TEST - IPR records

Canadian Statesman, 16 Jun 1887, p. 3

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To show th eopeo rcdprgtockof; Lterns, and LoWPr .A.perfect fit gurnte ITS TO ORD]flP' j!, S3000;, presoti prce , l ,0 1cenltenili iluatrixnoily Bsse $ Ol Suits§ to:Od idOCII IL- stit-forhusiness ws Tt eh? IINCCST110O POIDER.. OtilO 11 w idiili Bell lite hot oK-), Hlamilton. . mplements. .s îiWî., ewî 10 buildin.g i.l. tT1 o ..illooÎ.41. itl kido Fuile 1M .I.IOdol 119 fi , te ilie roviSico - die, Travellers' Guia IA1LH- 'S. IlOT S PAL- R MO0 li.. tohs For Sale. NOQTICE. dal of. 1 itshehur ofl A LF. G. HEB «, -I Toirm c TENDERÎ .11111el1is I! W. C. AD' test solaijî . îîrNO Nyosim(dand 5501201 itîtîl las Ilteail P,. t rt 1 iet. tlstest opp1Iu" dtoîî.iigtliattim ihaf'e alada, 'lo Sose51, id fa ý ! or. 10 e onD 7,rieie 1 .D- -.- 5iY ~~0.-,Ai ,--à -VPs -l-bt l .,a (O5OO5O.O0*ý. -- .: --- ,*, leO apstilai.l O - .COP IISi ", -..'sîa0 iëU = ~".,aadP o. eei.t1pne lmolla . -w î - . M , , r.o.. A. t -Trbes,. rne # et ê tb1e chIas Act- s oeII slylut ,di.-/..bet . - sa laud èsepnPmiin elyhvl ti'm.BaeffmodaUn .J.J la , 1115 il. C1lO1id plcé & J -e 1 H- et' ribrt ý. eteisSn o - e- as 'bisaia» Spot d6 -.1, -' W.. .a 4, -jZiý ioo .*1 ý cae2aaYtdt. , - Mm - i-ý-,i,-ýu-Tba jtc""aos ..-. maWad -Ieo<aly- psl',... sbcheorap ,l7 Z o '; ,stil inl0 in TUcUd a ,tr bà.Ï ti .t; gý I el, - 14a ,ds r. - à il ..... I...ds .eo r .eaei* sg 4h..Iý- Il. Ilil y or(a»I .* - tu ss H!!!il1ea-rg, eemiyelpw b5c' eilelpseapaey-b- rllaie v%1 1.j.i -.h .o5b ~ . a a aled 2hPeseis --t ol uthýïmoa9 grIs1."75MmslllsX oillime a" S...O1&],en!.eo;,.2 îîoo . " 1 - Ili-am-lten. îhepése iaeie s, It hte.-- .32 ea . , , 5V ~5 ~ frIe -sl 11. th lie ýlitseffas) jý Qes aa ovI upeu A d lL t ot1, iO ' i a-d , ' -l e_ _ i * ,a',- S eV a .a. . il r- o. e s a ',I lr I s i . ,.Il l "; . - A ... Toren Sat ,xààôolai7erl e -yppute lats à iaîde .ttas, lab.ep erthSîbdofIu, eîr@pal Sa- 1.a.,- ll' àQaà Lis reler' rhn was fOeàOgeaOi &e.moiaet S-u-1. . , DRi-e , OiS . ciin , PIlE -R IE t tî 1r 1). to * , IclaS luîasiielIdletmahl sssisoses. p Ns Z or 'ir t - i.., ner sra E 1 , .[-. Jos.O~ Ios ,~ amu se. Hesiton ' Iletie . ' 1 C i I . ae 2e. Osocee ileles l, ase.p.lmnt ' Ie. H sU v B&RA...... sB.. theSselnos'OSe c t, liaoi a ,cot. te06g eiàt Cm P"a PlsdY*teeu siàroý -milSial ewOe*esSasî:gnlsegnacasi-e T " -SI ... nongts t.y .î .1î --Ja..St -ae, Tle es , 1w~ ~55~ SU rte S O s ' ho - fl e l e rsasmd , as. i.leeeu . in so a e h.palr SI Lus -0y. ....,.".Dw10 nITaaor 11 Soei m s . fe , iéiD , s'u3 steUo emFmimola gtas.oSarpelel 'tu . , ,,-et rrrheroes ,la' SyieupOSlSdPieiase ifOi baor. -r2-60 Piaa ola.rs.i:r.i Ai J,,. vliIs 25C. ,-. a.. teQre iea; ea'ie'i-. 1 Iol p l nli l riTJtl moteASOI(1..'OV. lon.- 'nsvo I-eftiol uau t h i . pt.r i eef el. Peltel Hàglnteela8 m u taa" e,ày e eoicn tts -, -- .. te If youShi ts, is clhtrsad C e,àp ie h nei en-n Canc Slee eRlese I Ile e nO 0lu a la hieetm u in ý-.11,sl ste;, IWeOilt n.. - - - . o s ee Ô ite: Cm pr eth o i h ., Couacil*te A s -5 P u l . - - e..ý .J' . oi ,E k R D * ...ý: *. Q 2 , 1 ta B' A--t-al -.gao l a ' akaITr bls, éèI ,î or-r I ra e;..ep ar jogsu, -sy l:.d em 2 1 "battre-TIPenLolLae s.k T Me.sm O Se leder elub5e ,appetebmeî ela 300lisunopbtà.Pelom..i..,....'Ui zo 5y.Ohe Ohie.n"..nus l 1,daims -bal ,., ail SeotiCMn nol4 I u - îHamon. O l0iaa* I. eI ceo lll5l'Hmgnli, gE el- , en O . eseel el . , .... - . . 11; ,- Ili tt.t0 .lor 51 AileOSe t iingf.mM.i5a oaaiylen ne. ....y.......girlsnand1î' . ie style.eahisid ofUrpeli- 1a 1lo it .0 - Sît Soismn.laO sile, nhlateîeaeeýîîî ;iU.k ma.l-:Z--.-.-., - chU are.--- eUte --aai- -O. - -e1Ur te canomi the-. l- . ~ t~sît Coo0' n:00,a.jý? -Oo, do Cossîls.ta e? hies Chi.fl .:, ,iv ",0', lien"a';nlaO-cat ttl;wî5 le dakbrw osmr ieg& ae m areiten. inmhe tte Iemes Th ensScAct eia et e 'ýýôo Oe;adit ca. 45 ..bý.... W- ' o tl cu r , P1î Ia o lo f osr su drl y ldo osIo ith jnof orlôiiW, te le Y'sWflif t 'the.Liai 11 , à- L Cia"ïine O y, ,gL LADIES DON'T FORGET-ai. . ,- -- . ' ltrr- -,-,;.:,.u,. -,ni.tien ..017..jo.L lin'mg Sos u ît. 0500 cles intrOe ty tt'l e'OlmO lie. è ' - l idn ep ctcd e a-Oiv!ý. 1 Bfi l. nes la ottodor."V',.ý, "I - - »I,-1t Boa e Potoe ittketet abït hif 30.D e . .0'.....i5h ssn l 6. m ---u 1 .asi .ïýs n ne ,ýr .sî 1 lI ft11rt Jme Ss. H r. SyS , '-tolooril - 15e nOhro Hme, se Iqten e- teI cIilî Cliîte - Ilal T --"Atoalhe. itoa Waterutosa7Snteieorop4ese tei manient prueeC1ii .nO .p.o.1tes temporo -1ees s~~~~~~ ~ î,îte î. Ietl;i. Lere pednt osuee is Juehu t WtedmaisOS nteem. lues-tnyCa Ino lîVeutie Pomevuy- _,___;k_______________ .1e - to s I Sss lole a S O e S b nr* S o r hI., 0a'ne n a d id e LnU îo ee iOenao. lad -*-- ,ý 1, .. ' .'.- ..ý,.ý ;,. ,, . . - tl1 il .t,,l, tio tttîtaîi OI. 1) iBnI iîM Jin« tiay tlei m ire Snggy, as Ste - UO o.e ',oest and a is n he i obS slil b Oci r ooe uiùé voaes ead e 0d4rg1 - . -, t'Oliamlisîîtnr nsilsr ,îedal lieso Lspsi IWtnoapn~steaaeang ihe tdam mSs So a. - OOWGond.fer.. a.ý.noh rE.tuoî ' I .. Z lelr r.a ý !± .,ý- ,e lily 1. y ia lorînor wil .i10 lthie PSrc nem àig te Ied ,s Mann ite . o m y IrorundrshO .u 0n c. olns e . W; ataci n: T1C i e ,00yrU.fSa h Ri-n a ,7ery r, c oe -i tttîittti5* -t-mi 51 liclisst aresmosylte. .. mIe anordJohn1 .in.n bisSnggy.Wmdaeeb las a epu -oîubCAt tO 0titt -î,iertt a LbtUn nsZ Htsi ', =laien oi-- hr rlhe inpsn-nsnShe d Ss.e sel ie aspe"..c .,-ia in ?ofNe :: ee e Oe am, B"ak-a. d rowi lovoly.Breaded .Dlma rp.fo1$ o $11ad- -- y- .A il. 1tl.etir.., sy .sî 'Lorted otetIesiu Tt ssone es. e ottdiamucIso ntileI.nLursosade- mae a-euf iiin.or a m th etblei en n reor hs atlfton W r to oj L Po 1ajolit.n.o.heroien tat heu >, ý1 ý titi lotsnt ' .. sud cliInsttet eor- t . .rr e - ..r. J.ei-nu lu, Oas t1- t;,i 5titreir51lUp, -7 o s7scd... > ppua.-clear tu ts dtinlu A o..-iii>uoî", - ,,', on 1 graubtee .r S-i sS ss-oii osr 'IAnJV.-h.Ailan'tI bitiotlttet,. aac, ýn vro. i es sli a Sndy t0 neneilirsgà idyni nl - - i 51 .TI. hnoghgt he îihtsllteurroahdcleontue' 1LUhi ,- S .ts, is, CoantuI s a .JAnl.Q1a eolndV polle,, sdlO drdyenlieîutiîOf A.AY1 . 1, 2 A. D 2 TGE , T ftT 11 1 1iaer Osas.Tsa. it - a Soe i 1m iIri Os Soý ,ie IB iOs noieî mal o. ttî, Atou. îtsr-yi ,it -sL tis.s ersssle oieota1,nes.20 o. PýMA h,* nu.ot l*ts 'îit t. 1 Ibeai n atuLsTIîles Hoý ý..ý .. 1 fny acrr C od rl tIsy osnydl oto n iîptattne oie pi ; l K II. .,coi. e -- liri1 ..tt- hiit '.I . , .t lVSîîtî. j 5 --h sit.Lae . a- .'M. setit T e I o te Connt objulctasta -1-ît tîyhciil ohae200yrso rC e ffitueulotLii1I-se, iiîsiiHal aallIUeI- - l- te pitit f TSelrnotuBtOoU -- .A .> , -.. 1 .« i li elsi l' t. O el litS ý . eiie ralrt 1 y r t he .iSotr .s Tliey.ar ultc t L* Oralnist l e o.i stetih. ay uOIO IS tt o. in . nite,-tas urnoîstr se-of întt on ýiooSen.ine-Cuat. W vl ferteet lto ,0 yusa . .. . t. t li , .Si- . .tît aIt , hs as-nnlr .J e . 1 Wn-t, n î dàcn't ofr ex.I. sr a. . - . - - - -- -. .ý ý . ;Z ' ho ,.ie Stor0 a, ToCo-, a . nI il ll 'iBt. lia es t y . .urG o ds O . bitju lty 'ti *totîj., Os1f areTue diO ôCoe .uconytaaad t 4-Po'ieoin iuiie oueuse ottas thai aiees= ol e hae: aUe.ct1dwn al ..r fne, ngl . Sud.reu.î I-l ttrso Prttîî o mi se of-t10t le Doo' . ri t he 10h .iiO Inoo.nipl.asa' ot tIi îlolt'he sLhr .îîîeeofco S. h .iSt 1 o ~îîSSs',srdb B Ac~ t ase avibeut atisfarltiae hn u eoetefrtol.W il mako1uothing.en. -.. toiittt i .. hCr- KingtsJas . ,ttt uro. A1Gm bab lei uthrsl aientr I appointaiso.ent . .uan t sAî.. o sbrgh1lu aw riti.ow u lieth .uUto B y od....sd 1 ;vlu oryormoe., ittIîIliOe5iili t lslîî l. ydoa. es-SeOla.CrIhyoumfaeorbro Abagdopdtionîlel pèilt f.ist .tn oojan- 1llu-.111mai.i tua Oesr l, ii eîe URC BIO IC. mnIt el..It EL e otpoi.veasl. & B A C O I ' Ou. goý, h ieutht. CeIîr BIbbo.. Ola Ts i e tarîsl stY On iat i t l ns Io..n ______-________________ 1 . n..tttt. ,ahtî va:i o rittlthe: 2 tofnr0 c ti le t d asBr ethOPdennisihtetrem n.ofta1 -- . . ý. t 1 ý . i.,,ilt.t- LI,.ttitt siîolie 05'e o .netlo.s3tu 1,î nS-er.Oe..ei ea.tit.-We l p rtwih. hg otofPr te be.eu-ow su Ahido"Gd 1 fi tloi.o.Itt IisliOta Unheàe alluresa loertation of foretigIu llotalJnlb Ws iiieurehmlS. Isus.geeap-.We rsel1boSse.o. hi îtttIt.tis t gat Ur sa u,,,,,lu rl y tp .la EeSsro %i 'Th uvoy he ai s l o m, B~ ~iering. BsirlL. . .5s oaSOes aIs1csta1bm îoîhoIîtg1sî , s i , S tS uol.aîO.stnIail - o mu seut . eaun eso es - ssEmT m1li-tm H ils.to a 1. a ,t liîl5 i-- ot i as..SU. tog us t Oedintanth ba i,îîeag&ýslie nI1e72..l una o.B in ta rovntCaadesusli sain87 1i 8 Ung . Suit, - 80 82 Ring 1lîe lat it 0Ur11, "'I si.t ,s note. aa C luce nliercoler ot * lptea . inte]2loi n bain05 ,% c a yeais noc -. A -.I.T-E & St1:'..Weit;. ý ,ý . llp i - t i n l i r otue , - s r 5 i 1.u 5- -cA li e i s a'.~ ,.: a l a . 1 n u n é r -t e w i h i d e n e x e n i à ri ý bubo r e n u st ry t soesTo s s hin s 5.05 5 .5 0.. ý - -" .nt.iuOurrGreatt.,taleooconstcte - standard orolîs OO t Pull 5e50etroo d I ttt btlh ili W Eh aretisipr or e t a dt Mr . :CaB. l ,5areo ~ it ,5 s o ots ~ms o y O S e ieaussil." î e p srtcl r a hooki indstrîin taiesav .OS sue .rnn.n s.w . .i .ct r< 1aw . . 1a t th .e. .. ý . H o u1 . ci.is s ii tnt Broa in ias aahvr eoft he- iaisb hp O Wc yaisoo. iraI r..1. - Asthe es syo m n felOu a . a.o. a se ,i Gcini te Senalteo4 sîla Uealla fit-ai...t -pas .Jt.?..s-dgBi0 11L-a ttt, ID.t Is 1tiutI-l I ls s It ôn lI M . *555 , nmo' i te nsmtaaw o t hen , S o.th ie ql e e ofptsth, oe eff ses. 10 li to as- .. 1 . --1 pabi: rih t v i tîîtîsidtt. bah g ond t atO ,iryrenioîsentiî. go es.otion.ie m ssoesiurfp mpnla Eonsoa satiuOntCLs.s E ieoleett îsesa.,SptiI îsli.,so.I bie1Cst. nhiot~ ~~~~~~ 11ot o h us msyOelreP~ iinOs. o it coire, sParia Breenis Zsreh, aI- sî.r Pesi; Cti.so ei1e eou . J . ar s hsm gSi j :lt-t .îl s ti i prsîprb 6,îH.u. ees 1.1 N owa 575 B sîr olahv.r . n t . Tnr.L.s.e.t.ilyl- esI M obrV - Seul huIt. rda s.lA s - , ite .s. s i.s ;1 .n sas - aloea I.--,rpa;u 1, ttvg, ,ýI.ilr otitt, Ho . o-a.'ealaoc- sii-U..uica1,. l.. A. 1 aWahemoma b oshrrrcame tui lo., teSt o tt A t prnanes ihe AII-eviner1. .Es.t ili.Is îiî -."o ocsPO - aihasrles5O ot1 .. me .,.ny r.as.eo utl.îoslOL AI1a00.tieIti 1 Inrî eds es E-l-or1 1Inro. A I- nlTmrgir d ubl wiiie Fesribim o. saissessffrlslsieSs. oieiS.es g;d ain1te.67.,..î .Il.crCetid . Miiraîilsossetirudo-, unS d.00... -ot21tJuiet e a Vterow n eat en on T heryr a ts ine- heili eul FrontOu., rbihis s1i.i. SstrS., 0 ,5js ln.i, C ;r.se sn*elir.sha. T oD- O es i i onm . 1 est .n 0 1 1 . USe. TbsvcesvileCnd -th hoogrr-ed Jos ph Hemo'a ornisu ind cat onuheeve sell tS caTalas . .>e. .O r1ieIl . C5 m.Prusr u e e ai lty on.hes ailtoneScot- ct - e L - fi onrs, t a b l enfors Sais. Fens CoPa.CesiaICa s. seingsbetla-los i neber - ' atec. . . .. I. - .;tli 5 -111ýi'.tsd sîf i i n auus e litlI. . teane a iqoi nln 1. ...sleatd - - . Mr.TenlUinbug..,o o ts s. 1 isbs ihr'. 1 1l SsiI", li,'oic , il 1. ei li aItsIoctas cm itt SII eea50 - e c.a uCu7Teboe(irel e~,lo s scsp e rs Sni ubs upi aite~ld OIs atIîi.,o l si OaS ,o ' ,le i5,Oobh -i S e - iSle .i. - y5aiW ilepSnel l me s eJ ey s iCa'Fs i nBylack ailises S I Tsi Cmp. 2eV el RD ol n ai seviîen o s a g ilo eloi 1" . 1 1m l ailtti ,oiltte f as lo n and ....u t , Iii b ut 1 .0 B e o ft t e omps onAile ula d eAt bas Ps A uso , pa a 1 f' ýà .$ t $ 0Sm.-ý 5\sUi'1lc , i n rac,.: es iLirpr .lo, b andc i n i s iesiona in the dancl -id, imon alor that etiiThsdNarlauteo be rpealtsopAtogose teseàiGhtdi es ere. $165ht . ai 0.c.ifes j it- -- - -------------------------------------------------------corne55 la5. - :-2 -race. . - . . - . - -- - lIý.it.;W.al1m odqeP.i ,5 Z 1 ..ss.s .> i"Sh Y 'T lEî IN~ A K VIW bl STOHHTES ADV tIEO WHNesisIGTn IAPO to: aillY u Âtetoi*oT o pe alL s r -1. 1: - I

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