhip i 1o; particate ,otoeOntario a -ia t8 881 .1 . q1118.ssjCompanyraOsofwJIehso dc a a> hioetetet 81108a FCity1 18 t r s. A i mesesock ophoF 07111F115 HA P witor 8>î.l - . 1 -Il l -h mborîlenU ', lrefo -Jo.- un Ar

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