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Canadian Statesman, 9 Jun 1887, p. 3

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iIiinevery c 1i5cth , l matto"biiy thefr 'na 2,1eprice, l pric us ti et i ci9 ucsi,c PTHIEMA... S.'fccliic. I SAY AND TRU»I W.J gIîîM N . j itbe Y s at 50cper yard. )olii S41Wi ocin $ 10,; h 0 ut iiios sîiiîl( ici $ I.,Siirztli Silkîjd iii Il ii l-fÀIIi ii. \WC ire d I cci cc i c i..i l îi hic licli e KING- ST. EAST.« S. Olt. te Rg2 th, c ... l'f.cy c ii Liuîe r~~~~~~~S t c cc.cc...ihe Allî.eî. Nc c v.i i thui. li p i nli L luîcîîcîlccîcsî Ch, G- . 'lliCocieilTradf 1wl ,cc.. iiii ancfden Ad ci, cc cc li ciiSilcg O0 ;cc.Icmaii liii y ee:lW tkii OSpec-ial Lines. AST, HAMILTON. IED PAINTS, OJLS, d, Varishes, Japans, le wire Fencing,«. , Nails,.Hfiges, G1asie POST H 0E AUGERS rds, -Brushesg, ube CGoloras, Palletts and piacqeSO, bytesin s . cm.OS9~~ncYIet5r r5-gGT. , i un iteit Offi~eu jluuiusnu.iy trais. unsiyi, r mraileoad SYceer, - -, J. Useu 1515& Aj TO th .Ttulfmisîse~ A. MaÏ'ufa"eturee' '0_ __ i0 0Peces o Nw De~ New Goods,Ne tls e atra :We have - . ~rder-diCtbin a~cat.Seoui f ine utw à eet 6i EXOELSIOR CLOTHING-HtE.'. atADànnonnce'sto our coôrnýers to-ay ithe rn- erobrgi s'nre sGoodu eve'rfr diiHàitnWe .. .. L B C S hsgtteaoeimne lot, neily 70,000 yards, atleNSL D tae. 0&o on the dllarWe axe g6ing to _________________ce fers edthnthe co ýtlof mnufact ure. - elhe 8Wat pncea, Of fine selfclieckcithu ithe.pring shadles 84,57 àoFet 12~ Nery20,000 yaràs of, Al1-wo'ol Caebmerettes ât- 179.. New éolors, new patterns. Regular -prise, $30.00' ' Piâà lit prise, $25.00; Nearly 16,000 yards of ÂI-w901 Croise. CIc4h, wortli easül ,rjwnigs~eDseSi hudssttsfe fyousutmiaag'timugeu $. yeeu,, " Sfi.,to o irzecyeur vedding uutfit from'ua. These threehlnes are pronouncea bargains. .We offer thEM Finie Scéoh. Tweeds. Suits tèOre with every feeling of confidence t u patrons. W hv obtained theus at a; great sacrific fr.so as.W.«vl Very latest .patternu., Reguiapne, $99, presnt pc,$0 ssII ever yyard at only a smicadne Vewll have auies e houla leave their nieaunre. early and mecore a dit for busn§ eitat tremendous- raeshfor these goods and we invite alhoa ..' w war i0U ladalook WelL,. .. to maketheir selections earlv before' the choiceoé hdB -,-.-, ,~. ruTDrrs rfQ.ti l~t iiciii îîcitfii bnemeiciccc..c ~c~ ~Ticsé plcaee TaT.wÇZi4 lareÏIT broke. ..F. . ., .cîeccc ~ r c, eiicuîîe~ccTc Creatclus" and ccSntOismîcî en 5 te 2tit s! May. jIdo et .ieaeéar pneo $8; present price$61.60. -Thýisrangze iàthé vàlueapn wieî sullÜk ike uo. ic ccc V c iiicil lisc ry flits sud qh8i tsi 5ît atU éjci al n t bttlast para. McILWRAITH & MCM SE. iQ~ sudcjc'cîc~~i~fiiuPî elt qicgmusical taLh. Te mghc i ne t nub-cLe140. King St. .(Copp's ]Blcck), Hanielto]1î saas - I ssI -cciii it. I lia tIfis sciesion. . m5Wismufsm clyvs 1 3ct.1 m1nins elii ccccre - ' M ît r 5tO5 Ci5tii.pse eliemntsiihenles 7e- eI Iii icihi cfliecciesClicen'aCsieecclsHsil-lce 'nte slin wih Je ntCa. G iu612 lisYaamàreplyeveiclnfi0=15 ât 1cccii îIL t a ais , c e t cs cic icru, ifan d ee n e a t 1 . w e ssplo sy a i t y o ns i e os. u s e l i te. d d ies l aeC , t h es ucr es i r P l s y"ho r s fl eu ri eis - h oi f i t e e n i i - ici citI n e1 - i oui) ocei____ __________ .d * Wuiiae's Ustel, Milten,-aillhave nI 5ssmititsu ,,:10 110r Ly iTh . S-1.id sîchcc.l a D n ti.s nobit 'a'eiigoin i o e t n C f"s S e lBi d r ai r enS N-estè ui s 5. huucccccuc5Mss Cin il> lit tilwe ittyne ousL Ox -'1-TEmemT 1 AT . si iijificii Tis i uaiticc pace e t ose e f L vit iit. cibset, u eisuysinsece 0 notseccsccsi thhe ceilol ci Oui tt rap e ir ,an i e kThe M aisey WSeel ,B ind r , ificcecceli if- - Lut, ])3,ici il i S .c iuit ec ury . DT wics esc it U witte euis.lasibg iW n tersniliic iiiieiisidlej.lte e tfTheiele -- un ay wa on e Tdo to li eek etîg feui id aan * T e M a iy a e filecîc pciici rieiiIeccd iicy s5 eicceps5gi1ey i ofnePu igt citlokc ttugite hleae Mîher aabîhtuns oO4i0 Dii hcIf c- - Iith i c -c IfCcîuuici. cl siMcian 5 eettJe ritde be ftescy tissuoonoru.ei. ii~liillii ci icilici ' li ccc i 'ccuc esiliseneling ft e u If e , p re n aneyu ci ciiciil fleIcfli cceuî i 2sen iis lor l climiitiiare sopn fr plt scssde. TThiS.lhlas STheeHyF Mka s ares d alk nd f t e m lm n ciii. '.">y." iiiis lc ec ud ecieî Cudjitseaf tesii.n tî,ru. spi aowntoTdo- i-.mcicsng d reh.idas aa e ucL .Birîpton . ~cecceiicf.c ii ~ andlc iiiigu . NMen. TA e s t s c ithL vi S e.cc t OUeIsThesitie B N i i:Mi rs l o e ccii cch Ilieccc ic i n a éioem id to p ipe elitB atFiPl , i ght wi h oo in .rou h.h e .&eal M lli e .e ta li b m ntstg>ish w a D rll f lIc u( t.rf,ci. Jc cif.. 2t.ad- rs a - age Te e so e ssyhv u ý iliB nP o ta I l -r-cc IcIer.ic it.iiiciiii bayccie el..ccliii ,ii .g trceeu ip5A.Uennscc n te renw neiiiio .-Wecria ivt lfe [rom eSI:ccîlsitel: isliteuse cessC -s e c fteis. ryhignwi qu c,:al )i tIvii~ i exTceisse se.-Eeci l _____________C lea of C lothan :..ccic ciceiceccîts.ilce.liteThe ut.tiThomaosk tued out aiiy euui tothe mot fashinable ing Sa e . - . il, Lirecclidee vengettailibelleribincccif bobinh a nom hi seuls ni fc iiIcet heleas vli is wrijigc Mi.t ite ls eec e eEiy ct trs A m es tc ocou ri of ci '1f ti~cii.Ii l egli . ais ui ii ie i ees igilWiteand 8itellle oussececlulses -II'f c-c 'Iii !ii Lsc 1 : dicil dccaciectardesM iccceiciislt cdce elp i Sîfîl ii Il ic 4 efi .Tu c..uec.c sn1.terci- Se *505 9iI. 1*,.II-1,cccIf"cie1- ice tficclusi a cii f ermatcer. - theyL în on d Chitoâ eop S or ; IaLy VtON. d i ccq'r tie * ciscieci chceaerr hef 0 1r ite@lgn I:ci ccii 1 cîic, 1 1 %v clîiiThomasliiiicicic ii E dec csccc itor '0 . lec iit le. lOscm, creiif .,l v- n dd eiiaiù O n h T ownis tsec isiiici l osnuirl ouculc -l-o h m s f s iô a l ofcficcgandronss4i Ur N a udccicisitoees esllye II livre largf, i n he li ýl ceiiecti lecucie ofteflersiMet.G c litI liseh Théiic tlslcihvcchiiss . ciiiie lyctn lyciystre. Ani menestc n uoe rm (li ci.Iciîiliitii c li tcîc t .he, S al li e e ih;w ine l lmi c ti s is r -- th l ndl i i i t ci i tl i i s auilrfetiut mess ccita blpi re icaCcu c-lIîr 11ic-i h lcs, illceni~ct fltit $ iecnccllsisl iisusdt .4 ec o i PticicW ccic,'eî cîîi tlt sh vs rise' D. ues its cislundi r ppfi ue au i.s..a.n.urp29e0 alBf rm e ofert un R A . cci iuic I c ci- i ls 1.i.iaeil 5cir s e clths re wyotetttsss tep i ci pseue O il) of the iiiiiiister and han cou. ý: i c[cu ci iI Wsic c lspcrdl nuc Jp T he ccrkme nd r ea ae eit en Itha eer pi I l i c ldic i e cc c cll. i e -s. .cT HEtl tle c ec u- -c-c-iiiiiceii lii i ctcis reîîîcccccic he ulTingcybmst 1er a d e lh; i tece tisu t fr m9tntat 5 0 îiijcîI îI ccfccftlcc-c ei.oc . ciene cB itrouber-ci5 cl Ticu y hecucile f t ol em-n fo i)llbao,-lt(l h tirrBon lclsu oeby. ie rse laceC olityF ue Wo st d .4 00 .0 e, c e'i ei -licci imiterbv- Fineg nBootseiSuito, $in thetoor$6.00n Tlo cs..al ic 8 11i ieiifcdsiit-lhe O i asr 13 rM îlis'G id.-M e ' P u s r m 1.0's5 0 If ul*i-: il i teth oiinl o a is fon 5ce. ETE N B 0 lre ta ve ade isugtli bieGryW rse Si:fri $ e $1 ; Fne G ey W rte utefei 9 te$ claieicf goode PIIf -d)the1largeet ahicrt-.Hdndredetcflien'.,sudëBoysdotgingandFeht Hats utdsoitbprisesfroaso20scents up t u 8) , e . Ij1 i l e cc1cuccuu Mg 1 i r OT neei Cd c.te.i.ui- i-uP-S i ouPceA tec- fi terolîci. ciidiifc crieii- Eniccys M. 12 1- oàl- N edLerfrtconsrution aa H. & Cr alane.togBL asactioR.R A K R o N 3 a37Kn t e iciucîlI ci-ic -us icilie. . . . i88hngwhtaer epooati7 m trs n yc c ccscueci aci (cIo ujcthcithrte ttirs 2 o48 ta at lo f os odsaemaeo 7ebs Notd Bot nd hosius, TaOnI'O c-uc th oi i NVE T5E I. .sii feleot 1_9 -dIiic uiiicc ci us Ch sai c. wliitunein e r. hur cthe allier O.r____________o 'iolis bcedoalc,cceci i i c asoe I if uill t ue 5C hîi fsieilio a r e ndignae. > u 7 f 9 s c t c a ce ~ tii allU ci eI ciieulp itscsCfOe ICI tess5 iebuce 7tIc. etaietintcseoîl M E M udariu 5cstyt S u tleso ta g i ccul ccii - -.-.. ro.m ains- -fta bsuclitW Itrl i ttPsitelacer Sutetfein 50,Fudn e Barot s- 5' 1c~î liii sIccpcin s suil.tsteitcs tZîtie bron of t4,îSctStOVS I-A~,ECEC meîtcse --sdSrns tvr c iue i-itn I scores tcal bc asc part ofciCcliiseFine- -a opeialty cf.'T drurF ira Tifimtsgn d oletosc rallW M e ti______m .0 5. 0 sali. Theîcc cf1 1 rat a w l th aliZeiuas ulsihdt15. s liptrugiilgisus,6.est fcfc 11187SNasoe871 iii hedlar TIeE s RN& -oti.%ed - tdslii s Nged issed esre s d u f ro o 9'teePovine. ipitasotuflhl - -- - AT.e. ~ s negre8Lades gSh Muai Fs in.RT-CLAteSuit WORR A4 toCse* $10; U. li os os leletss~ao nu cI iliof iiecs wil eindrtheiler5sitoassoit- luzaa ed' of ren5sani ilsu. -(Coww$and Feut Hsus nt crstasriuesfrom 20 cents up. noi esi sa-g eîîez n r afalgar_..................... 82781 97 .*r* ....Ae.M. - u si g ....--r...... Ili, linu - fïieztIj wsso Nsultollu: 188_6 ,_ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ sities1.s. ..........5 ci C te. otf-4 C cci lcr.....u*i..... qî.....e.s.... a....sl u 56 . j o-eu .t.ysand Scie. sI r- d u siesteu ltese liastes-sHa m ieto n t ti ire Cesse1 of - le_ t >i-Ccit l~8tI sutî, isil cfc cli - Pals ,à547, ciircs. eme.SstesuS suillerreeete 't î%îiffis, ies te Esteeter suIldtffuuO f aii I __ai kiH.. -îsisi0sCtho tur. hoe s uait oscestylesR foteiia eýlsiteseet Y., elies sud bccsuly«-C --s.it lie in.i6 laMstjueseaby. sey otiter in sy.the Co teY. Ïi~sks 887. sf.je, sus seseci ÂLL , sit dmfsClu 5b -»yJUAATE s5b~hlu.OFtFtlu t rm> pstt mi .FRS.LS Isiilpsymsitfsrtieod. oleda soeebsnlst!e Wssl. sud Cor sediussy Seeoà ituMcuuitsudlialitsiffie. 5teeng, musse, lierry sud nneruulied smteusly labos fis tends otte7tay Cee surli - i lisse s lussoetoek e! geeflu te-cliente front, cssuisllug oS Oslt~ue Stlelluger Dsutmsssd Cettenadon; alsu Fisa~Osey Flannelu, Citeali Flauselu. Wiaeeys~ I1~ t -i. cil I ~Ic ~ 1

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