TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 23 Jun 1887, p. 2

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wIE B IIÉ7 p 88 V-l out. L I s, loi1 c10 p08o0a !Ç '8" l il W.8 A. t,,t lilel oI,...t a,, , IL80'00, 8 sah. 088 ai1t-l8t>8~0. Ml.ioa>0 000 l Id80 hohi.ie" ri0,.881 tebeIl II-1 se»v 8i 8 . - . - . 1 .11. 1 . 1,..*' > _ _1-,, --. - H . D vt 58-0 0188-80 o C r0 0 1 . . 1 1 : . .'.d a a r Jr 1 08 8 81 o . 4t 00 8 >001:: 8 1ý_. - 180 ).> rrO O O - . h e U rt - -y tt V i lo r a . 0140 -L 'or >Ib oe V I areadfO O0OtoaioJ_:m O tfooovti 10800halei -rn _>t 8. 88o8 ,ý88880' '8 e é oýtee rns î .. 88> 1 .18 >ooy 1 1,..boooo .T10 8eloa t t oirtolro, ol o ir roio> ,oo sior 1e.aovo'1 o>i-B m roa rflh ' ins y 08 or . "Il .tý1»8 U lia h nc o ,ojo8OtO0 080(>TheftoIo 1180 asp ',o -_- . C1v0>sd.10f , orredtieHroo -t ta1U ' .ryrd. . . e . - oiii 1t e n1O -I B m o t , p -. . I8>THE88J8100 boortrýN O r a soo-m siierprtriefOol>.80_>.8a0 71i88>8Y>8air, C of, d 18odratodtlSf . i i e .,radbor Pacfo ;los .0. 8 800.. ,1. 080 o Hoo,'8881 388018Sorf iI asbeodo-ayd Tre tis110 alrddIoOtri8lir>8105f robr ovoos18e18881 10 :8' L'Ilo t o n ilou_ i IV . Il 0008818_ _.o ro t p ro so rî,Abo l .p 1 o roý ; - " s....o_. or Ooyr dtorl.. otI0 800 opoolrtiaIrr000888l83, T r m ' - rdipi , sf100-.1,soro-ir 8-->"'7 rîd irsie- 'D 4. t O re kl" ý~Cf W -1 _ _. e ;'J v .ro. - 1tderco >î88 K 4 r . y e îiave88 3 ro 'ott.ortryfr r . .otor. ooa[ '; of. s-oo -t11 . soà h 5; l . P-,,:Irii. wwl 1 08 tson>o-e .1o 00 .- ozzl0elo88,O "e' 088t0100080.0. taod>0008>0 oSrlAtr>the,0l' isoCovlr Hrroplst Bfard.eet,88o08808r1C8 o>Iigii t1e81100 oool preoe 008'Io b >C tt sfoyadepot a Ifi>10800 -pafr1. ,zA8d;8 W .wil.Ims'0180 Mro. D08 8800>otf0l >et8 irf0otO 80 -ur» 18 e lvîslfrrote o Hesp,; ano elrTtd l 80800880À, 18 10 11 ,ý - 'S,êmab>om - 1t finîe lawn Pînlo BrDZIDSINTAI u ,i, one "r- ai -îjinýOLBIi-A S ..- __ t8i88 o1,ed o t 110. til. 10 o rl r thO ,Cna8r n câbit e ya ororle orI., 1 Ooilre, At ptrb il 81f-sis1 - - - -8- ----- 'R M Es.sor teô -.'w C lo ,lÏ ' 1, .. > 81 o o l >idcro1 .t7fitaliir. ro»f 8 o 18 don »> »1, oýr - -ra , -, -Il _ -. wrn-, . il. 11 E L trd 811808 .8080 in18008b o r80re>eethev éedb >ot8 Mr oloothes r uto n o f: roo . Tst 81.00>H . 881otir Uolveha ,»'8of to10xioted.8t1>1 tis e l ---of'JnIy. 'We ' ' a , 'otis l> 0 Clo lout t lo- s *g vuoroolm 'vu .. »-18800000808080, i vtoo e> h 008. ior Tsoot1o Caodb.r-orol 018000088 iololo alo a tio UiveOiî 0> . 'iro rtfoodleilo de>Ia-..1 i-orLin1 osl oe j Halenle f- a Il1o1 000 . 010>8110 1 88 _Inlta nk %ord orro y p ovore gairLI coois"O r.yce m -ri-.MH, Ma-t-8-i,8 0. le0.8088 1.th Uivrstyet-ye braJ,9Ibuf, .;ý,t1 i>e-n- >Io liso bIler-,W.f--_- 7 D,,,pe Cet1,leoi,1188 0>00 t >l-18 doaIlt, t,. T , pootio w, .h 1 ,8,irit1ere I.osetho ' osé0>p le' Pý >o ; loing&Lh tl o r181108011eCot1omay d'esd ontiq ireitit t >8o00idgo. o>Vio1o8sC oBoqoi,:8. wosro en ced ýý ý . ' '0à , , . ., 000888 orooooot/ocoto* 8.tOOriOfard ho Toorioli 180 o ofiorol Or80to Neiro > tse popoed oti,8o-80->o.. illne, o lle» AI0 mertirgo isie o . >' orrsaeos oa rioodioCb i 88 Caf ss00> oe. veîor le >800000010 t1lt I ______, en ire Ot jo 000 >Irat to o u~i18tio»s.0The bc 180088000ly i»jinioos>yespornd. r.E..Oi n té mdclp o, 1iorgolie ovooboaora lro uroet8>00180018 1 8»e iocideoloent>oeed 10 msolis i d -'oOrY u N'e co o ntw patter^s, Re-, - r pr-, e, 1 ..0;.pIes ,n ý altince as 08001018 a i800080Justhic Yrouge csesoithe - 1-p-1tott 18» nn a. aI C o ve Ori l , onotrn ,e ome f a orT îlsoolo>' or» f1'otor, a, . ,t , o>Iisr'titnoldor8000leperot or. Tho .8.100880 8010>88810181180 sio a >For ie ,îas ce.o> . oO tt>o ol 't..rI W e »r1e ooo8_I1 od pp o aoo» C lîgo frro Sel on 11 f r 108001 018800 oc eo ed.>'is ' on ire-tf"1,01 ,, Po li o-oll, S o re s ai -080 18 88 0 >ts io . If yd ntoriol n olt" 0088>tilo l 0011 >e 0.8'oiin tieo8oo Ipo» o t hrd t8andle 187dén189. eoto a n 80 t rfnotc100 010866; Riâ o ordn oio oiitlio rpoi.paflio, i ' yoîooc»io-ott-ror. >80 on800008Y e n eco »00808' oorbCdro r 8> os11 oo»y lse nosiso lol>OEodloa foro .o'ioas> 'I'.o trr '-ror ï-.. 1088118l00'Coel->1n 81poooiofrtv 'oa foo paioe>).D.a ea = , oM »io oTor>o...oai- 0 Pa coifnie Sis' "_18 --oordéop8s.>e"1 .tieutoa i r I w i t o > M S r a g a . h A t l a> f Ote d e . h e p l a t 8 0 0 0 ldfO bun w a k. n t h r O, a i a n . 8 : ' . . ý ' ,- . à é , _ 1 8W 0 h0 ' o Lt à ý . l1ta t l a s l.0 ' 0 u f n ý ahta Wpbi y arcI vo l eo forho 8 M-0 po irol h8 o >0>18008 F ta i is U-a.C.C. Fé riin e >"'t ý ý of r ýý y s_1 ,,,.ý_ý- Llmï . b> yo l8lyn roool.od l 00 aon-d IAolfentoor .88- i-tooo:,se oo e > ;, 'J' J,. -' j 0, l"l.U agàCottv."o or >as81,880Coasinod>' entenod 0>1> goot>als1081l >bopenete proooofoofibs0>118e >80. 1 1 00. Tle 18*0_>800.08,,100 .lefI1 or liso ojindo o>-& tof UIY- 18880b88g0>t, 8» oitIt tovif 8>0 180000 ili 8808811>0081fulligotoyero . thesnli ie Coodiar Brnîfor. Tiit Otiet- 1-asA T'dfC O S virtue of thein' .,. ' ' tsnfomttonab-lios' o>, , le/oit>'> oe. elr'e tidi1toado1a.Dam alet 8'oooiIbrc petî80 f0188tOll>O »d10110> t i f l iotttocalSreo nd D r atog n8i» ci -too ah1f00808>t0t>800e18088,001» 118 ofeciorî'cfia.p*oÀ no for 118018 ,;- zssode» ct'support-ethClevelandooeI» reonoîCollagerandelicn.l ,»o , - 0000, . 1 - >81 . .8 Ittl10>00 808 i8 er 081ta 808 ailOma1 rt >1 s08 eserT>ricle nanai .l . »,-'ý;,$néýrg tf é I it foc3 1180 o080>810.0Colne -lte»> lMo dmoe init toioon ol »le p d r»io t .3 geooM.o D.C hcagoifn ast;diretoon o la 1.î . :ý.ý: .. _ ..-. ahIn1 tntt aaa.l, I .-ý ý , o . 1801 eC ro0o0 tirpî'y80 e, d.1oo», 1110.Ilt.ci. Iloo : P.ts -oHo.o - l iooroFoioJo>' 28> 0»91> o. >81 8t/oi>0 odc haoco.plne Iltoo> 8000"andoote» oc 1188000 1801188le 108case. 10eo o on to. 000»>'theT80080108 1D0andbor igoo 080-080. 10 .o:ot/ioroocb. >8a08881888>8>000088 00>8i1081lOetf180'000tl80 oo>e8>ooOIaloOool îo0188 l.A>' bot ole o oooo.Tt logOlotcfe- oo»,g «l010 . -) -ooo boodott100. 1 . . -sWzta. asbît o the.88tledi» - 2 and 108 Expéines ritb'le0l. a> antiol ootio n rtb Raidt a gatloof e o.f e.d,îr oct'»odtObitl n »S 180.80081 >8 8)008 050I008>880>a=. ao'lgoerr-obopl or;Wo..oroo peOy.8 0.. 8....8 '£00-orol teo 1800 nnsfi or 180 r o ro o> UnOIiversO 0ito foulte o>édfittcal 1or.80 08111»081 8o0i188. Sooo zo 000118 c0.00.0.0rN j an li li80008tb-0This0do, bbttll8tetDro.ie08 . . elt .T. eloc.lI . >8i88f1000150081 Rllirilbyth CI8)felre 0 oo>by Poic M gitrt l aa p aio rue of080 M.>8D.110n t i Uni esoito, Thé reo»8088088 the1 Cani en IIYHO 118000 . 808.808.ibI0.81 >8..1.14 o.-eo. tîto Qonot>, (lrv i H lo .o cIl tis ' I., . e, noinuion Gaernmett, w 188'ad ilongo oay nt8)o>t > 0o 8f t eo 8.880 c>aise put teipo esiyofothe 088)0 boo..ir I...l.p,011i-1p0l88 18> tbothefooneol ?îltooto-.,y.a ll. ; ,otoo, o>.oei.og1 , 00_ J.lto,.-ry-_ 880'~ondst eoi t ohrier foot into- T8o ooi eg poblie othe-eAc0îoi ib 'r» a0> tio bo o îoD.aoo8808 raio' Cîoroiopp1881orri o> tîo ono' 001110>1bnd lie. ittooorot Io»ltr.8o8ot o» lto 180' ta'o elIb 8880 800)0'r othe ifeo. f080080. 000>8888880 Ib o S to10c tIo oO 10lt bob>08. tîoo»bfolo >t 8180.îe1,~', . V lis nPo 888110,0880- 0188:a-I80at-t 0 08b OI0oot1O > .roeand8fr>88t hoètisoi10 o 0000 t1880.4 f.85080100>.11.1>11>1'.» 11oebQîO. d» ol 0100boo î-eob. 88fîL ' ioroboo 800Tei8ce OiioOig boo'0801180018 o 18 .000do/sis' 1 81p0.t:00..TI88e>8citt00& 1880801Con 1 >01'£tîr .0>>' vTheobocol o'00a1 I caîpit er' 1180 01000 >81>1n foll oo»m 18>'al b 181818s, qel esptécialroio'iel tOn o.118.Do. o Edobtoti 118.'.. iu. ug C rd .f ai de c .îpton .0> 1,>80,81 8at81.'8 . Otlooio OoI. o- . ; I. o.oot... . 1.ort!,tl.ý1z: . l . . .ýihel ntae. e ro 8 al 0povaeil of P>O8s t!Ùg oleo M O otf ict 0.1>oti olag ))e. >0818b1008 e>o8u00s)011r01gcrcto1..no8 e o»o>g , . i 1o 0>tI_ . . oeef pllo ta' ota'ou11efano nr orl1 t e 7 « X, 'lio -0,8Ag080 188 >0e8808 >B8te880.>80oo.o'oo tb fOrttOt>8088 818 bototo >>,100081ao>o0 'i8f ndtneth etem nsa nd 1>11110c>' a dation1,17 e ablocï h i ntatos ooltoladeDr Ogbea n o e a bis profess00» ion i1800' on >0888as0o 'be oo ion '. E'8 -,n 80 B lb o :dl nlrf n Jeo 1~ b bco~ ',e tI),>88000 m ad e wleti80 th é ndiens b, D e r i Bo rn Sco b i~ p ott c sc" o rvsonto. sud O a'1ib o l e n t».) na a e tii» O ne ,IO nodI s 8 110 e0 88 0.8 b 8ti tt1 'O'8lî. rot- 1- 08 5. 1 e 0 0 ' 8 8 0 8 0 00 0 8 f ol. O O 08 b b o,' . . B 1: murl vii o osOb08muriug mt180 raiofor é cathe oof Sc ottAtr> t-t a Chiagosb oiI n Mares, 187,»i» e ho obtoo hoOiOon to.'8i8suppot of le 88.O ,, »Thrdee8>>od uoifotrbotdo 088818180E0E :tt0S r80p8>% 1>'o. eltbo Qoo.c»o» oe Jc>erpclcthtora;IOintelle>'8)11800810-18>I8). Att%%- d bi pr f OOltOOO>' 1ia001081' thea bod>'nottaod 00f >821.. . 888.8888)80'.800011.t8-0*0"8. ne r i Iool, t he DomC nion Gav era t..le l01nor018118)0010800,18>a0 are Cî 180 18 ric e lb the 'Ram yiott haO T >1188) p t iMtiol i1 dÙiot C88O O8o . ' '8 ilio >800e0>b va8it as t' fI1.nnd ttlesuh ettgilm n o n 0 1>08 lio îtn >8) not'or 5 J)O t e8818f8088800 808808,0080>808 -.-.,cdta ele ottlle te> rovic8ef, 0inbio b oChicag88880 >o.'»o,>andb s beau les it> cont - oîo e tnlooftlicforeilfol> li8Lflteintri lge bItao8pagaiooOodpoiiorrf o>'tcos Fps IN E s' Wo O RS' nlST _7 --7 1 nua orteroreinleo)lIottOoretto8Oor 188 08 o c, 8a e f8)119'0>8.8118 . F>olei o se ilog ît>ton ioIoieolî nthîhprfcineloat etàsnl .. ý te to loe atedd perCaaa ooeafo fla;ine ing t>îaortboe sho f o sentI sot e io o.liesiolbirt,i 800101» haobopo»b'b0 e No btodoel o» >oon o ito sehiojesu>"he mo t atbeloa o i s ci Iioate >1874 11>18 080 ntelttr8 iognstioaI 0080, 0>8810 Io 00 811)ondée%,bowcd fthe ooaei oci'lte îs, 18>8.> f l1o eyIb . ý : actuel M ,oI ecernéta888888. osndin818S. tuait is 1>tu espell questin1of strt0u88aci iumie0>blel*p8 . 8001800008>8>018 frontils- 1t-îitalen taOte Pri8yCou.eilfGio.basaielargearooer o>le»ostoofîos . o11E en8IiAs fltIl visCAMPthSTO - V.E?.. .. . . .. ý A JE 1 1 1 ' - 1. ý ____ __ý_ - fi prs8e8eli.4 for wo ea 11fre 1)'loreî>oool Drin i c a odoMéda erlb o y.orgn ' 0881>8100>'. n é la, nim r i troh bon-. oot, toeo l -2181 eltl'er e olniciotIrfocs fr0th0 aie prlait/o l as88 D880088008>81080 it> Ibo i t.. ' ailfot,ala gde 8 id0.018ed tn te o sr. 1cbor aof lu rab>' sofI.8>01>88- 1 .'. - 08'ta0. elle a0d>8.188181tisal0sont008>o0f1$760.500>. 8 o»>ormblngandeon ,8>018 >000.l o>iCo. 08 1. e188>800. ~. l-a". îoghm aspeI'l .9 S let UqC AR>eooo îîtseoo>olr',tloo>ttloo f8801 .18 in 8 7» ; fo 'o oloigt. Tyas aideno to, M . 'for0,le 18e 080> e800 , lias 0188'c oîo e rte ofrabod iller >"old l>aot' e ltg io ate rncle» 10rie $5 ;p e p i i. tnîlîro Contaele polie o urt t8 h sIoli i or ulc ora o >.»hepubeon t eboilaTrgpe doiib oorole I ,8 oomrooîinc oî loloo»olir8t>. noootr bce» oiisfur tsl ogoglr .vltos Io oo.0ee ) le C oliolai1 018. >'togieple tiret occolui10>in0= tltio . 0 088irllj>tg t n n vel baitt >00 ooeboo lutio tea n wi orlIo turlle 1ciloafnt or)e181el 'a le go>. loo o rlîboPrk o lr. . al 0- 1.-n her affcjoft" à ot'rtoo.. - .00frato 0o>80n eteno> 88btoleit 8 ' exrtb Otov 0do iirot"00 ool doie, 0>0i0I'.8 L T hiEs ngiO theLv ain e f (, B thrR ""ed ' 31m.Zi oe e o 1> an"1 'Inoile» O r d o>'a184.evgtb ca a oote ooob OoOot lo hi tîdos18880'a cbtae ,or»'p Ral iselior re> on 0000 bose flo e S6.130o.e 80>800>0.b lîooocr bo r e liit ooi oWesdten>irt% oent t,o aat h aw&oio r.a peforeod e ang a o $8.Oi ,- o 'ci celoIN-saoe t>r tte Oogoodemi e- o~», oîoom>eselooob A EM . . IV . . o W 0n8ot , eoeioo8tl8 ln ft h il 4,teaIinoe sustresse ' 10. ie Io ou hs ee 080>>8Il >'e a oostdrtoo> andotia ele s ialirpswovor ..001 porfoc. T»-0011>0e'al pr' - int888r8 ooooosohn a o xI 88>808810> c ortloo o qtpo rin un1088>800 88 5, Dak> ite arSlogcý o abrisp Ilso 818108» >> f Omlo roando A' tuno l oin' 88'ltne poétis. o> 40e roaoard S.08. E10.0( ok,Ha itn ont aratrepdonterncôit. n asxMotsclf Toeo idjooo'. 1000088000tat.y sa obo 000 81010 a> tto Ca o».oi>ogpias8$18lie500Ilia h0aToo cash.. ' le> inolbqdbitsit of israre >'uoilI >ieol r 18e»' a d 18s>' Lo s. Iie eq ip.o.te. H asL ise raro. o1fiinsoetioeo M . a scao tll io l n - - - ' f008>'ioollercail 08 i onthe or bt ftlort Mselodoa lio owlu aor a l0l o f elle S leael st0000 >e00a1, e vo rra 08.h lulrt.omoo .00fur .0>818 bîslaitandiisotM r. M.noTirt fon it .t ct lta bc p' r oc o. nnobioOOiiau lwiecebgoisota c> Her oeisah 8)toel08>0181 otsl 088808 >e. hirel, oloar >e foro >Fra«...a 1 n . z~ .h_ý *-G bo logo>r t t nd t . bô ll 8 0 rlt in licn0>800 0m0a5 ood -titsbOeohr _sIo. _ - loAIN* Tte isiro oMeliso L Bera es iu ltoili00>, or rNvlc hd r iso roo 800 f isepasllota î>cd >' ffir . . Ol c , - paseohor.call. otr.soi18000.sai, o>ethaoTo..... F10118eBathe vicerolisroîtîotess 8.00 ., Oorosg . 3 Z l 0 ooo ,,obya I o.yo ine tloro l r ed adle>f >8880>80000 ooî. go l ooo qeo lelit0Hai >0. oot N ia oa îrols a J ort>' c>an oo I - thio invirnirgin torrb . ot 018>80 8.0fBiade .CebooeaCapt/ J. . -. 1 . ' 188.0180180850018 byiat t so opoi .îito>,rlI fil etl e oasto 81,madf tacoentam r e n - . se. » ~ bob reor'ci poise t ac8o lie a cil>' 1800180 li te lino80 ofî athol'o1>o a le oeloas M a»uB ifde M aor S g.. ajn 1 ____ofavit ______i inor 8=Z07 ordot= == ropo r Atl ias00. Nrlis rnelle îtcri e r .F ate1>,88 i otnod oy ho, atr urtilal gand oi eta a1 1: ,e 7- e» ocslo00800Oieo Tso.Bo ;I f»fI.OJ . * 1 _ ic at his ievoni laot nk coopo:lentla ist ive t e m t 71 I..ýlit. c0oo hoo8l elr!loNolWol, btotrot Froo e inbee this in t.n, dÎl thevntf poe ss/0 0G~ 0 0 d Iiooooien couauleh1doyood '.oorhoo e a o te00 Millp o n, la e r. tuol bo teto t o Bori ie >r oo déniaieconia tion>8 a ndbitospeotiots dayiq e pp uruc. 1. 1 ý . . foi ait adourninctit. .Mr: irs>a8len are c»nvIited that the Actinsth11>haveleeauocos 088.dAta118o>' di» thalA.ooo opootooboiv1Mnlbu- OOro'eotof theavrpthcrowdso.Byehigloey'clpok taI .»ptûCetibmaoae le.red Oythe HPaclNng fir: . . * . uilent onytiso oe, ta,î88.091 enîlo.biove» lî l> 8> ito ta180 Reuoir' Sitalrdof 09>0>8.10aIboebMe aoflIoro80l upoaoa RvrT itrukia'con ip l 0000 Sborcoo*o'a, Joo 1.th '01>8rm eoutwha . SoerptidrofO>o . « ' hea;â Ia;IoiuistoIthaig ol"',ba ibtr i sl aio. Hce:oo o br»ols isat;% eiooirle1810ta s» aell eof e isa a1O 0 Cmpcta i l was at i os tworty'fi.oThe' oo.' prasSteel B:dnri08>80- 'ý1 terdug 801 ,ba tt Boh er laffc.eolsocl ho 1>810 ortonlavetsilium000.00vioIlleStau a ram e b. li ot 8) as>' I ili '-tssioo '1aî5>80801iblo a lle.-. sc ooa W . .*Vho" AyM w r i1,ý. ý ý. >iiiiakiigtliiný stiieci reanicttof, Iýst alare anenneof evene frin aineo> llearlobpalCitin. Ia Bya 1'dsN f to8ri5iate n th e0018e p'., i ost li 11.., ta. i. te - uee .. . I f;ntee nt bite 81.88f4f1.11.Tbllepin od o ta heotro ute a1188gef00180 a abryî>en bîftiso pliido», aS11isa'e0sc >'rI ,sot froe8rzio nadT eM s "" â O80iclalybrta » ctrayslme ICraCbnleAu ile leralc tordMilea oni3apuo -bpho s Ioul b dr0g he0lc, dysc8vied toî i i oenoarrao toirîd ren he -oa..£e'o00188».er 1 - ororotool toobî 1 101887 b> tie Ml8» 000 ýý : n>iod, Itellleon delo»Iod." .' Iil 00thep»5staotiondoliaoounesoîle idole ces, adc sdp alace goeoî t i gh 1 . . rb.lid, le.. co Joa as u»tloo .000 1 .H1i8 o nA d i a O va iat1108001>eCororoorclapeso8oO000. O r tloeenn1,00opoeitthe r Oo à las18C loohfVoceivoreror ibinChest e , iobo .t>08100 la e- r0.10e00Os i lO.8808t0tc000 il a 808 ireboo» soogovlie orroer otoloobrbrof loîtlier.io .o.lO o lli 508 bteoirer oorobtoOloto-1- obd pho M ssyRa Li-ýj tM iilr tha irr001 80100 1'I.117f. 0080 >t ise 00001>8va oteotrlan ,car 'ela ineo 1 pla dt t oarl rbe ' ' '00 a>of0 0081880 a Ch.p do M rs mo wilrood innafheW»face , .1 '.' '. ýr é he>aff ctatl>y b' un et b e n.. i o sos. T .es . '0 . 8 1800 theoado» 08 a er i ro aed of.a> 8. Oi anr eo ediaf . T h e S t . T h m a s00881018>. 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Tl>' ii, ."' oof,£ËecrlroOb0.08 cd.odote ofaeméanc ""8801818ine10 siesta.>O e Ai I so e atinauy t Ai importan t lrc asbon ttolie baoo oah s'tbodigata r!' l ,. eOI r vicesbOooi nic05 iroosatero 00 oo0theoo.ob .. . oMAY iTPZsiEi boILINa JE Y %D ll t mta Co> 180 ae> lca Ot ion> t/o itirs b i ntlr e n/'o proibi 8è elt oýoî'io t> "hé"' iin, l I'»-" "'001pontife of: ho telb"eQlieottO 1880-, c>0 inoSe.rIIl'poati..à» .îa.. sia oa dvtood:e1' la. ., .0'olle o ttAt nelpeatt ory.'brlO 800109 oes ddlr'aoIi onnenOaitie a0.,e poo,7, .80lroOoousotenvt.o.o.o.. 1 c .8 ',sorn oiro 1 >oLl0l'eo>'8hûso .>I.rr '. am.'880 y, ..ii . 1 . g j siH 8880 . dd ooo. o -luo. l'0K~ de. d. duJt8000 0. du. DOO18..de. d. du.08t de. E21 18 du.88 ~jIaIOOofoIi>a correct îch08 ýoryitdlized AirTH L *f00î>I To fi -ï Ci8 . g oI, o EIC I,088I. 1ot.18 lo clib bfoldayi fonoo 'Satu" 84~î0 I800j)88.08îlac looiVi! '08080181 hcl) Ilan E18 l r 08. cor clag 1naT esa hi T e a8 1888,88 ait!. at rebe's cr* 'u, 00011tou 8 St . 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