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Canadian Statesman, 26 May 1887, p. 5

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~KG~de THE TflZM HA j To'fil the VOW wedfaaOi~Ia~t titn T hwtepol ftî lc pz. gante. Pa ts c.,hfr lace oi C0ea8ngSle eof eClofthing Odlic ri - ir s tia e c..nLî ' .,si.j Si s 1 I ison a l rpas îal oînrefot'ns, n ti lis . Tweed sui $,0 t $.o Fine Wrsoedel4.00 7.00 - nf Dies, 1:1 V. zi'; 'IL i4te w ar ,33A.d.cr.s3s33.e3i.ssîose, C.,: Hal, il 005 05.i33,,,,3,Iiecs ,. à lia ffi s seas n à u p àss -(l f l fo r nera3sts i î 3,sT53,Stp 3d55 r .. 5. ,,,,, ;,,,.,~ . 3.o35.c3T ITHOU AN Y WEAR O4AR0FORCINCEC .eccey t l' anca getlemen thathe esteak ,feDryleodtlt B . it he f ite Secttecea aevero s tee is amets i e etono.te osdlt~tt. W ar natceetc ed lporters,ba g e ocaéfromeary r 5 l sesitan we. het gto,,ode a boogli e tt Ùiry dwe tms iet fitteworM We c dreCt . i f tliysg te ocOn ssodlmea, l à .1ceg 1 et f tior eie g Wte te înidaeteces profit tti c s auser. TELAR'GEAMOUNT 0F BUSINESS WE'DO Ecasîet taeUgf d tal ue dccec t ea fprchase ttcan csct:em e hodfcttlr sucd pour.- lenoreàtcattictm.ee yens i adfcmtc sgleigrd epedoec e i iiin poorinas9tlseres. Wè ny ce att roundrdteepeg r ote stcet&pmaorof DeoGoedoc eSe FaeOten.WcaMnte do PrevtisBfor tce sece. retbihtn rnfrtce cveieccecqoa!ty ci ttc lady wtth tes coacti'a ced pano o t n srrtgttet WE SLRAT BOTH 0OF THESE.ALIKE. We arc glad tu sec ritL ther f tt e Yare placced ta cel ta ticee. 0rtg~lc r od tdrOaspl'afrcc .....e . Oui.aisaaOcOPii . . stti I.sds it. . asDroucdia 6rond p urp.5 s. lce Ilice .... 00k,5 25e ta i 00 Tieliiers etMusij,.c. 81t -co 12 si. Te3lids ils0e125 ......es Ceepa . 25eZ 5 ......... 0 o 25 Sttens....... . ... 5s5 35sra.icsrpsct. oas i Poeaii . at- 175 T.liIMe..Sas tu 10Lc. Pioociae... se te 130CessPl3. .... s 4O *d5Tahis ........... C.00t 3 00 aErnridcSies...... ....c. c36 e o1 Les, .Ceetins .55c 5 PUR -MIL LINEiRY DEPARr1VENT ic laite asotcficraneasy cdsc 't t- les ti e itat tiim né seces acta os yc cean get elsc ci ccc cadatuy aclos epatedyâadm it ttat .i ccli otte asacî iteascnod ysawtt luie it a afaut: We dent tt a a t oby obt joot th. qa onon spoitc oHt e g RATESTSAI. f fl O]~RlRISS HuiDs #à EVEýR 1ELD IN THE CtiYýt *A. MURRAY'&*.CO. Hlave joct poretossd for cash, froasi a Freocth Maufacturero Agent ta Nets York, ttc fslsoivîng lots of. double %eidiido AI-wolý Drees Godei ui an. EcsrasoScrifice from original prîces.. Lst X., l-Aii.%.ool ýci Eeeo i oiec, 42 iaches aide,,ncu30e. por ssci. Lot No. t-Aii.ccci Frene ch ahcerp2!e hem l iac , a, cC siclip;~ loit N.2i. acoi esan lisies,. 42 lochs, aid..e0. e. per.isN.6-i.ri eY.,,iHi Co, s e,,alt..t1.csd iec Ne. 3d - ut8Hiiaoi eidCliek eecr 4s 2 i-ec, ide, ct5...16 slisdc,. iescNs.4-Aiaso Tanis lati, Ocasis ade. i 5e., 7slsd,, o i. 7-Aitwo ri.aCriFol Cili,, 44i.n ide, ceOS., 02.bdi Tlîdse goodos erea ah mada apacially for tisa vary hast New York rat ail trade, and ara beyo .nd quesotion nnot ..oo .y the. cheapèst but tlîe înost dasirabla offering, ofiiew Frenchi Draso Gooda aver muade in Cîtarjo. Coina and sec thie A. MREA & 0.,18, 20 AND 22'KING STREET;EAT ne. ýre cart;buSrehea more about our ;tock,%a-nd prie S.- taO aur $'2 and $2.50 -0e îç Ali ie 111 îga *1 13's5ilsh iroiîitraini$2. 5 ..3.11 'f-url o u i Is o k ~GIV -,N4G UPBUIES! 'lndav wo as dn ~rge *.and*successful bus l'es h 1.1htoeA curi-ig e Ia,.Rtst flfteen yare s havc;lng h'oenter business on a 'moreextensive scale els'ewh e re:and ù wi- -o a h ateopl -,Hltnthat ho ntends. the Whole of.lis Inrnense Stock of Goods irme.diately.. Theyr wil be sold in detail, The 'Sale -will becommencêd on db mOtinued MII ail is ýsold. ont. The stock is. very large, and as every one knôws, the goods are the. very best of their -class -and mostly New Goods bouglit for this season's trade, This affôrds a grand oppbruntyfor faùanilies to îay in- a sùppîy at unusually low prices, as -the entire stock ùa'ust be cleared ont le' A Iaca, Bacl, . Caslîinéres, COlored, Cottons, Factory, A IpOCICloeCseaas, Biet, Corsets, I lproîs Clos Crapmes, BalCorset Clasps, Braces, ' Coclars iand Ciiffc, . re5 ua I Brslt u is ocaM tigDe' Beig«es, B2t and Bittona at nsDres Materials, y sa e BaS, . cal-pets, -Brasa Triminîgs, B ae.Tricemiigs, Çslars-pprsd ies E iibrojderies, Bootees,. . olUsrie el~ulotï, Elasties,, lOsttiiis, C. Fsîoey Flanîsels,, Blak acs . Coi lis, B iC a p t W arp , F hîn ls, G re s', Cotton acrîl, Flaineels, Whiteanaîd Cap-Fith tonr, iFîsonels-Canton, Ctna de-Co, *Csrta.iiiLace, rier'at, (Jota9adeo, e Chasa COttea % ..F ait Carpats, Glovet soanS Mitto, Muclinc, White, Giîîglîaîîîc, I%?sliiiec, Printed, Hools Serhits . {. Oohe, ei llsor tas, Htundkrchief-uk Oiet éllor Tas, Heasialîs, rOilclo)tho for Floorn, ]losiery, Ovarallsa anS Oversisirta, llaisd Bagc,. Piques & Maràeilleo,. I. B. Circîîlars and Coatac Printa anS P.a>aaolc, Infanteas, . P illow Casings, Jerseys, ...Pins, tPens, Pencilo, Keitetieg. Cottone, . *1ltshes, Kid >Giovea, . . Quilto and Countarpanes, Lasîso, Victoria & Bichop, Ruchingo, Lawvns, Pisia & Printed, Scarfo and Ti esc Luctrec, Black 'and Grey, Sh irtc, Cedrescd,'. Shirts, DresseS,, Shirtc-Colocetl, Shirtingo Shirt Liinigs, Table Covers'anSc Cloths, Table Linen and~ Napery,' Towels anS Towe'llings, Tiekings, " Tsveeda-A1I Wosl, Underwear,. Umnbrellasý .dVelvets and Velvet'eens,., Valaecec. Veiliîuga, Wire Tweeds, Waddîeg, Waist Linings, &C., &C. Cloaiega,3 UEis~ ~ B9O~, OESSLIPPES, SU ARS, TEAS, TOBAC S, COFFEES, SPIGES, and lother ï ô6i~ Strei frSae o a et at a low rate.. Possession can be .ad after everything is c1èared oute llbook ac~sms epi to Lixd ay before the end of Ju.ue;- if unpaid after that date, tewlle ncageçof theslio whdot 3h nd .-. A O w ait d uring-the sellng out. ,AJý.,Goods to be Sold fo eah ony .1 >1 a Il

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